Costellian Captive: an M/M Twine Adventure

Story by georgesquares on SoFurry

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Updates for a gay TF twine adventure!

Over at my patreon account I've made it a part of my monthly goals to upload an erotic twine game called Costellian Captive! It's m/m erotica focusing on transformation. You play as a captured officer being integrated into a supernatural alliance of magisters via means of supernatural powers and lots of and lots of sex.

The goal is to release the story content slowly over time. Currently the only in-game story options are the otter route and the fox route. Patrons get to vote on which priority they'd like to see character content released in the game. The game itself is free to everybody though.

The update for this patch of the game is here! Click on the link that says TFgameJuneupdate

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