Dryads Heat

Story by Nathaniel King on SoFurry

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#6 of Erotic Stories

An erotic fantasy in the ancient fields of a magical forest.

The ancient forest was known to many cultures over the millennia. In return little those culture meant to the ancient forest, though some had been its children once. Within its growth pulsed a primordial life from a time long before the younger races were born. Here all faces of nature were found at their rawest. Powers from those times still filled the earth, nurturing the roots of trees as tall as mountains.

And the trees provided for the first-born children of nature, among which were the dryads. Standing tall and proud these were the oldest union between plant an animal. From what the cultures could glimpse many different pictures had traveled the world, because millennia had changed their features over and over. Thus was the way of their animal trait. But was a brave adventurer to see a dryad today, he would describe them as humanoids of elongated form and feminine features.

One of the dryads was wandering the darker regions of the ancient forest. She was in heat and her instincts told her she would find a suiting mate here. Her skin was smooth. Like morning dew her sweat clung to her pronounced curves. Occasional rays of light permitted by the thick foliage above touched her skin and broke back in colorful reflections. A sweet scent of juicy leaves and primal desire followed her path.

The forest grew darker. Where she traveled the earth was brought up in places, showing marks of claws and talons. Some trees had lost their bark to the savagery and many broken branches littered the ground. The dryad moved on and soon she saw him. Yellow eyes gazed at her. The lupine head they belonged to was massive, his rough form marked with scars. The warg was a giant beast, walking in a hunched way somewhere between the ways of feral and humanoid. The dryad stood still, regarding him patiently. He circled her, his face drawn in a snarl. Warg were always in a state aggression, hardly able to feel anything else. Even now his muscles twitched and flexed in anticipation of a hunt. His nostrils flared, taking her scent.

The dryad walked towards him. Her hands cupped her full breasts, lifting and squeezing them. She moaned ever so softly. Halfway toward the beast she found a spot were a recent fight had cleaned the earth of any undergrowth. The wet soil was soft. She lay down, still working her breasts, while she spread her legs to expose her swollen lips to the warg alpha.

On all fours the snarling beast approached. A thick branch snapped under his massive weight of muscles. The dryad cocked her head and stole a glimpse beneath him. A thick red canine rod throbbed between his hind legs that made her smile satisfied. She closed her eyes and suddenly his cool nose touched her bud. She gasped, but the sensation was topped over by the rough tongue coating her with warm licks. There was no need to lube her, hot as she was. He gathered her nectar. It had a taste of salted honey which filled his blood with a fire that rushed through his system right into his groin. His heavy balls churned. His yellow eyes darted up, watching her. She moaned as his tongue pleased her. Her index fingers played with her nipples, making her firm breasts jiggle. He kept lapping while crawling upward to mount her. He stopped with a mighty paw of a size greater than her head right above her shoulder, clawing at the ground. His tongue lapped at her breast, nursing a nipple with unexpected tenderness. His hot juice was dripping on her lips. She gasped, unintentionally lifting her hips. His tip touched her. He growled. The thrust came sudden, together with his snapping teeth on her shoulder. A cry of pure ecstasy vibrated through the growth around them. He was big, bigger than she had expected, filling her so much with but half his shaft. His thrusts made her moan and lounge. She embraced her savage lover, digging fingers into his thick hide. His ragged breath steamed her neck next to where he bit her, but she felt no pain. The canine shaft was at its thickest in the middle. His thrusts gave her every inch from tip to base, over and over. She had cum twice already, her body still far from satisfaction.

Driven by primal desire the male kept pistonning without reluctance. She could do little more than lie beneath him, lost in pleasure. Her breasts bounced with every thrust. Her melodic moans mixed with his savage grunts. A fist of flesh spread her entrance, making her cry in a sharp note. His knot had swollen. She had cum again. There was a little break in his rhythm when he brought a hind paw down next to her body, stepping over her leg for a better position. The other leg forced hers upward. She was spread far, and his thrusts continued. Juicy smacks filled the air, but the sloppy sounds softened with each splash, and so her entrance stretched. A final smack, a chocked cry of bittersweet pain, and the knot was buried within her. Again she came, her nectar gushing out between his quick jerks. Hot liquid filled her, flooding into her depths. The beast growled, and eventually a sharp pain pierced her shoulder when his fangs sank in. His jerking thrusts continued, a sheer endless tide of semen pumping up through his rod. Her eyes rolled up. She closed them. Another final climax, and satisfaction filled her veins.

His breath steadied. His knot lodged firmly within her tied them together. Only now she noticed the warriors ears were pulled back. He released her shoulder, licking the little wounds were his canines had drawn blood. His yellow eyes looked into hers, still full for aggression and intimidating her. She gave him a little squeeze, making him whimper. She smiled. Cooing ancient words in his ear, she stroked his neck and played with his other ear. The warg permitted. And thus, in peaceful union, they spent the night, until his knot released them.

Returning to brighter fields of the forest, the dryad held her belly, smiling contentedly. Her mind was wandering into the future, where it pictured her lovely children and the new ways they would bring into the world.

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