Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 4

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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(Cut to Tranquility exiting a pawn shop with a magazine in her hand, before Lexi pops up.)

Lexi: Come on! Better put this lube to some good use!

(Cut to Montana emerging from the Pizza Hut.)

Montana: A Blockbuster? Haven't seen one of those in... Thirty years.

(Cuts to Tranquility Jr. leaving the Pizza Hut.)

Tranquility Jr.: (To the Blockbuster as it flies by her.) HEY WATCH IT!

Montana: Oh my god... There's STILL no-one noticing this. Oh, wait, I can use it to benefit myself in the past!

(Cut to Tranquility and Lexi inside the store.)

Tranquility: I ran into my daughter and all hell broke loose.

Lexi: Damn it! I used all the sleep-inducing-thingamajig juice on Agony!

Tranquility: Look! (Shows Lexi a newspaper, with the following text on the front: "GANG ARRESTED! IN OTHER NEWS, NEWSPAPER COMPANIES START PRODUCING PLOT-CONVENIENT PRINTS")

Lexi: Never mind, everything's fine. Now let's get Agony and go home! (Notices the magazine Tranquility is holding.) What's this? (Grabs it.) "2020s Film Timeline"

Tranquility: What's wrong with a little info 'bout the box office records of the future? Thought I could make some bets with no sweat.

Lexi: We don't have time for this! (Notices Agony being investigated by two cops.)

Cop #1: Agony Coyote-La-Fume, 6813 Kenselm Lane. Age 47.

Cop #2: 47? Oh well, if Michael J. Fox still looks like he's in his teens, anything's possible.

Lexi: We gotta get Agony back! If he sees himself in the future there could be a major paradox, or something. And we're not bringing this magazine with us! (Throws the magazine in the trash, before they fly off.)

Tranquility: Oh, come on! How could that possibly have backfired?

(Well, how about Montana grabbing it from the trash, recalling Tranquility's gambling plan, and deciding to take it into effect?)

(Cut to Agony being escorted into his house by the cops, and then awakening.)

Agony: What happened?

Cop #1: You seem to have passed out. No doubt that "Emoji Movie 2" escaped custody and aired itself on one of those show-off TVs you see in every store.

Agony: Emoji Movie T...

Cop #2: Well, you're home now, Mr. Coyote-La-Fume. So be safe in the future!

Offscreen Voice: Dad! Dad, is that you?

(Cut to a teenage male skunk with purple fur, and coyote ears.)

TMS: Hey Grandma Serenity! What happened to Fifi?

(Cut to the male skunk opening the door to greet Serenity and Fifi, now with wrinkles on their face.)

Serenity: Oh, her old-age makeup is starting to wear off again.

(Cut to Tranquility and Lexi arriving at the gate of the neighborhood, before cutting to Lexi looking behind the store.)

Tranquility: What is it?

Lexi: For a second, I thought I saw a taxi following us. Oh, well. Stay here until I get back.

(As Lexi heads off down the street, only to be followed by Tranquility anyway, we see a human hand opening the entrance to the Blockbuster holding a bunch of photos portraying various female celebrity edited to make them look nude, and a bunch of condoms.)

(Cut back to the Coyote-La-Fume residence.)

TMS: Window's still broken.

Teenage Female Coyote with a brown-and-white striped tail: Well, your mother DID reject the repairman for calling her "Bieber". Actually, why DID he call her that at all?

TMS: Maybe just to emphasize on how much our mother's life'll suck until she eventually learns a lesson in the next film.

(Cut to Tranquility, now with exaggerated wrinkles and grey hair dye, and Tranquility Jr. entering the house.)

Robot Voice: Welcome home, Tranquility.

(Cut to the family eating burgers from McDonalds 2 bags.)

Serenity: So how was your puberty lesson?

Tranquility Jr.: It was blah-blah-blah....

TMS: It's for you, mom.

(Cut to Tranquility entering the living room to observe an orange-furred female rat on TV.)

Rhubella: Hey Trank! How's it hanging?

Tranquility: What's up, Ruby?

Rhubella: Have you thought about that financial-solving thing I brought up yesterday?

Tranquility: Well, it could get me fired somehow, so...

Rhubella: You want the guys at Triple Z to think you're... Bieber?

Tranquility: (Now triggered.) Nobody... Calls me... Bieber! (Scans her card on the screen.)

Rhubella: See you at the shower sets tomorrow!

(The TV suddenly displays a female tiger-skunk hybrid.)

Zig-Zag: COYOTE-LA-FUME!!! I was monitoring that scan you just did with my "see-everything" goggles! You're fired!

Tranquility: NO! NO! Ruby said that was a genuine business ad!

Zig-Zag: You've been reading unwanted internet ads again, haven't you? Read my fax!

(Cut to a bunch of papers emerging from various printers reading: "YOU'RE FIRED! JUST THOUGHT I'D HAMMER IT IN.")

Tranquility: I can't be fired! Oh, what'm I gonna tell Agony?

(Cut to Agony taking one of the papers, horrified.)

Agony: I gotta get outta here...

(Cut to Agony approaching the door, only for a grey-furred coyote with a purple cat tail and, you guessed it, more fake old-age makeup, to interrupt.)

Robot Voice: Welcome home, Agony.

(Cut to the two coyote-cat hybrids gazing at each other.)

Both: I'M OLD/YOUNG! (Faint, before the 2017 Agony is carried off by Lexi.)

(Cut to Montana Max exiting the Blockbuster store, struggling to zip his pants back up, just in time for Lexi and Tranquility to return.)

Lexi: (As she's holding a tube of anal lube and a double-edged dildo) When we get back, I'm gonna tear down this building for good. It's given us too much trouble!

(Zoom in to a fake pudgy nose with wrinkles beside the cash register, as we hear a bunch of sensually-aroused moans.)

Shit's gonna get real in the next one...

Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 5

(Cut to the Blockbuster landing by a house, where Lexi and Tranquility (now in their normal clothes) move an unconscious Agony onto a bench on the porch.) Tranquility: How long will she be like this? Lexi: Probably 'till morning, or the next film....

Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 3

(Cut to Tranquility walking inside "Pizza Hut: 2010s Edition", up to the counter, where a TV screen with Justin Bieber's face pops up.) JBTV: Welcome to Pizza Hut: 2010s Edition! How may I help you? Tranquility: Just get me a large cheese pie,...

Serenifi: The Heat Of L'amour

Serenity Coyote was in her sleeping bag. She was spending another night at the residence of her friend, a 14-year-old purple and white skunk under the name of Fifi LA Fume. Unfortunately for the 10-year-old canine, she found herself awake suddenly. She...
