Serenifi: Jail-Bait, Incest, and Furry? Oh my!

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(We see a painting of a young man with brunette hair, glasses, and a beard, with a creepy live-action mouth.)

Portrait: Are ya ready perverts?

Audience: Aye-aye captain!

Portrait: I can't hear you! Also, I'm not a pirate, so don't call me captain.

Audience (Louder): AYE-AYE... Not-captain!

Portrait: I can't hear you!

Audience (Takes out a microphone): AYE-AYE NOT-CAPTAIN!!!!

(We see the portrait is distorted a bit.)

Portrait: Oooooohhhhhhhh...

(The camera cuts to a shot of Acme Acres, before zooming in to a particular mansion.)

Who lives in a mansion in a fictional town?

(We see a female coyote and a purple-and-white skunkette initially in their underwear, before a live-action hand gives them their clothes.)

Serenity and Fifi!

(We now see them in a pool, with a male horse, as they inhale from his dong, inflate, then release his pudding.)

Whose literal hobby is ****ing around?

Serenity and Fifi!

(We now see duplicates of them riding various males.)

If laughter and lust be something you adore.

Serenity and Fifi!

And getting a tail-job, til your dong is all sore!

Serenity and Fifi!

(We now see the two being settled into various positions, until they revert back to their clothed form.)

Serenity and Fifi! Serenity and Fifi! Serenity and Fifi!

(We now see them hopping along the text: "Serenity and Fifi".)

Seren-Ifi! Hahahahahaha!


(They then pop up blowing onto the same canine dildo a familiar ending tune.)



"Alright, class! We've got five new students here today. Say hello to..." Dean Bunny just stood there, as two vixens, a husky, a rabbit, and a cat, all female, wearing school uniforms, and in the age 7-10 zone, made their way to the front of the classroom. "What're your names again?" "Robyn McClaire." Replied the redhead vixen. "I'm Kennedy Miller..." Replied the blond cat, after a bit of hesitation. "I'm Ellen Hadar/Edna!" Announced the other vixen and the brunette rabbit, simultaneously, in a unified upbeat tone. "And I'm going to rule Acme Looniversity!" Replied the redhead husky, in an attractive russian accent. *Cue laugh track.* She was then nudged by Robyn. "Sorry. I'm Miaska Aleksandrova." "Alright, Robyn, Kennedy, Ellen, Edna, and... Mee-yaks... Meme-Yanks... Mia, please take your seats, and after homeroom, two of our top college juniors will be willing to show you around the place."

One boring-ass class later...

The five new students found themselves escorted down the hallways by a brown-furred, brunette-haired female coyote and a purple-and-white skunkette, both in wheelchairs, with enlarged bellies. "And to your right is the 'Dark-Brooding-Superhero-Adaptation' class, the 'Cheap-Direct-To-DVD-Sequel/Prequel/Midquel/Spin-Off/TV-Pilot-Under-The-Guise-Of-A-Direct-Sequel-That-No-One-Wants-Yet-Exists-Here-To-Reflect-Pop-Culture-Reality' class, the 'Lord-Of-The-Rings-Copycat-Cash-Grab' class, the..." The coyote then paused at the sight of a poster of "Teen Titans Go!" on the door with the label: "Comedic Superhero Adaptations". "... Pure cash-grab class... And the '50%-Decent/Awesome-50%-Lackluster/Lazy-CGI-Family-Film' class. Any questions?" "Is there a cheerleading recruitment?" Requested Edna. "Certainly." "What are the chances of making friends here?" Requested Ellen in less than a second, with her signature bubbly manner. "50-50. Eizer zey appreciate your sense of humour, or zey go on a lengthy 'Reason-You-Suck' rant zat will only be enjoyed by zose who look past ze unpleasant nature of ze conversation, and agree." The french-accented skunkette replied. (Speaking of sexy-accented females...) "Vat ees average intelligence rate in looniversity?" Demanded Mia. "About 43%... Mainly immature high-schoolers." "Perfect..." Mia pondered, with a smirk on her face.

Uh, Mia?


I don't think high-schoolers, while dumb as bricks, will follow orders from someone your size.

"This ees place named 'Looniversity', made up of age-confused students, and fourth-wall humor. Anything's possible. Besides, I have own... Persuasions..."

Okay... If North Korea can have a mentally-unstable ax-crazy leader, then anyone can lead...

Where was I? Oh, yeah...

"How did you end up like that?" Kennedy asked the coyote, pointing to her amplified belly. "Oh, we just made quite a few friends just a few weeks after we first moved here... Before that number heightened as we expressed ourselves emotionally... And we eventually gained about 14 of those friends as our retainers..." As she listened to Serenity's exposition, Robyn suddenly felt a dirty thought strike her like lightning. "Serenity?" "Yeah?" "Could we stay over at your place until our fathers find a suitable residence?" "Sure! You have no idea how many people have stayed with us..."

Later that afternoon...

"Oh, why'd I come with you to see that movie?" Kennedy demanded, still scarred after seeing "Alien 5" with her (both old and new) friends. "Come on, Kenny! You gotta be more open-minded sometimes!" Ellen replied, as Serenity escorted them into her van. "Besides, I zink we all know what ze REAL horror film for zees year will be..." Replied Fifi, looking at the poster for "The Emoji Movie".

Later still...

"What should we do now, Mia?" Ellen requested, as she finished her session of "Mario Kart" with the coyote and skunkette. "Same thing I do every day, Ellen... Try to take over school..." Mia's statement was suddenly replied to be an unknown voice. "Hey, that's MY line!" She looked down to see a white mouse, with an enlarged head and red eyes. "I exist in this world, too." He stated, before heading off into the sunset. "So, how was school, Edna?" "Oh, it certainly was fun!" The upbeat vixen replied. "I seem to have grabbed the attention of twice as many boys as I did back in Pouncefield! I just wonder why that may have been..." She pondered, as, unknownst to her, her own tail was propping up her skirt, providing a rather provocative sight for a well-dressed weasel watching them. "I wish my brother was here right now... We really have quite the realistic sibling bond together, and, in a way, an UNrealistic bond..." As she spoke, the young vixen felt a tingling sense between her legs that she dared not resolve, on account of her being around newer friends, who were unaware of her interests. Coincidentally, Robyn was experiencing a similar desire, but this time, she needed something to satisfy it. "Hey, Fifi, is it?" "Oui?" "Is it OK if I go up to my room and... Change into my PJs?" Fifi pondered suspiciously. "OK, why not?" She replied, before the little redhead vixen raced upstairs.

The young vulpine frantically searched the hallways for an empty room, where she could satisfy herself in peace. Finally, she spotted one. Robyn stretched herself out onto the bed, and begun to picture a handsome, blue-haired male fox in the nude, when she notices a streak of white on among the otherwise-dark-brown slick wooden floor. She looked down, and discovered an entire box full of VHS tapes. The kit's curiosity heightened, and she rummaged through the tapes, which all had white labels with various titles written in sharpie. There was "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Pleasure", "Hairy Pothead and the Philosopher's Toy", "Pirates of the Caribbean: Sexy Woman's Chest", "Lord of the Cock-Rings", and "Mission: Impenetrable". Robyn's crotch was flaming up from just reading these titles. Luckily for her, there was a television set 12 feet away from the bed. She eventually settled on "The Wizard of Jizz", scooted up to the boob-tube, flicked the screen on, and inserted the video. The screen immediately displayed a lovely doe in a slutified Dorothy cosplay outfit, no doubt picking up from the last time the film was played. The doe in the movie proceeded to strip her ruby slippers, socks, dress, petticoat, and frilly-white undergarments before a curvy vixen in green fur-dye and a black witch hat, who then untied the back of her dress, letting it fall to her knees, revealing a black leather strap-on. Robyn observed as the witchy vixen grasped the doe by her hips, and stuffed the tool inside her. Robyn, being bisexual, lifted up her skirt, and proceeded to slide her hand inside her panties. She rapidly rubbed her fingers against the lips of her slit, unable to trigger it, however. All she could do was watch the doe and vixen in a 69 by a fountain, and ponder: "Isn't the witch allergic to water?" But, she eventually managed to revert her reproductive system back to it's randy nature when the film got to a bukakke between "Dorothy" and her friends. Just when she thought she would faint of exasperation... "Hey, Robyn, they're serving piz..." Robyn felt her heart race as she suddenly heard the familiar high-pitched voice of her rabbit companion, accompanied by the other three friends. They all stood in surprise as they noticed the little vixen, watching a pornographic film, masturbating, and most shocking of all: NOT in her PJs. "You said you wanted to..." "Yeah, I know... I just needed an excuse. I'm sorry for being so selfish to turn you down for..." "Oh, don't go on blaming yourself. I understand..." Edna replied. "You didn't want them to know 'bout your passion." "Mind if we... Comfort you?" Mia inquired. Robyn could see where this was going. "Not at all..." She replied, as she spread her legs. The five young girls then gathered into a circle, embracing one-another, sticking out their tongues in the center, flapping in desperation, their hands sliding down between their legs, ready to start a fire, then put it out... "Hey, gals! What's taki... Jesus Christ!" A handsome, well-dressed, scruffy-furred fox arrived with the weasel, as well as a wolf, a goat, and a buck, all of whom were dressed in black, male, and quite surprised by the 5th-grade-level females engaging in sensual acts. "Whoa, there girls! You're WAY too young for that stuff!" The fox approached the TV, and ejected the tape. "You don't even know how much VHS's sucked even when they were new!" The five young students, amidst his lecturing, got the same idea...

Less than a minute later...

The fox found himself handcuffed to the bed and gagged, with Mia kneeling on his crotch, stroking his bulge. Meanwhile, the goat found himself tied to one bedpost, with Robyn stroking his lower body, the wolf was tied to the other bedpost, with Edna stroking his lower body, and the buck was bound and gagged on the floor, with Ellen stroking his upper body. The weasel, however had turned the tables, as he held a bondaged Kennedy close to his thin snout, lustfully licking her blushing gagged face.

"Now Mr. ... Vat's your name?" "Vincent." "Vincent... I assume you know vhy you're in position, no?" "No..." "I knew you'd say that... You've caught me in quite a mood, and I don't break out easily... So you vill do everything I request..." As she spoke, the puppy unzipped and unbuttoned the vulpine's pants, before pulling them off with his tighty-whities, and tossing them aside. "And don't even think about telling some von..." She threatened, as she stroked his long red sheath. "You vouldn't vant any von to know you screwed innocent little girl... Do you?" Vincent shook his head "No". "Khorosho..." She replied, before engulfing her mouth around his meat. The minute she started, Vincent's feelings began to conflict. She reminded him so much of his own sweetheart, Snowie, and her accent made his heart melt faster than ice, and she had such a pretty face, and a body to match. But he knew perfectly well how wrong this was. How much he tries to keep a good image. How loyal he was to his two bosses. How much he enjoyed his time with them... That last thought brought him back to reality, as he suddenly felt his pudding shoot into the husky's mouth. She dared not pull out just yet. She wanted to know for herself how fox semen tasted. Once he ceased fire, she finally pulled out and swallowed. "Eto bylo vkusno..." She replied in her seductive accent. Vincent, of course, had no idea what that meant, but couldn't care less. Suddenly, he was ambushed by a tossed pair of black mary-jane shoes, followed by grey socks, a red tie, a plain-white shirt, a grey skirt, and a pair of bright-pink panties with cherries decorated. He looked up to see the little russian in her birthday suit. His heart raced as he gazed at her flat breasts and small opening, split between his adoration of this sight, and his moral attitude. "Go on... Slide it in... Caress underage chest all you vant..." Vincent hesitated a bit. "No." "Vat?" "I'm not doing it. I know better than..." He was suddenly interrupted by the cocking of a revolver aimed directly at his head. "Use me..." Mia demanded in a now-intimidating tone. He responded by grabbing her by the hips, and seating her onto his lap. His dong probed her sweating slit for a few seconds, before he managed to fit the entire knot inside the husky. Mia gasped at the size of Vincent's manhood, a rare sign that she was pleased with her mating partner. His randiness heightened by the sound of her voice, Vincent grasped Mia by the legs, and positioned themselves onto the bed, where he removed his jacket, shirt, and tie before resuming his pounding of the ten-year-old canine. His massive tool squeezed further into Mia's tunnel, until it managed to reach the interior entrance. He held her comparatively small legs as he thrust inside her faster and faster, until his eyes bulged into hearts, and he shot his seed into her system. He pulled out to shoot some more onto her back, to which the young husky responded by collecting it all into her hand to sip from.

In the meantime, Robyn spent her time playing with the goat's feet (or hooves, whatever), before pulling down his pants and boxers, and giving his strong meat a taste. She then removed her shoes, socks, tie, shirt, skirt, and bright-pink panties before seating herself onto his lap, allowing the sausage to slither into her tight nine-year-old room.

Edna, however, was kind enough to have stripped her feet of her shoes and socks, and plant the bare soles onto the snout of the wolf, who sniffed and licked and kissed with eventual delight. He then responded by breaking free of his ropes, stripping off the preteen's shirt, skirt, and plain-white panties with a bow decorated, and fitting his knotted staff into her temple.

Ellen, in the meantime, had stripped the buck of his upper garments, and stroked his thick chest, shoulders, cock, and antlers enough to trigger his sex hormones. He then lifted the 8-year-old lagomorph up by the legs, stripped her of her shoes, socks, tie, shirt, skirt, and bright-pink panties, and positioned her on all fours, with his missile aimed at, and immediately fired into her hallway.

"I never thought I'd feel the slender touch of someone like you..." The weasel whispered, as he caressed Kennedy's petite breasts under her shirt with one hand, and rubbed her crotch lips inside her panties with the other. Eventually, he pulled off her shoes and socks, tore off her shirt, skirt, and underwear, and yanked the tail of the seven-year-old feline as he began humping her posterior.

The five males continued playing with their jail-bait, settling into various positions, but still retaining the strength to please (with the exception of Kennedy) them. Then, just as they coincidentally thought they couldn't hold in their full adoration for each one of them... "Robyn, honey I... *GASP!*" They were all caught in the act by four middle-aged males, and one male who looked two or three years older than Edna. Vincent felt his blood heat up as Mia's father walked up to him with a cold look in his eyes. "Uh... Zdravstvuyte." He replied in a meek tone, his pupils shrunk to the size of grape seeds. "That my Mia?" He demanded in a deep voice that shook the room. "Hi, Papa!" Mia replied, smirking at the vulpine. "You think you can touch my blossoming girl like that?" Vincent was speechless in fear. "Vell, I have question..." Vincent closed his eyelids at their tightest. "Vhy vasn't I invited?" The fox then slowly reopened his eyes, while his blood cooled down. "Vhy didn't you say so?"

Seconds later...

Vincent found himself as part of a circle, alongside a tiger, an otter, and Mia's father, with the little pup herself in the center, holding a cock in each hand, and another with her mouth. Robyn was in the same predicament, surrounded by Scott the goat, a black panther, a horse, and her own father. Edna, meanwhile, was surrounded by a lion, a red-and-tan skunk, the wolf, and her older brother, Edward. Ellen was surrounded by a cheetah, the buck, a polar bear, and her father. Kennedy, in the meantime, was surrounded by Slick, a leopard, brown bear, and, you guessed it, her father. After nearly three minutes of sucking and drinking, the girls found themselves doused in the sticky white substance of their respective companions. Then, they were positioned so that their holes were penetrated by one of their newer partners, their slits fitted into by their relatives, and their hands were occupied with stroking the foreskin of their original companions and their other new ones. Three more minutes later, they were immersed in semen. The young females alternated between partners and positions, having their tiny nipples lapped at, their petite buttcheeks spread apart, and their tight hallways greatly expanded by the magnificent branches of the adult males. It all lead up to a giant circle cornering the five grade-schoolers, who were still having their bodies ravaged, yet savoring every minute of their attention. Finally, after ten minutes of the activities, the males shot their yogurt onto and into the lasses, before they all collapsed onto the floor, no doubt satisfied with their time.

Minutes later...

"Alright, here's where you can sleep..." Serenity addressed an empty room, divergent from the one where the activity was performed, to Robyn, her father, and her other three partners, before showing the other four groups their respective rooms. "Fifi?" "Oui?" "That vas fun... Think ve can do this again, sometime?" "Mais oui, leetle russian pup..." "Blagodaryu..." Mia replied, before settling into the bed, with her larger partners. As they all tucked in, the five young girls each imagined the possibilities of inviting their tutors and/or athlete objects of affection, before drifting off to the touch of their fathers' (and older brother's) paws.

Serenity Coyote belongs to Kessielou. (On DA.) Fifi LaFume and Bugs Bunny belong to Warner Bros. Matthew (the red-and-tan skunk) belongs to MatthewTehSkunk. The other manservants belong to me, as well as the performers in "The Wizard Of Jizz". Robyn McClaire, Ellen Hadar, Miaska Aleksandrova, Kennedy Miller, and their respective fathers belong to Ethersaga. And Edna and Edward belong to Karavan.

(Zoom out to reveal all this on a TV set being observed by two old men.)

OM 1: So, how was it? Was it... Inspirational?

OM 2: It sure was! (Points revolver to his head.)

THE END (Fade to black as a gunshot is heard.)

Miranda Fox COllection

Miranda's Christmas: Part 1 "Merry Christmas everyone!" "Happy holidays!" Whats so happy about them? Don't get me wrong, I like Christmas as much as the next guy. But it brings a certain memory to mind, and its times like that that make me...

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Epilogue

Slick L. E. D. Void awoke to Lexi standing before him, still nude, by the way. "Hey, Lick, was it?" "Slick." "Thanks. Slick, your vixen friend is back. My fellow Loonatics had to give her some of that assistance you guys did the past 4 days. Care to...

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 4

Scott awoke to the sight of the blonde rabbit standing before him in the nude. He felt his staff rise, but knew he had to save his strength for later. "Need I remind you?" Scott shook his head, as if to say "No." "Good, get these on, we've got a big...

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