A basement in 1988 pt. 2

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A basement in 1988 pt.2

The old house sat nearly alone in the small, mostly abandoned remaining strip of an old mining town. The small state highway running past it's lawn having had to be re-planned, and set back 3 months due to the stubborn landowners. After much battling in court, the Travis family had their property named a 'historic landmark' due to the mines behind the house.

Young Daniel Travis Junior loved playing in those old mine shafts. War games were always more fun with actual trenches to crawl through. Sometimes the six year old border collie pup would pretend he was a war hero, surrounded in those tunnels by dead enemies and awaiting his hero's welcome when he got home.

Daniel's dad was in the Military, afterall. The older collie had served in Vietnam, yet only rarely ever talked much about it. His mother told him 'Dad was different before the war. Just, never tell him i said so ok, sweetie?" The pup never did, but it did not change the fact that every now and then, his father would get very drunk. He would scream, break things, hit, and sometimes more.

The little pup shivered under his blankets, unable to sleep. He could not shut his thoughts off, after the exciting ordeal in the basement that day. It wasn't often that daniel got to see one of them! Thinking of the older german shepard, the age a big brother should be, Daniel giggled. He rubbed his footpaws together under the sheets to get warmer as he daydreamed in bed.

He wondered to himself, if the pup was still in the house. He had to be, his father hadn't gone anywhere but to sleep after dinner. The puppy must still be in the basement! His mother was not allowed in there, nor was he. It was worth the risk of even punishment.

Daniel Travis grabbed his matching border collie plush and crept on soft paw pads towards the hallway "shhh, we need to be quiet, Boston."The young monochrome puppy snuck quietly and slowly down the hall past his parent's room. He had always been good at staying quiet and unnoticed, something he took much joy in his abilities with. Daniel crept down the stairs one at a time, avoiding the two creaking bottom ones completely with a graceful leap to his small black footpaws.

Now out of earshot, he livened his step a bit and made for the basement, closing the door behind him but not letting the latch click and lock him in. He flipped the light switch and eyed the blue pool below him, now dry and clean. The little dog gulped nervously, tail wagging in little twitching motions as he replayed images from this same spot earlier that day.

The older german shepard would have made a great playmate for him, Daniel thought. He looked down at his plushe, held by the paw at his side. "Maybe he still can?" the pup asked his friend aloud with a small headtilt, large brown eyes meeting the small brown plastic ones in thought. Distant thought.

Taking the last of the wooden steps down at a jog, the puppy moved passed the kiddie pool, eyeing it and remembered making eye contact with the shepard. His tail wagged again as he looked around the room to find where his friend could be hiding.

Daniel scanned the room, eyeing the various shelves and cabinets. Cabinets. The six year old pup padded over to the wooden cabinatry his father had installed, Boston in tow. The young dog opened the doors and found to his delight, the larger pup neatly layed out on a plastic tarp.

He could barely contain a yip of glee.

After some work, he had gotten the older dog out and layed on the cold concrete floor at Daniel's small footpaws. The german shepard looked to be twice his age, and although he'd never say to his father, he thought the pup was quiet handsome. Daniel giggled at his naughty thoughts and blushed. He wondered as his cheeks warmed, and his sheath did as well, if he even needed to be bashful around the... dead?

Sitting on his knees, the little border collie gulped and lay next to his brown and black furred new friend. After a moment he sat the pup upright with some work, finding the body a bit hard to bend. He was suprised by how cold the fur felt under his paws, how the stiff muscles refused to move yet did not try to spring back to the way they had settled.

The younger pup looked into the shepard's face, the muzzle now highlighted better in the overhead light and bareing a pained, frightened snarl. The eyes were screwed tightly shut, and young Daniel thought that may be for the better. He sighed at the scared look though, it made him uneasy.

Daniel put the Border collie plush in the shepard's lap and smiled a bit. "Thats, Boston. He's good at making you feel better."

The little pup looked into the frozen, snarling face, becoming nervous from it's stillness. He shivered a bit and noted that even the fur was motionless. Daniel decided to look else where, and lay his head in the cold puppy's lap, his cheek pressing into the small, dead sheath. The young puppy let out a soft moan at his first 'innocent' contact with another male.

Little Daniel Travis Junior got bold. He turned his muzzle to his partner's lap, and nosed the furry sheath, taking in the scent of dead puppy. The young dog shivered, but this time not from nervousness. He opened his small maw and let his lips slip the little bit of skin back over the shepard's pink dog cock. The pup spat it out quickly with a gag, wiping his tongue.

The shepard's little cock was not the normal, pleasant slick pink thing he expected, as was in his own sheath. It was dry, redder, slightly sticky. Worse it looked a bit like it had shriveled a little, like beef jerky, tightening up.Daniel gagged again, coughing. He found himself staring more at this small red thing in the dark basement. He gulped once more, and lowered his head into the lap of the still shepard.

*creek creek creek*

Daniel Travis Senior was nervous as well. He had not been able to close his eyes, thinking of his hour or so alone with that pup once his wife wen't off to work and Junior to school. He had decided to make use of the night,eat a sandwhich, and do some trading online.

The older dog shuffled on large black furred footpads down the old wooden staircase. His half lidded eyes snapping open as his pads contacted the cold floor. Light was eminating from under the cellar door.

Daniel Senior quickly tiptoed over to the door and listened, hearing nothing. He cracked the door slowly waryt of the squeaks the hinges could make. He heard none. The door had been lubricated to keep it quiet! Peering his head around the frame, he saw.. His son. Muzzle buried in the crotch of that kid's corpse!

The little bastard was sucking off a dead puppy!

Slipping in and closing the door quietly behind him, latch clicking with a noticable sound, the older collie watched as his son below tensed, ears and tails flattening and lowering respectively. The pup was still as a stone for a moment before quickly turning around and looking up at the stairs with wide eyes.

"D-Dad!!" Daniel Senior's son whimpered softly as he made his way down the stairs after locking the basement door.

"Daniel Travis Junior. When did you start covering your tracks, lubricating doors to be sneaky? Sucking off dead dogs?"The naked little border collie quivered below his father, staring at his large footpaws and sobbing out a quick "I'm sorry, Daddy. I can't control myself. I want to do this stuff. I always think about it at school, it's always in my head, Dad!"

The older dog knelt by his pup. He put a large paw on the young dog's shoulder. "Daniel, It's time i taught you." Daniel Travis Junior looked up at his dad, lip quivering. "T-Taught me?" He was beyond confused. No punishment? No beatings?

"Yes, Son. I've thought you had the bug in you. Thats what i call it. The little urge to do bad things. I've watched you try to fight it, and i hoped you could. Like me, however, You seem to be stuck with it. I need to teach you how to do it right."

The puppy looked up at his dad and leaned in to hug him, suprised to get a small pat on the shoulder, and warmed for the first in a long time. The father and son embraced, the gramacing young german shepard behind them, with a border collie plush in his lap.

A basement in 1988

A basement in 1988 Water occasionally running through the pipes overhead were one of the only discernable sounds the little german shepard could make out in the heavy bag covering his head. Jonah could feel the rope holding the back loose, but...

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