Blossoming Ranks

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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Hiya! Figured it'd been too long since I posted any weird kinky stuff, and I'd never -fully- written myself into one since changing fursonas several years ago (though I do enjoy my self-insertion cameos). The cock vore isn't 'til the end, so if that ain't your jawn, ain't gotta read it - just enjoy some muscly furries and some fun.

"So what do you do for a living, actually?"

"What do you mean?" I gestured demurely at the empty, incredulous air with a half-understanding of the underlying question. "You work right next to me."

"Right, but you don't live that way, right? You make a paycheck that way, but you're quiet in company meetings and let's be honest - have you had anyone over besides us?"

I laughed silently through a smile and sipped my port. I'd made a good choice of companions - Leland had taken all night to ask the question he was digging into now, so I guess I couldn't call it cutting to the chase, but he'd had a goal in mind and he had been pursuing it, and I liked that kind of affable directness in my friends. "Fair! More than fair. First, though, you're running low - want a refill?"

He nodded, and I glanced intensively at Dylan, his company, whom I hadn't yet named as boyfriend, fiancé, or affect, and at his nod, refilled that glass as well with the plum-colored aperitif. Leland a squirrel, and Dylan a black jaguar, they were - fucking... finally - a couple who'd been on the near fringes of my social periphery for a few months. I'd made contact at laboratory get-togethers and happy hours, and they'd eventually shown their faces at an outing or two, and they were... a relief. A series of unfortunate relationships had made me increasingly wary of men in general - too flamboyant, too girly, too gay, and it was wearing me thin. Problematic, if I wanted to start putting on weight again. My loins stirred at the thought. Not now, I cooed inwardly, not yet.

The fortified wine swirled into the glass in front of Leland, then in front of Dylan, and I sat back with a newly full glass of my own and curled my long, white tail around my feet in my recliner. I sipped once, being unnecessarily regal in how I leaned back on an elbow in my viridian, off-brand, artificial leather, giggling quietly at the unspoken joke of opulence. "I'm generally a loner, yeah. I've actually had a couple of folk over - dated around here and there, that sort of thing, but you're on the money." I nodded acquiescence. "This isn't generally my wheelhouse."

"I love it. I love the affect," Leland laughed, black eyes sparkling with merriment, before sitting back against my creamy white couch underneath Dylan's broad, lax arm, and burying his nose in his glass, though he still held my gaze. The mild flirtation with this lovely russet rodent had gone on all night. He had a slender frame one might expect, though with a little of the inevitable paunch that even light bodies acquire in their twenties if they're not regularly athletic, but nothing I would judge too harshly. Maybe five foot eight, with a single, tasteful, steel stud in the outside of each elfin ear.

Dylan picked up on my omission of a real answer, fixing me with his more subtle smile - one that touched his eyes more than his lips. "And?" He was quieter, as any stereotyping might have already suggested from species alone. He was a few inches taller than I, and so significantly taller than his man, standing about six foot one. He was heavier set than Leland in both muscle and belly and had gorgeous, steel gray eyes that I was certain had been a significant portion of the attraction between them. They would've been hook enough for me, which... was partially why the two of them were here tonight. "And, what do you do?"

"I'm sort of a... science hobbyist. I toy around with potions, things like that."

"Oh, like an alchemist?" Leland inquired, instantly snatching the word "potions" for its full context. It wasn't mockery. Ever since the government had finally stopped hunting down every magic enthusiast in sight, a few odd crafts had slowly gotten popularized: mostly hedge magic stuff like alchemists, enchanters, and the like. Leland's interest was honest. He leaned forward a little in his chair. "Do you have... a talent for it? I hear the talent for it comes with, like... a physical sign. Is that... too personal? Is that weird?" He glanced a bit furtively at Dylan, who shrugged and looked at me.

"Yeah!" I answered, breaking my relaxed character with a little pride and, yes, exhibitionism. "It's... I'm a little sheepish with it, but I ran across this years ago when I was experimenting with a few enchantments a wiser person might've left alone." I set my glass down on the rosewood coffee table between my guests and me, stood, and turned around so I could lift my tight, burgundy shirt almost to my shoulders, my body framed against a short bookcase and a television hanging above it in the stone wall of my home - the walls a benefit that came only at the cost of not minding the cool temperatures year-round. My pelt was mostly the ivory fur of my winter, ermine coat, until the scapulae, between which lay a tiny, deep purple bloom resembling a lily. Vines wove in and out of my skin from its base, covering the area of maybe a salad plate, showing it was fused with me, completely.

"Oh... oh my god," Leland stuttered, awed.

"What... the..." Dylan moved forward in his seat, as well, to get a closer look.

"Can I...? Touch it? Is it sensitive? Is that weird?" He repeated a little dumbly, already rising out of his chair.

"A little, like don't tug too hard on it, but the vines are sturdy - they're handy extra appendages when I want them," I answered with intentional innuendo, while demonstrating how they could thicken and writhe at will. My ear tips flushed pink. Even though I'd hoped, even intended, the night to go this direction, I still enjoyed the attention more than I was proud to admit. Besides, the blush made me more approachable. Their fingers encountered the petals of the lily at the same time, and I felt a moan pull itself out of me, and the fur of my back and shoulders rise, like goosebumps. Ah... god, it felt good to be explored.

They both flinched at my response, and I shortly dropped my shirt, realizing it'd seemed like they had hurt me, and turning with a smile to assure them they had not. When I looked at them, they were finishing exchanging a glance. I made it clear I'd noticed with a flicking of observant eyes, then shrugged a confident shoulder. "I've found some materials online. Tried some stimulants, some hallucinogens. Some steroids, some aphrodisiacs."

Behind me, my tail gyrated through intriguing swirls. I held their two gazes, chestnut brown from Leland and that cool steel from Dylan. "Do... they work?" Leland asked, trying to hold firm against the tide of confidence flowing from someone willing to chatter candidly about illicit substances and libido enhancements. My hobby washed over him, a color of tint to his worldview he actively, consciously, reframed as neutral, rather than destitute; dangerous; desperate. Again: proof this one would be a good way to start building again. And again, my skin felt tight, and I swallowed a hungry grunt and bent to retrieve my glass to hide how I had to shift my legs to adjust what was awakening between them.

"They used to, uh... work too well?" I laughed, "and then they'd make me chaste for months. Was rough figuring out the balancing act and the preparations. But now, yeah, I'd say they work. Have you ever tried any?"

"I... well, not ones that worked," the squirrel answered. I could smell the virility on him.

"Not like squirrels need anything," his boyfriend - decision made, spoken or not - insinuated with a big, feline grin. Dylan could sense what I was doing, what I was offering, even if Leland wasn't a hundred percent wise to it, and he had already landed on what he wanted to do tonight. I flashed a grin back at him in acknowledgement. "I, on the other hand, wouldn't mind being able to measure up."


"I'm not jealous; I'm eager," he answered easily. He turned his attention fully to me. "Are you offering?"

My grin widened hugely, ear-tips standing as high as they were able. I downed the contents of my glass, handed each of theirs to them, and gestured to a short hallway that led back to my bedroom. "Why don't you two come down to my lab?"

Wood-paneled floor led to the only locked door in my home: a pleasantly antique-feeling, heavy, stone door that swung inward to a basement stair. I'd crafted some glow-moss with basic enchantments available at the local apothecary - lovely, to be able to say apothecaries were back in business - so that our descent down the cute, spiral staircase I'd paid out the ass for was accompanied by a coruscant, blue glow. I took full delight in my guests' appreciative noises.

The basement was divided into two parts: crafting, and experimenting. The crafting room was no bigger than an apartment kitchen and contained a few books propped on stands, a magnifying pane, some protective gear, and of course, bottles and boxes and flasks and graduated cylinders and vials and tubes, all filled with a variety of plants and powders and probably-potables. One was actively distilling essence from a feral ferret skull, adding a quiet burble and macabre mystique to the atmosphere. The experimentation room was a wide dome fifteen feet high and twenty or so in radius that had multiple circles of runes drawn or engraved around the circular region in silver, chalk, and charcoal, because I couldn't afford gold or gems, yet. "This is, simply, where I throw things together, and this is where I see how well they work," I explained, gesturing to the two areas in turn.

"How did you... afford this?" Leland asked, his paws all over the curving, upward-sloping walls of the containment circle and his nose twitching in excitement at all the smells wafting throughout the whole room. It was mostly earthy, with a touch of mineral quality and sterility. His eyes flicked more than once to claw marks etched in the stone. I viewed them with proud nostalgia.

"Was up for foreclosure. The previous Druid didn't pay taxes and didn't make friends. The mortgage company was desperate to get someone who didn't mind a 'haunted' basement. I've made friends with the local spirits, I think. At least, they don't bother me too much." I gave them a few minutes to explore the area while I silently activated the protective, regenerative wards I had spent hours and days and weeks perfecting and reinforcing so there would be no danger of undue harm or death. This was my greatest point of pride I think in my life. I had a laboratory, I had materials with which to experiment, I had borrowed, stolen, bought, and begged for books from as many contacts as I had about how to craft potions, and in this region, I had done... I had performed miracles. And I had the... endowments and powers to show for it. The most important aspect for our upcoming evening was certainly the three trunk-sized blocks of clay, which I double-checked were engraved in quintuplet just in case something went wrong.

Well, and assuming everything went right.

"So, what do you want? Dylan, I guess you want to last as long as Leland? Be as productive, go off as many times?"

The squirrel blushed brightly as Dylan answered finally, with a little balking of his own, as he knew he was partially shaming his man, "Endurance is really what he could use. I just want, uh... repeatability. Volume. And." He grinned and unabashedly palmed Leland's package with one hand while gulping the rest of his drink with the other, "Sheer size."

Ah, so we had reached that level of inebriation, and we were committed. My stomach growled and I felt my shirt tighten as my hunger loosened the seams of protective wards keeping me this size. Too subtle to really catch the inebriated eye, but the musculature throbbing under my skin felt good. It felt ready. I couldn't help but share a laugh with Leland as he giggled through his pride and his embarrassment. It was a true stereotype of "fuzzy little forest critters" that they were _well-_endowed in the testicular region, and that often led to messy lovemaking and important fashion decisions. And then I pinned him with my gaze, eyes to eyes, in the middle of our shared moment. "And you, Leland? Dylan's stamina, perhaps, and...?"

"His, uh," he stuttered, blowing through the moment with a grin over the rim of his glass and only faltering in his actual words. "His pecs?" Sip. "Abs. Thighs." Thoughtful sip. "His shoulders."

I smirked with Dylan and gave the bigger man another measuring look. He was alright. But compared to Leland, he was huge. "His physique," I summarized with a supination of my paw.

"Yeah." Gulp, and he'd taken the full dose, finally. "Have you seen him?"

In response, I walked towards the jaguar, lifted his shirt, and pulled it up over his head as he deposited his glass on a convenient shelf and pleasantly curled his torso to exhibit himself, revealing mounds of well-kept muscle. No body-builder by any means, but he took care of himself - this was a handsome man. With the authoritative confidence of a physician, I went ahead and ran my fingers around his chest, pressing experimentally against his pectorals. My thumbs kneaded their way down his abdominals and I felt my lips go dry as I found myself thinking about what I was going to do with those later. Before I realized it, the vines on my back had come to life and were crawling out from under my shirt, to the growing concern and curiosity of both my houseguests. I smiled demurely, refusing to become as apologetic as my nature normally was. "Just a little excited - no need to worry. But, speaking of these..."

I ushered them towards the experimentation region and made sure they were within the circles. A few muttered words brought forth a gentle chime, and the runes scintillated in response, faint violet and silver hues. I murmured in low, smooth tones halfway between seduction and pacification: "You won't be harmed - not in the slightest. I've run both of these concoctions through my own system half a dozen times, and they're both safe, and temporary... mostly." I crooked a wicked grin at both of them and shrugged with grossly affected innocence. I shivered as two of my vines writhed their way out from under my shirt and each started making its hungry way towards a different one of my well-marinated guests. My voice acquired a villainous undertone as the nearness of a meal, after so many months famished, brought my predatory nature came out, "How should I know?

"They're a part of me."

With that line, the verdant tendrils darted forward to cup and caressed Dylan and Leland's chins, then lips, worming along them with eager persistence, until Leland parted his lips in surprise to say something and it slipped inside. His shock dropped his glass to the stone floor, but a pair of vines swept it easily and safely away. The vegetable part of me was swift and, if not always accurate, made up for it in volume. I moaned as my ravenous nature thrummed to life through me and made my vines ever more vivacious. Dylan more deliberately opened his maw, and the potent cocktails I'd stored away in my appendages dribbled out onto their tongues. I slipped my shirt completely off, joining Dylan in his half nudity and showing off my tightened, lean physique, but when Leland moved to mimic me, I put a paw on one chest and simply looked him in the eye while his Adam's apple bobbed with each swallow of my virile liquid. "No, no, Leland. We both want to see you shred it." I twisted the last two words with a hungry, joyful snarl and palmed his hips. He held the deep Byzantium purple of my gaze as the tap on his draught went dry, and moaned around the retreating vine as my thumbs kneaded firmly into the soft paunch just over his presently-absent Adonis belt.

The nape of my neck thrilled out a warning a quarter second before Dylan's nearly subsonic, rattling growl hit my ears and the stealthy cat slipped his hands about my own waist. I froze at first, but withdrew both of my vines into the main body of the floral organism in my spine and settled down between the mated pair. Dylan's warm, thin-furred chest closed the gap to my back in a slow, sinuous roll, deliberately pushing me the fraction of an inch remaining between me and his lover, and then I let out a surprised dook that fractured into a whine of pleasure as Leland's small tongue darted out against my throat and Dylan's living velcro of a feline tongue stroked across my nape. In my partially inebriated state, I grew instantly erect, and when Dylan ventured his arms around behind his squirrel's back to press the three of us tighter together, I felt their own hard-ons grinding against me, as well - well, most of Leland's. From touch alone, I knew it was substantially longer than mine. I couldn't wait to see it up close.

For now, though, I stood nigh paralyzed between them. They were kind - warm. Leland's thin-fingered paws on my chest were at first tentative, then progressively greedier. Up close against him like I was, I felt his heartbeat accelerating and his breath quickening as he traced his claws down my pecs, through my fur, to my ribs. I quivered, drawing susurrus from my back, my sides ticklish, and grinned, and he paused in his grooming to chuckle at me and murmur, "A big man like you, ticklish? Now that's cute... and why didn't you tell us you were this... fit?" The compliment was sincere, as strange though it might have sounded with an even larger male right behind me, and I felt my ears go hot again. Galvanized by my sensitivity, he dipped his fingers past the bones of my hips and deftly unfastened the button of my jeans with just his thumbs, then slipped his paw along the front of my black, form-fitting underwear to grasp the silhouette of my bulge. "Big here, too..." He squeezed, then gasped and stared me in the eyes. "Enormous... fuck, Dylan, he's thick as my wrist. Feel this." I was coming to understand that the dominance/submission aspect of the two men sandwiching me was not what it might have seemed on the surface - Leland enjoyed his toys, and the simple command didn't brook argument.

Dylan dutifully slipped his entire hand down the front of my open pants and found the same, three-inch diameter his mate had. His approval was a low, surprised rumble and a murmured, "Shit... is that even real...?" They took turns fondling me, and while they were distracted, I quite happily took the opportunity to get some tactile observation of Leland's transformation. The change was slow enough that it hadn't dawned on me that my thumbs, still splayed along Leland's hips, no longer had to push his shirt out of the way. His forwardness had made me forget his height, and it wasn't until he had to duck his head to get at my throat again that I realized the squirrel had grown. He wasn't enormous, yet. Maybe two inches taller? but when I blinked and looked more closely at him, though my mind was hazy from the enveloping warmth of the two bodies surrounding me, feeling me, exploring me, toying with me, I noticed his white dress shirt was tight on his frame. His paunch was nearly gone. His jeans had been a loose cut, likely to hide his belly a little better, but they looked like they were digging into his waist. To measure, I drew my paws up his belly, and couldn't repress a fierce growl of pleasure as I felt, under my exploring fingers, his belly becoming more firm, his pelt expanding, his body pressing tighter to mine. "There we go..." I whispered.

Dylan's teeth clamped down on the crook of my neck and I cried out as he seized my waist in both paws and yanked me possessively away from the squirrel. His hips ground into mine, and I could feel why he'd felt the urge: His cock had to be half again the size it had been at first, which meant his testosterone was roaring. He let me go as he realized what he'd done, but neither me nor Leland minded the show as the taller man fairly tore open his pants to let loose a bulge that looked like it had gotten painfully tight. "Dylan," his mate breathed, before taking a few steps forward and dropping immediately to his knees to bury his arrowhead nose into the panther's deep purple boxers. I licked my lips at the lusty display and took the opportunity to finish shedding my own clothing - boxers and all - while they focused on one another. Leland whimpered as he worshipped his partner's new size, then, after a furtive glance back at me and another up at Dylan's approving, smoldering gaze, yanked down the boxers.

Cock fairly poured out of them, eight inches of pink flesh that, finally free, stiffened rapidly. Leland wrapped both paws around it in awe, then took the tip into his mouth and shuddered as his partner growled his pleasure. A few, slow bobs later, he came up for air and whipped his head around to me. "I... I can feel him growing! Oh my god. Oh my god." He dove his lips down again, and I felt every part of me rustle happily as I started letting my own, potent potions pour through my system.

I was quite happy to quietly approach and simply paw at my ebony length, especially as that shirt across Leland's back had to strain more and more to contain his bulking frame. Fabric tightened, threads started snapping, and I could tell he was working harder and harder to ignore the seams biting into his skin until he finally stood, scrabbled at his collar, and in a primal display of masculinity, ripped open the front, sending buttons pinging around the room. Hulk-like, he flexed and tore, flexed and tore, until tatters of clothing still clung to his newly six-foot-four, Adonis physique and vasculature stood out, webbed across forearms, biceps, even a lovely one along his waist. His body rippled as he moved, inspecting it with calm caution that looked like comfortable confidence on a creature so like a proper Olympian gymnast - if the gymnasts ever got that big. He was a lean powerhouse - no Mr. Universe, no Nordic powerlifting champion, but made of steel, nonetheless. He hefted the fleshy log between his legs, looked down at Dylan's, did a double-take, looked at me - with a pleasantly crooked eyebrow as he noticed my nudity - and commented, almost casually, "Dylan, hon, you're bigger than I am."

"Not where it cou-"

"Get on your knees."

"Yes, sir." My jaw dropped at the same rate the big panther's knees did. His dick bobbed in the air, easily eleven inches long at this point, and his balls sagged, bloated and tennis ball-sized like his partner's. Looking at the two of them, I swelled with pride - well, and physically, though that wouldn't be obvious for a while - because my craft had functioned, so far, flawlessly.


"Yes, sir." He went to all fours, unquestioning. My mouth was dry again. I had to stop stroking myself or I would have cum on the spot. The absolute authority Leland had seized, the command he clearly wielded even when he was smaller, came out like a shockwave. Dylan's jaw was open, panting as he gazed at the paragon of physique now standing in front of him.

Leland frowned. "Eyes on the floor."

"Yes, sir."

"Ass up."

"Yes, sir."

"Spread those legs."

His knees widened as the squirrel knelt beside him. The rodent's entire demeanor had changed. He seemed like he'd felt this way his whole life, and had simply never had the body that he felt supported it. He hefted the jet-black orbs Dylan was sporting, and breathed, "Fuuuuck... you're huge..." He then dropped them and slapped his partner's ass hard enough that the smack echoed in my little cavern. "What's missing?"

"Yes! Yes, sir!" the panther responded, and I caught a flash of an ecstatic grin from his down-hanging head. He wasn't a little subby bitch by any means - he was a man who loved it when his man got this way. In that moment, I fell in love with him.

"That, and lube. Siber?" he barked in the same commanding tone, before he looked at me and his ears flipped backwards a little. "Uh... sorry, I shouldn't have assumed... Uh, do you... do you have..."

"Do I have what, Leland?" I simpered, finally reveling in myself. I stepped towards the two of them slowly, having been observing from several paces away, with an enigmatic smile on my face. The lily on my back was in full bloom and pouring floral scents into the room, vibrant overtones to the musk fairly dripping out of the three of us. I hadn't started truly growing, but I knew my skin was tight against my musculature, and my cock was swelling, as well, now eight inches, now nine, and impossibly thick, silvery runes on it glowing and drawing themselves in its pitch black flesh and momentarily hypnotizing my guests. I was enjoying the authority play more than I could have imagined. "This is the hottest thing I've seen in a thousand years." They didn't know if it was true. "So tell me what you need... sir...?"

He swallowed audibly as he processed what I had said, and I watched a few emotions flitter through his eyes before he regained character. His eyelids relaxed into an easy expression of command. He raised his paw, palm up, as though to take mine. I placed my ivory hand into his russet one coyly, then cried out and fell to my knees as he snagged my wrist and hyperextended it with one thumb fuck he knew how this body worked already way too fucking well but it made my entire being sing with pleasure. In a mockery of my own demure approach, he loosened his grip and kissed the back of my hand. "Lubricant," he lilted, almost patronizingly. His ear tips flickered and we shared a smile with one another - just breaking character enough to reassure one another this was alright - and in that moment, I fell in love with him, too.

Another vine slipped out from behind me - plants secrete all kinds of different chemicals - and coiled around his cock while I knelt. He hissed in pleasure, and as the thin tendril wound loop after loop, it loosed warm, thin liquid across the turgid, throbbing flesh. I left one coil like a cock ring once he was coated and let the rest of the length crawl its way up Dylan's thigh, around to his raised rump, where it dripped under his tail. The squirrel's dick swiftly became deliciously vascular and dark. My eyes were glued to it.

"Better," Leland murmured, staring in fascination as he stroked one hand up and down his straining girth, clearly enjoying the way his new muscles flexed, the new strength in his grip, in his entire body. And he felt gigantic, kneeling next to me; I could smell the man on him, wafting off in waves. "But something's missing..." He shot out a hand to grab my cock and squeezed, just enough to be barely painful.

"Yes, sir!" I yipped, and he grinned.

"Even better. Now, get under my boyfriend. I'm gonna fuck him, and you're gonna give that brand new dick of his a proper introduction to fellatio." He stood up a little on his knees and pressed his cock under Dylan's hole. I scrambled to get on my back, sixty-nining the gorgeous panther. His cock flopped on my lips, and I took a moment to adjust my petals beneath me before taking that thirteen-inch monstrosity in both paws and guiding a head thick as a Clementine past my lips.

I'm a pretty good dick sucker, if I do say so myself. It's nothing I'm gonna put on my resumé or write home about, but when it comes to the realm of dick-suckery, I consider myself both talented and determined. It helps to be able to swap over to the oxygen stores in my vegetable parts, which is exactly what I did. That warm, salty flesh filled my jaws immediately, and my ears fluttered happily as I heard Dylan moan in surprise. His organ twitched, sensitive from its transformation, and cum shot into the back of my throat. It wasn't a whole orgasm, but his system was on overload. I whined as it coated my maw. Three inches in, with my head tilted back and both paws still wrapped around veiny flesh - five, seven, and I couldn't see well past his gargantuan nuts, but I could hear his cries and feel his breath on my own groin as Leland made an art form of penetrating his boyfriend. Dylan's hips would rock forward under the power of Leland's, and that beautiful cock would flare and spurt into my throat, which clamped down on it as I switched respiration so I wouldn't suffocate. The beast plugged my throat entirely, which made my eyes roll up behind my eyelids as I savored the sensation of being so totally filled.

Minutes passed, and I heard a grunt as Leland finally hilted his partner. Dylan was still growing in me, though the bulk of the expansion was done, and had cum twice, flooding my insides with warmth. Now, though, Leland was able to give him a proper rutting - and rut he did. I had to wrap my arms around the panther's waist to anchor myself as he was plunged into my throat, the girth of his cock swelling out, and in an act of affection and ownership I'll never forget, Leland reached a hand down to press gently on my throat and feel his partner's erection throbbing through it. He pressured my cranial artery for just a few seconds, offering that momentary thrill of fear and sparkles of blackness, before releasing and returning to his duties, and all the while, the seed that kept leaping into my body urged me to grow - little... by little... by little...

Finally, Leland let out a bark that permeated the room like a thin foam; the sound a physical thing, the way a thunderclap slaps your entire body, and hilted his partner, forcing Dylan to sheathe himself in my throat and leave his twitching balls straddling my nose. I desperately threw my paw to my unattended erection and stroked, precum already having drenched my shaft, while the thickness in my throat threatened to make me nearly black out from interior pressure alone and his orgasm throbbed and blasted through my body torn out of him by the sheer emotional force of the mountain of man mounting him roaring that panther yowl through my cavern and swelling out my gut with the volume of his seed until I was lurching, seizing around his meat to the beat of my own fiery climax, which spattered both his chest and mine and chin and the knees of both men straddling my head until I had to had to had to extract myself from them and turn my lungs back on panting gasping heaving and breathing the heady musk and cum of these men these animals these monsters these men I had created, fuck!

In the midst of my orgasm, I had forgotten to tone down the growth hormones that I had let flood my body so that my expansion would be less sudden and so, when I sat up in front of them, cum still dribbling from the jet black obelisk in my lap, I realized I was looking down at both of them and their cum-spattered bodies.

"Siber?" Dylan gasped. Leland was pawing adoringly at his chest in post-coital worship, but their eyes were locked on me.

Eight feet tall, I realized. Nothing like my previous experiments, but when one is long out of practice, one can hardly expect maximum performance. I cleared my head with a deep breath to clear out at least the majority of the shivers of climax still working through my body, then grinned slowly and shrugged. "Yeah, still me. Thought I'd dose myself properly, show off what I can do." I licked my lips as I stared at them, and they both seemed to quail under the obvious hunger now in my eyes. Leland, with enormous care, dismounted from his lover, whose flush showed through his black fur as backed up squirrel cum drained down his balls and splattered on the floor.

"I think," I said with predatory warmth, "that it's a little unfair I had to get myself off. Don't you?" I smiled as I said it to ease the accusation, and they both nodded eagerly, eyes dropping from my towering visage to the log flopped along my thigh. It was impossibly huge by now; as thick as either of their torsos, and therefore, in no way going to penetrate either of of them. Maybe I didn't make that clear: my cock had grow to be a full foot in diameter, though admittedly proportionately odd, as it was a "mere" two feet long.

I mean, like I said. I was hungry. First, though... they had another fantasy of mine to play out.

"Get on over here." I slid down onto my back again and wove a quick cleanliness spell over Leland's cock to cleanse it if needed - I'm perverse and manipulative, not gross. They seemed confused, until I let my thighs fall open, heavy balls pooled between them. "One to each end?"

Dylan met gazes with his lover. They were both panting, those beautiful chests heaving, but neither seemed exhausted. Hell yeah. The panther flashed a grin. "He gives head like a motherfucking god, Leland."

"I wanna see you fuck this monster," the newly-made Olympian responded as he stood, stepped over to me, and then, before anything else, knelt to press his lips to mine. I froze momentarily at the romantic gesture, and at the panther paws suddenly kneading my cock, the sensation of those big pads feeling so small and delicate against that titanic log sending lightning and thirst bursting through me. Taken for a moment by the real care these two apparently were capable of, I fished for Dylan's paw with one of mine, and Leland's with another, until I could squeeze both, and smiled up at the squirrel as he pulled out of the kiss.

"Don't be sweet," I teased. "You're both tasty enough already." I tilted my head back, exposing my throat, and Leland, blessed Leland who somehow knew so much about how to dominate a man, dug his thumbs into the corners of my jaw to force it open, then layered his fingers down on my throat before stuffing his still fully-erect cock past my lips.

"Open wide, big boy," he softly commanded as he carefully, so deliberately, began playing my vascular system with his fingers like an instrument. He knew when it was too much; he knew when it was just right; he knew how to play with my consciousness, and when to massage, to knead, to just delicately scratch, to brush, velvet fingers ivory claws plush tail, all to pleasure the neck I had already shown him was so deliciously sensitive, and all while stroking his cock through the welcoming, wet, swallowing confines of my throat.

He tightened his grip when Dylan positioned his enormous piece at my entrance and pushed in, making my body seize and my cockflesh twitch as sensation rocked through me. Two inches of that panther dick felt like it was tearing me open, but having the bigger body at least helped. He waited, and I waited, tense, while Leland's turgid self throbbed in my throat, already near-hilted, since that part of me was already ready for it. Three more inches, and they thrusted at the same time so I felt so wonderfully compressed, wanted, attended to. I swear, it was like the two had done it before. Another pause.


Three more inches. Eight inches of panther cock in me, warm, pulsing, filling me. Leland chirrucked, "You almost there, love?"

Dylan checked, his paws massaging my hips, and growled, "No. 'nother half a foot?" They both snarled as I twitched in response, but to show my eagerness, to show them I wanted to be rammed by the monsters, I wrapped my arms around Leland's hips and my ankles around Dylan's, and pulled with both. The enormous musculature in my limbs tugged each of them briefly off balance, and I grinned against the squirrel's hanging testicles. It was unbelievable. It was... fulfilling. They were mine.

They took over again after that, and I let them. I found myself desperately trying to monitor the clenching and loosening of two sphincters on opposite ends of my body, but they both reassured me in coos and growls and moans and thrusts and twitches that fuck, yes, Siber, fuck him Dylan, ram it home, grab him, and that cat hugged my cock to his chest and used it as an anchor as he slammed his own enormous piece into me. Sure, he started slow and careful, and thank God he did, but once he was in, he didn't hesitate, and the whole time, Leland's commands, "Swallow harder; lick my balls for a while, I want to watch Dylan work; slow down; find his prostate, Dylan; there, see him twitch? HARD. Right there, fuck yes, love, lick his cock, yes..." continuous, never intrusive, pouring through me while he pleasured himself with my body and Dylan did the same, and they leaned over me, bridged me, made out over me, while the panther's hips found a steady rhythm of fucking that his partner matched while I crawled my paws and legs around their bodies, undulating in slow throes under them. Leland guided his panther's hands to my cock while the two of them kissed, and added that rhythm to the thrumming motions of our triad.

I couldn't take it for long. The intimacy, the fierce strength, and fuck, those hands, those hands of theirs, sliding along my piece, eventually made my body surge - you know the feeling, when every nerve says to clench, the storm is coming, the lightning will crash and your body will roar, and my legs crossed behind one man's hips and my arms did around the others, and I felt my butt cheeks go flush with Dylan's hips and Leland's shaft sliiiiiide deeper into me as my orgasm took over. I would have snarled if I could have; instead, I twitched like a thing possessed, hard muscle ballooning outward as growth stormed my body. Six inches taller, another six, while my cock-

My cock erupted. Semen inundated my chin and Leland's chest, hips, thighs. At the display, I heard both of them gasp in combined surprise and ecstasy as they strained to reach their own orgasms and didn't have to strain long before blissful triumph ripped through them, raw energy making a circuit through the three of us as the two of them drained their virility into me and I soaked the entire floor with my seed, over long, glorious minutes.

And I do mean drained.

And I do mean soaked.

A layer of gyzym covered the circle when I finally finished and they both dismounted. I lay there in bliss for a while, chest heaving, body still wracked by occasional spasms, until I licked my lips clean of squirrel gyzym and sat up - to find the two of them leaning against one another and half-crawled onto my torso.

And now, it was time for their part of this arrangement. Their bodies and minds full of alcohol, euphoria, and chemical stimulants and relaxants, they were primed for anything. I met their eyes one at a time, and murmured low, "I'm hungry." I rubbed a paw over each one's ears, down to the backs of their wet, fragrant necks. I licked my lips around and flexed my rumbling loins. "Time to pay for the evening's entertainment. Don't worry - I swore you wouldn't be harmed, and you won't be. But I've been hungry for a long, long time." My cock swelled another half a foot. It was still hard as an oak log. I think they had expected it to deflate; for me to return to my normal size, perhaps. I hadn't had a proper meal in so long. My pulse was throbbing, my stomach and my balls gurgling ravenously.

I wrapped my paws, now comparatively enormous, around their torsos. Both still stared deeply at me, and I could tell they'd both fallen totally under the spell of suggestion I'd woven into their drinks. "Feet first, Dylan," I said. Eyes half-lidded, he mewled and turned around on my chest. His nose went directly to my balls so he could bathe them with that lovely cat tongue of his. I drew Leland up my chest and gathered his little brown toes and thick calves in my hand to guide his toes into the open, drooling maw of my cock, while my tongue gathered Dylan's big footpaws into my maw. It was almost too much for me to try to draw out. I flexed, and Leland's feet, ankles, calves, all in a single swallow from that mighty shaft, bulging it out. I gulped, and Dylan's toes slid into my throat.

It had been so long. I shuddered as I felt those fuzzy limbs slide into my organ. I had never been able to fully, satisfactorily explain the appeal to myself, but there it was. They pawed at me, kneading at my gargantuan package, the shaft, the balls, at my chest for Leland, as I ate them. I felt the hunger, the pleasure, like static across my entire body. They seemed to trust me, that I wouldn't really hurt them, and only mildly writhed, as my elastic cockflesh stretched around thighs, hips, waist, and my lips and teeth grazed across the same. They kissed as they were pulled past one another, and I had to sit up to get the angle on swallowing Dylan right, as his cock twitched on my tongue. They moaned, they mumbled pleasurable sounds, "Siber please... what's happening... so smooth... so warm..." but all the bliss they'd been through, all their exhaustion, had submitted their minds to me - so I took their bodies. For now.

And they were mine. MINE. The flower on my back glittered with the energy I was draining from them. In sudden hedonistic fervor, a vine darted out and plunged past their gasping lips to whelm them with my fluids. Their bellies sank in and their feet began pressing out against my flesh. And it felt wonderful. My tongue squirmed up Dylan's chest to his gulping throat while his hips sank into my torso, his feet into my stomach, pressing against the walls. His throat was against my teeth. I pressed the squirrel's hands to his sides. His panther boyfriend was humping my throat from the inside and purring loudly, trying to get off one more time. Leland thrust against the confinement of my cock and hands, as his own dick got sucked into mine, now outlined against the rubbery flesh, then his belly, his broadened chest and shoulders, all mine, all sinking into me, all at once, all to become part of me. I was already draining them, my body throbbing, veins and vines bulging, expanding, as energy flowed into me from their vanishing forms.

I wanted to cum against Leland's body. The squirrel start climaxing, barks and moans singing muffled against the vine in his throat. My dick slid up his chest to his neck, and I put one paw on his head and one on Dylan's, and swallowed a stifled moan as I felt their tails twitch in their respective new homes, then let out a loud, satisfied gulp, my body electrified, and shoved with both paws, Leland's muzzle slipping from view and the panther's bliss-gasping maw caged behind the click my own teeth past the vine that slid out of him while his body twitched and shuddered in orgasmic pleasure in my chest and belly as I swallowed from both ends. Their forms slid through me, bodies outlined for just a few moments more before slipping inside, part of me, mine, all mine, new power, new energy, for the first time in years, soaring through my libido and suffusing me with warmth, power, strength, GROWTH, as I clenched my hands into the floor. My cock started twitching, first slow, then accelerating alarmingly fast until I was cumming, one paw wrapping it to my chest and the other clamped across my panther-filled belly while I fired gallon after gallon after gallon of cum, unceasing, through the room, still growing as I absorbed the couple into me, every ounce of them adding to my newly enormous form, flowers blooming by the second across my back and shoulders, hard muscle bulking out and roars tearing from me as I gouged the floor in my ecstasy and reveled.


Minutes passed while our bodies churned together, reorganizing into my new, powerful form. It had been so, so long.

All mine.

As I finally relaxed down into the pool around me, water lilies floating freely along the surface from the hyper-fertile magics still surging through the area, and my throbbing pulse slowed, I put my paws on my chest, and balls feeling my own heartbeat. I sleepily eyed the clay totems I'd set up. Two were throbbing with soft light, indicating they'd activated so I wouldn't kill my new friends. They'd be back in... maybe a week. Until then... I had to take care of them. They were mine... part of me... mine... as I drifted off to sleep...

and better than all that, I think I loved them.

Cocoon [bahamut 6sic6 commission]

Big deal. Hah. Take you all day to think of that one, did it? But alright, I'll bite. Guess you could say I was. Hold on a sec; lemme light up. ... Aaahhh... fuck. Guess how much this cost, huh? One blunt. Took half an acre of leaf, I'll bet. I...

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Like Animals - a Vignette

He jumped up away from me and shouted, "No! I hate you! I hate everyone, I hate everything! There's... there's nothing! There's nothing, anywhere, everywhere. We're on a floating blue dot spinning towards the only horizon there is, and that is the...

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I sat against his hip in the car because it was too small, touching him through four layers of clothes, touching him at all for the first time in months, and now I'm counting victory as having only half the want come rushing back in. The echo of his...

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