Unforgettable Night

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Kidnapped by aliens.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Unforgettable Night

** Somewhere on the Planet Katina.**

** Before my hometown exploded, my uncle managed to teleport me to his spaceship. Now I was staying with my uncle.**


** One night, I heard someone calling my name and shaking my body. I opened my eyes slowly. Instead of my uncle, I saw a human. "Who...are...you?" I looked alarmed and sprang to my feet. He has broad shoulders, straight, blond hair, and a wide grin that never seemed to leave his face.**

** I was so taken by the surprise I could only stare back at him, mesmerised by the tall, handsome man. I slowly became aware that not only was I staring open mouthed and slack jawed, but I was naked. I suddenly felt vulnerable as I stood before his silent appraisal and quickly tried to cover my private parts with my paws. In a fluster I thought to myself, "I must be dreaming."**

** "I am Tom and he is Alex. We are aliens and these are not our original forms."** A tall, thin man was sitting in an easy chair. He was wearing horn-rimmed glasses and blinked his eyes as he looked at me.

** "Where are my clothes?"**

** Alex chuckled. "C'mon, your body is not fully developed and thus you have nothing to hide," said he.**

** "I am a girl..."**

** Alex snapped his fingers. "You don't need to wear anything here."**

What now? Suddenly, I felt like someone was carrying my body and then placed in between Alex and Tom, my blue arms and bushy tail were lifted high. I stood with my legs just slightly apart and revealed my little bald mound, cleft deeply by my pussy slit. Not a hair in sight, not even a wispy peach fuzz, just smooth bald baby pussy skin. My blush burned through my cheeks and my face felt like a hot oven.

A grin spread over Tom's face, wide and open, showing his over-whitened teeth. In that moment his motives were laid bare; he was a mocker, one who enjoyed whatever torment he could inflict on others. "See? I told you, underage girls are nice to see, nice to touch and nice to fuck," he said excitedly.

Paralyzed in fear, the scent of perturbation invaded the room.

** "Don't cry, relax and enjoy, and then you can go home safely," said Alex with a chuckle.**

** I looked at him questioningly. "I want to go home now."** Pure terror surged through my veins, icy daggers straight to the heart.

** "If you want to go home now, we can drop you at any time but you'll become a pancake when you reached home. So, do you want to go home now?"** said Tom, suddenly serious.

** I shook my fox head although I did not understand. "Why me?"**

** Alex made a face. "We are travellers and we are bored, we decided to find a toy to pass time and finally we found you, by random," he replied and positioned his sausage in front of my slit. An invisible force was holding my body and I could not move my limbs. I once saw my uncle's sausage in the bathroom accidentally but his sausage was much smaller.**

"What are you doing now?" I felt the knob of Alex's cock move up and down against my slit. He kept doing this until I began shaking with excitement. Then he paused, his cock pressing lightly against my opening.

"Little vixen, I am going to insert my male genital into your hole," responded Alex.

"No! You are going to tear my hole!"

Alex laughed. "Silly girl, don't you know that a baby can come out from your hole? Furthermore, my dick is much smaller than a baby."

"I am scared...pain..."

"Stop crying, or else you become a roasted fox now," Tom grinned.

Alex eased his hips forward gently until one inch of his cock was inside my quivering vagina. He eased in until his knob touched my maidenhead, then stopped.

** "Please don't take away my chastity!"**

"Why is it so important?" inquired Tom.

"I don't know, my parents told me so."

"Bullshit, you can live without your chastity but you can't live without money," Tom told me proudly.

This was the very first penis to enter me and it felt so damned good. He moved in and out of me nice and easy. He did this several times. Each time, he stopped when he felt my hymen, then withdrew and thrust inward again.

"I'm loving it!" Alex said excitedly. Finally he decided to deflower me. I closed my eyes as Alex was really hurting me now. The pain was getting worse as he tried to push and force the end of his large penis further into the small tight entrance of my vagina. He pushed really hard against me and I screamed in agony then from the terrible pain as he penetrated, it felt like his penis was tearing me apart.

"My chastity is gone!" I screamed jerked my head up. For the first time, I was feeling the unmistakable movement of hard cock inside my cunt. Finally, every inch of his cock was in. He was balls deep in my warm pussy. I went limp as his cock forced its way up my cunt.

"Congratulations! You have been promoted to a woman," Tom concluded triumphantly.

Without further ado, Alex began to fuck my tight cunt with the old in/out, in/out fucking me with slow full-length strokes. He humped away, as I stood unmoving, letting him have his way with my body. My face was wet with tears and I was trembling.

My cunt tightened around his cock, his balls tightened as he pressed into me, "I am going to cum," he announced.

"Please don't release inside me..."

"Why not?" Alex wanted to know.

"I don't want to have alien babies."

"Bullshit, your womb is not formed yet," Tom commented snidely. "But the risk is still there."

Alex did not care. He was going to cum inside me. He wanted me to feel his semen shooting into me. A few more strokes and his dick erupted. I gasped deep inside me, I felt five warm bursts as his dick emptied its load in me - the feeling was like someone poured warm water into my body.

** After Alex left my body, Tom deflowered my tail hole. I lost count how many times they raped me. They finally teleported me back to my bedroom.**

** I quickly turned on the light. After taking a warm shower, I vomited as much sperm as possible and then put on my pyjamas. I took out an exercise book from my school bag, my teacher wanted us to write an essay titled 'Unforgettable Night'. "OUCH!" I moaned as I sat down. My tail hole was in great pain and I could not sit down. I decided to stand and began to write down this incredible incident as detail as possible.**

** One week later, I scored A- for my essay.**

** "Krystal, I can't give you A+ due to some grammatical errors," said my teacher eagerly. "You are really smart and creative, the other teachers also liked your story."**

** Actually, this was not a story, this was my real experience, my first-time encounter with aliens, but nobody believes in aliens.**

** A few years later, luckily I was not pregnant.**

The end.


_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Disgraced** ** Parod was...

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Blossom Brainwashed

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Blossom Brainwashed** **The...

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My wife, my slave

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **My wife, my slave** **There was...

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