Alpha Test - Part 1

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#1 of Alpha Test

Mike finds strength and purpose in a children's video game.

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Special thanks to Guri, Rob Baird, Rokanoss, WolfPrinceKouga, Blake, Silvani, Jeff, Kona, Aang, and the rest of my beloved patrons for all their love and support!

"Hey, Vanessa, did you hear about the Envivo?" I ask, barely able to restrain my excitement.

"The what?" she replies, peeking over the wall of her cubicle to peer down at me.

I swivel my chair around to face her.Vanessa is too good for this job, I think, momentarily frozen by her beautiful complexion (which seems to come effortlessly to the young, working woman). I don't know why she ended up in a call center. She isn't a loser like me.

Just staring up at Vanessa makes me wilt slightly. "The...uh...Envivo. The next step in virtual reality."

"Oh." Vanessa pauses there, dangling on the top of the thin, plastic wall that separated us, starting to tip backward until she is about to disappear back into her work.

I have to act fast. I exhale quickly, suddenly wondering if she can smell my breath. "It's supposed to be really cool." It works - she doesn't fall away just yet.

"I don't know, Mike, I never really got into video games."

"But this one is supposed to be really...," I pause, barely managing to avoid repeating myself, "...great. The headset actually syncs up with the neurons in your brain and acts as the full, sensory interface for -"

"Uh..." she interrupts. "What's that mean?" Her voice trails off in the question that sounds an awful lot like 'please stop talking'.

"Sorry. It's like you're really there. Anyway, my friend Harrison is developing a game and he's going to send me a developer's kit. If you want to try it sometime..."

Vanessa shakes her head politely. "Maybe sometime," she says, but I know she means 'no'. Every time I suggest a time or a place to meet outside of work, she says the same thing. 'Sometime' is code for never, and I can't blame her.

I'm Michael Pensky, and there's literally nothing to recommend me to anyone. Even I realize I'm just a fifteen-year-old boy in a twenty-three-year-old's body, and I only know that by comparison with my best friend, Harrison Matti. While I kept playing video games and tuning out during high school, Harrison kept working. I never understood how the kid could sit and study for two hours a night, but whatever went on in his head just seemed to click. He got straight A's with no apparent effort, and while I was beating him at Incursion 3, he was taking A.P. Calculus.

Back then, I was the one who got girls. I was funny, crude, and the other fifteen-year-olds liked my apathetic attitude. Everything changed when I graduated with a 2.5 GPA. I wasn't going to waste my time in college, but Harrison convinced me to try the local college for a year. I lasted one semester before dropping out. We stayed in touch, but while his interests got older and his sense of humor got smarter, I stayed the same. Harrison graduated in the middle of his class at a private university in computer programming while I was already starting my job at Kriegen's Sales.

Now Harrison works for an independent software developer named Pumpersoft which is still looking for its first big hit, and I spend my days trying to sell garbage to little old ladies in a small, humid office drowning in noisy phone conversations.

"Get back to work. I don't pay you to chit-chat."

I blink, returning to the real world. Vanessa jumps, turning to bow her head ever so slightly to our boss, Billy Kriegen. His blonde buzzcut tells you all you really need to know about him. Billy is like an alternate version of me if I were born to a rich family. A fuck-up his whole life, he only manages our branch because his dad is the CEO. He's living proof that having money and a fancy car really does get you chicks.

"Sorry, Mr. Kriegen," Vanessa stammers quickly, sliding back into her seat and picking up the phone.

"Michael...?" Billy glares down at me.

I don't want to give him the satisfaction, but I know what will happen if I challenge him. Holding my breath, I give him what he wants. "Sorry sir. Just telling Vanessa - well, nevermind." I don't want to calculate how many points I've lost with Vanessa for backing down, but at least I gain a few back by taking the blame for her. Nice guy points, for what they're worth.

"There's some good advice," Billy laughs. "You'd do a lot better if you never minded him, Vanessa." Surprisingly clever for him.

If there's one thing I like about Vanessa, it's that she doesn't give Billy the time of day. She says, "If you say so, Mr. Kriegen."

Unphased, he forges on. "I'm heading to the lake house this weekend if you want to go water skiing..."

Vanessa didn't even glance up, instead picking up her phone and scanning the list of calls on the monitor. She can't just ignore him, though. "Sorry, sir. It's my mother's birthday Saturday," she says, using an all-too familiar excuse. Somehow, I don't think Billy realizes what she's doing. "How's Susan, by the way?"

Susan is Billy's girlfriend.

"Oh, she's fine," Billy replies, and for once he shows some decency and stops hitting on Vanessa.

As soon as he leaves, Vanessa giggles and says over the cubicle, "I think my mom has four separate birthdays now."

Work drudges along until it's time to head home, and once again I leave alone, my car sputtering as I return to 'Castle Pensky', a one room efficiency that still eats away half my income every month. The lights flicker on and I toss my shoes into the kitchen and flop onto my bed.

Is this all there is?

That's when I notice the big cardboard box just inside the door, sitting at an angle. Everything about the box says 'the postman was too busy to place me gently'. I'd left the apartment unlocked for once because I was expecting this.

The Envivo.

As I jump upright, my apathy is pushed through my lazy lungs and pushed out of me in a loud exhale. My pride and joy sits, homebuilt in the corner, a computer made of the best parts my money can afford, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I wonder if the motherboard will feel the same excitement as the amazing, new technology slides into its USB 5 ports.

Grabbing my keys, I slice the box open with all the precision of a drunk surgeon, tossing the inflated plastic air bags onto the floor. It's not like I've got a girlfriend to impress. Boxes lead to more boxes, each smaller than the last, with little bits of cords and brain monitors and electrodes, and one small headband to fix them all in place. Unlike traditional V.R., there is no need for covering the eyes or ears - your senses are cut off almost like when you're asleep.

The Envivo controls everything you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.

After I have the whole thing plugged in and positioned according to specifications, I realize I forgot the most important part! Rushing to the outdoor mailboxes, my hand is shaking as I turn the key. Please be there, please be there!

"Yes!" I shout, ignoring the piles of phone books and newspapers to grab the shiny, purple envelope that read 'Harrison Matti'. Back home, I rip the envelope open so fast I almost lose the 2.5 terabyte flash drive hidden inside. In shiny, precise cursive, Harrison writes,

Hey man.

Thanks for testing this. Need everyone we can get at Pumpersoft. Make sure you get the electrodes right on opposite sides of the brain or you'll get a bad headache. It's really cool.

So, you know how I said I'd be working on Rocket Massacre? Instead, we got a huge licensing deal and it's crazy here. We're working 28 hour days, Mike. I had to steal half my code from an open-source Yellowstone simulation. So things might be a mess at first. If you can send me any bugs - I mean, anything that seems out of place for the game that I overlooked in the rush...?

Thanks Mike,


A huge licensing deal!? A simulation of Yellowstone National Park? Can they possibly have gotten a contract with Brunan 3? Forget jumping around and firing rockets everywhere, I want to fight dinosaurs. I almost can't breath as the file, labeled only 'Alpha Test', starts to install on my solid state drive.

Carefully, I place the little circular pads in the right places on my head, using the plug-and-play syncing software to make sure everything is just right for the perfect experience. I sit down carefully in my swivel chair and double-click the Envivo.

Instantly, there is nothing. I can't see or hear. I get the illusion of floating in space, and I try to wave my hand back and forth. Nothing happens, in the void or in my apartment - the electrodes intercept and redirect all conscious commands. It is already eight o'clock when the title screen finally flashes in front of my eyes (well, is sent through my synapses straight into my consciousness, anyway). Huge letters form in big bubbles in front of me, and they do not say Brunan 3.


All this anticipation...for a kid's show. I only know vaguely about Wolfstar from the internet. There is a bizarre cult following of the show by thirty-something adult males who seem to think the show has good character development and plot, but mostly they just creep everyone out. I guess it's about magical faerie wolves or something.

Talk about the let-down of the year. Still, the Envivo is supposed to make any experience out-of-this-world (by putting you into a new one). After suppressing a twinge of jealousy, I have to admit that Pumpersoft is getting a_huge_ opportunity with this license, as long as they don't screw it up. At least I can help iron out the kinks.

As the title screen fades away, the bright blue sky fades and I find myself inside a giant stone castle - mostly just a facade as my view is directed toward a wall with character customization options. I take a step, and my jaw drops. I_know_ I'm just sitting in a chair in my crappy apartment, but everything about that step feels right. I shift weight from one foot to the other, lean in and catch myself with the front foot. The fantasy castle wall looks every bit as real as Castle Pensky, until I realize that actually, it looks more real than reality.

Everything is crisp and in perfect focus, and I know that I really better get an update on my contact lens prescription. The game bypasses my flawed eyes and projects straight into my brain! The only thing that seems out of place in the damp, musky room is my body. When I move or point or look down all I can see of myself is a ghostly blue outline of myself. The game never scanned my face and body. But why would it? Looking at the character options in front of me, I see that I'm going to be looking awfully different.

After all, you had to be a wolf. I pointed toward the magic portrait on the wall that read "Male", and three different body types appeared: slender, standard, and strong. I almost pick strong, but it is a bit too thick for my taste, so I go with standard instead. The wolves in the show are kind of cartoony and so are these, but the males at least still look pretty cool. And now the most important choice: wing-type. Having never seen the show, I am surprised at the variety. You can have butterfly wings, bird wings, bat wings, pterodactyl wings, or dragonfly wings. I hover over the evil-looking leathery bat wings, but instead I just pick "none".

When I'm done with the other cosmetic options, I am looking at the wolf I will become. Black, spiky fur and pointed ears (no floppy ears for me!) and a simple but impressive leather collar with shiny silver buckles. I don't need all those fancy options to be cool. I say "Mike" when it prompts me for a name, and my voice echoes across the large, stone room so realistically that I freeze in place. This is going to be amazing!

Just before the game starts, a bright, white menu pops up with a single selection box. This option looks nothing like the rest of the UI, and now I see why. It says, "God-mode for bugtseting". Harrison didn't even bother to make sure it was spelled right. He didn't mention the option in the letter, so I figure it isn't meant for me and I skip that check box.

The scene fades to black, and I feel like I'm being dragged off to a new location - the starting area, no doubt. I'm really impressed because I can feel my stomach churn slightly as though I'm being plucked out of the castle and dragged miles away, even though the world is a pitch black. The darkness fades as the game narrates, "The world was plunged into darkness when the ancient Goddess Lupinia created the heavens and the Earth..."

As the deep voice says "heavens", a brilliant sunrise opens up in the distance, momentarily so blinding that I close my eyes. I have to squint, darker shapes slowly becoming visible as my eyes adjust, and the sun's rays fall upon a beautiful mountain range of tall leafy trees. I am so stunned I miss a lot of the intro, and only manage to pick out that the current kingdom of peace and harmony has lasted for ten thousand years under the wide leadership of the royal family Lupa, a long line of magical faerie wolves descended from the Goddess herself. But a growing tension is starting to engulf the land, and only I can stop it.

Now, finally, I can control more than just my head and eyes. I blink, taking a deep breath of cedar and fresh air. I'm crouched, and when I try to stand up, nothing happens. That's when I remember that I'm a wolf now. Looking down, I see my dark, black paws and bright, white claws, the spiky ruffle of my chest fur standing out. I have to do a double-check on my long, black muzzle standing out in front of my face. At first I think I'll get annoyed looking at it, but when I focus on the distant trees, my nose fades into an unnoticeable blur.

"Cookies!?" a high-pitched voice screeches out at me, and a pink streak dashes by, balancing a crisp, white plate on her nose. Two dozen perfect little chocolate chip cookies rest on the plate, the heat waves steaming off of it. But what really amazes me is the smell. They remind me instantly of real, fresh-baked cookies, but like...twenty times stronger. But, of course, my sight, scent, and taste are all just ones and zeroes in a game engine now. My simulated canine nose can smell every last ingredient in the rich cookies, and I can only imagine what they must_taste_ like.

I have to give it to the guys at Pumpersoft. To make me this excited by a hyper cartoon wolf offering fantasy cookies is nothing short of genius. Any player just entering the Envivo for the first time will need to eat those cookies.

"Yes, please!" I say quickly, looking the other wolf over. She looks like one of the main characters on the show, with bubblegum pink fur and a tuft of white hair that dangles down between her ears to cover one eye.

"Great! I just need _one_little thing from you first you see I've got a problem where there's a hive of bees endangering the..."

She yaps on for almost ten seconds without any pauses, giving me an obvious first quest to 'thwack' an inconvenient bunch of bees. Somehow, she manages to balance the plate on her nose while her jaw flaps up and down.

Sighing, I say, "Why can't _you_take care of it?"

"I'm scared of bees, of course!" she replies. I blink. Do they have responses built in for certain categories of question, or does the A.I. actually process the information and compose a response? Games have been getting better at that for the last couple of years, but...

"What's your name, and what's 13 plus 17?" I ask suddenly.

Her reply isn't even stilted, and comes right away. "I'm Babblegum and I don't really like math. One thousand, three-hundred and seventeen? You should ask Twinklestar - she's the math genius. What's your name?"

I ignore her, jaw dropped. That response sounded just like the actress, but was specific to my question. I'd have to ask Harrison how they do that! I turn to head to the blinking dot on my HUD map, which I see whenever I think about the map. "I'll be right back," I say.

"Wait, what's your name?" she demands again. She parsed my sentence and followed up.

"Mike," I reply, and she lets me leave this time.

The beehive was an interesting fight. At first I didn't know what to expect, but when I 'thwacked' the hive, bees swarmed out and started attacking me. I almost turned tail and ran but I had to know what it felt like. Wincing, I held my ground as the oversized bees descended and one of them cartoonishly stung me on the leg, his eyebrows furrowed. A loud _beep_played out in my head, but it didn't hurt. Instead, my vision blurred red for a faint second, and I got to see information about my remaining health.

I wonder what would happen if they made a game where you really feel pain?

When I return, Babblegum is still sitting there, spinning the plate of cookies on the tip of her black nose. "Mission accomplished," I say satisfied.

"Great!" she chirps. "But I'm afraid something else has come up because a bear is digging into the family bakery and there'll be no more cookies if you don't scare him off - and then you can have two cookies!"

Okay, now this is frustrating. My virtual mouth is virtually watering from the scent of those cookies, but now it looks like they are the reward at the end of a quest line, rather than just a quest. "Now come on, you promised me a cookie for the bees. How many quests are you planning here?"

Babblegum just blinks at me. "Just the bear."

She was lying. When I get back, limping at half-health (at least the huge swipes from the bear didn't hurt), she spins me a story about how a pack of hyenas is terrorizing her small rabbit friend. "No you don't," I say, and leap forward to grab a cookie.

But they programmed for that of course. Babblegum darts backward, ever balancing that plate of deliciousness. I dash again, but she's fast, and when I do catch her, she bats away my attack like it's nothing. "My friend is in danger!" she says, urging me to move along.

"I don't care about your friend!" I growl. Growl? I must be getting into the role.

The look of shock on her face at such a statement made it all worth it. But I still want those cookies. Gritting my teeth, I log out. The bright, colorful, and aromatic world disappears, leaving me in my dim bedroom back at Castle Pensky. The clock says 10:00 and I know I'd better sleep if I want to be able to get any work done tomorrow.

I slept, but that didn't help the next day. I am like a robot picking up the phone and going through my lines, and no one picks up an order with me. I just give Vanessa small talk, my mind stuck on Wolfstar. I should have called in sick... But five o'clock comes eventually, and I manage to avoid a car accident in my rush home.

I breathe a sigh of relief at my computer, still set up, and I ignore the rumbling in my stomach to slide back into position, making sure the electrodes are in place before loading the game. I want to get right back to helping Babblegum out, but I am instead taken to the character selection screen, where Mike, the black wolf spins idly, waiting for me to select him.

I pause there, wondering if I should make another character. But no, I don't want to slog through the first two hours again. I click on 'Mike' and it says, "Are you sure you want to select this character?" Next to it, there is a little option called "Edit". I click the button, and find out I change whatever I want about the character and still keep my progress.

After checking a view of the visual options over, I realize I did a pretty good job the first time and am about to click continue when I see 'God-mode for bugtseting' again. Why not? On a whim, I head back to wing selection to better look the part. I try white, feathering wings, but they just don't match my fur, and I don't like the pure white look. In the end, I affix long, beautiful black-feathered wings to my back. My appearance doesn't scream 'Angel', but it does fit with 'God-mode'.

I can tell the difference immediately. I appear in front of the insufferable Babblegum, still holding the plate of cookies on her nose, but when I lift a paw I can feel the power behind it. I glance back and unfurl my black wings, and they move whenever and however I want. I am 'Mike' and I am a fucking badass.

"Give me those cookies," I say, leveling my gaze at the young wolf in front of me.

"M-mike?" she asks, shrinking back at my new appearance. "But my friend is in trouble!"

"Wolves and rabbits shouldn't be friends anyway," I say, grinning. I only wish I could have seen the look on my face with my teeth bared. "Now give me those cookies."

"H-hey, no!" she says as I jump forward. She darts away, but I almost catch her. She's so slow now - or I'm just that fast. In seconds, I leap forward and 'thwack' her with my shoulder. This time, she goes spinning off into the dirt, whimpering, the plate of cookies dropping to the ground and shattering.

"Thanks," I say with a smirk, stepping over the pile of fresh cookies as Babblegum turns tail and flees. That's what she deserves for playing keep-away with my quest reward. Finally, finally, I get to sink my white teeth into the luscious cookies, and it was worth the wait. The rich smell only enhances the fat on my tongue, pleasure expanding like a cloud of perfume through my brain. And unlike a real plate of cookies, I eat all of them and don't even begin to feel sick.

Licking my lips, I wonder if I can fly.

I can. Beating my powerful wings, I take off right where I'm sitting, pumping straight into the air before the warm wind lifts me up and I start to cruise over the forest. It's a pretty cool feeling, but honestly, I expected better. I'd rather have more cookies, but I have a feeling Babblegum isn't going to bake me more.

The colorful world passes me by as I fly, the palace of Lupinia glimmering in the distance. Below the golden towers, a huge city sprawls, and I decide to test the game in a different setting. Flapping up and swinging downward, I start to dive toward the earth, only spreading my large wings at the last moment to break my fall and land on all fours in the middle of the street.

Like Babblegum, the wolves here shy away, either reacting to my black-winged majesty, or to my inflated character level. All eyes are on me, but none of the random city-goers looks like a big enough character to really matter. I take the time to look myself over again, having been interrupted by the pink-furred idiot last time. I stretch every limb and my wings to their limit, amazed at how many points of articulation there are. Wherever Harrison got the code for these bodies, it was absurdly realistic. Considering how detailed these semi-cartoony bodies were, maybe the Yellowstone simulation was mostly about wolves? Pulling in my gut, I look the last place on my body left.

Sure enough, there is nothing between my legs, just slightly lighter black fur. But when I reach down to confirm it, my paw feels something. An inch before the soft, downy fur, my paw pad rubs against something invisible. Okay...that's not right. I have a dick in a kid's game, but I can't see it. But I can feel it, and I can smell it, and...well, I'm not going to taste it. Now I know that they got their wolf data from somewhere else! This is something Harrison had better find out about before they greenlight the game. I can only imagine what would happen to Pumpersoft if they left this in when a thousand little girls and boys started playing.

I shiver as the soft fur lining my paw pad glides against my penis. Glancing around the busy streets, I decide I'd better keep bug-testing elsewhere, though none of the wolves seem to notice. Rushing to a convenient alleyway, I take a deep breath. I've gotta investigate this bug, for Harrison.

Maybe I was just trying to convince myself, but it didn't take much convincing. Slowly, I lowered my paw back between my legs, biting my lip as I waited for contact with my unseen member.

"Ah!" I gasp as fur brushes against fur. Carefully, I run my paw along it. Do dogs have furry cocks?_When I reach lower, I feel two balls as clear as day. All-in-all, I'm equipped pretty much the same as in real life. _What about the NPCs? Taking a deep breath, I am about to set out to look under a wolf's skirt when Vanessa flashes in my head. After years of fantasizing about her, I can hardly touch myself without thinking of her.

Glancing around the alleyway, my paw becomes her hand, and my virtual wolf body fades away until my universe is normal-old-me and Vanessa. Eyes closed, she grips me firmly but gently, like she's holding a songbird, and then her fingers creep along my invisible length. I grunt softly, breathing hard, at least inside the game. I wonder idly if someone watching me in Castle Pensky could even tell what was happening...

It feels so real I open my eyes expected to see Vanessa smiling back at me. But it's the town, with the bright, medieval siding on the houses, and a street full of busy wolves within earshot. Shaking my head to clear it, I return to the real world. Well, slightly more real, at least.

I am about to stand when I glimpse something strange. My eyes widen: my erection is tall, proud, and absolutely visible. The hair I'd felt earlier was actually like a black-furred cover, my actual dick now swelling out of it, bright, alien, and glossy red. Why can I see it? Now I don't look like a genderless cartoon - everything is present and accounted for.

"Okay, whatever fix you put on this, Harrison, it's not working," I groan to myself. I guess that he didn't count for a large section of code concerning arousal, and he's only hiding the base state. If this bug gets through, Pumpersoft will be a laughing stock! Thank God for alpha tests.

After waiting awkwardly for a few minutes, my dick shrinks until it disappears from view again, which for a grown man is an awkward thing to watch. It helps to know that it's still there, and besides, I'm actually sitting comfortably in a computer chair. Looking around, I notice a tailor shop right off this alley and I figure now is as good a time as any to find out if the NPCs are similarly equipped.

Tucking my wings as I squeeze through the door, I enter a beautiful, wooden shop with glass display cases with every type of wolf clothing I could ever think of. There are hats, and skirts, and blouses, and jean-shorts, and boots. Most of the city-goers aren't wearing anything at all, so I wonder if this tailor makes any business at all. This is probably for the PCs to differentiate themselves from others.

When the door slams shut behind me, a blue-furred head pops up from behind the counter, apparently sleeping. "Wha -? Oh!" A wolf with long eyelashes stands up, and I get to see my first example of clothes on a dog. She is wearing a laced bodice and a straw hat, and a pleated skirt. It looks okay. Her blue fur is accented nicely by the black-and-green dress. How she makes any of this stuff with only her paws, I can't imagine.

"Hello," I say, sitting down. "How's business?"

She has grey streaks in the fur on her head and muzzle that make her look a bit older than the standard cast of characters. She looks cutely flustered. To put this much character into a minor shop keeper is nothing short of amazing. "Oh, dear. You're..." Her eyes wander over me, glancing up and down my long wings.

"Mike. Looking for some goggles," I finish, glancing meaningfully over to the side case filled with aviation goggles. Honestly, they wouldn't be too bad - it was awfully windy up in the air.

"Of course!" she says, finally getting to work. With an apologetic smile, the blue wolf hops over to the display case. "Oh, and I'm Prosperity."

I try to get a glimpse for Harrison, but between her tail and her skirt, it isn't happening. "I really love your shop," I say in my brightest tone. Sure enough, she wags her tail. Up goes her skirt, and while she's looking for the perfect pair of goggles to match my magnificence, I get a perfect glance at her genderless backside.

But is there something there, invisible?

"I think that silver rims would look really smashing on you," she says. Was this computer A.I. really making aesthetic suggestions? Prosperity grabs a pair with her teeth, and I can't deny that they'd really match my fur.

"You never answered my question," I note, as the grey-tinged wolf returns with goggles in tow.

"Oh? Oh. Not good, I'm afraid. But I never expected to be serving royalty!"

"What do you mean?"

"Your wings, of course."

Ah. No wonder everyone was looking at me strangely. Although I'd seen plenty of wolves with insect and butterfly wings, I'd never seen feathered wings. A mark of royalty, apparently. "What's wrong with business, Prosperity?"

"Well, I'm on my own now. My husband is still missing, and my daughter is out looking for him, so it's awfully hard to fill all the orders. Especially when I'm so worried about him," she says, looking down with flattened ears.

I catch the scent of a quest-line coming, but I'm not interested. Instead I say, "How much?"

"That'll be twenty-five tabs."

The moment I think about my possessions, an inventory interface appears in front of my eyes. Not quite as cool as actually rooting around in my bags, but I guess the amount of stuff I would have to carry around would get pretty inconvenient otherwise. In the bottom right is my number of tabs, but I only have thirteen stones, which apparently isn't even _one_tab.

"Oops," I say simply.

"Sorry about that," Prosperity says with a shrug. She turns, carrying the goggles in her mouth to the display case.

I know that I have to test whether or not there's actually something hidden there between her legs, but there's only one way to do that - touch her. She's a grieving mother, her husband trapped in some cave somewhere, so I hesitate, but then I remember that she's not real. This place isn't real. It's all just a game.

So while the wolf is walking away, I grit my teeth and trot after her. Before she knows what's happening, I reach up beneath her skirt, brush her tail aside and grab her. At first, there's nothing, just fur, no hidden openings, but then I brush up against something sticking out. It almost feels like she's got tiny balls, and I worry for a moment that _all_the wolves have dicks.

"Hey!" she shouts, jumping and dropping the shiny goggles on the floor. "What are you doing!?"

I don't figure she'll understand if I try to explain that I'm testing bugs, so I say, "Just hold still for a second."

"No!" she gasps, trying to dart away.

I'm too quick. Using one wing to block her escape to the right, I shoulder her like I did Babblegum and she spins to the ground on her back. Before she gets up, I step over her, sideways, placing a powerful black paw on her ribcage. "Chill out - I don't want to hurt you."

"W-what do you want?" she whimpers up at me.

"Sorry, but I've just got to check something."

With my free paw, I start to probe Prosperity's belly fur, scouting in a zig-zag pattern to find anything that might be hidden. But her soft belly fur was smooth, except for a few tiny bumps I might be imagining. But when I reached between the trembling canine's legs, once again I feel a soft little mound of flesh. Not balls, I realize, but not what I was expecting to find either. Carefully, I run my pads up, down, and around, tracing the invisible bulge. I smell something in the air, too, a salty, acrid scent that is growing stronger.

"Mike, please," she begs, "just take the goggles - free of charge!"

I've got the information I need. It's a strange, spade-like shape, but I'm convinced it's her vulva. Like mine, all her equipment is invisible, but still there for all other intents and purposes. Harrison will have to change this immediately. "Don't worry, I'm done with you," I say, trying to suppress the twinge of guilt I feel. She seems so real!

Just as I'm about to lift my paw off her chest, I blink. The very mound I'd just traced so carefully wasn't invisible any more. Now I can see it clearly - her slit is actually more like a triangle, with three folds, sticking out almost an inch. Her spade is flush and trembling, and I can tell that the scent I smelled earlier is coming straight from there. But I didn't become visible until I was aroused...

" this, don't you?" I stutter.

"What? No!" she gasps, but a simple brush of my paw between her legs makes her hindquarters quiver. She whines, "It's just been so long since anyone's touched me like that, and I'm - well, I'm in heat."

Heat must be another holdover from wherever Harrison got these detailed wolf models. I bet whoever provided the voice for Prosperity didn't expect the word 'heat' to be used in quite this way. I can't help but wonder just how detailed the wolf simulation is. I take a deep breath after holding it for a minute, and a rush of pheromones hit my nose. It's a weird, tangy smell, but I like it a lot. Too much to be natural. The software is planting ideas in my mind that I wouldn't normally ever have toward a blue cartoon wolf.

As Prosperity quivers beneath me, helpless in the grip of such a powerful male, I can't help but wonder if this sort of thing would happen to women, too. If Vanessa were in here with me, and her character were 'in heat', would she be able to resist the urges sent to her brain? Resist me?What would it be like, fucking Vanessa like a wolf?

I'm panting now, and I can feel myself hardening. Beneath me, Prosperity notices as well, her eyes wide. She yips, "Stop! I'm married!"

One way to find out. I remind myself that she's not married. She's not even _real._Besides, I'm supposed to document whatever bugs I find. "And yet you're still turned on," I grin down at her. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like, to be with royalty?"

She pauses, then lies, "No - just get off of me!"

I don't. I cup her quivering vulva with my paw. She's wet. "Don't worry, I'll keep you warm for when your husband gets back. He'll thank me." I've never felt the way I do now. I'm not afraid, I'm not weak, I'm not praying she'll accept me. I know she will. I know_she wants it - I can see, feel, and smell it. And _taste?

But when I adjust myself to lower my muzzle to her swollen folds, she squirms out of my grasp. Before I know it, she's on all fours, bounding toward the front door. I'm faster, stretching out a single wing to block the door, but she turns on a dime and dashes for the stairs up. I am right behind her, and I get to the bedroom before she can close the door on me, shoving it open.

Prosperity is panting, ears flat as she looks up at me. The window is closed tight, and there's no other way out. Confidently, I step inside. She whines, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Only what you want. What you need."

She tucks her tail between her legs, but stays put, even as I step up beside her, our fur brushing like electricity through my body. I keep my large body between her and the door, but whatever run she had in her seems gone now. Slowly, I push her around until she's facing the window.

I reach a paw to touch her curled tail, and whisper, "Don't fight it. Just enjoy it."

When I brush the thick, blue fur, she whimpers and lifts the tail out of the way, rigidly off to the side. I wish human women had such obvious signals! "Mike..." she whines needfully. "You don't need to do this."

"I know, but I want to," I explain. I really do, as weird as that sounds. I cast the doubts from my mind. I'm Mike, the black-winged wolf, and she's my bitch. Mine. And I don't care if the tingling sensation throughout my body is actually the electrical pulse of little pads on my brain. Satisfied, I duck my nose between her legs and finally get what I wanted - a deep, wet lick. My tongue is huge, and her tri-fold vulva spreads wide as I plunge inside, and I'm rewarded with a loud, high-pitched moan.

If I thought she smelled good before, now I'm adrift in a sea of tantalizing aroma that triggers every synapse in my brain. As I pull my tongue backwards, I get my first taste of her slick juices spilling down my throat. The flavor matches the tangy odor exactly, and I delve back in for more. Prosperity, for her part, doesn't try to fight it anymore, just spreading her hind legs, dropping her jaw, and flattening her ears as I guzzle her.


I answer her with lewd slurp_after _slurp until she is trembling up and down, rocking her hips impossibly fast as she squeezes down around my tongue. I can barely pull my tongue free before slipping it deep inside her again, the blue wolf digging her claws into the floor to hold her ground. With a free paw, I reach down to cup my swollen cock, and as good as she tastes, I know I want more.

With a wet pop! I tug my tongue free, licking my lips as I place an experimental paw on her rump. In high school, I'd never done anything quite as inventive as doggy-style, but she is definitely made for it. But when she feels my weight on her rump, she glances back and begs, "No, don't. I'll get pregnant!"

She's just a shopkeeper in a video game. I wonder if she even can. Considering the detail in the canine anatomy so far, however, I have to entertain the possibility. But who cares? She's not real, and even if she were, she should feel honored to have a royal litter. I climb onto her back anyway, saying, "You know you want it."

"Lupinia above!" she squeals, but she spreads her hind legs for me.

This is it, I'm going to fuck a virtual, cartoon dog. With my paws tucked around her hips, I slide closer, our fur meshing together until I feel her warm spade quivering against my tip. It's been almost two years since I've gotten any in the real world. I know this is supposed to be disgusting, but I don't care anymore. Prosperity feels real, she smells out of this world, and I can't wait any longer.

I hump forward with all my might, squeezing tightly around her hips. Prosperity tosses her head back and yelps as I slam myself into her. Her tight tunnel engulfs me like a glove, soft, swollen flesh rubbing against every square inch of my bright, red cock. Triumphantly, I spread my huge wings to their full length, feathers brushing against the walls as they pump up and down in time to my thrusts.

"Oh, Mike..." she whimpers, tail starting to wag slowly.

I'm panting now, tongue spilling out of my mouth and little flecks of slobber landing on the back of her neck. I can't believe how good it feels. It's even better than I remembered! It's been so long since I got my dick wet that I can't help but whimper a little, myself. She's just the perfect position and height so that when I jab forward, my throbbing cock slides right up inside her, thudding deep. The rest of the world seems to melt and I'm swimming inside her. "Told you so," I groan, glancing down at her tail thumping against me.

"Take me, Mike! I'm yours!" she moans, pressing her rump back against me. "Be my alpha!"

_Alpha. That has a nice ring to it._I pound her pussy, but it seems like she's pulling _really_hard. When I tug back, I can only go a few inches before I get stuck with a high pitched squeak. The best I can do is short, forceful jabs, my dangling balls swinging back and forth beneath her. She's like a winch, pulling me deeper the deeper I get until I swear I can feel my head grinding against her wall.

I groan, "A-are you ready?" Gritting my teeth, I have to use all my willpower to hold back for even a few seconds.

"Lupinia, yes! Don't stop - make me your bitch!"

I don't even have time to wonder why they recorded her actress saying that word before I completely lose control. I can feel my furry balls clench as the first pulse erupts out of me. Prosperity drops to the ground, eyes rolling backward in her head as I drain down into her raised rump. We howl in tandem, though her voice is shaky as her entire body shudders beneath me, her hips grinding up and down.

We strain together for almost a minute more, bucking together, groaning, and trembling, until I collapse on top of her, panting. Her tongue lolls out onto the hardwood floors, her tail still wagging whenever she delves deep enough for the energy to do so. With a weak glance backward at our conjoined sexes, she gives a breathy sigh, and says, "My husband isn't going to like this."

"Forget him. You're mine now, remember?"

"Yes, Mike..." she groans.

When I try to get off of her, I can't, tug as I might. Leaning back as far as I can, I look down to see that my cock is ridiculously wide, stretching her heat-swollen triangle into a rather inviting bulge. No wonder I couldn't move! Prosperity explains that I'll need to wait a few more minutes, and I consider logging out and logging back in to see if that gets me unstuck, but I like the sticky, warm feeling.

After I finally pull out of her, it's been so long that I'm ready again, and even though she's getting up and dusting herself off, I push her toward the bed. This time, she doesn't run, she doesn't fight, she just hops on up and wags her tail.

For her alpha.

To the Victors Go the Spoils

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101: More Things to Cum

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