Potion Cat: Apothecary Visit

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#2 of Potion Cat(Reboot)

Synopsis: Layne just needs to get out and make some business deals. She's prepared, she's willing to do almost anything to get what she wants, she doesn't even consider the fact that maybe someone would show her a little mercy in the battlefield of business. Sometimes, things go in unexpected and nice ways. Nothing wrong here.

Standing just before the gleam of a mirror, was the potion maker in a dress of black that was ruffled around the hem. Layne appraised herself with bright sapphire eyes and a big smile while she tugged at the corners of the black and blue bow clasping the short mantle around her shoulders. Today she had big plans and she needed to look good to succeed. Of course, there was never a doubt in her mind as to the level of her own beauty. She was a cut above the rest in terms of fur shine and fluff, and her sense of fashion could make heads turn when she could actually afford it. Still, it never hurt to make sure that she looked all prim and proper for the viewing public. At the same time, she didn't really know anyone. Layne supposed that would be part of the plan, to actually meet people down at the village she had spent so long living next to. They were just a quick walk down from the hill, but she had only ever gone there to buy the occasional ingredient from either the gardener who had a lovely nursery or the old alchemist who ran the apothecary. She wasn't well acquainted with either of them except in terms of basic business and in the alchemist's case; pity. She snorted as she noticed the cross look sliding against her features. She hadn't been to the apothecary in quite some time in part because she couldn't handle the pitying look of the old rat who ran the place. He was a lovely old man who she could get along with given a bit of time and proper conversation, but he also made such a fuss about her every time she went to that place. He had doted on her with every visit and even given her free supplies even when she had offered her savings for it and...And she was eternally grateful to him. At the same time, she could not stand to see his sad eyes looking down at her anymore. Well, today she'd show him that she wasn't to be pitied. Today she planned on showing that she was on the road to success and offering him a steady supply of samples and some payment to do proper business together. He would give out her samples and tell customers where she was, and she would cut him a profit from the people that came. It was the perfect plan. Now, she only needed to remember his name on the way. With a sniff, she practiced her best smile in the mirror before turning to grab the bag of small vial samples she had prepared and start walking.

From the potion store atop the hill, it wasn't that long of a walk to the village. Down the stone steps and onto the main path through the woods Layne walked with a bit of a bounce in her step. The sun cut through the thicket of leaves hanging above while the clouds were nowhere to be seen. A cool breeze blowing through her fur made the feline glad she had decided to wear the short mantle over her shoulders. It would never snow in great amounts, but Autumn was coming and that meant colder weather. Spending it nestled by a fire would be nice. If only she could have some company over maybe that would make it just a bit nicer. Still, she was glad to be living in Countres and not Eefrin where the snow was a constant year-round affair. She couldn't imagine living in something like that.

Layne's walk through the woods soon ended as the path led to a village nearly big enough to be called a town in its own right. The village was a collection of sparsely set buildings with vines and flowers growing off of them. Stone paved roads marked the paths for carts and commerce and Layne could see the people walking here and there getting along with their day. There wasn't much fuss or noise, only the dull buzz of men and women calling and speaking to one another along with the occasional sound of a cart rolling on through. Just as peaceful as she recalled it.

People stopped to stare as they saw a familiar feline walk among them. Layne took to the sides of the road to travel through the village, but she didn't pay the people watching too much mind. She knew that she was mostly a stranger around here and one who had secluded herself up atop of a hill to make strange tinctures and concoction, but all the same, she said hello with a big smile on her face. There were a few locales who seemed confused by her cheery disposition, but most greeted her with a smile of their own and some even stopped to talk to her. That made her day. The people who stopped to talk expressed varying levels of concern for her business. Some had heard of the renovations, some had heard that she had been making a steady profit, and others were concerned, but all of them made some sort of question about her business and that truly made her happy. She gladly told them what she had been up to and what she made at her store. Layne discussed briefly about what she offered at her store and there were a few people who had taken interest in her special stock. There was even a couple who took a few special samples and thanked her shy colored cheeks. What a way to start her visit! Perhaps what little worries she had were all for naught.

The apothecary was one of the larger buildings in the village with purple flowers outlining the door that made it always smell welcoming. It was a nostalgic smell. This was where she got her first tools to start her own ventures into potion making and she still owed the owner of the store a debt of kindness along with her business proposal. Still, as she reached for the door, she wondered if he would see her as anything but the tiny stray that had come with big eyes and a pouch full of questionable coin asking for beakers and tools to make potions. Only one way to find out. With a steadying breath, she squared her shoulders and opened the door with a smile to step inside.

Inside of the store, Layne found herself wishing she brought a coat rather than just the mantle over her shoulders. She remembered now that the old man kept the store frigid in order to keep all of his ingredients nice and fresh. The source of the cold were glowing gems floating above the store that shimmered with blue light. When the door shut behind her, she looked around for the alchemist wondering where he was. Besides the gems floating above, the store had rows and rows of shelves with different medicinal potions, herbs and more. The shop was much larger than Layne's and had a variety of things on sale that Layne didn't carry at her own. She made her way to the front counter while looking around. The place had never changed and it was almost strangely nostalgic to be walking between the shelves. When she got to the front counter, she looked to see that the old rat was standing there with big brown eyes and a grin.

The old alchemist towered over her even behind the counter. He was a healthy old rat with black fur. He wore heavy robes and had glasses balanced on his snout. When he took a gander at her he leaned in with a chuckle, "Now, what do I owe the honor of this visit? It's been so long that I thought you would have either moved on. Y'know, I was worried for a bit, but you look healthy enough little Layne."

Layne smiled just a bit. It was a genuine smile. She couldn't help it. Being called little Layne was humorous on its own, but she recognized that it was a term of endearment, "The honor of the visit is well, I have a few things to take care of mister, but um first...I'd like to learn your name. I never really took the time to learn it and I kind of feel bad for that."

"Hah, you were always in a rush. Well, my name is Andel, now, what can I do for you today?"

Layne fished through her bag to take care of her first piece of business. She took out a pouch that jingled as she brought it up in the air and set it down on the front counter. She pushed it towards him and smiled happily, "Every single coin paid back with interest mister Andel. You helped me a lot when I was just starting to learn and just starting to live here. I wanted to pay you back then and you didn't let me, but here. I won't take no for an answer."

The old man took the pouch in two careful claws before raising his glasses. He opened the pouch and looked inside before setting it back down, "...Little kitten, I don't think I can take all this. I know what I did and I know what you think you owe me, but I did all that--"

Layne raised a paw to stop him and again leaned in to push the pouch further on the counter, "Think of this as an investment then. I want to do business today."

Andel scratched at his cheek, "Hm? Business? What are you searching for?"

"Nothing at all Andel. Today, I'd like to do business together and offer my samples for your store. I'd like to place my samples in your store for you to direct specific customers to me and in return, I'll cut you a portion of those profits."


Layne hurried on with the next part of her business offer, "Now, I know it is a bit strange, but--" She paused, her ears perking as she leaned in to ask, "Really?"

Andel chuckled, "Yes. Do you have some samples with you?"

Layne blinked and set her bag on the front counter. Opening it, she took a glowing pink vial to show it off, "Um, here. This one is a basic aphrodisiac to create a certain mood in the bedroom, but I have potions that solve fertility problems and ones that help people get in the mood when they can't physically."

"Goodness. Don't have many like this in my shop. Fact, the potions I make are mostly all for common illnesses and what not. Tell me, you make potions for that too?"

Layne shrugged, "I carry a few, but I figure you make enough that people won't come up to the hill for them."

Andel smiled as he set the vial back in the bag and took another from it to look it over while he mumbled, "To think, you were asking me how to make a basic base back years ago. Now you're doing all this and even asking for a partnership in business? Hm, how the kitten has grown."

Layne felt her cheeks burn and her heart throb, but spoke plainly, "Thank you, sir. I wouldn't have been able to start without you."

Andel chuckled and set the other vial in the bag before taking it behind the counter, "I'll send a bird up to you when these are all taken, but you can believe I'll put these up. There's a couple or two that are looking for things like this. Now little Layne, is there anything else you need?"

Layne cleared her throat, "Ah, no. Nothing more... But thank you. For everything sir."

Andel reached over the counter to give her head a pat as if she were still a little kid, but she relished the touch just the same as he spoke, "Good, I'm proud of you. Now go on. Sure you have things to do at your store right?"

"Right. Well, I'll see you again sometime sir. Next time, just as partners and maybe for a cup of tea if you'd have me."

The old rat nodded, "I'd be flattered"

With that said, Layne waved off the old rat and walked out of the store with her heart thumping. She hadn't been sure what to expect, but somehow the fact that he had been so willing and so kind had shaken her up more than if he had been rude or stubborn. More than that, he was acting like a proud parent. With a sniff, she started to walk while brushing aside thoughts of her old home and the false family she left behind. The old man would serve as a good friend at the apothecary and in the village. She would be sure to get some business from him spreading her samples, but more than that, she felt like she had a comfortable place to visit every now and then. She felt...welcome.

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