June/July Short Fictions

Story by Tredain on SoFurry

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hi folks!

Yes, I'm still writing :D June was kind of a dry spell for me due to a few various stresses, I managed a few but it was few and far between than I did in April/May so I skipped out on it. I've included everything from then and everything this month too. Feeling pretty good I'm able to push out this amount of content, hopefully I can take this momentum and put it to completing full stories, some of these I'd definitely like to expand. It's been a fun process and I feel like I'm benefiting a lot from this exercise. Hopefully you guys like the results!

And if you don't want to wait for these monthly collections you can always scope out Http://tredain.tumblr.com where I post each short the day I make it.

As always, happy to hear any favorites, if you'd like to see shorts continued, favorite characters, or just what you find hot, etc :)

For those wondering, the icon is self contained, not from any other pic. It's by Donryu Donryu

And if you like what I've been putting out, please consider sending a tiphttps://ko-fi.com/tredain

I don't make a lot of money, so support for my writing would go a long way to help me out.

June / July '17 Practice Shorts

Hey guys! Been a little while. June was a particularly dry month for me with stress and things (and Anthrocon) so I didn't do a collection. I've lumped those in with everything I've done for July.

Also for those just looking for porn, I've marked all the clean snippets with a big G next to the short titles. Enjoy!

#1 - Friendly Locals

Hirshel smirked and slowly chewed the piece of straw jutting from the side of his muzzle. "City boy, your plastic money isn't worth anything out here. But we can work things out, right?" The big horse stood up straight and uncrossed his arms. He towered a solid foot over Orville and made sure the raccoon was aware of it.

"W-what'd you have in mind?" he asked. Hirshel spat the hay out and unhooked his overalls, letting them fall down his bare chest to hang off his waist. "Way you been eyeballing me and my boys, I figure I know you wanna pay this way and we'll get your car up and running." Big hands peeled the overalls further, the horse wasn't wearing anything else, and his endowment flopped into the open air. A little shake of his bronze hips and the horse was naked on his porch. Orville gaped. He blushed. He stared. "Go on, getchu some." A hand cradled the back of his head and pressed him down against the long fleshy rod. It slapped under his chin as he knelt down to avoid being pushed. He moaned and stroked his face against it. The raccoon shuddered and grabbed the horse's length in one paw. He let his cheek caress across it and kissed the fat tip. His free paw cradled and felt over the heavy balls. Orville didn't really have the heart to tell the big guy his car wasn't broken and he was, in fact, his new neighbor for the summer. He did, however, have a highly active libido happy to indulge the horse's power fantasy. He closed his lips over the thick head and suckled happily as his ringed tail beat against the floorboard. The raccoon moaned at the taste and glanced up as he started to slide his mouth up and down the rod. Hirshel looked down with arms akimbo and a confident smirk. As their eyes met his dick got harder, surging up to tap the roof of Orville's mouth. The raccoon stroked the big tool with one paw, slowly twisting along the shaft as he squeezed the base. The big horse was really getting off on this, which he signaled as he started to moan and grunt. His firm hips began to pump with unmet need. Orville quietly wondered when the last time he got off with someone else was.

#2 Plans

The round otter laid back into the plush bed and stretched out with a satisfied groan. He sunk into the mattress; for a moment, he just let his body relax and go loose. He could have fallen asleep, he considered, though the night was still young. He stroked one paw idly over his chest and smiled up at the ceiling as he pictured Tracey, the big bear he hoped to see later. It was too easy to fantasize about him, picturing him naked, straddling atop him, sliding paws all over his thick, plush body. Maybe a few drinks would get that happening, he considered. He was an eager thing. It would be too easy to take advantage of that, he would have to be careful. One paw wandered down to squeeze around his stiffness. Then again, he thought, what was a harmless fantasy, the bear in chains, begging to be fucked, to put his mouth on his Master. Amyl stroked himself slowly at the thought. Something for the future, see what he was into, what kind of limits he might have. The otter shuddered genttly as he came and carefully licked his paw clean as he thought of plans for the bear.

#3 The raccoon with dark eyes - G

"They say he's looking for something out in the desert," Al said in a low rumble as he dug a cloth into the filthy beer mug. The bulldog growled lowly to himself, wondering how the hell anyone got the glass so filthy to begin with. "Heard he's looking for someone. Been prowling the brothels and bars. Never buys, just looks," said Weasel Sam, who was actually a beaver no one liked. "Heard he's on the run. Killed a bunch of folks up in the northeast," said Gully Waitstone, a local banker and otter. Each of them kept their heads down and sipped drinks. The bar was quiet. The town was quiet. So when the door creaked open every head in the room turned. The raccoon was wraith skinny dressed in faded leathers and a vest. A wide brim hat covered his head but dark eyes peered out and roved over the room. He walked toward the bar, charms in his vest jingling faintly with an assortment of religious symbols new and old. The Raccoon with Dark Eyes pulled up a stool to the bar and in a raspy voice said one word. "Whisky." A crumpled dollar unfurled from one paw.

#4 Godling - G

The great crystal shell cracked, a sound that echoed through the chamber. "We're too late!" Springtime called out, shielding his eyes as an unearthly light sprung from the cracks. "Get down!" He grabbed the otter and dove behind one of the ancient stone pillars. With a peal like thunder the shell cracked further and further until it exploded out in a thousand pieces and bathed the chamber in a sickly green light. "I AM... ASCENDED," a new voice buzzed. The pair peeked out from behind the pillar. The mantis was wholly tranformed, green chitin shining with its own light, thick and polished like fresh armor. It hovered above the ground, legs crossed as its claws held the sinister orb between them. The insect's head rose in a high, natural crown, the chitin transparent enough to reveal a crackling energy. Wide eyes the size of coconuts opened and spread a brighter light. "He's... he's become a god..." the badger muttered reverently, his paw quietly clutching the Dragon's Eye talisman at his chest. "He's no god of mine," Ranfel growled and drew his runeblade. Before the mage could stop him, the king darted into the great hall before the massive bug. "YOU! BEAST" Ak'to'Kik'Tek chittered, a sound that Springtome knew to be an equivalent to the thing smiling. It was an amused noise. "THE LITTLE RIVER KING. YOU HOPE TO STOP ME? WHAT IS A KING TO A GOD?" The insect voice droned, seeming to fill their heads and the hall at once. "What is a god to a non-believer?" Ranfel cried as he charged forward and swung the enchanted blade. As big as the thing had become the otter's blade struck only one armored leg as it hovered feet from the ground. The blade hit true but bounced against the shining chitin. "Still a god you idiot!" Springtome snarled as he leapt from behind the pillar. Ak'to'Kik'Tek 'chuckled' again, great gossamer wings spring from behind the insect godling and it raised its claws. The badger let out a loud cry and clutched the talisman at his chest in one paw as he raised the other. Power crackled in the air and Springtome's eyes burst with light as lightning arced through the room. The new god screamed in pain as the power peeled across its chest and one of its arms before striking the stone cieling and gouging a gash into the ancient brickwork. Ranfel ducked, rolling to one side as the rune blade flashed in the presence of such power. "RUN YOU FOOL!" The magus cried as he let loose with another bolt. But this time the godling was prepared and an immense shield of light rose from the mantis' body.

#5 Gothic Horror - G

Thunder rumbled lowly off in the distance. Delilah sighed to herself and carefully continued her needlework as the fireplace crackled and glowed. "They say it will be quite a storm tonight," she said as Grant paced the room for what seemed the hundredth time. He continued to clutch the letter he had recieved in the morning post. "Oh there'll be a storm alright," he groused, not for the first time. His brother had sent word he was in dire financial straits and would need assistance to keep the family business afloat. Grant was greatly displeased. "He is your brother, dear. I know you're unhappy your father left him the... Oh!" Delilah let out a gut wrenching scream and pointed to the window, just as thunder cracked over head and lightning flashed. "What is it?!" Grant cried, rushing to his wife. "A face! I saw a face in the window... It, it looked like a great wolf!" she shuddered and pressed into her lover's arms.

"Nonsense my dear, a trick of the light, we're on the second floor, no wolf could climb the balcony," he assured as he cradled her.

#6 Couples - G

"And just WHO have you been talking to?" the great eagle raged. The windows rattled, the walls boomed, and the thunderbird stared the jackal down with burning eyes. The jackal, for his part, kept his cheek resting on his fist and idly stirred a digit around his drink. The ice tinkled against the glass and itself as it slowly melted. "Everyone. You know me. Death gets around," his muzzle perked in a little smile before he lifted his glass for a dainty sip, pinky out. The great bird let out a deep, low sigh, like the wind deflating out of him. "You're impossible." He turned back to the balcony and waved a claw at the dark skies to clear away his angry tempest. The clouds roiled before fading to a puffy white and then evaporating away. The jackal took another sip. "I'm not the one that lets the whole town know every time we have a fight."

The fire returned to the thunderbird's eyes and lightning crackled across his feathers. "Don't," he warned. Anubis smiled. "I didn't. If you'll just believe me."

#7 Personal Bodyguard

I can't help myself. We kiss. I press into his body and he grinds back against mine and our lips seal against each other. Hunger takes over and we lose ourselves in each other, paws sliding over each other, groping, squeezing, grinding. "I want you so bad," I gasp as we finally break the passionate lip lock. He grins and claps a hand to my shoulder. "On your knees, pup," he commands. I don't hesitate even as I let out a playful whine. I drop down and slide my paws over his slacks to stroke his thighs. The two of us fiddle at his zipper and in no time he's fished out and his dick is between my lips. One paw strokes my head as his hips gently pump. He coos above me and stiffens up. It's not long before he's stiff as a board and slowly pumping that gorgeous cock in and out of my mouth. I suck him like I haven't seen him in months, even if its only been half a day. I stroke his balls with one paw as my other grips him at the base and he tap-taps himself against me. His paws grip my head and he starts to pump with hungry fervor. He wants it. I want it. I let my paws slip to his hips and let my big doberman fuck my muzzle. His dick squishes and slurps into me with loud wet noises. His fingers tighten around my head and he bucks, biting his lip to keep from crying out. I hear the telltale hiss as I bring him over the edge and his cock surges in my mouth, hot stickiness splashing against my tongue. I swallow it and nurse at his cock to drink as much of him as I can. I pull away finally with a loud slurp and a smack of my lips before I kiss his engorged tool. I want to keep playing with it. He wants to strip me out of my suit and ravage me. Given the chance we'd spend the whole weekend in bed. I kiss the plum tip again and stand up hastily when the knock comes at the door. "Mister ambassador?" comes the voice of the chancellor's aid. "Coming," I shout and make sure to wipe my mouth with the back of my paw. I know I'll be tasting him all through out the meeting. "Is everything alright Sir?" the toucan asks as I open the door. I time it poorly, the unmistakeable sound of him zipping his fly caught in the silence. The bird doesn't seem to notice as I smile widely. "Yes yes, we were just discussing the securty detail for the dinner. Is it time?" I ask. He nods and shows me his clipboard. "Yes Sir we're just a little ahead of schedule, if you could come with me, we'll get you ready to see the chancellor for the photo op," he practically drags me out. I can only offer a fleeting glance at my big dog but he winks at me and puckers his lips in a mock kiss. He'll ravage me the next time we get the chance. Or I'll sneak him off somewhere. I swish my tail as I head into the hallway and let him catch sight of my ass before the bird drags me on to more godawful decorum.

#8 Deals

The coyote, tall and thin as a wraith, stepped into the room in a sharp black suit that made his sandy fur stand out all the more. He wore a quiet, confident smile as he rounded the prisoner and grabbed the lone chair, lifted it up and spun it around until he planted himself in it with his arms across the back and legs sticking out to either side. "Aren't you a sight," he mused. The demon bear, chained and naked, did not answer. The big male stood on his knees, his head down and his hands locked behind his back. He stared grimly at the floor as he had for the three days since his capture. Were it not for the soft rythmic rise of the beast's breathing one might think him a very lifelike statue. The coyote smiled and cocked his head to one side, taking time to look the male demon over with his eyes lingering on the thick maleness resting between his legs. "You're not the first. I doubt you'll be the last. Let's make this easy on both of us," he said "Let's cut a deal." Red eyes looked up from the floor. "Speak your terms," the demon rumbled.

#9 Pop!

"Oh I love it out here. The cool air, the smell of the lake, no awful city noises," Gallo said from the bedroom. Vinzy smiled and unpacked one of the boxes from the car. The roo had invited the fox up to the cabin for the week. He hoped it would be fun, maybe intimate. "I hope you don't mind, I changed already. Whaddya think?"

Vinzy looked up and nearly let out a gasp. The lithe fox smiled from the doorway, almost naked except a thin speedo hugging his groin. The swishy tail flicked and he turned to show off his bare cheeks, only a slim string separating them. Silence hung a moment before it was broken by the unmistakable sound of cloth tearing. Vinzy's eyes went wide and his cheeks and ears grew very warm. "What was that?" the fox looked back. "Nothing!" Vinzy made sure to keep the box between them. "It looks great though. I'll... I'll change too." "Great!" the fox skipped out the front door, bits bouncing and swishing along the way. "Damnit," the roo groused at the tear running down the leg of his slacks and his hard cock hanging out of it.

#10 Coming Home

I grumbled quietly to myself as I opened the bedroom door. I dropped my briefcase to the floor and smacked the light switch on. I froze. "Welcome home love," Marney greeted me from the bed. He smiled back over his shoulder at me. My big bruin lay on the bed, completely naked, with his legs spread and his ass pointed at me. His stub tail wiggled. "Rough day?" he asked. I nodded. I was too busy drinking in my bear's gorgeous round body to think about words. I needed him so badly. Those thick thighs and the round brown mounds of his cheeks, with his gut pressed into the bed. I loosened my tie and walked forward as I yanked and pulled at my clothes. I was only in my slacks by the time I climbed onto our king size bed and those slipped over the edge as I crawled forward. My paws cupped his cheeks and squeezed before I climbed over him and settled on top of him. "I love you so much honey bear," I moaned into his ear as I ground myself against his warm, yielding rump. "Love you too my king lion, but don't be gentle," he growled back and pressed his ass up to meet me.

#11 Prestige

The gorilla lord smiled as they entered the recieving room. He lounged on his side on the long plush couch he kept just for seeing guests. It was comfortable and opulent looking, gold and purple to match the drapes and carpet. He propped his head up with one arm and idly stroked thick fingers down his chest and impressive gut. "Good afternoon friends, welcome to my humble slice of land. What may I do for you?" he asked even as he felt along the leather straps criss crossing over his dark muscles. It was all a power play. Look imposing, enticing, desireable, but be polite. The small party eyed him warily, though the otter leading them clearly liked the view. They were trespassers, all told, but one never knew when a valuable asset might stroll in. He shifted carefully to let the tube of his cock flip down one thigh, a sight the guards were well accustomed to. Both eyed their Master eagerly. "Passage, sir. And shelter for the night, gods willing. We can trade," The gorilla's lips peeled back in a pearly white grin. "Certainly, let's deal." The gorilla lord sat up slowly and spread his legs as he did, setting his hands to his knees. "We can always cut a deal." He stood up slowly, letting them see how tall and thick he was. His harness pulled tight across his muscles as he flexed his chest just so. "We are happy to trade news of the west with free passage. Shelter and food, however.." he trailed off before snapping his fingers and pointing to his feet. Immediately one guard approached and knelt down to stroke and caress the lord's legs. He smiled as the traveler's watched. "Service for service," he said, barely acknowledging the ape below him. The guard stroked and rubbed with practiced dedication, coming close to the lord's dick several times and staring at it as it stirred but doing no more. "I would like you," the lord raised one thick, dark finger and pointed to the otter, whose gaze matched the guard's. He looked up. "A night in my chambers. The rest may sleep in the barracks. They may eat with my guards." A lazy sway of his hips sent his dick to slap across his guard's face.

#12 Too Trusting

"How'sit fit?" the wolf smiled as he stirred a claw through the ice in his lemonade. Arthur stepped out of the changing room with both paws covering his groin and his tail down. "This is the last time I let you pick my swimwear," the lion scowled. "This thing is like wearing floss." Randal grinned and sat back in the beachchair, a pair of sunglasses perched on his snout. "You look fine. It matches your eyes," he sipped his drink and crossed his legs. "Besides, this thing is clothing optional, you don't even need it." Arthur growled but sidled up to the wolf's chair and slowly unclasped his paws. He stood up, self conciously glancing to and fro, before relaxing a little. "It's really okay?" the cat asked. Randal smiled. "Of course it is. Relax. no judgment... Oh, maybe tuck your nuts back in," the wolf chuckled and took another long sip. Arthur let out an exasperated gasp and fiddled with the green thong while trying to close his legs. Randal laughed. "Let me help," he said, reaching up and grabbing the thong before giving it a hard yank.

It snapped.

#13 Rats, Rats, Rats

"This the guy?" one of them says to my left. I don't lift my head but I'd already seen each of them. A head taller than me and one and a half times as wide with muscles bigger than my head and guts I could lounge on. Each of them sports tattoos and piercings, a couple smoking in the dim pool hall. A pink hand claps on my shoulder. "Sure is. Don't bout names, he's just tonight's party favor," the silky, rumbly voice of the one that escorted me in tickles my ear. I know I'm red in the face, I can feel the heat glowing ofF me. A body presses up against my back and I feel whiskers tickling my ear. "Don't need names, can't talk wit yer mouf full," followed by a dark chuckle. The rat's tail coils up my leg as he trails fingers down my sides and sneaks under my tank top to tease through my fur. "Aye, not here," my escort taps him away, though that tail slips up my leg and along my ass anyway as its owner grumbles. "Boss wants him first. At the club. C'mon meat," a paw descends and grabs my ass, ushering me forward. I manage a squeak as several eyes stare.

#14 Thief

I woke up. The cave was still warm and humid and the dragon's belly slowly rose and fell in time with his breathing. I smiled to myself. We had both gone out like a light. I slowly stroked one paw across the smooth scales of his gut in a wide circle. I still marveled at the feel, each individual scale, soft to the touch but rock hard at the same time. Anyone would be a fool to try to take a sword to this hide. I quietly stroked my face across the warm gut. It glowed, slightly warmer than the rest, ready to unleash the dragon's fire if need be. My paw slid lower to run along the dragon's member. You'd think it would be internal, but his hung free. It laid along one scaley thigh and I gave a gentle squeeze, my hole still aching from the pounding last night. "Well, off I go," I whisper to myself and get to my knees, the ache under my tail more pronounced. Light as I can I go to grab my clothes, careful not to let the coins and jewels in my pockets jingle. Nothing the dragon would miss. "Leaving already, little thief?" I froze, halfway dressed.

#15 Forgiveness

The bull leaned back on his throne and offered a coy smile. One big hand stroked the polished head of the throne's arm. He leaned one bare foot out to the floor and offered it to the fox. "Kiss my foot. Then I might forgive you." He gave a little chuckle. The fox stared down at the foot, then up to the bull's eyes. His own narrowed. "You won't remember, but I gave you a chance," the wizard said. The bull's brow quirked. The fox lifted one paw and snapped his fingers. Immediately every guard in the room collapsed to the floor. Lord Thornton's eyes grew wide and he readied to leap at the fox. "What have you..." he growled. The wizard took no joy as he withdrew a green orb from within the folds of his robe. He held it up and as the bull started to leap from his seat it glowed a soft light and he froze. The mage's muzzle perked in a small smile. "I loved you once. Now I'll have you, in some small way." another snap and Lord Thornton dropped to his knees, staring up at the glowing orb. The fox's smile widened and he began to calmly chant a spell.

#16 Cowboys

The buck set his revolver on the stone between them. The wolf quirked a brow, then looked up at him. "We do this, we do it because we want to, not because I have this," the buck explained. "Lot of trust," the wolf said after a quiet pause to stare at the gun. "I am a predator." "And a bandit. But if I wanted your hide nailed to a wall I would've popped your head the moment those pointed ears came over that ridge." McKlay crossed his arms and smirked. "Thought nailing my hide to the wall was exactly what this was," he chuckled and stood up slowly before undoing his belt and slipping out of his boots. "And you even understand euphamisms. You're just full of surprises," the buck said and grinned as he started to unbutton his shirt. "I plan to be full of you in a moment." McKlay slid his jeans off, leaving him in just the dark flannel shirt. He stretched out then turned and shook his tail, letting it sway back and forth over his bare cheeks. The buck looked on hungrily. "On that we certainly agree." Rogers peeled his clothes off and stepped up close.

#17 Superheroes - G

The weasel sat on the windy rooftop with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap, touching his thumbs and middle fingers as he hummed a quiet tune. "Trying to clear your mind?" a voice mocked from behind. "And just what would you have to be stressed about, old friend?" Moment didn't move. He felt the bear land behind him. He continued to hum. "Sulking? So unlike you." Marauder circled around, keeping his distance. The fallen hero sported his new red suit, the cape with its malevolent snarl flapping in the wind behind him. The weasel hummed. He opened his eyes, blue, and met the bear's mad gaze. "No." A brow quirked. Marauder's mouth turned up in a cocky smile. "No? I don't think I asked anything. Well, if you can't be polite..." the bear reared back, ready to launch himself through the air. With a loud snarl he pounced and... fell short. The big bear stumbled and struck the roof with a surprised grunt. "W..what did you do?!" The weasel uncurled himself and stood, looking down at his former friend. "I used my runes. You have no powers here."

#18 Love/Lust - G

D'lal smiled from his perch on the brick wall, lazing across it with his pink bushy tail swaying to and fro. "Bump him," came the whispered command, just as the little raccoon scurried down the lane ready to pass the big bull. Haley yelped as his foot caught on something he didn't see and sent him crashing into Renford's solid bulk. Books and papers went everywhere but the bull was built like a statue. "Oh I'm so sorry," he rumbled, bending town to pick up the slim raccoon in one hand and snatch up the fallen debris in the other. "Th-thank you..." Haley said as the books were pressed into his paws. His ears and face went flush as he looked up into the bull's hazel eyes. Renford smiled down widely, barely realizing he still held the little raccoon's paws in his. "Hey," the bull rumbled. "In a hurry somewhere?" Haley's tail beat back and forth. "Yes. Er, no, sorta. I just got done with class," he answered, very cognizant of the bull's thick chest inches from him. "Would you maybe like to get a coffee? Or something...?" the bull offered, smiling.

#19 Cleansing

Father Regis sat back in the confessional and let out a sigh. So much sin! He grasped himself and stifled a groan. "Thank you my son," he managed, working himself through his robe before pulling it up. He throbbed in the open air, desperate to sink into some willing hole but left once more to the care of his calloused palm. "I would like you... Like you to do five prayers. You shall be forgiven, do not stray again to these dark magicks." he licked his lips, he remembered the dark ravages of his youth. The sweet, enticing alure of minor summonings. "Thank you Father." Then came the click of the door and the big bear was alone with himself, his thoughts, and his lusts. He worked himself with a fever, shame and hunger building equally before he let loose with a happy, low moan. His seed splattered against the old wood of the confessional door to join the stains of its past brethren. He sighed contently, his face still burning, and tucked himself back into his robe. Silently he clutched the pentacle at his neck before whispering the prayer of offering.

Days later...

"Priest! What brings you to the grove?" Brother Krayvik smiled to Father Regis as the older bear stepped onto the cool grass. The druid opened his arms wide and wrapped around the robe clad Regis, trying to squeeze him in a tight hug. Regis was prepared, however, gripping the druid under his arms and returning with an equally vicelike grip. The two parted with a couple chuckles. "I came for a cleansing, Brother. My lusts, I find them too consuming. I cannot dedicate to the goddess thinking of old trysts with demons and seeding my sancutary recklessly. I have given the prayer of offering too often." The tattooed bear let out a laugh but patted his friend on the arm. "Your life burns so bright, I would hate to see you dim it. You know the brotherhood would accept you in a heartbeat," Krayvik grinned, letting his paw wander the priest's chest, thinking of the rituals he could perform with the bear's vitality. Regis smiled bashfully and bent to kiss the paw. "Thanks but no, my path is in Her service. Which means less worldly distractions." "As you wish. Your temple has always provided safe haven for us, it is the least we can offer. You know I cannot relieve you of your desires permanently. But the cleansing will last at least a season." Regis nodded. "A season to the Queen. She is ever forgiving and knows we mortals are imperfect. A few cleansings a year will not be frowned upon if it makes my dedication that much stronger." Krayvik laughed. "Then we have a deal, brother Regis," he offered a tattooed paw, the design shifting along his fur to resemble a vine wrapping his arm. The elder preist accepted, feeling the light glow of strength from the druid's pact, before he was pulled into a long, hard kiss. Regis jolted at first, eyes wide and holding stock still before the warm tongue invaded his mouth. They held it a good, long moment and both bears pressed against the other. "First," Krayvik said as he pulled from the kiss. "No clothes. No tokens. You must be cleansed as you are, whole and natural." Regis nodded. The druids were always averse to civilization's trappings. With one tug the priest pulled his robe over his head and off, leaving him naked before the druid. He folded the cloth and removed the pentacle from around his neck before standing before Brother Krayvik. The druid looked on approvingly at the older bear's body. "You have had quite the interesting life, Father," the bear appraised as he looked over the thick muscles and round curves, all lined with scars. Three particular crossed his chest. Clawmarks. "I've had many paths before I came to the Queen," he touched the scars with a little smile. "She saved me from worse." Krayvik nodded, his eagerness showing as his fat cock bobbed between them. A sun swirl adorned his own chest, as his tattoos glowed faintly from his excitement. "What must I do?" Regis asked, his eyes wandering the druid's stout body. Krayvik grinned widely. "Submit. And I will burn the excess lusts from you," he clapped a paw to the priest's shoulder and gently eased him to his knees. "This will not be quick. Your light burns very bright. Now, suckle," he commanded and thrust his dick forward.

#20 King

The big ape stood on the balcony, naked beneath the star light and gazing out over the city. "Come here," he commanded and motioned with his hand. The rabbit stepped forward, timid to be nude even as they were alone in the massive apartment. The ape smiled and gripped the railing. "Like our own sea of stars, eh?" he said, though it sounded more like a comment to himself. Moffet nodded. The bunny shivered a little and looked out over the vast field of squares and rectangles stretching up into the sky, all dotted with lights. "A king's view." Again, to no one. The ape slowly spread his legs and pressed his muscular ass out. A snap of his fingers then "Kiss me." Moffet knew the command well enough by now. He knelt down behind the ape and stroked his paws up the dark fur along the thick legs until he was cupping the firm cheeks. He squeezed them and peeled them apart, his button nose disappearing into the warm valley. A soft, content sigh passed above but Moffet focused on his task, stroking his tongue into the warm crevice while keeping the cheeks apart.

#21 Good Morning

I wake up. I'm curled on the soft pad at the foot of Master's bed, still hooded from last night but otherwise naked. The sun isn't quite up yet but the first rays are starting to peek around the edges of the bedroom's curtains. I stretch out slowly and try to make little noise. The pad beneath me is soft and cushioned enough I can sleep comfortably. I don't always sleep on the floor but we both find it hot sometimes. Usually I'm allowed in Master's bed, if I've been a 'good boy' and I certainly go the extra mile for that. I pop my back and can't help but let out an almost erotic sigh as the rest of my body melts a little. I lay there for a long moment just enjoying the sensation before I roll off of the pad and carefully fold it up to stow it away in the closet.

I glance at the bed. Master is sprawled out with a sheet draped over him from his waist down. Even in the dim light I can see the curve of his muscles and the outline of his bulge the sheet can't hide. He slept in his jock last night, though he's usually nude. I consider, for a moment, sliding in beside him, enjoying his scent and his warmth, feeling his body pressed to mine, but I know I have to be a good boy and wait for my reward. I step out of the bedroom and head into the kitchen.

I cleaned the counters and floor yesterday while Master was at work so the tile is spotless and the counters shine with the golden light filtering in past the shades. I pull the coffee pot out and give it a quick rinse before I set about to making Master's morning coffee. As it percolates, I walk into the living room.

I pull a couple weights out. I pause to stretch myself, popping my back again and getting the stiffness out from sleeping on the pad. It's not much but I give myself a little work out, several curls with the weights for each arm, then doing a few crunches and sit ups against the couch for leverage. My abs burn a little as I finish. It isn't the full regime Master likes me to do but he doesn't expect me to do a full work out right when I wake up either. It's a day off, so Master and I will be spending the day together. He already teased something about the sling and one of the new toys he bought. I do a few sets of squats by the edge of the couch before I set the weights back and head back into the kitchen, pulling out the bread and butter for toast later. The smell of the coffee is starting to waft through the air.

I go back to the bedroom. Master has shifted and turned onto his back. More light shines in around the drapes and I stand in the doorway to admire his body again. His feet poke out from under the sheet and I resist the urge to nuzzle them. I just want to stroke over every inch of his body and see him smile. It's just past seven, when he prefers to wake up, so I allow myself to climb in bed beside him. I slip under the sheet and settle up close, keeping sure to lay my head on the pillow, as much as I'd prefer to lay on his chest the hood pokes him the wrong way from time to time.

I let one paw slip over to his firm stomach. I love the feel of his abs, I can't help but trace over them, circling his navel with one claw. I know he's awake but he doesn't move. He likes to see what I do because he knows it's going to be worshipping him. I settle up closer

#22 The Model

He looked unreal. I gaped, wide eyed, as he laid back and lifted his arms. The flash of the cameras caught every curve, every chiseled crevice. I stared. The others didn't seem to notice. Or they were inured to his raw, physical beauty. or they weren't gay and into bulls since grade school like I was. He turned this way and that, he stretched, he posed. He did it all like the cameras weren't there and all while wearing the thinnest scrap of translucent silk between his legs that hid nothing about his thick genitals. And then it was over. Someone called a 'wrap' and people dispersed. Many went to the craft table. I stood still, unsure where to go just yet. And then I was nose to chest with 7 feet of naked bull. "My new assistant?" he rumbled. I blushed furiously and tried not to look down at his dick. Failing that, I told it "Yes Sir Mr. Talos. A pleasure to meet you." He didn't seem to mind, but one thick finger pressed under my chin and tilted me up to look him in the eye. "Where are my clothes?" he asked, his eyes the softest brown. I sighed.Then my mind finally registered the question. It seemed silly at first, he didn't need clothes. Then my animal lusts took a slight sidestep to allow logic back in. "Oh! Yes, here Sir," I pulled them from my bag where I'd stowed them hoping I might get to keep them. He didn't hesitate to pull them on before everyone, he was already naked after all so he clearly had nothing to hide. The t-shirt and jeans hugged his frame and I was both jealous I couldn't be them and angry I couldn't rip them right back off. He stretched up, threatening to pop the shirt off anyway, before patting a big hand to my shoulder. "Can we get something to eat? Somewhere... not here." My heart fluttered before, again, logic stepped in. Not a date, a client asking his assistant to get him away from work and crowds. "Yes sir." My phone was in my hand and punching in for a ride, something low key. "Shall I make a reservation somewhere?" I asked as I lead him out of the hall. "No. I want something greasy as hell." He followed a step behind me and we fell into a long silence. We climb into the back of the car and its only then my logic evaporates and I get to thinking I'm seated next to this bovine Adonis and I'm stuck working for him for the next several months because of crazy stupid luck. He settles into the seat with a sigh born of a long, weary day. "Where to, gentlebeasts?" our driver, another otter, asks with a smile into his rear view mirror. "San Lucano, a place called Remy's Pizzeria and Gumbo Palace," Talos answers before I can ask him. He rubs at his eyes and doesn't speak as we pull away. "Sure thing boss." A dark glass pane slides up between the front and back seat, giving us privacy. Red letters spring to life across its surface and the display tells us it will take about forty minutes. The car zips out of the lot, cameras flashing at as us we pass from stray fans and paparazzi hoping to snap any celebrity they can.We sit in silence again. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name," he says suddenly. "Wilbur, Wilbur Rinburn." He offers a hand and closes it over mine. I almost don't want to let go. We shake and I can feel the strength in his hand. He could crush my bones and pulp my hand if he wanted. He lets go and settles into the seat before spreading his legs wide. The back has enough room for the two of us but I let my leg brush against his anyway; he doesn't seem to notice. "Sorry to have the agency send you on such short notice. Karen was really amazing," he talks, the apology sounding sincere. "Shame about her mother." I hadn't heard the details of my predecessor so only nodded and repeated 'shame', my eyes lingering on the bulge going down one pant leg, remembering he wasn't wearing underwear. "Can I call you Wil? Do you prefer something else?" he asks and smiles to me. On the inside I curl up and scream how gorgeous he is and how much I want to french him and ride him right there in the car. "Wil is fine Mr Talos, thank you." I tamp down my worst urges. He's tired, he's nice, he's not a sex object. Well, he is, in a way, given the porno mag shoot he just did, but he was still a person too. One I needed to remain professional with and not fawn over. "So, you like what you see?" he asks me. My face goes flush. He smirks."Every assistant I've had goes through a little shock working for me. In my line of work I've gotten used to stares. I appreciate you didn't beg me to spear you right then and there when I first walked up to you." He chuckles a little. "Karen did." My eyes go wide and I look at him. His smirk grows a little bigger. "The agency doesn't need to know. I have that effect on people. Particularly those like.. You? I'm guessing? Sorry, I shouldn't assume." My mouth pops open. He looks back at me and smiles. I clap my mouth shut but give a slight, embarrassed nod. "Yeah. I saw you staring during the shoot. Was a test of will not to pop wood. I used to think a lot about baseball, then I realized how nice those uniforms highlight things. Since then, I stick to topical geography." I didn't know what to say, my face glowing red, and he seemed happy to just talk so I just nodded again and said 'ah'. "There's a reason I got into this after all. People use you, but it pays well, gets you into places." He flexes an arm up and watches me stare at his bicep growing to the size of a cantaloupe. "I like being seen. I can't fool around as much now I'm known, but it still gets me off fierce." I nod, and stare. He sets both hands on his thighs and presses himself back against the seat. "Getting this well known actually sucks. People do treat you like just a piece of meat. The hours are grueling and my manager..." he lets out a low huff "Fuck that guy. You're lucky he's on a trip at the moment but expect him to be a major pain in the ass. I'd like you to run interference with him every chance you get. He gets on my case frequently. Don't go to bathhouses, don't hit up tea rooms, stay away from junk food. Worse than my parents." I nod again. He seems to want to vent and I don't have anything to really add, being he's my new boss. "Sometimes you just want a thick slice of greasy pizza and a guy to play with, y'know?" Now we were in territory I could add to, though I still only managed a 'Yeah, I hear you, Sir.' He smiles wide as he looks at me and lets out a big laugh "Sorry man, that's a lot, I know. Long day,"

#23 Hot Mess

The fox sighed quietly to himself and tapped out the commands for autopilot. Nothing but open space for a while. Bentry got up from the console and stepped into the hall. He paused, considered where he wanted to go. The mess was always open, maybe a hot meal and a cold brew. Or the gym for a quick workout and a long shower, longer still if he could drag any of the other crew in with him. It was hard to decide so he started to walk, it would be nice, he thought to stretch his legs at least. "Bentry, you look beat. We out of the asteroids?" came Ardic's voice as he rounded a corner. The bear smiled at him. "Ya. Autopilot for a while. Should be an easy trip now til we hit the system." The bear smiled wider. He clapped a paw to the fox's shoulder. "Perfect. We scraped through with minimal damage." Ardic was the ship's lead engineer, which was why he typically wore a form fitting jumpsuit. "Think I can take a break for a bit. Care to join me for a drink?" Bentry's eyes lit up and his bushy tail flicked. "I think I could be persuaded, sure."

#24 Betrayals

You're brooding again," he chides me from the entryway. I don't look up from the great big blue marble beneath us spinning quietly in the dark. "I can do as I please," I say, letting my legs dangle over the edge. One slip and I'd be falling toward planetside. Of course, I'd hit the shield first. "So you admit you're upset," he asks and I hear him walk closer. "Of course I'm upset I'm supposed to be the captain and I've been undercut at every chance. Makes me wonder why I'm kept around except to be blamed." A hand settles on my shoulder. I rest my cheek against it but don't take my eyes off the planet below. "Perhaps a vacation," he offers and gives me a light squeeze. "I hiatus you mean." He leaves his paw there. "No, shore leave. For the whole crew. Not just you stepping away." I consider it. It won't make a difference, not really. But may stave off at least a mutiny, for now. "Where to?" He considers, both paws kneading at my shoulder. I sink back against him. "Pleasure liner? Or Polarian is nice this time. I could squeeze into that thong," I thought of him in it. He wore nothing else with it, usually, leaving his big bear ass to hang out, though most goggled at the size of his package. I let out a low 'hmm', tempting as it was. "What's something that's not going to cost us a load of fuel?" I ask as I lean my head back into the warm softness of his belly. "You're lookng at it. You don't exactly have us trading around the most glamorous sectors." Which was probably why I was being pushed out. Fame, riches, sex, none were in high supply but we needed the steady work. I looked at the blue ball. "Any highlights?" "Summer in the southern hemisphere. Could still get me in the thong. Probably some nice resorts." I wasn't thrilled to spend more money we didn't have. I sighed a little. In response his arms slipped around me and he settled to his knees behind me. "We all need a break. Why don't we just hit the station, go from there." I nod but keep still. His mind is already made up. Again, its not my decision. "Yeah. Station first. We go from there." He squeezes me again and pats me gently. He gets up, one paw fondling one of my ears, and walks away, his job as mediator done. He's right that I'm brooding, but thinks sweet talking me into what they want is going to make it better. I trace a claw along the edge of the deep pit we launch the shuttle from, staring down over the planet again. I used to be proud of the ship, of the crew. I stand up and start to leave the bay. "Captain." Yellow eyes pop to life in the shadows. Black fur melts away from the shadows until Nibiran crouches before me. The fox has always been a weird one, fancying himself a kind of ninja or spook. "Here to tell me I'm brooding and push me into something you want too?" He shakes his head. The fox pads closer to me, then slips his arms around me and presses me into a kiss. "They see you. Pretend this a tryst," he whispers in my ear and my blood runs cold, before he bites my ear and chokes off the question I'm about to ask. His slim paws catch my arms and he guides me back to my perch, stroking his muzzle to mine. "I shall explain soon. Please, trust me," he says kissing me again. He presses into the kiss, almost climbing on top of me. I'm tempted to flip him off me, thinking he could be just trying to get himself off or trying to get me vulnerable. His lips feel good, he's actually quite a kisser, and its too late now. I finally get over my shock and slide my paws down his sides. He's in just his silk trousers, the rest of him bare, which I explore carefully, waiting for his explanation. "I am sorry," he whispers as he breaks the kiss, going at my ear again. He grinds down on top of me and he is certainly enjoying it. His paws stroke my chest, my arms, he kisses me again, rubbing up along my shoulders. "What's going on?" I manage to whisper back, reaching down to cup his skinny ass in both paws. He moans lowly, his bushy tail flicking across my paws, and kisses me again. "Look in my paw," he says, rolling his hips. I glance down. Something small and silver, a single red diode blipping away, sits in his palm. A tracker. Did Beric...? he stifles a growl with another kiss. "Yes." he answers me, reading my thoughts.

#25 Orc/Dwarf

The campire crackled quietly as it started to die down to embers. Iden considered adding another log but he doubted he would need it on such a peaceful night. The dwarf drew in a deep pull from his pipe and let the smoke gracefully blow out his nose. He looked over at the orc snoozing beside him. Such a curious creature, he considered. Hardly the violent brute he'd been expecting. Dumb as a rock and twice as solid, of course, but he could mumble a few things in dwarven. He glanced over the board bare back and the tight curves of the emerald ass facing him. Iden smiled to himself and took another puff. Riding an orc was certainly going to be a tale for the boys at the tavern. If the brute didn't just follow him home and spoil it. Had been hard enough getting him to quit sucking the dwarf off. He gave a chuckle and squeezed his bare cock, his nuts likewise a little sore from use. Iden tapped his pipe out into the dying fire and laid on his side, scooting up against the bare, warm body. Og'dk didn't move, still fast asleep, so the dwarf curled close. The orc's scent filled his nostrils, a sharp tang of sweat and an earthy musk, almost herbal. Iden slowly reached one calloused hand out to carefully press against the broad green back and stroke along it. The flesh was smooth and firm and warm to the touch which caused a stir between the dwarf's sore nethers. Scooting closer, Iden nuzzled between the broad shoulder blades, letting his thick beard brush against it, happy to get more of the orc's scent. His hand stroked lower, following the curve of the brute's side until his fingers grazed down one buttock. The orc's ass was a perfect pair of emerald mounds, like two hills of grass. He squeezed one cheek and again a small fire blossomed between his legs as the supple flesh yielded to his grip. The dwarf let out a happy sigh and spooned his naked body closer, pressing in as the fire finally died to a faint glow. Og'dk, for his part, lay soundly asleep still. "Aye, maybe wouldn't be so bad if ye followed me home," the dwarf grinned too himself, thinking about the orc's tusks riding up and down his cock. The orc shifted suddenly, rolling onto his back. One hairy, meaty arm slipped around Iden and pulled him close to the bare body. The dwarf smiled wide and pressed into the warm side, bringing up a knee across the orc's thick leg while his semi-stiff member pressed into the firm side. One hand slid across the orc's thick gut and rubbed slowly. Og'dk shifted slightly, still asleep, but gave the dwarf a light squeeze. "Could get used ta this," Iden thought idly, wrapped in green flesh and grinding up against it. He shifted closer, settling one ear against the solid chest. Immediately he could hear the steady tattoo of the orc's heartbeat. His rough whiskers grazed against Og'dk's nipple, which responded by plumping against his cheek. Iden let out a long, low yawn and snuggled into the orc. Og'dk let out a similar sigh and the thick arm squeezed the dwarf again before fat fingers reached further and grabbed a handful of Iden's rump. "Rrr, no ideas you," he gave the sleeping orc a playful pat on the gut, before closing his eyes and letting sleep come.

They woke to the dawn. Golden rays flitted over the tree tops. Og'dk woke first. Red eyes opened to a rosy sky. His arm was still curled around the dwarf, who was settled firmly against his side and clearly having good dreams as indicated by the stiff member drooling against his thigh. Thick green fingers gently felt along the squat back, feeling over the broad muscles and rough hair. Carefully extracting himself, the orc climbed to his feet. A quick wash in the river then a little breakfast before more fun with the dwarf, he thought. He eyed the dwarf's member, licking his lips and thinking of the taste, as it throbbed and dribbled onto the grass. He almost considered rolling the dwarf over and sucking him awake, but dwarves could be unpredictable when roused and their fists hit like boulders. Og'dk smiled to himself, giving his own flaccid cock and idle stroke, before stepping through the low bushes and toward the small brook they had set up near. The cool morning air felt amazing on his bare skin and the warm light of the sun brought a smile. "Tryin ta ditch me ya big lime?" came the taunting voice as Og'dk stepped into the shallow water. "Washing dwarf smell off," he growled back, still stumbling over the dwarven dialect. He knew he sounded dumb, the dwarf probably assumed him such, but learning a second language wasn't exactly easy. The bushy red beard appeared through the bushes followed by the rest of the thick male. He grinned widely and shook his hips, waving his fat bone and flicking pre across the stones. "Aye, so's I can mark ye wit it all over again," the two of them laughed as they splashed into the cool water. They dipped and scrubbed themselves, washing away the sweat and dirt of the road. It wasn't long before playful splashing turned to fondling turned to groping, yanking each other stuff and leaving hand prints on ass cheeks. They grinned to the other and climbed out, dicks wagging as they walked back to the camp. Iden followed a step behind, his hand gripping one green cheek to knead it greedily. "Dwarf like ham?" he asked, unsure of the right word. "Oh aye, most meats, I would say."

#26 Orc/Dwarf 2 - Complications

Og'dk sat in the dark of the tent. He had given up struggling against the ropes some time ago, the dwarves had used good rope and strong knots. It would take him hours and hours to break free. He growled to himself, mentally kicking himself for trusting the dwarf, any dwarf. The tent flap moved and someone slipped inside. Og'dk held still. He tensed, expecting another sudden attack or worse. "Og'dk?" came a low whisper from Iden. Og'dk perked up. Then growled. Fire blossomed in the orc's chest and he wished all the world to be able to snap the ropes and close his thick fingers around the dwarf's stout neck. The shadow knelt beside him. "I brought food...I cannae apologize enough. I didna know there was a hunting party round, I'da hid ya if I'd know. It all happened so fast.. I'm gonna getcha outta here," the dwarf paused. Og'dk gave a soft grunt to acknolwedge he understood. "They brought back a big kill, they're gonna celebrate, lotta brew an' wine. Will get 'em good and sauced and we can scoot." Another grunt. Then something pressed to his lips. A piece of meat. "Here, eat, you'll need your strength," Iden advised. Carefully, and still a little paranoid, Og'dk opened his mouth and accepted the treat. it was poultry of some kind, spiced and well cooked. He licked his lips and took the next piece eagerly, suckling at Iden's fingers playfully. "Ye brute," the dwarf chuckled and let the thick tongue play over his fingers before giving another piece. A thumb stroked across the orc's cheek. "I'll make it up to ya, I swear," Iden promised. Og'dk grunted again. Then again, a little louder, as the dwarf's spit slicked fingers dipped down and grabbed his bare cock. They squeezed and tugged him and in no time at all he was stiff. "Erf," the orc bit back a moan. He didn't need to see the dwarf to know he was grinning. The slick hand went away, then came back wetter than before. The dwarf had licked his hand. Og'dk squirmed, bound and helpless, opening his legs as best he could. Iden didn't have much time so he was neither gentle nor slow, squeezing Og'dk's hard cock and stroking it swiftly. The shadow ducked down and suddenly the orc bit back another moan as his dick slipped into the wet warmth of Iden's mouth. He grunted happily, throbbing between the dwarf's jaws as the slick tongue slid up and down his shaft. He wanted to hump, to stand and deliver, to do anything but be bound in this tent, but the dwarf's warm mouth excited him nonetheless. Fat fingers stroked his balls and itched one finger behind them at his taint. It took little time for Og'dk to cum, the feeling came on quick and he growled as he went past the edge and well beyond it. Iden didn't pause, bobbing up and down again and again as the emerald shaft jumped and spit again and again, sucking it down to the root and holding it there until Og'dk stopped spurting. Iden let the still stiff cock slip free with a wet slap back against the orc's gut and smacked his lips. "Consider that part of my payback, the first o' many," he patted Og'dk's balls gently. "OI! IDEN," A loud, gravelly voice called. Quicker than the orc could see the dwarf was to his feet and slipping out of the tent. "Thought I heard the big brute moving, he's still out cold!" he called back, stepping out. Og'dk grumbled quietly, but smiled at the soft ache between his legs now. He waited.

#27 Blake

"What about you Blake?" The rabbit quietly chewed his veggie burger before taking a long pull on his apple cider. He looked down at his plate, then up at them. "I never had a girlfriend. I'm not into girls. Frankly, the way you all talk about your exes is kind of offensive. I hope they talk about you better than you talk about them." He took his napkin from his lap and dropped it on his plate. He stood up slowly."And for the record I am one of those ass pounding faggots you see around here. It feels great," he said before strolling out of the bar, unimpeded. Stunned silence reigned, even spreading to the other tables. Joey, Jordan, the other Joey, and Michael all looked at each other in shock. Outside, Blake sighed to himself and walked on. He didn't bother to flag down a taxi, though a few lined the road to get weary drunks. The rabbit stuffed his hands into his pockets and just walked. He wanted to get back to the apartment, take a nice shower, sit on his favorite toy and maybe work out a bit. He sighed again, watching the traffic whip by.

#28 Meat

I'm not sure when Blake stopped wearing clothes around the apartment. I just remember one day my quiet roommate was just naked all the time whenever he was staying in. I remember coming home from class and there he was sitting on the couch, a pizza box in front of him and a slice in his paw. He nodded to me and said 'Sup' before munching down. I set my book bag on the floor and, without questioning him, sat down beside him. He offered a smile, then tilted the box my way. Mushroom, olive, and artichoke. Not my favorite, but I was hungry and wasn't going to turn down free food from Blake. I sprinkled it liberally with parmesan and took a bite. "You answer the door like that?" I asked as I chewed. A little smirk perked up the corner of his muzzle and he leaned back into the cushion. "Ayup," he answered, then took another big bite. I chuckled and ate too, nabbing a breadstick. He set a paw on my wrist. "Gotta charge for those," he said, still smiling. "How much?" I asked. "I could use a little meat," he said as his paw slipped down to cup my groin. I paused and grinned, spreading my legs. It had been a few weeks since Blake and I had done it and since then he'd gotten a lot more open about his interest in me. We weren't dating but were definitely friends with benefits. If he weren't a rabbit I imagine he would've been a cockhound. I answer by munching the bread stick and leaning back into the couch to push up into his paw. He squeezed and kneaded me eagerly before chomping down his pizza crust and unzipping my pants with both paws. It still felt a little odd, I suppose. He and his ex had seemed happy. And he was quiet for a big jock. But he really loved getting between my legs. Which he did then, leaning over me and pressing his face into my lap. He fished my dick out quickly and kissed it before stroking the soft fur of his face against it. "Fuck," I moaned with a mouthfull of pizza and breadstick, hardening up against him and meeting his lips and buck teeth. He kissed it, squeezing over and over like he was checking my blood pressure. It didn't take long to get stiff, so he started to lick.

#29 Pervis' Perils

#1 - The Public Relations Manager "Aren't you a little cold, Mister...?" the raccoon asked. The doberman smiled at him and crossed one leg over the other. He wore a business suit jacket, white undershirt, and tie. From the waist down, however, he was completely naked. "Tambor, if you please. Daryl Tambor," he smiled as the raccoon wrote it down. "And no, I'm quite comfortable. Are you?" The young raccoon twitched his ears but bowed his head. "Quite. I just didn't know what to expect for this interview..." he chuckled and scrubbed the back of his head. The dog smiled, stroking his chin with one finger. He spread his legs. "You didn't? I'm glad to break you in then. As a potential slave for our firm, you need to be ready, even eager, for such surprises." He took his chin out of his paw and snapped his fingers, pointing to his feet.

"Down," Mr. Tambor commanded. Pervis let out a light yip and scrambled to his knees, bowing his head down toward the doberman's feet. "Y-yes Sir, my apologies, I'm very new to this all..." "Clearly. Now, kiss my toes, slave." Pervis bowed all the way down.

#2 - The Advertising Director Pervis paused in the doorway. The big buck smiled at him, thick, muscled, and naked antler to hoof, as he leaned against a wide oak desk. "New applicant? I hope Tambor wasn't too rough on you," the big deer said as the raccoon stepped in quietly. "No Sir. I am ready and eager for more..." he answered, expecting he would be saying it a lot throughout the day. "Well the dog taught you the basics, that's good. You'll be expected to learn how to please every office holder when and how they see fit. Catch," the buck tossed something from his desk. Pervis scrambled to catch it and clutched it to his chest. It was a bottle of oil. The big buck grinned and spread his legs. "I am Mister Kazinsky, you will rub me down, slave." Pervis had tried not to stare to be polite but now he had to take in the buck's whole body, every muscle ripped, his naked cock hanging down toward the floor. Pervis nodded and squirted a healthy amount of oil into his paws before stepping up and pressing into the buck's wide chest. "Good, just like that, don't be afraid to use pressure."

#3 - The Supply Manager The sign on the door read 'Knock, and request entry' so Pervis did just that. "Come in," came the command. The raccoon slipped inside and carefully closed the door behind him. "For gods' sake, you're still in your clothes?" the cheetah behind the desk scowled. He wore a full business suit, his heels up on his desk, idly toying with a riding crop. "I swear, I have to do everything around here. STRIP!" Pervis stood, slightly shocked, before hurridly trying to unbutton his shirt, undo his belt, and pull his pants off all at once. He stripped quickly and set his clothes in a folded pile on the floor. As he finished, something clattered at his feet. A leash and collar. He slid it on, then settled to his knees, paws behind his back. "Good, you know something then," the cat stood up and approached, tapping the crop under the raccoon's chin. "Slaves do not wear clothes around this office, they are not entitled to it. Understood?" Pervis nodded, adding 'yessir'. The cat smiled and slowly unzipped before fishing his plump sheath out of his fly.

#4 - The IT Director When Pervis stepped into the fourth office there was no banter, there were no commands. The naked raccoon closed the door, saw the big gorilla standing before his desk in nothing but a leather harness and staps, and crawled onto all fours before the ape. Thick, dark toes were presented and Pervis did not hesitate to kiss and lick them, switching to the other foot when it was presented. When both were taken away he bowed his head down to the floor. One of those feet stroked across his bare back in a few smooth brushes before agile toes curled and squeezed his ass. His tail flicked aside for it before the foot came away. A gentle nudge from a toe and the raccoon sat up, staring down the ape's thick uncut cock as it hung down over him.

The ape took one hand to the back of the raccoon's head and pulled him forward as he thrust, pressing muzzle to cock and grinding them together. Pervis moaned happily as the thick rod stiffened against his cheek. He was pulled back only to be presented with the plump tip pressed to his lips. He opened up and it slid in.

#5 - The Vice Manager of Personnel Services "Good afternoon, I hope today finds you well. Please, take a seat." Pervis stepped into the room quietly, gorilla cum still streaking his fur, and gave a polite nod to the fox behind the desk. The vulpine smiled and waited as the raccoon trotted forward, pausing only long enough to see the dildo pointing up in the chair and that it was glistening wet before sitting on it. He gave a soft grunt but it wasn't very big so he sat on it easily enough. The fox smiled wider and steepled his fingers. "We've been watching your progress. Very good. Every interviewer has recorded high marks for you." A quiet nod. Slaves were quiet. Slaves obeyed. The fox snapped his fingers and Pervis gasped as the dildo buzzed to life inside him. "I expect good things from you. You'll make a fine addition to our firm. I hope you're still excited." Pervis let out a low moan, staring down at his lap, the vibrator knocking his insides in several ways as it changed speeds. He got stiff quickly and started to leak. The fox just smiled. "Y-yes Sir. Very excited," he moaned.

#6 - Vice Director of Interior Resource Co-Chair Committee A paw set on the raccoon's shoulder as he started to open the sixth door. He turned and looked up into the deep brown eyes of a bear, who smiled down at him. "Let's clean you up," he said, then took Pervis' leash and lead him down the hallway. The bear wore a simple dress shirt and slacks, leaving little to the imagination as it hugged his broad butt and showed quite the muffin top. Past a cubicle farm and into a white hallway, the bear lead him into an open bathroom, several shower heads set into the wall and multiple drains on the floor. He unhooked the raccoon's leash and set it on a hook by the door before he raised his arms. "Help me undress, would you?" he asked in a kind tone. Pervis smiled, working the buttons open, slipping the shirt off, then undoing the belt (after a little tugging) and slipping off the bear's shoes, socks, then pants. He folded the clothes and set them in a cubby hole below his leash. "Good boy. Just what we need," a paw cupped the raccoon's rump and they walked to the showers, which the bear turned on and stepped into.

And that's it for this month. I'm rather happy with a lot of these so don't be surprised to see them expanded. Always happy to hear your favorites and what you'd like to see more of or continued or even turned into full stories.

If you like what you read, please consider supporting me and drop a tip my way:


May Short Fictions

May '17 Snippets by Tredain Another round of practice, been pushing myself to write something just about every day if able, even just a paragraph. Been pretty happy with the results so far. Hope you all like too! #1 - Unseen hands "And that,...

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April Snippets

Snippets April 16 - 30 by Tredain Hey all. I've had a real dry spell this year so to try and crack down on that, which seems to be working to a point so far, I've been trying every day to write at least a small something. I've been tossing them up on...

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Good Boy

Good Boy By Tredain It's a Friday night and I wait at the door for him on my knees. It was another short shift at work so I'd been able to get most of the chores for the day done. So now I waited. He always got off about 4 30 so it was easy enough...

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