Amazing Prospects

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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Chika is 35 years old and most of her fellow co-workers are aspiring mothers or mothers-to-be with loved ones, leaving Chika as the one and only to feel unfulfilled in this situation.

However, an accident leaves the poor girl at death's door and she faces the judgment from the one she has worshiped her whole life.

But it is when the scales weighs her heart that everything changes.

Anubis can be found in Egyptian mythology, but here you have some art that is close to what this one looks like:

Azura and Chika (c) Me

Jane (c) Me and

Leona (c)

Tarja (c) Me and Clockwerk on FA

Length: 2,464 words. 13,477 characters.

Time used to type: 2 hours (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Amazing Prospects

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

"Great job everyone! The patrons loved the service as usual and especially complimented our fine selection of drinks." the ocelot girl told her employees as they had just said farewell to the last club visitor of the day. The jackal lady stood and smiled as she remembered hearing all the praise that the patrons had given her brews, one of them even asking to buy a whole shipment of it to sell outside of the realm. This, of course, didn't sit right with the jackal, who wanted only the club to have access to her brewing creativity.

"You do understand that you have to prepare a big amount of alcohol for tomorrow's hen party for a bride-to-be, right Chika?" a female bunny asked, making the jackal sigh, "Yes, I know." It was like her gift and curse that she could brew amazing stuff, but this would mean her working night time to prepare all the alcohol necessary. "Good, then you get on it and we will see you tomorrow. Good night."

Chika could only see as her fellow employees left and she made her way into the backroom where they had the brewery. Heading over to the lever controlling the heat to the many distillery devices, she was soon having them up and running, thanking the bunny girl for making them silent when heating.

Grabbing the sack of malt from the pile laying next to the pipe system for adding the ingredients, Chika proceeded with opening it up and pour everything inside before grabbing the hops and pouring them in. It was when she added the water when something was going wrong. The pipe with the flowing hot water began to leak, forcing her to quickly grab the wrench and secure the bolt in its right place before resuming the usual preparations and adding in her secret ingredient.

Adjusting the amounts necessary, she gave the console the command to dump everything inside and soon the silence was all that existed for Chika as she thought everything had gone right, but it was short-lived though. "Warning! Clogged ventilation in distillery B!" Chika groaned and made her way along the upper floor to the ventilation at the distillery. She noticed that someone had forgotten to remove their jacket from the sack of malt and this jacket was clogging up the ventilation, "This is not a problem."

However, Chika had not paid attention to the new screen that the bunny had installed and began to undo the ventilation lock and once the jacket was removed, a stench of something foul began to fill the room, but Chika didn't pay it a mind when securing the lock back into its place. But on her way down the stairs, Chika was beginning to feel a bit light-headed and not before long she lost consciousness and fell forward down the stairs. Her big body taking most of punishment until one wrong position caused her unconscious body to come down with full weight onto her neck, severing the nerve to her brain and killing her almost instantly.

The scent of meat slowly roused Chika from her unconscious state and she sat up before rubbing her head, "W-What happened?" She asked and looked around. Something was familiar with this place. There were hieroglyphs on the walls, paintings of humans worshiping gods, and she could also see beautiful women and some men walking by, wearing clothes marked with the Eye of Horus. This stirred Chika to understanding, this was the hall in which you were judged by Anubis, which would mean, "I am dead?"

A masculine, but soft voice spoke to hear, "Yes, Chika, you are dead. You died from breaking your neck." Chika looked up to stare into the golden eyes of Anubis, the God who she worshiped her whole life. Quickly getting on a knee, she was beginning to cry, "Please, tell me this is not true. I cannot be dead. I still have so much to do." Anubis lifted Chika up by the shoulder like nothing before speaking to her, "You are dead, Chika. And you are going to be judged now."

Chika broke into tears, "No, this cannot be real." Anubis sighed and hoped that she would finally come to terms with everything. Taking her by the shoulder, he guided her over to the scales. "Now, open your heart to me, Chika." Chika did as she was told, even when crying and Anubis picked a beautiful hawk feather from the table and laid on the scales and put Chika's heart on the other end of the scales, weighing them against one another.

Anubis looked as the heart was slightly heavier than the feather, "Something is troubling you, Chika. What is it?" Chika sat down and covered her face, "My lord... I am not ready to leave everyone." Anubis sighed, "Chika, no one is..." Chika interrupted him as she cried, "I never got a chance to find true love. I never got a chance to see myself be truly happy. I never got to experience the wonder of motherhood."

Anubis looked to the waterside where what seemed to be an amalgamation of multiple beasts was looking at them. He remember the day when he experienced the joy of fatherhood. It pulled his heartstrings to see someone not getting to feel the same joy as he did. It was a split second before he clapped his hands, "Ophelia! Hecate! Please wash Chika and dress her up well." Chika looked confused when two lionesses wearing masks came forth and guided her away, "Make sure you bring her to me once you are done." The girls nodded, leaving Chika even more confused.

Chika had been undressed by the girls before she was put in a warm bath of sheep milk, her eyes closing as she sighed and let her entire body just soak, "Ohhhh, this is good!" She could feel Hecate reaching over to grab her shoulders, massaging them to really get those nasty stiff muscles to loosen up. Chika murred and wondered if she was going to get a final relief before she was sent into the jaws of Anubis' daughter.

It was a quick stabbing pain and Chika soon murred as the tense muscle gave into the warm oil being applied during the massage and soon her hair was being brushed. Chika had not noticed it yet, but her body had taken the looks of a true Anubian, so seeing as how the two lionesses were taking care of her needs, it was looking like she was a queen being served.

The illusion soon ended, even if it had been a hour since she entered the warm milk. Slowly stepping out of the bath, the lionesses proceeded with licking her clean, something that Chika found both charming and cute at the same time, especially when they avoided to touch her private areas. Chika didn't blame them as they only followed the orders of Anubis.

Quickly dressing Chika in the best Egyptian linen and silk and with her hair done so well that even Cleopatra would be jealous, Chika was brought to Anubis' chamber. Hecate gently called out to the one behind the curtains they stopped in front of, "My lord, we have Chika with us." Anubis' voice spoke up to them, "Good, you are both excused after you let her in." The lionesses pulled the curtains apart as Chika walked inside and soon the curtains fell and Chika's eyes widened when she saw Anubis sitting on a silk bed, completely naked, causing her to blush quickly as she covered her face, "I am sorry, my lord, I..."

Anubis stood up and spoke to her, "Chika, remove your hands from your eyes and look at your lord." Chika didn't wanted to, but her loyalty towards Anubis proved mightier and soon her hands moved away from her face and she saw all of Anubis as he smiled, "See? Much better now, ain't it?" Chika nodded while still blushing as Anubis moved closer and took her chin softly, "Chika, you have been a loyal follower of mine for a long time and never strive away from the path you wished to follow. A dedication like that would have saved you from the jaws for the unworthy."

Chika bowed her head, "Thank you, my lord." Anubis gave her a nod, "However, hearing your regrets made you sound selfish, but the joy of parenthood being something you will never get to experience, I cannot allow it." Chika was confused before her eyes went wide as Anubis kissed her and soon her heart began to melt as he held her close. Not as the father figure that everyone following him was looking up to him as, but rather now as a lover that wanted to care for her, "So I decided that your reward will be not only to come back to your family and friends, but also to experience motherhood."

Chika's eyes opened wide when Anubis finished speaking to her, "You mean that you want me to carry your offspring, my lord?" Anubis kissed Chika's neck, "Yes, but please, call me Anubis now. We are not lord and follower here. We are two lovers on a goal to make you happy." Chika nodded before she could feel Anubis leaning her back a bit and his maw finding one of her nipples, giving it a careful suck while cupping the other breast to rub gently.

Chika couldn't believe her luck. She was going to not only come back to life, but also become blessed with a wonderful child by her god. The feeling only intensified the pleasure she was feeling from him playing a jackal pup wanting to nurse from her big tits. It didn't help to avoid the image flashing in her head when she suddenly began to lactate for him, causing Anubis to murr in surprise, but still sucking on her tit, "Ohhhh, Anubis."

Anubis chuckled while sucking harder on her nipple, rubbing her other one before switching over to it, listening to her moaning softly and soon felt how even that nipple was lactating as he murred happily. Chika was feeling herself getting more eager and it wasn't until she felt the thick erection pressing against her pussy that she noticed how Anubis had skillfully removed all of her clothes and without a single second to spare for her, he plunged himself inside and thrusted hard in and out of her, making Chika moan happily and heat to begin.

Chika felt how she was laid down by Anubis on his bed and soon her left leg was being held by him as he was thrusting into her in a missionary position, having stopped sucking on her nipples to instead focus on her face, something Chika didn't deny when she kissed him deeply and began to make out with the god.

Chika's hands went under Anubis' arms and onto the back of his shoulders, making her pull him down for more kissing while he was thrusting deeper with every kiss as a small reward, something Chika seemed to love given how her tail was wagging from side to side and soon felt Anubis own tail, somewhat thinner than Chika's bushy one, but Anubis found it to add to her good looks.

The room was soon filled with the sounds of warm moans and hips slamming against one another, even as Chika was getting her nipples played with by Anubis' strong hands. She was loving the pleasure he was giving her and he loved how tight her pussy was, but also how her sheer body size was making him have no need to hold back and this wasn't more apparent when he guided her to all four and went straight for breeding her like a proud jackal would, with Chika eagerly submitting to the pleasure.

The entire temple could hear them as Chika was moaning out loudly together with Anubis, her insides welcoming him with warm squeezes and an almost unnatural wetness. It was like Anubis controlled her body, but that would not be something she objected to, especially when his hips met hers and he began to roll his hips against her butt, causing the big member to hit just all the right places to make her squirt and tightening up around his dick.

That was all Anubis needed when he drove himself all the way inside, feeling the balls pumping Chika full of his seed, all the way into her womb, fertilizing one of her eggs as she moaned happily and not before long she could feel herself growing tired until it was lights out.

When she came back to it, Chika noticed Jane and Leona standing there, "Chika! Are you okay?" Chika rubbed her head and groaned out, "I am not sure. I must have been out for quite a while. What time is it?" Jane took out her watch to check, "It is 7:14am in the morning." Chika nodded before standing up, "So I was out for the entire night then. Explains why my throat feels so dry and my belly so full."

Everyone of the employees began to question Chika's condition after she shared what had happened and if it was true or not. Chika didn't know the answer herself, but one day roughly two weeks later, Chika was laying on her bed in her bedroom and pushed hard with a loud growl of pain as her body had said that it was time.

Jane's adoptive aunt Azura had been quickly called to the club to help with the delivery before Chika had stopped pushing once the baby was out and proudly she held the little cub close to her after Azura had smiled, "Congratulations. It is a wonderful baby girl." Chika had not let anyone close to the little one and it took Tarja visiting to finally have Chika calm down her motherly instincts to allow her to even speak, "So, have you thought about a name for her yet?"

Chika nodded before smiling at the cub, "Yes, her name is Tahirah. Tahirah Anubis. And she is the daughter of Anubis." Tarja smiled as she watched the little girl settling in to sleep with one of Chika's big nipples in her maw, "A fitting name for a wonderful child." Chika nodded with a warm smile before falling asleep with Tahirah enjoying her very first meal, "Mmm, my little tomb raider." Tarja saw this and smiled, "You gonna become a great mother for her."

The End.

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