Summer Heat – Chapter 38: Spot and Whity

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#38 of Summer Heat

I managed to finish the chapter in time, but I am too tired today to go through all your comment, watches etc.

I will answer them in the next days, sorry.

I hope you like this chapter (it is a bit different this time).


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 38: Spot and Whity

It had been one week since Zen had stated his feelings and that he saw all of the girls as his brides. It had been the most discussed topic in the following days. Even the very young girls, that were not near to their first heat at all, started to flirt even more with Zen every time they met. The only one who still was very hesitant was Yara, but this was to be expected. The girl still had problems with adjusting to the ways of the school. Slowly the school life went back to normal with one exception. After Zen's statement, there were more girls clinging to him and seeking his touch. Before they had accepted the way of the school, which involved mating or learning about sexual topics, and they might have secretly loved this side of the school or got addicted to it, but with the statement of Zen they grew even closer to him and wanted to show him how much they cared about him. In this week, Zen had constantly a girl around him that hugged him or even presented to him and at the end of the week, when the show of affection slowly normalized again, he felt exhausted and worn out. The one who changed the most was Tara. When she was with the other girls she still was a bit of a tomboy, but she tried hard to become more feminine and she did not fight so much with others anymore. Whenever Zen was around she got very soft and clingy. She always wanted to sit next to him and from one simple look of her eyes it was clear, that his statement fired up the love in her. She had fallen for him from head to the tip of her bushy tail. Mara still grinned when she saw Zen and Tara sitting or standing next to each other. Even though she felt a bit jealous, she had to admit that they made a very nice pair. She was only a bit smaller than Zen and her pitch-black fur complemented his white fur perfectly. Her big brown eyes were in the same contrast to his blue orbs and for the next weeks she only had eyes for him. She listened to every word he said and even though she had been very lazy in school before, she started to pay more attention, especially if Zen was the one giving the class. For her his statement was a promise that she could stay here after the school year ended. They had not talked about it yet, but every time this topic came up in the talks of the girls, and this was a lot this month, she was convinced, that Zen would let her stay and she would never leave his side ever again. She allowed Zen to share himself with all the other girls and her jealousy, that had been very strong shortly after her heat, faded away and made way to a bright and open opinion about her relationship with Zen. He had stated, that he did love them all and that he would not choose one. Where Mara still had her problems with accepting, that Zen would not take only her, something she came to realize she had expected to happen at some point despite all the cubs he already had, Tara was happy to just be near him, share him with other girls and enjoy the company of them nearly as much as Zen's. Paula and Lena once talked with Mara about it and mentioned that Tara maybe was more fixed on this place and the life style she had here than on being alone with Zen. For her, after all the losses she had in the last year, leaving her parents and being brought to the orphanage, it was like she found a new family that loved and cared for her. She also became good friend with Zina, the shy panther girl that seemed to seek the company of Zen as much as the wolf, and they invaded his bed at night multiple times, just lying there close to him and hear his heart beat or having a threesome with the handsome white wolf.

Zen adapted to the new atmosphere very fast and enjoyed the constant company of girls every night. Because none of them was in heat he even found enough calm to just enjoy cuddling and caressing without going into mating directly, or sometimes even never getting there, and he found out that he loved this kind of affection as much as mating a heat-crazy girl for hours. It was normal for him now to either have two or three girls in his bed or moving to one of the rooms to sleep with two beautiful girls, each in one arm, and alternating between them. It was not about mating all the time anymore. It was not just about the pleasure of the flesh but turned more into the pleasure of the mind and heart, the affection and the closeness with his brides. On the weekend, they put all the tables in the dining room to the side and applied mattresses all over the ground. Then they got all the cubs from the cottage and slept all together in the big room. Only Paula or Lena stayed in the cottage to keep an eye on Samantha's eggs and took turns in that. When Zen fell asleep under a pile of cubs and a few girls on top and around him he calmed down the most in the last years and finally realized what it meant to be a father and husband to so many. He was filled with love, affection and responsibility. Before his mind drifted off to the dark realms of sleep, his mind wandered around in thoughts, touching each of his born and unborn children, the ones close as well as the one far away inside of Gilla, all the girls and women and ended up with the faces of his parents. He wondered if they had felt like this in the past as well. This love, this affection, this happiness to have cubs and form a big family. For Zen, it was not understandable why they cared so little about the two cubs they had, where he was happy for every second he spent with one of his many cubs. Sure, they would have to share him with a lot of other cubs, but they also had a lot of other family members around them which would help them to not feel lonely. The image of his parents inside his head was a bit unpleasant. It reminded him of their guilt towards him and his sister, but at the same time he could not help but remember, that only their careless nature had allowed him to start all this. How would his life have turned, if they never would have decided to leave on this long trip? The trip, that would soon be at the end, at least from the plans they introduced two years ago. Zen wondered what they would say, if they saw all his cubs. He was not sure if he wanted to tell them about this school and the cubs at all. In a way he did not want to see them again. He forced his mind to push the thoughts about his parents away and with the scent of his beloved girls and cubs in the nose he finally drifted off to sleep.

The October came and brought wind and rain over the land. They were all so used to sleep together now, that none of the girls slept in their rooms anymore. The mats were moved to the other big room, which barely fit all of them into it, and moved there for the night's sleep with their cubs. Now the big family was together every night. One stormy night, most of the girls could not sleep and were clinging to him, Mara, Lena or Bertha, because the thunderstorm outside was loud and bright lightnings danced in front of the window, Dott suddenly started to groan. They had expected it but in the middle of the thunderstorm it was the last thing they wanted to deal with. There was nothing they could do about it though. The labor of Dott had started and for ours, they tried to make it comfortable for the cheetah that groaned strong. Lena and Mara used the blankets to dim the room from the lightnings, because it made Dott nervous and she winced every time the bright light reflected from the walls. The smaller girls cuddled up with the bigger girls, because the adults could not comfort them now. They all had all their hands full to help Dott and lock out the thunderstorm as good as possible. Zen had asked Dott, if she wanted to be moved to another room, that they could dim easier, but Dott refused. She did not feel well enough to be moved and also said that she wanted to stay with everyone. It became a very long night of pain and agony for Dott and all the others stayed awake. Only the cubs, Tammy, Nelly and Ilia slept in the far corner of the room totally exhausted, when the thunderstorm slowly got weaker and Dott also reached the end of her torture. All the girls and women looked tired but happy at the yellow small cub, that appeared from one minute to the next, while the belly of Dott shrank down quite a bit. It has a single round dot on the nose already, but else was of a dark yellow color. Dott sighed relieved and took the crying bundle of joy into her arms. "My little Spot." She whispered hoarse and tickled the spot at the nose of the little girl. The crying of the girl faded away, when Dott moved her to one of her teats and let the cub drink.

Everyone wanted to finally go to bed, but another groan made clear that they would not get this rewards any time soon. Just when Dott started to close her eyes and breathe deeply with the sleeping Spot secure in her arms, Minna started her labor. She had helped Dott before but now was not able to do much more than lying on the side, groaning and getting helped by the exhausted and tired women and Zen. Zen was the one with the most energy left, but the others moved like ghosts. Luckily for them, the labors of Minna did not last as long as the one of Dott, but the sun already peeked through the spaces between the sheets in front of the windows when Minna finally cried out loud a last time and then pushed out the small white bundle. She was so exhausted from the labors, that Paula had to lay the mouse cub, which they called Whity, because she was shining in an even brighter white than Minna, at the belly of Minna and let it drink from one of her teats. Whity also was a girl. After the cub drank enough, all the women and girls around also had fallen asleep and only Zen was barely awake. He knew that someone had to put on the diapers for the fresh born, but all the girls were asleep and he did not have the heart to wake them up for that. He was very clumsy. There were enough fresh diapers, because they had all the cubs here and wanted to be prepared, but Zen never had done it without instructions of one of the girls. He first put the silky cloth flat on the ground and put the cub above it. Then he pulled the edge between her legs up, so that it was now resting on the belly of the little bundle of fur. He then remembered, that the peeks on the right and left had to be moved over it and then with some knot it was folded to keep in place. He had seen the women do it so often and most of the girls learned it as well, but every time he tried to make the knot, it did not stay connected for long and directly loosened up and slipped off the cub. Zen was too tired to remember, what the trick for this was. In the end he went to his office and found a baby pin to hold the diapers in place. It did not look nice or even right but it covered the lower half of the baby and did not slip down, so Zen was pleased with his work. He put the sleeping baby into the arms of Minna and then lay down next to her to hug both baby and the mouse girl.

In this night and morning their family had grown another two members.

Summer Heat – Chapter 39: Another Failure

# Summer Heat - Chapter 39: Another Failure The next week was hard for Zen, because at the morning after Minna gave birth they looked at the diaper he put on and he had been scolded for the bad work from Paula and Mara. Instead of praising him to try...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 37: Wolf Love

# Summer Heat - Chapter 37: Wolf Love Classes returned to their normal ways in the next week. They started their normal topics and Zen had all hands full to teach them Mathematics, English and History. The new pupils still needed some time to adjust....

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Summer Heat – Chapter 36: Sensitive Horns

# Summer Heat - Chapter 36: Sensitive Horns The first days of the school flew by and so the end of the first week arrived. The new girls slowly got used to the way the school was run and they did not cover themselves all the time anymore and stopped...

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