Under Control...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Under control

A big pred bully plans to use a old chastity cage to torment some little prey nerds... things do not go as planned

Under Control

The big, dumb, jock, feline bully pulled the lump of nickle plated metal out of his gym bag, showing it off to his only friend a slightly smaller but even dumber Pig. "What the fuck is it?" Burl the fat Pig grunted questioning, as the big Cougar flashed him a nasty grin.

"Its a cock lock... ya know like they use to put on criminals in the old days, to keep their dicks from getting hard so they couldn't rut." Troy explained with exaggerated patients, as Burl nodded and grunted softly.

"Uhum cool."

"Found this in my granpapas old house, he was a guard at black mountain state penitentiary back in the old days. And now were gunna have us some fun with it." Troy snorted, shoving the devise back into the bag while elbowing Burl in the ribs roughly.

"Uhum... how we gunna do that?" The big Pig asked, clearly not seeing how this thing could ever be any fun. "I aint gunna put that thing on." The fat Pig protested with a look of fear, even he was more than a little afraid of the big Cougar,

"Nawww... we're gunno put it on some little nerd like Simmons or Beery and not let them out of it... until they do want-ever we want."

"Like do our home work." Burl grunted, making the big stallion roll his eyes at his friends stupidly. "Ummmm but how do ya get that thing open?"

"Think dude we already make'em do that." The big feline bully snorted, as he reached down his shirt to fish out a small chain with a pair of keys on it. "These open it up see." And then went on to explain that he planned to make some straight little nerd suck their cocks.

"Hahaha." The pair of bullies laughed uproariously at that idea, just then the bell rang for the next class. The big Pig started towards the locker room door, and then stopped looking back at the big Cougar. "You go on, I'll just change outta my gym shorts and be right behind ya." Troy called, Burl nodded and wandered on out, while Troy stripped off his gym shorts. When his ankle got caught, the big jock hopped around on one foot paw for a moment and then toppled over. His long fuzzy feline head striking the wooden bench with a loud _ 'THWACK' _the bullies eyes rolling back in his head. And then all is silent in the empty locker room for a long moment, before a rattling is heard from a nearby locker. Finally the locker door swings open, and a small handsome rabbit cautiously steps out.

Tim looked around the empty room slowly, he'd over heard everything the two bullies had been planning. And knew very well that it could soon be him locked in the chastity devise, and forced to get on his knee's and suck the bullies dicks. After all they had just stuffed him in a locker, the only good thing about it was he'd not had to suffer though gym class. Well and now this... quickly Tim tip toed over and looked down at the unconscious Cougar, reaching down he carefully pulled the chain with the key's over Troys head. Breathing a sigh of relief, when the big feline showed no signs of waking up.

Then he reached into the bullies gym bag, taking the shiny melt cock lock out, amazed at how heavy the metal chastity devise was. Wow it really was institutional grade, the thing belonged in a torture museum somewhere. The little rabbit gulp as he weighted the devise in one paw, and looked down at the naked bully. Remembering all the nasty things Troy had done to him and his friends, all the times the Cougar had beaten him for no reason. Biting his lip's Tim reached down and fit the devise around the Cougars junk, it fit like it had been made just for him. With a soft giggle Tim closed and locked it, and then let go, watching the heavy metal cage drag Troys junk down between his legs. "That'll take some getting use to, I'll bet." The little Rabbit smirk, before quickly pocketing the chain and key's between rushing off to his next class. Pausing just long enough to dig Troys cellphone out of his crumpled clothing, getting the big bullies number before putting it back.

Troy awoke a minute later, sitting up rubbing his head, when he hear a loud metal _ 'Clink' _ looking down Troy saw the cock lock sitting on the floor between his muscular thigh's. "What the fuck?" The big feline demanded, grabbing the devise and tugging on it roughly, feeling his gut twist as his cock and balls were pinched. "Son of a BITCH!" He roared dropping the thing, which fell back to the tile floor with that same loud _ 'Clink' _ Quickly he reaching down into his shirt, finger pads scrambling to find the key chain, but it was missing. "Oh No... Oh No no no no." The big bully chanted, leaping to his foot paws and looking around desperately for the missing keys. As the heavy old metal cock lock dangled between his thighs like a cannon balls hung from his junk. Somehow they had vanished, and he was stuck locked in a century old chastity belt. Some asshole had locked him up and taken the keys, and already he could feel his pent up desires growing. It was purely psychological of course, just knowing he could get off was making him want it all the more.

"Burl." The big Cougar thought for a moment, but then he realized the subservient Pig didn't have the brains nor the guts to do something like this. Still he was the only one who had known about the cock lock, unless someone had been spying on them when he'd showed it to the Pig. "Fuck..." He grunted, looking up at the wall clock, class was half over he would be in hot water arriving this late. He had to get going, quickly he grabbed his clothes, pulling on his underwear and jeans over the metal. It gave him a very noticeable crotch bulge, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He tossed his gym cloths in the locker, and then hurried off to Mr. Brooks science class.

Troy opened the classroom door, but as luck would have it, Mr Brooks was standing right there. "Mr. Balin... where have you been?" The fat older great Dane demanded crossly, as he turned on the young Cougar looking at him darkly.

"Uhum... fell and hit by head while I was changing clothes after gym class." Troy grunted, showing Mr Brooks the bloody spot on the back of his head.

"Ummmm I see." The tall canine grumbled, looking the Cougar over the older canine noted his seeming arousal. "Well class is nearly over anyway, go see the school nurse and get that wound cleaned up.

"Errr ok Mr Brooks." Troy turned around and headed down the hall to the nurses office, snickering at he thought about the _'nurse'._Unlike most nurses the schools nurse was a guy, Nurse Kabe was a young Fox who had been unable to get work at the hospital.

"Well, well... Mr Balin we don't see you here very often, just your handiwork." Nurse Kabe observed, making the big bully grin darkly at his unusual honesty. "What can I do for you?" He asked, but then Troy turned so that the Fox could see the slash of red on his tawny fur. "Oh banged the old noggin huh... Sit down here on the table, and let me have a look at that." Troy strolled over and sat down, letting the nurse paw through his head fur. "Well you got a pretty nasty bump, but the cut is small and already scabbed over." The Fox explained, as he cleaned the blood out of Troys fur and around the cut carefully. "Are you experiencing any loss of consciousness for no more than thirty minutes, dizziness and confusion, vomiting, visual problems, such as seeing stars or flashes of light."

"It knocked me out for a minute." The Cougar grunted, seemingly careless of any pain he might have experienced. "And my head hurt a little where it was split open, but other than that naw."

"Alright... well it seems like your not suffering from a concession. So just keep the cut clean and it should heal right up, although if you have redness, bleeding, or the pain gets worse go to the doctor. Ok your good to go big guy."


Troy had a free period next, and so hurried off to the restroom. Going all the way to the back stall, the big feline jock stepped inside closing and locking the door behind him. Dropping his jeans and underwear, he sat down on the toilet while holding his melt encased genitals. Unfolding a paper clip he'd picked up from the nurses desk, he picked and gouged at the lock intently. For the next thirty minutes trying with growing desperation to unlock the chastity belt, but even through the lock was old it was incredibly complex. "FUCK!" Troy cursed, at last giving up he dropped the cock lock roughly, and then winced as the heavy metal jerk his organs down painfully._ 'Clink' _ The cock lock rang off the porcelain loudly, filling the small restroom with its loud echo.

"What was that?" A shocked voice asked from a few stalls away, Troy jumped making the metal rattle against the toilet again.

"None of your fucking business." The big bully growled, trying to figure out if he knew the guy down in that stall.

"Ok..." That voice seemed to snicker, and then the stall door swung opened with a bang. Troy heard the sink running, standing up he tried to peek out but the cock lock whacked against the stall door. "Heh." That voice giggled, Troy unlocked the door and looked out angrily, however whoever it had been was gone. The upset Cougar closed and locked the stall door again, picking up the paper clip to try again. Thirty more frustrating minutes and the bell rang again, forcing him to redress so he could go to his last two class's of the day.

He completely spaced them however, worrying about how he'd remove the chastity belt and wondering who had locked him up in the first place. His friend Burl, the Pig had noticed that something was wrong with the big Cougar, but thought it was just that Troy was having trouble figuring out who they would force to wear the cock lock. And had been pestering Troy, by pointing out nerds they normally pushed around, and grunting in a harsh whisper. "How about him."

Finally the last bell of the day rang, and everyone began exiting the school heading to bus's or private cars. When Troy's cell phone rang, the big Cougar dug it out of his pocket and answer. "Yeah... what?" A electronically disguised voice answered, startling the big Bully so much that he froze in mid stride.

"I gOt ThE kEy."

"Who the Fuck is this?" Troy demanded a bit to loudly, making everyone around him stop and stare at him. The big predator half covered his muzzle, and turned away from the watchers, ducking into a nearby restroom.

"NoNe Of YoUr BuSiNeSs, AlL tHaT mAtTeRs Is ThAt If YoU eVeR wAnTa GeT yOuR jUnK oUt Of AlL tHaT nIcKlE pLaTeD sTeEl. YoU wIlL dO eXaCtLy WhAt I tElL yOu."

"Listen you bastard I... I'll... when I figure out who you are..." Troy stammered in anger, his words falling all over themselves, until he was harshly cut off.

"ShUt ThE fUcK Up YoU bItCh." This stunning the big Bully, so much that he stood there open mouthed just listening. "ThAtS bEtTeR... NoW hErEs WhAt YoUr GoInG tO dO, gO tO tHe BlOcK bUiLdInG bEhInD tHe GyM. ThE dOoR's UnLoCkEd, Go To ThE bAcK wAlL. YoU'lL fInD a BlInD-fOlD pUt It On, GeT dOwN oN yOuR kNeE's AnD wAiT."

"Wait... Wait for wha...?" Troy started to ask, but his mysterious black mailer had already hung up. "Wha... Wai... You son of a bitch!" Waiting until the great mass of students and faculty had left for the day, the big Bully walked around to the boiler building. Sure enough the door was unlocked, Troy walked to the back wall of the small block building. Finding a blindfold laying there on top of a old steel fuel drum, he picked it up looking it over. And then tossed it back down onto the top of the steel barrel, standing there waiting for his black-mailer to come in. And wait was what he did, wait and wait until at last his phone rang again and that electronically disguised voice snarled.

"I sEe YoU dIdN't FoLlOw InStRuCtIoNs... VeRy WeLl ThEn, YoU cAn CoOl OfF In YoUr ChAsTiTy BeLt FoR a FeW dAyS. NexT tImE yOu'Ll Do As YoU ToLd Or I'lL tHrOw ThE kEyS iN tHe LaKe... AnD YoU'lL bE tRaPpEd FoReVeR."

"HEY... No no!" Troy shouted into the phone, but once again it was to late, his black mailer had hung up. "SHIT shit shit!" The big Bully swore, kicking the old oil drum over, and stomping around cursing impotently...


Waking up with your dick locked in a steel cage, was the hardest part Troy decided. It always took him a minute to remember why there is a heavy metal contraption squeezing the hell out of his cock. That throbbing morning wood filled the cock lock to the brim, and his spasming fucker looked like a kid with his nose pressed against that shiny steel grate. It was trying to break free of course, to get through the metal grid to freedom. But it can't, it's trapped within that heavy steel cage, and it's dying to get off as well as out. The weirdest thing about being in a chastity device was that it made him think about his dick all the time, while also rendering it completely useless. Troy wanted to fuck everything, but he couldn't fuck anything at all even his paw. It was sort of like having a empty hole in his pants, pulling everything toward it, but there was nothing there but desire.

Troy had felt a bit of hope at first, when he tried to get and erection, it felt like the cage was being pushed up and just the tip of his dick was held within the cage. However it also felt like his balls are being pulled tight, as the cage rode up and pulled over his furry scrotum. The big Cougar reach down, feeling a hard area behind that steel base ring. This reinforced his feeling that the cage was riding up and moving away from his body.

However Troys entire cock remained inside of that heavy metal cage, his head and shaft swelled; pushing against those shiny steel bars, but the entire shaft was still totally contained. The only visual difference was that tissue behind the tight base ring swelled, and that was what felt like an erection. Troy looked closer, and it was clear that the base ring didn't really move at all, his scrotum tightened naturally; males generally do that when aroused. So the big Bullies entire cock was safely locked away, the possibility of escape was only an illusion.

At first, he'd been thinking of taking out some of his anger and frustration on smaller furs, but then his phone had rang. And then that hated voice had told him that if he hurt or bullied anyone, it was going to be one year before he was given another chance to get out. This left the big Bully even more frustrated, he couldn't rut or paw off, and now he couldn't even hurt those smaller than himself. He still pushed them around of course, insulting, threatening, and mentally abusing them, but this wasn't as satisfying for the big jock as just punching them.


A few days turned into a three days and then four, finally his phone rang and that disguised voice gave him instructions. He was to drive to an old service station out on hwy 64, park behind the closed down garage, the back door would be unlocked. Once inside he was to strip down, put on the mask and then handcuff himself to a metal rack, the voice said he'd know which one. Troy thought about that as he drive, deciding he didn't like it. Knowing if his blackmailer didn't come, he'd be trapped there helpless for hours maybe days, if no one knew where he was at. Taking out his phone he dialed the only fur he trusted, the phone buzzed and buzzed. Finally Burls voice grunted a greeting, and then asked what he wanted. Troy quickly had the Pig write down the address, and then promise that if he hadn't heard from him by midnight he'd come out there looking for him.

As it turned out, the old garage was empty except for a dirty one tool bench and single metal framework in the center of the room. The air was so heavy with the scents of old grease and oil, that it deadened his keen sense of smell almost at once. Troy shook his head from side to side, snorting loudly at the strong odors, but it didn't help at all. Stalking across the empty room he looked the framework over, seeing that he'd be completely helpless. He didn't like it at all, as a Bully he was use to having power over others, not being helpless. He thought hard about leaving then, but the idea of being stuck in the cock lock for a whole year was just to much. Slowly he stripped off his clothing, leaving it in a pile in one corner of the room. And then he moved over fitting his ankles into the cuff's, and then slipping in mask like blindfold over his eyes. Reaching up his found the metal wrist cuffs, they were set up to snap closed as soon as both wrists were pressed into them. Taking a deep breath, Troy pushed his wrists in... there was a loud 'Clack' and the big cougar tugged feeling his paws totally trapped. Panic suddenly raced through him, making the big feline struggle and twist wildly trying to escape. But the cold metal cuffs were to tight, just lock the Chastity lock that was even now pulling his junk down roughly. "Fuck, Fuck...FUCK!" Troy cursed, hanging helplessly on the metal rack, panting for breath as he fought panic. Just then he heard the old metal back door creak open, and then slam closed off to his left somewhere. "Who... who's there?" The big Bully demanded, but heard only soft paw falls slowly moving up behind him.

"YoUr DaDdY." That electronically disguised voice answered, even altered the amusement was plain in that taunting voice. Hot fingers touched his wrist, and the big Cougar jumped trying to yank his paw away. However the metal cuff stopped that, and Troy heard a soft snort of delight. The big Bully realized that those fingers, had been making sure his paws were really locked in place. Now those hot fingers smeared something over his broad feline nose, eucalyptus oil burned those sensitive nasal passages. "RRAWAH." Troy roared, but at once understood why his captor had done this, now he couldn't smell the bastards scent. Sickeningly strange fingers traced down his strong arms, over his shoulder and down his back. Making the big feline shudder violently in his bonds, even as those fingers moved down to his sleek round ass-cheek. Cupping and squeezing it lustfully, Troy growled even as those finger slipped under his tail.

"No... Stop... You can't touch me there." Troy protested, drawing electronically altered chuckles from his molester, while those fingers rubbed his soft pink tail-hole. They both know the big Cougar had done much worse, to smaller males he had been bullying in school.

"WhAt DiD yOu ThInK I WaS gOiNg To Be DoInG? TaKiNg ThIs OfF?" That altered voice taunted, as another paw lifted that heavy steel cock lock. Shaking it around a little before roughly dropping it making the Cougar groan as his organs were brutally jerked down. "Oh No... It'S nOt CoMiNg OfF, uNtIl YoU'vE lEaRnEd YoUr LeSsOn." Troy gagged slightly, as pain gnawed at his guts, his fat balls aching under the strain of the heavy metal dragging them down.

"Owww that hurt!" Troy protested loudly, as his hip's wiggled and twisted trying to get away from those fingers.

"OoOwHa... YOu GuNnA cRy PuSsY? Go On CrY fOr Me." Troy winced, as he heard his own words thrown back in his muzzle, knowing that this guy was someone he'd picked on in the past. "BeCaUsE tHeReS gOiNg To Be StUfF hUrTiNg A lOt WoRsE tHaN tHaT tOnIgHt." Suddenly the rack shrieked, and jerked Troy's arms forwards bending the big Cougar over the padded bar in the center. Bending the feline over at the waist, suddenly a paw gasp the tip of his long tail. Lifting it up and exposing Troy's pink feline anus, the big Bully choked as he realized how vulnerable his tail-hole now was. As suddenly the old metal door off to his left creak open, silent for a long moment as multiple paw falls could be heard on the concrete floor and then slam closed. He heard soft snickering, and knew he was being laughed at... his keen ears also picked up clicking and text alerts.

"Whos that... Whos there?" The big Cougar in a wild snarl, that intimidated those around him for a second, before they realized just how well restrained he was.

"NoNe Of YoUr BuSiNeSs, FuCk-Hole." And there it was... he was going to be fucked, a bunch of gloating giggles filled the room. Troy opened his mouth to snarl a reply, when some kind of metal contraption was shoved into his maw. Pushing his jaws open wide and locking them in place that way, angrily he tried to spit it out. However the thing had penned his tongue down, and as he struggled he felt the thing tighten painfully on his gums. It was some kind of dental thing he realized in horror, strong paws grabbed his ears holding his head in place. At that point the big Feline felt something wet and slick being rubbed over his tail-hole, distracting him as the thing in his mouth was locked in place. Then some cold disgusting grease was rubbed over his gums, almost at once it began to burn and then go numb. While a plastic cup of some kind was fitted over his nose, cool gas began flowing into his nostrils. Making him dizzy and weak feeling, and then he began to chuckle, just little at first but quickly growing into uncontrollable giggles. Nothing more happened for a long few minutes, and then he felt something gripped his upper left fang. He heard the metal grind on the enamel of his shiny fang, as it was rocked back and forth a few times.

"Awwwww." Troy grunted as his long sharp fang was pulled up, and then shockingly easily its slid out of his gums. As at the same time, a big round cock head was shoved hard against his well lubricated tail-hole. Distracted by what was happening in his mouth, the big Cougar didn't think to resist until that fat cock head popped through his sphincters. Troys eyes bulged out behind his blindfold, as his tail-hole quivered in shock at this brutal violation. "ARGHGA NO." The big predator screamed around the device locking his jaws open, his head trying to twist and pull away but was held tight. He hear something hard being dropped into a metal pan, _ 'Ping' _ it rang out. Even as that metal tool gripped his upper right fang, rocking it back and forth and then yanking it out. _ 'Ping' _

Suddenly appearing behind Troys eyelids was a white mass, strands and patterns of greenish purple dancing throughout. The big Cougar felt all physical sensations dissappear, as he became something else, something almost divine. Pleasures untold spread through his brain and body, or was it the other way around. Troy was vaguely conscious of his body trembling in orgasm, his cock pressing against the steel grate of the cock lock as his cum dripped out slowly. That electronically alter voice taunting him about cumming from having a guy pound his tail-hole. Troy could feel the cock in his ass slamming in and out wildly, knew that he was being fucked. But not caring that some other fur was using him for pleasure, he was to far gone in the pleasure of that instant. A few moments later, as the Nitrous high left his brain he cared a lot more, but by then his first molester had cum inside of him and pulled out. Another cock was pushed inside of him, it touched his prostate and sent his body into shivers of delight. The room rang with laughter as a dozen or more males saw him tremble in pleasure, even as that new cock savagely stabbed into him. While in the back ground there was the steady _ 'Ping' _, the cold gas flowing into his nose again making him drift into uncaring bliss.

Taken in...

Taken in... The three big, young Centaur stallions walked through the forest slowly, they were on a quest to avenge their sires humiliation. Gelded... his herd of mare stolen and what was worse by some scrawny Goat! The brothers had set out as soon as...

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Cuck Daddy

Cuck Daddy "So sure I'm up for that... right, cuz I love eating puss. I dive in muzzle first, I'm licking her puss... and its wet let me tell ya, its super fuckin' wet. Only I get a wiff of somethin' unnatural, now I use ta jack off as a calf... I...

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A dare "The hole in the wall." The young sleek Cougar snickered, it was a terribly stereotypical name for a rodent gay bar. His two friends joined him in chuckling at the name, the three buddies were always joking and daring each other to do...

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