Redwall: The Warrior's Ritual - Part 4

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#23 of Redwall

The night in the woods had been one of the most memorable experiences in all of Mattimeo, Sam and Tim's lives, as well as Matthias. After Matthias had made the announcement that he intended to talk with the Abbot about beasts with same-sex attractions, the three young boys felt a sense of relief. For the longest time, they had worried about someone finding out about their sneaking off, either in the woods at night, or in the bell tower during the day for their little sex parties. Though the time they spent together was certainly enjoyable, they could never completely put their minds at ease, worrying about someone catching them sneaking off, or far worse, catching them in the act. All this made for a very nervous existence, but no more. As the four beasts returned home from their camping trip, they felt a sense of calm that they had never felt before regarding their sexuality.

"There it is," said Mattimeo, pointing at Redwall. "We're almost home."

"Yes we are," said Matthias. "I hope the three of you know that after today, you won't have to worry about hiding who you really are."

"We know," said Tim. "I'm sure that after your talk with the Abbot, everything will finally be okay."

"I know it will," said Matthias.

The four beasts made it home. Before Matthias talked to the Abbot, he and Mattimeo went to their gatehouse home, hoping to get some breakfast. They opened the door and instantly they caught the scent of freshly baked food in the kitchen.

"Morning, Mom," said Mattimeo, entering the kitchen.

"Morning, Matty," said the female mouse. "How was your little camping trip?"

"Lot's of fun," said the mouse, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Dad had lots of fun with Tim and Sam."

"I'm sure he did," said Cornflower, unable to keep from giggling. "I'm sure you had fun with him too."

"Like always," said Mattimeo. "Say, Mom?"


"Are . . . are you okay with . . . you know, how Dad feels about being with other males?" asked the slightly nervous young mouse.

"I'm fine with it," said Cornflower without any hesitation. "Your father told me before we were married that he had such attractions. We agreed that as long as he performed his duties as a husband and a father that I would be perfectly fine with him getting together with other males."

"I'm kind of surprised to hear that," said Mattimeo. "If I'd have known about how Dad felt, I wouldn't have had to go sneaking around with Sam and Tim."

"It's alright, sweetie," said Cornflower, bringing her son a plate of food and sitting down at the table with him. "Matty, the truth is, there are far more males that feel this way than you think."

"You think so?" he asked his mother.

"Believe me," said Cornflower laughing. "Your father is quite open about his encounters with other males."

"Huh," said Mattimeo, picking up a fork to begin eating. "So, could I ask you a question, Mom?"

"Sure," said Cornflower.

"You mind if I have Tim and Sam over whenever I want?"

"Of course," said Cornflower.

The female mouse watched as Mattimeo went from simply eating his food to shoveling it down in a hurry. "Matty, slow down. You're going to choke yourself."

"Sorry," said the young mouse. "Just wanna finish really quick."

"Let me guess," said Cornflower, unable to keep from grinning. "You're going to get Sam and Tim after breakfast, aren't you?"

Mattimeo swallowed a mouthful of food. "Yeah. That okay?"

"Of course," said Cornflower, shaking her head and giggling. "Your just like your father."

Mattimeo finished his breakfast and quickly ran out of the gatehouse. It didn't take long for him to find Tim and Sam. Both the gray mouse and squirrel were surprised to see their friend look so excited. They weren't sure exactly what was taking place, as Mattimeo could barely string a coherent sentence together due to his excitement, but they followed him back to the gatehouse anyway.

Walking inside, Tim and Sam found Cornflower sitting in the parlor, quietly reading a book that she had borrowed from Redwall's great library. Both the gray mouse and squirrel greeted her politely.

"Morning, Cornflower," said Tim.

"Morning, ma'am," said Sam.

Cornflower poked her head up from the book, seeing Mattimeo with his two friends. "Oh, hello boys. I see Matty's already found you two for your playtime."

"Playtime?" asked Sam, puzzled by her choice of words.

"Oh," said Cornflower, laughing. "Didn't Matty tell you? You two are free to come over here anytime you want to have your little romps in the hay."

"Seriously?" asked Tim. "You're okay with that?'"

"If I let my husband have his fun with other males, shouldn't I allow my only son to as well?" she asked them. "Now go on, you boys have your fun."

Sam and Tim followed Mattimeo back to his room, barely able to resist pulling off their clothes before they even got inside. Mattimeo shut his bedroom door and the three quickly stripped off their clothes, leaving them completely naked.

"This is amazing," said Tim. "Now we don't have to sneak out at night, or up to the bell tower during the day to get our nuts off."

"That's right," said Mattimeo. "And if my Dad has his way, what we're doing will be completely acceptable in Redwall once he has his talk with the abbot."

"This is perfect," said Sam. "Now we'll be able to have sex everyday without any worries."

"That's the plan," said Mattimeo, flopping down on his bed. "Now, shall we?"

"Yes," said Sam. "Let's get ot it."

The three males assumed their usual positions, with Sam in the middle, Tim at the rear, and Mattimeo in front. The three went at it with a new sense of excitement as well as relief. Mattimeo looked up at Sam, seeing the squirrel's lips descending on his cock. The young warrior groaned as Sam pumped at his member, wanting to suck out the mouse's seed. Mattimeo took hold of the squirrel's head and pumped it up and down.

"Yeah," said Mattimeo. "Suck that dick, Sam."

As Sam was busy sucking off Mattimeo, Tim had already entered the squirrel's ass, burying his member up to the hilt inside of him. No matter how many times he fucked Sam, it never ceased to send a chill from his cock all the way down his spine. The squirrel loved being topped by the gray church mouse, and with two cocks spit-roasting him, Sam was in heaven. The three males didn't even bother to keep quiet, knowing that Cornflower didn't care that they were going at it like there was no tomorrow. By the time they were finished, with Mattimeo blowing his load in Sam's mouth, Tim shooting his seed into the squirrel's ass as Sam himself dumped his load onto the bed from being given a reach-around by Tim, they were spent . . . at least for now, but they could rest assured that what they were doing would soon be completely acceptable at Redwall Abbey.

Matthias has greeted Abbot Mordalfus as he exited his bedchamber and headed off to get breakfast. The old mouse was surprised to see Matthias meet with him so early, as the Warrior of Redwall was usually busy doing his morning chores and exercise regimen.

"Ah, Matthias," said the Abbot, adjusting his glasses. "Good morning to you, my son."

"Good morning, Father Abbot," said Matthias.

"What brings you hear so early?" asked the Abbot. "I usually don't see you until almost noon."

"I have something important that I want to discuss with you," said Matthias.

"Oh?" said the Abbot, curious as to what the topic of discussion might be. "Very well. Why don't we go to the kitchen for breakfast. I'm quite hungry."

"As am I," said Matthias. "Though I was hoping we could get our breakfast and discuss the matter in a more private setting."

The Abbot gave Matthias a very puzzled look. It wasn't like the Champion of Redwall to be so secretive. Abbot Mordalfus always knew him to be a very open, honest mouse, so whatever was on his mind must be of great importance.

"I believe we can arrange that," said the Abbot. "Come, follow me to the kitchen.

Matthias and the Abbot made their way to the kitchen, greeting several creatures along the way. The Abbot always had his meals in the Great Hall where he could speak with any resident of Redwall or even those visiting the Abbey, so it surprising to those in attendance when he told them that he would taking his breakfast back to his private chambers that morning. The two mice collected their meals and exited the kitchen.

Inside the Abbot's bedchamber, which also included a den for his private studies, the two ate their meals, but before Matthias could bring up what was on his mind, the two engaged in typical discussions about the weather, how Mattimeo was doing, and other Abbey related topics.

"Ah," said the Abbot. "This mint tea is particularly good this morning."

"That it is," said Matthias. "The scones and shrew cakes are tasty too."

"They are indeed," said the Abbot. "Now, would you mind telling me what it is that seems to be troubling you, my son?"

"What makes you think something's troubling me, Father Abbot?" asked Matthias.

"My dear boy," said the Abbot, putting down his mint tea. "I've known you long enough to know when something's troubling you."

"I suppose you have," said Matthias, trying to summon the courage to speak about the matter on his mind.

"So," said the Abbot. "No more games. Please, speak freely."

Matthias put aside his food, looking the Abbot in the eyes. "Father Abbot, there's something I need to tell you, and I dare say that I fear in might forever alter our relationship; perhaps for the worse."

"Oh?" said the Abbot, still unclear as to what was going on. "I find that hard to believe, my son. You've always been an honest, trustworthy mouse."

"I haven't exactly been honest with you about something," said Matthias, looking down at the floor.

"Put your head up, Matthias," said the Abbot, though in a caring tone of voice. "Whatever you've done, you can tell me. You know I love you like you were my own son."

"I know, Father Abbot," said Matthias, turning his gaze back to the Abbot. "I know that we creatures here at Redwall pride ourselves in being, decent, civilized creatures, and part of being a civilized creatures involves conducting ourselves in certain ways that we as a society have agreed upon, or at least accept as being the right way of living."

"Yes," said the Abbot. "That we have, my son."

"I consider myself to be a civilized creature, one that has defended this Abbey with my blood, sweat and tears. This is my home, and I intend to live the rest of days here until I go to Dark Forest, but thee is something that I've been doing that you may gravely disapprove of."

By this time, the Abbot was completely at a loss as to what Matthias was saying. "My son, please, tell me what it is you have done. Short of stealing, rape or murder, I can forgive whatever you've done."

Matthias took a deep breath as sweat lined his body. He knew that once he uttered the words, there was no going back, but he had to do this, for himself, his son, Tim, Sam and any other male that felt the way he did. "Father Abbott . . . I'm attracted to other males."

Matthias looked at the Abbot, seeing the old mouse's eyes growing wide in shock. He waited for Mordalfus to respond, hoping that he had not just ruined his life at Redwall Abbey. He waited . . . and waited.

"I see," said the Abbott, nodding his head. "Have you done anything with other males, my son?"

"I have," said Matthias, still uncertain as to what the Abbot would do. "Many males . . . many times."

"And does Cornflower know about this?" asked the Abbot.

"She does," said Matthias. "I let her know early on in our relationship that I had such attractions. We have an open marriage, Father Abbot. I know that is something that is frowned upon . . ."

"Indeed it is," said The Abbot, interrupting him. "I must say, I'm shocked by what you've revealed to me just now, Matthias. This is a very serious matter."

"I understand the weight of the situation, Father Abbot," said Matthias. "But I would ask you to consider this: is it wrong for consenting creatures of the same gender to do as they please with each other, just because of some arbitrary rule that we've accepted with little or no thought. Would you have males, and females for that matter, be looked at as second class residents of the Abbey, simply because they were born with what we've labeled 'unnatural' attractions? Is that fair to them, even though they've harmed no one and simply wish to live their lives in peace?"

The Abbot sat back in his chair, trying to fully comprehend everything that Matthias had just said. Never in a million seasons did the old mouse think that the Champion of Redwall would come to him and confess a fondness for other males, let alone that he had acted upon those urges to be intimate with them. The room was dead silent as Matthias waited for the Abbot to speak.

"Matthias?" said the Abbot.

"Yes, Father Abbot?" said Matthias, weakly.

"I understand what you've told me," he said. "For as long as I can remember, we here at Redwall have lived by certain rules; rules that we believe to serve a purpose in how proper creatures conduct themselves; rules that set us apart from the uncivilized vermin that wish to conquer and enslave us. I know that when I was a young mouse, it was forbidden to even discuss such topics as you have just mentioned. Such acts were not only thought of as unnatural, but filthy and disgusting by my elders, but I have to tell you something, my son."

"Yes, Father Abbot?"

The old mouse looked directly at the Champion of Redwall. "I too have had these urges."

Matthias was instantly lost for words! He couldn't believe that Abbot Mordalfus, the leader of his beloved Redwall Abbey was making such a confession to him.

"You . . . you're serious?" asked Matthias, barely able to speak.

"It's true, my son," said Mordalfus. "I've known since I was a young mouse that I was attracted to other males, which is why I became a Brother of Redwall."

"That way no one would expect you to get married, right?" asked Matthias.

"Correct," said Mordalfus. "As a Brother of Redwall, no one would expect me to take a wife and have children, as we were expected to completely devote our lives to the service of Redwall. Such a commitment left no time for a spouse or children. I chose this life because I could never imagine myself having a wife."

"So, are you mad at me, Father Abbot?" asked the Warrior.

"Of course not," said Mordalfus, patting Matthias on the head. "I respect and admire that you had the courage to confront me about something that has concerned not only you, or myself, but many others here at the Abbey. I thank you, my son."

"Your welcome, Father Abbot," said Matthias, giving the old mouse a warm hug. "Now, don't you think it's time we did something about this?"

"It is indeed," said the Abbot, breaking their hug and standing to his feet with confidence. "Tonight, I shall call upon all the creatures of the Abby to a meeting at Cavern Hole, all those that are old enough to understand such a topic, that is."

"What do you hope to do?" asked Matthias.

"I plan on making the topic of homosexuality not only one that is honest and open, but one that is completely accepted by all of Redwall Abbey."

Matthias smiled at Abbot Mordalfus. So, after all the worry, it was finally happening. Matthias, Mattimeo, and Sam and Tim and many others would no longer have to live their lives in fear and secrecy. They could live freely and openly, like any Redwaller should.

Redwall: The Warrior's Ritual - Part 5 (Final Chapter)

It was late afternoon and the weather was warm, with a moderate breeze at Redwall Abbey. The peaceful woodland creatures went about their day like any other, performing tasks that were assigned to them, preparing food, washing clothes, cleaning the...

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Redwall: The Warrior's Ritual - Part 3

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