Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 1

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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(Cut to an exterior shot of a mansion against the sunset, then inside, where we see a group of female cubs and male adults of assorted species, plus one adult arctic vixen.)

Robyn: Well, that concludes our James Bond marathon! What do we do now?

Vincent: Why don't we watch a Boob-Tube Scat video o...

Edna: We already told you, that "Salt Warthog" show sucks.

Vincent: This one isn't based on "Salt Warthog".

Ellen: Oh, OK.

Vincent: It's based on "Cay-Low".

(Cut to the cubs sitting there in an extended period of silence.)

Kennedy: ...... So that's how low BTS... Ses... Have gotten now, huh?

Miaska: Come on! Tell us story of client's offspring and time-travel!

Vincent: I don't know. I haven't really planned for this, in spite of the cliff-hanger from the last one. But, just to make you cuties happy, I'll just make it up as I go along...

(Fade to black, before cutting to a giant furry nipple in space, with the text: SERENIFI: AN SF COMPANY in front.)

Robyn (Offscreen): Well, there's 10 seconds of film wasted!

Vincent: I'm not usually assertive with you guys, but be quiet!




(Cut to Tranquility in her normal outfit, opening the garage to reveal a blue SUV, then walking over to grope/observe it.)

Agony: How 'bout a ride, ma'am?

Tranquility: Agony... Oh, are you a sight for sore eyes...

Agony: Trank, you're actin' like you haven't seen me in a week...

Tranquility: I haven't...

Agony: (Mouthing) Whaaa.....? (Normal) Oh, well, let's go screw by the lake.

(Cut to the two about to kiss, before being suddenly interrupted by a flash of light, then a Blockbuster store with seemingly advanced technology landing right on the street. Cut to Lexi racing out the entrance.)

Lexi: Tranquility, you gotta come with me!

Tranquility: Where?

Lexi: Back to the future!

Offscreen Voice 3: Roll credits! (Again!) (Ding!)

(Cut to the three inside the store, where Lexi is stuffing Tranquility's shoes, socks, shirt, and skirt inside the cash register.)

Tranquility: What's this about? I was gonna take Agony here for a spin in my new car!

Lexi: Well, bring him along! This concerns him too!

Tranquility: Wait, Lexi, what happens to us in the future? Are we the future CEOs of Nickelodeon or something?

Lexi: Oh, no. You and Agony turn out fine. It's your kids, Trank! Something's gotta be done about your kids!

(Cut to the three now nude, with Tranquility and Lexi scissoring Agony's dick.)

Tranquility: What're we doin'? We don't have enough script to evaporate at 88 degrees!

Lexi: Script? Where we're going, we don't need... Script.

(Cut to Montana Max emerging from the mansion.)

Montana: Hey, Tranquility! I just wanted to show you these... (Notices the Blockbuster.)

(Cut to the store now levitating, while a bunch of sparks surround it, and feel-good adventure music plays in the background, before the building disappears into a rectangle of flames before the brunette human.)

Montana: How am I the only one in the ****ing neighborhood noticing this?


To start...

Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 2

(Cut to the middle of a... Sky-street, where a bunch of cars fly by, before we see some sparks, followed by the Blockbuster making it's way into the sky. Cut back inside the store.) Tranquility: Alright Lexi, what's going on? Where and/or when are...


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