Friends Together

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Cederwyn gets taken by a friend to another friends party/BBQ, at first, the shy, insecure mule deer doesn't want to be there, but he is soon reaquainted with old friends, and after some drinks and such, he begins to relax and after more drinks, genuinely gets into the spirit of the party. Playfully teased by friends, Cederwyn takes it all in good humour, and has a fun time - but as he is ready to call it a night and head home, he's asked if he wants to say good night to the Chestnut and Dun Mare's. They've known Cederwyn all their lives, think the world of him - and he them - so he wanders over to reaquaint himself with the two mares - giving each a treat - but soon, it becomes the smaller Dun pony, wants more than a treat...from her favorite deer....

Friends Together

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

3rdSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Cederwyn sighed, as he put down the phone, stared at it for several moments, then giggled weakly, before he walked down the short hallway and showered, switching into clean robes. He had just finished grooming and brushing his fur out, and was affixing the hoof-boots, when the 'beep beep' from outside come. Quickly grabbing his battered leather satchel, Cederwyn pulled shut the door behind him and walked around the front of the SUV that idled on the road. Opening the door, he'd just settled, when the human friend grinned and gave a short burst of acceleration, the SUV responding like a eager young Stallion in the first day of spring.

"Hey!" Cederwyn squealed, as he hadn't even affixed his seatbelt yet.

With a chuckle, the man slowed, then indicated and turned right, before glancing sideways at the anthropomorphic Mule Deer, who swore and fiddled with the seatbelt mechanism, finally affixing his seatbelt, then moaning in pleasure as the human pressed a button and Cederwyn felt the passenger seat warming.

"I could get used to this car - " Cederwyn sighed, as he wriggled into a more comfortable position on the seat, glancing out through the windscreen, his polarised sunglasses perched on the bridge of his muzzle, protecting his sensitive eyes from the headlights.

"I'll never get used to seeing you wearing dark glasses, at night..." Sniggered his friend, as he pulled up at the lights, the SUV's engine a bare purr.

"I don't know how you humans drive at night, without wearing them!" Cederwyn playfully retorted.

"Well, I'm sure it's not legal..." Answered his friend, before the lights cycled and he drove off again, listening to the Deer's soft giggles.


As they pulled up, about six cars were scattered all over the large grassy expanse of the homesteads front lawn, and about fifty metres away, both Anthro's and Humans were standing around, either singly, with partners or on groups, chatting a the large bonfire crackled and popped in the centre of the area. Off to one side stood a large old bath tub, filled with drinks of both alcoholic and soft drinks, a long trestle was loaded down with assorted condiments, and the friend who owned the farm, stood behind a smoking BBQ, as he chatted and cooked various meats and sausages.

"Hey look everyone, I brought the Venison!" Replied Cederwyn's friend good-naturedly, before Cederwyn glanced sideways, then smacked him across the back of the head for the bad taste joke.

Cederwyn blushed, the firelight reflecting off his glasses, as he exchanged pleasantries with acquaintances, hugged and gave licks to the cheeks of his closest friends, and within ten minutes, the party was in full swing, music playing from a stereo, friends and acquaintances chatting and laughing, and copious drinks of all manner we're being consumed, as the scent of cooking meat wafted through the early spring night air.

"Hi, sexy..." Come a feminine voice, and Cederwyn squealed and jumped as he felt fingers reach under his wedge-like tail and caress it.

Everyone who saw it laughed themselves sick, as Cederwyn twisted about, his long ears slapping across his shoulders, before he glanced over his glasses at the two young ladies who smiled sweetly at him.

"Hi Ceder," Jess grinned, as she draped an arm over her partner, Kess. "Haven't seen you around..."

In front of everyone, Jess reached out and her fingers gripped the front of Cederwyn's robe, making him gasp and tremble.

"Good little's this thing?" Jess grinned wider, before she let Cederwyn go.

"Fine...thank you - " Cederwyn whispered, as he blushed, his inner ears turning a brilliant crimson and eliciting more good natured laughter.

Kess kissed her lover on the cheek, then winked at the quivering Mule Deer. "Jess, don't tease the poor boy so..."

"Fuck you...Jess...." Cederwyn growled, then dissolved into a giggling fit.

"Mmm, you wish,you know we don't like men honey - " Jess smirked, caressing Cederwyn's cheek, before giving the blushing deer a kiss on the cheek.

"Yo, you Doe whore!" Someone yelled, making Ceder blush worse, but it was all in good natured playfulness.


After an amazing meal, everyone sat or stood around, chatting and swapping stories - the more alcohol that got consumed, the louder the music became and the more raucous the party, Cederwyn sprawled in a chair, giggling and his head swaying, before late that night, his friend Steve, who had brought him here and hadn't been drinking, lightly kicked at Cederwyn's left hoof.

"Hey Ced, I got to bounce in like forty-five, you need a lift home?"

"Wha..." Cederwyn mumbled, as he snorted and sat up, then giggled and shook himself.

"God damn it Deer, you're a fucking lightweight - how many you had?"

Cederwyn thought for a moment, then shrugged and giggled shyly. "Well, a dozen beers, then did some shots with Bill and Alex...and..."

"Sober up, we'll be heading home in about forty, alright?"

"Sure - " Ceder mumbled, as he stood up on shaking cloven hooves, then began circulating, saying goodnight to the guests, friends and finally, the host and hostess of the party.

"Hey Ced," Peter asked, as he chuckled, watching the swaying deer. "You go say goodbye to the girls, alright? Here - and no eating these! They're for the girls, not you!"

Cederwyn giggled, as he was given four slices of bread, then wandered off with unsteady hoof-steps, around the side then the back of the house and he heard the whinny and snorts of the two mare's about three hundred metres away. Both of them stood patiently at the gate, their necks hanging over the gate and their ears swept forwards, as Cederwyn mumbled, giggled and stumbled, before he held the bread in one paw, giving each of the mares a scratch behind the ears and a warm, affectionate stroke from between the ears down to their noses.

Larger than her pony companion, the more submissive mare snorted and lipped playfully at Cederwyn's furred fingers, smelling the bread.

"Here, don't be...hey!" Cederwyn squealed, as the mare gobbled up the bread slice, her teeth brushing the tops of his hooflets, before the shorter, a beautiful, sweet dun pony, nipped playfully at Cederwyn. "I haven't forgotten you..."

Cederwyn slipped open the gate, then closed it again, as he was playfully nudged by the dun mare, who flattened her ears and nipped the shoulder of her larger companion in irritation.

"Hey, don't be like that...I got enough for both of you girls and..."

As the Dun took the bread, then began chewing on it, Cederwyn caressed her neck and tugged out a knot in her mane. His ear flicked, as the larger mare nuzzled him from behind, and as Cederwyn turned about and gave her the second piece of bread, the smaller mare snorted and stamped a hoof in impatience.

"Yes, one for you too, you cute little shorty and - " Cederwyn paused, as she tilted her head slightly, then nickered at him - then before his mind knew what was happening, the Dun spun about in place and her flaxen tail rose and brushed against Cederwyn's chest, before she stepped back and pushed the startled deer against the gate, making it rattle.

"HEY!" Ceder giggled, blushing deeply, as he placed his paws on the Dun's rump and gently pushed her, only to have her step back again, then glance over her shoulder, almost expectantly.

Cederwyn moaned, feeling the quickly rising arousal of his libido, along with the erection that was hidden beneath his robe. As the Dun looked back over her shoulder, Ceder looked into her eyes and he moaned softly, before she flicked her ears, walked forwards a dozen paces then stopped and looked back at him again, almost begging for him to follow. With a nuzzle from the larger Mare, Cederwyn blushed, his inner ears turning crimson again, as he followed the cute Dun mare, who led the quivering Deer around the dam, then she stopped and flattened her ears, as eh larger Mare got too close, but a light tap on her forehead from Cederwyn stopped her from trying to take a bite out of the curious older mare.

"Hey, be nice with your paddock mate," Cederwyn gently chastised the Dun, who flicked her ears, then she turned back around and once more, her tail flickered.

Cederwyn giggled shyly, his long furred fingers at first gently caressing that flaxen tail, watching as it rose like a flagpole, and she looked over her shoulder, as if begging for the Deer's affections, as they had shared many times before.

"You..." Cederwyn blinked, then blushed and giggled skittishly, before he feathered his left paw lightly over the dark leathery labial folds of the Dun mare, instantly, receiving a favourable response as she lifted her tail higher ad pressed herself backwards against his quivering paw.

Cederwyn frowned, quickly glancing around, before he grew a little more brave and with two fingers, he began pleasuring the Dun mare, who snorted and pushed herself backwards, sliding the fingers down to their base as Cederwyn moaned in pleasure, feeling the tight, moist walls of the mare squeezing down.

"I...I mean, I want too, obviously - " He stammered, as he caressed her rump with his free paw, feeling her quivering in turn with expected pleasure and rising frustration.

Dropping her tail, the Mare stepped forwards, Cederwyn's slick fingers sliding out of her warm sex, as she looked from side to side, before she stopped next to a fallen log, then stood swishing her flaxen tail, waiting for the quivering deer to follow. He braced his paws on her back, then stood nervously on the log, his cloven hooves clicking against it, before one again gently brushing her tail - receiving the favourable response of her lifting it aside.

"Oh Penny - " Cederwyn murmured, as he caressed her warm folds, then gasped as she trembled and winked, the moonlight reflecting the pale interior of her folds, as she quivered. "I want too and - "

Penny snorted, then pushed back insistently, then before his courage failed him, Cederwyn lifted his robes and took himself in one paw, guiding it under her tail and with the other, he braced himself, fingers sprawled over her back. She looked back at him, ears pricked forwards and as he tentatively slipped just the head into those tight, moist folds, she snorted and unexpectedly, pushed back and winked. Cederwyn barely contained his squeal as the full length of his penis was buried into the mare, rubbing against the back of her warmth at first, then naturally curving upwards, as she winked again and again, the strong muscular contractions squeezed and released, then squeezed again, the slurp reaching Cederwyn's ears and making him moan, as his fingers gripped the Mare's rump and he moaned in unmistakable pleasure.

Penny wriggled then pulled forwards, dismounting Ceder, before he took himself in his paw and shuddered, then she shook herself and pushed back - pausing when she felt Cederwyn rubbing his penile head against the dark folds once more - and true to form, Penny responded and winked, making Cederwyn's eyes glaze over, before he squealed and gripped her hips, then with one short, sharp lunge, he buried his full length into her warm folds and Penny whinnied, as Ceder gripped her sides and a violent ripple ran from his ears to his ankles, as he began ejaculating deep inside the eager, willing Pony.

"Penny...fuck, I'm so - " Cederwyn moaned in shame and guilt, as she snorted and winked a dozen more times, as if begging her strange stallion to keep going.

As if realising their quick, almost feral mating was over, Penny dropped her tail and walked forwards, her folds squeezing and relaxing as she winked, then she nuzzled Cederwyn who cuddled her tight around the neck and hugged her, expressing his love and affection. He walked back to the gate, the two mares following, before he hugged each of them in turn, his body still shaking with the pleasures of the lovemaking, and as an extra special thank you, he gently lifted Penny's muzzle up and lightly licked her on the nostrils, then shared breath with her, Penny flicking her ears and happily returning the breath.

As Cederwyn walked back towards where the party was, he staggered and giggled, overcome with the excessive alcohol and the pleasure that he and Penny had shared, before his friend found him.

"There you are, we were starting to wonder if you'd fallen over and passed out somewhere - come on, a few others want to say goodnight, before we go and - why are you shaking like you got the flu virus?"

Cederwyn blinked, looking down at his furred fingers, then laughing nervously. "I'm - a deer, we're naturally high strung - and Kelly tried to stand on my hoof, gave me a bit of a fright - "

His friend, looked at him, then shrugged and rolled his eyes, before he led Cederwyn back to the party, where Ceder was handed some leftovers in a throw away container, and promised he'd come to the next party...whenever it was...


Seasonal Changes - Chapter Three -

Seasonal Changes Chapter Three (c)Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd September, 2017 All Rights Reserved. Cassie murmured and dragged her hooves, forcing Aleisha to almost carry the groggy Doe into the bathroom, where she sat Cassie down on the stool and...

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Games We Play - Chapter One -

Games We Play... Chapter One, (c)Cederwyn Whitefurr 1st September, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Kyle whined, then threw the controller onto the carpet, eliciting a snort from Alexander who sat behind him, the long russet legs of the kangaroo...

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Seasonal Changes - Chapter Two -

Seasonal Changes Chapter Two 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 1st Setember 2017 All Rights Reserved. Aleisha let herself into Cassie's house with the spare key, the timid Grey Kangaroo shyly poking her slender muzzle through the doorway as her ears twitched...

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