See Me After Class

Story by FurryCavour on SoFurry

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Danny's English teacher is eager to give him some personal feedback.

The bell rang. The students quickly packed up and left, flowing out into the hallway - all except for Danny.

He watched everyone else leave with a slight wistfulness in his green eyes - it was the last class of the day, after all. His ringed tail hung limply off his chair. Mostly, though, he was nervous. The grey raccoon's desk was clear except for his writing assignment, which had been returned with four words written across the top in flowing red script.

See me after class

Danny shifted in his seat and glanced up at the teacher's desk. Miss Lowe was as elegant as ever. She sat there, writing, seemingly oblivious to him.

Every school has at least one teacher the students whisper about in awe in the locker rooms, and Miss Lowe undoubtedly held that position here. The lioness was young and intelligent and always looked incredible. She kept her creamy fur meticulously maintained and had a preference for sharp outfits. Today she was wearing a short jacket, a tight skirt and long tights - all black. Her dry sense of humor kept her English class interesting, although many male students - and quite a few of the girls - got flustered when she turned to them, her brown eyes glinting behind her dark rimmed glasses...

Suffice to say the idea of being alone with her wasn't helping Danny's nerves.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh... Miss?"

"Mmm-hmm?" She didn't look up from whatever she was doing.

"You... asked to see me?"

"I did." She smirked down at her papers. "Give me just a moment. Are you in a rush?"

"No." Danny walked home most days. He was eighteen, and lived quietly - his parents wouldn't worry if he was a bit late.

"Excellent. This may... take a while."

Danny wasn't sure if she meant her paperwork or their meeting. Either way, he waited.

With nothing else to do, he read back over his poetry assignment, trying to work out what the problem was.

**Amorous dreams abound around Regal form in the sunlight. I watch from the ground Enthralled by the sound, Lilting sonnets in sweet flight.

Love lives high in lofty air Out of reach of thoughts expended. Watching, with my heart up there, **** Eternally suspended.**

He was proud of it. He definitely didn't think it was bad enough to warrant after-class criticism. Of course, it might have been the opposite. Miss Lowe was always very encouraging of Danny's writing; maybe she wanted him to submit it to a contest or something.

There was a third thing it might have been, and indeed probably was. But Danny did his best not to think about it. She hadn't noticed. She couldn't have noticed.

Please God don't let her notice.

It was a few minutes before Miss Lowe spoke. By then, the building felt unnaturally quiet. The school emptied quickly of students and teachers alike. Even if anyone was still around, they weren't nearby - Miss Lowe's classroom was at the back end of the campus.

Finally, she laid down her pen. "Alright. Apologies for the delay. Thank you for being patient."

"No problem, Miss."

She stood and stalked towards him with a slight smile. To his mild surprise, she sat on his desk, curling her legs behind her. He also noticed she was no longer wearing her shoes, which was odd. The fabric of her tights thinned a little at the foot. He could see the way her toes flexed comfortably.

"Mr Grayson..." She smiled. "Danny. I wanted to give you some in-depth feedback on this assignment."

Danny did his best to show no fear. "That's very kind of you, Miss."

"Oh, it's my pleasure. Believe me."

She looked down at the sheet next to her, and Danny followed her gaze as she unsheathed a claw and pointed to various lines.

"The rhyming scheme is nice... considered use of punctuation, just as I advised, so good job there... it's a little unusual to have an odd number of lines..." She broke into a grin. "And then of course there's... this."

She ran the side of her claw along the first letter of every line, and Danny's heartrate sped up even further. Yeah. She had noticed.

A-R-I-E-L / L-O-W-E

Miss Lowe gave him a calm smirk. "Quite a coincidence, no? Unless, of course, you intentionally hid my name in this."

She leaned down, closer to him. Her shirt was loosely buttoned, and he could see right into her cleavage. Had her shirt always been so open? Surely he would've noticed during class. If he looked down he could see her full breasts, every neat strand of cream fur. He did not look down. He maintained eye contact.

Dear god, did he maintain eye contact.

"Well, Miss... I know this is, um..."

She chuckled. "It's hard, being your age. All those hormones, all that... unchecked stamina. Not put to good enough use, I say."

"Uh, what?"

She smirked. "You can look down, Danny. In fact, not only would I encourage it... why stop there?"

She gently took hold of his hand. Danny blinked. Her fur was soft. For a moment, she did nothing other than stroke his fur with her thumb. Then she began to guide his hand slowly upwards, towards her chest - and into her bra.

Danny stiffened, in more than one way. "M-Miss! What are you...?!"

"Mmm..." She massaged his hand into her breast, making him feel her creamy fur, her warm flesh, her perking nipple. "Danny, you're quite possibly my finest pupil... and, may I say, the cutest. And this latest composition of yours has really impressed me. I think a reward is in order..." She smirked. "And I know exactly what to offer." She squeezed his hand, making him gasp.

"Miss, I..." He felt his heart pounding. "What if we get caught?"

With her free hand - she wasn't about to release him - she reached over and delicately stroked his face. "Don't worry about that. This classroom is wonderfully isolated. I can hear anyone coming from quite a distance... no matter what I'm doing." She leaned in, her face close to his. Danny caught her perfume. "So how about it, my dear? Shall we make some poetry?"

Danny was so stunned by his luck that it took a second for him to process the question. "Uh, yes! Of course!"

She smirked. "Splendid. Then let's waste no more time."

She leaned in and kissed him. Danny froze, but forced himself to recover. He couldn't waste this amazing opportunity.

He returned the kiss, focusing on the feeling of her soft, full lips. She gave a muffled "mmh", encouraging him. Her tongue slipped forward, against his. She really wanted this. Danny worked up the nerve to lay a hand on her cheek. She nuzzled against it, stroking it with her own hand - and then gently led it away from her face and down to her tits.

They still felt incredible - but having both hands down his teacher's blouse reminded Danny of the absurdity of the situation. Panicking slightly, he broke the kiss. "Miss, wait. Are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry..." Her voice was soothing, little more than a breath. She nuzzled her forehead against his. "I know what I'm doing. No-one's going to disturb us out here, I promise. And even if they do, I'll be the one in trouble. You'll be the innocent victim, led astray..." She smirked. "Benefit of youth. You're an adult by every demarcation save context."

"I love how you talk dirty," said Danny, and she laughed.

"Good point. Let's not waste time on words."

He expected her to resume the kiss, and was a little disappointed when she pulled back, sliding off the desk. His disappointment was short-lived.

Unhurriedly - smirking at him all the while - she undid the rest of her shirt buttons, exposing her flat, creamy stomach. She shrugged off her shirt and jacket, allowing both to land crumpled on the floor. Then she unclasped her bra and discarded it.

Part of Danny was convinced he was dreaming. Miss Lowe was standing half-naked in front of him, her full, perky breasts completely uncovered. He had touched them! Odds were very high he was going to touch them again! All he had to do was not wake up.

She put her hands on her hips; her black skirt contrasted wonderfully with her bright fur. "Well, don't just sit there and gawk, Danny. I'm starting to get a little chilly." She gave him a smirk, then a command. "Strip."

Danny had never followed an instruction from a teacher with such enthusiasm.

His belt gave him some trouble - his hands were shaking a little - but it was the only major obstacle. Soon, shirt, shoes, pants, boxers and socks were all shoved under his desk. He got up and eagerly stood to attention in front of her; again, in more ways than one.

Her dark eyes looked him over, evidently pleased. "Fantastic. Just as cute as I'd imagined."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course." She strode over to him, hips swaying. "What? I'm sure your mind has wandered to me during... quiet moments. I don't believe I might have done the same?" She lay a hand on his shoulder, smirking quietly. "I masturbate too, Danny."

Danny's vivid imagination immediately produced an image of Miss Lowe sprawled naked on her bed, mewling his name as a large vibrator went to work on her pussy. It was hands down the greatest mental image he ever had, but he was forced to push it to the side, because she was half-naked in front of him and they were about to fuck.

For once, reality was better than fantasy.

With a single graceful motion, Lowe dropped to her knees in front of him. "And this..." She drew in close to his crotch and took a deep breath through her nose. "Ah. Wonderful. Smells like... youthful virility. Dying to be let loose." She licked her lips. "I wonder if it tastes the same..."

She kissed his tip. Danny gasped, a bolt of pleasure moving through his cock. Lowe's pink tongue darted out, giving his shaft a gentle lick. She savored his taste, moving slowly. Then she looked up and noticed just how tense he was.

"Hmm. Do you have much experience, Danny?"

Danny's mind went - as it often did - to the awkward handjob he had lucked into a few months ago. That was it. "Not... a lot, no."

Lowe nodded. "I see. Well, I don't want to waste your first one like this." She smirked. "And I suppose you could consider this educational."

Danny almost missed the second sentence. His brain got caught on the word 'first'. 'First' one.

She stood and walked towards her desk, not bothering to retrieve any of her clothes. Instead, she peeled off her skirt and discarded it. Danny could see the slight flare to her hips - and he could see her underwear through her tights. Her panties, unsurprisingly, were tight and black.

Lowe sat on the edge of her desk and beckoned Danny over. He eagerly followed.

When he drew close, Lowe took hold of both of his hands and kissed him. She led his hands to her hips, where her tights began.

"Do me a favor, Danny, and strip these off." Another peck on the cheek. "All of it."

Danny nodded, not entirely trusting himself to speak. He ran his fingers through the fur of her hips - god, her body was so warm, so soft, so amazing - and hooked his thumbs under her tights and into her underwear. Then he slowly pulled them down.

Before the fabric fully cleared her hips, it hit him - the sweet scent of her pussy. She was already wet. Apparently his teacher was as ready for this as he was.

He kept pulling off her tights, exposing more and more of her long, shapely legs. Black gave way to bright gold. As Danny removed the tights from around her feet, she flexed her toes happily.

"At last... the barriers are stripped away." She ran her hands down the sides of her torso, inviting Danny to soak in the view. "We can be truly candid with each other."

Danny's eyes couldn't settle on one place; he was drawn to her lovely breasts, her flat stomach, her wide hips. "You look amazing, Ariel."

She arched an eyebrow. "'Ariel'?"

He blinked. "You... literally just said we could be candid."

"You forget, Mr Grayson," she said, her dark eyes gleaming under her glasses, "the context. We're about to destroy the school ethics policy, so I acknowledge my hypocrisy. But this is still my classroom. I am still your teacher. And if I want you to refer to me as 'Miss Lowe' even when you're balls-deep inside me, because frankly this power imbalance is really turning me on, then you will. Understood?"

Danny felt his arousal spike. Apparently they were on the same page about the power thing. "Y-yes."

She smiled. "Yes, who?"

"Yes, Miss Lowe."

"Good boy." She spread her legs, resting her hands on her inner thighs. "Now follow your teacher's instructions. Kneel down."

Danny lowered himself down, level with her crotch. Again, she curled a finger, beckoning him. He shuffled closer, his heart in his throat.

Her scent was intoxicating this close. Lowe rested her legs on Danny's shoulders, then crossed her ankles behind his back. He was enclosed between her exquisite thighs. He was trapped, but happily - he loved being here. As Danny ran his hands up through the fur of her legs, he mused it was a decent metaphor. He tried to remember it.

His attention quickly returned to the task at hand.

Lowe lay a hand on his head, rubbing her fingertips into his fur. "Go ahead, Danny. Show me that tongue."

Trying to steady himself - his hands gripping her gorgeous hips - Danny leaned in. Slowly, he extended his tongue, and - after a moment of joyful hesitation - he slipped inside her.

Lowe purred as she felt him enter her. "That's it... gooood boy... don't be shy, now..." She squeezed her thighs very slightly, encouraging him.

Danny brought his lips against hers and began to eagerly lick and suck as best he could. He had never done this before, but he had always been a quick study. As his tongue explored her, he made mental notes. Some movements and places got no reaction from her, but others were very different. He kept track of every gasp, every purr, every shiver - every time she tilted her hips against his face, silently begging him for more...

Soon, his fingers gripping her firm hips tightly, he was going all in. His tongue swirled around her, wetness against wetness. He lapped at her, savoring her taste. His skull was buzzing with hormones, his entire body tense and ready for more. But his focus was on his mouth, and her pussy. She tasted amazing.

He was completely in the moment. Nothing was more important than pleasuring his teacher. His tongue snaked up to her clitoris and licked her. She jolted and let out a surprised - almost cute - mewl. He pressed on, wrapping his lips around her clit and wetly massaging it.

He continued the motion. Up and down, up and down... focused on her pleasure, on serving her, on making her -

Lowe groaned, her eyes screwed shut. "Stop. Stopstop."

Danny pulled back sharply - though he didn't get far with her legs still around him. "Sorry! Did I do something wrong?"

Lowe took a breath, regaining her composure. "No. No. Quite the opposite." She gave him a smirk. "I'm just... ready to move on."

Danny absently licked his lips. He could still taste her. "Move on, huh?"

"Oh, yes." Lowe spread her legs, freeing Danny. She stood and beckoned Danny to follow suit. "I've always wanted to try this..." she murmured.

Slowly - letting Danny admire every second of the view - she bent at the waist until her chest was resting on her desk. Her ass was in the air, and Danny had full access to her wet crotch. She looked back over her shoulder with that same, satisfied smirk.

"I want you to fuck me, Danny," she said. "Fuck me like this."

Danny swallowed. "Yes, Miss. Gladly."

"Good..." She closed her eyes, seemingly at ease. "Take your time. Don't rush yourself. I want you to enjoy this just as much as I am..."

Danny nodded. He took a long, slow breath, feeling how his heart was pounding. His hands came to her waist, fingers gently gripping her. Her tail swished, brushing against his stomach, signalling her mock impatience.

His dick was rock hard. It had been for some time. If Danny's mind had some hangups about the situation, his body had been ready since the beginning, yearning for more. He embraced that.

He aligned himself, paused for a moment, then pushed into her pussy.

She was velvety, heavenly. They both moaned in pleasure at the feeling of the penetration. Lowe shuddered happily, her back arching. "Aahh! Oh, fantastic! You're so thick..." She shivered, her claws digging into the desk. "More, Danny, don't stop!"

Stopping was the last thing on Danny's mind. In fact, there was almost nothing on Danny's mind, which was incredibly rare. His anxieties had melted away, smothered by the sweet sensations he was experiencing. He had finally stopped worrying about getting caught. He had stopped worrying about everything. The only thing that mattered was squeezing his cock.

He began pump her, his hips moving slowly at first but quickly gaining confidence. Every thrust felt incredible. Soon he reached bottom, the entire length of his dick sliding inside her. His bushy tail quivered with overwhelmed pleasure.

He bit his lip, trying to stop himself from groaning. He failed. "Agggh... Oh god... It feels so good..."

"Yesss..." Miss Lowe's voice was soft but urgent. "That's it, Danny. Keep going for as long as you can!"

His inexperience didn't matter. Not any more. This came naturally, more naturally than anything else. He built up a rhythm. She was so warm, and so wet, small slick sounds caused by the motion. It was hard to process anything when it felt so good, but he did notice his teacher begin to change. Her body tensing, her breath hitching...

The world melted away. There was nothing but them, the sensations, the rhythmic pounding. They stayed like that, savoring each other. Lowe moaned wantonly, her muscles tensing and twitching. Danny humped her, blown away by the feeling of her hips in his hands, of her pussy around his dick. The sight of her naked body.

He still couldn't believe this was happening. The physical sensations were incredible, and felt just as good as he'd hoped. But he found himself enjoying unexpected elements. Like the smell - Miss Lowe's sweet scent, mixed with sweat and sex. And the sounds she made! Purrs and pants and little half-growls. She was normally so articulate and here she was, practically reduced to a wild animal. Because of him. Because of his cock. He was fucking Miss Lowe. He was fucking Mis-!

Danny felt his dick jolt inside her and a bit of pre-cum escape him. He realized just how close he was. Still pounding her, he worked up the effort to speak.

"Nngh... Miss, I... I'm gonna...!"

"Good." Her voice was breathless, ragged, but still powerful. She still sounded like his teacher. "I want it, Danny."


"Cum inside me, Danny. I want to feel you give me everything." She began to squeeze herself around his dick, milking him. "Do it. That's an order, Danny, I'm your teacher and I'm telling you to cum inside me."

"F-fuck!" Danny stood no chance. The feeling of her pussy clamping around him along with her sultry, demanding voice sent him over the edge in an instant. His balls tightened and he felt his warm jizz escape him. He couldn't hold back a low groan as he came. His cock twitched, and kept twitching, massaged beautifully by Lowe's hot body. He was trapped and he loved it.

His cum spilled into her and that was enough. She threw back her head and practically roared, her whole body shivering. Her arms straightened and her back arched and she came, her walls twitching wildly, prolonging his orgasm, prolonging her own.

Finally, they both went quiet. Their spasms and twitches slowly settled and faded. Danny let out a sigh, his mind clouded with warmth.

Miss Lowe melted against her desk, her body slack and her legs weak. After Danny pulled out, he hovered behind her and took in the view; his teacher, so tired, so exposed. So satisfied.

He worked up the nerve to clear his throat. "S-sorry. Was that okay?"

Lowe seemed to wake up. "Oh, Danny. You did marvellously."

With a smooth motion, Miss Lowe repositioned herself so she was lying face-up on her desk. She locked eyes with Danny and curled a finger. His heart fluttered, and he hurried to climb on too.

"That's it... come here..." She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into an embrace. Her fur felt even warmer now. "Important life lesson, Danny: never satisfy a woman and then leave without cuddling. Understand?"

"Yes, Miss..." He lay on top of her, pressing against her curves wonderfully. Hesitantly, he leaned in for a kiss. She gladly obliged him, moaning slightly as their lips met. "Mmm... Miss, I..."

"Hush..." Lowe pulled him closer, stroking his head. "Sometimes it's best to just savor the silence." She resumed the kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth. Danny let himself relax, returning it.

For a few minutes, they lay there. With her soft lips on his and her hands stroking his fur and her toned, gorgeous body under him, Danny was in heaven.

Finally, she broke the kiss and looked him in the eye. "Now Danny, I'm relying on your discretion. Keep this nice and quiet. It would be unfair to your classmates to get your teacher fired during an exam year, wouldn't it?"

"That's... one way to look at it," said Danny dubiously. "Don't worry, Miss. I'll be quiet."

She chuckled, scratching him behind the ear. "That's a good boy." She kissed him on the cheek, then leaned in to whisper to him. "I quite enjoyed myself. And I think you could benefit from... a continual reward system."

Danny felt his heartrate pick up. "Y-yeah?"

"Oh, yes," she breathed, her hands still softly stroking his fur. "Let's say... if you keep your grades high, you can visit me in my home for an intimate, one-on-one study session. How does that sound?"

"I - yes! That sounds amazing, Miss! Thank you!"

She laughed. "Oh Danny... you're more than welcome."

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