Accounted Porn Profit

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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The month of March is a nightmare for any tax payer and for pornstars it is not a difference.

Sonia has to handle a rather naughty client with a bad habit of making poor decisions, unless of course it involves sex.

Celestia Maria Scythonette (C)

Sonia Springfoot (c)

Story (c) Me

Length: 2,306 words. 12,682 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hours 5 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Accounted Porn Profit

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by StripedSmokSage and Bunny_Springfoot on FA as well as EmeraldViper and Kyber_Diamond_Bunny on SF and used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

March, for some people the month of beginnings as spring approached after the winter that had been, while for some other people it was the month of terror in Sweden. It was the month when the orange envelope appeared through your mail drop and in your letterbox, telling you it was time to pay your taxes. To some, it was the easiest thing in the world, while to others...

"Miss Springfoot, you have a call." the female doberman spoke on the intercom with her boss, a snazzy bunny girl with her hair done up in a long ponytail. Pushing the button on the intercom, she spoke softly, "Connect them through to my phone." As soon as she released the button, her phone was ringing and she picked it up before laying it against her ear, "Springfoot and Fuzzson Accountancy, this is Springfoot talking."

The voice on the other end had a slight hint of mixed accent of Polish and French, but with a rather mature tone to it, "Good morning. I would like to book a meeting to get my taxes done." The bunny smiled before opening up her logbook and grabbing a biro to write with, "Of course, miss. I got an open schedule today. Think you can come here at 11:00?"

The voice on the other quickly replied, "Yes, I can. Nothing planned today." The bunny nodded, "Okay, 11:00 it is then. May I have your name?" The voice softly replied, "Celestia M. Scythonette." The bunny was writing the name and soon smiled, "Well, you are welcome here at 11:00 then, miss Scythonette." The voice replied, "Thank you, I will see you then." The call was quickly ended after the sentence, not allowing the bunny to reply at all, but her mind was already in another place, "Celestia Scythonette. I could swear I have heard that name before."

The morning rush wasn't a problem for the bunny at all and she was actually relieved to hear the clock on the wall chiming for 10:55. Standing up, she took a walk around her office, straightening her red blazer and adjusting the tie she had picked out for today. She didn't even notice when the clock chimed for 11:00 until her intercom buzzed to life, "Miss Springfoot, your 11:00 visitor is here. You must have done something amazing to get this client." The bunny girl walked over to the desk and pushed the intercom, "Let her in."

When she sat down, the door opened up and she suddenly remembered then where she had heard the name before as a raccoon girl wearing a black dress and with luscious orange hair stepped into her office and walked right over to the chairs as the bunny stood up and fumbled with her words, "Welcome, take a s-s-seat, please." She had barely gotten halfway through before the coon girl was sitting in the chair in front of her and she quickly took a seat herself, "I have to admit, I didn't connect your name to you at first, but now when I see who you are, I am just curious. Why did you come to see me of all accountants out there? Don't you have one that does it for you?"

The coon girl knew very well what she meant and quickly gave an answer, "My accountant got sick, so I had to quickly find someone who could do it for me and that is when my manager recommended me to call you." The bunny was amazed and blushed, "I... I am honored. So, you got all the papers necessary?" The coon girl nodded before laying down a stack of papers that the bunny quickly grabbed and began to look through, "These are some serious things here, miss Scythonette."

The coon smiled, "Please, dear. Call me Celestia." The bunny nodded while reading, "Just habit of work." The coon knew it well and nodded while the bunny was looking through the papers and tapped on her keyboard to the computer, entering the incomes, outcomes and taxes. The coon only watched at the screen how everything was being arranged and divided up into various categories.

Suddenly the numbers stopped and the coon's attention was brought to the bunny, "Listen, you have a bad spending habit and many of these outcomes are to stocks that are failing." Turning to the screen, the bunny drew up a chart with one of the joint-stock-companies the coon had invested into, "See here? You invested during what was meant to be a stock growth, but the stocks have kept on falling, leading to your stocks that started at half a million dollars has now shrunk to barely one-tenth of a million and you are still invested into it."

The coon was smiling, "Who knows? They might grow valuable one day." The bunny pulled up another stock chart and pointed out, "This company have been bankrupt since 2013. You lost nearly a million dollars on that and your 'stocks' are now valueless." The coon was beginning to feel like the accountant was driving a nail slowly through her chest, aiming for her heart. Before she could even speak, another chart came up on screen, "And look at this one. You invested my annual salary into this company and they went bankrupt before starting up under a new name and even announced. I swear, you are the worst stock holder I have ever encountered!"

The coon felt her pride slowly drain out of her body and through the floor as she asked, "How bad is it then, miss Springfoot?" The bunny sighed, "Since I must call you Celestia, you can call me Sonia. And to answer your question, I am amazed you can still survive under these conditions. If I were you, I would withdraw all these stocks and invest into a reliable company." Sonia turned to face the screen before asking, "Do you want me to withdraw all the stocks?" Celestia gave her quick reply, "Yes, please."

Sonia quickly tapped into the database and with the personal information, she had the stocks being sold before looking at Celestia, who wasn't in the chair anymore, but was instead walking back to the chair with the end of Sonia's ponytail, pushing the chair closer as Sonia gave her a confused look, "Excuse me, but what are you up to?" Celestia softly ran her hands through the hair, softly caressing it, "Your hair, I just love the color and texture of it."

Sonia felt how it was odd, but something with the way that Celestia was touching and caressing it was almost like therapy for her. Celestia seemed to notice it and soon stood up from the chair and walked over behind Sonia, tracing her fingers up to the scalp before she heard a soft coo from her, "Miss Scythonette. Whatever you do, do not stop doing that." Celestia smiled before noticing something rather peculiar about this bunny. She looked female, but a bulge appearing on the skirt revealed that there was more to her.

Keeping her eyes on the bulge, Celestia was smiling before cooing a bit herself as her body seemed to call out loudly, "Miss Sonia, could you help me pick good stocks perhaps?" Sonia was happily cooing while replying, "Ohh yes. I could." Celestia smiled before hearing a slightly louder coo of disappointment as she stopped, but that coo had soon become meaningless as Celestia pulled the dress off over her head and tossed it aside, leaving her only in her underwear before she retrieved something from her dress and Sonia could have sworn that if her bulge had not already appeared, seeing the condom would surely have made that happen.

Sonia quickly pushed the button on the intercom, "Jessica. Take your lunch and make sure no one comes in here." The doberman's voice could be heard as a giggle, "I knew that you would say that, miss Springfoot. Have fun." The sound of the door locking could be heard and Sonia quickly got up from her seat and walked over to grab Celestia before they both locked lips and moaned softly, Sonia running her hands over every inch of Celestia's body while the coon was reaching up to undo the buttons on the blazer and then the skirt too, leaving Sonia in a similar position to her.

Deciding to not be undone by the naughty girl, Sonia reached down to pull down the panties, feeling Celestia returning the gesture to her and from the sheer wetness and scent that Celestia was giving off, it was clear why she wanted to have a condom and Celestia wasn't disappointed, but rather surprised as the bunny turned out to actually be a laquine, the pink horsecock already standing at its biggest.

Ripping the foil off the package, Celestia was quickly rolling the condom over the erection while making out with Sonia, leading her by the dick over to the desk and before Sonia could stop her, papers landed on the floor, a cup with pens following along and three binders stuffed with papers soon fell when Celestia laid on her back at the desk and spread her legs widely, "Why not put that big cock of yours to work while you help me get some better stocks?"

The offer was very tempting and Sonia wasn't going to pass it up, not that she could pass it up any way as Celestia had already guided the tip to her folds and begun to push it inside her. Sonia had another idea as she hooked an arm around Celestia's left leg and got her onto the side before her hips began to move and much to Celestia's delight, she was seeming to not be a virgin either.

When she had gotten the coon into position, Sonia's free hand had gotten to work on typing while she was fucking the naughty coon, who was removing her own bra to expose her breasts. They weren't as big as Sonia's, but they seemed a lot more developed than hers, not to mention that Celestia's warm pussy was holding onto her dick like a vicegrip, "Ohhh, Celestia. You are just as I expected you to be. Tight and warm."

Celestia wasn't even listening as her mind was intoxicated by the horse cock filling her up. In truth, she had expected to only get some licking, so a big lunk of horsemeat pounding her was even better and with her heat being in full bloom at the moment, she wasn't denying any way to get some rocks off.

Not even listening to the suggestions that Sonia was giving her, she looked at the accountant with lust in her eyes, "Pick whatever you think will be great, just fuck me!" Sonia didn't deny the request and quickly picked the one she knew would help and invested all the former stocks into it before climbing onto the desk a bit to lean over and hold onto one of Celestia's breasts while kissing her again, driving her horsecock deeper until she was hitting the cervix on the coon girl.

Celestia was happy that she had told Sonia to wrap up the horsecock as any orgasm at this moment would surely get her pregnant. Her soft moans suddenly turned into a loud gasps of joy when Sonia began to show her ancestors' eagerness by going from a slow thrust to a much more speedy one, added with her horsecock to bring a more intense pleasure. To Celestia, it was like she had been bound down sideways and was getting rutted by a feral stallion.

However, the pleasure took a slight detour when Sonia's cock came out of her and with a slight miss on the aim, Celestia was gasping out in pain when Sonia had sunk into warm butt. Sonia didn't think about it and kept on thrusting, feeling how Celestia was biting together in the kiss as she drove the shaft deeper and soon had her ballsack hitting Celestia's clit.

Celestia had not confessed to have a love for anal, but it was becoming apparent as soon the coon was twitching and gasped out as she squirted, spraying her sticky femjuices all over the chair behind Sonia, enlisting a loud moan from Sonia who was pushing her dick deeply into Celestia's butt, erupting into the condom and forming a nice bubble filled with her semen, every pulsation making Celestia feel the condom growing inside her ass before Sonia was pulling it out and proudly showing it off.

Celestia could have sworn that the amount of cum hanging in the condom was that equal of the three wolves she had cumming over her the week before. Helping Sonia to pull it off from the dick, Celestia decided to give her a bonus by pouring all the content into her maw, some of it missing and landing on her face and breasts, something that Sonia didn't miss a chance to lick off before Celestia sighed happily, "Now that was something. So, how much do I owe you for all this help?" Sonia handed Celestia her clothes before smiling, "After something like this, I would say you owe me your company for lunch. It is on me." Celestia and Sonia shared a kiss after they had gotten dressed and in a honorable way due to her half-male status, Sonia offered her arm to Celestia, who quickly hooked it and together they left the messy office for the janitor to clean up.

The End.

Journeys of Time 11

**Journeys of Time 11: The Flawed Honor** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not...

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Journeys of Time 10

**Journeys of Time 10: The Mezian Plague** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not...

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Journeys of Time 9

**Journeys of Time 9: Father-Daughter Time** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not...

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