Summer Heat – Chapter 52: Parents return

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#52 of Summer Heat

This will now be the last normal chapter and it is much longer than the usual one. :)

There is only the Epilog and the Extra Chapter to go. It was one long year with a lot of stress to provide a chapter (nearly) every week.

I will have to write the last 2 chapters for you and then I will announce my next story (whith the extra chapter).

I hope you like it.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 52: Parents return

A few days after the Hoopers left, Minna also got into her car and started the trip home to see her parents. She had been absented for nearly two years now and wanted to make sure, they would not be worried. She left her cub Whity at the school, because she did not know, how she should explain it to her parents. She did take Dott and her cub Spot with her to drop her off with her mother. Mr. McGrail was on a longer trip and not expected to come home for a few weeks and therefore he would not see or ask questions about the cub. It calmed down a bit at school. Paula still was at her experiments, Bertha taught the little ones how to swim and Lena and her daughters looked after the other cubs together with Mara, Sierah, Roana and Tara.

One week later, a phone call arrived and Zen picked it up. "Hello?... Oh, you are back? ... Not yet... when? In 3 days, okay. I think I can manage that... No, I am still at school with Sierah to manage a few things, but we will be there when you arrive... Sure... Bye." His face took a bit of a discontent smile. "Mara?" he asked, because the lioness was close by. "Do you think you can keep guard here with Paula, Lena and Bertha without me and Sierah for a week or two?" The lioness grinned. "As if you are such a big help with this anyways." She chuckled and then nodded. "I think we can manage. This sounded as if your parents will come home?" "Well, that is at least what they told me. You know them, you can never know if they change the plans. I do not expect them to stay long even if they come." He shrugged his shoulders. "They want to see me and Sierah. I think after 3 years they finally remembered, that they have two children." Mara caressed his arm and smiled. She knew that Zen had always hated his parents for their behavior but on the other hand she also saw, that despite the lack of love they showed, they had at least cared for him. "You need to let this hate go some day." She advised him, but did not go any further. Zen just snarled but also did not respond.

Two days later, Zen pulled off with his car, Sierah in the back with her two years old daughter Zoe next to her, her younger daughter Sim on her lap and on the other side the black Tikki. Tikki's mother Tara was riding shotgun. They had called Gilla and Dott to ask if the cubs, together with Tara to look over them, could visit them for a few days until Zen's parents were gone. Then they would get Tara and the cubs to spend some days together in the villa, because some things needed to be sorted out and Zen would use this time also to visit a few of the new schools he helped to build and review a few properties he was interested, to build new schools. He would stay a few weeks with Sierah and Tara. Because they were still heavily lactating and the easiest way to relieve the pressure was having a cub drink from their teats, they decided to take at least the two small wolf pups with them. They took Zoe as well to make it easier for the women staying behind to not have this many cubs.

They arrived at the mansion of the McGrails when it was already dark. Mrs. McGrail had given the staff free for a week saying that she could manage and would need some time with her cub. Also her daughter would come to help. She greeted them with open arms, first hugging Tara, nuzzling the cubs and then giving Zen a hug for a greeting. Zen, without even hesitating, directly places a deep kiss on her muzzle, that startled the woman a bit. Even though she had given herself to Zen in her need during her heat, she still loved her husband and other than most of Zen's other girls and women, Mrs. McGrail was more in a kind of friendship relationship with him than a lover's one. Zen greeted Dott the same way and the younger cheetah responded and kissed him back lovingly. Tara and Sierah followed Zen with the sleeping cubs on their arm. Mrs. McGrail looked with soft eyes on the black and the two white wolf pups. Zen naturally also wanted to get to know his son, the cub of Gilla, that he had not have the chance to see yet. They entered the house and Tara and Sierah brought the cubs to bed and then helped Dott to prepare the dinner, while Zen picked up Daniel, how Gilla called the cub, from the small bed and smiled when he caressed over the small head. "He is cute." He mentioned with a whisper and placed him back next to Spot. Gilla smiled and this time, when Zen moved in and kissed her on the muzzle, she even returned the kiss to the father of her cub. After the dinner, all of them went to bed. Zen decided to share the bed with Gilla, because it had been a long time since he mated with her. At first the woman seemed not to be very fond of the idea, but when Zen, softly urging her, pushed his thick penis into her snatch, she moaned and sighed delighted. It had been a long time since she last had mated and her need won over her concerns about it not being her husband. Zen filled her twice, making her bulge a bit, before he pushed his knot in a last time and cuddled up with the cheetah woman to sleep.

The drive home took a few hours and both siblings were happy when they arrived. Their parents were not there yet and so they cuddled a bit while waiting for them. A few hours later a black limousine pulled up and stopped in front of the entrance. Zen and Sierah opened the door and took the stairs down to the car to greet their parents. "Hello!" their mother opened her arms after getting out of the car to greet them with a hug. Sierah hugged her but Zen was hesitant. Finally, he allowed her to push him against her bust. His mother directly let go and Zen took a breath when he stepped back. It felt awkward to get hugged by his mother, whom he despised for so long. "There you are." His father also sounded carefree, as if they had just been away for the weekend. "You have grown quite a bit you two. You sure have become a man my son." The pride in his voice sounded like he was talking about a pet that he showed around. A white pelt exited the limousine after their parents. Zen took a closer look and saw a pure white artic fox girl. She was young and wore a beautiful blue dress, that showed her slim curves. It was in fact so tight, that Zen's practices eye could see the edges of the special underwear under it. His parents totally ignored the girl for over a minute while the girl fidgeted at her dress and looked shy to Zen and Sierah unsure if she could step in. Finally, Zen took the initiative and interrupted his father.

"Who have you brought with you dad?" he asked and his father finally turned around. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Sorry darlin." The girl smiled shy. "This is Snow, an arctic fox, as you can see. She is the oldest daughter of a close friend in Europe. She is one year younger than Sierah." Zen interrupted his speech by taking a step towards the girl with a smile and grabbing her still nervously clenching paw. "Enchanté Snow!" he said and kissed her paw which made the girl look down embarrassed. "Hello!" she replied shy. Zen led them inside the house and while Sierah took care of the younger girl, Zen sat down with his father on the couch. "Why did you bring the girl, Snow, with you?" Zen asked. It did not fit into his picture of his father to take care of cubs, let alone cubs of other people. "Straight to the point, aren't you my son?" his father chuckled. "You come after me. Well, I can see from your gaze that you suspect this already. I brought her here so you can take care of her." "What?" Zen had to try hard not to shout. "What are you talking about? For how long do you want me to take care of a girl I never met before?" "Calm down. I know this is sudden. Let me explain. I think it is hard to imagine the way she is behaving right now, but Snow is a little tomboy and her parents have a hard time with her. She is in her rebellious phase as well and caused trouble at many schools. When I told them about your school and how it is a place for girls to become more independent, they directly asked me if they could admit her to it. I brought all the signed documents we downloaded from your website, so there should be no problem on this end. They did not want to let her go, but they decided that it would be the best for her and for them to have her stay at your school until graduation. She will stay with you for the 4 years, even over the summer vacation. I am sure you can handle one more kid, can't you?" Zen did not like it. He did not like this one bit. Sure, it would be no problem admitting her to school, and when he thought about the edge of the special underwear he saw before, he gulped and fought hard for his member not to sneak out alone from the thought, but he was a bit angry about the way his father opened it to him. It was clear, that Zen could not refuse, now that the girl was here already. But his father could have told him before. "Sure." He just said, thinking about all the lectures Mara had given him to keep his temperament and his hate in check when meeting is father. "Fine!" said his father. "Here are the documents. By the way, I also signed the property I still have in this country to you. Not that I do not think we might get back here, but I think you will have more use for them. I also booked a bit of money on both yours and Sierah's bank account." This looked just like his father. Zen had to admit, that his father never had been stingy with money. On the material side, he always had flooded his children, as if the money could do away their lack of love. "Lovely." His father said when he looked at his watch. "We will not stay long either. We have a flight tomorrow and we wanted to go to the opera tonight. I just wanted to greet both of you now, that we are in this country, and drop of Snow. It is her first trip to a foreign land and we did not want to send her alone. But it seems all is fine now." 'At least father had a little sense of responsibility!' Zen thought.

Their parents had not even stayed for one hour, when the limousine pulled away again and Zen stood in the door and looked after the car still a bit puzzled over his father's actions. Snow seemed to come to a bit more life when his parents left. Zen noticed that the girl had been extremely nervous around his parents and probably also was a bit afraid to not anger them. Now, that they were gone and she was around others her own age (or slightly above her age), she relaxed and threw herself on the couch as if she owned it. "Your parents are more stiff and scary than mine." She said and her voice, still sounding sweet, had an undertone that was clearly showing her energetic tomboy self. Zen grinned. "You seemed quite intimidated by them." He mentioned and earned a cold gaze from the girl. "Well, as it seems I have the watch over you now and will be your teacher and guardian for the next 4 years. I think it is good to teach you the rules we have at school first." He grinned and the girl looked sour at the word school. "The most important rule is, that you have to do as I, or other teachers, say and obey." - "You wish." The girl replied and showed her tongue. "How old are you anyways? Why should I listen to someone that is just a few years older?" - "We will see about that." Zen said with a smile and closed in on her so fast that she took a step back and looked into his eyes startled. His face came very close to hers and she closed her eyes, as if she was expecting him to hit her or to scream at her. Zen could see that she probably did not have the best experiences with schools yet. Zen licked over her nose and when she opened her muzzle in surprise, he pressed his own lips against hers and took her for a deep kiss while wrapping his arms around her in a hug that prevented her arms at lashing out to him. At first the girl was fighting against it and struggling under his grip, but then she slowly relaxed, clearly getting lightheaded from his kiss alone already. Zen started to push her dress up and fondle her fur and dugs under it. His paws hit the fabric of the special underwear and while kissing her, he undid the lock and made the underwear slip down her slender legs. He heard her muffled moans and smelled her increasing heat scent when he started to caress her snatch as well with one hand. Her legs were drenched in her dripping fluid in no time and Zen continued to stimulate her while he pulled her dress further up. When he stopped his kiss and pulled her dress over her head, this seemed to have the girl snap back to what was happening. Even though she still moaned from his fingers at her clit, she started to push him away with her arms and paws. Zen was stronger and so she was not successful, but it became more and more difficult to fondle her with her trashing around and he could not pull her into a kiss anymore. After one minute of fighting, and her starting to snarl and snap after him with her teeth, he backed away a bit and caught her trashing arm. With a fast move, he turned her arm in a way that made her flip around and before the girl could react to this, he bit down in her scruff and her body, even though the muscles still tensed to fight, became stiff and the trashing stopped. Zen pushed her forward and slowly to the ground, where the girl barely pushed herself up with all four paws, and then he moved over her while fondling her dugs. With her being held down from his bite in her neck he had his hands free and he positioned her, pulled her legs a bit wider apart and then he pulled off his own pants and aimed with his member at her snatch. The girl snarled and growled, her muscles trembled from her tries to trash around and throw him off. It was clear that the girl was a tomboy and fighter but it was also clear for Zen, that she never had experienced this before. She was scared and confused by the effect of his bite. Zen knew he was forcing her, he knew that she was scared and angry and he knew that this was not the best way, but at this moment he did not care. Her heat smell made him very horny and she would have to learn it at some point, if she were to join them in school. Better before she made a scene at the school. He remembered others like Dott and Minna, that he forced at first as well. She would come around, at least when the cub was born. He had her for 4 years at least. Mating was the best way to tame a tomboy, he learned this from Tara.

The snarling and growling turned into a groan when his tip entered and a shriek when he ripped her hymen right afterwards. Zen was happy that their villa was a bit outside and so there was no danger of others hearing it. Her muscles tensed again but her body would not move the way she wanted. He had her pinned and started to push in and out with slow motions. He increased the pace every few pushes until he was hammering hard and finally even broke the seal of her cervix. Zen disregarded the sobs and cries of Snow under him. He had to finish and knot this girl if he wanted to tame her. His pushes made wet slurping sounds and when his knot collided with her snatch it smacked with a splash. Zen increased the force behind his pushes and her cries intensified from the stretching by his knot, until after a few minutes of pain for the girl he finally pushed his knot past the point of no return and her small pussy pulled it in and held it like it was meant to be held. Zen let go of her scruff and the girl directly tried to flee under him. She had no paw free to trash at him, because his weight was full on her, but she tried to jump forward and away from under him. His knot held strong and sealed them and she stopped with a strong groan, which Zen joined in, when she noticed that she could not pull free. She froze in her motion and panted heavily while her body trembled and then Zen started to inseminate her fertile womb. When the first rope of hot seed hit her womb, she moaned strongly and with the second one she screamed, but this time in ecstasy. Her whole body convulsed and gripped at his member and knot, milking it for the following spurts. Zen put his head in the neck and howled while his balls contracted and pushed more of his fertile seed into the girl. Her orgasm calmed Snow down a bit and she only trembled, huffed and mewled with each of his spurts. When Zen came down from his first burst of climax he wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her up with him into a crouching position. He still spurted strongly into her and her belly already started to bulge out a bit. Zen stood up, taking the now only twitching, trembling and huffing girl with him, and sat down on the couch, where he leaned back and started to lick the cheeks of the girl, that was so exhausted and overwhelmed by her climax, that she just moaned from the licks over her sensitive skin and he caresses over her dugs. "See..." he whispered into her ear. "It feels very good right now, does it not? Here we have the other rules, that we will start here in the house already. You will be naked all the time and while you are in heat, you will come to me and let me mate you. I will breed you good and you will bear my cub." The girl was too exhausted to react to his words. Her mind was occupied by the pleasure of his weakening spurts inside her sensitive womb and his paws and tongue on her skin and teats. "I promise you that your heat will be a time of non-stop pleasure." Zen whispered and started to bounce her up and down softly as far as his knot allowed without hurting her. He moaned in unison with Snow from the stimulation and even his sister got undressed and started to lick over the teats of the younger girl that soon only moaned in response and huffed from the exhaustion. Her eyes turned dull and her mind was so lost in the love daze that she did only react to the stimulations but not to the words Zen whispered every now and then. With three more climaxes of Zen, she was filled so much that her belly bulged out clearly and she groaned from the pressure inside. After she fell asleep from the exhaustion, Zen moved to the shower to pull out and let her empty, before he carried her to his bed, snuggled up with her and pushed his penis inside her vagina. "Good night snow." He felt his sister step into the bed as well and snuggle up with him from the back. Her dugs perked into his fur and he felt the wet feeling of the milk drops that exited from them. Without the cubs, she had not been milked this evening.

Gilla brought Tara and the cubs the next morning and Sierah explained to the surprised black wolf why Zen was breeding the arctic fox and who she was. The next two days, Zen trained the arctic fox good and made her not only submit to him fucking her snatch, but also had her suck him off, until his spunk dripped out of her nose because she could not swallow fast enough, and please Tara and Sierah as well until all of them climaxed together. He even had her suckle milk from both of the wolf girls while she rested on his lap, with his knot deep inside her snatch. Even after her heat declined, Zen took her a few times a day and had her take him into her muzzle to train her and make her obedient. Even though Snow gained back quite a bit of fire of her tomboyish nature after the constant tingling inside her and the mind consuming need of her heat vanished, she slowly submitted to Zen and even started to present voluntarily when Zen requested her snatch or took him into her muzzle when he presented his member to her. She did not like the taste, but she did not dare to spit the spunk out or refuse to suckle on his rod. Sometimes, when she sneaked on his lap while watching a movie or when she crawled under his cover in the bed, Zen noticed a deep affection that she developed. Maybe the tomboyish behavior had all been insecurity, because she never had someone to really care for her. Or maybe she just enjoyed the closeness and the touch of him. It could also have been, that she fell in love with the man, that deflowered her, but whatever it was, it made things much easier for Zen. For one week, Zen played around with Snow. Then he left the girls in the house to go around different properties, his father left him across the country, and check their usability for schools. He found quite some good spots and he also purchased others. He planned to continue to grow his branded schools. He also already took plans how to staff the new schools, but this would have time. The earliest date for a new school run by him would be in one year. After two weeks he returned to the girls, who had a sleepover with Lily, Diane and Ilia. He stayed three more days in the house, having a fun time with his girls and the cubs, before they set off back to school, leaving the bunny girls with their parents. What started as a failed attempt to hide the fact that he impregnated his own sister and a few of her friends, turned into a big project and Zen knew that he was just beginning. He started to shift the focus to wide education and transform the school once more. He also decided to find out why there was a ban on sexual topics and if he maybe could change the way it was seen in the far future.

Summer Heat – Chapter 51: Horse ride

# Summer Heat - Chapter 51: Horse ride The heat of Roana declined slowly in the next days and both started to take part in the normal summer activities like swimming, laying in the sun and, naturally, caring for all the cubs. With all the girls gone,...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 50: Fathers love

# Summer Heat - Chapter 50: Fathers love The preparations for the end of the year went well. The girls, and Zen, still ran around naked, but the clothes had been recovered from the storage room and were being washed, because with one year gathering...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 49: Summer is starting

# Summer Heat - Chapter 49: Summer is starting Zen looked at his sister, Mara and Sarina nursing their cubs. They had given birth to them in the last weeks, but at the end of the school year everything had been so hectic for Zen, with all the mail...

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