A Doggy Before Bed

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#2 of The Collector Mouse

Warning: This story contains sex between a minor and a dog. If that's not your thing, stop reading.

As she got ready to go to sleep, Alice took another look at her kennel-cage turned bedroom. It's been a week since she accepted Dr. Sawyer's offer to work for her, and in that time she'd been able to add a few homey touches. A few days ago she'd picked some wildflowers from the kennel grounds and Dr. Sawyer gave her what she suspected was an old specimen jar so she could keep them in water. They were now sitting on her little folding table, along with some old magazines from the vet's waiting room. They were interesting enough, but this being a kennel/clinic they were all about - dogs. Still, the mousette had raided the mags for pictures and posters, and so the walls were decked out with photos of various canines. This being the 'room' of a twelve year old girl, there was a definite 'puppy' theme to the décor.

She also used the magazines to study up on the various breeds of dog. She was grateful to the doctor for taking her in, and wanted to make herself as useful as possible. She helped around in any way she could, although she knew just what her biggest contribution was. Dr. Sawyer had taken the runaway orphan in from the street to help her collect semen from large dogs the 'natural' way. In exchange for this the girl had a safe and warm place to stay, three squares a day and even some new clothes. She knew this wasn't exactly legal, and the vet had instructed her to tell anyone she might meet that she was working here part-time exercising the dogs. Alice had agreed, not wanting someone to take her away to another foster home, or worse - back to her old one. And as unconventional as their 'arrangement' was the mousette was happy for the first time in her life. She found having sex with dogs (well, only one so far, but she did take him three times) was actually enjoyable. Her earlier sexual experiences consisted either of being raped, or selling her body to creepy strangers in alleyways. When a dog mounted her, Dr. Sawyer was always there making sure she wasn't hurt or scared. That was a first for Alice, and even though the vet didn't show a lot of affection to anything that walked on two legs, her concern and appreciation meant the world to the love-starved girl.

Before going to bed, she took a look at the cage opposite hers and met the gaze of Caesar, the boxer who'd been her 'lover' for the past week. His owner was coming to pick him up tomorrow, and despite trying not to get attached, Alice knew she would miss him. She walked over to him to say goodnight, and the dog started to wag his tail madly, anticipating the attention he was going to get. When she reached his door, he sat down obediently and craned his head. Alice scratched him behind his ear, and giggled when the dogs back leg started thumping the ground. While looking at the twitching limb she also noticed a bit of red showing, her cheeks turning a matching color as she realized just how much Caesar was enjoying this. As she stared at the pointy tip of the boxers shaft, glistening as it emerged from it's sheath, she felt an itch of her own she needed scratched. Well, we're done collecting his semen. And it would be a nice way to say goodbye...

Before she knew it, Alice was turning the lock on the dog's cage and getting inside with him. Caesar was ecstatic, and immediately got up and started rubbing his muzzle against the little girl's tummy. Alice was dressed only in a long t-shirt she slept in, and the dog soon smelled something that interested him and lowered his head further down. Alice gasped when the dog slid his head under her shirt and started sniffing around her girl parts, spreading her legs to give him better access. The mousette squeaked with delight when she felt the dogs broad, soft tongue running over her little slit. She put her hands on the back of Caesar's head as the dog plunged his tongue inside the girl, making her squirm as he lapped up her juices.

While the dog ate her pussy, Alice's eyes were glued to his cock, now almost completely visible as the dog humped the air. There's something she was curious about, but never had a chance to try, that is until now. She reluctantly pulled the dog's head from her now slick snatch and dropped down to her knees, coming face to face with the dog's member. From here it looked huge, and Alice noted she could barely wrap her hand around it. She started stroking it almost in a trance, and after pulling the sheath back and exposing the forming knot, she was now holding at least eight inches of hard dog-meat. Caesar was enjoying her ministrations, which became evident when he shot a bit of pre from his tip, hitting the mouse girl square on the nose.

By now Alice was familiar with the scent of dog musk, but now every breath she took was laced with the potent scent, and before she knew it she was bringing her lips closer to the shaft throbbing in her hand. She gave the tip a little kiss, parting her lips around it slightly and being rewarded with another squirt of pre. Later, she couldn't remember what the dog had tasted like, but in the heat of the moment she knew she wanted to taste more! She wrapped her lips around the cock and slid it deeper into her mouth, being careful not to scratch it with her slightly longer incisors. While the dog above her panted happily she was moaning around his length as she suckled it like a hungry half. One of her hands was sliding along the dog's shaft, while the other one played with his sack, his balls feeling full and heavy despite being emptied inside the girl several times in the past week.

The mousette started sliding her lips along the shaft while Caesar panted happily above her. She couldn't believe how much this was turning her on, her pussy feeling wet despite the fact that both her hands were busy stroking and fondling the boxer's package. She dimly realized that this was the first time she had initiated sex, motivated by nothing more than her own desire. She was always horny when it was time to 'collect', but that was largely because Dr. Sawyer would put a vibrator inside her a few hours beforehand. She felt like she was the one in control this time, despite being on her knees and servicing an animal, and the thought made her giddy as she slurped and swallowed around the boxer's leaking shaft.

However, after a few more minutes of this Caesar seemed to get impatient and tried to mount and hump the girl's head. After trying with little success to calm the dog down while at the same time stopping him from lodging his cock in her throat, the mousette decided it was time to move on to the next step, her soaked cunny eagerly supporting the decision. She managed to wriggle out from under the dog long enough to get on all fours and present herself, her cute little ass thrust up in the air and her long tail held out of the way. It was by now a familiar sight to Caesar who buried his snout into the girl's snatch, giving it a few good, deep licks before mounting the mouse.

The brief but vigorous attention to her quim got Alice even more excited, and by the time the boxer locked his fore-paws around her slim hips she was almost panting. Unfortunately, since Caesar's rod was already out of it's sheath he seemed to have trouble finding the right spot, and Alice realized that this was the first time she was doing it without Dr. Sawyer there to guide him in. She reached between her legs with one hand to try and guide his tip to her lips but wasn't having much luck since the frantic dog was thrusting so hard she could barely stop herself from getting knocked down. Amid the poking and prodding, the canine's shaft finally settled in the mousette's ass crack. The dog seemed to stand still for a second, and Alice decided this was the perfect opportunity to guide him in. Caesar, on the other hand had a different idea. It felt like he found a hole, and although it didn't feel quite right, he wasn't very confident he could find the other one, so he just let instinct take over and started humping.

Alice's breath caught in her throat when she felt the tip of the boxer's shaft press into her pucker, and emerged as a high-pitched scream as the dog drove himself almost all the way inside her. Her eyes teared up from the pain, and all of a sudden this whole thing started to seem like a bad idea. She tried to wriggle away from the dog, but his grip was too firm and he was too heavy for her to get up. Instead she tried to relax and control her breathing. She had only taken it up her bum once before, when she was turning tricks on the street and this weird rabbit bent her over and made her pretend she was a boy. However he was much smaller than Caesar and didn't last very long, but she remembered that relaxing her sphincter made it hurt much less. The tickling sensation of Caesar lovingly licking the back of her neck helped, and reminded her that it wasn't some random perv humping into her ass.

As she relaxed her button she realized that it didn't feel that bad anymore. The dog's shaft was leaking copious pre, lubricating her ass with each thrust, and his humping was fast but fairly shallow. His knot had already swollen enough that Alice was sure he couldn't push it in, the bulge bumping into her stretched ring with every lunge. The sensation of his heavy sack lightly smacking into her pussy was also pleasant' and reminded the mousette of her own needs. Why should he have all the fun? Alice thought as she lowered her front so she was resting on the elbow of one arm while the other reached back to her girl parts.

Slipping her finger inside her moist cunny, Alice was amazed how different it felt. With the dog's length buried in her ass her pussy seemed much tighter, and as she wriggled her finger inside her it felt like her walls were being rubbed from both sides. She added another finger and a few moments later she was squeaking as she pumped them in and out of her young slit, her mouse honey squirting all over her hand while the dog's juices were leaking out of her but and trickling down to her cunt.


Back at home, Lisa had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready for bed. But before retiring for the night she sat down at her computer for some last-minute work. The vet didn't have much of a social life, almost all of her time being devoted to her work in some way or other, and this little habit was yet another symptom. With the click of her mouse she cycled through the video feeds of the kennel cages back at her clinic. This was mostly a routine that served to give her peace of mind that her charges were alright, but tonight her hand froze once she caught sight of the feed from Caesar's cage. Lisa almost bolted out the door at the sight of the humping dog, an unauthorized breeding being a Code Red in her line of work, until the long, swishing tail allowed her to identify the figure underneath the boxer.

Her surprise at realizing that it was Alice being mounted was replaced by concern. She'd been covered by Caesar several times, but she was always present to make sure the girl was safe. She considered driving over there before she noticed the mousette seemed to be moving back into the dog's thrusts, her tail twitching and one arm was suspiciously out of view. This was a good sign - she had only seen the girl panic once, during her first session. Caesar had decided to show dominance by lightly gripping the back of the girl's neck, after which the girl went rigid, paralyzed by fear. One light but meaningful slap on the muzzle was enough to let the boxer know never to try that again, and from then on Alice didn't seemed to have a problem taking him.

Some part of Lisa noted that even after she was certain the mousette was fine, her eyes were still glued to the screen. She reminded herself that she'd seen this several times, even handled both her and the dog as it was taking place, but this was different. At the clinic, it was work - somewhere between a natural breeding and semen collection, both procedures she was familiar with. Unorthodox, yes, but after she compared Caesar's output from last week to his visit five months earlier, when she'd masturbated him manually it was clear that this method was superior, and not just because she didn't have to wear safety goggles to avoid being blinded by a wildly thrusting dog! But this was different. She was at home, it was close to bed time and she was in her bathrobe watching adult content on her computer screen. One of her hands was even sliding between her legs, purely on muscle memory. As her fingers slipped inside her eager pussy and started to stroke in smooth, practiced motions, her last lucid thought was that this was very... unprofessional.


Unaware of the camera, Alice was bucking and writhing under her canine lover. Her pucker had relaxed, and the feeling of the hot red shaft pistoning in and out of her ass, combined with three fingers she'd stuffed into her pussy were driving her wild.

"Good boy, Caesar! Hump me! Breed my butt!" She wasn't sure if her 'dirty talk' was doing anything for the boxer, but letting loose was definitely exciting the mouse girl. With Dr. Sawyer around she felt very self-aware and tried to muffle even her squeaks and squeals, and definitely didn't vocalize her arousal. And although she appreciated the vet's presence, as well as her careful touches, this was different - wild and kinky. While her fingers pumped inside her young pussy, she pushed back into the dog's shallow, rapid thrusts. She felt the bump of his knot against her ring and felt slightly disappointed the dog wouldn't be able to tie with her, but at the same time relieved. His knot always gave her pussy a good stretch, and her ass was much tighter.

She screwed her eyes shut and fantasized about those times the dog had shoved his entire cock inside her, locking them together as he filled her with that precious seed. Her fingers worked overtime in her soaked slit, trying to simulate that feeling of fullness while her rump was being pounded. The mouse couldn't even form words now, her panting broken only by whines and squeaks as she approached her peak. Then she managed to hit the right spot deep inside her, her toes curling, her pussy gushing into her hand as she gave a high-pitched scream of ecstasy. She could feel her cunt clenching around her fingers, and her pucker doing the same around the doggy-cock stuffed inside it. It must have felt good for Caesar because he started humping her even faster, his hips a blur as he bred the girl writhing beneath him, the mousette drooling a little as she came down form her orgasm.

Her senses slowly returning to normal, Alice thought the knot seemed to be stretching her butt a bit more every time it rammed into it and wondered if her muscles had relaxed a bit after she came. She didn't need to wonder long, because on the next thrust the knot popped in and didn't come back out. The mouse's head snapped up and she screamed again after Caesar's entire shaft was shoved inside her little ass, the knot rapidly growing and tying them together. She groaned as the knot ballooned inside her, stretching her painfully while Caesar gave a few last shallow humps, pulling on the shaft now lodged firmly in the mousette's rear.

He gave one last thrust and Alice felt the first hot squirt fill her abused bottom. The sensation of the liquid heat filling her relaxed her a bit and she lowered her face to the floor, submitting to the dog standing over her, filling her with his seed. She calmed down a little, realizing that the knot has stopped growing and the pain was fading as she adjusted to it's size. She took a few deep breaths and tried to relax and enjoy this moment. She rather enjoyed the sensation of a dog cumming inside her, spurt after spurt of cum being pumped into her while her canine lover panted above her. Caesar seemed to enjoy the afterglow as well, nuzzling the back of the mouse's big round ears and making them flick.

Alice tentatively reached one hand back, brushing her fingers over her little pucker, just to make sure it was still there. She winced slightly when she touched her ring, still very sensitive after the battering it received from the boxer. She felt herself clench around the back of the dog's knot, making him murr approvingly. Still curious, and still quite a bit aroused, she slipped a finger inside her pussy, and immediately felt the massive bump of the dog's knot. Rubbing the sensitive wall of her pussy against the bulge buried in her ass sent a shiver through her body, the probing finger feeling huge inside her. Mewling under her canine lover she slipped another finger into her snatch, rubbing and pumping while Caesar's spurts slowed down to a leak.

She lost track of how long she lay there, frigging her young pussy while the boxer panted above her. When the dog slid off her and turned around so they were butt to butt, the tugging of his knot pushed her over the edge and she came again, squeaking as she soaked her hand. Her energy spent and her mind blank, the mousette slumped down, face flat against the floor and her ass held in the air by Caesar's knot. After a few minutes even that was gone, the knot slipping out of Alice's ass with a wet 'pop', and the mousette was left lying on the kennel floor with cum rapidly leaking out of her well-bred rump.

The leaking is what brought the girl back to reality. The dog's seed had always been pumped out of her and it didn't occur to her she might make a mess. She rose clumsily, her legs still very shaky, and was relieved to see that Caesar was licking their mess up. Satisfied that the dog would remove the evidence of their little mating session, Alice wobbled to the bathroom and cleaned herself up before going back to her 'room' and collapsing on her bed, making sure to do it face first.


Once she was sure the girl was safe, Lisa turned off the surveillance feed. When the dog had dismounted and turned around, she was shocked to find out that he'd missed and winced sympathetically at the sight of his rod buried inside the petite mouse's ass. Still, the girl didn't seem to mind, her hand now clearly visible as she played with herself while the dog was tied to her. She was glad Alice didn't seem to be harmed but made a note to examine her, as discretely as possible, at the earliest opportunity. And the fact that she seemed to enjoy anal stimulation did present some interesting opportunities. Deciding it was time to call it a night, Lisa switched off the computer and looked down at herself. Her bathrobe was open and it was clearly visible just how much she enjoyed observing Alice and Caesar's little performance. Damn! I *just* took a shower...

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