Serenifi: Jail-Bait, Incest, Furry, AND Time-Travel? Oh-Me, Oh-My!

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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(Screen is black for a few seconds, before the blackness is broken by a disclaimer against a blue background.)


(The disclaimer fades out, and we now cut to this text:)


(We then cut to a male red-and-tan skunk and a white goat.)

Goat: Hey Matthew, I've got a real problem.

Matthew: What's your problem, Scott?

Scott: That "Grate-Boy and Dum-Dum" show really sucks more than Kirby, but I can't find a review that's scathing enough!

(We then hear some off-screen laughter.)

Scott: Who's there?

Matthew: Where's that coming from?

(A puff of smoke suddenly materializes, and in it's place stands a young man with glasses, brunette hair, and a short beard.)

Scott and Matthew: Yippee! It's VulpineMustelidCervineXCIX!

VMCXCIX: That's right, Scott! I heard all about your problem, and I'm here to help! Follow! Me!

(The scene transitions to a BoobTube Channel.)

Scott and Matthew: Where are we?

VMV: Why, we're on none other than... The BoobTube channel of The Mystical Mr. Entrance!

Scott: Did you say "Mystical Mr. Entrance"?

VMC: That's right! Mystical Mr. Entrance! Creator of the controversial... Atrocious Animation!

Matthew: What's an "Atrocious Animation"?

(VMC give what I assume is an impression of a donkey's O-face.)

VMC: Why, it's only the most unapologetic beating of a cartoon on the World-Wide-Web!

(We now cut to a yellow sponge watching this on TV.)

Sponge: There I am, Gary! There I am!

(We then cut to a series of drawings portraying a man with a beard in a grey jacket and blue shirt.)

VMC (Offscreen): He starts off with the viewing of an animated film/TV show, one that really grinds his gears, then he writes down a series of negative notes, before associating them with an irritated tone-of-voice that quickly gets jarring, then letting his true emotions loose, and all under the impression that his opinion is law.

(Each detail is accompanied by a different illustration. The first being the man watching an obese man in a white shirt and a yellow sponge on TV. The second being him angrily scribbling on a piece of paper, with a black cloud above his head. The next portraying him with a set of recording equipment. The fourth portraying him in a fit of rage that would make the Hulk jealous, firing a semi-automatic at the TV with one hand, and demolishing a "Spongebob" DVD with the other. The final illustration portrays him surrounded by the aftermath of a nuclear war, with a speech bubble above him with the text: "I'm a hero.")

VMC: ... And VOILA! An Atrocious Animation!

Scott: I wanna see an Atrocious Animation!

Matthew: Me too!

(Cut to the two watching a video on their laptop, which is portraying the same man in person.)

Mystical Mr. Entrance: THIS SUCKS! THE COMEDY SUCKS! THE MORAL SUCKS! THE... (Dialogue suddenly turns more foreign, as we see a small black mustache growing above his lips, and his hair slowly turning blond.)

VMC: How's that review, guys?

M + S: Uhhh...

(Cut to VMC laughing. We see a demolished DVD in the background.)

Sponge: Look! There I am again!

VMC: Two more satisfied viewers! So why don't YOU come on over, and feed any bitterness towards a cartoon you may have with an Atrocious Animation today!


(Cut back to the sponge.)

Sponge: That was the best 60-second analysis of my life!

(Fades to black, before we see a violet cube with a furry nipple surrounded by stars engraved on it, with the text: "Serenifi", as an orchestral fanfare plays in the background.)

And now, we're pleased to bring you... (The cube flies away, revealing the following text:) Our Smutty Presentation!

(The text zooms in, before we cut to the following text against a violet background:)


(The text stays on the screen for half-a-minute, before fading to black.)

(We cut to a beautiful shot of a sunset, hanging over a small town, with some beautiful music playing in the background.)

Acme Acres. The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of Serenity Coyote and Fifi La Fume. Their continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no female has gone before...

(We then get our credits in blue. *Cue sci-fi adventure theme*)



(We cut to a live-action shot of SoFurry Headquarters.)

Last week, a never-before-seen entry in the "Serenifi" series was discovered under a desk at SoFurry studios. Now (almost) all of the community is waiting in perverted anticipation to read... The "Serenifi" Lost Entry! (Cut to a shot of Australia.) Now, here to present the Lost Entry, from somewhere in Australia, the president of the "Serenifi" fan-club, DragonBoy618!

(We then cut to the inside of a house, where a tan-and-red skunk puppet walks up to a door, and opens it, revealing a young man holding a picture of Fifi La Fume in a bikini.)

Skunk: DB! DB! The watchers are here!

DB: Matt! Don't you know this is DB's private time? (Looks at the camera.) Oh, hello! (Covers his crotch with a pillow.) What're you all doing here?

Matt: They're here to see the Lost Entry!

DB: But I don't have the lost entry because... Well, it was confiscated by the police, saying it violated copyright nonsense, but I know it's just cause they're anti-porn Nazis!

(The audience pleads DB not to say that.)

DB: But it's true! It's gone, and I have no idea where it is! So, it's best if you forget about "Serenifi"! (Closes door, before crying.)

(We then cut to this:)

Remembering "Serenifi"...

(We then cut to a montage of clips from the "Serenifi" series, with "Award Winners" (Link: ) playing in the background. Go to FA for more details.)

(We then cut to a live-action audience applauding.)

(Cut to DB sitting in the living room, depressed.)

DB: Oh, it seems like only yesterday, that I found myself in this stage after seeing the "Tiny Toon Adventures" finale, broken down after seeing Fifi, the purple-and-white angel who was known to prance after the first male she sees that either looks like a skunk, or is one, with that one pig who shared little-to-no previous screen-time with her, nor did he show any sign of attraction to the skunkette, making it a complete waste of character! But, then I came across a little fan-fic named: "Serenifi", where she befriended a DA-exclusive OC of "Tiny Toons", before becoming a fanon-couple, and befriending so many others... But now, it looks like I'll never get to see the latest story!

(Something is tossed through the window, which hits DB.)

DB: Hey, it's a map! A map to the Lost Entry of "Serenifi"!

Matt: It's a dream come true!

DB: We gotta go find it, Matt!

(We cut to DB settling an Australian hat on his head, as he heads for the door, with adventure music playing in the background.)

DB: Come on, Matt! Times a-wasting! (Leaves.)

One break-in, and narrow escape from solitary confinement later...

(Cut to DB arriving back to his house, excited, holding a VHS tape.)

DB: Yeah! Popcorn! (Grabs a bag of popcorn.) Soda! (Grabs a bottle of Orange Fanta.) Deep-fried pizza! (Grabs a paper plate holding a crispy pizza slice.) Matt, get the remote!

(Matt taps a button on the remote, turning on the TV, which displays a black-and-white countdown starting from 10.)

DB: This is gonna be great! (Countdown is now at 7.) I can't believe it! More "TTA" smut! (Countdown is now at 4.) THIS IS SO EXCITING! (Countdown is now at 2.)

Matt: Shut up and look at the screen! (Countdown ends.)

(We now see a series of poorly-drawn illustrations portraying Serenity Coyote and Fifi La Fume with hyper breasts, engaging in various sexual acts, with "Bubble Beat Box" (Link: ) and obviously recorded gasps and moans playing in the background, before eventually cutting to color bars.)

(We cut to DB sitting there, speechless.)

DB: That's it? That's the Lost Entry? That was just a bunch of cheap Cartoon-Meadow images accompanied by audio archive footage of Anime porn!

Matt: What a rip.

DB: (Face turns red as he growls in anger, with steam flying out his ears.) "SERENIFI" AND "TTA" BETRAYED US!!! (Starts knocking "TTA" character sheets off his wall.) I'm sorry I ever saw that stupid "LT" spin-off in the first place! (Starts knocking all his TTA merchandise off his shelves, and tossing it all around.) I'm gonna get rid of all my "Tiny Toons" stuff! All of it! All of it!! (Pulls a condom out with Fifi La Fume's face printed on it.) ALL OF IT! I'll run away, that's what I'll do! RUN AWAY! (Leaves the house crying like a little kid who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas.)

Matt: Jeez, what a hothead.

TV Announcer: And now the REAL Lost Entry!

Matt: DB, come back! There's more!

DB: (Pokes his head out the door.) Really? (His tantrum is played in reverse, before he seats himself back on the couch.) MURR! Let's watch!

(Fade to black.)


"Who says porn and plot can't get along?" Demanded a red fox in a grey outfit, as he stepped into a dark, murky atmosphere. "I do..." Replied a brunette human with a beard, a grey jacket, and a blue shirt, as he approached from the shadows. They both raised their fists in anticipation for battle (both physical and mental), as some text appeared above them with an off-screen voice stating: "Begin." Wait, what? Oh, I see... This is one of those openings that transitions from an awesome fantasy battle to some guy in the real world playing it as a video game, am I right? (Sees two young vixens playing that game.) Oh, well... Carry on. Two young vixens, one with red hair, the other with a stylized ponytail, but both certainly adorable, proceeded to engage in virtual combat. The human and the fox swatted at each other with mallets and/or anvils and god-knows-what-else, until the stylized vixen clicked a certain button at the precise time, which sparked the fox in the game to lunge at the human, slap him across the face three times with his feet, and bend him down onto the floor, with his posterior in the air. "Come on, I can explain... I'll never belittle you again..." The human pleaded, before the fox summoned eight miniature golden statues of foxes telepathically, before flinging them at the humans behind, causing him to make various meme-worthy faces. "Kelly Silver wins." Proclaimed the announcer. "Hey guys! I got 'Dead Again'!" Announced a young female rabbit, as she stepped into the room with a female kitten and a female husky pup, holding a DVD of the aforementioned film. "Good, this game stinks!" Replied the redhead vixen. "Whaddaya say we go over to Miss Coyote's and La-Fume's for a movie night?"

The five preteen females approached a magnificent mansion, before the rabbit clicked the doorbell. They waited for half-a-minute, but there was no answer. The rabbit pressed the button again, waited for a whole minute, but, once again, no one answered. "What's ta..." The kitten started, before being interrupted by a brief flash of light among the group. "Did you say something?" Demanded the kitten to the husky, who responded by shaking her head "no". The split-second flash materialized again twice. "What the...?" They all began, before a more lengthy flash sparked, and expanded among them. It grew bigger and brighter until it soon disappeared with the five cubs, leaving only their clothes at the doorstep.

755 years into the future...

The five females found themselves racing through a trippy purple vortex, towards a bright light at the end. As they got closer, it got brighter, and brighter until... They eventually landed in a room, at the knees of a blond female rabbit in a black-and-pink skin-tight suit. "Yes... Thought the new time-travel device would self-destruct..." Mumbled the lagomorph.

(Cut to a short man with a pudgy nose and blond hair in HE-Double-Hockey-Sticks, glaring at his computer in rage.)


(Cut to a young man with brunette hair, glasses, and a short beard typing on his laptop for a few seconds, before being interrupted by a demonic rendition of the aforementioned man.)


(Montana is then tapped on the shoulder. He turns around to see a fox in a grey outfit and hat, who then summons eight golden statues of foxes.)

(Cut to the fox conversating with the young man, with MME tied up and gagged on the floor, with gold statues emerging from his behind.)

YM: I didn't know you were dead.

Fox: I'm not, I'm a spiritualist. Speaking of which, I'd better get this butt-hole back to his proper place... (Snaps a finger, before Montana is immediately sent back down to where the sun don't shine.)

Fox: In fact, I'd better get back to MY proper place... Thanks for your comment on "Riverways". (Taps a small paw badge on his jacket.) Beam me up, Lukis. (Gets beamed up.)

YM: Seriously, though, he isn't dead. Where was I? Oh, yeah...

(Back to the story.)

"Who are you? What's going on? Why are we naked?" The preteens all demanded. "I'm Lexi Bunny, second-in-command of the Loonatics, first-in-command of the Loonettes. My device only works on living matter, which your clothes are not. As for why you're here? Your friends, Serenity and Fifi, are, for once, in grave danger, and only you five can save them..." The group just stood there in silence, before the kitten stepped back a few paces. "I mean it! Look!" Lexi held up another device which presented a preteen Serenity and Fifi in the nude, tied up and gagged, along with one young female rabbit, one young female loon, one young female roadrunner, a second young female coyote, one young female cat, one young female ferret, one young female raccoon, and one young female wolf, all in the presence of a man with brunette hair, a pudgy nose, an extended mustache, a hook in the place of one of his hands, and a scar over his right eye.. "They've been captured from their time by Montavius Maximus, along with Babs Bunny, Shirley The Loon, Kia Runner, Zelda Blackkat, Pandora Coyote, Callie Ferret, Juliette Wolf, and Sasha Raccoon. Each sold separately." "Why would he do that?" "I don't know. Maybe something to do with humiliation, murder of a family member, purchase of the last of his favorite bobblehead... Anyway, the point is: You are their newest batch of friends, right?" "Yeah." "Names?" "Robyn McClaire, Edna, Miaska Aleksandrova, Ellen Hadar, and Kennedy Miller." "Got it. Now, you five are gonna go down there, and beat the crap outta Montavius and his minions." "Why us?" "Cause you've all got a special charm in your spirits that make you irresistible to men... Now, let me get your battle uniforms... The ones we give to preteen trainees..."


"MMMppphhh..." Demanded Serenity. *Translation: "What're we doing here?" "I zought you'd never ask..." Replied Montavius, as he pulled down a slideshow curtain. "Do... ZESE look familiar?" He then tapped a button on a nearby remote, displaying pictures of the ten females as full-grown adults, dressed in political outfits. "Ze actions of you two..." Montavius pointed to Serenity and Fifi. "... Landed you all into ze political business, leading to ze worst offense against me... Your descendants gained enough moolah to purchase ze last bobble-head on Earth! Unfortunately for you all, you made ze horrible mistake of choosing ze last one of my favorite US president... So, nozing personal, but you'll all have to die..." The heavily-accented brat then tapped another button on his remote, which sparked the movement of a pile of metal tentacles, each with razor-sharp tips on the sides. The females cringed in fear as the robotic appendages spiraled in acceleration.


The process was suddenly interrupted by a not-too-far-off explosion. When the dust cleared, the individuals responsible were made visible. Five young cubs, two vixens, one rabbit, one husky, and one kitten, to be exact, stood there in an action pose, dressed in tank-tops that covered only their chests, silk gloves, high heels, and mini-skirts that barely covered their commando rumps. "Ha! Mere children are no match for... OW!" Montavius was interrupted by the fist of Ellen, which was extended beyond all normal arm-movements. Montavius tapped a button on his remote, sparking the tentacles to race towards the five preteens. Miaska immediately summoned a shield out of nowhere, blocking the robotic arms from her presence. Edna fired countless balls of fire, water, lightning, and dirt at her attackers, reducing them to nuts and bolts. Kennedy released extended claws from her fingertips, before slashing at every metal minion that crossed her path.

One action sequence later...

Montavius gazed at the piles of the remainders of his creation, then back at the cubs, before slowly backing up. "You may have won ZIS time, but EVIL ALWAYS COMES BACK FOR DESSE..." The villain was interrupted by the firing of a gun at his head, before collapsing at the feet of the petite saviors. Four of the cubs looked back to Robyn, the individual responsible for this action. "What? You didn't think I was gonna just stand there while he gloats, did ya?" The redhead vixen replied, before twirling her revolver a bit, then packing it in the garter on her leg. The remaining four females quickly regained their senses, and freed the ten captives. "How'd you get all that?" "A future friend of yours just injected us with something specifically for this mission.


"Alright, now you know how to get back, so... Boys!" Lexi announced, before a throng of tall, well-fit males of various coyote/skunk-hybrids made their way into the room, intimidating the now-nude young comrades. "Uh... No we don't." "What?" "We don't know how to get back to our time." "Should'n... Oh, wait. You're new to Acme Acres, aren't you?" The five cubs nodded in agreement. "Well, our time-travel devices in this day and age are fueled by the body heat of the individual, 98 degrees for females, to be exact. And I've got just the thing to get you heated up..." No sooner than she said that, the males all dropped their skin-tight uniforms/towels/boxers/tighty-whities, revealing their lengthy, plump, shiny meat. "Are you sure the..." Kennedy replied in an innocent, high-pitched tone, before being slapped on the back by Miaska. "Molchat! This is only vay, you know..." "And they're so... Dreamy!" Replied Ellen and Edna, gazing at the males with hearts in the place of their eyes. "We can't break the space-time continuum, you know!" Robyn replied, in a sing-song tone. "4 against 1, kid." Asserted Lexi. "But first, just so you don't have any quote-unquote 'Happy Little Accidents'..." She stated, as she grabbed a pile of syringes, filled them up with a glowing green substance, and jabbed them into the dongs of the muscular males. "Think of it as a reward for your efforts..." Edna, Ellen, Miaska, and Robyn looked at each other with looks that said: "Yes. We're doin' this..." Then at Kennedy, with uncertainty in her eyes. "... Fine. I'm in." "YAY!" "Now, here are yer watches, set for 6/13/2017." Lexi handed each of the cubs their watches, which they strapped onto their wrists, before being lifted by the plentiful arms of their assigned partners, and carried into a nearby room.

Seconds Later...

Robyn found herself pinned to the bed by a handsome coyote-fox hybrid, who aimed his magnificent pink shaft at her tiny entrance, poked at it for a second or too, then fit the whole thing inside the little vixen, who gasped and tightly sealed her eyelids shut at the kicked-in senses of her body reacting to this creature. Miaska was having her petite chest lapped at by a wolf with coyote ears, whilst his tip waited just below her rump, as they stepped into the bedroom. Then, with the puppy still in his arms, the canine knelt onto a second bed, before lowering the russian cutie closer and closer to his red staff, then pushing his entire knot into her, prompting Miaska to gasp in amazement. Ellen was having enough joy being transported by the archetypal male of her dreams. Her emotions heightened as she was plopped onto a third bed, followed by the skunk with a short, fluffy coyote tail, and a steadfast King Kong, which the bunny found herself impressed by as he slid it into her while kissing her on their sides. Edna was tossed onto bed # 4 by a deer with a skunk tail, and a canine external crotch organ, who lifted up one of her short legs to make way for his strong member, as it slithered it's way into the vixen's underage tunnel. Kennedy, meanwhile, lay on the fifth bed as she gazed at a horse with antlers and a fox tail. "Please be gentle..." The kitten begged in a meek tone, before being lifted up by her legs, positioned onto the thick chest of the male, and having the entrance to her reproductive system infiltrated by his equine sausage.

The five cubs continued to have their chests and crotches invaded by the hands/dongs of their respective partners, feeling conflicted over whether to feel excited, confused, or scared, then eventually settling on excited. It wasn't long before the remaining members of the hybrid group joined in, having their cocks encased in intestines, vaginal walls, or mouth walls. The cubs gasped and moaned at the sight and sense of each individual male, soaking in the feeling of helplessness mixed with lust. "Oh, daddy... I mean, muscular superhero..." "Ispol'zovat' menya..." "Did I tell you that I'm good at multiplying?" "You're exactly how I imagine the sports guys would feel..." "ggglllaarrhghg..." The five pieces of jail-bait soon found themselves each stuffed with at least five different hybrids, being pumped harder and faster, until... SPLORK!

At this very moment, the girls found themselves surrounded by a single orb of light, before finding themselves accelerating through the same trippy-ass tunnel that got them in their adventurous location. Only, this time, it lead them straight back to the familiar sight of the mansion, with their clothes scattered at the "Welcome" mat. They took notice of a brief, yet identifiable light from within the residence, followed by a familiar brown canine and purple skunkette opening the door. "Sacre bleu!" "Moy bog! Vhat happened to blossoming rose?" Miaska was then approached by her father, as were the remaining cubs by their fathers, with the exception of Edna, who was greeted by her older brother, before they were all escorted into the house.

"Vas my Mia nuked by stranger? Is there second Cold War going on in there?" Demanded the Husky, putting his ear to her now-clothed belly. "Net, papa... Just adventure of lifetime..." Replied the pup, with an adorably smug expression. "Well, it's good to know that our treasures weren't damaged..." Announced the lagomorph father. "Yeah, that's our job!" Replied the male cat, stroking his daughters tail. "Daddy?" "Yes, Robyn, honey?" "We've been having so much pleasure with our new friends... We should do this more often..." "Well, speak of the devil, and he shall appear! We were just deciding to leave you in the hands of these friendly people whenever we have business-related stuff to take care of!" The male fox was immediately responded to by a tight embrace from his redhead offspring. Serenity, Fifi, and their male butlers all gazed at the automatically-touching scene of the cubs showing their appreciations for their fathers in appreciation. "Well, why don't we celebrate with a little viewing of 'Dead Again' and a pack of martinis, 1990 edition!" Announced the coyote and skunkette, before the families raced to the kitchen to join in.

(Cut to this finale being viewed on a live-action television, before cutting to the live-action host. Yes, he was in this, too.)

DB: Wow! Wasn't that great, perverts?

Matt: Let's watch it again!

DB: Great idea, Matthew. Where's the remote? (Desperately scavenges the table.) Where's the remote?! I inexplicably lost...!

(Something is then thrown through the window, which hits DB.)

DB: My remote! Thanks, stranger!

(Cut to an elderly woman with robotic legs.)

EW: Don't mention it, deary! (Legs turn into rockets, which send her off into space.)

DB: Now, which one of these crikey buttons is rewind? (Clicks a button, which displays a clown attempting to entertain a group of ids, and failing miserably.) No, that's not it... (Clicks button again, which then displays a weather broadcast, with the text: "Anthro cats and dogs falling from the sky! Certain locals rejoice!") Wrong again... (Taps button countless more times, displaying various other images on the television.)

Matt: Let me try! (Taps button, before the lights go out.)

DB: That's the light switch, you retard! (Lights come back on.) Gimme that! (Taps button again in a struggle against the skunk, before two certain animated nuisances pop up behind him, and puke up nonsensical melodies.)

Matt: That's the "Grate-Boy and Dum-Dum" button!

DB: Grr.... I HATE POP-CULTURE KNOCKOFFS!!! (Continues tapping buttons, before the VCR inexplicably vomits out black tape.)

Matt: Failure ahoy! DB: NO! INFERNAL AMERICAN MACHINE! (Tries to stuff tape back inside the malfunctioning machine, before collapsing onto the carpet, tangled in the obsolete machinery.) NOO!!! I'VE RUINED THE LOST ENTRY! WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE JUST UPLOADED IT ON A FURRY SITE?!

Oh, boy. What a geek. Well, I guess the Lost Entry will remain... Lost for the rest of it's time. (Cut to the outside of the house, where it's now nighttime.) But, tape, DVD, or online distribution, as long as there are stars in the sky, and furries with a taste for french skunkettes, Fifi La Fume (and Serenity, too) will live on in our hearts and minds... (A constellation of Fifi La Fume, and then Serenity Coyote, appears in the sky.) ... Or some shit... Bye.


DragonBoy618 belongs to... DragonBoy618.

Matthew The Skunk belongs to... Matthew the Skunk.

Lexi Bunny and Fifi La Fume belong to Warner Bros.

Montana Max belongs to Warner Bros, but his alter ego (The Mystical Mr. Entrance) belongs to me.

Ellen Hadar, Miaska Alexsandrova, Robyn McClaire, Kennedy Miller, and their fathers belong to EtherSaga.

Edna and her brother (Edward) belong to Krezzman.

Everyone else belongs to me.

Serenity + Wile E.: Scholarary Assistance

WARNING! INCEST AND CUB AHEAD! NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! "Take care! We'll be back in a few days!" "Have fun dear!" Wile E. bid to his wife, Hello Nurse, and his three offspring, Joan, Elijah, and Emily, as they rode off into the sunset. He then...

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Serenifi: The Video Game: Cutscene Script Part 2

Halfway through game: (Cut to Lexi Bunny.) Lexi: Look what has happened! (Cut to Pandora Coyote sleeping, before Montana Max approaches, and randomly walks around the room as he speaks.) Montana: In the darkest nightmare hour,...


Serenifi: The Video Game: Cutscene Script

(A bright light shines in the fore center, then we zoom out to reveal the light is a torch being held up by Serenity Coyote, with a book in her other hand, with a conspicuous purple-and-white tail, plus two purple legs, sticking out from underneath her...
