Homework Help

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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I felt in the mood to write another something up tonight and this is what came of it... tell me what you think

Homework Help

By Wolf Bane

I glanced across the table stacked high with textbooks to sneak another glance at the handsome young wolf sitting there with his head on one hand and a pencil in the other. As far as I could tell he was have a very difficult time getting any of his homework done. Truth be told I was having the same difficulty, except for very different reasons.

"Wesley, can you come here for a second and help me with this?" Lyle asked and I was more than happy to have a reason to walk around the table and stand close to him. If only I could work up the courage to tell the young wolf just how I felt about him. I realized I had moved a little too close and shuffled back a bit before my body could do the talking for me. I leaned over and looked the problem he had been staring at for so long that it was probably already burned into his memory.

My heart sank. Staring back at me was the same type of math problem I had been spending weeks trying to teach him. I knew he knew how to solve it, but there was something about the overbearing amount of stress he would put on himself that just caused his mind to shut down when confronted with it. I closed my eyes and held squeezed them underneath my fingers, knowing there was only one way to help him through it.

"Flashdrive." I whispered and Lyle's eyes glossed over. Somewhere deep down my conscious was trying to scream at me, tell me that what I was doing was wrong. But above all of that screaming only one thought remained: Damn this is hot. Before I realized what I was doing I already had one hand down my pants and rubbing my sheath.

"You are in a safe place Lyle. You know that everything I say is perfectly normal and you find that you like doing everything I tell you to do." I whispered in as soothing a voice as I could. Two weeks ago Lyle was just the freshman brother of a girl in my senior class. She was worried Lyle was going to fail his math course and requested my help. I don't even remember how the topic of hypnosis had first come up. Had I brought it up? No, I'm pretty sure he had, or at least I hope it had been him...

"Lyle, when I snap my fingers you will be wide awake and ready to obey any and every order I give you. Some orders you may not be willing to go through with at first, but when I snap my finger again you will find it ten times harder not to obey. When I say the word Flashdrive you will return to this state and go ten times deeper." I didn't make these orders too difficult to follow. I snapped my fingers and he blinked before looking back at me. My best guess was that he still assumed I was there to help him solve the math problem. One good sign at least, he didn't seem to notice that my hand was still down my pants.

"Stand up and remove your clothing down to your boxers." I figured out the first week how simple this command was. I guess it's not too difficult to understand though. Lyle was always into sports and spent a lot of time in the locker room changing in front of other guys. He quickly pulled off his clothes and explained how it seemed kind of hot in the room. I couldn't have agreed more, he certainly was hot. It was always such a tease that his boxers hung so loose on his small shaft.

"Slowly pull your boxers off." I said as I began to remove my own shirt and pants. I wondered how far I would allow myself to go today. Every single day had moved me one step further down the path of no return. Lyle looked down and blushed but didn't make any movement that told me he was planning on removing them anytime soon. I was dying to finally get a glimpse of the one thing I'd wanted to see since the first day and now he was acting reluctant?

"What's wrong?" I asked wondering if I would need to snap my finger.

"I... I don't want anyone to see me naked."

"Why not?" I decided I wanted to know before forcing him to do it for me

"People would laugh. I'm kind of..... small" He said after a long pause. I snapped my fingers and noticed him wincing. At first I wondered if he was in some kind of pain as I'd never had to resort to this before. But then I noticed a small tent in the young wolf's boxers.

"If you don't remove them, I will remove them for you." I said before I could stop myself. There was a line I was about to cross and yet my boner was telling me to forge on ahead. Lyle placed his hands on his underwear, noticeably distraught with the thought of standing naked in front of someone else. He closed his eyes and dropped his boxers around his legs. That was the first time I had ever seen Lyle naked and I knew from the way I was licking my lips and standing at full attention that today was definitely not going to be the last.

Toys 3: The Toychest

Sorry for the delay. Here is the third installment to the "Toys" series. I hope you like it. The Toychest By Wolf Bane Bane leaned back on his bed, setting the knife and the valve down next to the respective stories that went with...

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Like Silly Putty in His Hands

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