TTYS -- Saturday Morning Coffee

Story by Tristan Black Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Tailored to Your Satisfaction

A collaboration between myself and Rahir (also on FurAffinity), I provided a sliver of text, which he then illustrated, featuring his own favorite couple of Joe Wolf and Jack Fox and his favorite "borrowed" couple, Simba and Kovu of TLK fame. Art (c) Rahir; Simba and Kovu are borrowed from Disney; citras, as a species, were created by Adam Wan (they appear in future segments); the story's mine. Enjoy.

Rated "Adult" because it gets that way soon enough!

Four friends gathered around the table at the cafe, enjoying the coffee, the company, and the sweetness of a Saturday mid-morning with the promise of something special attached to it. The great tawny lion chuckled as he looked across the table to the indigo-furred wolf who had arranged for the day's entertainments. "How did you find out about this place, Joe?"

"Always good to explore new things, don't you think?" The wolf grinned toothily, recalling the sweetness of the recent Christmas Eve celebration and the enjoyment of being the first to top the lion. All had enjoyed themselves together, so when this new opportunity presented itself, Joe figured that Simba and his husband, Kovu, would enjoy it just as much as he and his husband, Jack, were going to.

Simba blushed a little, and Kovu leaned up against him, grinning. "Here's to new things!" the dark brown-furred lion proclaimed, as his husband's face began to turn almost the same shade as his fiery mane. He raised his coffee mug and clinked it with Jack's, the fox giggling right along with him.

"Naughty fox!" Joe mock-growled at Jack before clinking his own mug against the other two. "No worries, Simba; after I realized that we both enjoy having our husbands look their best, I went looking for a shop that would cater to males of our particular taste. When they call this place 'full-service,' they aren't kidding. Special clothing, tailoring, original designs, you name it -- lingerie to business suits, formal wear to barely there, they have it all. And best of all, they cater to a very special clientele. It's not like just anyone can walk in off the street. Our appointment is just for the four of us -- no other customers for as long as we're there. The management of this place is very particular about how he treats his customers."

"Sounds pretty exclusive, not to mention expensive!" The tawny lion chuckled at his mate's downcast look. "Yes, my lovely Kovu, of course you're worth it!" The darker-furred lion smiled again. "I just mean to say... Joe, you make this place sound like it's a lot more than you're letting on."

The indigo-furred wolf's eyes danced with mischief. "Now, whatever made you think something like that?"

It was Simba's turn to growl, teasingly, a smile on his muzzle. He turned to Jack. "I thought it was foxes who were supposed to be so sly and sneaky!"

Jack giggled again. "I do what my husband tells me. Is that sneaky enough?"

"Works for me," Kovu laughed.

"Right," Joe said, looking at his watch. "We are expected, gentlefurs. Shall we go?"

Simba shook his head, still smiling, still wondering what he was getting himself into... but like every other feline in the world would be, he was too curious not to go find out for himself.


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