I'm a 12th Level Hyon With a +9 Eating Bonus

Story by Zerky DeVore on SoFurry

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#10 of Vore

I'm a 12th Level Hyon with a +9 Eating Bonus by: Berserkerb

It was a slow day at the tavern; that it truly was. Catharine sat slumped at the bar; her long ears drooped down her shoulders. The white rabbit grumbled and looked at the door, hoping maybe her staring would magically summon a customer. Though magic was not her thing; that was Samantha's shtick, and all the hoping in the world would not bring a customer through that door, much less any magic.

"Yeeeah!" she screamed suddenly, pulling on her ears. "Why hasn't anybody come in today!?" Even the owner of the tavern was out to who-knows-where. The bright young dancer whined and tugged on her ears some more. If she did not get the chance to dance, then she would not get a tip. If she did not get a tip, she would not be able to buy those new, shiny earrings of +2 dexterity that she wanted so badly. Then, he walked in.

"Hey, is this place open!?" Berserker shouted across the room, ignoring the perky looking bunny at the bar. "I'm hungry, I need food! ...Stupid NPCs." His gaze fell upon Catharine, and he inquired, "Hey, bunny, do you work here?"

Catharine hopped off the bar stool and dashed over the hyon with surprising speed. "The owner is out at the moment, but he should be back soon," she lied through her buck teeth. "Come sit down while you wait." She tugged at Berserker's arm, pulling him inside. Her strength surprised the hyon, compared to her physique.

"That's okay, I'm just going to try around the block."

"What? No!" She tugged on him harder, dragging the soles of his feet across the floor. "Just sit down! I'll provide you entertainment while you wait."

Berserker wrenched his arm free. "I don't want your kind of entertainment!"

Catharine looked insulted. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" A thought crossed her mind. "You think that I'm a... How dare you!" Her paws grasped his arms. She roared as she fell back, using his weight against him in a throw, and propelled the hyon across the room, nearly hurling him into a table.

The rabbit was hopping mad, and when Berserker stood back up, he could see fire in her eyes. He had to think fast, or risk having his face rearranged. He reached into his pocket, and pulled from it two twenty-sided dice. Just before Catharine attacked, he flicked one onto the tabletop. It bounced a couple of times, rolled onto a side, and landed with the number 20 face up. He easily ducked her sailing fist, and rolled to the other end of the table with uncanny agility.

"What the heck?" Catharine exclaimed. She looked down at the die on the table, and picked it up. "What sort of magic is this?"

"Just a numbered icosahedron," he replied nonchalantly. He rolled the other die between his fingers. "Now that you picked up the die, you're part of the game now."

"I'm not a part of any sick game of yours!" She tried to move, but found her body unresponsive. "By the gods!"

Berserker chuckled. "It's not your turn, it's mine." He tossed the die into the air before catching it. "I'm going to use a special attack called 'eat the bunny.' It has an after effect of gulping down to my stomach, but you can always try and roll a saving throw when that happens." He tossed the die onto the table. Both watched the die roll; Berserker confident, and Catherine anxious. The die came to a stop; once again he had rolled a 20. "Natural 20! Critical hit!" He shouted before making a lunge for the bunny, his mouth agape.

Catharine wailed as the hyon's jaws clamped around her head. His paws gripped his arms, keeping from fighting back, which she could hardly do much of anyway. His tongue brushed across her face before he gulped, lodging her head into his tight, wet gullet. Catharine's lower arms started flailing about as her 'turn' came back, though she had not realized this. In her panic, her die slipped from her fingers. It skipped along the table, passing Berserker's die as it neared the edge.

"Oh crap! If she rolls a high enough save, she may break free," Berserker thought. The twenty-sided die neared the edge of the table. From the looks of things, it was going to land on... land on... The die came to a halt, just at the table's edge; its number was a 1. Berserker grinned with delight. A 1 meant instant failure, but it also brought with it a consequence. Feeling a surge of energy build up inside him, Berserker took hold of the bunny's sides and shoved her deep into his pulsing gullet.

Catharine slid easily down the dark, wet passage. Her body seemed to just conform with the curves of the hyon's throat, almost like magic. The descent into his belly was going fast, and soon her face hit his stomach walls, imprinting her facial features against his flesh. She was completely paralyzed, unable to move and see - but still able to smell, unfortunately. Her body piled up inside the tight, smelly sac. Her clothes felt sticky, covered in saliva and slime.

"Let me out of here!" she wailed from inside his belly. "This wasn't fair!"

Berserker lapped at his lips, enjoying his fine and filling meal. "Oh be quiet. If you don't like the rules, take it up with the dungeon master," he added with a laugh, "Unless you lose all your HP, first."

Catharine did not understand him, and did not laugh. Instead, she reared back a fist, and struck a blow to the inside of Berserker's gut.

Berserker lurched and grabbed his bulging belly. He let out a sick belch, but still his meal kept on fighting. "So, you want it to go like that, huh?" He grabbed his twenty-sided die and rolled it. It landed on 20, and his meal gave a sudden, painful lurch. "Stomach acid, critical hit," he said with a smile. He rolled the die again, getting another 20. His gut shook violently, and he rolled again. After his stomach acid got a few more critical attacks, all movement in his belly ceased. "Finally got her HP to -10." He slipped the dice back in his pocket, and then had a thought. "Hey, shouldn't I have gotten some EXP from winning that battle? And what about an item?" He then felt his stomach gurgle, something rushed up his throat, and he belched out a pair of acid soaked earrings.


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