A Wrong Turn

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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While on his way to get a massage, Serling takes a wrong turn that leads him to a variety of alternate and increasingly erotic realities. :3

This story was written for Serling as his flash fiction for March. It contains sexual acts involving an adult male and several different partners.

A Wrong Turn

Serling hummed to himself happily as he pulled into the massage parlour's parking lot, ready for another delightfully relaxing, it a little bizarre, session with one of the parlour's many talented massage therapists. He frowned slightly however as he stepped out of the car, the coyote finding himself staring up not at a massage parlour but instead at a large gym complex. He could have sworn he'd been coming to get a massage, but... no. He was here at the gym, with a change of clothes in his bag and a towel too, so surely this was where he had always been headed.

He walked inside, blushing at the huge, buff wolf that walked past him, almost twice his height and far more broad in stature. The vast muscled male stopped in his tracks however, turned, and stared back at the rather lean, averagely sized coyote.

"Are... uh... are you meant to be here?"

He asked with a chuckle, not trying to be offensive, genuinely wishing to help. Serling could only shrug though.

"I think so. I mean... I drove here."

The wolf chuckled again and shrugged.

"Alright then. Well, c'mon."

He led Serling through to a locker room, and there, right in front of the coyote, began to disrobe. To pull off his already tight, stretched white tank top, his shorts, and the jock-strap he was wearing underneath. No sooner was he naked, the male's cock began to stiffen, and before long Serling was staring at a huge, easily foot long erection as it twitched almost directly in front of his face.

"I... u-uh... I'm not sure that... t-that this is where I'm meant to be."

Murmuring bashfully, Serling found himself disrobing regardless of what even he believed to be the case regarding his presence here. He whimpered as he revealed his own naked body to the wolf, finding his own erection swelling to what looked humiliatingly small compared to that which the buff male possessed. The wolf didn't make fun though, indeed he barely seemed to pay any heed to Serling's body at all. He simply guided the coyote's muzzle to the tip of his cock, and began to hump at Serling's face until he shot a load big enough to coat the coyote's whole body in cum first into the smaller male's muzzle, then all over him as inevitably he was unable to swallow it all.

Needless to say, Serling took a shower after that. He cleaned off, asking himself what the heck had just happened, and stepped out into...

"Okay, w-what?!"

He stepped through a doorway and out into a wide open field. There were a dozen other men scattered around the field, all of them seemingly busy raking the lush loamy earth as though readying it for planting. All of them, in addition to being more similarly sized to him, were every bit as naked as the coyote too.

Serling began to approach one of them, preparing to ask them where he was and how he'd come to be there, no sign of any doorway no matter how certain he'd been of one's presence barely a minute before. He never managed to utter a single word however before he caught sight of a figure wandering up towards the field. Instantly every other man dropped down to one knee, and when they saw that he wasn't doing the same the nearest figure dragged him down with them.

"W-what's going on? What are you-..."

He tried to quiz the other male, a brown furred rabbit, but got cut off before he could even come close to finishing his question.

"Quiet! Just let her pass. If you're lucky, she might pick you. But... no offense, I hope she picks me instead."

But of course, as only seemed fitting for the day Serling had been having thus far, she chose him. This beautiful, slender otter lady, as naked as each of the men in this field, she chose Serling, and led him away beyond the field's boundaries into a meadow of wildflowers and grass.

There she laid him down flat upon his back, and she began to make love to him. To ride him, and to speak all the while of how he would make a fine servant for her daily desires.

For hours they fucked. Hours and hours, until day turned to night and finally Serling passed out, his cock, his tongue, his fingers, every possible part of him that could be served to bring his mistress another orgasm utterly spent.

And when he woke up, of course, he was somewhere new. Not lying down, but floating.

Floating in what appeared to be some sort of pod, which opened as soon as he pressed the flat palm of one hand against it.

Gently the coyote guided himself out and into a large, pale walled room that was an almost perfect sphere. It was lined with hundreds, perhaps thousands of other capsules just like the one from which he had emerged, and as the coyote watched another pod hissed open with a brief puff of what seemed to be condensation from inside.

A figure floated free, and almost immediately a strong, overwhelming scent struck Serling to his core.

The female coyote stared at him, and began to drift towards him across the distance, already moaning hungrily.

"T-they told me there was only one other coyote on the flight. I... I'm glad it's you."

She reached between her legs, hand trembling as she extended it out again towards Serling, its fingers glistening wet.

"I've been in heat for a day already. L-lying there in my pod, watching every video, using every program the ship has to offer. But... it wasn't enough. I need a real man. A real cock. I... I know we're meant to wait till we reach the colony, but... h-haven't you always wanted to conceive a space-pup?"

Serling swallowed heavily.

"I... I c-can't say I've ever really thought about it."

The woman giggled, and shrugged as she lay back in the zero gravity atmosphere, spreading her legs wide open and peering down over her heaving breasts.

"W-well... now would be a great time to start."


By the time Serling stumbled out of the massage parlour, it was late at night. He looked around, confused, embarrassed, excited, a dozen different emotions based on a dozen different experiences he'd had since getting out of his car and walking into what then he was sure had been... god, was it a gym? Or a spaceship? Or... when had the giant dinosaur happened?

He shook his head and shrugged, wandering back to the car, back to his normal life.

He slipped inside, settling down upon the driver's seat, and gasped as a set of straps automatically locked him in place.

The car's engine began to rev, and upon the dashboard, where the steering wheel should have been, a hologram of a beautiful vixen's face emerged.

"Good evening, Serling. Would you like the usual drive home program tonight?"

The coyote blinked, but after a few seconds nervously nodded his head.

"U-uh... sure. Thanks."

The hologram smiled, and looked the male's figure up and down as the car began to drive all on its own. It was only then that Serling realised he was still naked, and mere seconds later it was too late to react, the coyote gasping loudly as the hologram's somehow physically solid muzzle began to tease and nuzzle at his crotch, beginning to give him a blow-job as he was guided around the familiar streets of his city, towards his home.

Outside his car window he could see others in cars and vans of their own, all self-driving, many of the occupants busy playing video games, watching TV or indeed engaged in some very pleasurable looking activity like himself.

He groaned, but shrugged to himself as he felt his cock throbbing, his orgasm growing closer as he began to drive through a familiar looking neighbourhood, back towards his home.

"A-ah... close enough, I guess..."

By Jeeves

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