West Islands Chapter 6: Mission Preparation

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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#25 of Pokemon Team Valiant

Rescue Teams join forces to invade the fortress of the renegade Pokémon that threaten the West Islands. They all must come to terms with the knowledge that this mission may be one they do not return from...

(Warning: Long Chapter, and centered mostly around character development. Action starts next chapter >:) )

Support me and future projects by purchasing my book! Broken Shackle Available in E-reader or paperback!

The day in Azure did not start like any other for the townsfolk as they went about their usual morning routines, for they would witness the arrival of very special guests for the second time in the same week -only this time they were actually coming ashore unlike the previous visit. A long, sleek ship slowly entered the harbour, maneuvering around the fishing boats that were heading out to sea to make their daily catch, the Pokémon manning those boats watching in awe at the shiny metal ship that entered the bay, easing its way into port.

The name, 'Peacemaker', was painted onto the hull at the bow of the ship in bright blue letters, and when it was close enough to the docks to lower its gangplank, a Swampert, larger than any other that anyone in town had ever laid eyes on, drawing more awestricken stares from the villagers as they made their way to the shore, followed closely by a Scizor, with a Talonflame they did recognize perched upon the arm of the Bug/Steel-type.

Torolf glanced over his shoulder at the Talonflame riding on the Scizor's shoulder. "You're our guide from here on, Eagle Eye; I don't know my way around this town. Can you show us where Luke and Volcan are staying?" He requested.

"Sure can!" Eagle Eye returned, splaying out his wings. "They live on the outskirts of town!" He hopped off Shamshir's arm, flying over to Torolf to perch atop his head instead.

Torolf looked over his shoulder at Shamshir. "Wait here with the others; I'll be back soon."

"Roger, Torolf," returned the Scizor, turning around and heading back to the Peacemaker while Torolf began to make his way through town, following Eagle Eye's directions to Luke's home.

After clearing the town buildings and making their way into the edge of the woods where Luke's house could be found, Eagle Eye left his perch on Torolf's head to glide ahead, spurring the Swampert to increase his pace to keep up with him until the Talonflame veered into a small clearing and landed upon the top of the mound that filled most of the clearing, waiting until Torolf caught up before he spoke.

"Here we are, big boss!" He called.

Torolf looked up at the Talonflame oddly before he began to look about the clearing, but he couldn't see anything; he had come out here expecting at least a cabin or a shack -hell even a tent would have been preferable. But nothing of the sort could be seen. "There... There is nothing here," he stated.

Eagle Eye chuckled. "Au contraire, my muscly friend." He returned, lifting a talon and pointing with one of his length toes to the mound, particularly at a spot next to him. "See that latch right here?"

Torolf followed where Eagle Eye was pointing, eventually spotting the latch built into the mound at the edge of the clearing. "What?" He asked, walking over to the latch and staring at it before looking up at the Talonflame again. "He lives... underground?"

"Bingo!" The Talonflame returned, hopping off the mound and landing next to Torolf. "Courtesy of his best bud here in Azure. Helped him build the place from the ground up from scratch... well, ground DOWN I should say."

Torolf looked at the latch again, a small grimace on his face as he rubbed the back of his head. "Nothing against low standards, but I expected... different." He muttered before shrugging. "Oh well; least it's not a Blackcoast sewer pipe," he said before he reached over and knocked on the door with his fist gently.

Inside the house, Luke, Volcan and Caulin were sitting down to breakfast when the knock came, directing their gazes to the door. Volcan started to get up to go and answer, but Luke motioned for him to sit back down. "I got it." He said calmly as he walked to the door above him and pushed it open, peeking his head out once it was opened wide enough.

He almost fell back a bit when he saw the massive blue form filling his doorway, taking a moment to register who it was until Torolf lowered his head to peer in through the door at the Lucario. Luke recognized the Swampert near-instantly, his ears standing upright in excitement "Hey!" He said as he hopped out of his home to properly greet the Swampert, who stepped back to give him room. "You made it!"

Torolf nodded in greeting to the Lucario. "Good to see you, lad," he said in a friendly manner that did little to alleviate the deep, commanding voice of the Swampert. "How have you been?"

Luke smiled wider. "Honestly Torolf, I feel better than I ever have in a long time." He returned, his thoughts drifting back to the night before, until he cleared his throat and turned away. "Come in, come in. We're just having some breakfast." Luke gestured Torolf to enter his home.

"Erm..." Torolf grunted as Luke started to head back into the house. When Luke looked back outside, it occurred to the Lucario that the Swampert was larger than his doorway, and would not be able to fit through the door past his shoulders.

"Oh..." Luke blushed in embarrassment at this realization. "Sorry, one second." He said as he walked toward the open door, then he pressed his paw into another latch and yanked the door back further, making it wide enough for Torolf to enter, and then did the same to the other side of the doorway. "There we go."

"Ah, good lad; thinking ahead," Torolf complimented.

With that, after Luke stepped back into the house, Torolf carefully descended into the house, using his hands to balance himself as he stepped through the door to enter Luke's home. Volcan and Caulin looked up as they heard the massive Swampert entering the house. Caulin of course didn't know who he was, but Volcan did, and he beamed as he recognized Torolf, practically jumping to his feet.

"Hey, hey, the big man himself is here!" The Blaziken bade, waving to the Swampert "Good to see you Torolf!"

"Good morning, Volcan. How are -oop!" He stepped back as his head bumped the ceiling as he tried to stand up, looking up with some dismay before huffing. "Better keep low, methinks. This house wasn't made for a giant like me."

"Yeah, good idea," said Volcan, snickering.

Caulin tilted his head as the large Swampert entered the house. "Uhm...who are you?" He asked innocently.

Eagle Eye let himself fall into the house shortly after Torolf entered, hopping over and perching himself on the edge of a free chair. "Wait, you don't know who this champ is? Seriously??" He asked at Caulin.

"Should I?" He asked.

"Caulin," Volcan began. "This is Torolf, the Captain of Team Warmachine -one of the top-ranked Rescue Teams in the world. He's here to help us get your dad back."

At that, the Riolu suddenly jolted and he looked back to Torolf. "Wait, for real?!" He asked, quickly leaping up from his seat and darting up to the Swampert; in contrast, the Riolu was not even as large as Torolf's hands. Were the Swampert so inclined, if he grasped the Riolu in his paw, he could almost completely engulf poor Caulin. Fortunately, he had no reason to do so. "You're gonna help bring my dad home?!"

Torolf looked down at Caulin, giving him a warm smile. "That's what I'm here for, lad," he replied. "And I'll make certain the scum who took him regret ever taking him; on that, you have my word. They will be brought to justice."

"Good!" Caulin returned, clenching his paws tightly. "Those crooks are gonna pay for destroying my home...I just wish I could be there to see it happen."

Torolf lowered himself down to lie as flat on the floor where he could look Caulin in the eye. "I'm very sorry for what happened to you. Caulin, was it?" He asked, receiving a nod from the Riolu. "Well, just for you then, when we break into the Fortress, I'll give their boss one punch he'll never forget, and I'll shout out your name while doing it, so he knows exactly who it's for. Does that sound good?"

He nodded softly. "Yea, that'll do just fine." He said softly, then leaned up and nuzzled Torolf in a cute manner. "Thanks, Mr. Torolf."

"You're welcome, son," he returned, and then turned his attention towards the table. "Now, I believe I interrupted your breakfast. Best get back to it before it gets cold."

Caulin nodded back to Torolf quickly, then turned and walked back to his seat to continue eating his breakfast in peace.

Luke then stepped forward. "Would you like anything, Torolf?" He offered.

"I'm fine, thank you," he replied. "I mostly came here just to let you know I had arrived. Razorwing just got back from Gladiator City; Romulus is on his way and so are the Red Talons. We're all meeting at Needle Point Rock, like Volcan suggested, tomorrow night." He looked at Volcan. "I trust you know where this fortress is."

Volcan nodded. "My friend Serena does," he replied. "She scouted it out before we found her on Arc; she can tell us how to get there."

"Good," returned Torolf. "We'll discuss it aboard the Peacemaker when we head out. I hope your teams are ready."

"As ready as we'll ever be." Luke returned. "We've been training non-stop to prepare for this, but we had so little time. I just hope it will be enough."

"Training is only half of what we'll need; the rest depends on us working together," said Torolf. "Sieging a fortified position requires careful planning and some knowledge of the location. We'll have a Captain's meeting when we're all gathered out at sea."

Luke nodded firmly. "Right." He replied. "We'll finish up here and then I'll gather the rest of Team Valiant to meet you at the docks."

"Have you got somewhere for Caulin to stay?" Torolf asked, glancing at the Riolu.

Volcan frowned slightly, realizing he hadn't thought that far ahead. "Uh..." He began, trying to give an answer.

"I'll take him to my mother's place." Luke answered promptly. "She'll be able to look after him until we get back."

Torolf turned to Luke and nodded in approval. "Very well. Meet me at the ship when you're ready."

"Hey uh, question," began Volcan. "Does your ship have a tow line? I thought we might take my boat along as well -it might come in handy."

"I think we can arrange that," replied Torolf with a nod. "I'll have to see the boat itself but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Excellent. We'll see you at the docks, then," said Volcan.

With a last goodbye, Torolf turned and began to leave, climbing out through the front door and closing it behind him, leaving the rest to finish their breakfast -except for Eagle Eye, who had stayed quiet until now. Noticing the silence, he cleared his throat and turned to look at Luke. "So uhm... want me to go round up the guys?" He finally asked.

"Yes, please do." Luke returned. "Tell them to meet at the docks. We'll be there shortly."

"Will do." Eagle Eye returned. "Stay frosty, y'all!" He said as he hopped back toward the door, opening his wings and flying out the door to seek out the team

Volcan leant forward on the table, narrowing his eyes as he stared at the wooden surface, not even looking at his plate anymore. "So... the time has come at last," he said.

Luke nodded softly, sighing a little and rubbing his chest a bit. "It all hinges on us now..." He muttered, then looked over to Caulin for a moment. "If you're finished your breakfast, would you mind giving us a moment?" He asked softly.

"Uh sure." He returned, wiping his mouth on a napkin, then taking his plate over to the kitchen and placing it in the sink before he headed off to the bathroom to quickly wash up.

Volcan looked up at Luke after Caulin had shut the door, his expression serious as his gaze met the Lucario's. "We may not know what we're getting into here," he said.

"We don't know what we're getting into." Luke returned just as seriously, standing up from his seat and approaching Volcan. "But we can't let that deter us; many lives are at stake and we can't ignore that." He then placed his paw over his chest. "...I'm prepared for the risks this mission entails, and as dangerous as this may be..." He opened his eyes and placed his paw onto Volcan's shoulder. "I'm confident we'll succeed...especially since I know I'll have you backing me up."

Volcan chuckled, rising from his chair and turning to Luke. "I wasn't going to say that I was afraid," he said. "We dealt with that issue last night. I was going to say..." he stepped forward, and gently embraced Luke. "That I'm glad I have you with me; there is no one else I'd rather have battling at my side."

Luke chuckled and blushed lightly. "Even when we're about to set off on the most dangerous mission of our lives, you can't help but be a hopeless romantic, can you?" He asked, sliding his paws around Volcan's lower back as he was embraced.

"It would seem not," he replied, gently stroking Luke's back. "I guess it just comes naturally to me."

"Not that I'm complaining..." Luke whispered, raising himself up a little more to bump his nose against Volcan's beak, ears flattening as he gazed into his beloved's eyes.

"Me neither," replied the Blaziken, smiling back at Luke.

Luke started to blush deeper the longer he gazed at Volcan, then let out a sigh and closed his eyes slowly. "Kiss me, Volcan..." He whispered sensually to him.

The Blaziken did so without hesitation, leaning down and pressing his lips to Luke's, tenderly kissing the Lucario as he pulled him closer, holding him gently in his arms. Luke let out a small moan as their lips met, his paws stroking along Volcan's chest and shoulder slowly as he expressed his feelings to the Blaziken once more, cherishing the moment they were sharing together.

"...Uhm... Mr. Luke? Uncle Volcan?" Caulin's voice rang in the air while they kissed, making them both open their eyes wide in mild shock. They broke the kiss, turning their gazes to the young Riolu, who had finished washing up and had walked in on their moment, and was staring at them blankly

Volcan pulled back from Luke instinctively and turned to look at Caulin, his face flushing a beet red under his feathers as he saw the Riolu standing in the hallway. "Uh... hey, sport," he said, meekly.

"...Were you two just kissing?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion. "I thought only boys and girls did that sort of thing to one another, not two boys." He added.

"Uh, well, you see," Volcan began, looking at Luke briefly. "Heh, busted, eh?" He asked in a muffled voice.

"Seems so." Luke returned, blushing heavily before he turned his attention back to Caulin. "Well, you see Caulin..." He began. "Love isn't really just limited to two Pokémon of opposite genders." He tried to explain. "Sometimes, a male can end up finding another male attractive, as is the same with females...If that makes any sense."

Caulin rubbed his chin a little as he glanced between the two of them. "Wait so...If I'm getting this right..." He looked to Volcan for a moment. "Then you love Mr. Luke?"

Volcan blushed again, but he nodded in answer. "Yes," he replied. "I didn't realize it at first as... well, it was kind of new to me. But yes; I love him." He put his arm around Luke, holding him gently. "Very much."

Luke smiled warmly up to Volcan as he was pulled against him, resting both his paws onto his chest. "As I love you, Volcan..." He returned happily.

"Huh." Caulin muttered, looking between the two of them and seeing how happy they were, before shrugging helplessly. "Well ok then. C'mon, let's go." He said as he walked past the two of them without much of a thought.

Volcan watched Caulin as he walked past them, his expression shifting to a blank one and even as he looked at Luke again. "Well then..."

"He took that surprisingly well." Luke commented. "He's really innocent for his age..."

"Linda was... very protective, to the point you could say she may have sheltered him a bit," Volcan returned. "But, he'll understand it soon enough. He's getting to that age, but still a far cry from discussing..." he patted Luke's lower back as he started to head for the door, "those kind of topics," he said with a sultry wink.

At that, Luke cocked an eyebrow at him, smirking slightly. "Do I detect a hint of a dirty mind in your tone there, Volcan?" He asked as he hopped out through the door, then crouched down and offered his paw to the Blaziken.

"Business before pleasure, love," replied Volcan, taking Luke's paw and letting him help him out of the house, rising to his full height as he stepped out into the open air. "Besides," he began, and then whispered in Luke's ear. "There's still a kid present."

"Oh, I know." Luke whispered back. "I just couldn't help but notice." He added with a wink, still holding his lover's talon even as he rose to his full height. "Let's get going."

Volcan nodded, and then looked over to Caulin. "Ready to go, sport?"

"Mhmm!" He returned, being back to his old chipper self again, moving to stand at Volcan's side.

"Alright then." Luke then began to lead the way to his mother's residence, but not before looking back to the two of them. "Nido might be there as well, just letting you know. Don't be too intimidated by his demeanour... or his size for that matter. He's just naturally a very intimidating Pokémon."

"He _can't_be any larger than Torolf," returned Volcan as he and Caulin followed. "Or any scarier than Sol or that Gallade."

Luke could not help but smile, already picturing Volcan's reactions to his lifelong friend and teacher. "Trust me, love." Luke returned. "Get on his bad side and you better prepare to be put six feet under... He is without question the toughest Nidoking in the world, and he's got the confidence to back it up."

"After all we've faced Luke? I'm ready for anything," Volcan stated firmly.


The three of them soon arrived at Luminara's home after a short walk. They could see the female Lucario just outside her abode, sitting cross legged and eyes closed in a deep meditation. However, this time she wasn't exactly alone. Not too far away from her was quite possibly the most massive Nidoking both Caulin and Volcan had ever seen, and he was undergoing a training regime that made Katsumoto's feel like child's play, as he was literally bench pressing what could only be described as literal tons of rock and earth that he had conjured up using Earth Power.

"...I was not ready for this," Volcan made the off-hand comment while staring up in complete disbelief.at the display of strength shown by the Nidoking.

"I did warn you." Luke said with a chuckle as they got closer to Luminara, waiting until he was within earshot of the female Lucario before he spoke. "Good morning, Mother." He bade her, stepping ahead of Volcan and Caulin.

Luminara's ear twitched and she opened her eyes, turning toward her approaching son and smiling warmly before rising to her feet to greet him. "Hello, my sweet boy," she said, embracing her youngest son warmly for a moment. When they parted, she then looked past Luke to Volcan. "And good morning to you too, Volcan."

"Good morning, ma'am," returned Volcan, nodding his head respectfully to her.

Luminara then looked over her shoulder toward the Nidoking working out behind her. "Honey! We have company!" She called over to him.

The enormous lumbering Nidoking froze mid-lift as he heard the voice of Luminara from a distance away. Normally, such a disturbance in the middle of training would be a tremendous annoyance to Nido, but there were always exceptions to be made in the case of family. He took a deep breath, carrying his mountain of a stone high above his head. With a mighty heavy he chucked the mound of earth so that it fell with an earthshaking thud several dozen feet away, sending tremors rippling through the ground and sending dust billowing out, engulfing Nido as he turned around and approached the gang of Pokémon, Luminara included. His shadow formed a masculine silhouette through the dust clouds as they formed around him, highlighting his grizzly exterior until he re-emerged from the. When only a few feet away he stopped and crossed his arms, his bulging pectorals standing just above his wrists.

"Well, Luke. What a pleasant surprise." he said flashing half a toothy grin, easily recognizing the Lucario he had known for many years.

"Likewise, Nido." He returned calmly, not as fazed by the thunderous crash as Caulin and Volcan were. The Lucario held his paw out to him for a fist bump. "I see you're still hard at work as always." He added.

Nido gave a deep chuckle, his chest rumbling up and down as he did so. He extended an arm and gave a powerful fist bump right back. "Damn fucking straight." He said proudly, taking a moment to wipe a fresh layer of sweat from his forehead, glistening in the afternoon sunlight.

His attention then turned to the Blaziken standing next to him, turning from casual yet powerful to intense and judgemental. His eyes traveled up and down this new Pokémon, subtly determining the trustworthiness of him "And who might you be?" he asked in a deep and noticeably more intimidating tone. He kept his arms crossed as his shadow seemed to cast over Volcan from the angle they were standing. The difference in impressions he gave from Luke to Volcan was thoroughly noticeable

Much to Luke's surprise after Volcan's initial shock at the sight of Nido, the Blaziken no longer looked intimidated even as he met Nido's gaze with his own. Caulin however, was still reeling over the fact of how utterly massive this Nidoking was. Unable to contain himself any longer, he blurted out, "this guy's freaking HUGE!!! He's even bigger than that Torolf guy!"

"Caulin," said Volcan with mild scorn, looking down at the Riolu standing by his leg. "Inappropriate."

"Eep! S-Sorry." He said with a jolt, then looked back at Nido, still rather intimidated by his sheer size.

Seeing as neither of them were going to answer, Luke spoke up in their place. "This is Volcan. He's...a new resident to Azure and is leader of his own Rescue Team." He added, averting his gaze a little bit and blushing before he gestured to the Riolu. "This little one here is Caulin; he's the son of Volcan's friend Minato."

Volcan nodded his head respectfully to Nido. "Heard a lot about you, sir. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Is that so?" Nido responded, his thick tail swaying back and forth behind himself, looking dense enough it could crush a Pokémon utterly if they were unfortunate enough to be bludgeoned by it. He paid little attention to Caulin, not even responding to the comment about his side, having eyes only for the Blaziken. "I haven't heard much of anything about you, but if you have been hanging around Luke then your head must be in the right place," he stated openly, his gaze not moving away.

After a few moments of silence that felt much longer than they actually were, Nido would extend a claw as if to shake Volcan's. "My name is Nido, but I'm sure most of you know that by now..." he clarified since Volcan had just done so.

"Indeed," Volcan replied, reaching out to grasp Nido's claw politely. "Though, if I may, I'm actually here to ask a favour of your wife, if she has a moment to spare."

Nido narrowed his gaze, and as he pulled his arm back from Volcan, he stepped aside, allowing Luminara to step forward. "Is something the matter?" She asked, then noticed Caulin and narrowed her eyes. "It has something to do with the young one, am I right?"

Volcan nodded sadly, kneeling to stand at level with Caulin as he began his explanation to Luminara. "Caulin is from Arc Island, like I am; during the attack that destroyed our homes, he and his mother were left behind by both the rescuers and the enemy. His mother didn't make it, but thanks to her, he survived until we got there and saved him."

"Thanks to my friend Serena, we know his father, my friend and teammate Minato, is alive as well. However, he's a captive of the people who took our home from us." He held Caulin's shoulders as he carried on. "I have vowed to reunite Caulin with his father, and we're soon leaving to do just that. I just need somewhere safe for him to stay until we come back." His expression turned hopeful as he voiced his question. "Is it alright if he stays with you?"

She looked down at Volcan and Caulin as she considered her answer, closing her eyes for a moment as she processed everything that Volcan had to say. She then opened her eyes and gave him a small nod. "He can stay here with me." She returned, then before the Blaziken could answer, she lifted her paw up and gave him a stern look. "On one condition."

"Y-yes?" Volcan asked, intimidated by the Lucario's stare and the firmness of her tone. 'I'm not sure who's scarier; the giant Nidoking, or Luminara!'

She then knelt to meet his gaze, her expression softening. "...That you make sure you bring my boy back safe and sound." She stated, gesturing to Luke.

"M-Mother..." Luke stammered softly. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

But Volcan answered her just the same, despite Luke's assurance. "You have my word," he said. "I will make certain Luke also makes it home, whatever the cost. Him," he looked at Caulin, "and your dad. And when we get back," his expression turned lighter, along with his tone, as he addressed Caulin. "I'm treating you both to some ice cream, but you have to behave for Luminara, alright?"

The Riolu beamed up at Volcan at the mention of ice cream. "You bet, Uncle Volcan!!" He said happily.

With that, Caulin turned and threw his arms around Volcan, the two of them sharing a final embrace as it came time for the Blaziken to depart for his mission; despite Caulin's earlier cheerfulness, it was clear he knew the risks of the mission on which he beloved godfather was about to depart on, for he was holding the Blaziken as though it would be the last time he would get the chance.

"Please come home soon, Uncle," he said, whimpering slightly.

"I will," promised Volcan. "Love you, kiddo."

"Love you too, uncle."

With that, they pulled apart, Volcan rising back to his full height as the Riolu walked over to stand at Luminara's side. At that, Volcan turned to look at her again, his expression grateful and warm. "I can't thank you enough for this," he said.

"No child should ever have to be without their parents at such a young age," Luminara returned softly, gently placing her paw on Caulin's shoulder. "Something I'm sure you know Luke is all too familiar with by now."

Volcan nodded weakly. "Yes..." He said, looking at Luke with a sympathetic expression. "Of course, thanks to my amnesia, I don't even remember my mother." He said as he averted his gaze, putting a talon to his head. "Tristan told me a little about her, but I still can't see her in my memories -I don't remember her face. Yet, even without the memories, I still long to see her; to know she's safe."

Luke gently reached for Volcan's hand and gripped it tightly in his paw. "Then I guess that's one more thing I'm going to have to help you with after this all boils over." Luke said with a warm smile up at the Blaziken.

Volcan smiled back at Luke, their gazes locking together again along with their hands as he gripped Luke's paw. Of course, their expressions and body language were easily noticed by Luminara, who caught on quickly that there was more going on with them than met the eye. She began to smile at the two of them, especially toward Luke, as she knew just how much in pain he used to be after his last horrid break up.

"...I see you've finally found that inner peace you've been longing for since Janine left you." Luminara pointed out.

Luke's gaze never left Volcan's, but he gave a small nod in acknowledgment. "I have, and it's all thanks to him." He replied, taking both of Volcan's hands in his paws and gripping them tightly.

Volcan smiled broadly and happily at Luke, staring into his eyes for a moment before he looked at Luminara again. "All the more reason I will make certain he comes home alive," he said, taking his talons from Luke's grasp to put his arm around the younger Lucario's shoulders. "Because... I love him."

"And I love you, Volcan..." He would whisper back, sliding his arms around the Blaziken's lower back as they embraced each other once more.

Sadly, all too soon they had to end their moment when Volcan pulled away from Luke. "We should probably get going," he stated. "They're waiting for us."

"Agreed." Luke returned, then released Volcan from his embrace and turned toward his mother, embracing her lightly and nuzzling her cheek a bit. "I'll be back within a few days or so."

She nodded back, gently kissing her son's forehead. "I'm so happy you've finally found someone, dear," she said softly back to him. "Please be safe, Luke."

"I will." He returned, then turned to Nido and approached him, smirking a little. "Try not to be too hard on the little guy, alright?" He asked with a small chuckle.

He shrugged nonchalantly "Most I can promise is that I won't step on him -as long as he doesn't walk under my feet." he returned. As if to signify the point, Nido would flex his leg and turn his foot in the ground, creating a small hole underneath the sole of his three-clawed foot.

Luke chuckled softly at that. "Subtle as always." He returned, then he walked forward and gave him a quick hug as well. "You take care, old friend..." He said softly to him.

With their goodbyes said, Luke rejoined Volcan, and they walked together in the direction of town, increasing their pace to a light jog, and ready to begin their new mission...


Everyone was gathered at the docks by the time Luke and Volcan arrived at where the Peacemaker and the Team Phalanx boat were anchored, carrying mission essentials as they prepared to disembark. All of Luke's team, and that of Team Kama along with Serena were all gathered on the pier, discussing the mission ahead -the only one they couldn't see immediately was Tristan, but as they drew nearer they spotted his tail waving about from behind the cabin of the Phalanx boat, along with the sound of tools clanging.

Serena saw the two of them approaching, and called out to Volcan, letting him know that Tristan needed help with the engine repairs. But as Volcan began to pass her, she saw his bandaged hands, and immediately demanded what had happened to him. He went on to explain the incident from a few nights before, where he had mangled his talons during training. Luke didn't wait to hear the lecture the Blaziken received from Serena -he'd already given his own to Volcan in advance- and addressed his team.

"So, everyone present and accounted for?" Luke asked as he looked among his teammates while Volcan went to check things on his boat.

"Yup. All present." Hank said with a nod. "Today's the big day then eh?"

"Aye...this mission's success all hinges on our careful planning and execution." Katsu added.

"So long as we form a well calculated plan, as well as a few contingencies, then we should have no trouble..." Kage would say tonelessly.

"If only things were that easy..." Luke said with a sigh.

"Agreed," Sickle chimed in, nodding to Luke. "I don't think any of us have ever been on a mission like this one before."

"All missions can be dangerous," added Blaster. "But this is a step beyond that. We know these guys have already destroyed two islands, massacred their citizens and vanished without a trace. And yet, we haven't the faintest idea just what we're facing; only what they do."

"I was with Team Warmachine for two years, and even we never faced anything like this," Kaen added his own input. "This isn't just a mission we're going into; it's more like a war."

_ _

"Hey Volc! Lend me a hand?" Tristan called.

Volcan, with his talons having now been healed by Serena, turned to Tristan. "Sure; coming," he replied, hopping into the boat to help Tristan, leaving Serena to join the rest of the group.

Eagle Eye resumed the conversation. "Well, good thing we've got quite the army ourselves, right guys?" Eagle Eye asked. "I mean...we got two gold ranked teams, two silver ranked teams, and one of...unknown rank, but damn they're good in a fight." He said happily. "I think we got a good fighting chance on our side."

"_Two_Silver rank?" Sickle asked, looking at Eagle Eye curiously.

"Yeah... you guys," Eagle Eye returned.

"My team is _Bronze_Rank, Eagle Eye," Sickle pointed out.


"In any case," returned Serena, "speaking as one who has seen these beings before, we must keep our wits about us. They will not spare any one of us -they will not hesitate to take our lives if we give them the chance." She shuddered visibly, clenching her eyes as though she had swallowed something bitter. "I saw that much... so many lives, several of whom even begged for mercy, but did not receive any. Least of all from that... that creature leading them..."

Katsu turned his attention to Serena, seeing her visibly cringe and tense up at the mention of said creature. "You speak as if this being is not a Pokémon of any kind."

"He looked like one," began Serena. "But the way he acted; the delight he showed every time he slew or wounded someone, and that look in his eyes... it was like I was staring at death itself made flesh. He looked like a Blaziken, but he was nothing like any other one I ever saw. Least of all the ones I know," she glanced in the direction of Volcan, still helping Tristan install the new gasket.

At the mention of a Blaziken being the 'creature' Serena spoke of, Kage was reminded of the day Volcan had broken down at the sight of the destroyed island, when the Greninja had seen the dark Blaziken flash through Volcan's fragmented memory by using Mind Reader. Could Serena be speaking of the same one Volcan had seen atop the ruined shrine to Arceus? The Greninja narrowed his eyes in thought, and looked as if he were about to speak before Katsu spoke up again.

"Whoever this being was, I will make certain that he pays for his transgressions against your home personally should I encounter him." He stated boldly, placing his paw over his chest. "You have my word."

"Never make a promise you cannot fulfill, Katsumoto..." Kage stated lowly. "We know nothing about our adversary, and it would be to our disadvantage if we rush in head first and brains last, so to speak."

"That has never stopped me before, my friend." Katsu said firmly.

"It will one day, permanently." Kage reiterated, giving the Samurott that cold glare of his.

"Ahoy down there!" a voice called from the Peacemaker, prompting everyone to direct their attention to the deck. A familiar Chesnaught was waving to them from the deck. "Are you all just about ready? The tide is about to start receding! We'll want to leave with it if we want to save on fuel!"

"We'll be up in a moment!" Luke called back, then looked to the others. "You all head aboard. I'm going to check on Tristan and Volcan and let them know we're leaving soon."

"Okay. See you on board," returned Sickle before turning to his team. "Let's go guys."

"Right behind you," replied Kaen.

As the teams began to board, Luke turned his attention to the Phalanx boat, sprinting across the pier to hop aboard, where he saw Volcan he saw Volcan tightening a nut with a wrench to secure the new gasket into place while Tristan held it, making sure it was secure and properly installed before nodding and shutting the hatch. Setting aside the wrench, Volcan reached for a rag to wipe his talons, which were covered in engine grease.

"That ought to do it," said Tristan

"Let's not wear this one out as fast as we did the last one," stated Volcan. "We still need to be able to get back here once everything is over."

"Good call."

"How's everything coming?" Luke asked once the two had finished speaking.

"New gasket is attached and the rest looks good," replied Tristan. "It'll hold for the mission."

"Good, because we're about to depart for Needle Point Rock." Luke informed them. "Everyone else will be waiting for us about Torolf's ship."

"I'll get her ready to go then," said Volcan, standing up and heading over to the console.

"I'll throw you a tow line once we're out to sea," said Tristan, wiping his claws on another rag before glancing at Luke. "Mind stayin' aboard to catch the rope?" He requested.

"Sure." Luke returned. "I'm going need some help tying a knot to secure the two ships together." He added.

"Leave that to Volcan. Just keep hold of the rope once I throw it to you and secure yourself to the rail; he'll do the rest."

"Understood." Luke returned with a nod back to Tristan.

"See you on board," bade the Aggron before he leapt from the boat back to the pier, and strode to the gangplank to board the Peacemaker.

With Tristan the last one to board, the plank was lifted and the ship prepared to cast off while the tide was still with them. Seeing the activity on the deck the Peacemaker, Volcan went back onto the dock to untie the boat, rolling up the rope before jumping back aboard and dropped it onto the deck. He then grabbed a pole from where he dropped the rope and used it to push away from the dock, angling it to face out to open water. Once they were a safe distance from the dock that the boat could be steered away, he dropped the pole to the deck again and made for the cabin.

Casting a glance over his shoulder at Luke, he smiled as he seemed to have an idea. "Ever wanted to learn how to drive a boat?" He offered. "It's a good way to pass time."

Luke shrugged in reply. "Why not? I imagine we'll be spending some time on this boat sooner or later."

"Alright then; come up here," Volcan directed, leading Luke up to the front console at the very end of the cabin, taking the wheel in his hands as he began to show Luke the various components on the helm arrayed before him. "Okay. This is the ignition here," he explained, pointing to each indicated item starting with a key inserted in the console. "This is the throttle for controlling speed. Over on the left side here, we've got the gauges; this one's for fuel, this one for engine temperature, and here..." he tapped one more dial that rested atop the wheel that steered the boat. "Is the compass. I don't think I need to tell you what that's for."

"Never thought I'd be learning how to operate a boat." Luke commented with a chuckle after hearing Volcan's explanation. "I never pictured myself as a seafaring Lucario."

"Well, take it from me; when you live close to the sea, you may as well enjoy it, even if it hides its own dangers," he said as he stepped aside, gesturing to the wheel. "You'll find it can be quite fun."

Luke looked toward the helm of the boat for a moment, then back to Volcan with a small blush. "Maybe after this is all over...You and I could take this thing out to sea ourselves?" He asked softly.

"Sounds like an enjoyable time," Volcan replied with a nod. "Maybe find our own little island somewhere to enjoy ourselves. You know; little holiday spot sort of thing. In the meantime," he reached over to Luke, bringing him up to the wheel, and gently guiding his paws to the grips, standing behind Luke and keeping his talons over Luke's paws as he showed him where to hold them. "Ideal position is here, with your arms curled like this, to get the right amount of leverage to turn when you need to. Now, start her up." He gestured to the ignition key. "Underneath the key there is the primer, to inject fuel; if it doesn't start right away, just press that a couple of times and try again. Just twice, though; any more and you flood the engine."

Luke followed all Volcan's instructions to the letter, reaching for the ignition key and turning it once. The engine did sputter a little, but quickly died down soon after. He hit the primer twice with his paw, then reached for the ignition again, but stopped and looked back to Volcan. "...What happens if I hit the primer and the engine still doesn't start?" He asked.

"If that happens, just wait a few seconds to let the fuel flow where it needs to," explained Volcan. "After that, give it another try. And if it still doesn't start after the next few tries, hit the primer once more. Just keep encouraging it, and it'll respond."

The Lucario nodded, then he turned his attention back to the ignition and turned it. Again, the engine sputtered a bit, although this time the entire boat seemed to rumble as the engine came to life, purring gently like the idle machine it was and causing the floorboards to vibrate gently beneath his paws. He smiled softly and tilted his head back to gaze up at Volcan. "Seems that did the trick."

"Step one complete," said Volcan, giving him an approving nod. "Now, grip the throttle; ease it forward slowly until you feel the boat move, and then take your paw away from it. Once we're away from the docks, we can increase or decrease it as we require."

"Alright, here goes." Luke muttered softly, gently easing on the throttle forward until he felt the boat move, then quickly took his paw away from the throttle and gripped the helm again. Carefully he adjusted his course as the boat crawled its way out of the harbour and toward where the Peacemaker was waiting for them, his paws gripping wheel securely.

Luke let out a light-hearted laugh. "This is actually kind of fun." He commented.

Volcan nodded again, taking his talons from Luke's paws and moving them to his shoulders, watching over his right shoulder as he steered the boat along. "Good so far," he complimented, though no sooner did he say that did a small wave bash against the keel of the boat, causing it to lift abruptly and slightly throw off Luke's balance, falling back into Volcan, who didn't waiver in the slightest.

"Got to equally distribute your weight in your feet, anchor yourself." He maneuvered his own foot to gently spread Luke's foot paws apart ever so slightly. "It's all about balance."

Luke blushed as he felt Volcan spreading his feet apart, but relaxed as he reminded himself it was part of the lesson, and noticed that he had an easier time keeping himself upright now as the boat was rocked again, only shaking him this time. "You know, for a Fire Type, you're _very_familiar with how water works." Luke jested, chuckling a bit at his own little joke. To Luke, this all felt incredibly romantic to him. He'd never been exposed to driving a boat before, and yet having Volcan as his tutor as he guided the boat toward the Peacemaker, left him feeling that soothing warmth in his chest again.

He let himself lean back slightly against Volcan's chest, sighing in content as they rode along the waves. "...This feels right," he said softly.

Volcan leaned down and lightly pecked Luke's cheek, nuzzling him before he peered out the window again. "They're leaving us behind a bit; ease the throttle forward, slowly," he directed, watching closely as Luke increased the boat's speed until they were getting closer to the larger ship. "Feel the waves through the floor; remember the way they rock the boat. This is how you control your speed; the faster you are, the smoother it feels." He looked forward again, directly Luke to ease off slightly, stopping at a set speed that kept them at pace with the Peacemaker, where they could see Tristan at the stern, standing by with a rope to throw down to them.

Volcan patted Luke's shoulders. "Nothing to it," he said. "Now, I'll be right back. Just keep her steady and keep at that speed. When we're secure, I'll signal you and you can shut off the engine; we'll let the Peacemaker tow us." Slowly he moved back from Luke, making sure the Lucario was comfortable at his post, before he walked out the door.

Luke saw a shadow pass the doorway, followed by footsteps on the roof, and lastly by the sight of Volcan falling from the top of the cabin onto the bow of the boat, where the harpoon launcher was located -though it was currently reared back and not in use. Volcan held up his talons as Tristan hurled the rope down to him. Volcan caught it deftly, uncurling it and then tying the length around the anchor point jutting up from the deck, tying it into a secure bowline knot and then pulling on it to make sure it was secure before waving to Tristan, followed by a thumbs-up to Luke, letting him know they were securely tied to the Peacemaker.

The Lucario nodded back, saluting him back before he shut the engine off and let the Peacemaker tow their vessel. He stepped back from the wheel and exited the cabin to rejoin Volcan and take a huge gulp of fresh air, feeling it relax his body. "Ahh... I may not be much of a sailor, but I can appreciate the freshness of salt water, be it on the docks or at sea." He commented, taking Volcan's hand in his paw again. "I really enjoyed that, love."

"Anytime you like, we can go out to sea again," the Blaziken offered. "Soon enough, you'll be sailing this thing as well as I do."

"Hehe, and perhaps I'll be the one driving us to that island vacation you mentioned before." He returned happily.

Volcan shrugged. "It could happen," he bade, before he leaned back against the cabin window and lowered himself to the deck, sitting there and putting his talons behind his head. "We may as well get comfy; the Peacemaker is probably faster than my boat but it'll still take a while before we get to Needle Point Rock."

"Right." Luke returned, taking a seat next to Volcan and leaning gently against him. "How long do you reckon it'll take?"

"Well, it took us about three days before we got there," Volcan replied, looking up at the sky. "But, that was because we had to stop over at Tadpole bay and were held over there. Discounting that, and if we don't hit a storm or have any engine troubles," he shrugged. "We can probably make it there in two -maybe less."

"Two days, hmmm?" Luke asked, trailing his paw along the Blaziken's chest. "More than enough free time methinks...don't you agree?" He would add with a light smirk.

Volcan rolled his eyes to look at Luke, sharing Luke's grin when he saw that expression on his face. "Oh, quite enough time," he replied, taking one of his hands from behind his head to reach around behind Luke, caressing his back.

Luke flattened his ears, moving in to lie again Volcan, wanting to be as close to him as possible. "...Think the others won't mind if we stay here for the time being; at least until we're needed?" He asked softly. "Because frankly, I want as much time with you as I can before we have to get down to business..."

"On that, we're agreed," replied Volcan, bringing his other arm around and placing it upon Luke's cheek. "C'mere you handsome creature..." he said before pulling Luke closer to him.

Luke growled playfully once their lips met once again, welcoming a chance to kiss him again after their last moment together was interrupted, pulling himself into Volcan's lap and leaning firmly against him. Luke's tail whipped back and forth frantically behind him, showing just how much he really was enjoying this moment with his lover. It was only a matter of time before their kissing escalated to a more passionate exchange, their hands caressing each other fervently as they lay there entwined on the deck.

After a moment or so, they pulled apart to catch their breath, and Volcan snickered a little before he spoke. "You know, if we're making out here on the deck, everyone might see us. You ready to let all of our friends know about our relationship?"

"I don't care if the entire world knows about us...All I care about is the fact that you're happy, my beloved Blaziken..."

Volcan smiled back at him. "I don't remember a time I was ever happier," he said, trying to sound romantic despite how unfortunately honest that statement was.

Luke didn't falter, however. "Well then, let's create a time where you are..." He whispered back to him, closing his eyes and making out with Volcan again, his paws exploring his Blaziken's body as he sat there in his lap; at least until the Lucario forcefully yanked Volcan down to his side and rolled so the Blaziken was on top of him, never once parting from their passionate kiss. Volcan took full advantage of the situation, pressing his body down to the Lucario's and pinning him as he kissed him harder still, the two of them moaning in ecstasy as they expressed their love together.

Meanwhile, at the stern of the ship, the two lovers were oblivious to a familiar face watching them from the rail. Sickle stared down at the two, feeling a mild heat in his chest -a feeling of jealousy, he supposed. His own feelings for Luke had not passed, and to see him with someone else made the Grovyle feel something he wasn't used to. He rubbed his chest, wishing he could force it away; he was happy for the two, but still a part of him wished things could have turned out differently.

'I'm no homewrecker, though,' he stated firmly in his mind. 'Luke chose Volcan, and I will accept that.'

_ _

He heard footsteps behind him, and turned to look over his shoulder, seeing Hank wandering the deck, seemingly searching for someone. Sickle smiled as he could easily guess who Hank was looking for, turning to lean his back against the railing as he called out to the Zoroark. "Hey Hank," said the Grovyle. "Looking for your boss?"

"Yea, didn't see 'em board the ship." He returned. "Kinda worried he got left behind; you seen him anywhere?"

"Sure have," replied Sickle, jerking a thumb over his shoulder, still smiling. "Down there, on the Phalanx boat."

"Eh?" Hank looked down to where Sickle was pointing at, narrowing his eyes a bit before seeing the two of them making out on the boat deck. He stared in mild surprise for a moment before he began to grin. "Well call me a fuckin match maker..." He muttered, leaning against the railing. "Looks like he grew some balls after all."

"You knew about 'em too, eh?" Sickle asked, putting his back against the railing and supporting himself on his elbows as he looked at Hank.

"Knew about em?" Hank asked, eyeing Sickle quizzically. "Buddy, I was the one that told drumsticks down there to make his move before it was too late. I knew since Torolf's tournament that they liked each other, and frankly, Luke fucking needs this. He's been alone fer far too long and..." He paused, his smug look turning to a grimace as he turned to look down at the boat again. "Honestly? I think it was really starting to get to him."

"Yeah... I saw that too," remarked Sickle, his gaze dropping to the deck. "After your battle with Team Phobia I... asked him out myself. He came, of course, but even during the date, I could see he was falling back into heartbreak again, so afraid it would happen again. So," he smiled. "I took it upon myself to help remind him how to feel loved again, so I took him back to my room, and we..." He blushed, unable to finish what he was saying, but Hank needed no clarification.

"Ah, so that's why he was so happy the day after." Hank returned, smirking and nodding back to the Grovyle. "I guess I should thank you then."

Sickle sighed. "Just did what I thought was right," he said. "Though, to be fair, I kind of hoped I could've been Luke's. But, after what happened to Volcan, it became clear that Luke was in love with him. I knew he liked me, but for them..." He shrugged. "I saw a much deeper connection was developing between them. So, we parted on good terms, before things got too deep, otherwise I'd have ended up being the one to break his heart." He shook his head. "I was never going to let that happen... so I decided to let things fall into place as they were meant to."

He sighed, sadly. "I'll admit, at first I couldn't chase away the longing," he continued, looking over his shoulder back towards the boat. "But, seeing them now, seeing how happy both of them are... I think I made the right decision for him."

Hank smiled warmly. "You got a good head on ya." Hank returned. "Honestly I could see Luke goin' fer ya if things had gone differently. Who'd be crazy enough to deny you after helping them understand they could try again at love?" He asked.

Sickle looked away shyly, trying not to let Hank see him blushing. But the Zoroark didn't miss a beat, darting to the Grovyle's side before Sickle could say anything, grinning almost mischievously down at him as he put an arm over his shoulder. "Ya know... now that I get a good look at you, you're actually a handsome fella." He said in a flirtatious tone, even winking at him a little.

Sickle looked up at Hank with some mild surprise, blinking speechlessly for a moment with a blush on his face, before chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I appreciate the flattery," he said.

Hank chuckled a little himself, seeing the Grovyle blush and get all flustered; it seemed his charm had once again worked. "Oh, I can give you flattery little man..." Hank said with a grin. "I just gotta find the right buttons to push." He said suggestively, continuing to tease Sickle as his claw trailed along his chest and shoulder.

"Oye," Sickle stated, putting up a claw and gently stepping back from Hank. "I know you're just playing around, Hank, but I've got standards. You're already spoken for, and unless I want to risk the wrath of fifty razor sharp teeth, I'll have to stop ya there."

Hank then started to laugh again, throwing his head back and putting his other claw on his own chest. "Ohhh buddy I could tell you stories about all the times I caught my Gatr getting jiggy with others." He replied. "We always come back to each other, though; we're very open. Keeps life interesting."

"More power to ya, but that's not how I roll," the Grovyle replied with a light-hearted laugh.

"Hah!" Hank laughed again. "I like you, pal. Yer alright." He said, patting his back gently, as he stepped away from the railing, preparing to take his leave. "I'mma head down to get some grub. Feelin' kinda starved." He added, and turned to leave. But the sly Zoroark decided he wanted to catch Sickle by surprise and snuck a quick, but light kiss to his cheek before he began walking off. "See ya around, buddy." He said, waving to him casually as he walked away.

Sickle watched with a slightly stunned look as Hank left him alone on the stern, staring after him until he had disappeared around the corner, still blushing. "Geez, if there was a contest for being a little too forward, that fox would take first prize," he commented.


After seeing the sleeping accommodations on the Peacemaker, Volcan had deigned to stay on the Phalanx boat instead; the sleeping quarters on Torolf's ship consisted entirely of compartment beds, wall to wall. Not to say they were not spacious enough for him, but the Blaziken did not want to listen to the collective snoring of multiple Pokémon -Tristan was loud enough by himself, as they found out mere days ago. Adding the rest of the teams, it'd be a miracle if he'd be able to sleep at all.

It worked out for him and Luke, though as it gave them more privacy together when they shared the cot on the boat. Though as they began to sail in sight of Needle Point Rock, they stayed aboard the Peacemaker, expecting to see Romulus and the Red Talons arrive soon to join them.

During the gathering, Volcan directed a question at Eagle Eye. "So, you talk about your old team a lot and how they're amazing fliers, but what're the Red Talons like, as Pokémon?"

"Well fer one, they're incredibly well organized and disciplined." The Talonflame explained, shifting a little on his perch on the rail. "That said, dad always did like to treat it all like a game while he's flying. Hell, you think I'm crazy, you should see the stunts he pulls daily!"

"Sounds like a hearty bunch," remarked Tristan. "Not like the other group we're waiting on."

"Yea no kidding." Hank added in. "That guy really_needs to lighten up. Like, _a lot."

"Let's all bear in mind the place this guy lived in," stated Volcan, intervening on any further negative discussion. "Tristan, you know better than everyone else here what Gladiator City is like; it's a cruel place. Or at least was. Romulus may be a nasty son of a bitch but he did put a stop to the heinous crimes in that city. His methods may not agree with us but I don't feel his heart is in the wrong place. Either way, we have to learn to cope, and to trust him, because he's going to be fighting at our sides when we hit that fortress, and if we're going to pull that off, there can be no second-guessing our allies."

"Yea I know." Hank muttered back. "Place is rough business but..." He trailed off, having difficulty finishing what he was about to say.

"His heart may be in the right place, but more than anything, I'm actually worried for him," Luke commented. "I've seen happen too many times. That kind of mentality is heavily susceptible to corruption if he's not careful."

"We can only hope it doesn't come to that," said Volcan.

"Of that, we are agreed." Katsu returned with a nod, keeping his gaze out to sea. "As cruel as he can be, I cannot argue the fact that we need someone of his power for this operation."

"Better to have someone that powerful as an ally, I say," Sickle chimed in.

"Seconded..." Kage added quickly.

Howler, who had been sitting motionless on the deck for some time, suddenly stirred following a twitch of his ears, turning his gaze out to sea and squinting his eyes until he saw something forming on the horizon in the light of a steadily setting sun. He could see the outline of several airborne objects approaching them, unable to make out exactly what they were, but had an idea. He turned, approaching the rest of the group and then reaching up with his paw to tap Eagle Eye's wing to get his attention.

"Eh? What's up pup?" He asked, looking back at the silent Arcanine.

In response, Howler turned back to face the oncoming objects, which were much more visible now, allowing him to point them out with his paw more accurately. In turn, everyone was quick to follow where he was looking, and quickly found the incoming fliers. Volcan squinted his eyes, trying to dilute the setting sunlight enough to focus on the fliers, barely making out their colour patterns.

"Are those... Talonflame?" He asked.

Eagle Eye started to smirk. "Aw hell yea they are!" He exclaimed. "Ladies and Gents, I present to you the best damn fliers the world has ever seen!"

The figures were quickly coming into view over the Peacemaker, and indeed figures were Talonflames. Twelve of them in total, all flying in a tightly packed formation. The squadron of bird Pokémon circled around the large ship a few times before they all dove down to where the group was waiting, each of them landing with a bit of a skid, but were still in their formation as they landed. The leader amongst them was a Shiny Talonflame, red and orange in colour as opposed to the typical red and grey markings one normally possessed. On top of that, he wore a pair of aviators goggles similar to the ones Eagle Eye wore around his forehead, but looked much more old-fashioned than the younger Talonflames in the flock.

The Shiny Talonflame then lifted his wing up in the form of a salute to the others, grinning heartily at the group. "Jake Talonclaw, at your service!" He said, to which the rest of the Talons also followed suite and saluted as well. "Heard you guys were in need of some air support." The way this Talonflame spoke was all too similar to that of Eagle Eye. It was almost as if Jake were a future clone of the team flier.

"Haha! They made it," exclaimed Blaster with clear excitement.

"C'mon, was there ever any doubt?" Eagle Eye asked, glancing up at Blaster.

Jake's attention turned to Blaster for a moment, narrowing his eyes a bit. "Waaaait waitwaitwait," he clamoured. "You aren't that same Wartortle from Team Tsunami all those years back, are you?"

"I am. How'd you recognize me?" Blaster asked curiously.

"Call it a gut feeling." He returned. "That, and your voice sounds pretty familiar."

Blaster rubbed at his throat absently. "I'd have thought my voice had deepened after I evolved." He grunted.

Volcan stepped forward to speak for the group, addressing Jake directly. "We're glad you could make it here, sir. My name's Volcan of Team Phalanx. Your son has told me a lot about you. We're glad to have you on board."

"Glad to be here." He returned. "Team Phalanx eh? Swear I've heard that name before." He muttered softly. "Ah. Details for now. Let's get down to brass tacks." He said dismissively.

"We're still waiting on one more," Volcan returned. "Romulus of Team Phobia; he and his crew are also part of the mission."

At the mention of Romulus' name, Jake cringed. "Oooh... Yikes, this is gonna be rough."

"You know him?" Volcan asked.

"Had to work with him once before." Jake returned. "Needless to say, it was... unpleasant." He added. "Damned Gengar was fooling around one night, scaring a few of my guys as they were trying to sleep. One of my guys torched him in retaliation, and I ended up in an argument with the big dog over it, both for the same topic -disciplining our team."

Volcan winced at that. "Oh boy... well _this_is off to a good start," he remarked, rubbing the back of his head. "He's probably still sore after we beat him at Team Warmachine's tournament too."

Now that got the attention of the Talons! Chatter erupted instantly among most of them, while the rest, including Jake, stared at Volcan in utter astonishment, "_You_guys beat Romulus at that tournament?!" He looked between Luke and Volcan. "Seriously!?"

"Well the victor of that match was actually Volcan, but yes, at the time he was fighting under my team banner." Luke clarified.

Jake then turned to Eagle Eye and laughed. "You never told me you went up against those freaks, Jackie boy!" He exclaimed.

"D-Dad!" Eagle Eye hollered back, already starting to blush in embarrassment.

"Jackie boy?" Sickle asked, looking at Eagle Eye. "So that's your real name."

"Yup. Jack Talonclaw is his name." Jake said with a chuckle. "I just call him Jackie-boy for fun."

"D-Dad shut up! I go by my old callsign now!" Eagle Eye stammered, his face growing redder by the second, which brought up some chuckles from the rest of the Red Talons. "Oh, can it, all of ya!" He hollered back at his old unit.

"You think Jack is a bad name?" Tristan asked. "You should've heard what they called some of the lesser fighters in Gladiator City. Most of them got named for their statuses -or lack thereof. Hell, until I rose through the ranks when I was a Lairon, they called me the Pebble. I was an Aron when I got that name, mind you."

"That's neither here nor there right now," Kage said sharply, interrupting them all. "We've more important matters to worry about. Rather than discuss pet names and statuses, we should be focusing on formulating a plan for our assault."

Volcan glanced back at Kage. "We still need Team Phobia here for that," he said. "And to remind you, Serena is the only one here who has even laid eyes on the fortress -even then only from the outside; a plan made for something you know nothing about is a fragile plan at best."

"Then for all our sakes, Romulus better get here soon..." He returned rather grimly.

Jake leaned up to Volcan after that statement. "Jeez this guy's a freaking mood killer, he ALWAYS like this?"

"No; sometimes he's worse," the Blaziken muttered with a tone of rather dry humor.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tristan spotted something approaching their position. He cupped a hand over his eyes to eliminate the blinding glare of the setting son, barely making out the outline of a small yacht in the distance. "Looks like the 'special guest' is coming now," he said, alerting the others to the approaching vessel.

The members of Team Valiant all turned toward the sunset, making out the silhouette of the yacht. Luke let out a sigh and tugged at his scarf uncomfortably. "Well, here he comes." He looked back to the rest of his team. "Remember, we're all allies from this point on. Anything you have to say, keep it respectful." He reminded his team.

"Right," Volcan returned, looking at Tristan, who nodded back.

The yacht was coming into view faster by the second; the vessel was far from slow. On the contrary, it was quite swift, as indicated by the size of the plumes rising from its keel, though they began to shrink as the ship slowed to a crawl. It was smaller and sleeker than the Peacemaker, made with a darker-luster metal serving as the hull. It had awning that was hung from the main cabin all the way to the back of the boat, keeping the deck in a spot of shade -likely because most of Team Phobia's members were nocturnal species, especially the two Ghost-types. Painted into the side of the ship was the name 'Trident', and on its bow, it carried a flag with Team Phobia's standard emblazoned into the fabric -a three-point star with the image of a spider, a dark void and a spectral entity against a crimson background.

A moment later, the teams saw an Empoleon, who they immediately recognized as Leon, emerging from the cabin of the Peacemaker, making his way towards the bow of the ship while dragging a long plank under his flipper. He reached the break in the railing normally used for the gangplank, and from there, waited until the he lowered over the side until it touched against Team Phobia's vessel when it came to a stop. After that, Leon stepped back as someone ascended the rail, the sound of long nails clicking against the wood as they climbed.

None other than Romulus himself emerged over the side. He looked just as the group remembered him; bearing a constant scowl, making his orange eyes stand out as they seemed to burn with an inner fire. As he stepped onto the deck of the Peacemaker, his eyes quickly found the other Rescue Teams waiting at the front, narrowing when they found Volcan, but they did not linger for longer, turning to face Leon as the Empoleon addressed him.

"Glad you could make it, Romulus; I trust you didn't run into any problems enroute?" Leon asked.

"We had to sail around a storm, but otherwise, it was without incident," the Houndoom replied. "Where is Torolf?"

"With Razor, on the top deck," replied Leon.

"I trust we will be having a meeting soon to discuss the mission?" Romulus asked, straight to the point.

"We need to send Razor out for some reconnaissance first, but as soon as he comes back, we'll have the presentation ready."

Romulus nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Excellent. I was quite pleased to hear you had found the culprits who attacked that island; so far all of my sources have turned up very little -only other islands that they've hit."

"Actually," Leon began. "We did not locate them. A member of Team Phalanx did."

Romulus tilted his head. "Who is Team Phalanx?"

Leon turned his gaze in Volcan's direction, though didn't immediately say what he meant. Romulus caught on however, following where the Empoleon was looking. His face was expressionless as he saw Volcan, their gazes meeting briefly before he huffed. "Very well," he replied. "I shall await the meeting then."

"I will let you know as soon as it is ready to begin," Leon promised him.

"Thank you," Romulus returned as Leon turned and walked away. Romulus, however, turned to the others, crossing the deck towards them, his orange eyes still fixed upon Volcan as he approached.

"I don't like that look he's givin' you, man," Tristan whispered, wary of the Houndoom's intent.

"Just stay cool. I doubt he would come all this way to start a fight," returned Volcan.

Despite Volcan's statement, Luke remained a little apprehensive of Romulus as got closer to them. Even Jake was gulping a bit when the Houndoom got closer, but remained steadfast nonetheless. Every footfall of Romulus caused those long claws of his to click on the wooden deck as he made his way over to Volcan; it wasn't until now the group saw just how _big_the Houndoom was, as no one had previously stood this close to him before. But even down on all fours, he was as tall as Luke, with the tops of his horns reaching approximately the tip of the Lucario's ears; were he able to stand straight up on is hind legs, he'd be even taller than Volcan, and he had the musculature to match his otherwise incredible size.

"Glad you could join us, Romulus," Volcan stated, trying to sound genuine.

"Indeed," the Houndoom returned. "I am told a friend of yours located the fortress of the enemy?"

Volcan nodded. "Yes. Serena here," he looked down, only to notice that Serena had hidden behind Volcan, no doubt terrified by the very sight of Romulus. Not only for his hellish exterior, but his sheer size was likely not helping things. "She has seen the fortress itself."

Without stepping any closer, Romulus lowered his head down to look Serena in the eye. "We will need details of the fortress to plan our attack. Will you be able to provide us with that?" He asked her. Much to their surprise, he was trying to sound respectful to the Vaporeon. Gentle, even... as if he knew he was frightening her, and was trying to alleviate her concerns.

Serena, though, could still only muster a nod as an answer. That seemed to be enough for the Houndoom, who raised his head again, looking at the others gathered there, studying their expressions. "I know what you all think of me," he said, firmly. "I need not read your minds to know that many of you do not approve of my methods. You likely never will. But rest assured, I am not here to cause any... complications." He began to turn away. "I want those criminals brought to justice as much as anyone of you. And that is why I will give my full cooperation to this mission."

Without another word, he turned away from them fully, and made his way along the deck in the direction Leon had gone, eventually vanishing around a corner and leaving the others to consider the sincerity of his words...

"...Well that went surprisingly well." Jake muttered softly.

Luke only watched after Romulus even after he was out of sight, really taking his words to heart, which made Luke start to smile a little. "Yea; it did, huh?"

"He's changed," Volcan stated suddenly, his eyes narrowing.

"Whaddya mean?" Tristan asked.

"There's still a lot of anger in there," Volcan stated. "But it's not radiating from him like heat from a furnace like it was before. He seems... calmer. Not like he's going to lash out at the nearest hand."

"I for one am glad he has changed." Katsu commented. "Anger can be an asset in a battle, but I could sense he was extremely close to letting it consume him during our battle with his team." He then looked to Luke. "It seems he may have taken your words to heart after all."

"He just might have." Luke answered back, smiling a little more.

"Or at the very least," Volcan began, looking down at Luke. "He's found a way to know there's more to life than rage. Either way, you likely had a hand in that, the way you spoke to him in Valvatna." He then gave a wink. "And, maybe my knocking some sense into him helped a bit too."

Luke smiled happily back up at Volcan. "I think we both had an equal hand in helping him understand." He said warmly up to the Blaziken.

Blaster glanced between Luke and Volcan, humming in thought as he narrowed his gaze. "Is it my imagination or do I see something going on between you two?" He remarked.

Suddenly, all eyes were upon them, including those of Sickle and Hank. Sickle stood with a rather pleased expression on his face, aimed at Luke, as though saying 'I told you so,' without actually speaking the words. Hank, however, was looking at Volcan. Crossing his arms and smirking in their direction, wondering who would admit it first, or if he would have to break the ice for them.

Volcan looked down at Luke, silently wondering what Luke wanted to do. The Lucario shrugged back at him and whispered. "It was bound to happen eventually. You want to say it, or shall I?"

"Better you do it," Volcan replied, turning to face the others but putting his arm around Luke to show his support.

The Lucario nodded back, then leaned onto Volcan as he addressed the rest of the group. "Your instincts are dead on, Blaster." He said. "The night before we departed... Volcan and I... we... well." He let out a sigh, realizing that trying to detail it was fruitless "Ah the heck with it... we're a couple."

"Say WHAT?!" Eagle Eye hollered in surprise.

"...I have to admit, I did not see that coming." Katsumoto admitted. "Still, if it makes you two that much happier, then I support your relationship."

"I didn't think you two swung that way," commented Kaen, crossing his arms.

"Volcan..." Serena began, a smile crossing her face. "You finally found someone! Oh, your mother would be so proud if she were here right now!"

"She would?" Volcan asked. "I mean she... wouldn't have any problem with me being...?"

Serena shook her head firmly. "No; your mother is a very open-minded person. She will have no disregard for your choice; she would care only that you are happy."

"Oh, I definitely am at that," Volcan said, looking at Luke with a smile on his face.

"As am I." Luke returned. Just to further drive that point home, once more he leaned up and lightly pecked Volcan on his lips for a quick moment before pulling back.

"Heh, if that ain't true love, I dunno what is." Hank said with a smirk.

"That's what I've been saying all this time," Sickle added.

Serena looked back at them. "You mean both of you knew about this?"

"Why didn't either of ya say anythin'?" Tristan asked.

Sickle shook his head. "Not mine to tell," he stated. "When Luke and Volcan were ready to tell you all I knew they'd come out with it on their own."

"I mean, granted I kinda played match maker a bit while we were in Tadpole Bay, but eh, all I did was give Volc the push he needed. The rest was all him, right big fella?" Hank asked.

Volcan blushed, rubbing the back of his head. "Y-Yes... Hank pretty much set me on the right course," he said. "I don't know if I'd have given in eventually or not... but either way, it helped bring us together." He nodded to Hank. "I thank you for that."

"No worries man," he returned dismissively.

The gathering would soon be interrupted however, as the voice of Leon was heard calling down from the upper deck, gathering all their attention. "Luke, Volcan, Sickle, Captain Talonclaw. We need you four up on the bridge right away. Whoever among you saw the fortress needs to come as well."

Sickle let out a sigh before turning to his fellow Captains, smirking. "Duty calls, it seems," he said.

"Yes. Let's get going." Luke returned with a firm nod, motioning the other team leaders to follow Leon up to the bridge.

"Right behind ya." Jake returned, then looked to his squad. "Take five boys. Rest your wings as much as you can. We got one hell of a mission later." He said, saluting his squadron with his wing before he hopped off with the rest of the Rescue Team Leaders.


The four team captains opened the door to the bridge, stepping through the door into the open room beyond, where they found the remaining Captains, Torolf and Romulus, along with Gallia -the Gardevoir medic of Team Warmachine, Leon and a... midnight blue Skarmory? It took them a second to realize that the Skarmory was Razorwing, but he'd been painted, camouflaged with the colours of the night sky using a non-reflective paint that prevent light from shining off his metal body. Razorwing was just on his way out when the Captains arrived, excusing himself as he passed them, hopping up onto the deck and taking to the skies, flying off to the North with the fading light of the twilight hiding him from sight, revealing the purpose of the paint.

Jake chuckled as the painted Skarmory passed by them, waiting until he was out of earshot before he spoke. "Heh, clever." He commented. "I guess he's off doing some midnight recon."

"Seems that way." Luke returned, keeping his gaze forward as the four team captains were now at the briefing table with Torolf, Leon, Romulus and Gallia. He gave a nod to each of them. "All present and accounted for."

"Then we need only for Razorwing to return, and then we can begin," stated Gallia.

"Serena, if you could step forward?" Torolf bade the Vaporeon who had accompanied them.

Volcan looked down at Serena, sensing how nervous she was about being in front of so many team captains at once, but with a little encouragement from Volcan, she mustered the courage to step forward, approaching the Swampert. "Y-yes?"

"I understand you have seen the enemy stronghold from the outside," replied Torolf. "Razorwing is on his way to get a view from above to complete the map we're making. In the meantime, I want you to share with Gallia what you remember of the fort so that she can make the model we'll use for reference."

Serena nodded to Torolf compliantly, who then stepped aside to let her pass and walk over to Gallia, who sat her down on a bench in the corner, and after some reassuring words, convinced Serena to let her read her memories of the Fortress, so that she too would have them.

In the meantime, Torolf turned to Volcan again. "Is there any information you can recall about our adversary? Personnel, tactics; anything?"

Volcan shook his head. "Sorry Torolf. Most of my memories from the night of the attack are still hazy. The only ones I remember are those I've seen in my nightmares -two of whom we've already met. A Gyarados and a Gallade, both very powerful beings, with no regard for life."

"There was one more actually." Luke commented, looking to Volcan. "Kage said so when he went into your mind while you were having a panic attack over that island we passed. From what he described, there's also a Blaziken as well...one with amethyst eyes; that's all he was able to deduce from it."

Serena, just coming out of Gallia's mind scanning in time to hear Luke's comment, suddenly perked up, turning to them with a look of terror on her face. "T-That's the one I saw," she said. "The one who was leading the attack."

"A Blaziken with amethyst eyes?" Jake perked up. "Don't Blaziken normally have blue eyes?"

"They do indeed," replied Volcan, pointing to his own eyes to emphasize. "Which only makes this one, who or whatever he is, even more of an anomaly. Most Blaziken are also red, but according to Serena, this one was a deep, dark gray, like thick smoke."

"I'm afraid that's all we know right now." Luke said with a disappointed sigh. "Everything now hinges on what Serena knows about the fortress, as well as Razorwing's recon of the base from above."

Romulus spoke up. "Can you recount your battles with the Gyarados and the Gallade; what were they like?"

Volcan grimaced. "The Gyarados was destructive, and savage. Seemed to fight more with instinct than tact, but powerful enough that he would have levelled Azure if we hadn't stopped him. Though, he broke out of jail before we got back from the tournament. We had no chance to interrogate him."

"As for the Gallade..." Luke grimaced a little as he recounted that day. "He's tactical and cunning with his strikes, and despite his stature, he is incredibly powerful, not to mentioned underhanded." He explained. "Volcan and I were both mega evolved and he managed to hold his own against us before he pulled out a Galladite of his own, and it was then he started to completely level us."

Romulus' eyes widened in shock as Luke explained their battle with the Gallade. "He defeated both of you? At the same time?" He asked in disbelief.

Volcan nodded. "If not for Tristan intervening on the fight, the bastard was ready to take my head for a trophy," he said, rubbing his neck.

Torolf and Romulus exchanged a blank look, as if both were asking the other what their thoughts on this unexpected turn of events was, though neither seemed to have a clear answer. "Is there any chance he is the leader of these renegades?" Torolf asked.

"Unlikely," replied Volcan. "This guy was definitely more the lone wolf type; deadly, cold, efficient, and even knowing_that I had new allies in Azure he still came after me without backup, so this isn't someone used to working with a team. Not like he _needed any backup in the first place."

"Then if he works with the renegades, that can only mean there's still someone he answers to," stated Romulus, narrowing his eyes. "We must be on our guard; there may still be someone even more dangerous among these rogues."

"I agree." Luke added with a nod. "So far we've only seen two of their ranks and have a vague idea on their ring leader. We should assume that they have quite the extensive number of other cohorts to strengthen their fortress' defense."

Jake scoffed. "Yea well, even if they're compensating for any sort of strike, I can guarantee you they won't lay a scratch on my unit." The shiny Talonflame boasted with confidence.

At that moment, an audible clanking noise was heard from outside the door, followed by the sound of tapping on the door. Volcan, being closer, turned around to answer the door, pulling it open and revealing Razorwing outside, who stepped into the room, talons clicking loudly with each step as he waddled his way into the room. "Razor; welcome back," said Leon. "What did you find?"

"A lot," replied the Skarmory. "The whole fortress is ringed with iron walls, too dense to bust down even for Torolf. There are a lot of sentries all over the walls, and they have an air patrol I barely managed to get around, but this paint hid me from them." His eyes visibly narrowed, as if in a scowl. "And who else would it be flying the patrols but my old squad?"

Jake perked up at that, turning toward Razorwing with mild shock. "The Sabers? They're there too?" He asked.

Razorwing nodded. "Without a doubt -they were flying drills over the fortress. I'd recognize those patterns anywhere; it's definitely them."

"Well this complicates things," Luke muttered softly.

Despite hearing this news, Jake was chuckling, almost as if he were excited to hear this bit of news. "Man, it's like freaking a holiday gift basket" He said. "We get another go with the Sabers!"

"It's good that find this so amusing, Captain," Romulus growled, eyeing with an annoyed stare. "With the Sabers there, we've lost our advantage in air superiority." He let out a huff. "We will have to rethink this; let's start formulating a plan at once."

"Razorwing," Gallia chimed in. "if you would?"

"Of course," replied the Skarmory, hopping across the room towards Gallia, waiting as she placed her hands upon his head, where he then shut his eyes, and the two of them grew still and silent for a moment, until Gallia pulled her hands back, and only then did Razorwing open his eyes again.

"I have it," she said, and then turned to the table in the middle of the room. "Thank you, Serena and Razor; you may both go now, and our Captain's meeting can begin. Everyone else gather around this table and form a circle."

Luke, Volcan, Sickle and Jake gathered around as close to the table as they could, nodding to both Razorwing and Serena as they left before turning their attention back to the table, waiting for whatever Gallia was going to do next. She relayed her next set of instructions, directing everyone into an evenly distributed circle before taking her own position among the group, taking in a deep breath and sighing deeply, looking at Leon and Torolf as they both placed one hand -or flipper in Leon's case- upon her shoulder.

"We must all be linked," she said. "Touch hands with the person next to you, so that I may transmit the images through all at once."

To Volcan's right was of course Luke, but to his left was Romulus; understandably the Blaziken was a little hesitant to touch the Houndoom, but as though sensing this, the Houndoom let out a grunt. "I'm not going to bite you, Blaziken. Now do as she says." He growled without even looking at Volcan.

"Sorry," replied Volcan, placing one talon on Romulus' shoulder, while grasping Luke's paw in his other talon.

To Luke's right was Sickle, who nodded to Luke as he held the Lucario's other paw with his claws, placing his right upon Jake's shoulder -since, like Romulus, the Talonflame didn't have hands. With Leon placing his other flipper onto Jake's back, the circle was complete.

"Now, all of you close your eyes, empty your minds, and open them to me," Gallia instructed, putting her own hands together as her body became enveloped in a blue aura.

Luke took a deep breath and sighed softly, flattening his ears as he cleared his mind of any thoughts and allowing Gallia to enter his mind so she could display the image of the fortress in his mind. Jake had a bit more of a challenging time, as, like with his son, was not too keen on sitting still for long, but he did his best not to fidget, relaxing as much as he could so he too could see the image of the fortress. Volcan did not have a much easier time than Jake, however; with his eyes closed he was struggling to keep his mind clear of his troubling memories to allow Gallia's psychic energy to circulate through him. Eventually, with some reassurance from Luke, he managed, and everyone felt a mild tingle along their limbs as her energy linked her to them, followed by another one from the back of their heads.

For a time, it appeared nothing had happened; they felt a brief weightlessness, as though they were floating in zero gravity, but after that there were no other feelings until Gallia spoke to them again. "You may now awaken."

They opened their eyes, and saw that they were no longer in the bridge of the Peacemaker; they had been transported to some sort of space, surrounded by pulsating streams of light that flowed like rivers in circles around them. Above them, an infinite sky with the same kind of streams coursing over them, but below them... absolute nothingness. Their feet were not touching a floor, or a landmass of any sort; just empty space.

Sickle reacted poorly to the change of environment, instinctively letting go of the others and trying to grab at something for purchase, but there was nothing to grab, nor did he fall. "Ooookay, this is new," he said, suppressing his urge to panic further.

"Wow not gonna lie, kind of unnerved by this!" Jake stated, opening his wings and trying to fly, but as with Sickle, he found nothing to give him any lift, or any currents to carry him along. "Jeez feels like I'm in space or something!"

Luke was aghast, having some difficulty adjusting to such a phenomenon. Nonetheless, he said nothing and remained as calm as possible, looking up to Volcan to judge his reaction and offer his support if he were feeling how Jake and Sickle were. To his relief, Volcan was not panicking -at least not outwardly. His expression was still one of shock, and he stood frozen and unmoving as though expecting a twitch would send him plummeting into the abyss below, but he otherwise appeared calm.

"Where... are we?" Sickle asked.

"This is an astral projection," replied Romulus, still hovering at Volcan's side as they had been when they began, swinging his legs as if swimming to float around, others like Torolf and Gallia doing the same. "Gallia has brought us into her mind; what we are seeing is a space she formed to house all of us within a corner of her conscience, but it is not actually real. We are all currently out of our own bodies, and here, she can show us virtually anything she imagines."

"So, we're all experiencing an out of body experience?" Luke asked for clarification.

"Quite literally, yes," the Houndoom returned, nodding.

"I apologize if this unnerves any of you," Gallia chimed in. "But it is much easier for me to show you what Razor and Serena have provided this way."

"It's fine. This just a new experience for most of us." Luke answered back. "It's just going to take us a bit to get used to it, but otherwise we're ready to begin."

"Very well," returned Gallia before he turned around, throwing her arms into the air as the space generated a new object, forming from the ground up, generating a small, rugged island, round and rising only a meter or two above the ocean, with a second half that was larger and lower, with a large portion of it having been dug out to accommodate a miniature cove. There was also a model of the island below sea level, which showed very little except for an iron grate in the side of the island body.

As the rest of the island became constructed, the landmass became ringed with iron walls, surrounding everything inland -namely a variety of buildings formed, with an iron gate built to block access to the alcove where the ocean water flowed into, restricting access from boats. The walls were built of dense stone and reinforced with cold iron plating. Finally, still images of countless sentries also formed, lining the walls thoroughly with Pokémon of many species and types as well as the waters, filled with nearly as many Water-types also acting as sentries.

With that, the island model was complete.

Jake was the first to comment on the layout of the island, whistling softly. "Damn, that's one heavily fortified base...They really want to keep everyone out..."

"Or in this case, both out and in." Luke reminded Jake.

"Don't see a lot of ways in without a direct approach; they've got eyes everywhere from those walls," said Torolf. "But there's only one building in the whole complex." He floated towards the projected model, hovering over the upper half of the fortress to a little tower at the far end, which likely housed the base Commander and served as access to the walls. Despite the distance he now was from them, they could still hear him quite clearly. "The rest of the place just has tents -probably for the guards. So where would they be keeping prisoners?"

"I have a hunch that this grate here holds that answer," began Sickle, also moving forward while flapping his arms as if trying to swim over to the grate. Shaking off how embarrassed he felt from looking like such a fool, clearing his throat and beginning his explanation. "This grate is fed directly by the ocean, but it's barred off, which likely means it's for bringing water into an underground chamber or something. It could be for providing water for prisoners."

"You can't drink sea water though," Torolf pointed out.

"You can if you filter the salt out somehow," corrected Romulus. "There are ways to do it. Or, you can boil it out. It's how my city gets most of its drinkable water, otherwise they have to climb the overlooking crags to look for natural reservoirs among the rocks, which are often hard to find, and only after rainstorms."

"Exactly," returned Sickle, nodding in thanks to Romulus.

"That could serve as a way in, if it's possible to break the bars without the whole fortress hearing it," commented Leon. "Especially with all those sentries in the water; the sentries on the walls might not hear us, but a Sharpedo will hear it from a mile away."

"Maybe I can..." Sickle began, floating closer to the bars and examining them. "Gallia, are these to scale of the fortress?"

"As close as I can make them, yes," replied the Gardevoir.

Sickle gripped one of the bars, moving up to them and attempting to pass through, which he did, but not without the bars seemingly sticking into his body, including straight through his nose, with an opening too narrow even for his head, bringing a frown to his face. "Nope; no good. I don't think even Kage could squeeze through this," he said, pulling himself free. "So, a stealthy entrance through here is out."

Luke was silent throughout the entire exchange, his paw resting on his chin and his eyes narrowed as he studied the fortress. His ears would twitch on and off as ideas started to circulate in his head, though when he saw Sickle trying to push his way past the bars, something clicked in his head, and after a few more seconds of silence he finally spoke up. He hovered forward, gesturing to the wall as he spoke his thoughts. "The way I see it, we're not going to be breaking in without alerting _someone_of our presence." He began. "Which means we're going to need a distraction of some kind. Something that will keep their eyes away from the waters below." He said, looking to Jake.

The Talonflame looked back to Luke, already seeing where this was going. "Say no more man. We'll head in there and hit those bastards with everything we got."

"Then our only obstacle is that gate," stated Leon, floating above the walls to get a view of the entrance. "It's too thick for even Torolf to break open; we would need to weaken the iron reinforcement first. Fortunately, I know just how to do so. If we concentrate our Fire-types on attacking the gate, followed by some Ice Beams to rapidly cool and warp the iron, the metal will crack and become brittle. With that, Torolf can break down the gate with his Mega Evolution ability, Swift Swim, and his strength."

At the mention of Fire Types occurred to Luke at that moment that Volcan had remained silent since the meeting had begun, and it was only now when looking beside him that Luke realized the Blaziken was nowhere to be seen. A quick search later and he found Volcan up by the wall, studying it and the area below it with an intense, focused look on his face as he floated alongside it.

Seeing that look on his lover's face, Luke moved around the structure of the fortress to join Volcan, touching his arm to get his attention. "You alright?" He asked softly to him. "Something catch your eye?"

Volcan didn't respond immediately, his mind clearly elsewhere as he studied the layout of the fortress. "I'm just thinking..." He finally replied as he floated over the wall, heading towards the gate to study it as well, still carrying the focused expression on his face, looking at the mechanisms that operated the gate in particular before huffing and moving on to the tower at the other end of the fort. "I wonder..." He muttered.

"What is it?" Luke asked, following Volcan around the image of the fortress, looking between the Blaziken and the fortress.

"...I know how to hit this place," he said. "And how to do it without putting the hostages at risk." He looked at Luke with a smile. "I've got a plan. And this time, I think it's a good one."

"Well don't keep the rest of us in suspense." Jake stated, having overheard Volcan talking to Luke. "Fire away."

The others moved to listen in as well, all eyes on the Blaziken. Now that he had their attention, he cleared his throat, and began to explain his idea. "Okay. So, I think both Leon and Sickle are right; that we're not breaking through that gate right away, and that the grate down there leads to an underground structure of some sort." He then looked at Luke. "And you're also right; having a distraction might be useful, but not right away. Remember, we're not just here to take down these criminals; there are prisoners here. Potential hostages if they see fit to use them such."

Romulus huffed. "He has a point," he said. "Beings like these are cowards; backed into a corner, they will not hesitate to use others as shields."

"So, what is your idea then, Volcan?" Leon asked.

"We'll put all our plans together, with a little extra," began the Blaziken. "We'll need to clear out the water sentries first; fortunately, we have plenty of Water-types to cover that part, so that should go fine. Meanwhile, after we've cleared them out, one or two among us will enter the fortress under the cover of night, sneak into that underground complex -there must be an access hatch somewhere, maybe in the tower- and find the prisoners, while subduing any guards they can before releasing the prisoners and preparing them to depart. With that team in place, we remove the risk of hostages, and they're all ready to move once we get the ships inside."

"And that's where Leon's plan comes into play," continued Volcan. "As well as Luke's. We move the Trident close enough to gate for our Fire-types to heat the metal, and Leon and Blaster to hit it with Ice Beam, weakening the metal. Serena will then use Rain Dance to stir up a drizzle, and Torolf's Swift Swim ability kicks in; between that speed increase and his strength, he should be able to break down the gate.

"However, all this hinges on the Trident being able to stay close enough for the gate attack, which is where Luke's plan comes in -with a little touch of my own. The Red Talons will fly overhead and attack the sentries and air support to keep the Trident covered until the gate is down. However, we know the Saberwings are here; there's a good chance they'll be called up to engage the Red Talons, so if that happens, we'll need a team on the wall to help clear out the defenders."

"I can help with that," Romulus offered. "While the infiltration team is at work, my spiders can create a web ladder up the fortress wall where the assault team can climb up."

Sickle snapped his fingers as he added his own input. "And Hank can use his illusions to hide the spiders while they make the web, in case a sentry happens to peer over the wall. They'll be able to work unhindered while they spin the ladder."

Leon smiled and nodded in approval. "This is an_excellent_ strategy," he said. "And, as a backup plan, we can still make use of the ladders. If for any reason we can't breach the gate, Torolf, Tristan and Katsumoto can climb onto the walls and use the gate winches to open them; this is riskier and more time consuming, so the wall assault team will need to back them up if it comes to that."

"Always good to have a contingency," agreed Torolf. "With my Mega Evolved form, I can easily operate one of those winches myself, while Tristan and Katsu can get the other. With the gates opened, the Peacemaker and the Trident can get into the bay, and the rest of our teams can join the battle."

"Everything is coming together," added Gallia, nodding.

"Damn, this guy's good!" Jake said while flapping his wings a bit, looking over Volcan and nodding in approval. "You got a good head on ya man. Hey, Luke was it?" He asked, looking to the Lucario. "Where'd you find this guy anyway?"

The Lucario smiled a little. "Technically speaking, I didn't. He found me, in a manner of speaking." He replied.

"Yeah, in the most painful way possible," added Volcan with a chuckle. "Involving some rocks, and a crash and... me flying through a window or something, etcetera."

Romulus tilted his head curiously, but held back any inquiries. "We have our plan of attack. Now there's the manner of assignment; who will be on each team?"

"Well, we have Kage for the infiltration," said Volcan.

"It'd be unwise to send him in alone," said Torolf. "Not doubting his skills as an infiltrator, but on the off chance someone is lucky enough to spot him and raise the alarm he needs someone watching his back -someone just as sneaky as he is." He looked at Romulus. "One of your ghosts could sneak in with him."

Romulus grimaced. "They could; the walls would not hinder them, but I will need Revane once we get into the yard, and Phanto's not exactly dependable for keeping silent."

"I'll go with Kage," Sickle chimed in. "I'll lead the infiltration personally."

Luke looked over to Sickle after he made that claim. "You..." He began, but then stopped himself, thinking back to the reason why Sickle was so eager to be involved in this operation. He closed his eyes for a moment, then nodded and reopened them. "Alright... Be careful, Sickle. And don't take Kage's abruptness too personally when you're in there with him. He always puts the mission before everything else, and it makes him sound cold and heartless at times."

"I can handle Kage," returned Sickle, winking. "As long as he can keep up with me. I'm a pretty good climber."

"That's good, since you'll need that skill to get over the wall," said Torolf.

"No problem," replied the Grovyle.

"And what of the Assault Team?" Leon asked. "We need fighters who can handle multiple opponents at once as I have little doubt they'll be swarmed by the sentries."

"I'll be a part of it." Luke offered. "I'm no stranger to being outnumbered in an all-out brawl." He then couldn't help but smirk confidently. "After all, I was trained by one of the toughest Pokémon on the planet since I was a Riolu."

"I'll go with Luke as well," Volcan added. "Wall goes in two directions and there are two winches, so we may need to divide up our forces a bit when we get up there."

"Take Shamshir with you; his warrior skills should be sufficient for clearing the walls," suggested Torolf. "Razorwing should also join the Red Talons in fighting the Saberwings overhead; with his knowledge of their maneuvers, he'd be an asset."

"Sounds good. We could use an extra wing in the air." Jake returned, then looked back at Luke. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to borrow Jackie boy for this as well. Out of all my squad, he's probably the best one out of us next to me, and it'd be great flying with him again."

"I'm sure Eagle Eye will feel the same about that as well." Luke returned with a nod. "Just make sure he comes back to my team in one piece."

"Hey, we got a clean record buddy, and I plan to keep it that way. Unlike the Sabers, we don't leave anyone behind."

"Razor will appreciate that," remarked Leon.

"Speaking of." Jake added, turning to Torolf this time. "I'm going, need something to help my unit identify him as an ally. With all those Sabers flying around, it'll be hard to pick him out in a crowd. Think I could mark him in some way?" He asked.

"Well, he's already been painted once today; I think he'll go along with it," replied Torolf, nodding to Jake before he turned to look at the fortress again. "So, with Volcan and Luke leading the wall assault, Sickle leading the infiltration and me the gate crasher..." He turned to Romulus. "I suppose that leaves you for the yard assault; once the ships are docks, I wager the enemy will be in a rush to sink 'em."

Romulus nodded. "Leave it to me," he promised. "Not one of them will lay a paw upon our ships before the hostages are safely on board."

"Where should Kaen go?" Sickle asked. "He's still injured from a week ago; he insisted on coming along but we can't take him into the field."

"He'll pilot the Peacemaker then," said Leon. "He was trained in its operation before he left the team; we'll put him at the helm, and he'll guard the boats while the rest are in the yard."

"He's not going to like that you know," Sickle pointed out.

"Yes, I know," admitted Leon, rolling his eyes.

Volcan looked at Luke. "With the web ladder in place, we should take Hank over the walls with us too; Katsu and Tristan are better suited in the yard but Hank can do more good from high ground."

"Agreed. I was going to suggest he help heat up the gate as well, since he does know Flamethrower, but you're right. He'd be better at helping us out on the high ground." He returned with a nod.

"I think they'll have it covered," assured Volcan. "Romulus packs more firepower than an Electrode and he's got Howler to help him out too."

"Can't argue with that." Luke returned, then he sighed and turned his attention to the other team leaders. "With all that said and done, I think it's time we started preparing for this operation." He then furrowed his brow slightly. "I don't think I need to remind any of you that this mission will most likely put all of our teamwork and our skills to the test...and that there is a chance that not all of us will make it back alive." He added with a grim, yet honest tone in his voice.

"However... I will say that no matter what happens, it has been a great honour working with you all. I know some of us have had our grievances with one another in the past, but as long as we put those conflicts aside and work together on this." He lifted his paw up to his face and clenched it hard. "I know we'll succeed."

"Hell to the fucking YES!!" Jake hollered, raising his wing.

"Well said, lad," Torolf complemented, nodding in approval to Luke.

"Today we're not six separate teams," added Sickle. "We're one big team."

Leon glanced briefly at all of those gathered, his eyes scanning everyone with a look of pride and confidence, until eventually settling his gaze on Gallia. "I think we're done here now, Gallia."

With that, the Gardevoir dropped the projection. All feeling returned to the ring of Pokémon, and suddenly when they opened their eyes, they were back on the bridge of the Peacemaker just as they had been, joined in a circle as though nothing had occurred, though a mild soreness in Luke and Volcan's feet told them they had been standing in place for some time now. They pulled their hands back, getting their bearings, and so Torolf began to call a conclusion to the meeting.

"We'll begin the operation tomorrow night," the Swampert stated. "Under the cover of darkness, I will lead a team to clear the underwater sentries so that our infiltration team can make their entry, and the rest of us will get ready to do our own part. Go to your teams now; brief them on what's to come, and then get some rest. We need everyone at their strongest for the mission."

"I'll let the Talons know right now. Get 'em to do some drills before we rest for the night." Jake returned, then casually saluted the rest of the leaders before he hopped away to inform his squadron of their plan, Gallia opening the door for him on his way out, which he nodded in thanks to her for.

Luke looked up at Volcan. "Let's go rally our teams and brief them on the mission."'

"Right with you, Luke," returned Volcan. "Let's go, Sickle."

"Right behind you," the Grovyle added, turning to look at Torolf, Gallia and Romulus. "Sleep well, everyone."

With that, the three of them left the bridge, with Romulus quick to follow though heading in a different direction, bidding them good night as he made his way back to the Trident, while Luke, Volcan and Sickle were on their way to the lower decks where their teams rested, finding their way to the stairs leading down and following the corridor at the bottom to the sleeping quarters, where almost everyone was already in their compartment beds, except for Kaen who was sitting reading a book in one of the chairs while settling in for the night, looking up as the three entered.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"We'll fill you in," replied Volcan. "Is everyone here?"

"I think so," replied Kaen, folding the corner of the book he was reading before setting it aside. "Up and at 'em people; the leaders are back!"

Curtains began sliding as everyone stirred in their compartment beds and began climbing out at the insistence of their captains. Serena had not returned yet; Volcan decided he would fill her in later. When everyone was accounted for, Volcan took the liberty of filling them in on the details of the meeting; starting from Razor's recon mission that had given them a detailed look at the fortress, compliments of Gallia's projection, and describing it in the best detail he could before he moved on to explaining the plan, starting with the infiltration that would be handled by Sickle and Kage, all the way to the end objective, which was to get the prisoners on board the Peacemaker and the Trident while the other teams engaged the defenders of the fortress.

"So, I get to fly with my old squad again." Eagle Eye muttered with a grin. "Aw, man this is gonna be suh-WEEET!!"

Kage silently looked over to Sickle, gauging his partner from head to toe before he scoffed and looked away. "...Try not to fall behind..." was all he would say to the Grovyle.

"So, I'm with the squad that gets to cut loose on all the baddies and whatnot." Hank said as he cracked his claws. "Perfect. Been aching for a chance to go all out on some fucks."

"This shall be a glorious battle indeed." Katsu said with a firm nod. "My blades are ready; my resolve is steeled. None shall be left standing after we are finished!"

"Bear in mind, the hostages take priority, Katsu." Luke reminded the Samurott. "So, don't let yourself get too carried away."

"Everything hinges on this plan," Volcan added. "One group failing to do its part could bring the whole thing down. But, we have faith in all of you."

"So, Howler and I will be working with Romulus and Torolf to bring down the gate," Blaster chimed in, nodding with a smile. "Consider it done."

Kaen wasn't so pleased however. "Not fair I have to stay out of the fight," he grumbled.

"Sorry Kaen, but with your ribs still not fully healed, you can't really take action in the front. One clean hit to your chest and snap!" Sickle clapped his claws together. "Mikhail and Gallia's work, undone, and you lying incapacitated in enemy territory."

"I know, I know... doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Whether you like it or not, your role in this is still crucial." Luke reminded Kaen. "Even if you don't get to fight, at the very least you'll get to act as point defense while we get the hostages aboard."

"Which I get is important, but still. I wanted my own crack at these sickos," he returned, punching his fists together, only for his face to sour and elicit a grunt as he grabbed at his chest. "Fucking ribs..." He growled, before letting out a sigh. "I'll get the ship into the bay and evacuate everyone as fast as possible."

Volcan nodded. "That's all we ask of you," he said.

"If there are no more questions, then I want all of you to rest up and prepare for the mission. We commence at dusk the following day." Luke said firmly.

"You said my dad's doing drills outside eh?" Eagle Eye asked. "I'm gonna go join them before I pack it in." He added, then excused himself as he hopped away from the rest of the group.

"I shall take a small stroll before I retire for the night." Katsu said, bowing respectfully to Luke and Volcan before he too went off to wear off the last of his energy.

Volcan nodded to everyone. "Alright. Kage, Sickle; you two will be up immediately after we take out the water sentries. Get over the wall, find the hostages, and get them out and ready to move. The rest of us will be briefed when the operation begins."

"I'm ready for some payback!" Tristan declared, pounding his fists together. Unlike other times he would do this, his expression was much grittier; he wasn't in this just for the fun of it this time. "And if I run into that Gallade or the big boss of these whelps, I'll make sure they regret what they did to our home. Maybe I can even get even with that Metagross that tried to send me to the ocean floor."

"This is about justice and rescuing captives, Tristan, not revenge," Volcan stated. "I want to get them just as much as you do, believe me. But we need to stay focused on the bigger picture."

"I know," the Aggron returned. "But don't think I won't pass up the opportunity to flatten the ones responsible if it arises." His tone suggested that there were no words Volcan -or anyone else could say to change his mind...

Volcan sighed, looking at Luke and Sickle. "Let's just be glad he'll be on the beach," he said in a faint voice to them.

"Agreed..." Luke whispered back with an exasperated sigh. "We should probably turn in ourselves so that we're ready for tomorrow."

"Right," agreed Volcan. He then looked at Katsu as the Samurott trotted past them. "Don't stay up too late big guy; we'll need you on two jobs tomorrow. Clearing out the sentries as well as the yard once the gate is down. You'll need all your strength."

"I shall not be long." He assured Volcan as he ascended the stairs leading to the upper decks.

Sickle looked to Luke and Volcan. "See you guys in the morning then," he said.

"Actually, Sickle; can I talk to you for a sec?" Volcan asked, gesturing up the stairs.

"Eh? Oh, sure," replied Sickle, nodding as he followed the Blaziken outside, leaving Luke for any other words he had for his team.

They climbed to the top of the steps, where Volcan led Sickle away from the stairs to the nearby railing, making sure they were out of earshot before he turned to the Grovyle. He struggled to find words at first, but Sickle waited patiently, leaning against the railing and watching him curiously until he finally spoke.

"Okay, so... about Luke," he began.

Sickle turned his head slightly, his expression showing concern. "What about him; is he okay?" Sickle asked.

"He's fine, yes," the Blaziken replied. "I'm just making sure you and I are too."

Sickle's eyes narrowed, his curious look soon turned to one of mild suspicion. "Meaning what?"

Volcan looked at Sickle blankly. "I know _you_had feelings for Luke as well -might even still have them," he said. "I also know about you and him spending a night together after the battle with Team Phobia."

Sickle visibly paled as Volcan mentioned that, and the next words that left his mouth alerted Volcan that what he was saying was being sorely misinterpreted. "Hey, hold on, Volc; I'm no homewrecker, I assure you," he said. "I'm not going to be making any moves on Luke now that you and he are official..."

"Oh, nonono; I wasn't implying that," Volcan assured him, putting up both his hands in assurance. "Actually, this is more for myself. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't feel like I was... you know, trying to take him from you. Like I said, I know you liked him as well -I could tell by how you were looking at him after I fought Romulus."

"Oh," returned the Grovyle, rubbing the back of his neck absently. "I guess I see why you'd be worried, then." He then shook his head. "But don't be, Volc. I assure you; I'm past it. Luke and I... yeah, we spent a night together. It was fun, and it was enjoyable, but that's all it was -just a night." He looked up at Volcan, meeting his gaze. "It was after we saw that island I figured out it was you he was in love with."

"Even I didn't know I had feelings for him then," admitted Volcan.

"Just the same," the Grovyle continued. "Luke and I were never official; it almost became serious, but when it became clear _you_were the one he loved, I knew he would choose you -or worse, I'd just end up breaking his heart again if I let things go too far, and then he'd never be willing to give it to anyone. So, I ended it before things got too deep, and he was fine with it. In the end, I think I made the right choice."

A short silence fell over the two of them for a moment as they both deliberated on what they other said. It shortly became clear Volcan's worries had been for naught; Sickle had accepted Luke's choice, and held no malice towards Volcan for it. The Blaziken felt a great weight lifted from his shoulders. "So... we're cool then?" Volcan asked.

"Like a Bergmite," replied Sickle, putting up his clenched claw for a fist bump, which Volcan happily returned. "But you better take care of him, big fella," he warned, before adding in an exaggerated tone as he pointed at Volcan with his other claw. "'Cuz I know where you live."

Volcan laughed heartily at that, and smiled at Sickle. "Thanks man; I needed that," he said.

"Just because we were both after the same guy doesn't mean we can't stay friends," he assured the Blaziken. "And if we're going to pull off this mission, it's only even more important that we trust each other. Right?"

Volcan nodded. "Right," he returned.

"Now, you best go get some shut-eye," Sickle suggested, gesturing nowhere in particular with his claw.

"Yeah, sure," returned Volcan. "Thanks again for understanding, Sickle. You really are a swell guy."

Sickle chuckled. "So, I'm told," he returned. "G'night, buddy."

"Good night," returned Volcan, clapping Sickle's shoulder as he passed him, heading for the stern of the ship to return to his boat, knowing Luke would join him when he was ready to, while Sickle headed back to the stairs to descend into the sleeping quarters again, passing Luke as he went and flashing him a smile.

"You chose a great guy, Luke," he whispered to him, before continuing down the stairs. "Seeya tomorrow."

Luke smiled back at Sickle as he passed by, flattered by his comment. "You too, Sickle. Rest well." He whispered back, then headed up out of the sleeping quarters, rounding the corner to follow Volcan, only to stop part way, deciding he wasn't ready to turn in just yet. Instead, he called out to Volcan, "Hey, love? I'm just going to take a small walk. I'll be with you in a bit, alright?"

"Alright; see you then!" Volcan called back, waving to Luke before he leapt over the side, catching the rope that secured his boat and shimmying his way down to the smaller vessel.

With that, Luke began his stroll, keeping to the outer decks so that he could feel the wind pass through his fur, helping to relieve any anxiety he might feel about the upcoming mission. He kept his thoughts onto his Blaziken to further help rid himself of tension, reminding himself that as long as he had Volcan in his life, everything would turn out alright.

As he wandered up to the top deck, he found a familiar Scizor standing at the very middle of the deck, poised as if prepared for an attack, but he wasn't looking at Luke; he was facing away from him, towards the bow. He shifted stance a moment later, snapping one of his metal claws forward and clamping them at the air at an imaginary foe while also stepping back, followed by a left hook from his opposite claw. He shifted his stance again, and only then did he notice Luke standing nearby.

"Oh. Did not see you there Luke," bade Shamshir, reverting a normal upright pose as he addressed the Lucario. "Is something the matter?"

"Oh, it's fine, Shamshir." Luke returned, waving at him dismissively. "I was just going for a stroll."

Shamshir shrugged lightly. "Very well," he returned, shifting his stance once more to a relaxed position, letting out a slow breath before addressing Luke again. "Are you ready for tomorrow's mission?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Luke returned with a nod. "We have our plan and our forces... I don't really see how else we can be any more prepared than we are now."

"Well, there is always honing your skillset," replied Shamshir. "In my experience, I have found that having a large variety of attacks to choose from help you adapt to different opponents."

"True, although the opposite can be argued against that." Luke returned. "It's better to practice one technique a thousand times, rather than master a thousand techniques." He stated, sounding quite philosophical despite his youthful age.

"While there is some merit to that, every technique has another that it cannot overcome," Shamshir countered. "For example, it doesn't matter how many times you practice using an Aura Sphere; even if a complete novice uses Mirror Coat against you, suddenly your ultimate weapon has become your defeat."

"I'll give you that, yes." Luke returned, then he rubbed his chin a little. "Alright then, I'll bite. What did you have in mind, Shamshir?"

"From what I saw of you are the tournament, your preferring move pool revolves around your Fighting-type moves, Force Palm and Aura Sphere, as well as Extreme Speed and Bone rush, but you are also a Steel-type Pokémon as I am," Shamshir went on. "What sort of Steel-type moves do you know?'

"Hmm..." Luke hummed in thought. "Well I do know Metal Claw, but I seldom use it..." He admitted. "Other than that, my repertoire of Steel Type moves is limited."

Shamshir nodded. "As I thought," he commented, crossing his arms as he considered how to proceed. "I heard of your battle with that Gallade -the one who was after Volcan. Knowing Metal Claw would make it quite easy for me to teach you a certain move I know as well; one that I think would be quite useful if you encounter that Gallade again."

Luke let out a sigh as he recalled that day, placing a paw over his heart before speaking again. "If it helps me better protect Volcan from that Gallade, I'll take whatever I can get..." He said softly. "Lay it on me then."

"When you fought them, that Gallade used Trick Room against you, to take away your speed and make him the faster opponent," Shamshir stated. "However, what some don't know about Trick Room is that it has one glaring flaw; it only alters the speed at which those inside of it can maneuver -namely, how you move on your feet. As soon as you try to relocate, the twisted dimensions seize you and slow you to a crawl. But it cannot stop your hands; if you stay in one place, and rely on your reflexes, Trick Room will have no effect on you, and to make the best use of that, you must use your hands and eyes, not your feet."

Luke suddenly remembered during the battle when Volcan had moved to attack the Gallade, and how he had teleported away as Volcan neared. But the Blaziken had been fast enough to dodge his attack, by ducking, not by trying to jump out of the way. Although Volcan had been oblivious to Trick Room being in effect at the time, it proved what Shamshir was saying; it only made their movement slower, but not their reaction time, and Volcan had scored an excellent strike in that split second.

"Of course; how'd I miss that?" He muttered, slapping his paws together. "In other words, I just need to keep my senses up and remain stationary, and let my reflexes do most of the work."

"And to help with those, allow me to teach you an attack that makes full use of the speed of your arm," Shamshir offered. "Have you ever heard of 'Bullet Punch'?"

"I've heard of it, yes." Luke returned, nodding.

"It's very easy to learn,' stated Shamshir. "You use it the same way you would use Metal Claw, but in this case, you coat your fist with it instead of forming claws. Much lighter, much faster. With your speed, this move will always strike first, and even if you are slowed, you will be able to move your hands to deflect incoming attacks unhindered, in case you have no time to materialize a Bone Rush."

Luke nodded, listening intently to Shamshir's instruction on how to perform Bullet Punch. "So just coat my paws in metal energy and strike...seems simple enough." He returned.

"Allow me to demonstrate," offered Shamshir, turning to face open ground again, raising his claws and narrowing his eyes. Within a few seconds, both claws started glowing slightly, and with this, he lunged forward and delivered a series of lightning-fast jabs to the air with his claws, striking imaginary foes with speed that defied his heritage; Scizor were not known for speed as opposed to their pre-evolved form of Scyther, but the attack itself seemed to be where the speed was, and it was impressive

"Holy..." Luke whispered as he saw the attack for himself, flabbergasted by how lightning fast it was. "I could definitely have used that attack in my earlier battles." He commented.

"Indeed. This attack has seen me defeat many Rock and Fairy-types over the course of my career," Shamshir noted. "Now, you have a go; remember, channel your Steel-type power into your paws, the same way you use Metal Claw, but to coat your paws with the energy, instead of materializing it into curved claws."

"Right." Luke returned, then he closed his eyes and focused as hard as he could, sighing slowly to help him relax and better channel his aura into his paws, then tapping into his steel typing to change it into a more metallic energy. He held his concentration for a time, channeling the Steel-type essence within him to his paws as he would while using Metal Claw, but expertly manipulating the aura to cover his paws instead of forming blades as he normally would out of habit; he almost failed the first time, but Luke had honed his Aura talents since boyhood, and would not be caught in such a trap.

A silvery-white sheen formed over his paws, shining with a white gleam. Sensing the attack was now ready, Luke tested it, making a step forward and unleashing a series of punches, each one faster than the last, leaving his arms a blur as they moved, before he concluded with one heavy punch, and held his arm there, sucking in a deep breath of satisfaction.

"Excellent!" Shamshir praised. "And on the first attempt as well; you're a natural."

Luke looked back to Shamshir with a bit of a blush. "I've always been told I have a gift for learning new things, but I never thought I was a natural at anything." He said modestly.

"Don't undersell yourself, Luke," complemented Shamshir with a light chuckle. "Now, test that Bullet Punch on me, and see how well you can control it -don't be concerned for my safety. I can take it." He shifted to a defensive posture, keeping his eyes on Luke. "Now, come at me!"

Luke did hesitate a little, not wanting to harm Shamshir the night before their mission was to begin, but after a few moments he nodded and shifted to his stance, once more channeling the energy for his new move, then shouted as he rushed forward, throwing his punches at Shamshir at near mach speeds.

Shamshir stood his ground defiantly and took the attacks, even blocking a few of them himself but he was nowhere near as swift as Luke was, and though showed some discomfort from the impacts, they seemed to cause his steel carapace any harm otherwise. He waited until Luke was almost out of breath before he signalled for him to stop, catching his own and rubbing a claw against some of the areas where Luke had hit, seemingly pleased with the results.

"A good barrage there," he stated. "Bullet Punch is a low-power move, so you can easily use it without tiring yourself too quickly and it's very good for catching your opponent if they leave their guard open for even a second. Between your speed and this attack, slower opponents will be hard pressed to make a move without suffering the consequences."

Luke looked at his paws silently as Shamshir went on with his explanation, clenching them after he was finished, then smiling up at the Scizor. "I think I'll keep practicing a few more times before I turn in for the night." He said, then held his paw out to the Scizor. "Thank you, Shamshir."

"A warrior's honour is to pass his knowledge on to other worthy ones," he commented before he gave a courtesy bow to Luke. "Now, it is time I too turn in for the night. Rest well, Luke."

"You as well, Shamshir." He returned, waiting until the Scizor was gone before he looked at his paws again, clenching them and making metal energy appear around them, smirking confidently as he did. "Let's see that bastard try to outmaneuver me now..." He muttered, before he began practicing Bullet Punch again, now more certain than ever of the success of the mission ahead.

There would be no failure...

Along the deck, heading towards the bow of the ship, Katsu was taking a calming stroll as he said he would along the outer decks near the bow of the ship, allowing the cool wind to calm his senses as he walked. He let out a sigh, feeling more at peace with himself as the wind rushed along his body and hearing the splashing of waves, feeling comfortable within his element. He did not spend as much time on the sea as he should have; he swam in the bay in Azure on occasion, or the lake out near his shack, but when he was out here, surrounded by the ocean, he felt as if he were home.

He heard Jake Talonclaw's voice pierce the air, and looked up to watch as the Red Talons flew overhead, practicing their flight drills. He studied their maneuvers and how they flew in formation; they were almost in perfect synch, never breaking formation, and following Jake's orders to the letter. He tried to spot Eagle Eye among them, but in the darkness of the night sky he could not differentiate. He did spot someone who seemed to stand out a little, though; the jagged shape of a Skarmory.

"Must be Razorwing," he muttered, before he continued ahead.

He stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell upon a familiar form ahead, standing by the rail of the ship. His mind immediately registered their identity as Serena. He felt a fluttering in his chest and heat rising to his face; he moved to the side, getting out of sight if she decided to turn his way, trying to process the feelings rushing over him.

'Arceus, why do I keep feeling like this whenever I see her?' He asked. 'Have I become smitten with her so quickly?'

He started looking around a little bit, unsure of what to do next. It unnerved him, not knowing how to approach someone in this manner, as he never felt feelings of affection to anyone before. After all, he was a warrior and a devoted member of Team Valiant. He felt he had no time to pursue a relationship even if he wanted one...and yet, seeing the Vaporeon for the first time back at the docks of Azure, and again while he was sparring with Tristan at his home in the woods made him want to see more of her. He could hear his teammates in the back of his mind, knowing what every one of them would say; they would tell him to go talk to her. He could do that, right?

Sucking in a deep breath to calm his nerves, he began his approach, trying to be as casual as he could as he made his way over to Serena. When he was within earshot, he stopped and again took in another deep breath before he spoke up. "Erm...Good evening, miss." He said in as soft a tone as he could muster.

She jumped slightly, having been so lost in her own world she had not even heard him approach, and turned to face him, looking mildly fearful. "Oh um... hello," she returned, before shyly looking away to look out to sea again.

He could see the fear in her eyes, making him second guess his decision to try and get to know her better. He averted his gaze slightly and cleared his throat a little. "Erm...Serena, was it?" He asked. "May I... May I join you?"

"I uh," she began, but really had no cause to refuse him, and simply answered with a "Yes," but kept her gaze forward.

Slowly he walked up next to her and took a seat beside her, also keeping his gaze forward as they looked out to sea in silence for a little while. Katsu once more had to work up the courage to break the silence, scratching the back of his shell helmet as he tried to come up with some sort of topic to talk about. "The night is beautiful tonight, is it not?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation. "The moon is bright... the stars glitter clearly in the night sky."

"Yes," she returned, turning her gaze up to the sky. Until now she hadn't looked at the moon that night, but Katsu was right; it was full and bright that evening, and once the sun's rays were gone, it would light up the ocean with its glow. Her previously absent look turned to one of fascination, as though she found the moon alluring somehow. "Goodness..." She whispered.

"Is this your first time seeing a full moon?" He asked softly, managing to turn his gaze toward her.

"No, but... I have always held a fascination for it," she admitted. "However, I don't think I've ever seen it so bright. I guess... the lights on Arc Island made it harder to see it or the stars."

"What were you looking at before then?" Katsu inquired, peering out to sea as Serena had been, though did not see what she could have been looking at.

She gulped nervously, once more directing her gaze to where she had been looking before, gathering her courage before answering. "The fortress... it's out that way," she replied. "I cannot stop thinking about the mission ahead... but every time I imagine that fortress, my mind races back to Arc Island." She shuddered visibly. "I'm afraid to face those monsters again... but I want to save Minato, and whoever else is there." She shook her head. "I'm sorry; you must think I'm so weak."

Katsu felt that nothing he could say would help ease her mind, but he could not leave her either. He chose instead to divert the topic, hoping to ease her mind. He looked up at the moon again, and said, "Where I live, the moon shines nearly as bright as the sun. It is indeed a beautiful sight to behold. Every night after I have my evening meal, I take a moment to appreciate the night sky... as well as reflect on the day I have had..." He explained.

Serena turned her gaze to Katsu, studying his expression from the side, and followed his gaze to the moon, staring long at the glowing white sphere that reflected in her emerald eyes as if they were mirrors. "Have you ever seen Lunala?" She asked. "It's said that if you watch the full moon long enough, she will pass in front of it, and call out to those who are watching for her."

"I'm afraid I never had the honour of gracing such a sight." He returned honestly. "Have you?"

"Sadly, no," replied Serena, sighing. "I have never seen her either. But I am usually asleep quite early, and Lunala only flies in the night." She looked up at the moon again. "The moon holds an importance to dwellers of the sea; as its power controls our tides. To witness the lady of the moon would be the greatest honour, I feel..."

"I see." Katsu returned with a nod. "Perhaps luck one day shall grace you with her appearance." He offered to her, then he scoffed a bit. "Apologies. I don't believe I have introduced myself yet. Forgive me." He said as he shuffled to fully face her, and then lowered his head in a low bow. "I am Katsumoto, the Mighty Glacier of Team Valiant...I serve as the team's muscle and living shield."

She nodded. "It's a pleasure," she returned, still carrying the timid tone in her voice. "I am Serena, the medic and aquatic scout for Team Phalanx."

"It is an honour to make your acquaintance." He returned, lifting his head up to look at her. He began to blush a bit when their eyes met, staying awkwardly silent for a few moments before he cleared his throat and lifted his head back a bit, rubbing a paw through his whiskers absently. "I-I apologize if I made you uncomfortable...just now." He quickly stammered.

"It's fine," she assured him. "I-I am told I am always shy with meeting new people."

Katsu nodded back to her, then he cleared his throat and decided to change the subject. "If I may ask... what was it like for you, growing up on Arc Island?"

She hesitated with that question a little, as she had some difficulty picturing Arc Island at all without feeling a stinging pain in her heart. But, not wanting to leave Katsu's inquiry without an answer, she did her best to recount the years she spent there. "I was born on Arc Island, twenty-three years ago. Life was simple throughout my childhood, but when I came of age, I worked with my mother at her clinic as a sort of... apprentice. She was not really a doctor in the literal sense, but a healer, using a special power only my family possesses to treat those wounded in battle or from intensive labour duties such as cutting wood or mining.

"Through her, I learned this power, and learned to heal the injured. There was a medicine specialist who shared our building. He worked with a Parasect to make remedies for illnesses, but when it came to injuries, most people came to my mother, as it seemed she could bring others back from the brink of death. She was the one who invited the medicine master to work with us, as having both healers in one place was much more convenient for the islanders. Through him, I learned skills in the trade of using herbal remedies as well; he even taught me one for a tonic made from Energy Root. Before I knew it, I was practically one of the island doctors by the time I was twenty-one years old."

Katsu nodded, listening to her story intently and finding it very intriguing that she had quite an eventful childhood despite being so shy and reserved. "That is very admirable." He commented with a smile. "You've clearly learned much in your trade, Serena....I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you for how far you have come." He said warmly. "Though I must know...how did you become involved with Team Phalanx?"

She actually smiled at that question. "The only way I could have," she said. "When I first met them, Team Phalanx consisted only of Volcan and Minato as Tristan was still working in the mines; the two of them had just come back from a neighboring island where they were responding to a crisis, which turned out to be a Hydreigon on a rampage.

"Together they defeated it, but a bystander was hurt during the battle. They brought the bystander to my mother's clinic, and that was where I first met them. My mother treated the bystander back to health, and they left, but it was far from the last I would see of them. A month later, they showed up again, wounded from a battle with a school of Sharpedo that were harassing our fishing boats, stealing their catches. As you can imagine, they both suffered a few painful bites in the battle."

"And their continued patronage made you consider wanting to assist them on the front lines?" The large Samurott asked.

She was quicker to answer him this time, becoming more comfortable with his presence as she spoke. "Not at first, no, but it was this second visit where Minato first talked with me while I treated the bite on his leg," she explained. "He commented, that if they had a team healer with them at all times, it could one day be the difference between life and death for a bystander in critical condition. Those words are what made me start to wonder if there wasn't more I could do. I only became more convinced as I met the members of Team Xiphos and Team Kopis who were coming for post-mission healing as well, and so I became curious, and did something that in hindsight may have been... very stupid."

At that, Katsu tilted his head down at her. "What happened?" He asked softly.

"They... Volcan and Minato, I mean, were heading out for another mission and I..." She blushed deeply. "I followed them, all the way from Arc Island to an atoll where they were on a search and rescue for someone who had crash landed there. Unfortunately, that atoll was home to a rather savage Feraligatr who stumbled across me as I was watching them. My screams brought them right to me, and I saw Volcan fly into battle as if fired from a cannon, kicking the Feraligatr so hard, he shattered three of his teeth.

"Of course, that wasn't enough to stop him, and so he came back to attack again, furious. Volcan fought him valiantly, but eventually was hit by an Aqua Tail that knocked him out. Minato arrived in the nick of time, and fought the Feraligatr. He suffered several injuries in the battle, including a bite that had nearly gone to the bone in his leg, but he prevailed after using a powerful Force Palm that sent the Feraligatr soaring off the island entirely.

"Minato was in danger of bleeding out from the bite, and so my skills were put to the test; I used my mother's secret healing powers to mend his leg, saving his life, and Volcan, after recovering, carried us both back to the boat before he went to find the Pokémon they were there to search for. And he did; he brought back with him a Tyrogue, the owner of the wreck, who had been hiding from the atoll's wild resident. And so, back to Arc Island we went, where my mother was waiting, worried sick about me -especially when she found out where I had been."

Katsu slowly lifted his paw up, carefully placing it on her shoulder so as not to startle her. "You were doing what you felt was right, Serena. No one can fault you for that." He said reassuringly to her. "Because of your actions, your comrade was spared, and the mission was a success... granted your mother had every right to be worried about you, but still, you followed your heart, and that is what matters most." He added.

"I know... but still, I had no right being there; I was a grown Pokémon and should have known better. That said, Minato's words proved true; had I not been there, he might have perished. When I realized this, I decided I could do more for others too far away from the clinic to seek help there. And so, I approached Volcan one day, and asked to join Team Phalanx. I have been with them ever since. It's been two years now."

Katsu nodded in understanding to her, now wearing a very warm smile on his face. "I think you made a very wise decision that day, Serena." He said honestly. "Not many Rescue Teams consider medically trained Pokémon to be part of their unit. I believe you will set a shining example to everyone that being in a Rescue Team is not always about brute force or possessing a keen sense of justice."

She looked up at Katsu and gave him a warm smile; he had to remain steadfast so as not to melt under the beauty of that face. "That is very kind of you to say so; thank you," she said.

"No thanks necessary, my fair Serena. I am merely speaking my opinion." He returned. "I am only a humble former Ronin after all."

"Ro...nin?" She asked, tilting her head. "Forgive me but I do not know what that is."

"Ah. Forgive me," he replied sheepishly "A Ronin is a wandering samurai with no set destination. We serve no lord and abide by our own code of honour." He explained. "For most of my younger years, I was a wanderer, until I arrived in Port Azure and, well... after a series of events, I went from Wanderer to Protector."

She hummed in thought as Katsu finished his explanation, clearly still uncertain if she understood what he was describing to her, but she went along with it, nodding as if satisfied. "I suppose we should probably retire for the night, shouldn't we?"

"Y-Yes. We have a long day ahead of us." Katsu agreed, now deeply blushing averting his gaze somewhat. "It was...it was pleasant talking with you, Serena. I pray we continue to speak to one another in the near future..."

"Yes; perhaps we can," she returned, staring back out to sea once more and eventually turning her gaze up to the moon again. "I will be along momentarily; sleep well, Katsumoto."

"You as well, Serena." He bade her, bowing his head low to her once more, then he began to turn away and walk off back to the sleeping quarters to get some shut eye. The entire walk back he couldn't stop blushing, having to shield his face from anyone else still wandering the deck to hide the redness of his face, and making a beeline for his compartment bed as he entered the sleeping quarters, quickly climbing into it and shutting the curtain for privacy.

Finally managing to calm himself enough to relax, he removed his helmet and set it aside, before curling up and attempting to sleep, though his mind still drifted back to the shining smile of that beautiful Vaporeon on the deck. The memory of that alone filled his dreams as his consciousness faded and slumber took hold.

It was a most restful sleep...

West Islands Chapter 5: Hearts United

Katsumoto began his usual exercise routine bright and early that morning, lifting six freshly cut tree trunks onto his back, balanced by his arms. While his routine usually consisted of fewer trees, the urgency to make himself as fit as possible for...

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West Islands Chapter 4: The Heartless Warrior

It was mid morning in Azure, with the entire town now active and going about its daily affairs, including for the local rescue team. Kage was performing his usual routine through Azure at this time, watching the streets from the rooftops for any sign...

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West Islands Chapter 3: Shattered

The team left Tadpole Bay Village behind shortly after the battle between them and the Tentacruel gang, leaving with the gratitude of the villagers in their ears as they sailed out of the bay and back to the open sea, turning their course to the...

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