The Quest for the Holy Dildo #2
#4 of Holy Dildo
Marking Time with an Angel
In which a river is crossed in style, a succubus leaves to do her thing, and the scent of an angel's butt is discussed.
| Soon the trio came upon a river as predicted. At Sampson's suggestion, they followed it until they came to a road and a bridge.
"If I'm not mistaken, this is the Darkwater River. If we take the road west across the bridge, we should come to Ivarstead by nightfall.
Ivarstead is right at the beginning of the 1000 steps so we can start the climb the next day."
"Um... Sampson... do you have any money?" Devilah asked.
Sampson shook his head. "Devilah, until recently, I didn't have any clothes! There was nothing in the cabin either."
Both of them looked at Faniel who laughed, "Sorry, I've got nothing on me." | |
| "Okay, well there's a house by that bridge. Let me go on ahead. I'm pretty sure I can make some money for some food and a place to stay."
"Devilah! Is that... ethical?" Faniel asked, somewhat shocked.
Sampson, as usual, had no idea what they were talking about.
Devilah gave Faniel a frustrated look. "Sorry Angel, but I'm going to do it anyway. Might as well get paid for it." | |
| "What are you talking about?" Sampson asked, confused.
Devilah mimicked performing fellatio, adding "Just a quick snack for the road."
"Oh Devilah! Must you?"
"Yes, dammit. I MUST. Stop thinking about it like a human for once Sampson. Oh, just stay out of sight. We'll see just how much seductive power I still have." | |
| As Devilah swam across the slow moving river, Sampson turned to Faniel.
"Do you swim, or can you fly with those wings?" Sampson asked. "There's no reason we can't wait on the far side."
"Fly? Oh... Naa. I can get off the ground a bit, but I can't stay aloft for long. They're mostly just decorative. But don't worry about me."
Faniel replied.
"Well then let's follow her across the river at least."
Sampson soon discovered that Faniel didn't need to fly or swim across. | |
| Devilah continued ahead to the house while Faniel and Sampson sat on a tree trunk away from the road and a bit out of sight of the bridge and the house.
"Can Devilah fly?" Faniel asked.
"Devilah? Oh! That's right! She has wings too - when she wants them. I kinda doubt it though. They're smaller than yours." | |
| "Sampson..." Faniel started hesitantly after they had been quiet a while.
"Yes? What is it."
"Why do you look at my pussy so much?"
Sampson flushed and looked away. "Do I? I'm sorry. I suppose I do. I don't mean to offend you."
"Why would I be offended? This body is a beautiful creation, don't you think? But it seems like you are always either looking at my pussy or my tits. Why is that?"
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I stare at your ass a lot too." | |
| "I'm not stupid, Sampson. I know there's sexuality involved. But you're not going to fuck me. You're not the type to even try! So why do you look at me like that? It must be frustrating for you."
"I think it's just built into me. It's just..."
"A natural thing?"
"Yes, I suppose so. I'll try to tone it down."
"Oh, there's no need for that. Something in me rather likes it. But I ask only to make a point." | |
| "Make a point?"
"Yes. Devilah loves you deeply. But her nature requires her to do these acts with other males. She can't help it Sampson. No more than you can help looking at my body. She knows you don't like it, and that's creating a... tension in her. Her nature calls her to do what she has to do, but you remind her that you wish she wouldn't. Sampson, if that tension gets too strong, on which side do you think it will break?"
Sampson just looked at the angel for a minute, thinking.
"Sampson, nature always wins. Always. If that tension gets too great within her, she will leave you or worse. Don't let it get to that point. Somehow, and I don't know how, but you've got to let her be a succubus. You don't have to encourage it, but don't make her feel guilty for doing what she has to do. It's who she is. If you can't handle it, you shouldn't have started down this road with her in the first place."
Sampson was quiet for a long time, and Faniel could see he was thinking. Thinking hard about intangible things. Finally he looked back at her. "I can handle it," he smiled. "Thanks Faniel. I think I understand." | |
| "I hope so, Sampson. It's against your nature too, I know. So you both need to bend without breaking. In the meantime, would you like me to spread my pussy for you, or would you rather gaze at my asshole?"
Sampson turned away, realizing that he had again been absentmindedly looking at her crotch again.
"Just kidding Sampson. Lighten up! I suppose maybe there are good reasons to wear clothes after all. Ones I hadn't really considered."
"So, you'll wear something then?"
"Never. But at least I'm beginning to understand why you wear them." | |
| "Well then, your asshole," Sampson said, brightening up.
"I haven't seen your asshole yet, so I choose that!"
Faniel began to turn around.
"Wait! I was just kidding!" | |
| Faniel turned back and smiled an evil smile, which somehow looked incongruous on her. "I was too."
Some minutes passed before Faniel commented, "it's really a beautiful asshole though."
Sampson eyed her cautiously, "I'm absolutely sure it is, Faniel. But I'm in love with another asshole. Better I learn to love the one I've got than lust after one beyond my lot."
"Wise poetry, from a man growing wiser every day," Faniel nodded. "Though you will really be missing something."
"Oh? Aren't they all pretty much the same?"
Faniel smiled, "Lilacs, Sampson. My ass smells like Lilacs and lavender."
Sampson wasn't sure if she was still teasing or not, and her enigmatic smile revealed nothing until she broke out in a spasm of uncontrollable giggling. | |