A Bad Deal

Story by Lapsa on SoFurry

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My half of an art trade with Feder!

Pacer is his.

Diamond and story are mine.

Also, if you like this story, be sure to check out my others. And don't be afraid to donate if you want! You can donate via paypal (ask) or on my Patreon > https://www.patreon.com/Kikikalani

A Bad Deal

By: Kiki Kalani

For: Feder

"Come in." Diamond's quiet voice just barely reached out beyond the door as she heard a few heavy knocks echo throughout her small office - the vixen taking off her reading glasses and putting away her papers as the door swung open.

"Hello, Ms. Suit...I'd like to speak to you about a rather urgent matter." Her eyes immediately shot up to see the familiar face of Pacer, the tall white bunny looking more angry than usual in his neat business attire.

"Oh, hello there Pacer - how is your little business going?" Diamond smirked as she sat up, trying to hide the malice in her eyes.

"I think you know...that little trick you pulled in the contract - the one you gave me assurances wouldn't screw me over - well things didn't work out. My business is going to go under pretty soon and I w--"

"Well...we could always give you a little loan...but we'd have to up the rates..." Diamond noisily pulled out some papers, getting a pen at the ready as she lifted her eyes to Pacer once more.

"No, I don't want a loan - I want compensation." Pacer stepped a little closer to her desk now, eyes glaring at her with hatred as he tried to maintain his composure.

"Well, I'm sorry sir - everything was there in the contract...if you couldn't deal with those conditions you shouldn't have accepted it."

"I don't think you understand...I'm going to be getting repaid one way or another...and you are going to learn your place."

He slowly went to move behind her desk as he spoke, pulling out a cloth as he moved ever closer.

Diamond reacted far too late to stop him, standing up only just quickly enough to feel the bunny's strong arm wrap around her body as the other held the cloth over her muzzle. She would go to struggle as she was forced to breathe through the ether-smelling rag.

"Shhhh....relax." His tone was much calmer than before as his grip tightened, almost painfully squeezing her up until the vixen's consciousness started to drain from her body. "That's it...just relax."

As soon as Pacer was sure she wouldn't be able muster the strength to resist he moved his hand slowly down from around her chest to her lower belly - rubbing gently for a few seconds before slipping his hand into Diamond's skirt and panties, letting dull jolts of pleasure be the last thing the vixen felt before blacking out completely.


Diamond groaned to herself as she slowly came to, eyes darting around to take in her surroundings in her still groggy state. She could tell she was laying, that realization barely clinging to the back of her mind as she stared at the strange mechanisms above her - looking almost like a modified dental room setup as a large arm held all manner of machines onto it like a mechanized toolbelt.

As she stared upwards she could feel a cold breeze across her body - fur fully exposed as every inch of her body was exposed and unclothed. She was barely left with any time to blush with shame at her situation though, trying to raise her arms to sit up she quickly realized she was bound to the table with thick metallic clamps around her wrists, ankles, and neck - just enough room between the clamps and her skin to let her squirm and wiggle uselessly in them. The last bit of grogginess had long faded from her mind at this point - the combination of her own bondage and the strange surroundings allowing a flood of fear to wash away any lingering effects of the chloroform.

"Mhmlmph!" She tried to scream out, words muffled into an inaudible noise by the muzzle tightly clamping around her jaw.

"Did you have a nice nap, Diamond?" She heard a door open behind her, neck straining to twist her head to look at the sound of the voice - barely able to catch a glimpse of a pair of rabbit ears slowly approaching.

"I do hope so...you'll have to be very well rested for what I have planned for you." Pacer came into full view of the vixen now as he placed his hands onto her bare shoulders, looking over her body with a devious smirk on his face. "First I think we need to make some...changes."

"Mmhngms?! Mhphn mhh!" The rabbit chuckled to himself as he watched her eyes fill with fear, even more so than before.

"We'll need to...retrain you - so to speak...I think you are long overdue for a career change." Pacer leg his hands wonder onto the exposed part of her neck, running his fingers through her soft fur for a few seconds before quickly walking away - the vixen's eyes trailing him all the while as he stepped over to a control panel.

With a few beeps from the machine the vixen would find her attention shifting back to the device above her as it seemed to whirr to life - a mechanical mask descending to cover her eyes. She was left in utter darkness for a few seconds before a nearly blinding flash of light lit up the inside of the visor, words forming on the screen in big bold pink letters.

"Loading Program: S-10.7"

The vixen's struggles would momentarily subside as the text started to fade - the nearly blinding white replaced with a more gently swirling pattern of blue, pink, and purple. She knew what it was for, and what was about to happen as soon as that pattern glimmered across her eyes - even before the first barely legible word flashed across the screen.


Her struggles picked up once more, even more violent than before as she desperately tried to pull herself free from the clamps holding her down - body slamming itself against the table as she let out muffled yells and cries for help.


"Just take nice deep breaths"

Her heart was racing faster now as she shut her eyes tightly, still seeing that hypnotic pattern in her head as it continued to flash brightly across her closed eyelids. Even this resistance would seem to be in vain though as she heard footsteps approach her - a hand gently petting her forehead before putting something cold and round into her ears, muffling all other noise.

"Nice deep breaths, calming and soothing." She heard a voice crackle into her ears, sparks of static fading into a soothing voice that was backed up by a pulsating hum that seemed to drill into her mind.

"In and out...so nice and relaxed."

The words lingered in her mind, echoing across her thoughts - bouncing around as they faded deeper and deeper into her subconscious. It didn't take long for it to be hard to tune out - hard to focus on anything but that noise and that voice as the words kept pouring into her head.

"Relax, breathe in, breathe out - so calm and relaxed" The words kept drilling and drilling - drawing her attention away from the clamps she was still struggling against, drawing her attention away from the cold feeling of the metal on her back.

"Feeling so good and relaxed - so passive, so accepting."

She couldn't help herself anymore as she opened her eyes - instantly becoming lost in the colors - unable to look away despite the inner voice still fighting against it, screaming for her to close them once again. More of her attention would be drawn away though, absorbed by those colorful lights as the words flashed across them and soothingly slithered into her mind.

"Feels so good to just empty your mind."

Diamond's struggles slowly started to subside even more, the vixen only barely feeling the clamps against her skin or the cold metal on her back - she would barely even notice at all as new sensations seemed to tingle across her body - oblivious of the machine's hum as more of its arms descended along her body.

"So empty and relaxed. No fear, no stress. Feeling all of that just wash away"

The vixen felt her mind slip with the words as they echoed even louder than before - seeming to get louder with each repeat of the lines in her head. It was so hard to think about anything but the words - so hard to keep from just listening and watching as the soothing voice talked over those pretty enthralling colors.

"So easy to obey as these words fill your empty mind."

A muffled whimper would scape her lips they became to move with the words - eyes dulling into an unfocused gaze as she followed their bidding - just letting them echo in her mind, the last bit of resistance starting to be snuffed out by the soothing blanket that was the trance she now found herself falling into.

"Letting them bore deep into your head, twisting themselves into your thoughts."

She squirmed as the tingling started to grow more intense across her body - a few pokes on her breasts , ass, and lips only just slightly drawing her attention away from the words and colors for more than a second as Pacer's machine set about altering her body as her mind was following suit.

"Your head is so empty...it would be so easy to forget everything" Diamond's heart fluttered at the words as they slipped into her head. "So easy to let go of your old life."

The vixen whimpered at hearing them, but it was so hard to resist - so hard to think about why she was afraid for very long as the words kept bouncing around. It was even harder when tingles of pleasure started dancing up her spine - a pleasurable sensation washing over her entire body as something pushed between her legs and started to send gentle vibrations across her. She wouldn't be able to feel how she was being altered though - wouldn't be able to feel her breasts and hips swell or her lips pucker up. She would be obviously to the thousands of tiny needles marching across her body to permanently change her coat into a bright contrasting ganguro pattern. All she could focus on was those words and those bright colors - all her empty little head could do was wait to be filled.

"Your life was so boring...so unsatisfying." She heard a voice reply back, her own voice deep in her mind little more than a whisper as it uttered a simple tiny 'Yes'.

"You were so boring and strict...so shy...so introverted..." Her ears perked, face tingling now as she kept listening, twitching as a few fingers traced up along her belly.

"You hated your life, you hated the old you...but the old you is going to go away." Again, her heart fluttered, though the small wave of fear lasted even shorter than the last. "It's time for a new you to take hold."

There was a pause in the voice before it spoke again, the pulsating tone growing even more louder and droning as another small loading text came across the visor.

"First we are going to work on your mind - it's so cluttered with so much useless knowledge."

Diamond just nodded in response as her head suddenly felt so thick and stuffy - like a viscous slime was swirling around in her mind. The words seemed as true to her as anything, the voice in her head muffled through all the thick useless knowledge.

"Wouldn't it feel so nice if it just...faded away?" Diamond let out a muffled audible yes through her muzzle - the whole thing feeling a bit tighter with her new plump lips smacking against the metallic bars.

"Feeling all that useless knowledge melt away as its replaced with a better you." Diamond's ears perked once more, soaking up the words even more attentively than before. "I want you to imagine just that...feeling all that knowledge start to drain away."

Diamond could feel the thick swirling fog in her head start to clear as the words burned through it - bouncing around in the thick soup of knowledge in her mind in the process, fading away on their mission to free her. There was only the slightly hint of resistance, the slightest tinge of guilt about her passive acceptance.

"Forgetting everything you learned in college, forgetting all about your job...you don't need that knowledge." Diamond could see the memories come to the front of her mind, appearing to her like blurry film as they played out - each ending as it slowly faded into obscurity. Lessons, friends, her job, her family.

"5, The memories popping into your mind before you as you recall them in every detail." The vixen nodded, having already jump-started the process the words now worked her through, helping it to go even faster in her quickly loosening mind.

"4, each one fading away as your mind becomes more and more free." The memories started to fade faster now, barely playing out fully before burning away under the echoing words. She felt herself slowly become empty once more with each she tossed away.

"3, Feeling a bubbly happiness start to fill in all that empty space being left - so light and free and happy with each memory you shed." As soon as the words popped into her head, Diamond felt herself let out a soft giggle, a pleasant feeling replacing the emptiness - almost urging her to let the memories go even more freely than before. She was feeling so good, so free, so happy. All the burdens of her former life leaving her and being replaced with a giggly joy she had not felt since childhood.

"2, The memories fading even more quickly now as all that knowledge drains away forever. You love the feeling of it slipping away - love the feeling left inside in its absence...it feels so good, so light, so free." The vixen squirmed with bliss as she reveled in the giggly bubbly mess that filled her as the last few memories left - the thick soup of knowledge in her mind little more than a husk of its former self now. She'd barely even be able to feel the tingling across her body cease as a hand now began to run across her.

"1, old life completely gone, all that knowledge and all those memories lost forever. Nothing left but an empty giggly bimbo. You love being empty, love being a bimbo." The vixen slowly repeated the words, jaw able to move freely now as her lips smacked together with each syllable.

"You are nothing but a giggly dumb bimbo now...and giggle dumb bimbos love to have fun." Diamond giggled at the words as they echoed in her mind, nodding as best she could to the words as if they could hear her.

"Sex is fun, and you love to have sex."

"You feel so hot and horny, so giggly and dumb."

"Always so horny, always so giggly. Nothing but sex on your mind."

The words repeated, phrases droning and melting into one another as they kept repeating for what seemed like hours to the vixen - though she couldn't care less with her mindless bliss. She felt a heat grow between her legs, her slit wet with need and lust as the words continued to drill in just how hot and horny she felt, teasing her mind as they described all manner of acts she'd enjoy, telling her how fun sex was for dumb bimbos like herself. All she could do was giggle in reply, all she could do was accept her new life, she was just a dumb giggly bimbo, afterall.


Even as the visor lifted from her face and the clamps came undone Diamond laid in her small lingering trance for a couple minutes - staring off into space until Pacer's words brought her back into reality - her ears perking as she slowly turned her head to face him.

"How do you feel, Diamond?"

The vixen sat up, feeling her body slump forward as her now massive chest weighted her down - her hips only barely helping to counter balance when she stood. Her response didn't come until after she took a long look at her new body - eyes filled with a mixture of remorse and giggly joy at her new hyper endowed features - her ass and chest chief among them, though other parts of her frame slightly altered - as well as the bright new look of her coat that was almost unrecognizable from her former patterns, now a dullish pink and sea-blue with her pale greenish blue hair flowing down over her shoulders. Only the burgundy on her hands and feet remained consistent with her previous form.

"Like a giggly dumb bimbo slut~" She finally spoke, letting out a giggle in the process and lips smacking a bit. It would take some getting used to, but her new body just felt right - it felt so good to see her form completely altered, to feel her mind so empty and bubbly - and of course to feel the burning between her legs.

"Good...then are you ready to help me fix that mistake you made?"

Her brow curled a bit. "But paperworks is boring...I don't even think I can do that anymore...my head feels so fuzzy and free now~"

Pacer just chuckled, smiling at his handiwork as the vixen started to fondle her breasts absent-mindedly. "Don't worry...I have a much more...fun...way of helping."


"Y-yes, f-fuck me hard~!" Diamond's screams echoed through the alleyway as a grey-furred collie pounded away at her ass - her DD-cup breasts swaying with each forceful thrust.

The dog didn't seem to mind all the noise she'd been making or the mess beneath her and on her coat. She reeked of sex from hours of working hard to start repaying her debt to Pacer, but most of the city wouldn't care. For those that recognized her it was an excellent chance to get their own revenge, and for those that couldn't see through her new twisted coat and body it was merely a cheap fuck.

"I'm about to cum bitch, get ready." The vixen let out a loud moan at the words, ears perking up as her tail swished against the male's body to try to urge him onward.

"Y-yes, f-fill me. I-I'm just a slut that needs to be filled~"

Pacer watched from the front of the alley as Diamond too another load of seed, the dog's knot barely big enough to hold the jets of cum inside of the vixen's stretched and used hole. Even after just a day she was barely worth what he was charging for her - but the rabbit still wore a smirk across his face as he watched. She had learned her place, and there were always her sisters to help pay back her debt if she couldn't manage by herself.

The End.

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