Furries: A Poem

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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'Nuff said!

Among the Trekkies, Whovians, and Star-Wars Nerds too,

There is a fandom of which your knowledge may or may not be blurry.

So, leave it to me to make it known to you,

The group that is simply known as the Furries.

Furries have an interest, a bond you could say,

With animals on two legs, speaking perfect English.

However, people often try, or so it's been displayed,

This gathering they relinquish.

They've been recognized as sex-addicts. Nothing more, nothing less.

But stereotypes those representations are.

This unusual interest is an interest, nonetheless,

And it normally doesn't go that far.

Furries are friendly, and open as a gate.

So, do them a favor, and ease on the hate.


Serenifi Anthology: A Looney Welcome

It was morning at Acme Looniversity. Serenity Coyote and Fifi La Fume were in their homeroom. "You're cuter." "Non, vous!" "That enormous fluffy tail makes you look like a superstar that's also pro-animal-rights! And God... Purple's my favorite color....

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A Special Message From FSD99...

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Serenifi: The Video Game: Bonus Character Guide

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