The Lion King: Snow in the Jungle

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Well, second story... hurray and all that. I thought it would come around much sooner than the year it took to get this out/written. Oh well, I fail. Here you are community.

Anyway the normal disclaimer goes here. I don't own Lion King or the Characters or Disney for that matter and don't profess to caring. Don't read this if you are jailbait underage where you are. Like I even need to post the previous warning. Everyone here is old enough to be here, of course. Also, don't look at this if you don't like gay content, or lions, or whatever might be in here that might offend you. Just don't. Yup that's it, let it begin.

The Lion King: Snow in the Jungle

Timon awoke refreshed. He stretched his nice big stretch and sat up. It was a glorious afternoon, sun high in the sky and warm. There was just the slightest breeze, enough to move the jostle the fur but not enough to chill. The spot he had chosen to fall asleep on was just as he liked it, he'd slept like a log.

"Nothing like an afternoon snooze after getting clean, right guys?"

No sooner than he had gotten the words out had he realized that he was alone. His faithful companions, young Simba and Pumbaa, who had been lounging only a couple inches from him, seemed to be gone. Timon's eyes darted across the glittering pond were they had bathed that morning to see if the two had gone back in for another dip. Of course, he had no luck. The more he looked the more he realized that he had been left alone. Always the cautious meerkat, Timon started to worry that something might have happened to his best friends.

His mind raced, "Where could they be? What if they were eaten? No, wait, that doesn't make sense, it would have eaten me too.... Am I not appetizing? I know I'm small but I think I might be pretty tas... Wait! Don't get off track, Timon. Think. Where could they have gone? They wouldn't leave me if there was danger... So, they MUST be ok... Or they left and got eaten... Greaaaaaaaat! Well, I guess the best thing would be to go find those two... Though, they're going to get an earful. That'll show 'em to leave me unannounced."

Resolved, Timon took a deep whiff of the area. Timon wasn't exactly built for tracking, but anyone who couldn't follow a trail like Pumbaa's was, frankly, an idiot. Even Timon, who was used to the Warhog's odor, was able to easily tell which direction that he had gone off in. He figured it was safe to assume that wherever he had gone, Simba was with him. Not finding Simba with Pumbaa would cause even more grief for the meerkat.

"So much for having a great day," thought Timon, "and it was going soooo well too..."

He strode out in the direction that the scent was strongest. He entered the trees to the jungle area after leaving the pool. Before long, he spotted the telltale tracks of Pumbaa and, much to his relief, Simba as well. They lead him deeper into an area of the jungle that the group frequented, and Pumbaa's smell was getting even stronger.

Timon started questioning the disappearance of his companions at this point. He wondered why they would just leave him alone by the pool. They weren't in any danger, he was sure of that. The part of the jungle the tracks lead to was notoriously safe and one of their favorite hangouts. Also, the tracks were spaced normally; they weren't running wildly from anything. But it was still odd that they would just up and leave him.

He was so distracted by the thoughts that he almost missed his friends. He had walked about ten feet away from them and would have missed them. Luckily, he heard a twig snap under one of their paws. When Timon's head whirled around in the direction of the sound, he could barely make out the colors of a lion and a warthog. Timon started in the direction of his companions.

"THERE YOU ARE. You two are in so much trouble! You had me worried! You both just left me at the pool all by myself. PUMBAA! What if something came to eat me? What would I have done if you weren't there? Huh? PUMBAA! SIMBA! Are you listening.... to..... me...........?"

His words trailed off when he finally got a good look at the two. They were in a little clearing on the jungle floor. Timon was positioned right behind Simba's backend, which blocked his view of what was going on. All he could see was Pumbaa's face above Simba's rump. As soon as Pumbaa realized that Timon was there, a yell and look of shock escaped the Warthog. Simba's head popped out from under Pumbaa's stomach. The young lion looked over his right shoulder to see his friend standing there staring. Both of them started muttering and tried to scoot out of Timon's view, into the forest.

"What are you two doing?"

Timon then caught a glimpse of Pumbaa: a rather private and revealing glimpse. The realization struck him like a match. Fellatio? His face was transformed into shock just like the other two. When Pumbaa and Simba noticed the look, they stopped, looked at each other, and then looked back to Timon. The three just stood there in awkward silence for a moment while they all processed the situation. Pumbaa was the first to break the silence.

"Uhhhh... Timon, I... Um, can... explain..."

"I'm not mad," Timon interjected. "I, um, well, I'll leave I guess. Like nothing ever happened."

He started to walk away but only made it a few steps off until he stopped. He thought about it and came to a conclusion. Timon hadn't gotten off in a while and could use a little stimulus. Even though he was not really into the male on male scene, he felt a quite aroused seeing his two best friends at it. He turned back around to Pumbaa and Simba, neither of which had moved, both still in shock.

"Actually... I want to watch."

Pumbaa and Simba looked at each other again. Both were unsure how to handle getting caught and then being asked for a show.

"Uhhhh... Just a second," Pumbaa said in false cheery haste.

Pumbaa turned Simba and himself around trying to speak in private. Timon could only make out a few words of what they were saying. He wondered what they were talking about. Young Simba turned to look at Timon and said "Are you sure?" Pumbaa turned him back around, a vigorous yes in his head shake. Timon was starting to get a little suspicious when Pumbaa and Simba turned around, done discussing whatever they were discussing.

"Ok," said Pumbaa, "You can stay if you want Timon but you have to watch from right under us."

"Ok..." responded Timon, "whatever you say..."

Pumbaa and Simba walked out to meet Timon. Timon was even more turned on by the full sight of the Warthog's erection. His own pink member started to peek out of his sheath. Timon immediately started to rub his hands over his genitals, exciting himself even more.

"Lay down on your back, Timon, we'll put ourselves over you."

He did as Pumbaa said and lay down on the ground. He was now almost fully erect, rubbing his hands over his erection and his sack. Pumbaa walked over Timon, positioning his member directly in front of Timon's face albeit a foot above him. Simba walked to Timon's feet and immediately shoved his head under the Warthog's bulk. Timon watched as Simba slid Pumbaa's dick into his mouth with a slurp. Timon grabbed onto his own erection and started to slowly pull his paws up his length. Pumbaa stood there making a few slow gasps as Simba started to bob back and forth. Timon saw Simba's tongue dart out over the entire length of Pumbaa which turned him on even more. He started to rub his body with one hand and his cock with the other.

Simba kept on bobbing back and forth in a regular but slow rhythm over Pumbaa's member. Every bob left a streak of saliva from the engorged member to the lips of the Lion. Timon was surprised by just how much he was being turned on by the two above him. He had honestly never thought that a site like this would have had this effect on him. He started stroking himself just a little faster and harder, starting to play with his nipples with his free hand.

Simba decided to switch it up a little bit now and started lapping the cock like a lollipop. Long strokes from the very base to the tip left more saliva trailing from the Warthog to the adolescent lion. Simba licked it so vigorously that Pumbaa started to moan, ever so slightly. Timon felt himself getting closer to release every second, rubbing himself even faster.

Simba went to work on just the head of Pumbaa's throbbing member, suckling and licking all over it. Then, Simba started to bob on it just as he was before, though much more intensely. Simba found himself trying with every stroke to get a little more of the cock into his throat. Pumbaa felt this and started to moan out loud every time the lion's maw engulfed him. Timon started stimulating his sack, pulling on it and rubbing his nuts, while stroking more furiously.

Before too long, Simba made it all the way to the hilt of Pumbaa's cock. He deep-throated the entire thing, staying on his a little too long each time so he would make the gagging sound Pumbaa seemed to be so fond of. These antics elicited a huge moan from Pumbaa as he neared his climax. Timon could tell that he was close, too, and slowed down his strokes so he could let go when Pumbaa did. He didn't think it right to go on after they were done after all.

It wasn't long before Pumbaa started wailing. Simba was shoving the member down his throat at a breakneck pace. Leaking saliva was falling all around Timon below him. Pumbaa let out one more final wail and shoved into Simba's throat as far as he possibly could. He let out a huge shot of cum down the cub's throat before pulling out to his mouth and shooting the rest there, letting Simba breathe. Simba loved the sensation of the hot juice entering his maw.

Timon shut his eyes in ecstasy. He started really pumping his own dick hard, trying to send himself over the edge but he felt something glop onto his chest. He opened his eyes to see Simba hovering over him dripping out Pumbaa's seed onto his body. The next glob landed directly on his mouth, splashing down his front. Timon licked what he could get from his face. The snowballing was too much for him. Timon shot so hard that his seed actually made it to Simba's chin. He shot several long white strands over his own chest next where it mixed with Pumbaa's reused seed. Timon then sat there breathing hard, unable to even remove his own hand from his cock. The orgasm debilitated him momentarily.

"So... Did you like your surprise?" Pumbaa piped up between breaths.

Timon could barely get the words out, "It was great, Pumbaa. Thanks."

Timon relaxed and let his arms drop to his sides. He looked up to his friends and smiled. As if prompted, Simba lowered his head to lap the cum off of Timon, swallowing all the tasty cream he could get off. Timon found that he really liked the sensation of Simba's tongue on his receding erection. After he was clean, Timon stood up and gave both of his friends a big hug.

"But what about our lion friend here, Pumbaa?"

"Well, I took care of that before you got here Timon... Sorry..."

Timon chuckled to himself, "Hakuna Matata, maybe next time. For now, I think we could all use a nice little dip in the pool to clean up. AGAIN!"

The three laughed at Timon's faux anger. They all felt a little bit closer as the hug ended. Pumbaa, Simba, and Timon then started out to the spot they left earlier, eager to clean up.

Timon's day wasn't as ruined as he thought it was.

Brian Griffin's odd occurance

DISCLAIMER! I, of course, do not own, claim to own, or have in any way contributed in the making of these characters. They are copyright the Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Do not read this if you don't know why you are about to do so. Any...

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