Commission: A Dragoness Succumbs

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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To the east, the Kingdom of dragons laid high above the clouds in tall mountains that none could hope to climb without the aid of wings. From this lofty perch, the dragons ruled those below with claw and fang and fire breath. They commanded great respect from the species below the mountain that worshiped them as gods and royalty. Every single Kingdom below them paid homage to the dragons by paying taxes and allowing the dragons to have free reign of the skies around their homes. For the longest time, none would have dared oppose the dragons and their kind, but that had changed with the coming of the uniting of the Orc tribes. The Orcs had been a wild bunch of warriors who warred with one another rather than anyone else, but the dragons had made the mistake of attempting to tame them. The Orcs had refused and soon found what the fury of a dragon felt like, but that did not deter them. Together, the tribes had agreed to follow under one chieftain and fight the dragons together, a foolhardy notion that most considered would spell the end of their species as a whole, but what little did the people and the dragons of the land know.

A war between the tribes and the Kingdom of dragons had been waged, and neither side were willing to budge at first. Orc opposed dragons and the dragons attempted force obedience on the dragons and stubborn pride drove both of them to keep fighting even through the losses that both Orc and dragon would incur. Hellfire rained down upon the Orc villages and settlements, but at the same time, they were not defenseless. The Orcs were powerful warriors who were masters of weaponry capable of felling dragons. Dragons who left their perch soon found themselves peppered full of arrows that were the size of logs with pointed and barbed tips. Their longbows struck a pang of fear in the dragons that they had never felt before, something that had never happened in their entire history; a lesser race had the ability to kill them.

Even still, the heated battle raged on, but neither could make a move on the other without significant loss. The Orcs were too numerous and the dragons had their immense power. Certainly, this war would go on for years full of blood from both sides. It was with this thought that both of the leaders of each faction sent each other missives and messages in order to work out a cease-fire that would satisfy them both and end the senseless violence plaguing their people. Eventually, it was decided that official talks for peace would begin between the royal children of the kingdom. Nima the dragoness princess would be chosen for this task, a task she was most certainly happy to take.

Nima was the daughter of the Queen of the dragon brood. She stood tall and proud upon her stone perch overlooking the land below and let her wings open wide as she felt the breeze brush against her blue scales. With her purple eyes focused on the clouds before her, she reviewed what her duties would be quietly. Nima was to fly down to the world below and greet the peasant Orcs at their garrison. She was to accept their ways and go through the garrison on land rather than simply fly over it. Once she was through the garrison she would be free to speak to the son of the chieftain of the Orcs. There she would speak and offer the terms that her mother had set out. The Orcs would be considered their own autonomous region in exchange for a cease of hostilities and a tax that was much less than any of the other Kingdoms paid. It would be a momentous occasion in which peace would be brought between the two warring Kingdoms, although, Nima wasn't sure why they needed to bow their heads to these puny creatures. They were dragons, powerful gods who lived and breathed magic. They had no need of the clemency of Orcs. The fact that they had managed to kill a few of her brothers and sisters was nothing more than a fluke, but still, her mother had been insistent on this peace and even more insistent on Nima handling it.

The blue scaled dragoness princess bristled with pride when she was offered such a duty and was only happy to take this task if it would please her mother. Long had she lived beneath the wing of her Queen and mother and long had she supped deeply of the protection and privilege that came with being royalty. It was only fair that she should do something that would solidify her place as a proper member of the royal family. She had not been allowed to go to war herself, so the least she could do was become an ambassador of her people to make sure that things went smoothly.

With her wings open wide, she reared back before taking a great leap off of the stone ridge, a roar sounding off as her signal that she would be leaving. She could feel the eyes of her brethren on her, the gaze of her Queen mother watching with what Nima could only assume was pride from one of the many caves dotting the mountain as she took off. Nima would be sure to bring peace to these lands, even if she believed that the Orcs should die for their insolence.

The dragoness rode the wind with her wings folding back to let her cut through the air and descend quickly until she let them fly open wide to stop herself suddenly just above the forest canopy. She let herself glide quietly over the air and watched, watched for the Orc garrison over the horizon that she would be traveling towards. Hopefully, the Orcs would give her the respect she deserved and give her a welcoming worthy of a dragoness. If not then they would learn the wrath of a young dragon princess.

Nima's destination was a garrison made of stone and steel. The Orc's had grown strong since combining their efforts, and though they had suffered great losses, they had banded together as one. The walls of the garrison were tall and at every corner stood an archer with powerful longbows in hand that looked as if they were made of gnarled roots from ancient trees. The quivers the archers had were unable to be placed anywhere except their strong backs for the arrows within them were meant to slay dragons and were sized appropriately. Tattered and charred banners were hung from the walls in honor of the clan and the defiance they held for the dragons.

All around the garrison, signs of the dragon attacks could be seen. Acres of land before the garrison could be seen scorched with nothing growing but the occasional ember from the blighted land. The walls that once stood gray and bright now were blackened and charred, but they did not crumble and did not fall. Even many of the warriors at the station wore blackened portions of their green hides which showed how the battles went. Of course, what had been cleared away from the battle field in preparation for the peace talks, were the corpses of dragons that had been dotting the space between the garrison and the forest that still stood.

The iron gates were the least damaged portion of the garrison with the bars still standing without a dent or burn, it was where the tenacious Orcs had drawn a line, and that was a line they only meant to break today. At that very gate stood a warrior tall and not so proud. His brown eyes were squared forward and his mouth was set in a scowl. His hide was the deep green of his people and his body was built with strength in mind despite a bit of belly showing. The only thing he wore was a loin cloth that covered the barest of essentials as was the tradition of his people. In his large hand, he held a vicious looking spear. There the envoy of the Orcs awaited for the princess of dragons to arrive.

Gorus stood at the gate with little joy. For all of his life, he had been treated as a tool since he was part of a lower caste clan. He could kill as many dragons as needed, do every single thing his superiors told him to do, and he would still be nothing but an untouchable in their eyes. From the day he was old enough to hold a spear, he had given his life in service to the clan and eventually the one collective, but nothing had ever changed no matter what amount of effort he put into it. He had eventually come to think that being stationed in the middle of nowhere near the front lines of the battle had been a good thing, but how wrong he had been.

Gorus had somewhat enjoyed the station at the garrison far removed from the political ventures of the Orcs back at the homeland. Here the men worried more about their ability to hold a spear or loose an arrow rather than who belonged to what clan and who had what blood running their veins. He had thought he had been relieved of the commands of political idiots looking to toy with him just because of his station in life, but they had managed to find him even here among fellow warriors who cared naught for clan politics. Perhaps, he wouldn't have minded if it weren't for the fact that his duty was unbefitting of a warrior of his caliber. Truly, the task that had been given to him suited a milk mother rather than a powerful warrior capable of felling dragons.

He had been tasked with the most troubling mission he had ever been given. He was to play babysitter to a dragoness, a young and royal one at that who most likely thought of herself as a superior being as most of any royal blood did. He had been told nothing except his duty and what the girl's title was. Gorus had not been told her demeanor, nor had he been told if he would be rewarded for this child's play, but he had no choice but to obey, and so here he stood waiting for the royal brat to arrive to escort her across the lands. Gorus had been even told that this mission was a great honor for one such as himself and that he should be thanking the chieftain for such an opportunity, and so, as to not incite any further rancor, he had bowed his head and through grit fangs thanked his precious chieftain for the opportunity of escorting the dragon princess through their lands.

In truth, Gorus was glad that there would be peace among the dragons and the Orcs. He might not be getting anything out of it himself, but it meant he would no longer see his friends and family on the front lines being cooked in their own hide by balls of fire in hellish amounts that threatened to blot out the sun when the dragons expressed their fury. There was only so much cannon fodder and powerful dragon slayer archers could do, though, some of the elders had wished to go on with the war. At the very least, Gorus could agree with the chieftain on the call for peace, even if he could not stand the blood of the man who dared still treat him with such disrespect despite his service. Shaking such thoughts from his head, he stood at attention waiting for the princess and object of his mission. Perhaps he would be able to make some fun of this, if she were as young a princess in terms of dragons then perhaps he could take advantage of her foolish nature and play a joke or two. It would certainly pass the time and make things a bit more interesting. After all, they were both supposed to play nice so she couldn't do a thing. Maybe there would be some fun in this.

The archers on the walls bristled and their hands gripped tightly to their bows as they saw a shape sail from the sky down to the blackened ground. A flash of aqua blue shining against the sunlight signaled the garrison that their guest was here. They all called out that the dragon had arrived, some with fright hidden behind their gruff voices, and others with a tense fury. The dragoness landed just before the garrison with her wings spread wide, her purple eyes observing the garrison before her wings folded and she began to search for someone to come get her.

Nima had expected something a bit more...Clean, or perhaps even something to welcome her with a bit less hostility. She could see that there were Orcs all along the wall with those terrible dragon slaying bows she had heard so much about, and worse yet, the place still looked like a battlefield, though, she supposed she couldn't fault them for that. The blackened and scorched earth was no doubt due to the mighty flames fanned out by her own people here. She saw them and couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. At the same time, she had to give it to the Orcs, their garrison was big enough to dwarf even her, though she was not the largest of her people.

With a haughty sniff, she looked about waiting for her escort with her wings folded. Her tailed lashed impatiently and her eyes drifted until she found herself looking at the large iron barred gate before her. As it began to open she saw a shape coming towards her with spear in hand, was this her escort? Narrowing her keen eyes, she could see that he was an Orc among Orcs. He certainly looked larger than the ones on the walls and his powerful body had a few scars here and there so she could see that he was most likely a man of war, and a strong looking one at that, however, she could see no claw marks and no burns either which meant all of his scars were perhaps from another war at another time. Interesting individual, but still not worthy of royalty. At the very least she could pester him for a story or two when they walked.

When the Orc stopped before her, he inclined his head and stamped his spear with a call, "I am Gorus! Beyond these gates, you will have safe passage of the chieftain and in his stead, he has sent me to lead you to his son beyond these walls. The sight of a flying dragon would unnerve the people within, so we ask that you stay grounded for the duration of your trip. Are these terms too much?"

The dragoness was impressed with his speech! Such a polite and powerful response from one not of draconian descent, she had heard humans could talk with the best of them, but she had not heard that Orc's could be this way too. Clearing her throat she replied, "I am Nima, daughter of the Queen of dragons. I would be glad to keep my wings folded to ease the heart of your people. I am here with peace in mind and peace in claw."

Gorus looked her up and down for a moment. She saw a quiet firing kindling in those deep brown eyes that had her curious as to what he was thinking of her. Perhaps he was simply marveling at a dragon up close, she was certain that none had ever had the opportunity of seeing a live specimen and one so peaceful. With a curt incline of her head, she chirped happily, "I see you are admiring my scales. I am a beauty among my people not yet fettered, still a maiden and still young. I am as radiant as they come and I am certain you are honored to be in my presence. Regardless, we must be moving along."

The Orc made no response to this. For a moment, he scratched the back of his head before replying to her with a sniff of the air, "Hrm, I guess you do look kind of pretty, but you're right. We should be moving and we should be continuing with the terms. Where is the present that your Kingdom promised us?"

Nima's eyes blinked and for a moment she looked as if her whole world had been shaken. She searched her mind and memory and searched them thoroughly for that single moment in time until she uttered the words with a baffled stutter, "A present? A gift? I do not remember a boon being promised? My...Did I forget?"

Snickering went across the wall as Orcs eavesdropping saw and heard the dragoness' naivety. The snickering soon stopped as Gorus held his hand up in the air and he shook his head, "If you have forgotten, then pardons can be made deeper within. This is a vying for peace and we would be more than glad to accept you with or without that offering. So, I ask, would you come with me and trust me with your life?"

Nima's wings flapped as she felt herself both flattered and impressed by this strange knightly Orc, "My! How flattering! If you are so willing for peace and so eager to see things done, then I suppose I do trust you. Now, we should discuss what I should say to your chieftain, I do not really understand the culture as you do, so once we're walking I'd like to ask a few questions if that is fine."

"Hah, if Orc culture is what you want to know, then I'll tall you all you'll need to know. Now come. Daylight is burning."

When the Orc turned to begin walking, so did Nima begin to trot along behind him with almost excited steps. She had forgotten the gift, how could she forget such a thing? She didn't even remember her mother talking about such a thing, but why would the Orc be lying? This was a trip meant for peace and lying would be counterproductive to those means. She supposed it didn't matter much since he had said there was a possibility of a pardon and she was even a little excited since he was going to answer all her little questions about his culture, what fun!

Nima stepped through the threshold of the gate while ignoring the stares that the archers on the wall gave her. Instead, she focused on the land opening up before her. Beyond the gates was the day to the darkened night of the battlefield in front of the garrison. The path before her held green grass on either side which led to a vast stretch of forest that seemed to go on forever. She had to admit she was impressed that there was not a single scorch mark beyond the garrison. Perhaps she should give compliments to the defense that the chieftain had placed as a sign of humility, then again, she did not know how well speaking of war would blow over.

Truth be told, Nima would much rather be flying right now, but to do so would be to go against the wishes of the Orcs which would undermine the peace they wished to foster. Perhaps it was time to ask some questions to her escort of Orc culture, "Say, Gorus? Is there anything I should expect the chieftain's child to say or perhaps ask me? I wouldn't wish to be rude with a greeting ill-befitting royalty of some kind."

The Orc before her turned his head to her with a raised brow before snorting and shaking his head, "You should expect the chieftain's child to look stoic and make himself look big. Strength is still a virtue we follow even though we aren't warring with one another. I don't expect that you'll need to say anything special either."

"Oh? Well, I suppose that is good that I do not have to, and I will keep in mind to perhaps compliment his people's prowess in battle, though, I wonder, about that gift you were speaking of?"

Gorus chuckled, "Gift? The one you forgot?"

Nima winced. Yes, she had forgotten something important it seemed and she could hear the taunt in his voice. He knew she had faltered in her duty and perhaps it meant that all of this was lost, though, he had said there was a way to make amends.

With a sigh, she answered, "Yes, the one I forgot. You said that it did not matter, but truly, is there nothing I can do to beg forgiveness for this transgression? I do not wish to disappoint my mother, nor do I wish to incur the anger of your people by being rude."

Gorus let out a hearty laugh, "Is that what you think then? Perhaps I should let you squirm. It would be fun to watch a mighty dragon melt beneath the gaze of a disappointed Orc."

"My! I understand that I have made a mistake, but you need not be so rude to me! I am royalty after all!"

The Orc again chuckled and paused in his steps to turn to the princess and incline his head, "Apologies. I didn't mean to insult you. We've been at war for so long and our people fear you, it is odd to see such a powerful creature express concern over an Orc's opinion, but I suppose that is understandable. You wish for peace and peace is what you will get. If you want to earn the favor of the chieftain's son without a gift, then come with me, I have just the idea."

Nima raised a brow as she saw the Orc begin walking off of the path. He stepped beyond trees and brush until he was gone from her sight. With a sigh, she began to follow him. She wasn't pleased that the Orc had been so intent on teasing her, nor was she pleased with the fact that he was holding this over her head, but she supposed she had very little choice in the matter. If she desired peace then she would do anything he said to learn what she could do to make this go as smoothly as possible. Her mother's approval was far too important to fail in this mission.

Both dragon and Orc walked through the brush and trees, Nima curving her body to avoid breaking any branches from the smaller trees. After a bit of a walk, they found themselves in a clearing secluded from the main road with wildflowers and grass growing in plentiful amounts. Nima had to admit, the forestry here was beautiful. She had always lived her life among the clouds atop of the mountain where her people spent their time so she had never had the chance to even see flowers. Such pretty things. When she turned her gaze to the Orc to see what he was doing, she gasped as she saw looked just in time to see his loincloth fall.

"What are you doing?!" She asked with a flush of heat touching her cheeks.

Gorus grunted, "Teaching you what you can do to earn the favor of Orcs. You've heard of pleasuring men right?"

Nima's tail lashed, "Yes! But my maidenhood is my own, I do not intend to give it away as a boon!"

Gorus laughed, "Your maidenhood will be safe princess! You need only use your mouth to pleasure a man this time."

Nima tilted her head. She had been shocked that he had dared show her his cock, but he claimed that she could pleasure him without losing her maidenhood. If that would satisfy the chieftain's son, then perhaps she could make the deal a bit sweeter for her kind. It was strange to think of that thing in her mouth, but she supposed he knew best.

With a huff, the blue scaled dragoness asked, "Very well...Explain to me what I must do then."

The Orc stood there with his manhood in hand and began pumping it back and forth as he spoke, "Easy, just put your tongue right here princess."

Nima narrowed her eyes, but she moved to lie down in front of the Orc to bring her snout near his cock. Once he stopped stroking his cock she could see that it had grown to a rather impressive size. She opened her maw slowly, her tongue slipping out to touch the tip, and the reaction was almost immediate. Her body trembled and she felt a shock of fiery warmth hit her senses as she tasted the Orc's cock. Confusion stirred inside of her as the taste and scent of the strong manhood before her stained her nostrils and tongue. For a moment she forgot herself and kept her tongue against the tip without even moving until she felt his hand grip one of her horns. Normally she would have bitten off the hand of anyone who would dare touch her in such a way, but, but that thing in front of her was compelling her to obey.

Slowly, she began dragging her tongue from the tip of that fat member, all the way down to the base where the scent was somehow stronger! The Orc's scent only brought on more heat to her body and she couldn't help but coil her tongue around the Orc's heavy balls without even being needing to be told to do so. Her tongue curled around each orb, her eyes shutting as she suckled on each and purred. She wet each orb with her spittle and reveled in the taste that was striking her taste buds. Such a strong taste and scent made her head swim with thoughts that she shouldn't ever consider. She wondered how it would feel to have such a big thing inside of her sex. With such thoughts plaguing her mind, her cunt began to drip arousal and the heat that had been striking her body seemed to only grow hotter by the second.

Nima's tongue continued to curl and twist about his balls before she moved up to his shaft again. It felt as if something had grown within her. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she was making such undignified noises while licking and suckling on this man's cock. At this point, she had forgotten the original purpose of this little game and was swimming in a sea of strange sensations and pleasure just from licking the Orc's musky cock. Gorus himself was grunting and letting out little groans that sent shivers down her spine. It was clear that she was doing a good job and for some reason that made her heart start thumping quickly. She wasn't sure why she was feeling this way, but she could only continue to lavish that thick cock with her tongue and spittle, her tail lashing about happily.

While Nima worked, the Orc began to whisper words of encouragement, words that were music to Nima's ears. It was such a disgrace for her to enjoy worshipping this Orc's cock with her mouth, but she couldn't help but purr and coo as she heard him compliment her abilities. Eventually, she trailed her wet tongue all the way to the tip of his cock, her eyes growing wide as she tasted something sharp dripping from his cock. Her eyes turned half-lidded and dreamy and her body shuddered violently as she tasted the white drops falling from the tip of his cock. It was such a strong flavor that it caused her body to nearly collapse on the ground. She needed more, and so she opened her maw and placed it on the tip of his cock to start suckling it while her tongue curled and coiled around his member.

The Orc's hand tightened on her horns and before Nima could question it, he shoved every inch of his cock inside of her mouth and throat. Her eyes grew wide as she felt his balls against her chin and for one moment she gagged before she made the most embarrassing noise. She moaned. She moaned from the taste of his cock staining her tongue, from the warm drops of pre dripping into her throat, and she moaned from the way he started to use her maw. Back and forth the Orc began to thrust, his hips working like pistons as he snarled. Nima felt hot embarrassment wash through her body as he began to use her maw. She should have bitten him, she should have been angered and livid that such a creature was using her maw like a toy, and yet she could not do a single thing but remain still and moan while he used her mouth. Even the fact that he was tugging her head by the horns brought such a strange arousal to her body that she could not shake away.

Gorus thrust and pounded into her mouth while Nima simply accepted what was happening. At this point, her tongue was curled around his cock as best as she could manage and she felt his thick member start to swell. Strange that it seemed to grow so much larger now, she wondered what it meant? Soon, the dragoness found what the swelling of his cock signified. Her eyes grew wide as she felt thick liquid start to splash out against her tongue and throat. The Orc continued to thrust even as her maw was filled with that overly thick substance that seemed to stick to her maw and tongue. She shuddered and shivered as he continued to thrust and thrust without remorse. She could do nothing but swallow what he gave her and struggle with that. Nima's tail curled and twisted as she tried her best to drink down every drop until he was finished, but he kept his cock in her maw until every single bit of his seed was drank down. When he was finally finished, he pulled from her maw and Nima let out a gasping moan, her eyes hazed over and her body on fire. The taste, the feeling of his seed staining her throat and stomach made her feel something so strange that she couldn't identify. Without even realizing it, her tail was lifting and her hips were raised on high, the Orc's seed had brought her into heat.

While Nima was distracted by the new emotions and sensations sliding against her mind, she didn't notice that the Orc was moving behind her with his still hard cock held in hand. It was only when his tongue touched her sensitive slit that her head rose on high and she turned her head to chirp, "What do you think you're doing!?"

The Orc ignored her complaints and grabbed the base of her tail to keep it raised high as he dug his tongue against her wet cunt. The dragoness moaned aloud and dug her claws into the ground as she felt her most sensitive place licked and stimulated by that heavy tongue. Nima could do nothing against the Orc's motions. She thought of pushing him away, raising a leg to kick him, or perhaps even slapping him with her tail, but all her thoughts were drowned out in the dull hum of pleasure that persisted in her mind. She could feel his digits start to dig and stretch into her virgin pussy, her eyes fluttering as she was spread open. Nima jolted forward and let out the most embarrassing of noises out into the air. Her voice rose to a high squeaky pitch as she started to gasp and moan from the feeling of his fingers pounding in her pussy. She couldn't stop herself. The embarrassed dragoness wrapped her tail around the Orc to pull him close as she felt her insides twist and tighten with desire, static tingles tracing up her body as she felt something coming close.

Nima began to drive her hips back to the Orc's tongue, her body a trembling mess as she moaned aloud for more and more. She cared not that she was a princess at the moment, instead she only cared for the tongue and digits driving into her virgin sex and making her drip with unending desire. She couldn't handle it all. The pressure, the sensations driving her forward, the sudden heat that had plagued her mind and body! With a squeal, she dug her claws deep into the ground and felt her cunt tighten around her tongue as her first climax hit her body like a hammer. She collapsed onto her stomach and moaned aloud as she felt his tongue continue to dart in and out of her cunt before slowly pulling away.

There she laid on her stomach while panting and groaning aloud. Her eyes were half-lidded and her body shook with pleasure and arousal. After her orgasm, her mind was a bit clearer and she could now contest the fool who had done such things to her, but her body refused to move and her tail was still held tight by the iron grip of the Orc. When she turned her head, her eyes grew wide as she saw the tip of his cock poised towards her cunt, "W-what are you doing?" She said in a whisper.

"What do you think I'm doing princess?"

The dragoness shuddered as she tried to wrest control of her body from the heat shaking her form, "P-please. I'll use my mouth again, you can't do this."

The Orc snorted and let out a guttural growl as he dragged the tip of his member against her wet slit which caused her eyes to flutter and a moan to sound off as he taunted her, "That isn't what it sounds like. You can't even move, I don't even need to keep my hand on your tail. I could just let you go and you'd buck your fat hips until I fucked you raw. You think you can keep your precious virginity when you're like this huh? No, I hunger to break you in, I desire to breed you princess, and I will have you."

Nima should have stood from where she laid. She should have roared and sent flames forth to smite the fool that dared taunt her, but she could do nothing. Her body remained still and as he removed his hand from her tail, she simply kept it up to present her wet cunt. Nima was a princess, was royalty, her mother's daughter. It meant that she should be fighting, should be throwing this insolent fool far away from her, but when she tried to summon the strength to do so, she only whispered to the air, "Be gentle."

The orc grinned, both of his hands moving to grip tightly to her rump as he leaned in to drag his tongue against her tail in a taunting manner, "Hah! You think I'd be gentle with this cunt after you gave me this show? I won't even be pulling out...I wonder if Orc seed will take root in that womb of yours."

Nima gasped and again tried to move away from the Orc, but she felt the tip of his cock against her wet folds and immediately her struggling ceased. She shuddered and shut her eyes tight as she felt the tip of his cock press against her pussy. Very slowly he edged it to her entrance and past her wet folds to push the tip inside of her. It was enough to drive her inside, enough to make her want to buck her hips back, but she resisted. She would let him do as he desired, that was it. She was letting him do what he wanted in the name of fostering a good relationship. For this, she could accept losing her virginity, even if it was lost to a lowly beast that was an Orc.

The dragoness shut her eyes tight as she felt the tip drive inside of her heated sex. Her wet folds welcomed the Orc's thick cock far too easily. Her maiden hole squeezed on the Orc's member as her virginity was taken by the beast grunting while gripping at her rear. Nima wished so badly to sound off a sound of protest, but all that came out was a loud moan that urged the Orc to push deeper inside of her wet cunt. Nima's mind was a blanket of fog that she couldn't break apart. Her eyes were open and she was awake, but it was as if she were an entirely different dragon. She gnashed her fangs in an attempt to stop herself from moaning like such a whore and kept her eyes closed tight as she bore with the brunt of the brutes constant pounding inside of her pussy. Nima had at least hoped he would be gentle with her since it was her first, but he was no such thing.

The orc pounded deep inside of her with one thrust until his balls were slapping against her. At that, she had to gasp aloud. Still, she managed to keep her mouth closed as the Orc began to ravage her pussy like the warrior he was. She huffed and gasped and her tailed twitched wildly as he thrust into her wet sex. Every single thrust brought a wet and sticky slap that made her feel embarrassed that such a telling noise was coming from her cunt. It didn't even need to be said that she was enjoying this, but she still refused to let her pleasure be known. How could she give him the satisfaction when he had taken her so roughly? How could she even think about letting him do this in the first place? It didn't matter anymore.

On and on the Orc continued his relentless assault on her senses with his cock buried deep in her cunt. It grew harder and harder to reason as the heat began to grow from her stomach all the way to her mind like a disease. She had to remind herself that she was being taken by a lower form of life, a common bastard from another species that by all rights she should have destroyed right there and then, but her mind and body said other things. Her body trembled with every thrust and her mind seemed to revel in letting her know that she was supposed to be taking some sort of sick pleasure from this nonsense. It was worse since the Orc deemed it necessary to call her names and taunt her with his grunts and growls.

"Whorish bitch. Were you ever even a maid? Did you bend over for all the other Orc's you happened on? Maybe you even fucked a human." He'd say among various other insults.

Those words pierced her, but they did not bring fury to her. While those words humiliated her beyond reason, there was a strange pleasure involved in being called such things. All of her life she had been considered pure, considered the best of the best, and yet now here she was underneath some beastly male struggling to keep her pleasure hidden and her wet pussy clinging onto his cock for dear life. Being treated so fouly, so roughly, made it almost feel like some sort of taboo venture, some sort of dire sin she should have never partaken in, but it was far too late for that. Nima had bent over for the beast and allowed him to break her. It was with those thoughts that she suddenly felt his cock start to twitch and throb again against her insides. She remembered that feeling against her tongue and throat and her eyes grew wide as she turned her head to yelp, "Wait! Not inside!"

She could not be sullied in this way! Dragons could take the seed of many and end up with a clutch of eggs. It was with this thought that she had tried to deter the Orc from cumming inside of her, but rather than do as she begged, he grinned and thrust as deep as he could, "Why the hell would I pull out? Look...I've stopped and you're still bucking your hips you little whore. So go ahead, pull away if you can, hah! I'll even hold back a little!"

Humiliation upon humiliation! What was she to do?! Her hips were moving on their own just as he had said, her body was going on without her consent and bucking back to him in a constant rhythm to milk his cock. She tried her hardest to will herself away, tried her damnedest to not let this happen, but it was already too late. With one last buck of her hips, she felt hot cum start to pour out against her wet insides. She gasped as her pussy sucked down every drop of seed shooting from that dirty Orc cock. She moaned and finally caved into the pleasure plaguing her as she felt his seed travel deep inside of her where it would surely find her womb and plant itself deep inside of her eggs. She was going to be pregnant with this creature's child, this lowly bastard's seed infecting her, but, but she could do nothing but moan like a fool with her tongue lolling out and her eyes rolling back as she felt pleasure crash against her with every wave of his cum pouring into her. The Orc himself kept his promise. He did not budge a single inch while he watched her bring her hips back on his manhood again and again until his orgasm was done. Even as he pulled out with a wet pop, her hips still moved as if she were riding his cock there, her cheek resting against the cold grass as she panted, her mind completely taken over by the heat and arousal she felt.

Gorus wiped his brow while looking at the used cunt of the bitch dragoness he had just bred. Her pussy was dripping his seed and her rear was trembling. There were marks where his claws had been on her rump and her tail was still lifted high in the air. Nima herself was a panting mess, her mind thinking of nothing but being bred. Weakly, she turned her head and looked to the Orc who seemed like he was finished and with a trembling voice, she asked, "Are you finished with me? D-didn't you say you would breed me? One meager amount of a man's seed cannot hope to breed royalty."

The Orc narrowed his eyes, his cock slowly coming back up to attention as he grabbed the base of her tail again and licked his chops, "Really? If you want it again princess, then you'll have to ask for it nicely...And by that I mean beg."

Nima was beyond the point of shame. She felt none as she let out a sigh of heat addled lust and opened her maw to let out a moan, "Please, fuck as hard as you can. I'm already stretched wide just for you, breed me with your cum, make me your bitch again, call me all the dirty thing you want because you're right. I'm nothing, nothing but a whore meant for your use please!"

The hairs on the back of the Orc's neck stood on end as he heard the once haughty princess speak in such a tone. Nima herself was lost to pleasure and her eyes were glassy and reflected her mental state. Her tail flicked into the air and her hips shook from side to side to try and tempt the Orc, but that didn't take too long. The Orc let out a warcry and brought his foot all the way up to her rear to press down on her while slamming his cock into her wet folds and straight into her stretched entrance.

Nima moaned loud as she felt his entire cock press inside of her all the way to the balls. She let out a hiss of pleasure as she felt him start to pound inside of her. She loved the way his cock twitched against her inner walls, the way he thrust with such reckless abandon and she even loved the way he tugged her tail and snarled like a wild beast. She moaned and moaned some more without stop, her body and voice trembling as she felt the tip of his cock slam and grind against her furthest reaches. No longer was she the pure virgin that had passed the garrison gates, no, she was a breeding slut that had allowed her own body's heat to take over her mind. She could do nothing now but accept every drop of cum from any Orc who looked at her in a lustful manner. Nima wasn't even sure if she'd be able to recover herself after all of this, nor was she sure she even cared.

It was with that lust addled state of mind that she begged for more of his cock, and he could only give her more. She purred and squealed as she felt her insides tighten and her second orgasm rock her body, but she still wanted more and she called for it with a yell and a gasp. Nima felt as if his cock was reaching near her womb with how deep it was digging, and for all, she knew it was in there breaking her apart as it had broken her mind. She needed his cum, needed to be bred with the Orc's seed so she could give her mother grandchildren and plenty of them. Her eyes grew wide and her body trembled as hot cum suddenly filled her pussy without warning. Rope after rope of the stuff filled her cunt as the Orc slammed inside of her while tugging her tail and hips closer. He kept his foot on her rear as he grunted over her like a mad animal in heat, his body slamming down to her with every rope of cum being planted so deep inside of her. There was so much of it! Nima would surely be pregnant after all of that, and she didn't care, she didn't care at all! Nima could only moan and buck her hips back and forth to suck down every single drop of his cum with her wet and abused sex. When he was finally done, he pulled free of her pussy roughly and gave her fat rump a slap.

Nima trembled and collapsed fully on the ground with her tail slowly curling back down. She moaned and panted on the ground while the Orc moved to stand next to her head. He knelt down with a grin and reached to grip her horn and bring her up, "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Now that you know what to do, you'll be just fine meeting the chieftain's son right? What better gift to the Orc kind, than children born of both chieftain Orc seed and the eggs of a dragon."

Nima's body shuddered as she heard his words, as she heard his insolence, but she could only nod and breathe out, "That...That sounds wonderful...C-can I please have more of your seed sometime? Y-you took my first and I desire so much more of your cum. I want to be bred just by you..."

The Orc licked his chops and perhaps if he could get it up again he would take her offer now, but instead, he answered, "Later down the road little slut. We still have a few days travel on foot for us. Won't that be nice? Every night I'll be sure to fill you with every drop of my cum and feed you just the same."

Nima moaned, her eyes shutting as he let go of her horn. The dragoness let her head touch the grassy floor and she turned onto her side as she panted. She needed to rest, and it seemed the Orc would let her rest. Hopefully she would wake up to his cock, her master's cock. With that final lust addled thought, Nima fell into a deep slumber dreaming of hot seed tainting her insides.

Monster Valley: A Kobold Trapper

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Towergirls fanfic: The Dragon's Thief

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Heart and Paw Cafe: A Nervous Newbie

A winter chill had fallen on a busy commercial district located somewhere in the center of a city full of life. Soft flakes of snow fell from the sky onto brick streets and concrete paved sidewalks below the cloudy skies. People traveled with coats and...

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