Trophy Room... Charn visits a certain stallion Trophy Room...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#14 of Charns tales...


Trophy Room


"Whatcha ya dooin' Mooin'?" The Big handsome young stallion asked playfully as the Tiger strolled in.

"Just trollin' for a little beef." Charn smirked as he sat himself on a stool.

"Well I'm going to take a shower..." The big naked stud explains as he hands the striped feline a fried beef treat on a stick. "There that'll hold ya until later..." He snickers, as the big feline grumbles and sucks on it while watching. As the big stud slips into the shower soon he grows bored however and flushes the toilet!

"Ooooo..." The big stallion grunts as the hot water splashs over him, forcing him to leap out of the shower stall.

"That was a looong shower..." Charn grunts as he toss's the big equine a paw full of towels.

"Well I had to wash everything... I'm a very dirty fella..." The stud sneers in a suggestive manner.

"Oh of course I understand, I just like razzing on you." Charn assures with a lewd grin. "So whatcha gonna feed me?"

"Salmai and eggs... Heheh!" The big stallion teases as he towels off and throws on a robe.

"Ooooh yeaaah?" The big feline grunts smilingly, as he licks his whiskers. "Some hard boiled eggs sound pretty good right now!"

"Oh I'm sure..." The stud taunts his predator friend.

"Come ooooon, I'm huuunnnngry..." Charn whines theatrically.

"Hang on..." Smiles wickedly to himself, as h hurries off to the kitchen! The Tiger can hear the banging and clanging of pans and dishes, then the stallion comes back with a plateful. "There ya go..." The Tiger snorts and reluctantly takes the plate, though its not what he had in mind.

"Thank you." He grumbles, popping two eggs into his mouth at a time and chewing them down. "So... you should try shaving your junk to attract your mate some more..." He offers between mouthfuls.

"Oh he doesn't like that stuff much..." The big horse counters. "In fact I sometimes think he'd be just as happy if I didn't have anything hanging down between my legs..." Charn almost choked on a mouthful at this admission, wondering it the stallion was serious or just teasing him somemore.

"Really?" He grunted swallowing a couple of times. "Well... you know, sometimes shaving can be used to enhance a male's physique!" "And sometimes it can be used to make things look... well... smaller!" He wheeled. "I'd love to help make things better with you and your mate!" "You should let me give you a smooth shave!"

"Well... if you think that would really help, but I don't know if he'd like smaller anymore than big, hard and needy." "Cuz it's the needy part he really doesn't like much..."


"I haven't taken a pair in a long time and I miss it!" The horny Tiger purred as he looked his big equine host over causally.

"Awwwwww you poor poor beast..." The big Stallion teased playfully. "Ya know what you need, a trip to my trophy room!" He gloats leading Charn into a big room, with a large number of plaques on the wall! Each with a males rump sticking through... all the dangly bits fully exposed! The big Tiger chuckles and playfully punches his host in the side.

"You are really enjoying teasing me!" He grumps. "So what kind of trophies are these, how are you preserving them so well?" He stalks up to one of a bull, moving in to cup under those huge dangling balls!

"Their my yiff trophies each one of these I've shagged rotten... heheh." "As for preserving them... well... I just fed them every so often." Charn rises an eyebrow, then turns to look at the large horse.

"Oh?" "You mean these are still attached to their owners?" He turns back, sliding his fingertips lightly up the Bull's bag, to the almost rope like narrow sack neck. Which he rolls and pinches firmly between his finger pads thoughtfully. "And they... let you?" He looks around the room to see how many are still intact...

"Well... yes most still have everything." The big roan stallion admits. "But I'm not sure if 'let' is the right word for it..." He smirks as he thinks of all those old conquests, all tied up and gagged behind the walls. "But Ya I can do whatever I want..." The big stud admits walking up to a big Bears rump; he grasps the stubby tail and planting his huge equine cock under it roughly! The Tiger nods, turning back to see his equine host naked and hard... Charn drops that heavy sac reluctantly, and turns to watch the horses own pendulums orbs swing! Licking his chops, as he wanders over and resting a paw on the stud's backside! Casually shoving forward to help the horse hilt himself in the helpless Bruins ass!

"How do I know you're actually fucking these asses though..." "Hell ya could just be drugging people on the streets for all I know!"

"Ammmmm..." The Stud moans as he hilts in the Bears hot hole! That well used orifice fitting around his big equine cock like a well-worn glove! "Hahaha... because they are all so very well trained to take my cock!" The stallion grunted, as his hips slowly pump his huge organ in and out of that hot if loose hole. "Besides I never drug my conquests, their muscles loosen up way to quickly that way..." "I want'em to stay tight for as long as possible!" Charn purrs, grinning and squeezing the Horses rump. The predator can't help but notice one rather large, empty plaque nearby...

"You weren't planning on filling that tonight, were you?" He purrs sliding his paw further, the Horse feeling fuzzy fingers encircling and tugging down on his heavy scrotum.

"Filling tonight... why whatever do you mean?" The Roan Stallion asks looking innocently at his guest as the feline plays with his hefty low hanging jewel sack. Even as he followed the feline's gaze over to the empty plaque, thinking it would be nice to have a new rump to pound! As this one was getting pretty loose and sloppy... And the big Tiger does have a very nice looking rumpy... and if rumors were right not much used. "Interested in giving it a try?" He asks... only half jokingly... Charns furry fingers play, the horse feeling his set squeezed, pulled and stretched as the Tiger examines his host. Rumors about the horse's set were not at all exaggerated! He thinks as one heavy orb jostles with the other for room in his big hot paw. He playfully pushes the Horse in deeper, watching in amazement as the Bears hole takes it!

"I'll think about it..." He offers mildly to keep his hosts mind occupied. "How long does it take for you to rut... fully?" "Was thinking of snaring a snack or two, while I wait." -The big feline leers kneeling and licking his chops, as he takes a close up view of both the Horse's and Bears hefty stud sacks!

"Oh about 15 or 20 minutes... unless I just rush the heck out of it!" The big Stallion brags, as he slowly thrust in and out. Feeling the big Bruin grunt and beginning to respond to his fucking. The Bear would be squirting all over the place in five minutes, the stallion knew from past mountings... "As for taking a snack... feel free he's not got much use for them anymore anyway!" "Hahah..." The stud laughed as he plunges in and out a little faster. Turned on by the idea of fucking the big masculine Bear, as he's unmaled! Charn's broad, short muzzle wedged between the Horse's thighs, pushing those fat nuts forward to grind against the Bear's own. That snug, glove like ass tightens considerably when the Tiger moves to slowly massage his own thick sheath. The Horse can feel his own big nuts nestling against the Bear's, and the feline's rough tongue licking over and between them both! A shiver of naughty pleasure runs down the Stallions spine as he feels his hefty orb's bouncing against the Bears. While that hot rough feline tongue caresses over them both, it was very exciting and inspired him to pound that quivering tail hole harder and faster!

Even as on the other side of the wall, the big Bruin moans and growls in pleasure! The Bear's thick erection quickly popping out of its sheath, to hang down over the Tigers chin. As both the Bear, and the big Stallion buggering him feel the pleasure! Charn pulled the Horse's nuts to the Bear's, and quickly begins to twist the two low hanging sets together. That soft flesh twisting and quickly snared, trussed with the Tiger's removed belt. To keep the big Horse from pulling back, his broad flared cap is wedged deeper into the Bear than he normally goes. That taut colon subtly caresses the 'trapped' horse's hefty filly fucker.

"Just didn't want you using up all your seed too soon..." Charn mouths against the four hard male nuggets, drawing his teeth against the soft taut fleshes.

"Ehehee... what's to soon?" The big stud grunts, as he rolls his hips as much as the binding will allow.

Still managing to fuck the Bear pretty good, even as his huge cock stretch that abused tail hole wider than ever before. Gnawing commences as the Tiger fantasizes about what he'd do to the big horse, if he weren't feeling so vulnerable just inches away from those hard hooves. Teasingly he jerks the bear off, naked paw fisting that hard pink meat! 'Damn it smells like sex... powerful male hormones...'

"Don't you drain your trophies?" He asks as he lips and playfully chews on those huge male sacks. The big Stallion grunts and whinnies, getting hotter and hotter as he feels that suckling mouth and those needle sharp teeth grazing his sack. As the Tiger works on the Bear who's erection and lustful movements only add to the Horse's pleasure.

"Nawww... they only get to drain from my big salami poundin' their pleasure knot!" He boasts lustfully...

"Oh my... a whole room full of needy males!" Charn breathed lustily. "I might have to move in!" He teases... before swallowing carefully at the Bear and Horses scrotums. The Horse's nuts are stuffed into either cheek, safe and sound. But the Bear's scrotum is not so fortunate in it's positioning. The Horse can feel the Bear clenching and squirming, suddenly clamping down fiercely as the Tiger's jaws cut through that soft sweet male flesh! The Stallion can feel the Bear's deballing against his own sac, as those dangerous teeth carve so dangerously close to his own taut orbs. The castrated Bear tightens amazingly, hot and gripping on the aroused Stallions huge length! As he is slowly castrated, and with that 'rival' sack removed the stud can fuck freely once more!

"Hahaha... I might just let ya!" The Horses moans as the Bear's powerful anal muscles grip and milk his big hard cock. Even as his own Bruin cock jerks and quivers in need, as his big balls are dissevered and feed the Tiger. "Ohooo gods that feels soooo good..." The Horse babbles.

"I can feel him... feel him... reacting to losing them!" The stud moans in power and pleasure. "It was just soooo hot... to feel the big powerful beast I'm fucking losing his masculinity!" "Knowing my own were soooo close to the destruction!" It was exhilarating and gave the stud his best orgasm in ages! "Ohoo... Ohooo... I'm going to..." The Stallion moans and slams the ball less Bear's incredibly tight asshole savagely. Making him grunt and whimper louder and louder as the Horse got ready to cum inside of him! Charn swallows down, jaws opening again as the stud hilts himself! Those big fat balls nearly rammed into the Tiger's maw. He grins, and let's his needle-sharp fangs tickle the sack's neck. The Bear roars as something gives in his backside, as the Stallion floods his guts! Bucking and whinnying loudly as his hot gwooy load is planted more deeply than ever before in the now nut less Bruin! The Stallion's orgasm slowly fading, he stepped away from the well-fucked Bear.

Pulling that long still semi hard cock from his debauched rump. And his soaking wet, floppy low hangers from the Tiger's gaping maw grinning as he stands back.

"There ya go... that was exciting and filling." He smirks looking down at the Tiger's throbbing erection and move over to a pretty little white tail deer rump. "Wanta take a ride?" He invites. "Or are ya hungery for more?" He asks with a teasing grin. Charn laughs standing to watch the Bear's gaping ass leak a barrage of stud milk! He takes a gander at that long thick cock of his hosts, half filled belly gurgling in lust desire!

"Mmmmm..." "Something tells me you want me to nibble while you fuck again." The big predator almost volunteers. "My hunger is not yet filled..." He admits moving to rub down the Stag's big potent jewels. Then to his long pink throbbing maleness, feeling it up as his own cock throbs against the buck tail hole.

"Hahah..." The big stud laughs softly, as the Bear's hole gushes fluids out and down his inner thigh's. Smirking at Charn's words, the big Stallion shook his long equine head slight.

"Not that it wasn't fun..." The big Horse admits. "It was very fun being that close, feeling you unmale him!" The Deer's tail trembles as his sleek rump is felt up, and he wonders if he's next. "But I do need a little while to reload..." The big Stallion confesses although it sure doesn't look like it! As his long equine cock hangs full and softly throbbing out in front of him. The Tiger's teeth left red scrape marks along the Horse's scrotum, and they burn pleasantly in the cool air as his stretched sac dangles. Charn watches that dangling fat, juicy cock, picturing himself chewing into it with gusto! While the big proud horse whinnied and squirmed helplessly, he shook his head clearing those thoughts.

"You'll need to get that Bear replaced of course, I doubt he's of much use to you now that he's busted open wide!"

The Tiger grins, moving up to the Deer himself, his own erection quite stiff from his taking of the Bruins eggs.

"Yeah I know... so that's two plaques I'll need to fill... now. The big stud snorts, as he watches his feline guest kneel down and begin to play with the Deer's soft but good sized junk! Already beginning to feel his own arousal returning. "Ya wouldn't know anyone... who I could get for them would ya?" He inquires lightly. The tip of the Tiger's cock is glazed with the crust of his drippings, and his balls are quite fat beneath. Charn grins slowly at this question.

"I can think of two, off the top of my head..." He supplies. "Though I dunno how you're gonna get them here... one of them is a Zebra." "His name is Chet BIG guy, just recently got divorced from his wife." "When she found his stash of gay porn... he's quite naïve a real sweetheart though!"

The Tiger turned to his big equine host, and begins to play with that long, soft cock! As his cock strains harder as he slowly strokes down the studs own length milking him. "Mmmmmmm... this is nice..." The big stud can't help but chuckle as the Stag trembles and struggles slightly within his bonds! As he's near enough to have heard the Bears fate... and knows he's in line to be emasculated. Still his slender pink cock has slithered from its home, and hangs pulsing and leaking as those big soft paws feel him up!

"Zebra huh..." The Horse grunts, clearly excited by the idea of having the big handsome striped equine! His soft cock thickening and filling out as blood rushes back into it... arousal growing. "Ammmm... gay porn huh!" "So has he played around a lot or has he just discovering his interests?" The horny Roan stallion smirks as the Tiger toys with his big equine cock. "Oh so ya like that do ya?" He taunts Charn lustily. "Maybe later I'll let ya take it for a ride..."

"Just discovering his interests... I was going to let him come to me." Charn admits. "He's looking for a big hoof daddy, a herd stallion to keep him in his place!" The sneering feline lies smoothly; grinning as he thinks of the straight stud he's making the story up about. "He's been straight his whole life, so he's not ready to just be out an out gay!" "He'll need to be 'forced' into that position the first time..." Charn explains watching his host big dick bounce up swiftly at that!

"Ohoooooo is that so?" The big Roan stud grunts, highly aroused at the idea of taking and breaking the formerly straight Zebra stallion! Pounding his virgin rump and making him play the mare! His hip's thrusting out proudly as my erection stiffens with those thoughts! Casually the Tiger pulls on the Horse's heavy balls, then back to the thickening maleness. Reaching up to the base, he pinches rather firmly. Tweaking the nerve there and making the erection go soft again instantly.

"Uh uh... no getting stiff on me yet, I won't be able to swallow it if you're all throbbing an stiff!" He teases his host. "Later..." He promises grinning.

"Hahaha... hoof daddy... I could be his big hoof daddy!" He gloats, but then looks down startled and a little embarrassed as his hefty erection suddenly melts! "Errr... later?" Smooth strong fingers resume stroking that long slick shaft, the big feline nodding.

"Oh yeah... well I thought you were gonna throat rape me!" Charn taunted. "But never mind, if you don't want to..." He shrugs, fingers playing with that big blunt head, stroking slow and intense along the broad cap, feeling it flare up! He moves back to the root, giving it another pinch to make that fat erection soften again. Playing his game of tease and humiliation, with the still huge, but so soft stud stick!

"Nawwww... I prefer the other end actually..." The Roan stallion grunts and whickers as those smooth finger pads begin the work of bring his erection back! Whinnying excitedly as it does only to be frustrated as his hard on wilts away once more!

"Heh heh, he lives about twenty minutes away..." Charn supplies as he glances over to that Bull bag he had left earlier. "If you wanna go make a call..."

"Twenty minute huh..." The big frustrated stallion snorts lustfully. "Why don't I call him to come over..." "While we're waiting for him to get here... I can show you how my wall plaque restraints work." The horny stallion smirks as he imagines getting the Tiger locked up!

"Charn grins wickedly knowing at once what the stallion is planning. "With a demonstration, I imagine?" He offers as his nimble fingers rub in a certain new area, in a certain way! All of a sudden the horse can feel his erection tingling, sensation tingling down its heavy length! Making it feel fat and swollen ready to pound some trapped pussy!

"That sounds divine... I'll just be in here entertaining myself, and waiting for your return..." He smirks, half pushing the overly endowed stallion to the door! The scents of the many aroused, pent up males trapped in the walls finally getting to him!

"Heheh of course... a demonstration!" Pictures the Tiger in the restraints, as he demonstrated how they work! The Horse's fat tingling organ at last responding in the way it was supposed to... Even as he trots out the door and down the hall to make the call... leaving Charn alone in the Trophy room! The big Tiger moves back to the Stag, giving that healthy nut sack a pleasant squeeze before loudly announcing. "All right boys... we're going to have some fun!" "I think you guys have been waiting here, hanging in the walls for long enough without any relief!"

"I think its time to give back to that arrogant prick just what he's been dishing out!" "What do you think?" He hears only soft mumblings, as he is sure the males are all afraid of the Horse hearing. But the chorus of wagging tails is more than enough. He moves to the empty plaque, opening it to examine its workings. Then quickly moving in to deftly undo one vital screw. He then drops it, opening and closing the plaque. 'Yes... that would do while sabotaged it still seems fully functional.' That done, he wanders through checking the various goods, snorting and shaking his head at the various mutilations. The wounds crude and imprecise, and the Tiger's scow deepens as he thinks of all the meat the horse has callously tossed away. Finally he gets to the special section, the males that have been left completely unaltered! The size of their testicles suggesting that leaving their balls unspent was more of a punishment than removing one of them. He purrrrrrrrs, deeply and throatily, as he just kneels down when the Horse returns.

The Tiger's wide jaws opened as he prepares to take a bite out of a nice big Ram...

"Well he's on his way over... I used your name to get him to come of course." The big stallion explains as he trotted back in, watching in amusement as the Tiger kneeled licking and nuzzling at the Rams big balls. Distantly Charn can hear him moaning and grunting through the wall plaque.

"Oh you found my special stock..." "I've had him on the edge of orgasm for days, but not let him cum even once!" The big Stallion snickers knowing the Ram like a number of others was willing to do about anything for a single release! Charn pauses, then seeing his host didn't mind, begins to lick it instead. The Ram's erection was a very unhealthy purplish color; the shaft was completely dry... however fluids were leaking steadily from the tip. The big feline cups his paw beneath, wetting his palm with the Ram's pre-cum. As he slowly licks up over that wooly nut sack, noticing it didn't have any give to it.

The balls inside were swollen to bursting and pulsed hotly. He gave that fat cock a single stroke, the show being put on more for his big cocked horse host than the trapped Ram. The watching stallion absently fondles myself, as he watches the Tiger lick and play with the Rams bound goodies! Knowing that trapped stud was shivering and trembling... wishing for nothing more that a nice big spurt! "How are they?" The horny stallion pants. "To your liking I hope... nice, big and full..." He grunts, with teeth to blunt to bite them off. He'd only been able to suckle on them and roll them around with his tongue, before using a knife to cut... Charn kneels fully, his tail sweeping the floor behind him as he toys with the Ram. Both huge paws maneuvering to massage and stroke that thick cock, easing the dryness with sticky pre-cum as it leaked out. The balls playing peek-a-boo with the watching stallion, he watches them vanish between the Tiger's jaws. To be disgorged later, only to be slurped back instantly as those jaws flex.

And for sure he bites... no the teasing feline spits them out again. The naughty Tiger casually torturing the Ram far more cruelly than the horse ever had! Needle sharp Claws and teeth adding sharp counterpoints to the capable sucking. Something about it was nearly hypnotic, almost coaxing the Horse to step closer for a better look...

"Ammmm that does look so good." The horny stallion moans, as he drew closer and closer. Watching with lustful interest as those big full balls go through their teasing dance. Free, then trapped, free then nibbled. 'Oh gods did he just bite themoff?' 'No free once more!' Charn suddenly become aware of the stallion towering over him. Bending down almost cheek-to-cheek as the big Horse watches, his long hot cock throbbing against the Tiger's back! Charn pauses, but for a second, then returns to his game with gusto! The Ram's sac is streaked with blood now, though the watching equine can't tell where it's coming from. That wooly little tail is flagging, pretty pink sphincter clenching enticingly, just begging for a hard pounding!

The Tiger pulls his paws away from the Ram's throbbing cock then, it is looking harder and more swollen even than before. They grasp the Ram's buttocks and spread them, supposedly to support himself. As his fawning becomes even more intense... and as the Horse watches the Ram's shaft begins to flare, now without even being touched!

Hot heavy breath takes in that sweet scent, even as the stud's eyes stare into that clenching plucker! Remembering how good the Bears felt while he was being neutered, he quickly stands and moves up behind the bleating Ram. Lubing his anus with watery equine pre-cum before working that hefty cock into his tight butt! The stallion had been planning to save this erection for the Tigers ass. But this was just to exciting to pass up... and anyway with the feline in the stocks. He could take his time enjoying him and then the new Zebra boi! Charn bumps his head up, nudging under that thick cock dislodging it before even an inch gets in!

The big feline disgorging that bulging mouthful once more, before turning around and reaching up to pinch under that straining erection. The thick meat softens; flagging as blood drains back out, drooping down to drag over the Tiger's soft furry muzzle. He releases the pinch, and swallows the broad cap. He knows the equine isn't into getting head, but he needed a taste! Obviously and that hungry leechlike muzzle starts stuffing as much of the Horses soft limp sensitive cock between his lips as possible. That slick gripping ass flexes again, the Ram forgotten, his nuts quivering in desperate need.

"Fuckin hell!" The big Roan stallion whinnies in pent up lust and sexual frustration. As his hard on drops back to a barely semi hard state... clearly he's not use to taking the treatment he dishes out! Then the stud almost chokes, as his soft cock vanishes into that big fang filled maw.

The feeling of suckling and sharp teeth shocking and scary! Although it takes all his will power the stallion yanks that big floppy stud stick out of that hot suckling mouth and step back. Staggering against the wall wondering if he'd have to use the tranquilizer dart gun he'd hidden in a fake painting. "Oh no... go back to your mutton!" The big stud pants breathlessly. The Ram pent up for weeks has a set that rivals the stallion's own! And the Tiger growls in pleasure as he is pushed back, the taste of that big stud's hot flesh so sweet against his tongue. He licks his chops, hunkering down and preparing to leap at that huge stud stick. Which is now stiff again, as the door opens and the stallion's butler peeks his head in. Charn stops in his tracks, as they both turn with guilty looks to the butler.

"Sir... a Zebra is here for you." The broken gelded Shire mumbles. "Shall I send him in?"

"Errr..." The Roan stallion looks at the Tiger questioningly... as his butler looks back and forth for some answer. "Ahem take the young Zebra into the sitting room and see to his needs if you will." The Horse grunts breathlessly at the butler, who is use to seeing his master in this state and just nods.

"Yes sir." The passive fully demasculinized butler grunted at once quickly leaving. Turning back around the Horse gestures grandly to the bleating struggling Ram, who's throbbing with need.

"Finish up and we'll see to getting our guest in to the stocks..." The Horse invites as he trots over to the empty wall plaque and opens it up getting it ready. Charn ignores the offer and stands instead... following quietly behind as his equine host as he works on the stocks.

"One of the screws is loose on that one... I saw it laying on the ground just inside the hatch, earlier..." He rumbles deeply, watching that hanging sack from behind as the horse bends over.

Charn casually stroking, his own by now dark red erection as he does so. He's never been surrounded by so many options before, and he was having a Very hard time controlling himself. "I couldn't quite reach it, maybe you could?" He offers as his host notices it there glittering on the floor. Though there's no way of knowing what it's to!

"What?" The Roan stud grunts in surprise, as he realize what the Tiger is saying. "I've never had any problems with this before..." He grunts a bit startled that the feline had gotten so close so silently. "But then there is a first time for everything..." He grunts moving farther into the stocks, he bent over and pick up the screw. Looking around for were it could have came from... "Ahhh... I think I found it!" "Good thing to... the stocks won't lock up without it!" He grunts more concerned with getting everything ready and prefect for the Zebra. Than anything else, as he quickly screwed it back in and snug it down tight. Charn moves in behind his host, watching as the stud was crouching.

Half in the stocks already... and as he begin to pull yourself out. The big Horse felt clawed fingers savagely pressing into his big soft sac! While the Tiger isn't actually damaging the Horse, it probably feels that way with the fierceness of the grip! As he forces his big Host further into the stocks with his paw. "Go on... climb in my little colt." Charn purred silkily. "When I let you back out the zebra will be all trussed up and ready to be enjoyed" 'But not by you!' The big feline thinks to himself, one paw on the Horse's ass helping to shove him into place.

"Hey!" The big Roan stud shouts. "What tha fuc..." "Ouch!" "What do you think your doi..." He squeals, bucking and protesting as his big body responds to those claws. Swiftly trying to get away from them, forcing him into the stocks! His long head thrusting through the ring, so it's out in the next room. His powerful body draped over the support rack, leg's slipping into the only open space... the ankle cuffs!

As his rump and big throbbing package jut back through the hole behind, as the trophy display door closes and locks with a loud click! "Damnit..." Charn can only hear his voice faintly now, but the horse can hear him perfectly, thanks to the intercom system. "He better still be a virgin!" The stallion squeals as the Donkey and the Bull on either side of him smile gloatingly at their captor as he struggles in his own stocks! Charn snickers and runs his claws down the stallion's trapped buttocks.

"Well his ass has never been taken, you'll be the first male to take him!" He snorts tugging down on those mighty equine jewels, then snarls twisting and looking at the buffet of snacks now free for the taking!

"Your damn right I will be the first male to take him!" The trapped stud growls lustfully, thinking about popping the straight studs boi cherry! The donkey to the big stallions side suddenly squeals and rolls his eyes wildly!

"Aaaagh!" "Mi cojones!" "He is, Aaarrrgh!" Then he falls limp... as through the comm system the Horse can hear the sounds of wet, lewd chewing...

"Oho gods... Oho gods you... your insatiable!" The big Roan stud squeals, as his own huge cock resting against the backs of his crossed thighs. Throbbing harder and hotter, a river of pre-cum oozing from his distended urethra to crawl slowly downwards! The air suddenly thick with the scent of the Donkey's last load, as he shoots while he's being devoured! "Oooooo I'm going to plow that ass sooooooo hard!" The big Horse moans as the images of the Donkey's gelding run through his head! The Tiger's voice is muffled now, as he struggles to clear his throat.

"It's not the same my friend... to fuck a male after they have lost their stud hood as it is to fuck them while they are losing it!" The big sleek predator purrs lustfully as he moves over to lick the Horse's aroused junk!

"Ohoooo yeah I know..." The horny stallion whinnies. "Gods it was soooo hot fucking the Bear while you ate him!" The trapped stud moans lustfully, seeing the neutered bruin just a few spaces down looking at him with a strangely calm look on his muzzle! Not noticing the corners of the Bears wide mouth twisting upwards!

"Oh... this is a nice cock as well!" Charns deep voice purrs throatily. "Can't let that go to waste..." The horse feels a big paw stroking his pre-cum into his shaft. Before the Donkey begins to struggle again and bray once again.

"Ooooh he... he is gulping my salami!" The smaller equine squealed. "Oh he is swallowing all of it!" The Roan Stallion watches open mouthed drooling, as the Donkey moans and whimpers the play by play of the big Tiger taking his big fat black cock! The Roans own organ throbbing even hotter and harder squirting jets of watery pre-cum now.

Making a mess of his sleek soft furry inner thighs... as he visualizes that big Donkey cock being suckled and eaten! "Ya... Oho ya... make a jenny out of him!" The Roan stud grunts lustfully, never stopping to think about what his guest might choose to do next... As he watches the donkey bucking and struggling then go limp. As the sound of lip smacking and satisfied purring can be heard through the intercom. "Ahahah Hahah... OH!" The big roan stud moans as he suddenly feels a hot rough tongue lick teasingly up and down his rock hard throbber! The Tigers broad feline nose lifting the horses huge low dangling colt makers as that deadly mouth moves higher. Hot panting breath wash over his sensitive organs as the big predator licks and nibbles at them lustfully! The big stud shivers and moans as he feels his hefty nuts drop down, into that hot maw. "Hey now Hold it right there!" The big roan stallion squealed as he felt the points of those sharp fangs press against the center of each orb! Although they had played this game earlier... it felt much more real now that the stud was helpless. "Just what do you think your doing..." The big horse shouted as the Donkey looked over at him smirking. Then just as suddenly as they had appeared those sharp teeth vanished from his but jewels.

"Ok I think we've kept Chet waiting long enough!" Charns soft lust filled voice purred through the crackling intercom. As the horse saw that he'd switched it to one-way transmission. "I'll go get him ready... then once he's in the stocks I'll see to you!" There was the sound of receding foot falls, then a door opening and closing... And then only silence for what seemed like hours to the trapped stallion. Until he heard the door open, and Charn's sensual purring voice explaining. "You see... its just like I said this way its all anonymous." "And everyone takes a turn in the stocks... that way it's all fair."

"Wow... so I can choose any of them!" An excited voice babbled as they drew closer.

"Ya sure... sure..." The big Tiger agreed, as a rustling of clothing could be heard. "Just let me help you get out of these tight things!" Charn purred and the trapped horse could almost hear the amusement in his voice!

"Ohoooooo boy... that's a sweet rump!" The Zebra grunted in breathless arousal, and suddenly the roan stallion could feel hot hands rubbing over his exposed ass!

"Ammmmmm good choice..." Charn purred loudly as the horny young Zebra felt up his trapped host! "Its new to the stocks... I've been meaning to bang it myself!" The big Tiger confessed adding one of his big paws to the fondling.

"Errr... well if you want to go..." Chet stammered looking at Charn confused, but the big Tiger smiled.

"Naw you can take him first..." The big striped predator purred, as the Roan stallion struggled and cursed on the other side of the wall! "Just so long as you let me lick and suck on you both while you do." Charn purred kiss's down the back of the Zebra's neck, as he positioned Chet for mounting! The Tigers big striped paw, guided the horny but in experienced Zebra's cock to his host's tight anus! The Zebra studs big blunt cock head pounding against that trapped anus like a closed fist!

"EEEEEEHEHEHEE!" The big roan stallion squealed as that big blunt cock tip pressed in hard forcing open his tight sphincters. Around him the other captives grinned and chuckled as they watched him receiving the same treatment he'd been delivering to them! Chet the Zebra proved very inexperienced in the delicate art of anal penetration. His former wife had never let him do it... and he'd never had the nerve to find a guy. Charn watched with a wicked smile as the striped stud plunged right into the roan stallions unprepared tail hole. The big feline could faintly hear his host's squeals and curses as he slowly knelt behind the two equines! Trapped in his own stocks and held completely immobile the big red stud couldn't even try to pull away. As Chet's big blunt black stud muscle was forced passed his clenched sphincters. Slithering down between the Zebra's wide spread legs, he watches as Chet pumps that near virgin hole a few times. Charn's broad, short muzzle wedged between the Zebra's thighs, pushing those fat nuts forward to grind against the roan stallion's own.

And then leans in and takes both their heavy sacks into his deadly fang filled maw! To suckle and tongue washing them both as the pair ruts slowly. That snug, glove like ass tightens considerably when the Tiger moves to slowly massage the stallion's thick dribbling cock. The roan Stallion can feel his own big nuts nestling against the Zebra's, and the feline's rough tongue licking over and between them both! A shiver of naughty pleasure runs down the Stallions spine as he feels his hefty orb's bouncing against his molesters. While that hot rough feline tongue caresses over them both, it was very exciting until he remembered this was exactly what the Tiger had done with him and the Bear earlier! Charn smirked as he felt the muscles in the Stallion's thighs and buttocks strain at their bonds. Teasingly he jerks the Stallion off, naked paw fisting that hard pink meat! Grinning as he let's his needle-sharp fangs tickle the sack's neck dangerously. The Zebra moans as the roan Stallion's powerful anal muscles grip and milk his big hard cock. Even as the horses own huge hard on jerks and quivers in need, as his big balls are threatened with destruction!

"Ohooo gods that feels soooo good..." The Zebra babbles as the horse's body reactions to his threaten emasculation! Pulling his mouth away from those dangling orbs for a second. Charn whispers tauntingly into the intercom panel.

"Should I still feel free to take another snack?" "Ya've not got much use for them anymore anyway right?" "Hahah..." On the other side of the wall, the roan stallion was yelling and fighting. But of course it was all-useless... such was the nature of the trap he himself had designed. The other captives were really laughing at him now!

"Awww whats wrong crédulos engañar, Tiger gotcha masculino bolas?" The little donkey teased as he watched the Stallion struggle hopelessly.

"Goina be a Gelding soon!" A big bull that still had his balls snorted. Snapping his teeth together and grinning in a strangely predatoril way for a bovine. As the big stallion shiver and trembled, feeling the Tiger chewing in his over stuffed sack lustfully. The pleasure of that big hard stud cock pounding against his prostate making the big roan stallion whinny.

"I'm goina... I'm goina... I'm goina Cum!" He squealed as the watching Trophies laughed uproariously at him. That big hard cock plunged wildly in and out of him... Even as those big hot paws stroked up and down his aching hard cock! And that hot maw suckled and chewed on his big meaty colt makers! He felt his big cock head flare... shaft tensing... holding back for a long moment. As the Tiger purred and panted against his nether regents, then he was whinny. And then he was cumming... scalding hot spurts of creamy stud milk flooding down his inner thighs. Even as he felt the Zebra's big dick tense and unload deep within him! The Tigers maw feeling burning hot as it press's against him a moment longer. The big predator enjoying the feeling of his hefty loins quivering in orgasm! Then that hot mouth pulls away and coolness washes over his aroused organs.

"Ohooo my... Ohooo fuck... I've never enjoyed a rut sooooooo much!" The exhausted Zebra moaned as he lay against the roan Stallion's plundered rump.

"I knew you would enjoy that!" Charn purred throatily, holding the Zebra in place until his softening cock fell out of the roan stallion. "And I'm betting your love being on the other end just as much." The big Tiger assured as he guided the Zebra into the open display.

"Ammmm I'm not sure... I mean I've never had anything up..." Chet grunted as the big feline carefully fitted him in, and closed the door behind him... As the big roan stallion struggled to see around the corner to where the Zebras head was.

"That's ok... neither had the roan and look at how much he spurted!" Charn chuckled locking the door in place at last and strolling back over to his host. "You did enjoy that and awful lot!" He taunted the big roan stallion as he fondled that sleek sexy equine rump!

"That was supposed to be me... shooting my load up his ass!" The roan stud grunted slightly irritated... at being fucked but pleased by the orgasm. "Well at least ya got him in the stocks... I'll be ready to go again here in a few then..." The big stallion trailed off as he felt the Tiger pressing up against him from behind! That hot hard feline cock wedging between the trapped studs ass cheeks. "Hey!" "What the hell?" He snapped swishing his tail around at the Tiger angrily.

"Just getting ready to enjoy this hot sloppy hole ya got here!" Charn taunted as he stepped up and pressed his big fat cock head against that leaking anus! "Now that its all nice and slick and broke in!" "I mean you forbade me from using Chet first!" He reminded. "And besides it's not like you can stop me!" Charn snickered leaning forwards and plowing deep into the bound horses gooey plucker.

"Fucker!" The roan stallion moaned as that big hard cock began to move inside of him.

"Ahaha... you feel good!" Charn purred as he slowly thrust his fat hard on in and out of his captive. Even as a big hot paw slipped down to fondle the horse's big semi hard organ.

"Hurry it up." The roan stallion grunted uncomfortably as he realized the Tiger was taking full advantage of him! "I don't wanta get to excited..." "The next time I blow a load I want it to be in that Zebra's ass... as your nutting him!"

"Hahaha..." Charn laughed. "That might be a problem!" The big Tiger snickered, as the Zebra grunted from around the corner.

"Nutting him?"

"What?" The roan stallion grunted ignoring the Zebra's question. "You haven't ate his balls already?!?"

"No... not yet!" Charn admitted with a grunt of pleasure as he pounded the stallion's ass harder.

"Not YET!" The Zebra squealed beginning to thrash around as much as he could.

"Then what's the problem?" The big roan Stallion demanded breathlessly as the Tiger rutted his ass roughly.

"I haven't ate his... but I just finished eating YOURS!" Charn explained with a 'Burp!' as he fondled the spot where the stallion's big orbs use to be!


Rough Trade…

Rough Trade... Moves a soft paw down and rubs the big Zebra's bulging black sheath playfully. Making a shiver run down the equines thick spine, even as that big sheath...

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