Judy Punished

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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Judy was captured and sold.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Judy Punished

** During an investigation to find Emmitt Otterton, Judy and Nick tracked down the limousine Otterton was last seen in before his disappearance. What they discovered was a ransacked car, and that it belonged to Mr. Big.**

** "Damn! Chief refused to issue me a search warrant to search Big's property,"** said Judy bitterly.

** "I can understand. Mr. Big is a crime Boss, a millionaire and a philanthropist, we can't accuse him, suspect him and search his property,"** Nick chuckled.

** Judy slapped the fox on the back. "What if Otterton IS inside the house?"**

** "What if you are wrong? Who are going to pay the consequences? I don't want to offend him because I am still young. Moreover, you are a cop but I am NOT a cop, and as a cop, you MUST follow the procedures. I am going to find new clues at elsewhere now,"** retorted the fox.

** "I'll continue to investigate Big,"** Judy gleefully announced.

** "You are crazy!" exclaimed Nick. "Absolutely bonkers. Goodbye, ciao!"**


** The nightfall brought a welcome coolness to the land after the sultry day.**

** Judy's eyes narrowed with a look of suspicion. "I am going to prove that Mr. Big IS connected to this case," she murmured as she stood in front of the fence.**

** Inside the security room.**

** "Hey, we got an intruder," Big's polar bear henchman - Raymond pointed at the screen and informed his partner.**

** "Huh?" Kevin's**** eyes popped. "A rabbit police officer is trying to destroy the fence and break into our property."**

** Raymond pushed the 'Zap' button. "A police officer is purposely breaking the law, this is new," he chuckled.**

** Raymond and Kevin left the security room and walked towards the fence. Judy got shocked when she touched the fence and now she was sleeping on the ground. "She almost became a roasted rabbit," Raymond teased.**

At the sight of the petite rabbit, Kevin started drooling. "Let's bring her to our boss," he remarked chattily. "She looks delicious."

** When Judy opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling instead of the sky. She had a headache and was rather indisposed. Five-inch tall Mr Big was standing in between her breasts and was smiling at her. Suddenly she realized that she was fully naked and tied onto a table. Kevin gagged her with her own underwear. She tried to struggle but Raymond held the gun to her head and said** bluntly, "One move and I will shoot."

** "You should calm down and relax," said Big,** his serious expression momentarily replaced by a smile.

** "MMMMMM!!!"**

** Big caught Judy's puzzled expression and chuckled. "I hate people sneaking into my property like a thief, and so, you must be punished," he explained.**

** "MMMMMM!!!"**

** "No, we don't want to hear your explanations, and we are not afraid even though you are a cop," Kevin laughed at the rabbit's surprised expressions.**

** Kevin fixed a huge mirror on the ground so that Judy could see her own pussy. Raymond flipped a switch and the lower part of the table began to stretch, splitting her legs until her slit was parted, now everyone could see her secret garden clearly. She gulped with panic.**

The bear henchmen grinned at each other and Raymond said, "We are going to inflict serious injuries to your sensitive pussy."

Judy shook her head in shock and disbelief when she saw some mechanical hands stretched out from side walls - each hand was holding a different device. Some mechanical fingers began to pluck Judy's armpit hair slowly. Immediately her face went whiter and her eyes dilated enormously.

A mechanical plier started to pluck Judy's pubic hair, the sharp bite when it plucked a hair shooting into her brain. To rub salt into her wounds, they began to laugh at her. She felt so humiliated that tears started to her eyes.

The third mechanical hand which was holding a pair of needle-point tweezers began to pluck her eyebrow. It plucked first the hairs sprouting between her brows. Each hair, plucked to the root, brought a twinge, a burn, and then a 'pop'. The pain in her heart was intolerable.

"MMMMMM!!!" Judy felt like she was going to hyperventilate. She made herself focus on the white ceiling so she wouldn't see what it was doing with the tweezers.

** Two mechanical hands clamped Judy's labia and stretched until they could see her pink vagina and hymen. At this point, she squirted and urinated uncontrollably. After all hairs and eyebrows were plucked, Big stood before her sex with a tailored make football.**

** What now? Judy thought as she saw the mirror.**

Big gave the ball a tremendous boot, the ball rebounded from the hymen and he caught it. "That IS a solid hymen!" exclaimed Big.

Judy gave Big an imploring look as he prepared to kick the football again. _Please stop!_She thought.

Big sent the ball right into her hymen. "Wow! This is really exciting!" Big teased.

Judy looked at Big with the color gone from her face. All her nerves seemed to have come apart. I can't endure anymore! She thought.

After trying for about five minutes, everyone shouted, "GOAL!"

** Judy's hymen was torn. Then she felt the excruciating pain. It shots right up her body and then exploded, within her brain, in a shower of white and red stars. Big squatted on the vagina and began to lick the virgin blood. He had been carried away as she come - by her lemon favor juice, but this pleased him.**

** "That was awesome!" Big's eyes gleamed. "First time bathed with girl's juice."**

** Kevin placed Big's small car on the table.**

** This is not good. Judy thought as Big started the engine.**

** "I wish I can drive into her vagina," Raymond half whispered. "This looks exciting." His eyes sparkled.**

** Drive into my pee hole? Judy thought. She was struck dumb with astonishment.**

** Judy could hardly believe her eyes as Big disappeared into her vagina slowly. She felt a sudden thrust of pain as he drove and entered the soft, swollen walls of her vagina. She could feel the weight of the tires on her inner walls. Like a bull elephant was rampaging about in the jungle, Big dashed around like a bat out of hell. If she was not gagged, she would have screamed like there was no tomorrow.**

** The pain was unbearable. How was she going to survive? Was she going to die here - in this room with her tormentor who clearly was enjoying every minute of his power over her as he thought of more methods to inflict pain on her?**

** Finally, Big drove out from the wounded vagina. "Alright, boys and girls, you all can fuck her now but don't kill her," said he with a laugh. "I want her to feel regret to be a female police officer."**

** "MMMMMM!!!" Judy wanted to tell them that she was regretted now.**

** Raymond was telling Kevin excitedly, "I can't believe this, she is NOT regret at all!"**

** "MMMMMM!!!" Judy wanted to tell them that they were wrong.**

** "Let's continue until she feels regret," Kevin vowed.**

** "MMMMMM!!!"** Judy swayed her head from side to side with worry.

** Kevin flipped the switch to release Judy's legs but the mechanical hands lifted high her legs. All of her sex was opened up for his eyes, from the crevice of her ass, her tiny brown anus pursed erotically. Her cunt opened up like a flower, her full lips had no choice but to part and reveal the pink flesh of her inner lips, but what drew his attention was the opening of the hole he would soon fuck.**

** "Listen carefully, from now onwards, you must entertain 50 men a day," Raymond informed Judy. "We'll remove your limbs should you disobey us."**

** Judy made a wrong decision and now she must pay the consequences.**

** Meanwhile, clever Nick was having fun with his new mate now.**

** Three months later, Judy was sold as a slave to the Katina Slave Market.**

The end.

Private Club

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own Star Fox. Characters © their respective owners. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks...

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Exchange Wife

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own Star Fox. Characters © their respective owners. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks...

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Poor Krystal

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own Star Fox. Characters © their respective owners. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks...

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