The Death of a Prince - ACT VII

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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The Death of a Prince - ACT VII

By Lady Stromstride Cloud

Heart Stopper was not a cold mare, she was merely indifferent to the whims of most ponies unless they suited her needs at the time; to which end she listened to Feather Touch speaking with a shaky voice and a very submissive posture. She heard him drone on uselessly about dark magic and something about it causing the crack in Stormstrides's Horn to get larger to the point the magic was literally drooling out of her. The mare wanted to tell him to shut up, the longer he talked, the more she got to get a good view of him in that proper toga. She had to admit he was a rather nice looking specimen of breeding stock, perfect for a few females she had in mind.

That was for later though, as no stallion could be expected to perform his function properly if he were such a ball of nerves like this. She paid a bit more attention when she caught a glimpse of the wild, terrified look in his eyes as he paced. His magnificent wings flaring open. She had always admired them, knowing they would make the perfect decorations on a wall somewhere. However, once clipped they would never produce feathers again, and he produced some of the longest and softest feathers she had seen. Stormstride must use them to write those letters of hers, and goodness she must have stuffed that velvety pillow she sent with last tribute with the down. It was positively heavenly to recline her lower back on; and with that decided she felt it would serve her needs better to let him keep his wings. After all, she might just order some of those quills for her own letters.

When he finished, he bowed to her, all the way to the floor, at which point she rose and gently motioned him to stand and follow her. She led him to the little balcony garden, one similar to the balcony garden on his own bedroom window as she gently caressed his cheek with a tender, almost loving hoof.

"My dear little pony. You have yet to fully grasp the situation. The use of Dark magic, especially here in Kastrot is not illegal. And certainly poses no danger. Why, I would go so far as to say your darling wife has saved lives by the use of this 'dangerous' magic. Imagine if you would the incident last month where she stood at the dock with only two of her guards to receive a shipment; and picture if she had not used the dark magic to pacify those mongrels at the docks that would have smashed her own package over her head. Could only two of her guards stop them? No, I do not believe so. In fact I believe she would have died, and that would have left you all alone in the world, having to pass your title of nobility to your brother in law, or," taking a moment to gasp in horror she looked him in the eyes.

"Your darling daughter! Why she is so young and tender and unready to lead. It would have caused chaos to erupt! And so many dock workers would have been executed for murdering a minor noble! Think of the riots and death that would follow that! In the end, your family may have lost it all! No my darling Feather Touch, she did the right thing by casting her spells. Controlling the mind of the mob, guiding them toward the path of guilt and remorse over the path of angry blood and violence!"

Heart Stopper left off the parts where it would have cost her a fair bit to replace those workers, and she would have taken them from Cloud family lands to do it. She turned her attention to the thoughts of using Stormstride using dark magic. Oh this was a juicy bit of information now; and knowing this she understood how Stormstride had grown her plantation from that little shriveling hole into such a vast empire of wine.

"Now, does that put your soft little mind at ease?" She cooed in his ear. Feather Touch trembled as he nodded softly, fully under her sway as she spoke and slowly retracted her hoof. My he smelt good, she needed to get him to divulge those secrets of his on making perfumes and scented soaps; it was really only fair she get to have such things to herself and not let them be marketed about like some common commodity.

Feather Touch seemed more at ease now, and she wondered what other secrets she could coax from when, when the unmistakable clack of metal on marble signaled the approach of Stromstride herself. As the mare approached she seemed most surprised to see her husband here. Nevertheless she bowed deeply, and kissed the hoof of her patron as she would no doubt kiss her husband. Tender, warm, full of pride and affection enough that Heart Stopper almost would have blushed if she were any common noble mare. No, she knew these two were wrapped around her hoof tightly and beautifully like any proper subservient should be.

"I have returned with good tidings from Equestria. Establishing trade of my wine in the inns was not as fruitful, however I have spread much of the glory of Kastrot, seeding the ponies there with the desire to be here where it is paradise." Stormstride stood fully as Heart Stopper bade her too, smiling at her industrious little work mare. Ingenious work, twisting the minds of lesser pony folk to bring them under Heart Stopper's sway like that, and all for her own greedy ends; Heart Stopper was loving to see this mare work more and more. But then her eyes caught that crack, and my goodness perhaps Feather Touch was not exaggerating as much as she thought, as that crack was more a large chunk missing and the small cracks around it had spread.

Heart Stopper would have suggested Stormstride seek medical help, but then she noticed the new clothing, and the glint in the mare's eye. Oh she had even more delicious news to spread around! Leading Stormstride with Feather, but staying between them as they got to the balcony, she whispered softly.

"I can see it in your eyes darling. You radiate some joyous news. Come now, tell me your dirty little secret. What is it that makes your cheeks so flush?" She teased and coaxed, wanting the answer from her little pet.

"My lady will be most pleased to know that my husband has sired within my womb, three foals. It seems that not only am I blessed by your grace to become a proper mother, but my first birthing will be three foals from my darling husband," Stormstride said, almost so prideful it made Heart Stopper want to giggle.

"Oh my, triplets on the first try. My, my, my Feather Touch you productive stallion. I wonder if you could do that with some of the less fortunate girls on the island. Oh of course I would have to ask your wife first. What do you think of that proposal my Lady Stormstride?" She asked, knowing full well that Stormstride would agree with her instantly and without hesitation.

"If he wants too, then of course. Though I must make a little demand. Don't have him so worn out that he can't walk when he is done. I would like to have my husband back intact if you please," Stormstride practically had her voice dripping in loyalty as she replied. Feather Touch seemed to be rather excited now, as his back legs shifted and he could be seen trying to shift his weight most uncomfortably to hide something from them. Heart Stopper smiled inside, knowing this was a wonderful little plan of hers.

"Well then, how about I send some girls to the castle in two months?" she asked, not really asking. That was where Stormstride's brow furrowed and she shook her head. That surprised Heart Stopper, as Stormy had never turned her down on anything before.

"I am afraid in two months we will have a prior engagement my lady. It is CaramelCream's birthday, and my friends Prince Blueblood of Canterlot and his gentlecolt's gentlecolt Psmith have invited our family to the Palace to host the party for her. They have not seen her since the wedding and wish to see how much she has grown. Perhaps sooner, if you would kindly?" Stormstride asked, knowing she could get berated for this.

Heart Stopper however, saw great opportunity in this event. Stormstride was friend with Equestrian Royalty no less. Oh she had seen the wedding guest list but had never imagined that the invited prince would have actually shown up! How fortunate for Heart Stopper of Kastrot indeed, knowing full well the guile her little warrior pony possessed with that darkened tongue. Perhaps she could whisper in the prince's ear for her, and get him to pay her a visit. Though, she figured he was already in a place where he could not negotiate his way out of whatever arranged marriage those Princesses had him in, he could certainly come see Heart Stopper long enough to sire an illegitimate foal or two she could use as leverage and bargain for something in the future.

"Oh this will never do to deprive your eldest daughter of her birthday at the Canterlot palace! Yes yes, I can most certainly see this being far more important to your family. What say you Feather-weather? Should we hold off for a while? Possibly until after the return of your family to their rightful place?" She cooed as her horn glowed, teasing between his back legs. Caressing his inner thighs softly to make him snort and shuffle more, which seemed to get Stormstride to look on in amusement at her Husband's obvious torment and need.

After a bit more of her magical caresses, Heart Stopper let him be as she turned and flicked her tail across his nose, which got an immediate snort of desire. The perfect reaction to a tamed stallion for his mistress. He knew who he really belonged too; no matter how much he loved his wife and she loved him, both of them were her property.

As Stormstride walked back out with her husband in tow, she smiled, figuring he was out here begging Heart Stopper for something or the other; but the particular what of the matter bothered her some. It was as they walked down the stairs to the waiting carriage that she spoke to him softly.

"Darling, why were you here today? It's most unusual for you to be here without a summons to the courts addressed to us both," she was more curious than worried, but still worried.

"Your use of dark magic. It's damaged your horn further. I was terrified it was hurting you. And....what if it breaks your horn off? What if we can't undo the damage it caused, and you can no longer cast your spells?" Stormstride looked at him and saw it in his eyes. He was so worried for her well-being, he was near to tears. As they entered the carriage, she cast her eyes up and saw the massive missing piece in her horn; that was going to be very problematic and would explain the headaches. She nodded softly and sighed as she leaned on him gently.

Her hoof trailed over his toga, outlining the rather impressive girth between his back legs that was still twitching from all the teasing Heart Stopper did to him no doubt. Stormstride smirked as their carriage bounced along, the four guards in the carriage with them were all male, and she winked at them, getting them to chuckle softly. Stormstride slowly worked her husband up into a frenzy where he was trying to flap. That was all she needed to see before she turned in her seat and slid out from her own dress for his eyes to see.

Feather was familiar with this game, very much so as he snorted hotly, and his ears flicked back and forth at the sight. She turned so he had to mount her, but turn his tail to the stallions in the cart with them. She loved to get him too riled up to say no, where he wouldn't be able to resist her like this even with ponies watching them openly. He knew what she was getting at, and he had to admit it did turn him on a fair bit. He slid from his own toga, quietly nibbling his way down her side to her belly. Though here he paused to caress her with hoof and wing; letting his lips trace soft, loving kisses upon her tender tummy as she cooed sweetly. Their foals were growing inside her, and she hoped in the future to have a few more.

As he continued his way to her flank, she began to wink lewdly, giving the stallions in the coach with them quite the show. Amid the whispered comments, there was a few snorts of desire and knickers of anticipation. All the guards shuffling to get some room in their armor. They knew Stormy wouldn't leave them like this, certainly not given this select group were unicorns like she and thus, top of her harem.

Even as Feather Touch moved behind her, Stormstride angled herself to give them all a decent view as her husband got what he wanted; and he wasted no time in making certain he got it. Stormstride loved how playful and rough he could get. But more than anything she loved how he always made certain she enjoyed it as well. The carriage bounced along, though some of the bouncing was not from the slightly bumpy path.

Even with the group inside being quiet for the most part, the guards around and pulling the coach knew what was going on inside, and a few of them passed knowing looks about who was on top of who. Feather had been known to dabble in males from time to time, the gentler Pegasus males that knew how to caress his wings and not hurt them.

Drawing close to town, the carriage carried on to the castle, the guards giving waves to ponies they knew. Business in the quiet community was proceeding as normal, and it seemed that things were all well and good; as Heavyhoof was standing at his post by the front gate watching for the return of his Lord and Lady. Once inside, he joined them as they exited the carriage, though he could already tell the ride back home was pleasant given the scent and smiling faces.

"Welcome home masters. Things have been quiet today for the most part, as CaramelCream took a pair of guards with her to the town to sample the wares of a new bakery, Thunderbuck has decided to stay in the castle for today and enjoy some time getting a massage." Stormstride arched her eyebrow and smirked to herself. Her brother seemed to have finally gotten the nerve up to engage in a bit of relaxing with one of the girls giving him a rub down. That was unusual, but she felt it was a welcome surprise.

"Oh good. I was hoping he would learn to relax and let go a bit. Well, I'm going to soak in a bath until dinner is ready. I have had a long trip home and I want to take the time to enjoy not only a bath but a massage of my own." She made for the stairs as Heavyhoof stayed behind to help unload the luggage Stormstride brought back with her.

As Stormstride and Feather climbed up to their bedroom, they began to hear the loud sounds of some pony moaning out. Looking to each other, they were confused and began to move up the stairs more cautiously. It was not that they were afraid, for there were guards everywhere; it was more a matter of catching some pony in a compromising positon was more fun and interesting, but required a degree of caution. The sounds were coming from the third floor.

As they reached it, Stormstride moved slower so that her metal shoes would not clack so loudly on the floor. The moans and grunts were coming from their private bath chamber, which made her slightly irritated but also very interested. As they reached the door, the couple slowly eased it open to find Thunderbuck sprawled out completely on a massage table, and Stormstride's favored mare servant tending him with a full body massage.

Stepping into the room, Stormstride cleared her throat loudly; which got the attention of the massage pony and made her step back in surprise. She seemed upset and timid suddenly, even though Stormstride showed no anger. Buck looked up, then back down.

"Hey. Welcome home Stormstride. How are you?" he asked in that same soft voice. Though the voice was the same, Stormstride could tell that her brother had far too much confidence in himself and was out of character.

"You know we can hear you all the way in the entry way. It sounded rather... interesting," she giggled before continuing, "It also seems you have found the confidence to go without your mask." She didn't see it on his face, however her question was answered when he levitated it up from beside the massage bed.

"I've stopped wearing it when I am in the castle. All the ponies here know me, and I feel comfortable around them as long as there are no guests staying over," he whispered and motioned the mare to continue the massage. The mare looked to Stromstride first, whom nodded and motioned as well. Returning to her duties, the mare coaxed a rather heavy pop from Thunderbuck's spine. And that brought out a deep moan of delight. Well that certainly explained the sound, Stormstride thought.

Chuckling, Feather Touch turned and left the room, trailing a wing over his wife's flank; which drew out a soft shiver from her. He mentioned going to get some scent for the bath, as Stormstride moved to the large tub. As she rang the bell softly, the other ponies came to see. Seeing their mistress having returned they went about lavishing her with affection as they disrobed her and she requested a bath for herself and Feather.

Enjoying being tended like this, the noble mare let them kiss and rub against her. She enjoyed being the queen of her own little domain, and it was always better to be seen as the strict but loving queen she was, in her eyes. The public opinion of her was much the same as far as she could tell, however she was not in town at all hours and could not hear the conversations within the homes of her ponies over dinner. So she was only to assume they felt the same as the known public opinion.

As the bath began to fill, Stormstride did something she normally only did when she was alone, and kissed one of her pretty ponies. Feather Touch came back just in time to see it, and snorted softly as he smiled. Buck glanced over, and rolled his eyes as he began to ignore them. Stormstride kissed another one then, before coaxing Feather Touch to join them. These ponies were in Storm and Feather's harems. Feather began to indulge as well, once he was in the tub with them all.

It was well over several hours later that the three nobility emerged from the private bath. They were all feeling rather refreshed, and relaxed now; and Thunderbuck let his mask sit on his breast plate rather than on his face. They could hear CaramelCream speaking to one of the servants, asking about how they would like to take a tea party the next day. As the three adults came into the dining hall, they found Caramel helping to set the table.

The adults kept quiet, watching in amusement at the servant standing there rather uncertain of how to answer the filly before her. Then the servant noticed the noble adults of the family. They motioned her to keep silent and just answer. The servant made certain Caramel was looking at her to read her lips before she spoke, stating she would enjoy taking the time for her. Caramel seemed pleased and then helped finish setting the table, though with five place settings, instead of four.

"Are we expecting guests?" Buck asked, putting a hoof on his mask immediately. The servant heard and looked up as if seeing them for the first time to save some face. She explained that a message had arrived while they were in the bath, stating that upon the request of lady Stormstride herself, a stallion was arriving to join them for dinner to discuss business and possible profit in an exchange of property.

Stormstride narrowed her eyes, and felt that familiar untrusting itch crawl up her back. She had no memory of sending such a request, though it may have slipped her mind in all the revelry recently added to the fact she was expanding her business in wine very much lately. Her tail flicked as she turned on hoof and called out for Heavyhoof. The moment he came running in, she spoke in a military tone, making certain that her face was where CaramelCream couldn't see her lips moving.

"Prepare the guard, we are receiving an unexpected visitor. I want the town kept safe so post the full contingent on alert. As well, set the catapult teams to full ready. I want Pegasus teams in the air now. And get the honor guard in full battle armor. Have the field workers pulled back to their homes, and have them prepare to evacuate to the castle in the event of attack." Stormstride almost barked her orders at the Captain of her guard.

Heavyhoof knew that town and took it seriously enough that he was out the door calling out all guards to their posts immediately. Stormstride was not a fool, and the town heeded her words by taking the foals home to their families, sealing homes fully, and closing shops early. The vineyard workers were taken from the fields, and locked themselves in the shelters that Stormstride had built into the workers' barracks under guard protection. Those shelters were stocked with food and water, and built to be ventilated into the fields hidden from view and protected from fire in the fields.

Caramel knew something was wrong when her mother ordered her to go upstairs with the servants and her personal two guards and hide in her room. She never questioned her mother before, and did not want too now. Thunderbuck slid the mask on his face and teleported away to his cottage in the courtyard, sealing the doors and waiting for an all clear. Stormstride had the table reset with the more fancy finery she used when Heart Stopper or another noble came to call. The kitchen was alerted and then only minimal staff were allowed to stay, the rest sent home to tend their families.

When dinner time came and went, Stormstride summoned her armor to herself and sent her husband to hide with their daughter. She moved to the second floor ramparts, watching the roads and fields. All night, she stayed up watching for some sign of either a visitor in peace, or the invasion she felt was just over the horizon. There was nothing left to do, but wait it out.

Her guards changed out in shifts and kept taking naps to ensure there was always a pony on watch at all the watch points. No pony doubted this was most unusual, for they knew Stormstride and knew they gave no such orders lightly. This shut down her town and did not take kindly to that. It was almost two in the morning when the sound of a carriage reached her ears, and just after, a Pegasus landed by her and saluted.

"My lady. A carriage approaches the town alone. It has one guard with the driver and puller ponies. The guard and driver are unicorns, and have spotted none of our guards outside the watch towers. I left two Pegasus to trail behind them from above and report here if they change course." The mare said. Stormstride nodded and began to pace slowly.

"Did you notice a house marking on the carriage? What about the armor? Can you describe it to me please?" Stormstride had to consider her next course of action carefully. The cook had left one of his apprentice chefs on duty to keep the castle staff and troops fed for the time being; though that being said, the only thing this pony could easily carry was small sandwiches and coffee. Accepting a cup of coffee from this passing pony, the Pegasus spoke softly.

"Yes. The crest is that of Ironhoof. The curtains of the carriage were drawn tightly to prevent us from seeing inside. However the guard was in full plate armor, iron composite with what looked like possibly a silver inlay in the helm around the horn to provide enhanced magic ability. The driver was in more regal attire, similar to what Heart Stopper's carriage drivers wear. Puller ponies were earth ponies I believe. They were at full gallop, and not stopping. They seemed afraid of something, tough we could find nothing following them for at least five miles back."

Stormstride nodded and ordered the soldier to return to their post and to take the remaining Pegasus patrol following the carriage back with them. Stormstride then turned to the kitchen pony and told them to go wake the chef and have him prepare as best a meal as he could immediately. Expect nobility of Maretonia, and to expect harsh comments from that noble, but to just swallow them for now. That done, Stormstride walked back inside to the bedroom of her daughter. Her husband was still there with the guards and staff. Taking minimal staff she told her husband to stay put and stay silent, that Ironhoof was arriving soon.

Moving to their bedchambers, she dismissed her armor and dressed herself in something subtly delicate. Coming down the stairs she watched the servants set up as though they were going about normal tasks. It was just shy of three in the morning when the carriage pulled into her courtyard and came to a stop. Coming outside, she poised herself and waited for Ironhoof to step out. However when the door opened she was hit full in the face with a blast of magic that caught her by surprise. The guard on the carriage leapt down and pinned her down as Ironhoof stepped out and towered over her prone form.

"I warned you mare. You should never have angered me, and now you will pay for th..." his words were cut short as a well-aimed spear pierced his throat from the side. The unicorn guard turned to retaliate but found himself scooped up by four Pegasus guards and carried up into the air where his magic use would result in his long fall. Heavyhoof held his spear in place as the noble fell slowly to the ground, trying to magically pry it away as his consciousness began to fail him. Stormstride shook her head and slowly came up; her mind was in utter fog as she tried to make sense of matters.

The spear was pushed back out and Ironhoof clasped his hoof over the bleeding wound, hurling a spell at Heavyhoof, whom skipped away quickly before it could strike him. Ironhoof turned his horn on the still dazed Stormstride before he was lit up with lighting. His gurgling screams filled the air as the lightning held him in place. The caster walking toward him slowly, holding the spell on him and cauterizing his wound and thus, saving his life for now.

As Stormstride came back to her senses, she saw Thunderbuck standing over the prone noble as the spell released. There was little doubt that Buck possessed more power than he had let on to any pony. The heavy thunder of hooves came running, making the courtyard vibrate as guards surrounded the party present and brandished weapons at the prone noble. Stormstride looked up, and her eyes closed. Her horn lit up as she fired a pulse of magic to act as a flare. She could see the four pegasi guards holding the struggling guard up in the air. They brought him down slowly though the moment he touched ground, Stormstride summoned her armor as they released his legs and forced him down into a bowing position. Stromstride came toward him, her magic gripping the sheathed sword and drawing the lengthy blade. A dozen ethereal blades formed and danced around her as her own guards backed away. Thunderbuck moved between her and the prone guard, he said nothing through the mask.

Storm stood there for a few moments, before nodding and moving to back away. Then the ethereal blades flashed and danced past Buck before he could move. They severed the mane, tail and horn of the unicorn cleanly and very close to his coat. He screamed as the pain of having his horn removed like that was excruciating indeed.

"There was no need in doing that sister. He was defeated." Buck said sternly. She turned to look at him calmly.

"On the contrary, he was still a threat to you brother. He could have taken you hostage and used you as a shield or caused you harm. This way, he can live and return home to what family he has, albeit in dishonor and without his horn. It is not he that attracts my rage this night, but his master. Heavyhoof, have a guard take Buck inside. He should not have to witness this matter," she said softly as she moved her way back to the prone and writhing nobility.

Her horn dimmed softly, dismissing the ethereal blades. She sheathed her sword as she stepped to his face. He glared up at her and tried to spit. The wound was sealed, but if he continued to struggle it would rip open again; compounding the fact he had lost a good deal of blood to begin with. Stromstride brushed off where he spit on her, and leaned down to look him in the eyes.

"If you had any brains in your head, you would have gone through a messenger first. I would have been less suspicious. And your attempt would have succeeded. However, you see we are well prepared and defended here. We saw you coming far off, and rather than being in bed, we were prepared for your arrival. I could have had my catapults launch on your carriage three miles out, and buried you under rubble. Your confidence with your hooves is misplaced when compared to the loyalty and training of my ponies. That is what makes you weak. You can't be bothered to trust others. I learn what they can do and help them use that in their lives. So if you still want combat I can certainly arrange that. A winner take all contest of strength. You, and myself in the courtyard here and now. I certainly won't stop you if that is what you desire.

"However, I offer you an alternative. You can return home, tonight, and never return to my lands ever again. This matter is already being reported to Heart Stopper. What you failed to notice is that I have Pegasus on my side. And one of them is a legendary flying pony. He can get her the urgent message in under two hours, and inform her of your attack and that we are still engaged in combat. How will that look to the tribunal come tomorrow? That you attacked a minor noble over an issue that was already decided. This is Kastrot, and you have no power here. And under the law, all that is yours will become Heart Stopper's. Perhaps you should have brought more than one guard and your driver. I will be taking your cart ponies though. They look as though they need a good rest and some decent food. It's too bad about your carriage though, taking a direct lightning hit and catching fire like that."

Stormstride spoke in such a soft tone, only Heavyhoof and Ironhoof could hear her because they were the closest. Heavyhoof's spear tip hovered an inch from the noble's face, his burns aching all over as he slowly considered his options. In her armor, she could easily take any spell he threw at her now. He had paid a few ponies for the information and only launched that spell because she was out of her armor. He knew it was made to catch magic. As wounded as he was now, a walk back would kill him and he knew it; compounding the fact his only hope at that point was to be arrested by Heart Stopper for attacking her pet war mongrel in silk.

He had forgotten her guards, and in his haste to hurry and kill her he made a novice mistake to ensure she was not guarded. Her guard captain was also looking for blood, but Ironhoof would never suffer the indignity of being killed by some earthen hooved peasant in enchanted armor. His reply was garbled by blood and burned tongue, but he uttered his full surrender to Stormstride. She stood slowly and turned to Heavyhoof.

"Fetch the doctors of the town. All of them. This is a serious issue. Have the unicorn medical unit come here immediately to help stabilize his wounds. Buck nearly fried him to death. We have to be quick to save his life," she said softly. Heavyhood did not question his mistress, but carried her orders out immediately. The needed ponies arrived within ten minutes, and began removing the burned, charred iron armor that was Ironhoof's signature attire. Under it they found extensive surface burns in the second degree. The stallion's hard armor had acted like a lightning rod, and his own blind arrogance had caused him to not be prepared for a counter attack on her behalf.

The sun was fully risen when the doctors reported to her that he would live, but that he could not be moved from the guest room for some time yet. She nodded and entered the room, seeing he was surrounded by guards and noticing that he was heavily sedated to keep the pain at bay. Heavyhoof stood beside her, looking at Ironhoof.

"Why did you spare his life?" He asked softly.

"Because he wasn't a threat anymore. What could he have done at this point? He knew if he tried, I would have killed him, and by law of rights I could petition and likely take his land, his title, and his fortune. He would never stand for that. He would rather burn it all himself. He likely still is given that he owes me reparations for an unwarranted attack in the middle of the night. But then, what need have I for more coin when I already have the best friends in the world watching my back?" She smiled and slid a hoof around Heavyhoof's shoulder gently. He hugged her back, and the pair then returned to their duties for the day.

With things returning to normal, the town was back to business as usual. Though gossip was common enough, mostly it was ignored and with good reason. The burning carriage in the courtyard was left out in the open to make an example of why no pony should mess with Stormstride. Though the carriage had been moved before it was torched, to make room for Heart Stopper's arrival. As Stormstride guessed, Heart Stopper arrived that afternoon, escorted by her own honor guard. The scene was not cleaned up at all, and it made her slightly disgusted to see blood and damaged armor lying about. Then she spotted Ironhoof's metal crest poking up from the still glowing embers of the carriage fire.

As she rushed inside, she was met by Stormstride and her act began. Embracing the minor nobility to let her know how happy she was to see her safe and sound. Adding to this act she sprinkled heavily in the questions of family, casualties, damages and all the other things a concerned friend would normally ask. Stormstride assured her that aside from a minor face ache, she was fine thanks to the efforts of her well trained soldiers. And then Heart Stopper heard the words she really wanted to hear, that the triplets were fine and the doctor said she only had minor magical burns to her face.

Now Heart Stopper put on the face of anger and wanted to see the fiend that had done this. To this Stormstride led her to the guest room where the pair were being held. The guard was subdued, powerless without his horn to do anything but sit quietly in utter defeat and dishonor. While Heart Stopper felt that was justice enough, she wondered if Stromstride was going to keep him around as a trophy, as she herself certainly would.

When the curtain around the bed was pulled back, Heart Stopper actually recoiled in disgust at what she saw. She almost gagged, though she herself had seen worse. She was not exactly prepared for something like this out here in the wine country. Looking at Stormstride she spoke in a low whisper as if not wanting to actually get the attention of Ironhoof, but hoping he was actually looking at her.

"Did you do this to him? I am impressed by your magic my dear but would it not have been better to just put him out of his misery? All of his land and title would have been yours if you had. Certainly you know that to be true. I never would stand in the way of your rise to greater power," she said. But of course she would, she needed Stormstride right where she was for now. The mare was too useful to be cut loose and if this was any indication of her magical prowess too powerful not to be controlled.

"Actually no. I didn't so this to him. My brother did. He had been in his cottage when the attack began. He rushed in and fired all his magic into a single shot of lightning. Had he not, Iron would have killed my Captain and then me. I was dazed when the initial attack struck me in the face. Heavyhoof rammed his spear into Ironhoof's neck and wounded him, but the chainmail meant he couldn't get a full impact. He fought with Heavyhoof until he got the spear from his grasp and went to hurl a spell at him. My pegasi guards had that one there held in the air. His struggles almost made them drop him, as if he wasn't almost too heavy in that iron armor. Then Buck came running in with a lightning spell. Cooked Ironhoof in his own armor. Just wouldn't let go of him until the big brute was on the ground. Doctors said he has some serious burns on his neck and face. That's what saved his life actually. Buck burned the sounds shut. Said it would be more cruel to let him live with it."

Normally Heart Stopper would agree, but coming from Thunderbuck that was most unusual and knew that Stormstride was likely trying to make up something to cover for Buck wanting Ironhoof left alive. However what was done was done, and that meant Heart Stopper now needed to set in motion claiming the title and all holdings of Ironhoof. She knew Stormstride would graciously give them to her in tribute, so she wouldn't bother with telling Stormy until it was over. After all, it would never do to stress an expecting mother lest she miscarry. No she would just handle the matter herself and then give Stormy some nice fertile land for growing grapes, probably next to the patch she already bought. That would make her little pet soldier happy, wouldn't it?

The smile was so slight that Stormstride never saw it, but Ironhoof did through his lidded eye, and he knew he was on the verge of losing it all. His muffled groan of displeasure was silenced when Heart Stopper's eyes snapped on him with a 'try to speak and I'll have more than your tongue cut off' look on her features. Stormstride smirked and muttered under her breath about having the doctor put him under again so she didn't have to listen to the groaning.

Satisfied with this turn of events, Heart Stopper made a show of yawning and stretching. Stormstride immediately sent for her personal hoof maidens, having them prepare the private bedchambers of herself for Heart Stopper to rest in immediately. Then she turned to her patron and offered food and rest, insisting that it was the least she could do for the mare that raised her up from poverty to power and riches. Heart Stopper tried to resist, feigning that she couldn't impose; to which Stormstride began to plead that she stay, because it was only proper to serve one's patron properly, even if the reason for the visit was grim.

Stormstride had all her pretty ponies called to the bedchamber to service any need Heart Stopper had, providing for her anything she would possibly ask for. Fresh fruit and chilled wine were already being brought up, as a proper meal was being made and she was given total control of the castle. As the pair came back into the hall, CaramelCream met them, bowing deep and low and offering Heart Stopper a fairly worshipping kiss upon the hoof. Heart Stopper was greatly surprised and very pleased by this. She had seen other nobility that hid away their 'diseased' family members from her. But lo, Stormstride had turned hers into a proper and very regal young mare to be. Heart Stopper knew the girl was deaf, but she could read lips and with a great poise she spoke her greeting.

Stormstride was pleased by her daughter's great respect, and Heart Stopper began to think that she might actually have some use for this young mare one day. Though it was still a few years yet that she would be of marriage age, it was still very easy to see that with her ample form she would be able to bare a decent sized foal easily. A bit on the heavy side, but she knew several noble stallions that liked that and would love to add this plump little gem to their collection. And for a handsome fee, Heart Stopper would indeed. Stormstride would never object, and it seemed that Caramel was just as wrapped up as parents. She politely excused herself to her lessons in magic and ventured away with poise and gentle steps that made nary a sound upon the stone floor. Bare hooved and wearing only her toga, the filly was quiet and calm.

As Stormstride led Heart Stopper to the bedchamber, the noble found it very much to her liking. Her own family crest dominating the light of the room, through the stained glass window facing the sun and casting a warm glow about the place. Now adding to this, there was a tile mosaic of Heart Stopper herself on the ceiling, protecting the lovers below, and guiding them. Heart Stopper's ego was stroked to no end at the level of worship this little minor noble family put into her image. Why they had made her out to be some kind of goddess, and captured her beauty in such detail that all the other ponies in the image seemed to bow to her in pure reverence just from her presence.

And then the noble mare turned her eyes on the modest but lovely selection of pretty ponies. Stormstride had certainly picked very well, as all of them possessed that lovely feminine quality and subservient nature befitting a true owned pony. And she saw them all wearing dual crested necklaces, the center piece was Heart Stopper's own family crest, with smaller Cloud family crests on either side; and all of them seemed well fed, very clean, and very eager to serve Heart Stopper as they focused all their attention on her. To the side she saw Feather Touch himself, with his own massage table and several ponies she knew were there to massage and bathe her at a whim. Oh she was going to enjoy this vacation. Even if it only lasted a couple days, she had this township under her total control and no pony here dared defy her wants. Perhaps she would test Feather Touch's hooves for herself.

The Death of a Prince - ACT VI

# The Death of a Prince - ACT VI By Stormstride Cloud The party of Canterlot ended after only a couple more days. Stormstride had paid for pretty much all the food and drink, and then paid for extra cleaning to be done to return the middle and...

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The Death of a Prince - ACT V

# The Death of a Prince - ACT V By Lady Stormstride Cloud. Heavyhoof watched as Thunderbuck's party was arriving back home. He could tell they looked exhausted just from the way they dismounted the coach. As the Captain came to meet them, he noticed...

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The Death of a Prince - ACT IV

Barely a day had passed since Thunderbuck and his protection had arrived in Ponyville, and he already felt like he needed to leave. Usually when he came through performing his music ponies would enjoy his presence. Now he felt eyes on him at all...

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