Frazzies Beginning

Story by Felekar on SoFurry

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Here is a commission I've written for Frazzy. It's certainly rather strange, but then, that's the idea! Hope you enjoy this odd little tale :P

Ah yes, fair warning. This story may ruin your view of Stitch forever.

"Hyperspace teleporter aaaallmost ready. Just need to fix eensy-weensy little problem, and is all yours!" Jumba spoke with his usual grandiose mannerisms, a wide smile plastered across his broad, four-eyed face. His focus was to the large viewscreen in front of him. On the line was his employer for the time being. It was only the first time they had spoken, as all their previous interaction had been over mail.

"Splendid. Do you have an estimate for when it will be ready?" The person on the line looked rather mammalian. Long ears that stretched high over his head, a blunt muzzle on his white furred, bespectacled face.

"Not... yet. Targeting is not right yet, and head can get leetle scrambled. Sub-quantum dimensional array out of alignment, but Jumba will solve very soon."

"See that you do, it is a critical component, and my work cannot proceed without it."

The sleeve of his labcoat dropped halfway to his elbow as Jumba pointed over his shoulder with an outstretched thumb. Behind him a little ways away stood a box about the size of a small truck. It looked to be made of a hodge-podge of parts. Thick, multi-colored cables ran from one spot to another, seemingly at random. The structure itself was a conglomerate of metal plates welded together.

"Very good news to hear." The lapine-looking fellow on the screen tapped out a few keystrokes on a pad device, then looked back to Jumba. After a moment a rather puzzled expression crept onto his face. "What is that small blue creature behind you?"

Jumba did not even glance behind him. "Is 626. He is helping with big remodel of laboratory."

"What is it doing with the prototype?" The man on the screen looked on with a concern filled face.

The large mad scientist turned around, and his four eyes went wide as saucers. Through the one window of the haphazard machine, a furry blue face peered down at a large illuminated button. Its red light reflected in Stitch's large black eyes. His tall ears perked high above him. A lower pair of arms supported his short frame the panel. A black-clawed paw of the upper set descended toward its crimson goal, just a fraction above it when Jumba spotted what 626 was up to.

With a shout he threw himself away from the communicator, and rushed toward the tall metal box. "No no no! Get away f..." He did not get a chance to finish his sentence before the box vanished in a bright flash of light. The lumbering mad scientist was sucked off his feet and flew forward into resulting vacuum, then was pelted from all sides by bits and bobs of loose material. Without even a hesitation he lept to his feet and ran back to the screen.

"Will call you back." He hit the kill-switch for the call, then tapped out a trace. "Where are you... Jersey? No. Japan? No..." Aggravation filled his voice as he talked to himself for the next few minutes, until he found the homing beacon he had installed for this sort of situation.


Meanwhile, Stitch found himself weightless rather suddenly. It took a little scramble and kicking, but he managed a push off one wall, over to the window. An amazing view of the stars greeted his gaze, along with a few jets of puffy white, which he recognized as air venting into space. The box tumbled slowly and soon a sliver a blue grew to a view of the Earth.

"Uh...oh..." The small blue alien's ears folded back against his head and his antennae flattened to the sides.

Matt stretched out his legs atop the blanket on which he sat. The young-faced man had dressed in a pair of thick tan pants, and a jacket worn over a black tee. He was out for a cold evening of stargazing in the hills a short drive from his home. He had come here on many occasions. The area was serene, with rolling fields of grass, gentle slopes, and crickets chirping all around. His truck was parked a short ways away.

He stretched his arms out to the side, then laid back. No city lights to wash out the view, no traffic to drone away nearby. Unfortunately there was no reception up here, but that was a small price to pay for such a perfect little spot. After a moment he tucked a hand under his head and looked to the side.

"Oh wow, a shooting star!" He sat upright and looked into the night sky at the blazing streak. He expected it to shrink and burn up any moment, but that time never came. In fact, it seemed to grow as the seconds ticked by. What more, it seemed to be on a course almost straight at him. He hesitated a moment, but when a solid sonic boom thumped against his chest he sprung to his feet, ready to run.

Small bits and pieces of the fireball broke off and vanished into the night air as it screamed through the sky. As it got closer he could tell it was on a path that would at least not hit him. Confident of this, he stood and stared at the mass as it passed a short ways overhead. From his hilltop he watched it disappear behind another hill a short ways away. A bright flash lit up the area for a few long seconds, before it faded to a dull red glow.

Curiosity got the best of him in moments. He rushed over to his car, grabbed a flashlight out of the trunk, and made his way toward the impact site. It was about a ten minute walk through damp grass before he crested the hill overlooking the site. At the end of a charred channel dug through the soft earth was a crater a few meters wide. In the center was a mass of twisted, charred metal, nothing like what he had seen of meteorites.

He made his way down toward the hole at a quickened pace while ideas of what his find might be. A downed satellite? A chunk from the space station? Just space junk? Whatever it was, this was going to make a great story to tell his friends later on. As he got just to the rim of the basin he paused. The thing did not have any sort of markings that he could see, but they could just have been burned away on reentry.

He knelt and set a hand on the edge of the bowl. Satisfied it was relatively safe he slipped a foot down into the loose dirt, when he heard a noise. He had not realized until then that the wildlife around him had gone completely silent. He looked around for the source, when it happened again.

A solid thump. This time he honed in on the source, the very same twisted wreckage in front of him. Even now he felt the residual heat from its surface. He figured it was just the sounds of the metal contracting as it cooled. That was until the next loud bang made the entire thing roll to the side. He backpedaled until he could see just over the edge and watched.

It moved.

The next loud thump was joined by an ear-splitting screech, the sound of metal being torn in half. He was in shock as four blue fists burst through the top, and ripped the case in half. The beast within snared savagely, and popped its head through. Matt Immediately dropped to his belly to get out of sight.

'What was that?' The man tried to control his breath as something dawned on him. 'Did it see me?' He peered up at the peak of the mound, then away down the hill. Off in the distance he saw his car, the door light left on.

Curiosity though, is a powerful draw. "Just a peek," Matt whispered to himself. He looked back to the lip, then crawled toward it. He paused just at the tip then, ever so cautiously, peered over the edge. A bright, magenta glow dazzled him the moment he did. He blinked rapidly to clear his vision and backed away, but it followed him.

Stitch peered down at the human. His eyes were the source of this strange light. The huge orbs shon from within, and cast an ere glow over the area around him. His maw gaped wide as a savage snarl issued forth, while saliva dripped from his rows and spiky, razor sharp teeth.


Though the creatures tone was calm, and its voice sort of cute, that word was by far the more terrifying thing he had ever heard. His fight or flight instinct kicked in, and told him to get out of there NOW. He collected his legs beneath him and hurled himself down the hill. The creature sprung forward with him and struck out with a pair of talons. One hooked right into his collar, while the other dug in right through the material. The creatures claws were still quite hot from reentry, so he felt quite vividly as the the claws made their way down his back and shredded his shirt and jacket, and just barely drew over the surface of his skin. They were so sharp he did not feel the claw marks until after he landed and sprung to his feet.

The man ran for his life, and Stitch was in hot pursuit. The experiment toyed with him, dogged his every step as it lept about on all six. It slashed at his pants, and he had to ditch them as well in order to keep running. As the ground leveled out, Stitch launched himself through the air and slammed into his quarry's back; the impact tore the breath from Matt's lungs. As the pair tumbled to the ground, the human landed face up, flat on his back. The blue alien sat on his chest. His blue-furred legs settled on the ground in either side of the man. It's lower pair of arms shot out and grabbed his biceps, pinning them to the earth in an unmovable grip.

As he gasped for breath, he stared up at the creature, helpless and unable to look away. Spittle rained down on his face as the beast leered over him. Its hot breath washed over his face. Stitch grunted with effort, a little gurgle echoed at the back of his throat. He closed his glowing eyes, then flexed a long disused internal muscle. Right at the back of the creature's throat, just below the level of his tongue an orifice opened up. It was hollow, and gave the thing's breath a sickly sweet scent.

He plead for his life, but his words fell on ears deaf to his desires. An odd squelch echoed in the experiment's gaping maw and a finger-thick tendril shot out, straight at his mouth. The human clamped his jaw shut and held it as tight as he could just as the tendril slammed against his upper lip and nose. An instant later its powerful, sweet aroma hit him full force and made his head spin. Clear, slick sludge coated the surface of the mottled, pink length that stuck to everything it touched. As it dripped everywhere, streamers of air-chilled goo trailed behind it and draped over Matt's face. He huffed and struggled, shoulders thrown in, and kicking violently. He whipped his head side to side, and yelled muffled cries of protest through clenched jaws. The tendril's slime coated over the skin of his face, neck, and hair as Stitch made the humans torment into a little game of cat and mouse. Everywhere Matt turned his head, the tentacle was there to meet him across the lips and nose. It was not long before the coating became troublesome to breath through. That worry was short-lived.

Stitch's free set of arms slipped up to either side of his head and held it in place, one paw on either cheekbone. One beast's long, black talons settled just over his eye until those impossibly powerful arms grabbed his skull on either side and held him still.

"Ahhh." The experiment motioned for Matt to open his mouth, while his tentacle took up a position like a cobra. He grunted and pressed himself back into the soil. The alien was not about to take no for an answer. He repositioned his thumbs so the tips of his claws were over Matt's lips. Those long, black talons claws shot forward with mechanical precision and slipped into the space between his teeth. The tentacle began its descent moments before his mouth was pried open, and stitch's digits slipped inside.

The alien got his 'ahh' as a scream of horror.

Matt screwed his eyes shut as a thick glob of clear, viscous goo landed on his face, square on the groove above his lip. He snorted it away from his nose, but that only made matters worse as it dripped over his teeth and down the roof of his mouth. The concentrated sweet flavor of the goo was overpowering. His tongue worked frantically to keep his airway clear, but the tentacle was upon him. He cursed in his mind and fought it with his tongue, but the thing slicked right by his defenses, to the back of his throat. The sugar-coated tentacle flexed and tightened down over his tongue, and shot forward down his throat, right to his stomach in one lightning fast thrust.

A large grin spread on Stitch's face as his body tightened up and quivered. His luminescent eyes rolled back slightly and his broad tongue lolled out to the side of his mouth. It started as a an odd ripple that traveled down the length of the tentacle. Matt forced himself to look, and saw his alien captor in apparent bliss. With no way to fight, he could only watch as the tentacle tripled in girth as a powerful torrent of clear slime flooded through it, right down his throat. It filled his stomach in an instant, and traveled up his throat. His eyes went wide as it flooded back out into his mouth, and up through his nose.

Stitch looked down and narrowed his eyes as he saw the spillage. In all but a moment his cavernous maw was over the man's face. His huge, dexterous tongue shot forward into Matt's mouth alongside the tentacle, and tucked into the back of his throat in one fluid motion. His lungs began to scream for air as the pressure of the goo only went up. His epiglottis was little match for the slime's onslaught. His throat convulsed again and again, but could not hold back the tide. In no time his lungs had filled, and as the thick goo swept through the spongy tissue, a terrible burning sensation accompanied it.

The sensation spread straight to his heart. It was already pounding like he had run a marathon, so it shot onward into his arms and head. His muscles tightened up and his hands balled into fists while he tried his best to block out the pain. The throb in his head shifted rapidly to a good pounding. That was joined quickly by a ever growing knot that spread through his sides and guts. An intense sugar high shot through him moments later, and soon his entire body was alight with liquid burning. All this goo was a template for conversion, and it had permeated every tissue in Matt's body. It had oxygen to fuel the initial change, water to hydrate, synthetic sugars, and a mutagen.

Stitch broke the terrible kiss, and sucked the tentacle out. It whipped and flailed as it withdrew into his maw, then disappeared back to whence it came in a sick slurp. Finally, he let go of the man's arms, hopped to the side, and shook himself from head to toe.

Matt, free of his captor's grip, tried to roll away from the creature, but it felt like every muscle in his body cramped suddenly, and halted his progress after a quarter turn, on his side, curled in a fetal position. Blades of wet grass and loose soil clung to his skin. Oblivious from shock and pain, he did not even feel the large, sticky puddle that he lay in, a pool of thick, clear slime. It had gone right through him, and even then continued to leak from his rear end and mouth.

Though it was a cold night, he felt intensely hot, as though in an oven. Everything hurt, even his teeth. He coughed violently, and rid his throat of more of the too-sweet syrup. With another convulsion of his diaphragm, his lungs were clear, and he took his first breath of air in quite a while. The shock of that first gulp of cold was only a momentary reprieve, before his belly convulsed and contracted. It felt as though an intense pressure had settled all around his torso. His face went red as his vision did the same. That crushing sensation spread down his hips, and legs.

As casual as anything, Stitch stepped behind the pain blinded human, and scooped his paws on either side of his hips. With no trouble at all, he set Matt up on all fours, even took the time to set his hips at just the right height. A sly grin spread on the experiment's face as he lined himself up behind his quarry and wriggled his hips in flush against the humans butt. With his lower set of paws he held the man steady, as his others rubbed together with mischief in his eyes.

Similar to how he hid his antennae and arms around the island, his genitals too were tucked away inside his body. He cocked his head to the side and squinted an eye. With a little grunt of effort, a long-sealed pouch opened with a slow squelch. His hips flexed and twitched forward, and a little trail of creamy goo welled along the vertical as it was parted by a half dozen tendrils, the points of each were pencil thin, but tapered as wide as a finger just past the tip. They emerged as a single shaft, coiled around one another for half a foot. As they got free, they spread out against the human's bare skin in a slimy fan. Each twitched and pulsed as they added to the mess. As Stitch drew his hips back he dragged his smooth tendrils back along Matt's skin, and shivered in pleasure. The last third of his length emerged and revealed that the tentacles merged into a single together into a single shaft that widened vertically to fill out all the flesh of its juicy home, and bulge out past his fur; a multi-headed dolphin's penis design, copywrite Jumba.

Stitch let out a contented sigh as he wriggled them around in the warm air between himself and Matt, then drew them together. He let them lay out and curl forward over the human's tailbone. Wet slime drooled from their tips as they dragged down into his cleft. He was half aware of was the alien was up to behind him, but he had no strength to struggle, all his energy and focus went to pain, and the ever-changing sensation that pervaded his mind.

The initial, internal changes to his anatomy were already most of the way done. The soft tissues of all his major organs had altered; they were tougher, stronger, far more efficient. His heart slowed in pace, but each pump was more powerful than the last. The buzz from the sugar only increased as his system processed it all faster and faster to fuel his transformation. He was entirely unable to think straight, no longer from pain, but from the mutations that swept through his brain. It shifted and folded more and more as the synapses within made dozens of new connections each. Genetic memories that were not his own rushed into his mind, every one was indistinct and vague, like a word at the tip of your tongue.

The tips of Stitch's tentacles slipped down and paused over his hole, then slid onward. All the while they squirmed against one another, vying for a new position constantly. It had an intense, musky aroma that triggered confusing feelings in Matt's mind. On top of the pain, a lust forced itself into his mind, tucked away in the corner, but grew at a concerning rate. The points of the tentacles began an assault on the flesh behind the man's shrinking ballsac. Each stabbed forward in turn at a rapid-fire pace.Over and over again they assaulted that same spot. He felt the blows echo into his body, and compress his prostate. An indentation soon formed, and the tentacles continued their squishy assault. Slowly but surely his flesh fell inward, and was forced out of the way. Though it hurt, there was no blood.

His body accepted and molded around the invasion, and soon a cavity had formed. The alien over him shifted his stance, then drove the tendrils forward all together, and stretched the new hole wider. A constant flow of musky fluids dripped from the site, down over his ballsac. His testicals had been entirely consumed by the mutagen, and their former home smoothed over. He felt the terrible sensation, and opened his eyes, only to have far too much detail flood into his brain. He watched it all with terrible detail. He saw his flaccid shaft withdraw into his crotch, just a bundle of loose skin left in view.

He wanted to see no more, but he could not look away. He saw in vivid color in the poor starlight. Saw the tentacles that shot a little deeper into his body as they curled upon themselves, and jabbed forward once again. Their impacts jarred his prostate violently, repeatedly, mercilessly. Though his skin had been toughened by the ongoing transformation, it was by no means impenetrable. With another heavy thrust, the tentacles were through, the layer of skin burst like a hymen. They rushed forward past the turn boundary, and shot right into his partly developed egg-sac. The moment they passed the inner curve of his body the tentacles splayed out in all directions, pressed out tight to the walls, and as they penetrated deeper they inevitably met together at one point, right at the back of Matt's small ovipouch.

Matt cried out and fell forward, his face in the grass, one arm braced over his head, the other at his side, his ass in the air. He mumbled something incomprehensible, and brushed a hand back at his assailant in protest.

Stitch let him go.

He bent his knees and drew himself out just a few inches, then launched himself forward through the air. For a brief moment the only thing that tethered the two was the shared base of stitch's tentacles. He landed upon his mate's back and grabbed on tight with all six limbs. The extra weight slammed him to the ground with a heavy thud. Without missing a beat, the Alien slammed his hips forward, and drove them home. The odd vertical taper of the shaft's base stretched his hole tall as it slammed through. The half dozen tentacles coiled up within Matt's body, stretched his torso in all directions, and writhed about against one another. An instant later, those impossibly powerful hips slammed into his rear, and buried the hot flesh of the experiment's slit against the man's slime-covered cheeks.

For nearly a minute, Stitch ground his hips side to side, while his tentacles wriggled and ground against each other, and the walls around them. The alien's ears perked and his glowing eyes went wide. Five ovum floated in the thick goo inside the ovipouch, he felt them. The slime that made their growing nest was a mix of the musky product of the ever-moving, ever spewing tentacles, and secretions that Matt produced within him.

A series of sickening cracks was joined by a hoarse scream by Matt from the terrible shock. His bones were pulverized, the material compressed and changed; more flexible, more durable, and much shorter. The agony of the shrink started in his chest when it caved in, his belly soon joined in on the fun and sucked into his gut. His ovi-sac, full of fluids, remained as it was, and left him with a swell to his paunch that grew every second. When his pelvis shattered and reformed into its new, smaller configuration it left the man strangely deformed, as though a child's body had the extremities of an adult. The alien that was pounding his rear let out a loud moan of approval at the sudden added tightness around both his shaft and tentacles.

His mate was nearly ready.

The changes Matt's skeleton traveled in a wave down his arms and legs. His shoulder crackled and the ball socket pulled apart. He dug at the dirt with his nails as the breakage worked right down to the tips of his fingers; his pinkies went limp and numb, whithered up, and vanished into his hand. Through a red haze, he saw then grow short and stubby, then swell out to the point they almost seemed cartoon-like. His nails pulled back through his skin, and the flesh smoothed over. In the same moments his femur splintered and halved its length, seconds later the rest of his leg had been affected. His toes bunched up and curled in his shoes, his only article of clothing that had not been shredded by Stitch's claws. All the tiny bones in his feet popped, his outer pair of toes sunk into the skin, and a new, three-digit structure replaced it. The trio left spread out evenly across his foot, then filled out like his fingers with new muscle and flesh. His coccyx split apart, and became mobile. Skin stretched along as it lifted out of his body. The flesh parted slowly from tip to base, and soon he was left with a skinny, pink rope of a tail.

Now that his partner had shrunk to about his size, Stitch settled his feet back to the ground, then scooped him up and flipped him over with ease. He caught Matt's shortened legs with his lower arms and held them to his sides, large toes tucked just behind the armpit all the while his tentacles continued their fun. The alien leaned over his lover and grinned down at him, eye to eye, right as the changes made their way up his neck, and began the alterations to his skull. His strength no longer sapped, he brought his thick-fingered hands to either side of his face. The skin on his digits had become far more sensitive, and the feeling when his jaw and cheekbone shattered just made it all that much worse. The noise in his ears was like chewing rocks; grinding, grating, disturbing. His skin stretched as the structure of a muzzle was built up. Soon the rest of his head followed suit. The short hair on his eyebrows and scalp was drawn into his skin, and he was left bald. The bizarre sound of the change of his ear canal was momentarily the only sound in the world. It expanded and shifted back and up slightly, while his ears themselves grew longer. Long-since dormant muscle strengthened and swiveled them about at random for a few seconds before the perky things settled, flattened out to the sides of his head.

The experiment slammed his hips forward harder than ever and tightened his grip as he peered down at his handiwork. The leftover mass from the shrinking process had coalesced and mutated into raw material for the ovum in Matt's egg-sac. Spheres once the size of marbles had grown into full sized eggs, each comparable to an ostrich's; half a foot long, and four inches wide. They were visible as a lumpy quintet of swollen spots that dominated his belly and sides, the space around them filled with large volumes of musky alien slime. So much of his torso occupied that each breath was a labor.

Over and over his blue-furred mate slammed his hips against him and rattled the eggs around. The tentacles made their way among them intricately, and jarred the leathery shells about every passing moment. Stitch fell forward and held himself just above his mate, upper set of arms on the ground for support. His second set shifted their grip on Matt's hips, and kept his rear off the ground.

With his whole skeleton in its final form, The worst of the pain of transformation had passed. Muscles twitched and spasmed across his body as alien flesh consumed the last remnants of human tissue, and replaced its function. There was a brief moment of calm. Matt felt Stitch's thrusts, he felt the alien's tentacles deep inside his body. He felt those five eggs that had his body stretched to formerly impossible proportions, but it all seemed so distant. The lack of pain brought on a strange euphoria that made him almost giddy, despite the situation.

His gums bulged out and ached as a new set of teeth emerged all at the same time in just a few seconds. The front two were bucktooth, and it appeared his canines had grown quite sharp. His calm and fascination over new dentistry was short lived. At random point all over his body his skin itched and made him squirm. Dozens of tiny patches of hair emerged then spread in all directions. Each intersected with its neighbors, and in no time at all a fresh, silky smooth coat of fur at grown in. Thick and white around his cheeks, the same white fur thick and fluffy over his chest, and right down through his legs, as well as the underside of his pink-padded feet, and toes. His tail exploded with hair. In a quick, steady wave, it all grew out to full length, and in the end looked not unlike that of a husky, underside white, the top full of color. Along his upper arms, back and thighs dark tiger stripes appeared over vivid, dual hued blue fur. His eartips matched the royal tuft of hair that grew in replacement of his old locks. That same color marched down his back to his tail, over his shoulders, and down over his outer thighs. Between it and the creamy white underfur lay a coat the color of a summer's sky. The lighter blue fur was resident over the last of the end of his tail, his biceps, and the rest of his legs.

When he opened his eyes once again he found the world quite a different place. The colors around him had changed somehow, some innate part of him new that the spectra of light his eyes could see had been expanded in both directions.

"... ground control this is fli~ain't nothing but a hound dog~Mary! It's Jill, have you s..."

He was then ripped back to reality by the sound of a thousand people talking, yelling, singing; all at the same time, the information whizzed through his head in a blur. It was his new antenna, the two buds grew in over his head. They flicked and twitched about as the signals they picked up overpowered him for many, agonizing seconds. Then, slowly but surely, his altered brain adapted to, and accepted the new input, until it was just background noise.

It was then he noticed the sensations of pleasure his body was reporting. For the longest time it had been buried under pain, distress, distraction. With all of that in the past, he was free to enjoy himself, whether he liked it or not.

His sense of self felt alien and bizarre. The changes to his body reflected themselves in his mind. He opened his eyes and brought a white-furred paw to into his vision, the fingers in crisp focus as dark claws emerged from the tips of each. He shifted his focus beyond, to the blue-furred beast that had never slowed, never ceased in its coupling. For the first time since their encounter he met the creature in the eyes and saw, not a monster, but something else. He could not put a finger on it, but with every moment that passed, that mattered less and less.

His body told him he was happy. It told him he enjoyed this. Matt simply could not resist. He stared up into Stitch's eyes as the experiment leaned down closer. His lover's breath washed over his face and flowed through his fur, which sent a chill through his form. He found that his paws drew up, and settled on those blue-furred shoulders. His mouth fell open as he let out his first pleasured moan with a new voice. It sounded not unlike Stitch's, though rather higher pitched. He dwelt on that for only a moment, before he was once again lost in his mate's eyes.

He gripped tighter with both paws as he tipped his head forward. The pair's antenna touched for a brief moment, and an electric spark passed between the two that left the newly formed creature's mind dazzled, and filled his body with a unique, pleasurable tingle. A giddy smile grew on his face as his slit clenched up around that lovely shaft, and its tentacles. His mate responded with a tightened grip, and a flurry of activity of his tentacles. They hugged each other tighter together, chest to chest.

Stitch slipped his head down and wrapped his huge maw around his mate's shoulder, then clamped down tight. Though his teeth were as sharp as blades, they only indented the altered hide upon which they bit. His lower arms graspt his mate's hips flush with his own as his body went rigid, and his long ears flattened to the back of his head. A feral growl vibrated Matt's chest as the six tentacles each coiled around an egg. With another grunt and a quiver of his hips the base of the tall alien member swelled to its limit with thick reproductive slime; half again as large as the ostrich-sized ovum. The pressure traveled down the length of each tentacle, and burst forth in a deluge of goo.

Matt was unable to help but cry out as he felt his already over-stuffed sac swell even more. The eggs tumbled in every direction around the large tie, suspended and carried along in a whirlpool of alien cum. His belly and sides bulged out and pushed Stitch's feet just off the ground. The experiment bit down harder and ground his hips forward once more as he rode out his unique orgasm, snarling as his body worked harder the higher the pressure became.

Stitch came down from his elated high after a few minutes, and prepared for his final step. He released Matt's shoulder, then shifted over, face to face. With a careful touch, he drew Matt's antenna forward, then touched his own to them. A surge of information passed back and forth between them; knowledge, experiences, dreams, emotions. For an instant, the man was terrified. It all washed over him like a wave, faster than he could understand. He tried to fight it, but it was an exercise in futility. He felt his identity slipping away into memory, and he was okay with that. His eyes went wide, and in moments a bond formed between them. The final changes to his mind were them complete. They lay there, eye to eye, and soon his expression shifted to joy.

"Cousin!" Stitch barked excitedly.

"Frazzy!" The former human corrected with a grin.

All of Stitch's tentacles coiled around one of the eggs and unspoken words passed between the two. With a grunt and a flex, the tentacles crushed the leathery shell and released its contents. There was a reaction the instant the contents mixed. Tentacles formed spontaneously and grew in all directions through Frazzy's ovisac. In seconds the fluids that had filled Frazzy's sac had been replaced almost entirely by a mass of squirmy tendrils. The both of them moaned in unison as the things ground into every crevice and rubbed out against every surface. Several ground themselves out against Stitch's huge, flared tie, and forced themselves into the groove between it and the wall. They could not escape though, the knot had swollen too large. Many more looped themselves protectively around the remaining four eggs, still others coiled themselves up with his partner's tentacles.

Soon one of them found a formerly sealed passage, just at the base of their birth chamber. Frazzy felt the virgin passage stretched open when it shot forward, and cried out on pleasure as he felt its surface in exquisite detail. One side was slick and smooth, while the underside seemed lined from just past the tip onward with small, round suckers that flexed constantly and tugged at his sensitive flesh.

Stitch eased himself to the ground between Frazzy's legs, and settles his talons on his mate's swollen belly. The forms of a dozen or more tentacles were visible under the stretched skin, one more than the rest. Just at the base of his belly a lump grew out, and Frazz felt a new sensation. His brain told him it was outside his body, but the thing was clearly not visible. His partner joined his gaze and peered down at the movement. With care, he brought a talon over and wrapped his fingers around the mass, then gave it a soft squeeze, which lifted an eager moan from its owner.

Frazzy settled his paws on his chest and let out another eager moan as the tentacle ground out against Stitch's touch in reaction. A startled cry sprung from his lips as the hole inside him was stretched wider by a twin to the first, then even more by an extra trio. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the feelings of pleasure they funneled into him that made his fur stand on end. He found that they seemed influenced by his thoughts, and the more he focused on them, the more they fell under his control. He bore down and flexed a new muscle experimentally, and was shocked by a new sensation. The cluster shot upward, and unsealed his pouch for the first time. Cold night air rushed into the cavity around them, and bore another sharp moan from their owner. He opened his eyes, and saw the tips of five tentacles poke free of the fleshy pouch. Each was a separate color of the rainbow, and moved independently of its neighbors.

"Ooh. Meega nota, koh nalate gretaka!" Stitch grinned wide as his words put a blush on his mate's face. He reached out to the tentacles with both paws. As he looped his talons around a pair of them, they returned the favor and coiled amongst his fingers. Their suckers plucked at his claws and fur, and sent a little shiver through both their bodies as they marveled at the unique sensation. The alien tightened his gut, and groaned as his partner on the ground did the same. In moments more thick, musky cum was squeezed from his knot. The huge bulb deflated and Frazzy's tentacles and eggs were coated in a fresh coat of musky cum. With it small enough, Stitch popped himself free with a loud squelch. The tentacles inside twisted and milked at his shaft as he withdrew, and caused them to moan in chorus. His tendrils were nearly tied in knots with those inside, and as they uncoiled and ground past one another long, silky pleasure echoed through both their bodies. When he was free he drew his shafts up and licked at each one in turn suggestively, relishing the flavor, eye to eye with his lover.

Frazzy had his attention diverted rather suddenly as sharp bolts of pleasure spiked inside his body, each better than the last. Tentacle after tentacle shoved its way through the small join between his egg-sac and pouch. He spread his legs wider and laid his head back, in a long, constant moan, muzzle agape. As suddenly as it began, the activity changed. The last of them had squeezed into their new spot, just inside the base of his pouch. They were not content to simply mill about. Many explored their new surroundings, more than a dozen. They felt about with their sensitive suckers, some out against the stretchy flesh of the outer flap, the others in against his belly. In rapid succession they encountered a set of teats, six in total. The tentacles flexed around each one and pressed a sucker over. With another contraction they drew tight on each one, and made them swell and pulse with milk. One the flow started, there was little to stop it. A trio of hidden tentacles fought over each nipple, and the flurry of movement only served to send their owner into higher and higher bouts of pleasure.

The feeling was nothing like anything he had experienced in his old life. Rather than the feeling of building to a peak, this just intensified as time went on. With every stroke it built, every touch it spiked. His entire body tingled, alive with sensation. His fur stood on end from head to toe, and made him writhe in the grass. Even the feeling of their blades felt fantastic. A touch to his sensitive ovislit made him jump slightly. He turned his dazed attention downward, and marveled at the sight of over two dozen tentacles inside his pouch. They writhed constantly around one another, and filled him with intense joy. Another tickle to his slit made him turn his attention beyond, to his mate.

He only saw Stitch's ears and the top of his head, for he had dipped down, and licked out over the sensitive flesh. Though the slit was quite elastic, it was dilated even then. Frazzy wagged his fluffy tail, and drew a long murr from his mate as the soft fur brushed back and forth against his exposed member.

"Mmm, nu trana go katae," Frazzy moaned out, and Stitched grinned at his partner's suggestion. His paws slipped down and angled up his companion by the knees and butt, dived forward and went to town his broad tongue. Over and over again the powerful muscle lapped up and down, back and forth. Each pass he dipped its tip into that sensitive hole, and teased at the flesh inside. Soon he changed tactics and pressed his mouth flush to the messy fur, and plunged his tongue deep into fluids within that had coagulated into a thick, clear gel.

The alien patted his butt as a signal, and after a long breath in, he bore down. The thick, musky goo was pushed through his passage, and Stitch lapped it up with fervor. His grip tightened on his mate and he pulled back slowly. The first egg had slipped into place. He pulled his tongue free, then peered down into the slit. More thick fluids oozed out of the hole, dripped down to the base of his tail, then fell to the ground below. Slowly his flesh bulged out beyond the line of his body, his folds parted, and revealed the shell of the first egg. Just like the four in line behind it, the surface was white, speckled in blue. He clenched down involuntarily as a sudden contraction hit him. The large egg spread him ever wider as Stitch looked on in wonder.

There was a little pain as another contraction pushed the egg farther still, and stretched him around its widest point. The shell was half free, and his partner took action. His strong tongue licked down over the solid, leathery shell, then pressed the muscle forward sharply. Frazzy cried out as this pushed his skin past that critical point, and made the egg shoot free, right into Stitch's mouth. The alien tilted his head back and with a gulp, swallowed it whole for safe keeping. Next he angled his mate down, and brought his tentacled shaft level with the oozing slit. The half dozen tendrils slipped inside and wrapped around the next egg with care.

With a squint and a groan, the experiment withdrew slowly, until he just stretched at Frazzy's hole. He awaited the next contraction, and pulled his hips back. The new 'mother' cried out as he was stretched wider than ever, and with a splash of birthing goo in all directions, the second was free. Stitch reeled it back in flush with his body, then thrust his hips backward, grunted, and pulled it inside his body.

The tentacles did not stay confined to their pouch for long after that treatment. A half dozen of the suckered lengths poured over the lip and made their way down his belly, to his slit. Stitch grinned as he saw them, and licked up at each as they drew near. The tips of three hooked and attached themselves to points around the leaking chute, and tugged it open. The next egg had settled in place, and with another contraction and a loud moan from their layer, shot down the passage, propelled along by more thick birthing goo. The moment the ovum fell loose, three tentacles scooped it up, and disappeared back into their pouch, only to be replaced by a dozen more moments after.

The final egg had already fallen into place, and Frazzy was almost disappointed. The feeling of laying each one caused a sky-shattering mix of pain and intense pleasure. He didn't want it to end. He tried to hold back, but the next contraction hit him regardless and pushed the leathery shell down his passage. He had a trio of tentacles slip into his slit and hold the egg in place, but with the intensity of the sensation that caused, he was unable to hold it for long. Another contraction hit and he lost the battle. The pressure built behind it, then seeped out around the shell. Stitch added to the moment as he shot forth his tongue, and buried it against Frazzy's flesh once again, and like before he pushed the skin past that critical point, and allowed the egg an escape. His mate shook his head and pushed it back inside as he panted and clutched at the ground. Over and over he wrestled with his contractions, that strong tongue, and those eager tentacles. He popped it in and out a few more times before it became too much for him, and he was reduced to a beyond-orgasmic stupor.

The experiment set him down gently and licked his messy lips as he looked down at his mate. The forms of just two eggs were visible inside the white-furred pouch, wrapped in tentacles. Still more of the many colored lengths writhed under the surface, as busy as ever with the hidden nipples. Frazzy lowered his paws to his pouch and pet over a pair of tentacles that moved to meet his touch. The dozen that remained down between his legs lifted up toward Stitch. A grin spread on Frazz's face as his mate suspected nothing. The alien reached out and gripped a paw around one tenderly, while he pet and caressed at three others, the rest poured forward and settled against his belly. Half rolled around his sides, while the rest slid down over his crotch, and against his legs. Their suckers picked and flexed against the alien's fur, and drew soft moans from him.

Frazzy eased the lengths forward, and coiled them around his partner's limbs and torso. Along the way he kneaded and gripped at Stitch's body with his suckers, then once he felt satisfied with their placement, he sprung his trap. The tentacles tightened their grip, and plucked their subject off the ground. He looked up at his 'cousin' as he drew his mate over his belly, a large, cute grin on his face. Eight more tentacles emerged, four clutched the pair of eggs they spirited away earlier, while the others slipped up behind the suspended form.

Stitch only moaned and arched in the tentacle's powerful grasp as the two pairs snaked forward to the alien's long unused ovislit. The four tips took up cardinal positions and pulled in all directions, which drew a long yowl from the his mate. Though he squirmed about, he did not fight against the tentacles. So, as they stretched his hole open, Stitch could not help but moan sharply and arch backward into it. The egg-baring tentacles slipped into position next. The shells were coated in a layer of goopy slime, so there was no friction to overcome as they were pressed against that tight little hole.

He arched up again and pushed back in vain against this source of pleasure, almost snarling with the effort. No matter what way he moved he gained no purchase; the tentacles moved at their own pace. Slowly but surely they eased the first egg forward. It stretched him wider and wider. The binds around his legs pulled them apart to their limits, then all at once it plunged inside, followed immediately by the tentacles that had worked so hard to get it there. The suckered lengths pulled free in a second, and were replaced by the second set. With his passage already stretched the first third of the egg slid in before they encountered any resistance. The four tentacles around the hole adjusted their grip and held on tighter as they pulled him open once again. He squeaked out then gasped as it was slammed past the tight ring, and settled it in with its sibling. Stitch finally just went limp. Now he had quite a good idea how Frazzy felt stuffed with so many eggs, and it felt so good. Stitch let himself go limp and closed his eyes, relaxed in his mate's embrace, suspended in the air.

His partner was not yet finished.

Frazzy wriggled his hips, and withdrew his tentacles all together, Stitch along with them. The alien did not even know what was happening until he felt his feet slip into the warm confines of that slick, wriggly pouch. More and more tentacles coiled around his legs and drew him down to the bottom of their home. His limbs were drawn tight against his body as he was pushed down through the passage into his ovisac. All along the way more and more tentacles coiled around Stich's body and coated him from toe to head in slick fluids. Frazz clutched at his partner's hair as he was stretched wider than ever around his mate's hips and torso. A grin spread across the alien's head as his head slipped down into the pouch, face to belly. He licked and nibbled at nipples as they passed by, which slowed his descent momentarily as the pleasure sent an excited tingle though his mate.

Soon enough his antenna and ears vanished in a mass of tentacles, and disappeared down into the pouch. Stitch kept his eyes closed as countless tentacles explored his body in passing. Many slicked into his mouth and coiled against his tongue while he licked back at them, others investigated his nose and ears, still more just writhed and tickled over his form, and moved it ever onward into Frazz's ovisac. His body was already hard at work, and coated Stitch in layer after layer of thick goo. The alien was rolled into a ball, and after a few minutes a leathery shell had been formed around his body.

Frazz's tentacles helped him to his feet. He looked down at his body and grinned wide in satisfaction. His belly was swollen quite large with the form of the single, huge egg, with Stitch tucked away inside the solid shell, strong enough that he would be unable to get out for a fair while. He lifted himself higher and leaned forward, supported off the ground by a set of tentacles, as a trio of them slipped down to his slit and plunged inside. After a loud moan and a pleasant shiver, he latched onto the walls with his suckers, and stretched himself open.

Once again contractions hit his body, and shifted the large egg around, until the shell was set in place. He took a few long, steady breaths, then bore down as hard as he could. At the same time he pulled his sit open as much as he could. At an agonizing pace the egg inched forward, and finally he had to relent, a let the egg fall back a little. It took a little work, but he managed to get a few tentacles to slip from his pouch into the back of his womb to push from inside and help with the effort. Two more tentacles slipped out of his pouch. With another shaky breath he gave it everything he got. His face and ears flushed red in effort as he bore down. He made better progress than before and let out a strained moan as he was stretched wider and wider around the massive egg.

His mouth drooped open wide as his eyes bugged out. He could not even make more than a gurgle as the shell inched its way to the point of no return. The exquisite mix of pleasure, stretching, tightness, pain, and everything else overwhelmed him as he was driven to a roaring climax. His body contracted, and popped the egg out that little extra bit, and sent it in an arc through the air onto the soft grass below. All at once his tentacles went limp, and he collapsed to the ground, moaning and panting. The feeling of orgasm did not fade from him for longer than he could keep track, so by the time he got his bearings again more than an hour had passed.

The moon had dipped below the hills to the west, and Frazzy rolled onto his back. He rumbled contently as he played back the events in his head, his memory of them so crystal clear and vivid that he may as well have experienced them again. He sat up and climbed to his feet. Behind him his tail wagged back and forth as he looked to the large, blue-speckled egg in front of him. Without a word he padded over to it had had a few tentacles scoop it into the air. A bounce in his step, and made his way back to his truck.

"He is going to be so much fun to have around at the house..."

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