Snack Time

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A bunny goes into her kitchen in search of a snack, but finds something much more satisfying. <3

This story was written for Foxmayo as part of my January Patreon request days. It contains F/Solo acts involving a consenting adult bunny. :3

Snack Time

Bridget grumbled to herself as she rooted around in the kitchen cupboards. This situation was entirely her own fault. Every day this week she had gone into town to grab something from the store, and every day either on the way back or just after getting home, she'd realised that she'd forgotten to buy more snacks. The bunny tried to eat healthily, but she always allowed herself one little snack a day. A small bag of nuts. A candy bar. Something sweet like a cake to have as dessert after a meal. Just... something. Today though, thanks to another failed trip to the store, there didn't seem to be a single thing to eat. Not a bag of potato chips, not a single cookie. Nothing.


"Well hello there... what are you?"

Reaching right to the back of one of the corner cupboards, amidst bags of rice and pasta and other such staples, the bunny found something. Something thin, but rectangular in shape. Something with a smooth paper outer covering, and what felt like a layer of foil-like wrapping underneath that. She pulled it out, and sure enough, she held in her hands the most sumptuous, high class looking bar of chocolate she had ever laid eyes upon. The funny thing was though, both regarding the brand and this chocolate bar in particular, Bridget had absolutely no memory of purchasing it. Not this week. Not this month. Hell, the fact she had no recollection of this brand made her think that she probably hadn't even bought it this year.

Turning it over, she checked the best before date; well without bounds. Turning it over again, she held it up to her nose and sniffed. She shivered, and giggled. It certainly smelled like chocolate. Rich, sumptuous milk chocolate. Her favourite. She sized up the bar. It was definitely larger than her normal snacks. But if she made it last... just broke off a couple of squares now, and saved the rest for later, it would probably set up her snacking for the rest of the week. With expert precision the bunny's pale, sandy furred fingers slipped the paper cover off the golden foil. She unfolded it carefully, not wanting to tear it, and once the deep yet milky brown chocolate was revealed before her eyes, she snapped off a row of four squares.

Glancing over her shoulder, Bridget could hear the TV still playing in the living room. She knew she should go back and enjoy her snack there, relaxing for the evening. But she couldn't help herself. Couldn't wait. She had to try this chocolate now, if only to remove the possibility that it was actually garbage, and that was why she had allowed her memory of its presence in her home to fade.

She broke off one of the squares with a firm, crisp snap, and brought it to her nose once more. She inhaled again, and yet again felt her knees seem to grow week at the intensity of the velvety, cocoa rich aroma. Her mouth fell open even before she seemed to tell it to, and her tongue slid forward to welcome the square of chocolate. She didn't know why, but she found herself suddenly tense, breathing heavily. Her cheeks felt warm, like she was blushing. But with no reason for any of this to be happening, Bridget couldn't do anything but assume that she was really, really looking forward to this chocolate. Thus, she dropped the square onto her pink tongue, and slipped it between her lips, before closing her mouth around it.

Her eyes widened slightly.

A soft, strained little whimper slipped through her lips.

Her legs pressed together at the thighs, and her now free hand dropped instinctively towards it.

She bit down on the chocolate, and her head snapped back. Her eyes bulged, and a muffled, closed-mouthed shriek escaped her. The bunny's whole body shuddered from head to toes, and as she sank back against the kitchen counter, supporting herself against its flat topped surface with her free hand, a dark patch began to spread out from the base of her pale blue jeans' crotch. Gasping for breath, shaking like a leaf, Bridget couldn't believe what she was feeling. She was cumming. Not just cumming, squirting. She could feel her pussy convulsing with firm, rhythmic contractions, and jets of hot, potent ejaculate gushing from her nether regions in perfect time with each clutching wave of pleasure.

"Oh. Oh... fuck..."

It took her a good twenty seconds before the orgasm began to wane, and gently, carefully Bridget pressed a hand against the now stained and soaking wet front of her jeans. Whimpering bashfully as she felt just how wet she'd made herself, she began to unbutton them. To push them down her legs, panties too, and render herself bottomless right there in her kitchen. Again with great tenderness she reached out for her nether regions, and cupped its now bare flesh with her hand. A finger ran across her outer lips, and while definitely sensitive in that post-orgasmic manner with which the bunny was all too wonderfully familiar, it didn't feel the slightest bit strange or out of place. There was nothing there to suggest why or how her orgasm had been triggered. Indeed, she'd had no source of sexual stimulation whatsoever. No stimulation at all, except...

Almost before she could stop herself, Bridget spun round on the spot and faced the kitchen worktop. She grasped at the remaining three squares from her row of candy once more, broke another off, and drew it to her lips. Her tongue flicked out, just tasting it for the briefest moment. A lightning-bolt of pleasure arced through her body, and with her muzzle not full this time, Bridget screamed as a singular spray of ejaculate gushed out from between her legs and drummed violently against the tile floor below.

"Holy shit... I... t-this..."

She stared at the chocolate in her hand. At the whole bar of it on the counter before her. This wasn't possible. It was insane. Neither chocolate, nor her body worked that way. You couldn't like the taste of something so much that it made you cum, and there sure as hell wasn't any chemical Bridget had heard of that could induce spontaneous orgasm. There was either something very wrong with her, or very wrong with this chocolate, and one thing was for certain, she absolutely, definitely, one hundred percent could not risk taking even the smallest bite more from that bar.



"F-fuck. Fuck."

So why couldn't she turn away from it. Why couldn't she bring herself to pick it up, carry it across the room, and dump it in the trash?

Why was she picking it up, carrying it across the room, and... out into the corridor of her apartment. Down the hallway, and into her bedroom. Not just her three blocks, but the whole bar?

Why was she setting it down on the bedside cabinet, rushing to the bathroom to grab several towels, and laying them upon upon her bed?

Why was she stripping the remainder of her clothing off, tossing her t-shirt and bra to the ground, and scrambling up onto her bed, lying down with the thick cushion of towels beneath her legs?

Stretching over to the bedside cabinet once more, Bridget grabbed the candy bar and drew it close to herself. She picked up the square she'd licked back in the kitchen, and with one hand spreading apart the lips of her swollen, damp pussy, she drew it closer to her mouth. Closer. Closer. She held it over her wide open, whimpering maw, and swore that before she even let it drop, she felt her pussy begin to tremble, and her clitoris begin to throb like it had just been hammered for ten solid minutes by the forceful vibrations of her favourite massager.

Her muzzle closed around the chocolate square mere seconds later, and instantly, violently, Bridget was thrown into the rapturous embrace of orgasm all over again. Her back arched, feet lifting her legs up off the bed and pushing her pussy skyward. She gave a gurgling, chocolately wail as she watched with her own eyes a spray of her juices launch forth and totally miss the towels, sailing beyond the edge of the bed and splashing down upon the carpeted bedroom floor. That was just the first volley of course. The first of many as Bridget thrashed and sobbed in euphoria, cumming hard, cumming constantly not for twenty or even thirty seconds, but forty. Indeed, while the bunny couldn't have been sure, she did in fact cum for precisely forty seconds before sinking back to the bed, grunting, gasping, spent.

And yet...

She reached for the chocolate again. She broke off another square, and she slipped it into her mouth before she even realised what she was doing. She shrieked as her legs kicked out, pressing both hands between her legs and squealing with insane, giddy laughter as of course the renewed surge of her potent orgasmic ejaculations doused her hands and splashed all over her inner thighs and legs in general. Her toes splayed out as her legs strained and remained stretched out in mid-air, now sodden hands dripping her juices over her breasts as she moved to breathlessly tweak and tease her throbbing nipples. Her eyes rolled. Her screams rang out over and over despite her fatigue as she kept cumming, not multiple times in succession, but one long, constant orgasm, that wracked her body for eighty long, gloriously intense seconds.

Rolling over onto her belly, tucking her knees up under herself and reaching down between her legs, Bridget groaned as two fingers of her left hand sought out her g-spot. Only when she'd found it, whining and gasping at how tender it was after those recent climaxes, did she go for the final detached cube of that row of four. Into her mouth it went, and as her pussy clamped down around her fingers and drove them against that hyper-sensitive flesh, Bridget knew that all the screams and thrashing in the world wouldn't be even close to enough to let her physically process the devastating pleasure coursing through her in that moment, and the one hundred and sixty that followed. For close to three solid minutes she was lost in orgasmic heaven, and the only thing she was coherent enough to do by the time that orgasm ended was grasp at the bar of chocolate with her trembling, dripping wet hands, peel back the foil, and with a mindless, joyous gurgle, begin to feast upon the whole thing at once.

She let her juices fly. She let her body thrash and grunt and endure those incredible orgasmic sensations as they went on, and on, and on. She didn't care how long it lasted. She hoped forever. And while eternity wasn't quite on the cards, it might as well have been, had her pleasure-stricken mind recognised the pattern... and how much time would be added to it, if she ate the remaining twenty eight of the thirty two block bar.


Twenty eight blocks. Each one doubling the length of the ecstasy provoked by the last.

"Oh god, yes... yes!"

The fourth block, with all twenty eight beyond that still remaining, had forced her to cum for one hundred and sixty seconds. So that meant, all calculated...

"...aahhhyessssss! Don't stop Yes!"

Well, it wasn't eternity. But as far as the sandy furred, screaming, squirting rabbit was concerned, it was forever. And in that moment, still gorging herself on the chocolate itself, wailing and shrieking happily with every bite and every surge of pleasure, forever seemed like it would be the only acceptable length of time to truly savour and experience just how good this bar of chocolate tasted.

By Jeeves

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