Mama Bear

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissions

I'm back with another commission! This is another one for Thetral on FA, and also my longest commish yet!

In this, we've got a great big farmer bear and her newly-single son, reunited after his recent heartbreak. She knows he prefers fellow guys, but she is in for a surprise when she finds out he's got tastes she doesn't know about. And he is in for a much bigger surprise...

Contains: consensual incest, female domination, sweat, musk, and BEARS.

Maddie wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand as she pushed her wheelbarrow back into the shed. She had caught beneath the sun all day as it sweltered in a cloudless sky well into the afternoon. The fall air was crisp and cool at night, but the days still featured a blazing heat that ensured she was dripping by the end of her long day of work. Harvest season was upon her, but the nighttime frost was still weeks away. She had time.

She caught a glimpse of herself in one of the windows as she emerged from the shed, and it made her chuckle. Such a perfect image,standing there, the great big grizzly bear in her overalls and boots, looking ever the picture of the hardworking farmer. There was still so much to do before October fell. But at least, tonight, she could shower off and then sit back with the contented feeling of a good day's work.

Of course, there was plenty to do inside as well. It wasn't easy to run a farm all by herself, and if she wasn't careful, she'd fall behind on the pettier duties. Keeping a clean house, answering emails, keeping up with the buyers and the markets. Plus, of course, having a great big meal. That one was never any trouble.

Hauling and hefting from dawn to dusk always ensured she was absolutely ravenous by supper time, and so once she was fresh and clean, she set right to work in the kitchen. It could take a while, but it was ever worth it to properly satisfy that appetite of hers. A great big roast of beef dripped delicious juices that would serve as gravy for the golden crispy herbed potatoes. Fresh corn from the field glistened with butter along with sweet sugar snap peas. It all took its sweet time as she relaxed in her big chair, not helped by the aroma filling her home as she waited, enough to get her mouth-watering all the while.

When it was ready, she spent a good thirty minutes merrily chowing down in silence. Music or television could come later. While she ate, she savoured in the evening's quiet. Though it was even quieter these days, with her son gone off to college. Sopping up silken gravy with a homemade biscuit did well in place of conversation, but she did notice the absence tonight in particular. It had only been a few weeks since she sent that sweet boy off to college, after all.

For a moment, she glanced off to the phone on the wall. She still hadn't upgraded to a cell despite her son's urgings. He hadn't called in a while, and as she dabbed at her lips with a napkin, she wondered if she should ring him up. But no, he was probably off having fun with those new friends of his. He'd call when there was time. Sweeping up her dishes, and unable to help a deep belch of satisfaction, she headed off to the kitchen to start cleaning up.

Such a kind thing he was. Smart, gentle, but he by no means had it in him to work the farm along with his big mama. He took more after his father, in that regard. Ol' bugger was all kisses and roses at first, but when he found out just how much work it was to live with her, he skipped right out of town. Work in the sense of breaking his back on the farm, but also... other things. But, Cody wasn't like him in that regard. He much more willing to work hard than his father ever was.

In truth she didn't miss her husband much at all, though she did still think about him now and then. She caught herself doing so as she collapsed into her great big armchair after dinner. He might not have been able to keep up to her, but he did have some pretty good tricks in the bedroom. And after a particularly hot, exhausting day like this one, she couldn't help but entertain a few stray naughty thoughts. She tried to distract herself by flicking on the TV, and browsing the channels, but she was feeling warm, and even slightly wet the more her mind wandered to images of a panting figure half her size, desperately thrusting deep inside her in effort to satisfy her ruthless needs.

When it grew to enough of a heat to make her squirm in place, unable to focus on the gleaming screen before her, she sighed and gave a bearish huff. Finally she rose and reached to an unmarked little notebook she kept near the phone. It was brimming with the usual phone numbers she ever might need. Family, friends, and business. But there was another page, kept hidden after several blank ones in a row, that featured a great long list of male names along with their numbers - and ratings out of four beside each one.

Maddie ran a thick finger down the list, pondering each, thinking about their many cute faces and how they looked clenched between her thighs. The cheetah, the owl, the fox... all of them more than adequate, if perhaps just a little too eager. Never did last. But then no one ever really did, with her. She scrolled up and down the names until she finally settled, tapping her finger over the name 'Jeremy' a few times as if to confirm to herself he was the right one for the night.

She was just dialing the younger wolf's number when a knock at the door actually startled her a little. Who on earth could that be at this hour? Well, late for her, but only just early evening for most people. Still! She heard her booty call's voice on the line, but she hung up before saying anything, instead moving to the front door to fling it open. What she saw immediately brought out her deepest of mama bear instincts, filling her with the urge to just hug until she nearly crushed someone.

There was Cody, standing all alone in the twilight, his bags in hand and a distraught look on his face. The poor young bear never did like to cry in front of her, and she could tell by his quivering lip and reddened eyes that he'd stifled it right before knocking. No, there was no resisting it. Even before asking him what was wrong, why he was here, any of that, she wrapped him right up in her thickly muscled arms and pulled him tight to her bosom, smooshing him until she felt a joint in his back pop. Only then did she let him down, leaving him briefly gasping.

"I guess you probably knew this would happen, but..." he began, but trailed off some. He bit his lip and shrugged. "Marcus and I just didn't work out. We just had a fight, I thought. But he just couldn't seem to get over it, and it went from there and... then I didn't have a place to stay anymore. So..."

She gave him a firm pat on the shoulder in response, and nodded her head. "You don't need to worry about that. These things happen, and your bedroom is still right where you left it. Haven't knocked it down yet!"

Cody nodded back, seeming to steady himself, but she could still hear the quaver in his voice. "Okay. Cool. I'm really sorry to show up like this. I just didn't know what I was going to do. I'm supposed to go to class tomorrow, but I can't bus that far every single day, and all that money, I just..."

"Shhhh," she urged. "We can figure that out in the morning. I've got leftovers for you to eat and a soft bed for you to thud into. C'mere."

Though he was by all accounts fully grown by then, she could still lift him like he was made of feathers. She scooped right under his legs with one arm, and grabbed at the straps of his bags with the other, managing to carry it all as she guided him to where he could rest it off.

"I'm not really hungry, but thanks." Cody sighed as he held on to her, not protesting as she easily carried him along. "I never even really thought about what I'd do if this day came. I guess that probably sounds pretty stupid now."

"Oh, honey. I went through the very same thing when I was your age. And plenty more times since. It's not your fault."

"Yeah, but..." he began, but he didn't finish before she all but bodyslammed him onto his old familiar bed. It'd been a full year since he'd felt it, but it was immediately soothing, making him sigh and settle into it almost automatically.

"No buts!"

"But!" He smiled a little. "But... he said..."

"Don't much care what he said. You're still the best. We'll talk about it, alright? But look at you, barely keeping your eyes open. You rest all you want, and I'll have some breakfast for you when you wake up, got it?"

"Yeah. Thanks mom." He sighed. "It might have to be more than one night, I think."

"Of course. You know I'm good with it. Come find me when you get up, alright? Mama's getting awfully sleepy herself."

And at that, she finally got a grin out of him. "Still super weird when you talk about yourself in the third person."

"And mama's never gonna stop! Goodnight, honey." She topped it off with a smooch to his forehead, and then clicked his light off for him on the way out.

It wasn't until she closed the door behind her that she remembered she'd left her little book of secrets wide open. Maybe it wasn't the most incriminating thing in the world, but she still shut it tight anyway. He might very well have known a few of the boys in there. Maybe even... gone to school with them.

No, it wouldn't do to have someone over when he was back and in need of rest. That did leave her a bit flustered though. She'd been all but ready to ravage some young stud but Cody's return had distracted her just long enough to keep those urges from boiling over. Instead, they had just simmered a while, resulting in a restless sensation running right down her legs. She was still a little wet, too.

Stepping into her bedroom, she considered riding one of her toys. They did the trick in a pinch, sure, but a toy didn't squirm beneath her. It didn't moan and make that little scrunched up overwhelmed face she so very loved. No matter how many young guys she took, they always made that same face once she really got going with them, really got riding and pounding down atop them as she smothered them in her weight and strength, taking all the pleasure she needed from them. A toy didn't scream her name.

So instead, she decided to just take an even earlier night than usual. The sun had only just dipped down behind the distant hills, but that dim twilight was soothing to sleep under. Plus, she was going to need to get Cody situated and back to work in the morning! Of course they could talk about it all a while, but a farm was a farm, and she couldn't just stop being a farmer. The work would probably do him good anyway.

Maddie set her alarm for 5:30 in the morning, just in case, but she almost never needed it. She just closed her eyes and let all the fussing about her heartbroken son wait until tomorrow.

Well, she didn't need an alarm to wake up anymore, but that didn't mean she wasn't a big groggy bear for the first little while in the morning. She smacked her chops and lumbered about the bedroom a while, not exactly being quiet as her feet fell heavy, her sense of balance not quite awake yet. That was how she stayed until she managed to make it to the bathroom sink to splash some cold water on her face. That shock always worked, leaving her shaking her dripping muzzle around until she dried off with a towel.

To her surprise, when she strolled out all dressed and ready, she found her son there already bustling about the house. There he was, frying up some eggs and bacon for the both of them. Given their collective appetites, that meant every burner on the stove was covered in sizzling pans, each of them crowded tight. She couldn't speak for all bears, but the two of them did not mess around when it came to breakfast.

"'Morning," he said, sounding cheery, but hesitant. "Hope you don't mind. I missed this kind of thing."

Maddie just smiled and shook her head. "'Course not. You're up awful early though. Couldn't sleep?"

"Not really," he admitted. "I dreamt about school stuff. And... him."

She just took a seat at the kitchen table and folded hands together. "Which one do you want to talk about first?"

He did brighten for a moment, giving her a smile. Then the bacon popped loudly and he yelped as it sputtered him. "Well, good news, I think! I was looking on the website and the withdrawal deadline isn't until next week. So no penalty if I do it now, and then I can go back in the winter."

She gave a soft smile back and nodded. "And is that what you want to do? You don't have to go to school just for me, you know."

"Oh, I think so. Definitely. I liked school. It just got... weird. Enough that I think a little break will be good for me."

"Roger. That was easy. As long as you're happy. Now about the boy. What was his name again?"

"Marcus. Yeah." His whole demeanour visible sunk when he said the name out loud. "It was going really well for a long time."

She had to restrain a minor chuckle. A 'long time' in this case was just a few months. But she knew how it went. He probably thought that-

"I really thought that he was the one," Cody said, and sighed. He looked to her, and though she was doing her best to restrain it, he could see the amusement in her eyes. "Yeah, I know. It's stupid to get so attached so young and all that. But we really had a good thing going for a while."

"Of course, honey. It always hurts. Do you want to tell me about what happened at the end?"

Cody bit his lip, then flipped a few strips of bacon idly, avoiding the question.

"You don't have to talk about it," she went on. "But I figure you want to. And I've got plenty of work for you to do after we eat!"

"It's kind of embarrassing," he murmured, looking down at his feet.

"How embarrassing? I'm not going to make fun, you know." She tapped her claws on the table, a sound that made his ears perk up for some reason. "Plus, I'll probably imagine even worse things if you leave it to my imagination."

"Well, uh." He reached over and clicked off the burners, seeing that everything was ready. Keeping himself busy helped him think of the right words, and he put down a few slices of bread in the toaster as well, speaking over his shoulder. "It was kind of a sex thing."

"Too much for him to handle?"


"What! You're a big farmer's boy. City types can't hope to keep up with you!"

"Well, it was more the opposite really. He started saying stuff like, I needed to be more of a man. I was too girly, too much of a pushover. Too, uh, submissive. You get the idea."

She nodded, and continued tapping her claws. "Mm. So, let me guess. Because you weren't a pushy tough-guy with an attitude, he decided he didn't like you?"

"I mean," he started, and paused to think of the words. The toast popped and startled him as he did. Buttering it up, he continued. "He was a good guy, really. We got along really well every day, it was just, uh, at night. He wasn't into me anymore."

"Pun not intended?"


"You couldn't have resisted it either!"

"That's what... she said?"

"Terrible! But I don't mean to make light of it. I've had something pretty similar happen. More than once. The guys, when they realize you're not their perfect fantasy, they leave to chase after some ideal that probably doesn't even exist."

Cody nodded, and made them up some heaping plates of bacon, fried eggs, and buttered toast. He served them up, then poured them both big glasses of fresh orange juice. She grabbed a fork and continued.

"... Of course, in my case, it was a more a matter of them not being able to handle me, but-"

"Yyyyup, that's enough for me!"

"Sorry, sorry." She heartily chuckled. "We can always talk about it more later. But for now, we're burning daylight! You remember how this all works, right? City life hasn't hammered that out of you? Oof, again with the phrasing."

"You're the worst." He was grinning when he took a great big bite of bacon. "I think so. Want me in the fields today?"

"Maybe later. First, you're getting high."


"Storm put a hole in the old shed last week. I've been meaning to fix it up before the rainy season comes, but I just haven't' found the time. How's the day spent up on a ladder sound to you?"

"Sure, yeah. Just tell me what to do."

"I always do."

Exchanging another smile over greasy bites, she saw the look in his eyes. Still a bit pained, but relieved. Maybe she had downplayed it a little too much. He was heartbroken, but she knew how tough he was. Even if he was a girly bottom boy. Didn't mean a thing for how strong he was, inside and out! But he always was good at fixing things. Much more than the really heavy manual stuff, for sure. So maybe just doing something he knew he was good at would help him out this morning.

She was toiling away in the fields all morning, leaving Cody up on that ladder to swelter away. The fall air was trying to get through, but there remained that usual summer blaze, that humid thickness that clung to her fur. It left her thoroughly sopping even before the noon sun rose in the cloudless sky, her brown hide absolutely glistening.

And he was in a similar state when she went to check on him. There he was, right under the merciless sun, dripping as he worked. He'd almost finished already, patching over that hole almost seamlessly, as if it'd never even been there. Now he was at work fixing up the rest of the shed. He'd repaired the door as well, securing it on its hinges in preparation for the impending stormy season. Now he was tinkering under the hood of the little backhoe, looking for that problem she'd been fussing about.

She'd resist the urge to make some sort of joke about the particular thing he was working on. But it was certainly tempting, especially seeing him there, all leaned over and completely shirtless. Sweating and toned. She already worked him hard enough on the farm, but looking at him now, he almost looked thicker than usual, as if he'd been particularly building up on muscle. Still had the usual ursine chubbiness about his middle and here and there, but the boy was built like a brick. What kind of man would look at him and think he wasn't masculine enough? She had a hard time believing that boy of his ever was a good guy, if he could reject her son over something so stupid and misinformed!

Another urge she had to resist was to give that broad, wiggling butt a whack, seeing as she'd snuck right up behind him. He wouldn't even know it was coming! And such a cute plump rear he had, never losing the chub despite just how well-built the rest of him was. She raised a hand, but no, she just patted him on the back instead. That made him jump a little, jolting him up to lightly whack his head on the raised hood above.

"Owwww. Hi mom. Lunchtime already?"

"Oooh, are you okay sweetie?" She set to automatically rubbing at his head, worried even if she knew he could take such a small thing just fine. "And yes, yes it is."

"Mmhmm. I have a hard head. What's to eat?"

"Everything, of course. Good work in here today. Saved me a whole lot of fuss and worry later this season." She put her hands on her hips and wore a broad grin. "I might get used to having you around! Maybe I'll just have to keep you forever!"

"Oh, sure, yeah." He rose from under the hood and gave his brow a big wipe. The gesture flicked sweat in all directions, audibly spattering to the grass below. "Just chain me up in the basement and let me out when you need stuff fixed. Maybe throw some meat down now and then."

"Don't be silly. We don't even have a basement!"

"That's what you want me to think!"

They walked together back inside, Cody with his shirt thrown up over his shoulder. It had only been a year he was away, but he'd grown up so much. Not just stronger, but overall fuller. Less awkward. Less slouching. He was starting to look, almost, maybe, like a proper man. But of course he would. He took after her, after all.

Lunch was a few hearty sandwiches each, every ingredient from one of the nearby farms or another. Leftover roast beef, sharp cheddar, sliced sweet apples, onion jam, garden lettuce, and a pickled onion jam, all packed between slices of a crusty ciabatta from the bakery down the road. They munched away together, slurping tall, frosty glasses of milk as a number of revolving fans blew over their bodies from every angle. Cody looked well, even if he wasn't saying much. Maybe a bit more winded from all the work than usual, but the heat really wasn't forgiving that day.

"How're you feeling?" she asked him, as the meal wound down, their initial burst of hunger mostly sated. Even after such a tremendous breakfast, bears like them could eat, and eat. Especially after a busy morning.

"Better, I think," he said quickly, and gave a smile. He did bite his lip a little though. "I mean, it hurts. Knowing someone out there got to know pretty much all about me and then decided no, not good enough. I mean, I think he liked most things about me. But I just wasn't... satisfying enough."

He stopped, scratching his cheek, then chuckled a little as he went on. "Okay, yeah, it's still really weird talking to you about this. I have to ask. Did you ever... suspect?"

Maddie laughed as she picked up the last few crumbs off her plate. Such a good piece of baking was not to be wasted in the slightest. "Honey, to tell you the truth, I never even really thought about it. Sure it came as a surprise, but so would you being left-handed. Makes no difference, just slightly less usual is all. Nobody gave you a hard time about it at school, did they?"

"Heh, hard time."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "This time you started it!"

"But, nope. Just a little teasing is all. People don't really expect it from a guy my size. They think it's 'cute'."

"That's not a terrible word. You're making friends aside from whatshisname?"

"I think so. I guess we don't really talk that much? But that's because I spent all my time with Marcus. So maybe that will change now. I'll have to send them messages, let them know I'm taking some time off."

Maddie stood up, taking her plate and his to the sink. "More like some time on! The day is only just beginning."

He smiled softly and folded his hands. "Got anything else that needs doing today?"

"I'll have you out in the fields with me soon enough, but I'll take it easy on you for your first day back. See what you can do with that damn 'hoe, and we'll talk at supper!"

The rest of the day fortunately had cooled down a bit, though the humidity never quite went away. She toiled away, striding up and down the rows of crops, inspecting every single one she could get to for any sign of dryness, or pest damage, or anything else that might prevent a good harvest. When she saw anything that was good to go, she picked it, filling multiple heavy baskets with what amounted to thousands of dollars.

Ginseng was her biggest seller - a bit of a golden harvest, she'd discovered, but she also grew a variety of other sweet, fragrant herbs along with more traditional corn and potatoes. Which had a special flavour given their proximity to all the other sweet-smelling things in the field. Or at least that's what her customers said, and they paid extra just for it! Suited her just fine.

A dozen or so heavy hauls back to the barn, and she was done for the day. When she went to check on Cody, she didn't find him outside, but followed her nose to where the bathroom door was shut and a variety of fragrances spilled out from the crack beneath. Couldn't blame him for calling it a day early when he had got so much done. Now she was just going to have to get dinner started while she waited for him to get out.

The ham was all glazed and ready to go, so it was just a matter of getting the oven ready. While she waited for that to warm, she layered a big pan with sliced potatoes, butter, scallions, butter, and milk, along with a few herbs from her own fields. Beside that, she sliced up golden beets and radishes along with nuts and greens. Maybe it was all a little overboard, but she did like spoiling guests, and Cody was very special guest.

When she was finally done, she went to the bathroom and found the door still closed. The water wasn't running anymore, but she could hear him cluttering around at the sink, doing whatever it was he was doing. She knocked.

"One minute!" he called.

That minute became more like five, but finally he emerged, wrapped in a towel. He was fresh and his fur was smoother than she'd ever seen it. He'd done his hair into a slick, fancy sort of part, and he smelled like a smoothie. It took every bit of motherly restraint not to give a little giggle at his appearance. Not that she didn't like it. He was lovely! But seemed he'd picked up some fastidious habits in the past year.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Need me to do anything with dinner?"

She just grinned, not commenting on his look. "Oven's all ready to go. Just pop in the ham and 'taters, will you? I won't be long."

She certainly wasn't going to be as long as he was. Though after a hot day like that, there was plenty of sweat to shower off, and she basked in the cool water for a little longer than usual. It took some scrubbing to get at the thick tufts beneath her arms, or between her legs, where so very much sweat and scent had gathered. When she got out and dry, into some fresh evening clothes, she strode off towards the kitchen to check on the food, immediately struck by the mouth-watering scent before she even stepped into the room.

Something else struck her, too. Cody wasn't around, but she could hear a faint sound coming from behind his bedroom door. Sort of a whimpery noise, along with a bit of a squeak, and an odd bit of static. Was he crying? She stood close to the door a while, just listening in, trying to figure it out. Not crying exactly, more just kind of whimpering almost like he was in pain. So she tapped one claw against the door out of concern.

"Okay in there?" she softly called, but she didn't get an answer.

That really made her worry, so she carefully opened the door, as quietly as could be, and took a peek inside. The answer she got certainly ended her concern, but it also sent an intense blush right to her cheeks.

There he sat, at his old desk, leaning back in his chair, faced away from her. He had his headphones in, from which came a muffled, staticy sound of moaning. He was completely naked too, while he sat stroking himself off to the sight on the screen. And she should have just looked away. Shut the door, padded off, and pretended she never saw a thing. But there were two things that grabbed her attention.

For one, despite him calling himself a girly type, a submissive type, he was packing far more than she ever could have imagined. Certainly didn't take after his father in that sense. Just a great big thick piece of dark brown bear cock worked slickly between his fingers. She wasn't watching, but she was definitely noticing. Maybe proud of him, in an odd way.

The second thing stunned her even more. Right there in front of him was his laptop from school, playing something of course thoroughly lewd. But not at all what she expected him to be looking at. Flat to the bed was a great big stud of a bull, all thick and hunky like she might have predicted, but he was being dominated by an even bigger lady.

The vicious-looking shark woman had her thick backside seated firmly atop the bovine's fact, grinding him hard, riding him as she kept his muscular form pinned to the bed. Just a great big amazon of a shark, and seemingly a bit of an older lady too. She couldn't hear what she was saying through the headphones, but she got the idea. She was gnashing her teeth, barking orders as she humped and rode the bull's face, engulfing it in the curves of her thick ass. Put simply, she was in charge. And that was what Cody was getting off to.

She didn't stick around for long of course, leaving him to his private time, but oh, what wonder it inspired in her mind! While she pondered on it, she swayed off to the kitchen to ensure dinner didn't burn. Oh, it was going to be so difficult to sit and eat pretending she didn't see anything. Not that she cared about him jerking off - that was perfectly fine! But to a big, dominant woman? That just filled her with ever so many questions.

Thankfully dinner was scrupulous, preventing them from digging too deep into conversation as they ate. Mostly they talked about school, and his classes, moving on from the whole boyfriend situation. She could tell he had had a good time in his room, and it strangely delighted her. Not for him possibly not being into men. She thought that was cute! But more for how he possibly was discovering new pleasures, new turnons he never knew he had. Opening his mind despite previously thinking he'd never be interested in such things. That was a good thing.

A look at the forecast after dinner said it was going to be another scorcher tomorrow, and a good dinner always did make her sleepy. Bears needed plenty of sleep! So that was about all for the two of them that evening. Cody volunteered to clean up after dinner, which meant she could go relax a while, and she was happy to do that, crawling into her favourite chair.

The night air flowed freely through an open window, crisp and fallish, and it made her want tea. So a few minutes later, she was sitting there, contentedly sipping a gentle herbal, feeling it warm her up so pleasantly. Funny how it felt good to be warm and content at night when she'd be sweating all day, but such was the life during this time of year. The air on her fur always made for the best possible sleeps, and she was looking forward to lumbering from chair to bed when it was time.

Of course, there was still a lingering something. It was something she'd never taken care of since it began last night. That certain heat between her thighs. She looked over her shoulder for Cody, but it seemed like he'd retired to his room for the night. If she wanted, she could probably get away with it. Just a stray finger, a good fantasy, and a firm rub. But as much as she wanted to get off, to feel that sweet sensation of orgasm through her muscles and down her spine, she still didn't want to do it alone.

She harumphed. Was it time to go open the book to her secret page again? As long as she insisted he be quiet, she could probably smuggle some young fellow into her bedroom and out without Cody ever knowing any better. As sweet as he was, he could be a little oblivious at times. Case in point: jerking off with his back to the door and headphones in. But she was just so relaxed, and certainly tired, that she eventually just decided against it. Nope, she was just going to hit the bed and she'd figure out a way to deal with it when she was a little less tired.

The next morning came, and Cody had made a fine breakfast once more. She was going to get spoiled if she kept him around too long. But of course, it was only for a while. He did have something of a distant, listless look on his face today though, which perked up her mother sense.

"Something got you down today?" she asked.

"What? Oh, not really." He gave his head a shake, blinking at her. "Guess I'm still getting used to these early mornings. Already starting to wonder how I used to do this all the time."

"Honestly, you never really get used to it," she said with a smile, chomping into the potato patty he'd made up for her. "Why not come along with me through the fields today? Nothing too heavy, just another line of inspection."

"Sounds good to me," he said.

They finished up eating and headed out under the morning sun. Some dew still clung to leaves and grass, but the heat was already rising. It was going to be another sweaty day. They strolled on, mostly quiet but for talking about the work itself. Sometimes they could be like this together, not making too much conversation after a big burst of chatting the day before. All was normal there, but she was noticing something else.

Given the heat of the day, she'd opted to dress pretty light. Just a white shirt beneath the usual overalls, and admittedly after watering a few dry crops by hand, she was a little indecent. That shirt became more or less translucent, revealing the bare fur of her prominent bust beneath. Sure she was wearing a bra and all, but she couldn't help but notice Cody's noticing. He was stealing some glances when he thought she wasn't looking, and they were more than accidental.

At one moment, she caught him staring, and she just met his eyes, which caused him to freeze for a moment. Then he looked away, and abruptly noted the dirt.

"Sure is... dry this season. Not a lot of rain? Looks like there hasn't been a lot of rain. From what I know, anyway. Which is only what you've taught me, heh."

She just smiled, and nodded. They went about the day as usual mostly. Leftover ham sandwiches for lunch, and she just watched him rustling about. Fiddling with his hair, tapping his fingers together. He was never this restless, so it was obvious something was on his mind. She'd have sat and talked it out of him for as long as it took if she had the time, but there was still yet more to do.

It wasn't until the afternoon, when the both of them were absolutely soaked in sweat once more, their hides glistening as they worked. She noticed another thing about him, aside from how sturdy and manly his frame had become in the past year. The musk he worked up when working was so very manly. Thick and ursine. Kind of like her own. It did tend to have an effect on most guys, and when he moved a certain way, she noticed something even more incriminating. Was that boy of hers sporting a hard-on?

Maybe his mind was just wandering. Grown man or not, he was still a young thing, still prone to stray horny thoughts he couldn't control, she was sure. She didn't say anything about it, didn't stare. But she did keep pretty close to him the whole day, giving the occasional stretch, the occasional flex, puffing out her ample chest, just to see if he was still looking. Her movements caught his eye almost every single time. Oh that, silly boy. Was he getting turned on by his own mom?

Really, she should have just dismissed it. But, well, she was thinking. How wrong would it really be to encourage it? Not like they were going to hurt anyone. Not like it was going to be anything but affection. And he did just look so sad this morning, even when he reassured her he was fine.

When it came time for heading in at the end of the day, they crowded towards the shower together.

"Oh no ya don't!" she said, bumping against him with her hip. "I saw how long you took last time. This ripe old girl needs to get clean!"

"Fight you for it!" he teased back.

"You'd lose!"

"Probably!" He chuckled at that, and then kept chuckling, somewhat forcefully. "I mean, we could just go together. But we probably wouldn't fit."

He was trying to laugh it off, but she could hear that tone. The way he seemed to present it as a joke, but it was really on his mind. And she was so tempted to be a little naughty, to tease him...

"Thinking about us naked together, hm?"

"What? No!" came his denial, but, well, one look and she saw that he was hard again. "No, I..."

She put a hand on his shoulder. "Honey, it's okay. You just went through a breakup, I don't blame you for having some unusual feelings. I saw you the other night, I have to admit. I didn't know you were into... such things."

His eyes went wide, and she could outright feel the heat coming off his cheeks. He dropped his head a moment, but eventually, he perked back up with an embarrassed smile.

"It's... something that's been on my mind a lot, yeah. Marcus, um.... " Cody sighed, then chuckled. "I guess it's all coming out now. He wasn't always 'he'. And there was something really comforting about that. Just a big, strong, powerful... woman, but not anymore. Wow, I am not articulating this well."

"Articulating! Big school-boy word! So proud!" She grinned at him, and gave him a squeeze. "Soooo... you're into big, dominant ladies, in short?"

"I guess part of me wanted him to be one. And he wanted me to be less of a pushover, more of a stud. It just wasn't working out. But I have no idea how to approach a big woman and tell her what I'm into, so in a way, he was sort of perfect for me."

She arched her brow. "Well now. You know one, at least."

"You're not actually saying..."

She smooched him on the cheek. "Truth told, while you've been away, I've been getting pretty kinky. This wouldn't even be the weirdest thing I've done."

"I'm not gonna lie. I'm torn between never speaking of this again, and well..." He nodded down to his boner. "This."

So she smiled, and she pulled him closer. Right to her bosom, as the sweat poured down between the two of them. She kissed him, right on the lips. He kissed back, uncertain, but talented. Good with that big tongue of his. She was going to find out just how good he really was.

"This way," she insisted, pulling him away from the bathroom door. They could shower afterwards. "Let's go see just how submissive you really are."

She was pushy with him, forceful even. More than she'd ever actually had to be with him. He always was such a well-behaved one. He staggered along with her, slowly. Maybe too slowly. So she decided to just go for it.

She reached to his belt, and unclasped it. Then she was into his pants with that great big paw of hers, wrapping one finger after another around his cock. He was big. Firm. Thick. More than enough. And pulling on his dick made him make such cute whimpery noises. Especially as she led him right along by it.

That certainly got him moving. As they went, she massaged that plump, uncut length, just getting its scent all over her fingers. When they arrived, she let go, and brought that hand to her mouth, licking it off slowly. He stared at her as she did that, jaw agape. She grinned.

"What? You just thought momma never had sex aside from making you? I can like things too, you know. And right now, I ain't your momma anymore. I think you should call me Daddy, in fact."

"That's..." Cody was visibly still getting over all this. It all happened so fast. But he had to be honest. "That's pretty hot."

"Yeah, it is."

With that, she took him by the shoulders, and pushed him flat onto the bed. He was still very much clothed, but that was fine. All she needed from him was already exposed. As she pinned him down, she began casting off her sweat-soaked garments. Undoing a strap here, then pulling off her shirt. It was dripping, and so she was. He just laid back, letting her musky, almost-but-not-quite masculine scent wash over him, making him as hard as he could ever hope to get.

When she got to her bottom half, top half totally exposed, she rose from where she sat on his crotch, and wiggled about until she could get totally naked before him. From her big plump breasts adorned with dark nipples, to her belly and her thickly-tufted crotch soaked through with sweat and now arousal as well, adding up to a cocktail of pheromones that was enough to knock a lesser male out. But she knew he could handle it. Being submissive didn't mean he wasn't tough in the slightest.

He was breathing heavily where he was, just pinned and unsure of what he should be doing. But he was hard for her, very hard. She started off by taking his wrists, and guiding them to her breasts. He played with them, squeezing and massaging with care. Uncertain, but oh so eager. She moaned for him, but she couldn't just let him toy with her all night. Not with that burning desire she felt, postponed for two days and now all rushing back.

She mounted right atop his face, burying him nose deep in her tuft as she straddled him. She was sitting his chest, though she made sure not to put too much weight down. He was going to have to fill those lungs, after all. And he did exactly that, without even needing to be asked. Just taking great big huffs of her tufted crotch, drawing out all that scent, all those pheromones. Letting her dominant ursine musk overtake him.

Such a good boy. She started to hump his face, to ride him. Grinding forward in rhythmic motions of her great big hips, grinding her slick slit beneath that tuft into his face. Making him revel in every single taste as he got his tongue into the mix. Just shoved it in, really. Bears weren't known for their delicate touches. He wasn't one of those cats, he wasn't going to tingle her with tiny little precise licks. It was big, sloppy slurps from him. His hesitance was gone. It was pure, eager slurping, devouring her juices, drinking in her sweat while she properly facefucked him into the creaking bed.

And she got rough. She knew he could take it. Just shoving that unfamiliar cunt right into his face, letting it squeeze right down on his tongue as he slupped it inside with a wet splash. Fluids ran down his cheeks as he ate her out without hardly pause for breath. Just drooling his way deeper and deeper until she was grunting and panting in pleasure.

She did eventually feel his chest heaving as his lungs became more full of musk than air. So she relented, as much as she could have just rode his face to a messy orgasm. He gasped for a while, catching his breath, but he had no complaints. He was grinning foolishly before long.

"How was the first taste?" she asked with a returned smirk.

"Hot," he said. "Better than I was expecting."

"I'm a delicacy. I bet you want more. More musk, more sweat."


She didn't make him get up, just laying right down beside him, partly on top of him. Raising an arm, she let him right in there, to that hairy pit where the sweatiest part of her. There he slurped, and sniffed, intoxicating himself on mama's sweaty flavour until she was nearly dry but for his drool. All through it, he was intensely hard, almost painfully so from the look of those deep, pounding throbs running through him.

But he could wait. He probably liked it when she made him wait. No, first he had to get her perfectly clean. Under one arm, and then the other. Then she directed his obedient tongue down her chest, and between her breasts, to get a good licking over her cleavage. There was plenty to work on there for a while, and when he was done, she directed him to latch onto a breast for a while. A nice suckle to get that nipple perked, as if he was going to try to suck some milk out of her. And then back down.

She hadn't forgotten what she'd seen in that video. Once she got him laying perfectly flat, arms at his sides so he couldn't even 'defend' himself, she got up and then sat right down atop his face. Just settling her great big rump over his features, she saw the way he squirmed, saw how excited he was that his fantasy was finally coming true. And with someone he could trust.

All that weight, the muscle and the ever-present pudge coming down on his face meant he was smothered in deep. And he was going to have to lick his way out if he wanted her up. She rubbed against him, riding his lips like a toy, almost plunging his blunt muzzle inside of her from the sheer pressure, and from the power of her squeezes working, powerful contractions coming from the building pleasure.

He licked her right from the bottom of her stubby tail, and over her ass, down to her hairy cunt again. She just smothered him hard, barely even letting him pleasure her, but he wouldn't be stopped. His tongue must have been almost numb by then, but she sat and pressed hard, just like she knew he wanted, until his legs were twitching, not quite kicking, with his need for air.

Again she was up, and again he was gasping. She wore a great big proud grin. Oh, it was strange and she knew it, but she was so proud of how well he was able to pleasure her. What a generous man he'd grown up into! All her doing, of course.

"Oh, you are such a good boy. It's really about time I made you cum. Inside of me. Would you like that?" She licked over her lips. "Don't have to say anything, really. I can read your expression just fine."

Said expression was a drunken mess really, a spatter of juices and a glazed, intoxicated expression. Oh, but such a smile on his lips! She just took the opportunity to strip him down, seeing as he didn't seem to be in any condition to do it himself. Revealing every inch of his bulky, powerful body. Who could ever decide they didn't want anymore of this? Even laying flat on his back and submissive he was more man than so many 'doms' she had met. And she was going to ride him like he deserved.

Tossing one leg over him, she mounted him like a horse, getting snug with his cock as she rubbed right up against it at once. Just a tease to start, grinding back and forth, making some nice slick sound as she lubed up his shaft with her excessive juices. He shook with the need to get inside her. Something in him was just awoken. Something he'd always wanted, but been too shy to ask for. He needed a woman who knew, who could read him, and just take him.

Finally she got his tip pushed up between her folds. Slowly, as much as it strained her to hesitate when something so sweet awaited her. She took in just the head, inching forward as she grunted and groaned, and he just whimpered. Then a little more, and more, feeling him stiff and pulsing, dripping inside her almost instantly. Down, firmer and firmer, until she was snug with his crotch, feeling those great big balls of his against her underside. She held snug there a while, slowly grinding on him, flexing, squeezing, nearly milking him of his seed right there just for how hard she was contracting on him. Such strength she had down there.

Then, it was finally time. Time for her to gruffly, powerfully fuck him. To pump that cock and plunge it into her again and again. Thudding down on his sturdy hips, shaking him, rattling him. Making him lose his voice entirely, eyes partly closed, just trying to deal with how good it felt to have his big strong mom riding him.

"Oh, how perfect you fit," she moaned. "I bet you already want more of this. More than once. Maybe every night. Maybe just... anytime I want it, hm?"

"Yesss... yesss... ma- I mean, Daddy."

She delightedly chuckled. "Ohh, I like that. It felt good to say that, didn't it?"

As she teased him, she thumped relentlessly into him, making him tense up, making his balls go tight and close to his body as his toes curled. His tongue hung from his lips as his mouth remained open wide, in a frozen, voiceless cry. Not quite cumming. But wanting it so very badly he'd have screamed if he was able.

"Maybe we should make this something, hm?" she continued. "Something more than just fun. Maybe I should make you call me Mistress now?"

"Nnnngh..." he grunted, trying so hard not to go over. Building up and building up, edging under her powerful thrusts.

She knew how to finish him off. "No... not Mistress. I think 'Master' is better, don't you? Master and Toy. To use whenever I need to get off. How's that?"

"Nnnngh! Yes! Yes Master... that's it... that's exactly what I want...!"

And with that, he couldn't hold back the floodgates anymore. He bucked upward sharply, losing it completely as he grunted bearish noise all through his climax. It was such a wonderful sight to go along with the rich, hot gush of his cum inside her that she went over too. Just screaming out in a harsh, gruff voice as she climaxed wetly all over him. From balls to crotch to belly, she was squirting her cream as he sprayed inside of her, right up into her womb, the rest seeping down over his fat dark cock while he shook over every inch.

At first he was confident, powerful. Thrusting up into her as he unloaded all his seed. But he slumped more and more, unable to even handle how good she was making him feel, how perfect the moment was. He gave more seed than she even thought possible, but she shouldn't have been surprised. It sloshed inside her, filling her taut where it didn't just spray out along with her own cum as she splattered him. It was a seeping, sopping, sweaty mess that oozed over the crevices in their powerful bodies, and outright steamed between them from the sheer heat. Hot, musky, brutal bear sex. How it was meant to be.

When he slowed to a trickle, still twitching, still vaguely thrusting, he fell down flat and just spread his arms wide.

"Unnnngh..." he drooled.

She smiled, and slowly pulled off him, to drip and gush anew as some of the pressure was relieved. What a mess, and what a scent to go with it. But she cuddled up to him, still layered in sweat, and licked his cheek a few times. That might have been enough. But she had appetites befitting of a mama bear.

So she pushed his head down once more, and wrapped him in a deathly grip of her thighs, forcing his face into her splattered sex.

"Now clean it all up, toy. Show me how much you like the idea of our little arrangement. Nobody has to know. But you know... I know plenty of other ladies like me. Big ones. Strong ones. Mothers. I might enjoy watching them do a number on you. What would you think of that?"

"Mmmf... mmhmmm..." came his moany response, as he immersed himself in her, getting her clean with tired but nonetheless obedient drags of his tongue.

He thought it was all over, as he panted between her legs, eating her out and drinking down his very own cum. But a good few slurps and she jerked abruptly forth, bellowing a sound nearly deafening, and humping him relentlessly with a sudden spurt of pounding thrusts into his muzzle. He could only hang on for dear life and hope for the best as she gushed in his face.

If he thought she was squirting before, this was a waterfall. Just an unending splatter of her thick, musky, feminine juices, all of them shot square into his mouth and over his face. Marking him and imbuing his tongue with her taste. Ensuring he never, ever forgot it. He was soaked, immersed, smothered, nearly drowning as she rocked it all out, got all that pent up desire out, all over her son's sweet face.

When she was done, panting in great big huffing breaths that puffed her chest and belly out, he simply fell back. She released him at last, and he flopped to the bed, looking for a moment unconscious. Maybe he was. He dripped and glistened with his mama's marking - his Daddy's cum. He was used and exhausted, having done something so very sinful, so very indulgent. But all he could think about was how much he'd always wanted it, without ever even knowing it.

As for her, she just smiled to him, patting him on the soaked head as she left him to recover, off to the showers herself. It was definitely going to happen again. She found in him such a perfect recipient of her most dominant desires. And it made her feel even better to know she was doing it all to him, that perfect little angel, that obedient boy so eager to make her happy.

She was going to teach him everything he could possibly want to know about pleasure. He'd see. Oh, would he ever see.


With the championship won, the coaches turned a blind eye to the cheerleaders piling into the locker room right behind the players. Nothing wrong with a little celebration after becoming the top college team in the league. They wouldn't need the energy...

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"Oh, just look at you two!" Mahiri and Mira stood side by side at the door to Eve's modest homes, wearing their best clothes. They were brushed and groomed and fresh for a night of entertainment with their hefty host, their purrs of greeting in sync,...

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It seemed like just another errand, but Kirabo had a distinct sense tingling down his spine that something was up. Something that awoke his deepest zebra instincts the moment he opened the door to the lion's den. Not that it was unusual to step hoof...

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