Following The Lifeguard's Rules

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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Most people think that showering before going into a pool is something of a joke, or even just a suggestion. They don't treat it like the rule that it is, but in this commission for Jon Sanders, we learn that you should never pull such a move on Valerie Suvel!

Jon is just an eager otter, trying to make his way into a local pool, but his fur is painfully dry when he comes out of the lockers, and surprisingly, the lifeguard takes notice and forces him to go back inside. Begrudgingly, he sulks back in and begins to wash himself, but the lifeguard, one Valerie Suvel, follows him in and makes sure that he scrubs behind his ears...and under his tail.

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Jon really thought it would have been all too easy to sneak his way out of the locker room and into the pool without rinsing off. He, like so many other people before him, had been taking dips in public swimming pools without taking a shower for as long as he could remember, though it wasn't out of some vain attempt to stick it to society.

He was just lazy about washing off first, and figured that there wasn't much of a point to a full, soap and water scrub when he was about to be immersed in chlorine-infested waves.

"You're bone dry. Get back in there, and don't come back out for at least five minutes," a voice called out to him, and though Jon couldn't be sure, he thought he heard the words before he actually felt a pair of eyes focusing on him.

Jon sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. There were only a few other people in the pool to begin with, and it was mostly small families splashing around with each other. A few of the younger kids snickered and sneered at Jon as he turned back around to the locker room, and it wasn't easy for him to keep his paws balled up in fists of frustration, when a quick flip of the middle finger seemed like such a satisfying idea.

It wasn't the end of the world for Jon to have to take a quick rinse, however. He quite enjoyed a good, thorough shower when the occasion called for it, and though this one felt like it would be a waste, he'd be sure to enjoy it, if he was going to be forced into it.

"How the hell could she even tell?" Jon wondered aloud, as he walked through the narrow hallway that exploded into a wide, open room of shower heads. They stuck out of the wall in an unnatural way, given the barren decorations on the rest of the open room, with tiled floors that sloped into a number of drains to help keep the floors from being too slippery. "I swear, she didn't even look at me..."

The otter might have been right in his guess, though he didn't realize that his words carried all the way back out to the guard tower by the pool. His grunts and huffs of frustration did the same as he tried to find a comfortable temperature, but like most public pools, the showers had terrible balance: the pressure of the stream was either too hard or barely existent, the water itself had a tendency to be boiling hot or downright frigid, and it took Jon a solid minute before he was able to find a pleasant balance.

"Ahhh... okay, I guess this isn't so bad," he suggested to himself, trying to make the best of an annoying and troubling situation. He'd go through the motions, but he didn't plan on taking a full shower just to hop into a dirty pool; just a quick yank on the waistband of his swim trunks would be enough to let some water in and around his crotch, and a quick blast upon his armpits washed away any caked-on deodorant from earlier in his day.

He would have passed his own inspection, if he was the one in charge of it.

When his trunks began to resist the tug of his own paw, and his rump was suddenly exposed, he was given a harsh reminder that he had no control over the situation.

"What about this side?"

Jon thought to whirl around, but he was mindful of the slippery floors and only looked back over his shoulder with a panicked eye.

The lifeguard was standing there behind him in all of her short, curvaceous glory, easily half a foot shorter than the otter and looking about as threatening as a stiff breeze on a hot, summer day. "What about it?!" Jon yelled at her as a warmth spread across his cheeks and threatened to turn the whole of his muzzle pink.

"Well, you obviously didn't clean it...I only let clean bodies into my pool, mister, and you are most certainly not clean. We need to give you a full body scrub before you hit the water."

"Forget the full body scrub! What are you doing in here?! This is the men's locker room!" Jon reminded her, as if she didn't really know that. "And I can take care of my own cleanliness, thank you very much!"

Valerie Suvel was a Jill-of-all-trades, but if you didn't know her name, you didn't know what you were in for. A curvy squirrel with just the tiniest bit of extra weight and a light pink hue to her fur, her adorable face, fuzzy cheeks and friendly smile made her seem like the type who might actually be innocent and silly enough not to know about an issue like gender norms.

Her eyes, however, betrayed all of that, as they immediately narrowed on Jon. Wrists that carried deceptive strength yanked his swimming trunks down to his ankles, and Jon threw his paws over his own cock as he was completely exposed.

"H-hey, what the fu-

"Shhh... this doesn't have to go any further, otter boy. Trust me, you can't handle that side of me," she warned. "Take those paws off of your junk, grab that bar of soap from the floor, and clean this sweet little ass, or I'm gonna give it a deep cleaning that I promise you'll never forget."

How someone with a voice as sweet as candy could be so terrifying escaped Jon, but his lips went thin, and he gulped back his nerves as he nodded and bent over, half expecting her to pull a member from her tight, red bikini and shove it inside of him.

No such act occurred, but he felt a curious paw examining the taut flesh of his backside as he lifted the soap to it.

The sound of a pair of other swimmers walking by filled Jon with a new frustration, and it was only made worse as Valerie turned around and waved to them. "Hey fellas! How's the spread looking today?"

A pair of tight cheeks were pulled apart by Valerie as the strangers stopped and gazed upon Jon in all of his nude glory, and his asshole was left to gape for the others as one stared without shame, and the other chuckled. They didn't say anything in reply, but they carried their snickers all the way into the pool...without ever taking a shower.

Jon was too fearful to stop cleaning, and he put on quite the show as he maneuvered the bar of soap over the back of his own sack, and pushed it up further until it was just beneath his anus. The bar was delightfully smooth against the wet, tender flesh around the entrance, and Valerie watched with nodding approval as the bar brushed over and cleansed the tight, warm pucker.

"Good thing you decided to listen the first time. Would have been pretty embarrassing to get fucked by a cute, tiny squirrel in front of an audience, wouldn't it?" Valerie asked, and she wasn't afraid to defend her point, as she rubbed a pawtip through the slippery trail of suds. She brushed it against the soft, ticklish flesh between Jon's sack and his asshole before she pressed the very tip of her digit onto the waiting pucker, and though it was just a quick, teasing penetration, it left Jon's cock throbbing with excitement on the other side...something he couldn't possibly hide from her.

He only hoped that she would ignore it as he gave a quick, pathetic nod. "I...w-would have hated t-that," he stammered a reply, lying right through his teeth, as Valerie reached around with her clean, dry paw and stroked the crack upon his fang. "J-just awful..."

"Uh huh. Sure," she replied dryly, though she answered his silent prayer and passed over his member for the moment. "You're quite a unique one, though...I've never seen an otter with these before. They're kinda cute!" she claimed, even letting out a quick giggle as she stroked her fingers along them, while her pawtip buried a little bit further into his ass.

If she went too much further, Jon wasn't sure that he'd be able to leave the shower without having an orgasm, but he also still wasn't aware who he was dealing with.

She'd never let him have that kind of satisfaction so easily.

"It's my heritage," Jon felt a little confidence slipping back into his voice as a pleasant, soothing warmth spread across his maw. Valerie had a wonderfully delicate touch when she truly wanted to. "Just...who I am, y'know?"

Valerie nodded as her penetrating digit finally halted. "And just who are you?"

"J-Jon," he groaned, struggling to adjust to the deep insertion. "Jon Sanders..."

"The name's Valerie Suvel," the tiny, adorable squirrel replied, before she pulled her pawtip out. "I guess you're clean enough to hop in the water, Jon. Don't make me regret going easy on you."

Jon thought to stay under the water and take care of the pulsing sensations in his cock, but he felt a strong tug upon his wrist, and Valerie caught him by surprise. With his swim trunks still around his ankles, he tripped and stumbled after her, until he stood at the edge of the doorway, still sporting a massive, throbbing erection...all in front of a crowd of people.

"Next time, Jon?" Valerie spoke to him, as she climbed back up into her guard tower and made herself comfortable, "Just take the damn shower...and we won't have this issue."

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