Krystal Ecstasy

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Krystal's first ecstasy experience.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own Star Fox, Krystal is a fictional vixen character created by Nintendo. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Krystal Ecstasy

** "Krystal, you really want to join the Team Star Fox?" asked Eve. The pony was pretty in a distinctive way. Her eyes were blue, her hair light blond.**

** "Yes, that's why I join this Star Fox Academy - I can join the Team Star Fox after I graduated," said Krystal thoughtfully. "And then I can find out and arrest those murderers." She was searching the answers to her planet's destruction, and the death of her parents.**

** "And what are you going to do after the justice is done?" asked Ortiz. She was an attractive, slender lizard, who kept her hair short and always wore tailored clothes.**

** "Become a normal girl and enjoy my life," declared Krystal. She wore skimpy, golden attire mainly consisting of a golden bra-like top and nothing but a small white loincloth.**

** "Well, we wish you good luck," said Eve grimly. "We quit."**

** "Why?" questioned the blue vixen.**

** "It's elementary, the air was suffocating and reek of sweat - men's sweat," Ortiz commented. "We vomited after the physical training."**

** Eve looked at the blue vixen. "We strongly suggest you quit as well," said she.**

** Krystal giggled. "I won't give up, no I won't break down. Besides, I like adventures."**

** Ortiz frowned. "Anyway, I don't think you can graduate."**

** "Why not?" queried Krystal.**

** Eve looked Krystal straight in the eye. "You are the only female trainee here now, what will the pervert boys do? Gangbang! You'll be impregnated before you graduate. Moreover, maybe they don't accept girls."**

** Silence followed this remark.**

** "This is scary, I'll seek help from the nurse." Krystal admitted. "Anyway, let's keep in touch."**

** A few minutes later, Krystal walked into the clinic.**

** "Nurse Joy," Krystal began to tell the goat about her concerns.**

"Krystal, I strongly suggest you implement the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)."

"Huh? What is that?"

"In short, restrict fertility and you won't have menstruation issues. Your friends are right, you'll become a mother before you graduate if you don't take precaution."

"Joy, I'll sue them if they tried to gangbang me."

"This academy is half-sponsored by government, thus no lawyers will help you. Moreover, you won't be able to join this team anymore."

This was followed by a short silence.

"Krystal, they'll start a sex party and you must entertain each of them, you know, with your mouth and holes. If you rejected or refused them, they'll gangbang you in the hard way, which may cause you to stay in the hospital for weeks. When I joined this academy, the students and lecturers also gangbang me but luckily I was not impregnated."

"This is scary, is this medical treatment free of charge? Because I am poor."

"Of course it is free," Joy told Krystal about the advantages of IUCD.

"Cool, I'll inform my lecturers now."

"Remember, young vixen, if you want to stay, don't reject and refuse them. Moreover, the main purpose of a girl is to serve men, to be enslaved, to be sacrificed and to become their toys. Men and women can never be equal, have you ever seen people sacrifice boys to the demon or dragon? No! They only sacrifice girls."

After informing the lecturers, Krystal told Joy that she would take the medical operation tomorrow morning.


** One night.**

** "Hey, Krystal, come and join our gangbang party now," said a camel. He was attired in a pea-jacket and cravat, which gave him a decidedly nautical appearance.**

** If I want to stay, I must join them. Krystal thought. Moreover, I don't want to stay in the hospital for weeks.**

** Krystal nodded. "Sure, let me change clothes first," she answered with a twinkle in her eye.**

** "Err...wait a minute," said a horse. "You are fine now, and it is much better not to wear panties."**

** Krystal agreed. The horse lifted up her white loincloth slowly, she pulled down her blue underwear and then threw it onto the bed. This was her first time walking around without wearing underwear.**

** "Swallow this ecstasy pill so that you won't feel so painful," said a tiger.**

** Krystal was deeply puzzled by the blue pill. "What is this?" she wondered. Joy never told her about ecstasy pill.**

** "Swallow it now, find out later," said an ant,** rubbing his hands. "Don't worry, this is legal and we won't kill you."

** Krystal swallowed it but she did not feel anything. Each male trainee also swallowed a blue pill. There was a buzz of excitement in the air as they got ready for the party.**

** "Since you are fifteen, I presume the effect will start in less than ten minutes. Let's go to the hall now," observed the camel.**

** Ten minutes later, Krystal began to feel horny and she disrobed.** With no music in her ears her fox head moved as if there was smooth jazz playing inside.

** "Krystal, come to papa," said the tiger. He sat on the edge of the bed as Krystal crawled between his spread legs. She stroked his dick as they kissed passionately. He moaned as his tiger dick disappeared into her muzzle. He enjoyed the warmth and wetness of her tongue as she slowly maneuvered up and down the shaft of his penis. After he ejaculated, he withdrew his penis. The ecstasy pill kept him erect which allowed him to make love several more times that night, and each time was better than the previous.**

** "My turn," said the camel. Looking at Krystal into her eyes, he played with her clitoris for a while and then inserted his fingers into her vagina one after the other. As he fingered her, he rubbed her tits gently. He was surprised that she was not a virgin. She relaxed on the bed and enjoyed the favour with her eyes closed.** Her bright smile was infectious, lighting up the room.


** The next morning, Krystal woke up with a start. Her arms flapped down on the carpet too hard, and with each push her back end swayed like a horse under tranquillizer. Her stomach began to heave in a sickly way and her head was spinning in a way that just makes no sense. It was like the whole house just got put on a carousel, slow at first but gaining momentum. She decided to continue sleeping.**

Later, Krystal's dream ended abruptly, as she was shaken back into reality. Her eyes opened, her eyelashes faintly batting against her lids when she blinked. She laid on her bed, debating whether or not she should get up. Her muscles felt weak, just like her energy. She let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as she rolled off of the blue-colour bed she had been occupying. What time was it? How long had she been asleep? Did she have clothes on? All of these questions shot through her mind as she let out a loud yawn, ready to start (or continue) the day.

** After a warm shower, Krystal went to the cafeteria. "Krystal, want to try Fried Rice and Carrot Juice?" asked the chief.**

** "Yes, please."**

** Soon, Krystal was holding a plate of rice and a cup of juice.**

** "Happy morning," Krystal said cheerily as she joined her seniors at the cafeteria.**

** Calvin laughed heartily. "Cute vixen, how do you feel now?"**

** Krystal smiled at the ant. "Getting better, not so dizzy anymore. Anyway, how did I go back to my room last night? What happened afterwards?"**

** "It is not important anymore, in short, you did entertain most of us," replied Aaron. He ate rapidly, stuffing his lion muzzle too full.**

** "Thank you for your kind offer of help," said Brent,** and took a sip of his coffee. "We don't feel boring anymore since you joined us."

** Krystal could hardly contain her joy. "I also enjoyed the party, can we do that every week?" asked she.**

Brent shook his camel's head. "The pill can and will kill you if you take it every week. However, if you feel lonely and horny, you can always visit us after supper," he promised.

Krystal** opened her eyes wider, keeping the smile. "Sure, thanks," replied she.**

I can stop using vibrator now.** Krystal thought.**

Three years later, Krystal graduated and joined the Team Star Fox.

The end.

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