Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 9

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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(Cut to Serenity and Tranquility on the street.)

Tranquility (Now in a poofy pink prom dress, BTW): Alright, here's the plan again: After a while of hanging with Fifi, I'll tell her that she'll never end up with anyone all because of her musk, and the fact that the only guys who'll admire her don't exist, and even those few quote-unquote "saps" who DO like her will either have bottom-of-the-barrel standards, will only be with her because they themselves don't have a beau, or both. Anyway, that's when you come in and say: "Hey you! Take your damn hands/paws off her! She doesn't need a dose of your filthy words to feel any more misery!"

Serenity: (Sternly) What did you just say?

Tranquility: Oh, sorry. Got it?

Serenity: Yeah.


(Cut to Tranquility and Fifi in a NOT-Cadillac, by Acme Looniversity.)

Tranquility: So, when does the dance start again?

Fifi (Now in her "Amazing Three" prom dress, BTW): Not for a few more minutes. (By ze way, zat's really what "minute" translates to in French. Redundant, no?) But I zink eet's a perfect opportunity to... Provide character, no? (Pulls out large red double-edged dildo.)

Tranquility: ....... :|

Fifi: Zis ees no ordinary jouet sexual, you know. Eet was manufactured by "Le-Pew's Heat Reliever Inc.", with a special odor zat emits when used. Believe eet or not, I haven't used zees yet, so... Zink we should give eet a test? (Slips off her heels.)

Tranquility: ..........

Offscreen Voice: What was that you said about Fifi?

Flashback-Tranquility: She must've been born a Rueggerian.

Tranquility: OK! Shut up!

Fifi: Don't be shy. (Removes blouse.) Take your time. (Removes pants and bright-pink panties with red hearts, frills, and a bow decorated.)

Tranquility: ........ OK. (Removes ballet flats, dress, petticoat, and frilly purple panties, before laying down on her back.)

(Cut to Fifi positioning the tool between their vaginas, before slowly but surely engulfing the piece of plastic. Cut to the two preteen mammals pushing it further and further within each other, while fighting for breath at the increasing speed and sweat. Cut to a musk exiting the toy, splitting in two, and soaring into the nostrils of the cubs. Cut to Tranquility's POV, where a black-and-white penis suddenly appears between their crotches, later revealed to belong to a significantly larger male skunk, who then grows a second penis (and pair of testicles), before seating Fifi on one staff, and Tranquility on the other, then thrusting himself quite skillfully into their tight tunnels, grasping their flat underage nipples. Cut to x-ray POV, where we see each penis, side-by-side, as they pump further and further into the caves, before eventually releasing their white fluids, which immediately split into multiple sperm cells, racing towards the eggs. Cut back to within the Cadillac, where Fifi and Tranquility immediately squirt at the precise time, before releasing the toy and collapsing, their hair stringy, and their captivating bodies immersed in sweat and vaginal fluids. Cut to a live-action hand with a pencil scribbling at the two for a few seconds, before revealing them, while still devoid of clothing, in a pristine condition. Right before Tranquility is immediately grabbed by an arm.)

Montana: You did $300 worth of comedic damage to my car and you're gonna pay for it!

Fifi: Let her go!

Montana: You think just 'cause that sounds remotely similar to Disney's most popular song in years, that I'm gonna...


("Please Stand By" Screen)

That movie didn't even exist yet in your time-period!

Montana: Sorry, I just got carried away with the ad-libbing...


Fifi: Let her go!

Montana: Well, lookit what we have here! Goons! Take her away!

(Cut to Montana's goons dragging Tranquility to a random car, before throwing her in the trunk.)

Familiar-Looking Male Goat: What the hell're you doin' to my car?!

Goon # Who-The-F***-Cares: This don't concern you, stranger-whose-car-I-used-without-their-permission.

(Cut to some more familiar muscular males emerging from the car.)

Goons: ........... Screw-this-I'm-outta-here!!! (Run away.)

(Cut to Serenity walking up to Fifi's car.)

Serenity: Hey you! Get your damn hands/paws off... (Notices Montana.)

Montana: We're busy here. Just turn around, and walk away.

Fifi: Someone help moi! I don't even care if zat someone ees a skunk or male anymore!

Serenity: ....... No, Monty. Leave her alone!

Montana: You're asking for it... (Serenity punches him, before he grabs her arm and twists it.)


(Cut to the males opening the trunk, freeing Tranquility.)

Tranquility: Thanks guys. Here're your keys. (Runs off.)

(Cut back to Serenity and Montana, soon joined by Elmyra.)

Elmyra: There's my new kitty-witty!

Montana: Buzz off, she's gonna be my new scarf!

(The two start bickering and pulling at Fifi's arms, while Serenity observes, then turns red in the face, forms a fist with her other hand, and then punches the two humans, just as Tranquility arrives, along with a group of other Prom-visitors.)

Random Guy: She just abused those two people! Someone get Dean Bunny!

Serenity: Are you OK? (Helps Fifi up, before they embrace.)

Random Guy: Never mind. That was apparently self-defense.

Well-Fit Male Otter: Hey, Fifi, was it?

Fifi: Oui?

WFMO: After the prom, you think we could, I don't know, go up to that hilltop and... Observe the view? You can bring your friend. That was awesome what she just did there.

Male Fox: I was gonna ask her that!

Male Wolf: No, me!

Male Panther: Me!

(Various males of variable species join the argument, including a not-familiar male bull.)

Fifi: GUYS! I'll zink about eet at ze dance. I'll only go if she wants to go with moi. (Walks off with Serenity inside.)

Bull: Oh, and, uh... I can't do my gig with you guys. Cut my hand while getting that skunk outtta the trunk.

Tranquility: NO! You gotta continue! If you don't, they won't get together and they won't go with you!

Bull: Well, do you know someone else who can dance seductively on the stage to *Insert Award-Bait Romance Song Here*?

(Cut to Tranquility in her underwear swaying to *Insert Award-Bait Romance Song Here*, with the 14 males on-stage, before quickly looking at her family photo sticking out her bum cheeks, where her siblings have disappeared.)

(Cut to Fifi and Serenity on the dance floor.)

Fifi: Should we...?

Serenity: Uhh...

(Hampton shows up out of nowhere.)

Hampton: There you are, Fifi! I thought you were with me! (Looks up to see a human face in the roof giving him a death-glare.) Oh, Fifi! We're meant to be together, and stuff! (The face disappears.)

(Cut to Tranquility observing, with a nervous expression, looking at her paw suddenly starting to vanish, before cutting back to Fifi and Hampton.)

Fifi: ....... No. I'm not with you. I'm sorry, but I have no idea who you are, or...

(Cut back to Tranquility, who notices her hand suddenly regaining visibility, before looking back at her rump, noticing the siblings popping back up in her photo, just as *Insert Award-Bait Romance Song Here* reaches a swelling, feel-good climax.)

Fifi: ...And eef Ruegger has a problem with zat, zen he can just ignore all zis! (Embraces Serenity, before they kiss.)

Bull: Well, that's it for tonight. Unless someone would like to remind the readers of a famous scene from the source material.

Tranquility: I would! (Takes the mic.) Alright. This is an oldie, but... Well, it's an oldie where I come from. *Sings "Baby", before eventually ceasing*. Guess you're not ready for that yet. But your kids are... Never mind, even your kids won't like it.

(Cut to Tranquility exiting the building back in her prom dress, before approaching Fifi and Serenity with the males.)

Fifi: Hold on, I'll get right back to you. (To Tranquility) Zat was very bad music zere.

Tranquility: Well, I didn't know what I was...

Fifi: I hope you don't mind, but Serenity and I are gonna head up to ze hills with zese hunks here.

Tranquility: Good! Good for you. Had a feeling 'bout you two. Before you ask, I can't go with you guys. I'm still on the run, and I'm a bit of a traveler, but it's been... Educational.

Fifi: Will we ever see you again?

Tranquility: I guarantee it.

Serenity: Thanks for the advice, Trank. I'll never forget it.

Tranquility: Well, have fun. Oh, and uh... If you have a daughter, and if, when she's 8, she sends an email to Cartoon Network asking for a comedic version of a beloved superhero show, go easy on her, OK?

Serenity: OK.

(Tranquility runs off.)

Fifi: Tranquility... I like zat name...

Serenity: Fifi, why don't we wait a few years until gay love is legal, then we can... You know. In the meantime, however, I could ask my dad to let me use a portion of my money to get us a new house, and hire these guys as our retainers slash... Toys...

Fifi: I'd love zat...

To be continued...

Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 10

(Cut to Tranquility racing down the street, towards the Blockbuster, where Lola Bunny is waiting.) Tranquility: Alright, they're back together. Let's turn this chick on! \*Insert rim-shot here\* Hehe... Get it? "Turn on"? Lola: (Sternly) Hilarious....

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 8

(Cut to Tranquility walking down the street with Serenity.) Tranquility: So, what made you change your mind about the dance? Serenity: Well, Kylo Ren came down from the planet Avatar and threatened to melt my brain by exposing me to his yellow...

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 7

(Cut to Tranquility and Lola in the Acme Looniversity cafeteria.) Tranquility: There she is. (Pointing to Serenity Coyote.) Lola: You must've been adopted. You've got quite a different sense of fashion. Tranquility: First of all, I DID have clothes,...

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