Below the Belt

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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(all of this stuff is copy written to Tbohn. Like seriously, I got lawyers on this.)

Below the Belt

Practice is a good one this night. Sensei had us working on our ground work; me and Mark's favorite. Having your boyfriend as your sparring partner is the best! I can feel his hot breath on my face and smell his nice cologne when he's so close. I just want to grab him and give him a big kiss while we're wrestling like this, but I'm pretty sure no one else would appreciate it as much as we would.

I love Mark, he's the best boyfriend a girl could ever want. My one and only complaint are his parents. Those foxes aren't too keen on their one and only son dating the young husky girl from across town. I never could figure them out. I guess I shouldn't complain though, my parents are really restrictive too. Even just watching a movie is a chore. It has to be PG-13, and no cuddling on the couch, and the lights have to be on...

My thoughts distracted me from our practice and little Marcus managed to get me into an ankle lock! That's just ridiculous! We only learned them last week! I tried to break out, but there was no way. I had to tap out. After I did, I could feel Mark scratch me lightly on my leg.

I looked up to see a smile on his thin muzzle. What a cutie! I don't even care if he's better at this Judo crap than I am! Meeting him here makes it all worthwhile. He helped me up just as sensei finished practice. Before we bowed out, I slipped one of my special notes into Mark's gym bag:

"How's my favorite guy? Why don't we stay after for a little extra "practice", you know the kind. It's stuff we don't have room for at home. Meet me at the top of the stairs at 3:20.

~ Mags

After we bowed out, Mark and I both left the high school gym. Of course, we double back to the locker rooms at the top of the steps a few minutes after sensei turns the lights off. We have a really nice setup going on. Mark and I can be together without anyone, not even our parents, knowing what we're up to.

We usually just sit around and talk, but the whole time we're kissing and cuddling. It stinks that we can only manage to be really close on Saturdays or top secret dates. We have a little something special in mind for this one though.

Mark was where we always meet right on time. Heck, I'd be there early if I was him. I gave him a quick kiss on the side of his face before saying, "How's my favorite foxy boy? That was a fun practice, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah, but this is the main event if you ask me Maggie. Those other guys don't know what they're missing," he said.

"Heh. Well, are you ready to get going with this?" I asked.

"Of course!" Mark assured, "I've got what we need! I only have one left after this. Paul was a real champ to sell me some of his co-."

"Not so loud," I warned "The janitors might still be around. Let's just get in the locker room."

"Gawd, I thought you'd never ask Maggie!" joked Mark.

I grabbed one of his black paws and led him into the girl's locker room. It was completely deserted, just how it should be. I looked around a bit before I turned to Mark and asked, "So, how do you want to do it?"

I could see Mark cringe and I could tell that he was uncomfortable from the erection growing in his pants.

"Are you serious? Right now? You must want this worse than I do," he said.

"Well, I mean, you bought those condoms off of your friend. I want to go all the way with you. We've been playing around and stuff so I thought-"

"What do you mean all the way? Haven't we done that already? And if by "stuff" you mean that I'm god's gift to women at oral sex, and you're a champion at licking my cock, then yeah, I guess we've been doing stuff," interrupted Mark.

An idea popped into my head, so I sauntered up to Mark and gave him a kiss before I moved my muzzle to his ear.

"Maybe I like your foxie cock a little too much for my own good?" I whispered, "I want you to leave it in this time, all the way in."

I could see Mark get a little weak in the knees after I said that. He's so prim and proper most of the time that my dirty talk really gets to him.

"Seriously?" he asked, "We'll be, you know, together for a while. What if we get caught?"

"We won't be. Besides, it's not like I don't like having you next to me. C'mon," I pleaded.

"Well," started Mark, "we're both sweaty from class, so let's go in the shower then."

"You'll do it?" I excitedly asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" Mark asked in return, "I'd do just about anything for my favorite girl. I've wanted to do this too."

"I'll bet," I said as pulled all of my clothes off.

Mark started to do the same. He was looking me all over, and I couldn't take my gaze off of his boxers. I almost clapped when he took them off. Even though I hadn't taken my sports bra off yet, I grabbed him by the shoulders and started to roughly lick at his nipples getting some white and orange fur caught in my mouth.

Mark let out a shocked sound of arousal before he wrapped his arms around me and ran his slender tongue over my face. I could feel him all hard against my fur getting it wet with his pre. We pulled back and both started to pant.

While Mark was digging through his pants for the condoms, I ran into the showers to get the hot water running. He was taking forever with that thing! I was sopping wet by the time Mark came in with a ridiculous blue dick and an ashamed look on his muzzle.

"Sorry, I've never used one of these Knot Locker condoms before. They have this little diagram on the box and..." he saw the desperate look on my face, "Oh screw it."

Mark held me tight and looked right into my eyes for an instant. I was shocked by how direct he was being. Most of the guys I dated before would just grab me and that would be it, but Mark is different.

"Maggie, I love you. I love you more than anything," he said seeming to be on the verge of tears.

I almost cried too. Never had a boy said that to me. Sure they'll say just about anything when they're going at it, but never had one been so... direct. He said it as though he was explaining some great truth everyone should know. Gravity makes things fall, the sky is blue, grass is green, Mark loves me. He started to kiss me deeply and I threw myself into it making it as passionate as I could.

Our fangs clacked together and all sorts of sounds left our mouths. I couldn't believe what I was getting into. I just wanted to feel what it was like to get tied, but then this massive emotion dump came down on me. All of the silly plans in my head were washed away by the water. Nothing mattered anymore; I just wanted to be with Mark.

We continued our kiss until Mark moved behind me and held me close with one arm. The other was snaking a black paw down to my crotch. I moaned as soon as he started to gently rub. He wasn't just going for one particular thing; Mark's deft fingers were hitting it all at once. It was nearly too much to take and I found myself slumping down his leg.

We ended up on the floor of the shower. I was literally lying across Mark's lap while he played me like a well tuned instrument. I was squirming with joy as I could feel myself getting close after a few minutes. He even spread me open so a stream of warm water would massage me while he snuck a finger into my vagina.

I arched my back and exhaled as I shuddered. Mark withdrew his probing finger and kissed me once more as I was coming down from my high. I looked into his sweet face again. There was so much love in it. I don't understand why anyone would wish for something like this to end.

I got up onto my hands and knees and turned my head back to see Mark panting with excitement and his comical blue member throbbing with anticipation. He wasted no time in grabbing my curly tail and filling me. He only gave a few small thrusts to get a good angle before he held on to my ample hips and started to ram himself into me as fast as he could.

I almost fell to my face as he threw himself at me as hard. His slippery cock was going so deep that I could feel the start of his sheath, before it pulled back until I could only feel the tip. He surely couldn't keep up an assault like this for long, but I didn't want it to end.

I could already feel his knot swelling. Thankfully he stopped and I turned to face him.

"Geez..." I exclaimed, "I'm glad you decided to slow down, I mean... damn boy."

"I'm sorry," panted Mark.

"Don't be," I said, "I like a guy who can let himself go like that. You really don't hold back if I turn you on just right. I liked that, but you probably can't keep it up for long, huh?"

"No," said Mark with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, "I have to calm down a bit."

"Nonsense," I said "I'm going to do the work."

Mark was resting on his rump, so it was easy for me to place my hips over him and get him back in. I worked myself up and down for a few seconds while I relished the feel of the rubber against my insides, and I could tell that Mark was really close to coming. I finally moved father down and tried to get his knot in before he let go, but it was too big! It seemed as though my plan had backfired.

I tried a few times to get it in, but it just wouldn't work. I guess seeing my desperate attempt was just what Mark needed. He threw his hands onto my shoulders and forced me down as hard as he could. It was painful at first, but I yelped with pleasure as his knot finally popped in and stretched me to my limits.

He had to hold onto me or else he would have fallen onto his back. I could feel Mark's rapid orgasm start to fill the condom. For a second I was worried that it might break open! He made pleading sounds filled with delight as his abs and lower muscles rhythmically pulsed in time to the throbbing that I was feeling.

When he was finished, Mark laid on his back and I followed to his chest. We were silent for a few minutes and just enjoyed as the water cascaded down onto us. We kissed and held each other close as we waited for his erection to subside. We talked about our futures, what we loved about each other; it was just such a relaxing and wonderful time for both of us.

Eventually, Mark was able to pull out and remove the condom so he could wash himself off with the warm water. I think that we can both agree that our time in the shower that day was the most fun we've ever had not getting clean. We both dried each other off without saying a word. I guess nothing much needed to be said after the affection we had just shown to each other.

I saw Mark clandestinely dispose of the evidence as I was getting dressed. It wasn't long before we were standing near the door out of the locker room.

"So..." sheepishly said Mark, "maybe not every time, but sometime again if you want to do that, just let me know babe. I've got another one of those you know. I just can't wait to see you again. You're really beautiful Maggie. I keep hearing that girls are sometimes really hard on themselves... and, well... you shouldn't be one of those, trust me. You are just wonderful."

"Awww... Mark..." I exclaimed, "You are just such a sweetheart. I'll call you every night. We'll figure out when we can meet up for a date next week, okay?"

"I'd like that Maggie. I... oh forget it," he said as he pulled me in for a loving kiss. We enjoyed the last touch we would feel until we met again.

I hugged Mark close before saying, "I love you, but we need to go now. I'll see you later, we'll figure out a time that I can "go out with friends" and for you to go "work out at the rec", okay?"

"That sounds good," agreed Mark.

It was hard for us to part, but we finally managed to go our separate ways. I couldn't stop thinking about him on my way home. I think I might just elope with this guy.

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