The Escape chapter one the beginning

Story by s p on SoFurry

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The escape chapter one the beginning

This story is set about sixty to seventy years before A show of character, where the hybrid race

hasn't been around all that long.


Many people that do the job I do are branded, he must be crazy, he must get a sick thrill out of it,

how can someone do that? I could say I was supplying a service, or I felt it was my need to help

those who couldn't help themselves. but the truth is I did for the money.

I never had a family, and I didn't have anyone who would miss me if I died.

So I lived hard and fast treating each day like it was my last, I had a different girl every night.

I truly believe if I had the love of a good woman none of this would have happened.

I was a man of the world I lived the high life, I could do what want whenever I wanted it.

just about everyone feared me.

I was a hired gun, a highly skilled hit man, its strange when a man kills for his county or in

a life threatening situation he's a hero. But do it for money and you're a bastard.

The truth of it, I was a ex soldier the army taught my how to kill, how to look my enemy

straight in the eye before pulling the trigger.

These skills helped me later in life become what I am today.

Killing people for money may not be the best way to work out my issues, but I was able to

vent my anger in a way that no innocents got hurt.

I was one of the top fifty assassin's, and one of the best around. Most assassin's had their

weapon of choice, and that could be linked back to them, I tried to use a different weapon

every time, because of this I had one of the highest success rates ever.

This meant I could charge whatever I wanted for a job and people would pay it.

I had the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy, life was good but it came with terrible costs.

One of which was I had my face changed no less then fourteen times over the years, usually

after a major job or when the heat was on.

The second problem with this lifestyle was the constant killing made you feel dead inside.

And lastly it meant family and friends were luxuries I couldn't have.

So I made up for the things I couldn't have by using my money to indulge myself, its true money

can't buy you happiness but it can help take away the pain for a short period.

I had been doing mainly small hits for a while just to stop myself from getting rusty.

But then she came into my life offering me a high paying job, I should had turned it down but greed

got the better of me.

I was to take care of someone, a certain drug dealer who was poisoning a small community.

But there was a condition, there could be no link to the person that hired me.

I spent the next few days planning the hit but how to do it? Because the hit had to be clean it

limited my options.

Blow his house up with him in it and have everyone thinking it was a gas leak

return the favour for all the lives he ruined?

No too messy. do a drive by shooting and let a revel gang take the blame?

No the chance of me getting shot is too high.

Oh wait now I know exactly what I'm going to do, this going to be fun.

I have a special poison that mimics a heart attack and it would be perfect for this.

I had a nice long drive to the town the five hour drive took it out of me, so the first thing I did

when I arrived at the town I was book into a hotel this would be my base of operations, plus

it helped make me look like someone who was just visiting.

after unpacking I laid my head down on the pillow, and allowed my eyes to close.

I woke up with a start nearly hitting the ceiling my whole body damp with a cold sweat.

Why dose she have to haunt my dreams?

It didn't happen often, usually before a job. My long lost love, the first woman I ever loved.

I could see our last day together clearly as if it was yesterday.

I need to relax, I decided to get a drink as that usually calmed my nerves.

I made my way to the hotel bar on the way down I bumped into a border collie slave he couldn't

apologize enough. I could tell he was a cleaner from the mop and bucket he was carrying, I really

felt sorry for him.

I had a ordinary collie named rascal as a child, so I always had a soft spot for collies and hybrids in

general, it was the human race I hated.

"Look don't worry about it, see no harm done" the truth is even if I didn't have a soft spot for his

kind I really couldn't draw attention to myself.

"I am so sorry sir" is his reply

"look its ok, really"

With that said he turns around and carries on about his business, I can hear the zip on his overalls

clanging against the tracking collar he is forced to wear, another sign he is owned.

Now I really need that drink, I'll kill this fucker and then I can leave this shit hole.

Later that same night I plan my move, than I put it into play.

I find myself a dark corner across from his favourite club, now I lay in wait for my target to appear.

I little while later I see a car pull up, now where are you hiding You little bastard?.

Then I see my target walk into the club I follow him in, the door staff check me just to make sure I am

not carrying a weapon "he's clean" I walk in though the large double doors, when inside I find my

target and wait until the time is right. He's clear now's my chance I pull out a blow pipe disused as a pen

the poison inside and with one puff I nailed him.

I made my way out and back to my hotel the job done.

A few hours later my phone starts ringing

The only person who has this number is bishop my early warring/manager and the closest thing I

have to a friend, we used codenames because it was too dangerous to use our real ones.

I met him during one of my first jobs.

I was a very different person back then, and I went by the codename python.

With his help I was doing less work and making more money.

He always said our lives are like chess pieces on a board, and like any skilled chess player

trying to stay one move ahead of the other guy and win no matter what.

That's how I got my new codename, Knight the same name I used it to scare the shit out of

anyone that got in my way.

Bishop is the one who sets me up with most of my jobs and the only person I trust with my life.

"Knight this is bishop your cover has been blown"

"how's that possible bishop I took out the pawn clean, that was a checkmate?"

"You are off the board Knight, I repeat You are off the board."

"I copy"

That means I am really up shit creek.

I've got to get to the nearest safe house as soon as possible.

I jump in my car and I drive for all I am worth not stopping until I react the safe house.

Bishop is already waiting for me

"Have you any idea what you have done?"

"No tell me"

"You have killed a crime boss's son. You couldn't be any more fucked"

"Oh shit"

There's very few people that truly scare me.

Normally I just slot the bastard and get on with my life, but not this time.

"Well bishop what are my options?"

"Very few I'm afraid"

"Thanks a lot"

"We'll find a way, you know I always look after my people."

Time passers and one bad idea after another by this point I am thinking about taking my chances

and running for it, then two hours later I see bishop jump out of his chair with a smile on his face.

"Wait a minute I got it, do you remember reading a story about Josh Wilson in the news paper?"

"Wasn't he that pervert that had his dick transplanted with one off a hybrid so he would have knot

like a dog?"

"Yes that's right"

"I don't see how having my penis swapped is going to solve all my problems?"

"No you can have the full operation it should only take a month or two"


"Calm down it will only be skin deep, and it's the last place anyone will look for you"

"Why can't I just have my face and finger prints changed?"

"No, because they will be expecting that.

They already have the airports locked down there's no way you will be able to slip though"

I have really pissed off both the police and the crime lord, plus all the other crime lords will be

looking for me and their men will be after me too.

Not to mention every bounty hunter on both sides of the law.

There's no place I can hide I can't even change my face because they will be performing retinal

scans, maybe this is the only way I can escape.

So the only way out of this is if Knight dies and a hybrid is born.

"Ok bishop find a doctor and set up the operation "

A day passers and I wait nervously knowing that this life is about to end, and a new one is about to start.

I then get the call to meet the doctor at an abandoned warehouse.

After a short Journey I arrive at the warehouse I see medical equipment already set up.

"I'm here"

"You're lucky I normally don't this but you're a special case.

Anyway I get the feeling we can't risk doing this at the clinic"

I already knew this doctor, he had done work on me before but never anything this extreme.

This was going to mean pain, lots of it and I mean lot of it, but it would be less painful

than if my enemies found me.

"I know I have heat coming from all sides"

"That I know, I've been told that you want your change you species"


"Given any though to what?"

"I was thinking a canine hybrid"

"That makes sense, similar height and build should be fairly straightforward.

Have you any idea what breed you want to be?"

"I would like to be a collie, Preferable a rough collie."

"I think I can do that. Right the procedure is in four parts.

the first involves reshaping your body and removing as much of your skin as possible as well as your

ears nose and lower jaw.

The second part involves adding you new lower jaw which will be made using a hybrid corpse as a

donor, next I will be extending your upper jaw the same way to match and shaping it into a muzzle.

After that I will be adding your tail and ears.

The third part involves more tweaking making you penis look like a canines as well as perform like

one, I also will be removing your legs and fingers and replacing them with the hybrid parts.

also removing your remaining teeth and replacing them as well.

The last part is trimming your body with the donors fur followed by some final cleaning

up, then you are finished."

After hearing that I feel sick, but its better than if that crime boss finds me. From what I've

heard he's a partially bad one, apparently his favourite method of torture is removing certain

parts of your anatomy very slowly.

That reminds me.

"Will I be able to keep my human testacies?"

"Well yes, I'll only be changing your penis. But why do you ask?"

"Its just the one thing I don't want to lose."

"I can understand that. No I'll just be changing how your scrotum looks the insides will

be the same as before."

That's a relieve, I just didn't want change back and be missing my nuts.

"Ok one last question, how much is this going to cost, and how long will all this take?"

"About 200.000 credits. And once I have the raw materials about a month.

It may seem like a lot of money but no one will ever recognise you. "

That's roughly what I earn in six months, it is a lot of money but It beats being dead.

And I can always have it reversed at a later date.

"Ok do it"

"Good meet me back here tomorrow and we can start."

I leave knowing this was my last night as a human, or at least the last night I'll look like one.

This was a risky move but bishop has never steered me wrong. And I know this doctor is on

bishops payroll so he won't try and turn me in, even if he weren't it would still be a stupid

move because I am not the only assassin bishop managers.

Plus if he gives me up no criminal will ever trust him again.

I go back to the safe house and wait I try my best to get a good nights sleep.

I wake up the next day feeling like shit knowing what's ahead of me.

I leave the safety of the safe house hopefully I won't need it after today.

I soon arrive at the makeshift hospital which will be my home for the next month or so.

"Silly question but where do you get the donor organs and other body parts from?"

"I have deals with several vets in the area, whenever a animal comes in to be euthanized

I buy the body afterwards.

A lot of the organs can used in humans with little or no modifications.

Its handy really when most of my customers want to avoid police and hospitals."

"But do you have what I want?"

"You're lucky as I have two rough collie hybrids in cold storage. The first one is a fourteen year

old bitch and was hit by a car and soon after was euthanized out of kindness, damage mainly to the

back and jaw.

By adding parts from your body and hers I can make a whole one, but you would be female "


Even if I wanted to change my gender which I don't, I wouldn't do it as a hybrid.

In a lot of the cases the females were used as either sex toys by horny old men or

breeding stock.

Plus I wanted to keep my manhood, as a male hybrid the doctor said I could keep my human

testacies making changing back to being human a lot easier.

"The second one is male about thirteen and was euthanized after biting someone.

Damage mainly to the to sides and neck. I must warn you it would take more work, and it

will cost more to repair and use this one."

"Fine I'll that that one."

The doctor wastes no time starting as I am soon prepped and ready to go.

"I am going to be keeping you unconscious for the first and second parts of the operation."

I nod letting him know I understand, the oxygen tube in my mouth stopping me from talking.

I feel a light pinch on my arm then everything starts to go dark.

When I awake my head is killing me, my mouth feeling like a desert and there's a dull pain

throughout my body.

I lift myself from the bed and bump around, I am having a little trouble focusing my eyes but I find a

glass with some water in it and attempt to drink it spilling most of it down me.

I quickly look for a mirror, after finding one I look at myself seeing my human mouth is gone, replaced

with a muzzle.

I look closer not only my mouth is missing, no my ears are gone my skin as well, all I am left with is

the red raw meat underneath.

I look a real mess.

And to make matters worse the hospital gown I am wearing has no back to it

"Oh you're awake"

"Yes, feeling like shit and looking like uncooked meat."

"You have only been under twenty days I'm barely halfway though."

"Then why did you wake me up?"

"To give your body a break and you a chance to adjust."

"Right so what am I to do now?"

"Just walk around and get used to it.

I'll put you back under tonight and finish the operation.

Just think the next time you wake up you'll be a rough collie hybrid."

I walk around a bit just to get feel of using my new legs, then it hits me.

I have a tail, can I make it move? and with a little though I managed it.

I can just see out of the corner of my eye bishop entering the room.

"Glad to see you are enjoying yourself Knight"

"Yeah well I haven't managed to lick my balls yet"

"At least you still have your sense of humour.

Anyway I have got someone making your papers as we speak "


"Yes your pedigree forms and other paper work.

don't worry about it, think of it as a birth certificate."

"Oh ok."

"But there is something I am going need for you"


"We are going to need a name.

We can't use your codename, Knight will raise too much suspension."

"Use Paul. Its a name I used in the past. Is there anything else?"

"Only this Knight...I mean Paul."

He pulls out a small packet wrapped in foil I can tell from the shape what it is

"You brought me a cheese burger thanks."

"I know how much you hate hospital food."

The truth is this isn't the first time I have been in a hospital after a mission. Most of the time it

was to have my face or finger prints changed, besides minor surgery there was one other

time I needed this much work.

I remember it well, I got shot up quite badly by a bodyguard that shouldn't have been there.

It took everything I had to limp to the nearest safe house, I lost so much blood.

But I got back on my feet, lets just say that bodyguard suffered a lot more in the end.

"You know me so well bishop."

"Well we have been business partners for over nine years."

"Its funny you calling me by a real name not a code name, but I don't know what to call you?"

"While we are been open like this you might as well call me Steven"

Maybe this happening was a good thing, I should have got out of the game years ago.

Once I have done hiding, I think I will retire to somewhere topical where the women wear

next to nothing and the drinks are long and cool.

The doctor walks back into the room.

"Are you ready to continue?"

I answer him "Yeah lets get this over with"

I watch as Steven leaves the room knowing my life is about to change.

At this point I'm not sure if its for the better or the worse only time will tell.

Now with only me and the doctor in the room I know the end is coming.

"You do know erm.. Paul is it?"


"Well Paul the next time you wake I'll have finished all my work and you will be a collie."

"Yes I am ready for it"

"Good, I am going to put you under"

I feel the same light pinch on my arm then everything starts to go dark again.

I wake up in dark room my body still racked with pain,

I've no way of knowing how much time has passed since when I last opened my eyes.

I look around the room until I find the light switch.

The next thing I need is a mirror which I quickly find, I take one long look at myself, the refection

is not the one I remember.

I see the face of a collie looking back at me I check over the rest of my body the first thing I notice

is that I am over a foot shorter, and covered with red and golden fur my arms and legs are more canine

looking not to mention my penis.

This is going to take some getting used to.

One thing is for sure nobody will ever recognize me looking like this.

Then I realize I am no longer wearing the hospital gown, only my new fur coving my body, the canine sheath fully on show I can't help but feel a little exposed.

But I suppose it just makes me look more canine, the only time hybrids wear clothing

is when made to by a human and that's rare in its self.

I sit down on the bed lost in though as the doctor enters the room.

"If I didn't know better I would swear you were a real collie."

"I just hope it fools everybody else."

"I am certain it will, If you are happy I'll take my payment now."

"Ok sure you said about 200.000 credits"

"I am afraid its more like 250.000 credits"

"Bullshit, that's way too high"

"Look I am sorry but there was a lot more work to do than I planned, the best I can do is 230.000 credits."

"Fine I'll take it."

I pass him my disc and authorize the payment.

"Pleasure doing business with you.

Your ride will be here in an hour I wish you the best of luck.

Oh and this will help with the boredom."

He throws something small and yellow at me

"A tennis ball how thoughtful."

"Well I can't have the little doggy getting bored now can I?"

"Smart bastard. If I were you I'd leave before I test my new teeth out."

I watch as he leaves a whole hour to kill.

Well I know the first I am going to do is take a piss because I haven't emptied my bladder since

before the last part of the operation.

I look down then I notice my first problem how the hell do I piss with this canine sheath.

The only way I can think of doing it is to lift my leg, oh well better get this over with.

I find a empty spot at the other end of the warehouse I drop to all fours and lift my rear leg feeling

the stream leave body this is going take some getting used to.

I wait around some more not been really able to do much of anything until Steven arrives.

I wait some still my whole body felt strange, my muzzle felt like it was a mile in front of

my face, then there was the fur.

It felt soft and warm but at the same time I felt exposed. The only way I could describe the

feeling, it was like wearing a thick padded top but not nothing below the waist.

Kind of a half naked feeling.

Boredom was setting in, I even take to throwing the tennis ball at the wall.

After what must have been the longest hour in my life I finally hear the door open .

"Well look at you, The perfect looking collie"

"Yeah I know I have the whole lassie thing going on, just don't expect me to be pulling any children

out of wells or saving anyone from burning barns."

"I wouldn't think of it. Are you ready to leave?"

"I have been cooped up here for what feels like forever Steven."

"I'll take that as a yes.

I've got a car waiting outside"

As I am getting up to leave I notice Steven staring at me.

"Ok Steven, what is it?"

"Well if you don't mind me asking, what's it like?"

"Its different, for one I have found it really hard to play with myself like this."

"That's sick. I can see you're still the same old Knight inside."

"What can I say, guilty as charged."

"If you have done joking I would like to leave before somebody steals the wheels of my car."

We walk down the long corridor and through a set of double doors the night breeze feels so nice

through my fur, it feels a little strange to be walking around naked, but I'll get used to it.

As we walk over to his car I stop and look at him.

"Move over I'll drive."

"That's your first mistake Paul"

"What do you mean?"

"It is against the law for hybrids to drive."

"Shit you're right."

We climb in and leave the car park.

"I have your pedigree, ownership forms and your vacation certificate.

Everything you need to pass for a hybrid. "

"Let me see"

I start reading the mass of paperwork.

The forger has done a very fine job.

"You went to town on this didn't you?

But it says here I am only nine years old"

"And that's your second mistake hybrids can't read.

Anyway nine years for a hybrid is over sixteen for a human I didn't want to make you too old."

"Fine I got it now.

Where are we going anyway?"

"To a hotel. the police were getting too close so I had to burn down the safe house.

Don't worry they will find a body with multiple ID's, after they run a sample of the blood it will

be a match to nearly every unsolved murder they have.

Smile, Knight is dead and you are free man.... err dog."

"That's so Funny"

"Anyway its Just a quick stop over Paul.

I am still having trouble calling you by a real name."

"Get used to it."

No sooner than I had finished saying that, we arrived at the hotel I was looking forward to this,

real food, comfy beds and room service, what more could I want.

I want inside and walked up to the main desk that's when I saw the disgusted look the clerk gave me.

That's when it hit me I'm not human any more sure I am still as human as ever under the skin, but

its what shows on the outside and these people don't see a human anymore they see a collie.

A very cheeky collie that's had the front to approach and act like an equal.

"Security remove this mutt"

"He belongs to me."

I see Steven walking up behind me.

"Oh Mister Richson I didn't see you there.

I am sorry I didn't know this animal belongs to you."

"That quite alright, I need a room for a couple of nights"

"Would you like your usual suite?"

"Yes that would be fine."

A short time later we are out side the room, I am still angry at the way that desk clerk treated me

and I need to blow off some steam.

The second the door is closed I let loose.

"Fucking bastard I should rip his balls off, only last month I would have killed that piece of shit for that."

"Calm down at least we know your disguise works."

"Yeah at least there's that"

"Just stay in the room I'll be back later."

I watch him leave, The second he is gone I walk over to the mini bar and with great difficultly I manage

to drink the first bottle of alcohol.

I really miss my human mouth, I spend the next forty minutes draining the mini bar.

I staggered over and laid on the bed with the closest thing I can manage to smile on my muzzle.

After a while I start craving the other things a man needs fast food and women,

I might be out of luck with one but I know where I can find the other.

I leave the safety of the room and make my way to the hotel bar hoping to get lucky,

I spy the most sexy blond sat at a table all by herself I put on the charm and make my way over to her.

"Hello beautiful, how come you are all alone?"

She just looks at me shocked. I know I'll be even more charming.

"let me ask you something have you ever done it doggy style?"

Then without warring she lets out the loudest scream I have ever heard.

Then I hear a male voice.

"Someone call animal control."

That's my cue to leave. I run back to the room where I am met with an angry Steven

"I told you not to leave this room. What if you have been seen."

"I wouldn't worry about that, in about ten minutes you will get a call from the manager."

True enough the phone rings and Steven gets one hell of an ear bashing off the manager, as soon

as he gets of the phone he looks at me.


I do as I am told not wanting to make things worse.

I wake up the next day my head hurting but not being my first hangover I shake it off.

"I don't believe you, I have gone through hell trying to keep you safe and this is how you

thank me, by getting plastered and trying to get your leg over."

"Look I am sorry Steven, I don't know what got into me. but please don't shout my head is killing me. "

"Oh I know exactly what got into you, the full fucking mini bar.

I just don't know what to do with you Paul, if you are not killing you're drinking or fucking."

"Can just excuse me one minute nature calls"

I walk out on to the small balcony I take to all fours again and let rip, after finishing up I walk back in.

"Alright now you had better listen."

"You sound upset."

"Damn right I am upset. you may be one of the best hit men out there.

And you have made me a shit load of money over the years not mentioning you have saved

my life once. but I am not sure you're worth the effort."

"I am sorry I really am, just give some more time."

"Here read this."

He throws a book at my feet, dog training and obedience I pick up the book.

"And after you have read that cover to cover I have a DVD of more dog training, and watch carefully

how they behave it will allow you to blend in better."

I start reading the book.

Chapter one puppy training .

Whether you have an ordinary dog or a canine hybrid many of the principles are the same.

You have to establish yourself as the alpha male or the dog will never respect you.

Right so that means I have to do as I am told

It is also easier to train a puppy that an adult dog in both cases.

But you should always start simple and work you way up.

I read through most of the first chapters its mostly straight forward stuff.

Then I get to the part I need.

Chapter five toilet training

Ah here's what I wanted to know.

In the cases of hybrids many owners prefer to teach their dogs to use the toilet as this saves

cleaning up messes and makes for a happier home life.

It is easiest to train a bitch to do this as the method is similar to that of a human female.

But with work a male can learn do this as well, Due to the shape of the canine

sheath it makes using a toilet hard but not impossible.

The first time you will have to help him by gently taking hold of the sheath, pulling the skin forward

and aiming it down at the toilet for him.

after a few try's the dog should be able to do this on his own.

At this point its much like potty training a toddler.

So that's how they do it. I continue to read learning many new facts until I finished the whole book.

Now to watch that DVD.

Three hours pass and I hear my stomach growl having not eaten since yesterday.

I decide to get a bite to eat but not been able to order anything or go to a restaurant I have to make do

with what's in the room, after a quick search I find a couple of packets of nuts which I devour.

I walk back over to the bed, I am still feeling a little off from all the drinking I did yesterday so

I lay back and let sleep take me.

I wake up feeling a better but also needing another piss, every time I have whisky it goes straight

through me.

I look at the window and see its raining.

There's no way I am going out in that I think I'll try using the toilet.

I walk into the bathroom and position myself over the toilet, I take the tip of my sheath in my paw

like hands and aim at the toilet, after relaxing I hit my mark.

"Wow that dose work."

As I am finishing up I hear the front door to the room open.

I peak my head around the door.

My heart relaxes when I see its only Steven.

"Hello Steven, please forgive me if I don't run up to you waging my tail"

"Did you do you homework?"

"Yes of course I have."

"Alright I have got your new home set up."

"That's nice, soon I'll be living the life of a pampered pet.

Hiding in plan sight, I can't think of I better way to lay low."

"Yes about that, you see the best I could do was get a friend of mine to take you on his farm."

"What's wrong with that?"

I have no idea why this would be a problem.

fresh air country life wide open spaces.

"It's a working sheep farm and you will have to work."

"No fucking way."

"Paul please just give it six months a year tops and hopefully by then you should be off

everyone's radar.

Then we can have your appearance changed back to human, and you can get back to

doing what you do best. "

"I can tell you now I don't like this."

"What's the worst that can happen?

Anyway its easy work, you herd some sheep, maybe do some other easy jobs and you spend

the rest of your time laying around in the sun."

"Ok I can see I am out of options. When do we leave?"

"About an hour"

I can't help but think about my new life, or the lack of it.

But once everyone has stopped looking for me and every single trace of me is gone

I can come back, I think I will head for Jamaica or Australia first of all, somewhere

I can lay on a beach sipping a fruity drink enjoying the sun with a women at my side, and only taking

on the odd job when I feel like it.

I lay back relaxing when I feel something around my neck.

"What the fuck?"

"Calm down Paul you have to wear a collar it's the law."

"You could have given my some warning."

"What and have you fight me?"

"True I would have never let you do it."

I get up and walk over to the mirror taking a good long look at myself and the black nylon collar

wrapped around my neck. This is who I was now, at least it was only temporary.

"Come on its time to leave."

"Ok Steven lets get this over with."

We walk out of the hotel and get into Stevens car.

The drive is a short one feeling only like minutes.

We pull up a dirt road I can feel a knot in my stomach.

Then I see him a gray haired man with a beard I suppose he is going to be my new owner.

We get out of the car.

"Nice to see you again Tim."

"Same to you Steven."

"The farms looking well, the price of wool must be good."

"I wouldn't know I retired last year, my daughter runs it now."

I listen to the two of them carefully doing my best to blend into the background until I feel a hand rub

me between my ears.

"So this is the dog you brought a rough collie.

Mind if I give him the once over?"

"No go right ahead Tim."

That worries me a little bit.

I feel Tim's hands over my head he pulls back one of my half fold ears and looks inside followed

by the other one, he looks into both my eyes then he pulls my muzzle open and looks in my mouth.

I really don't like being checked over like this.

Just when I think the worst of it is over I feel his hand on my nuts giving them a slight pull.

I want to take his head off for that, but looking at Steven out the corner of my eye giving me a

relax signal with his hand, its all I need to stem my temper, at least for the time being.

"He seems in good condition, how much do you want for him?"

"Nothing lets call him a gift."

"Aw Steven I can excerpt that."

"Go on he needs a home."

"Ok, dose he have a name?"

"Yes, he's called Paul."

He looks straight at me. I know what's coming he's going to ask me a question or

he's going to ask me to do something.

"Paul how old are you?"

I was right. Now I have to answer him and I must address him as sir or master.

I learned that some people hate it when a hybrid calls them by their first name.

"Sir I am nine years old."

As soon as I said it I look away partly to submit to him and let him know I won't

challenge him, at least for now.

But mostly because I am a little embarrassed for the hands on examination

he gave me only minutes earlier.

"Well I have to be leaving Tim, sorry for the flying visit."

"Are you sure you can't stay?"

"No I have a lot of other things to do."

I watch as Steven drives away leaving me behind.

I just keep thinking to myself its only temporary.

I feel something pull on my collar and I am snapped back to reality.

"You hungry boy?"

"Yes sir."

"Wait here."

I do as he says. He disappears into the house then emerging a short while later with a bowl

and a young woman in tow.

"So Grace what do you think?"

"He's cute Dad, but can he earn his keep?"

"With a little training I am sure you'll knock him into shape Grace, and he should also help

take a little strain of old Tracy.

Anyway have you seen his paperwork? he's a purebred rough collie hybrid

you can stud him out and make I nice profit on the side."

"I am not sure about that Dad, I don't know the first thing about breeding dogs."

"Oh its easy Grace you just get a male, and a female that's in season together and let nature do

the rest, failing that you can use a breeding kennel and let the staff do all the work."

"Maybe its worth thinking about."

No one is going to do anything like that to me, but before I can object He hands me the bowl

and I can see its made up of table scraps with some dog food mixed in.

I really don't want to eat that but hunger got the better of me.

After I have finished eating he leads me to a barn he points out two black and white piles of fur

laying on a bed of hay its not till I get closer I can tell they are border collie hybrids

both females.

they get up and slowly walk over to me.

He then points out the larger of the two.

"This is Tracy, and the other one is her daughter Emily."

"Tracy, Emily, this is Paul he's here to help take some of the workload of you two."

They walk towards me cautiously, first Tracy the older of the two stops in front of me.

I can tell her gender by the two fair sized human like breast she has, and the fact the only thing

she is wearing is a purple dog collar with a brass name tag, it really doesn't do

anything to cover her nudity.

She leans her head forward and gives my muzzle a sniff and a little lick.

I remember reading about this in that book, this is how they say hello, well more

of a welcome then hello.

I repeat the move to the older bitch carefully and making sure her tail is wagging, otherwise

I could get a nasty bite for my trouble.

Then her daughter Emily comes forward she is just as nude as her mother wearing only a

pink dog collar with a silver name tag.

She dose the same as Tracy only she acts a lot more cocky.

"I'll leave you three to get to know each other."

I hear the door close behind him. I am now along with these two dogs

"Its been a while since we had another dog on the farm."

I hear the older bitch Tracy say. I answer her.

"I am happy to be here."

What an outrageous lie I have just told. But I couldn't tell her the truth.

I can't help but notice the two very human like, and quite large breasts she has.

Lost in thought for a second but then I hear the younger bitch Emily start to say something.

"Just remember your place in this pack."

I had read about pack hierarchy. Because I was basically a new arrival my place was at the

bottom of the pack, in other words the lowest dog.

I would have to earn my way up.

What was I thinking? I wouldn't be here long, what was the point, it would like learning a new

language and only been able to use it for a week.

The older bitch Tracy approaches me.

"You must forgive Emily she has not had much experience with other dogs."

"Its ok , I am new here its to be expected.

Anyway I am feeling really tied so I am going to get some sleep. "

I settle down at the opposite end of the barn partly because of the looks Emily is giving me, but

mostly because I want to be on my own. I try my best to sleep on the hard floor, even a layer of

hay and saw dust couldn't fully soften it. I rolled around trying my best to get comfortable, after

an hour or two I finally got to sleep.

I am awoken from what little sleep I've had by a noise, some kind of bird screeching its head off.

I roll over trying to block the noise, I then hear the two border collies wasted no time moving around

at this ungodly hour.

I can just see Emily leave the barn as Tracy walks up to me

"Come on Paul or you will miss breakfast."

"Ten more minutes."

I then feel her long tongue licking over my face, she is determined to not let me sleep.

"Ok I am up, you can stop with the licking."

"I knew that would get you moving."

This sneaky collie had herded me into doing exactly what she wanted.

I watch as she turns around to leave with her tail raised slightly giving me a view of her very

canine looking vulva.

God I really didn't want to see that, give me a human woman any day.

I swear these dogs have no shame.

I shake the image from my mind and quickly follow her outside where I am met by the same

young woman I now know as Grace, she is holding two bowls of dog food.

Of course I can't call her by first name that would imply we were equals not mistress and pet, so

its miss or mistress only.

I look over and see Emily holding a bowl in her paws with most of her muzzle buried in.

"Here you two eat up you have a busy day ahead."

She hands one of the bowls to Tracy and the other one to me.

I see Tracy carefully taking small bites, I must say she has better table manners than her daughter.

"Its ok, go on tuck in."

I hear Grace trying to encourage me to eat.

The truth is my stomach is still a little upset from the last lot,

I just can't face that slop again so soon. Also I could never eat first thing in the morning.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"I am sorry mistress I'm just not hungry."

"I see, you don't look ill, I hope you are not coming down with something.

I'll call the vet later."

She takes the bowl back and starts to walk away when she turns around and stops.

"Oh and Tracy when you have finished can you show the new boy the ropes."

"Yes mistress." is her reply

I wait watching the two of them eat.

Emily finished first she gives me a flash of her teeth, this bitch really doesn't like me.

After a few more minuets Tracy has also finished.

"Ok Paul me and you will be in the lower field today."

"Tracy, I don't know the first thing about herding sheep."

"That's ok I'll teach everything you need to know."

"Where's Emily going to be working?"

"The upper field, the farm is split into two areas. But when some of the lambs have been sold off

the two flocks will be made into one."

Thank god for that the last thing I need is to be watching my back.

I don't know what this bitch's problem is, but she has made it clear she doesn't like me.

Tracy is quite a good teacher, after a morning of watching the way she moves, and following

her commands I was learning.

When we had the sheep settled she taught me the hand signals and commands.

I am now starting to get the hang of it.

When it started to rain we both took shelter under a nearby tree.

That's when the smell of wet dog hit me, but what really surprised me was the fact the smell

was actually coming from me.

I look at my furry arms and paw like hands I had mutilated myself to save my life, I was a man

trapped in a dogs body, I had never felt so depressed before.

"What's the matter?"

I look over at the collie bitch before answering.

"Its nothing, only silly regrets."

"Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help?"

"That's nice of you, but you can't help me."

I go back to my moping, when I feel Tracy wrap her arms around me.

I am about to protest when I feel her tongue over my ear.

I like the fact she's trying her best to comfort me.

"Thank you"

"When you've had as many pups as I have, its second nature."

"If you don't mind me asking how old are you?"

"I am Thirty two. But why would I mind?"

"Some women just don't let being asked their age."

"That's the first time anyone has ever called me a woman."

"Sorry if I have upset you."

"Not at all. Well Paul how old are you?"

"Thirty six... err no sorry I meant nine."

"You had me going then, Thirty six that would make you older than me."

"Yeah sorry I am not sure where I got that from."

"Never mind."

The collie replies with a smile.

That was a close one I can't believe I gave her my real age, I nearly fucked up big time.

Once or twice Tracy would jump up and scan the area and then relax before sitting down again.

It was at these times I got a good look at her body, she had a nice figure and a very nice pair

of breasts that just about any human woman would envy, not to mention a nice personality.

I could have fallen for a woman like that.

Its just a shame that this one is part canine, but the

fact her womanly area was fully canine and not even slightly human did spoil things.

God what was I thinking? I am having erotic ideas about an animal.

Its best to push those thoughts out of my mind. the last think I need is to commit bestiality.

The rest of the day goes well until Grace and a man in a green jacket walk up.

"Which one?" the man asks.

"Paul, the male." Grace replies

"Ok lets get this over with."

I have no idea what they are on about. Until the strange new man sets his bag down and pulls

out some medical equipment, he must be the vet.

He checks me over, and for the most part I let him.

Then I see a Thermometer in his hand and I know what's coming next.

I try to slip from his grip but one of his powerful hands starts holding me down while the

other one tries to lift my tail.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"He's got quite the foul mouth hasn't he Grace."

"Paul you behave yourself! I am so sorry about him, I haven't had a chance to train him yet."

"Its ok, can you hold his tail up while I take his temperature."


I feel my tail being lifted and the cold Thermometer being inserted, I can't even swear

at him he's holding my muzzle closed so tight.

All I can do is lay there with the weight of his body and his hands restraining me.

All the time Grace held my tail up.

"That should be long enough, can you pull it out for me? if I release him he's going to bite me."


I feel a second set of hands around my rear.

I let out a low growl something I had spent some time practising.

I watch unable to move as she hands him the thermometer.

"That's normal. as far as I can see its an upset stomach. It might also explain the temper."

"Will he be ok?"

"Yeah in day or so"

I feel him releasing his grip on me as he gets up.

I give him one last dirty look.

"Here mix these in with his food.

But watch out for the side effects "

"What side effects?"

He hands her some tablets and whispers something in her ear.

She nods as the two start to walk away.

At this point I am feeling quite embarrassed, It doesn't help that Tracy saw the whole thing.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

"I am fine"

"You didn't look fine."

"I just don't like anyone around my ring."

"Your ring?"

"My tail hole."

"You haven't done yourself any favours, the next he checks you over he will use a muzzle on you."

"The next time I'll see it coming."

The days slowly go by and the weather starts to turn colder.

I better adapt to farm life, me and Tracy get on so well its like I have known her all my life.

Me and Emily not so well, in fact I would go as far to say she hates me. she takes every chance she

gets to either ignore or snap at me.

I just find it better to keep my distance from her.

This worked well until night time because I shared barn we both bitches. It was during

this time she was showing the most aggression to me, and it was getting worse.

At the end of the day after dinner me and Tracy had finished last and made our to the barn

for a much deserved lay down and sleep.

I see Emily start to get up before I have a chance to get out of her way the bitch has me

pinned to floor.

I try to break free but she sinks her teeth into the back of my neck. Before I know

what's happening she starts humping me.


She just growls and tightens her jaw around the back of my neck, this is embarrassing and to

make matters worse Grace walks in probably to see what all the noise was.

"And Dad said you would make a good breeding dog, more like a bitch."

I wanted to argue with her but its hard with this bitch still grinding away on my back.

After a few more minutes Emily finally released her grip on me, I slid from underneath her

To my own corner of the barn. I tried to forget about what happen and get some sleep.

The next day Grace decided to pair us up, so it would be me and that bitch Emily together.

Grace though it would help the two of us bond, I knew I wouldn't take my eyes her again.

"You do exactly as I say mutt, and if you give me any lip and I'll castrate you the hard way."

I just nod my answer, I hated the way she treated me and the fact she always called me mutt, but

this bitch truly scarred me.

It would take us both to bring the flock in but she was in charge and I had to follow her lead.

"You are losing them."

"I know."

"Faster faster I've seen snails move quicker, you are useless."

We managed to get them all back in the pens. No sooner than the last lamb is penned. Emily walks

up to me snarling. Before I have a chance to move out of her way she bites me.

There's no way I am letting that go I return her snarl with one of my own flashing my teeth

showing her I have had enough.

"Is that supposed to scare me mutt?"

I see her coming at me again. With a quick spin and a flip I have Emily on her back with my

jaws around her throat.

This was how canines show dominance and demand submission from the others in the pack.

I really didn't want it to come to this, but I've had more than enough of her shit.

She just lays there beneath me, after a few minutes I release my jaws and walk away.

Later all three of us are in the barn again, I had expected what I did earlier to make

things with Emily worse if that was even possible, but no she submitted to me.

This was the first time the bitch didn't live up to her name, but I still kept my guard up.

Feeding time was much the same, she even waited for me to start eating first.

What did this mean? had she excepted me as her equal? or her alpha?

That night my mind was racing, had I really behaved like a male dog?

Was I starting to change into what I looked like?

Was this my new life?

How long until I could leave?

I couldn't take it so I did what I always did when I had some thinking to do.

I went for a walk to clear my head.

Normally that meant looking for the nearest bar and drinking my problems away but being

on a farm in the middle of nowhere made this impossible.

So I wandered the fields for the best part of an hour. I felt a little better so I made my way

back to the barn.

As soon as I walked in I was met with the strangest and possibly the sickest or most erotic

sight I have ever seen.

Mother and daughter engaged in what looks like foreplay.

Emily is laid on her back panting while Tracy was busy licking her daughters female folds.

I watch from the safety of the door for minute or two before I have to say something.

"What are you two doing?"

Tracy moves her head back and starts to speak

"What dose it look like"

"Insect you two are family you shouldn't be doing that."

The two of them look at me for minute before laughing.

"I don't see what's so funny."

"We're not mating. I am helping Emily get through her time."

"Her time?"

At this point Emily speaks up.

"Its my time of the year Paul. And Tracy was helping take away my need."

Then it hits me.

"Oh you are in season."

"I am surprised you didn't notice." replied Emily.

"That's because he's spent too much time around humans" added Tracy.

"Sorry I'll give you two some privacy."

I leave the barn feeling more than a little embarrassed but at least I now know why she

was so nasty towards me before.

I read in that book when a bitch is in season it can make her very aggressive.

God after seeing that I need a stiff drink, I decide to push my luck and sneak into the house.

I waited for Grace to take a shower before helping myself to her drinks cabinet where I lifted

a bottle of whisky and quietly left.

Afterwards with great difficulty I managed to drink my prize.

Enjoying every drop of the dark liquid.

After half an hour of drinking I am feeling nicely drunk and I start to make my way back.

As I walk in I notice Tracy is nowhere to be seen, but Emily is laid on her side with her

swollen vulva on show, I can't help but feel a stir in my sheath, I didn't feel repulsed like before.

Blame it on the drink or the fact its been so long since I last had sex, but this bitch is

looking pretty tasty.

"Well hello Paul looks like you are happy to see me."

"Yeah it looks like we both have a itch that needs scratching."

I watch as Emily lifts her tail as much as she can. I take the hint and move my muzzle in licking

up her canine folds.

It's funny but before tonight the fact that she has a canine mound, instead

of the human vagina I was used to really bothered me.

But now I can't see what the fuss was about, it must be down to the drink or the fact

my sex drive is working overtime, I really need a release or I'm going to explode.

"Oh, oh don't stop." is all I can hear from the excited collie.

I move my head back with a canine smile on my muzzle before I reposition myself, Emily doing the same

I grasp her hips and aim my throbbing sheath at her waiting vulva.

I can feel my tip at her entrance I start to push my way in, god this bitch is so tight.

With one final thrust from me and a yelp from her I bury my length in her, after a while I feel my knot

swelling locking us together, and after some trusting and pounding I hit my climax releasing my load inside her.

Feeling bliss and still tied to the collie bitch I reposition myself so we are laid rump to rump.

that's when I realize something.

"Emily you're a virgin."

"Yes you're my first."

Not knowing what else to say, I blurt out the first that comes into my head.

"Well I'm glad I got to be your first."

We just stay there looking back at each other in silence I have never been stuck

like this after sex before.

A while later I feel my knot starting to shrink and with one last pull I free myself from her.

We hold each other enjoying the afterglow of our love making.

I wake up the next day not with a full on hangover but still feeling a little shitty.

As soon as my eyes start to work the only sight I see is black fur.

I pull my head back a little there right in front of my nose is a funny little nub,

it takes a few seconds for me to realize what it is.

It's a canine vulva, that's when I notice how damp it is and the strange taste in my mouth.

Oh god I was licking her in my sleep but which bitch was it?

I take a closer look, oh no its Tracy.

I turn my head away only to see the muzzle of Emily.

I am between two sleeping dogs I look down at the matted fur around my sheath, then I

realize something, I didn't did I? I reach down and run my hand under Emily's tail and feel

the matted fur. Then my memory starts to come back.

Oh god I did, I had made love to Emily.

Not only have I given oral to Tracy but I have mated Emily as well.

This was something I never wanted to do.

I lay there and wait for the two collies to wake up. I spend the time thinking about what I have

done, and what I am going to do next?

Then I hear Emily's voice.

"Morning handsome."

"Morning Emily." I reply

"Last night was great for me."

"Yeah its something I won't certainly forget. (no matter how hard I try)."

How could I forget I had committed bestiality.

I think the best thing I can do is stay as far away from her as possible.

But she was not going to make that easy, every move I make she copies.

I move to the other end of the barn she follows, I go outside to relieve myself she follows.

She has become very clingy not wanting to leave my side.

Then it hits me she is acting like a mate.

I lay back down and wait for the day to start I have never been so eager to get to work before.

Emily joins me I can feel the bitch snuggling up against me.


I hear Grace calling, Time to start another day.

Tracy wakes up with a yawn and a stretch.

She looks over at me with a canine smile.

Not sure how to take that I follow her outside with Emily in tow.

I am met with the usual bowl of dog food.

After breakfast I try my best to avoid her by staying close to Tracy knowing that they will be

taking separate fields.

And after all I am supposed to be learning from Tracy, but is that really any better I have

also violated her.

The time comes for us to start work Emily leaves for the upper field while Tracy and me head

for the lower field all the way there she is lifting her tail.

If I didn't know better I'd say she was flirting with me but I push the thought out of my head.

We quickly arrive at the field.

Then without warring Tracy dropped to ground and performed a very canine stretch I got to see a lot

more than I wanted.

"Excuse me Tracy, but what are you doing?"

"Nothing Paul just stretching."

I turn around not wanting to see any more of this dogs private parts.

"Hey Paul."


Before I have a chance to react the bitch has pounced and pinned me in one swift move.

"What the hell are you doing? Get off of me."

"Why would I want to do that?"

I feel her grip tighten. Don't say she's going to start humping me now.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Well my horny little stud I know what you and Emily had done."

"Look I am really sorry, it just got out of hand."

"You should be sorry I was first in line."

"What are you saying Tracy?"

"I am the oldest, the senior dog on the farm. I should have gone first."

"Tracy I think you are a beautiful woman err... dog, but what happen between me and Emily

was a mistake and I really don't want to repeat it."

"So you're shy.

I never would have guessed a big strong dog like you would have that problem."

"I am not shy."

"Oh Paul there's no shame in it."


All the while she was rubbing her lower half up my sheath like she was dry humping me.

I didn't want to admit but I was feeling a stir, this was turning me on.

"So you are not shy Paul? Prove it, I'm not letting you go otherwise."

"Ok you asked for this."

I slide from underneath her and reposition myself behind her, the tip of my sheath poking out.

Tracy has already moved her tail to the side I can see how wet she is,

I grab her around the hips and start working my way in I can feel the tip of my sheath at her hot

canine folds.

With a few good trusts I have buried my length in her I can feel the bitch panting underneath me

I start pumping hard into her.

"Oh, oh Paul."

"And I am only just getting started bitch."

After five minutes of rigorous sex I slow my trusting and dismount my knot swollen still

locking us together.

Now standing rump to rump I can clearly hear Tracy panting, sounds like she enjoyed this

as much as I did.

"Paul that was incredible."

I look over my shoulder at the smiling bitch I am still attached to.


After my knot has deflated enough I free myself of Tracy and after a short rest we get back to work.

All the while afterwards I think about what I have done, and try to reason with myself.

Its not like I've had sex with an animal, I mean Tracy and Emily are both hybrids

meaning they are part human,

After wrestling with my conscience it occurs to me they both consented.

in fact it was them that started it.

At the end of the day we head home tired from both the days work and the love making.

We walk back, all the way Tracy leans against me. I think to myself god now I have both of them after me.

And true enough the second we walk into the barn I am met by Emily.

"Well it smells like you two had a good time."

"He certainly gave me what I needed."

"You're had your turn now its mine."

I didn't get it, was these two actuary sharing me?

had they even worked out a schedule who gets me and when?

There's no way I am being these bitches fuck toy.

"What do you think I am? just something you can screw when you're bored?"

"No its not like that. please don't be upset Paul." replies Emily.

"How is it then?"

"We both like you." adds Tracy

I am not sure how to handle this.

Before my change I was with a different woman nearly every night,

but this was strange to say the least, being in a relationship with a mother and daughter.

But that's when I realized I was judging these two as if they were human.

although they are part human, they are also part canine and that's the side that shows most,

and they don't really see themselves as mother and daughter, more like pack mates.

Maybe I need to start acting more canine and just go with the flow.

"Well I like you both too."

My life here was certainly a strange one, but at least things were starting to look up.

Give it some time, six months to a year and this should be over.

At least I wouldn't be bored during my stay here.

And on the bright side I was getting one hell of a work out with more fun to come.

That's chapter one please give feedback on what you like or don't like.

As always votes, comments and favourites are welcomed.

I also value input, so any fetishes you may have or ideas that you feel might work, let me know

in the comments or in a private message.

You never know I may add them to one of the upcoming chapters, or a story that's still in the works.

Plus there's always the chance it could give me an idea for a whole new story....

Health spa, a Tina story

The main characters belong to Gray Muzzle and are used with his permission only The rest belong to me (spikey pete). On a side note I had a lot of fun writing this. And it was a nice division from my other stories. Health...

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A show of character

It never ceases to amaze me how much humans love to compete against each other not just Winning but to beat everyone else I never understood why it was so important but my master Was always determined to win he spent the whole morning getting me...

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