25: Misconceptions

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Opening her eyes slowly, Applejack yawned, stretching out her legs and tossing her hat expertly onto her head. Looking at the sun already beginning to climb into the sky, she shook her head and scolded herself for sleeping in so late despite not having any chores to do today. As she yawned again, she held her head as she heard a banging noise beginning to grow louder and louder. "Gosh darnit, ah gotta stop playin' those drinkin' games with Dash." she murmured to herself.

It took a few seconds for Applejack to realize that the banging noise was coming from somewhere in the house, not in her heard. With her ears perked up, she sighed once she realized which wall the noise was coming from. "Really? This early?" she muttered as she walked next door.

Not bothering to knock, AJ cracked open the door and peeked inside to confirm her suspicions. Facing away from her were Big Mac and Starshadow, the couple once again engaged in making love to each other. Sighing, Applejack was just relieved that her younger sister and her friends were still asleep in their clubhouse outside and that nopony else had walked in on them. However, instead of closing the door and going back to her room, Applejack found herself glued to where she was and was unable to look away from the scene in front of her. One of her hooves began to find its way up towards her crotch without her realizing it, and when Starshadow let out a gasp after Big Mac picked up his already rough pace Applejack felt a warm trickle of fluid making its way down her hind legs.

Getting close to finishing once again, Big Mac took Starshadow's mane in his mouth and pulled her head back as he finally reached his climax yet again, a fair amount of his seed spilling out of her body and onto the floor due to her foal hole already being filled to capacity. Big Mac finally let go of his lover's mane, panting heavily to catch his breath, but Starshadow looked back and locked eyes with Applejack and winked, knowing that the orange mare had been watching.

Flustered by being caught, AJ quickly backed away and closed the door, slipping a little on the wet spot she had caused herself on the floor. Not wanting anypony else to see her mess, she quickly grabbed a towel from her room and wiped away the evidence that she had been watching, but as she finished wiping away the last small puddle the bedroom door opened, Starshadow and Big Mac looking at her knowingly.

"You could have just come in and joined us." Starshadow said, partially teasing.

Applejack just shook her head in disbelief. "Ya'll are just lucky that nopony else heard ya. What would ya'll have done if Apple Bloom an' her friends came in again? Ya'll are lucky they had a sleepover in their clubhouse." she scolded them.

Both Big Mac and Starshadow looked down at the ground in embarrassment as they had forgotten that there were other ponies in the house. Despite his lack of judgment, Big Mac tried to pretend that he had already thought that fact over. "Eeyup. We knew that. An' Granny Smith is hard o' hearin'." he said.

"Oh? Did ya'll forget about Starsong sleeping in Apple Bloom's room?" AJ pointed out.

Big Mac facehoofed himself and Starshadow turned slightly pale as she too had completely forgotten that her sister was still here. As if on cue, the far bedroom door opened and Starsong emerged. Yawning and rubbing her eyes, she spotted the other ponies and walked over to the group. "G'morning, everypony. Hey, did any of you hear a banging noise last night? It kept on coming and going all night..."

AJ shot a 'I told you so' look at the couple but thankfully led Starsong away before she came close enough to detect the strong musky odor that was coming from Big Mac's room. Taking the hint, Starshadow and Big Mac rushed back into their room to open the windows and clean up the mess they had made. As soon as Starshadow put her hooves on the bed she heard a loud 'squelch', and as she lifted her hoof back up she saw a string of sticky fluid bring drawn up with it. Big Mac heard the noise and looked over at his lover, Starshadow unable to do anything but shrug sheepishly.

"Okay, maybe we did overdo it a little..." she admitted.

By the time Starshadow and Big Mac had finished cleaning up their mess from the previous night and made their way downstairs, they found the three Cutie Mark Crusaders sitting around the kitchen table along with Dinky, Twist and Ginger Snap. The fillies were all looking significantly less energetic that usual. Starsong was walking over to the table with a tray with half a dozen glasses of water, and look of concern on her face.

"Good morning, everypony." Starshadow said, but as soon as she began to speak all the fillies covered their ears and groaned as if in pain.

"Please, not so loud." Scootaloo muttered barely above a whisper, letting her head drop to the table. "Ow..."

Big Mac and Starshadow looked at each other in confusion as to what was going on. Before they could ask the question though turned to the doorway as Applejack came walking in. "Seems these here fillies decided to sneak a barrel of Big Mac's hard cider to their tree house las' night'." Applejack said, causing the group to groan in pain again.

"We didn' mean to, honest. Ah though' it was regular ol' cider." Apple Bloom said slowly, Dinky and Twist nodding in agreement before clutching their heads again.

Applejack eyed the group of small ponies warily. "An' ya'll missed the big green apple stamp Big Mac puts on his barrels of hard cider?" she said skeptically.

None of the fillies answered, their hurting heads back on the table top. Sighing, Applejack helped each of them down from their seats and motioned them to follow her. "C'mon, ya'll. Ah'm sure Granny Smith has a remedy to get ya righ' as rain." She turned along with Starsong to herd the poor fillies out to the porch where Granny Smith was no doubt napping in her rocking chair.

Left alone once again, Starshadow and Big Mac fixed themselves a small breakfast. Starshadow found herself replaying the previous night's events in her head, smiling at the thought of how she and Big Mac finally were able to consummate their relationship again. As she relived the brutal rutting her special somepony had given her, her thoughts at some point drifted to Apple Bloom and her friends. The six fillies were all at the age where very soon their bodies would begin to develop into marehood if they hadn't already started. They were alone in the Crusaders clubhouse the whole night, their pubescent hormones just beginning to kick in, their natural curiosity about their bodies piqued and their inhibitions impaired by the cider. Luna only knows what the group could have gotten into out there the night before...

Starshadow's salacious train of thought was derailed by the door opening again. The pegasus jumped with a start at the noise, her face redder than Big Mac's. "Well, Granny Smith said she'd have those fillies back on their hooves in no time," Starsong announced as she walked back into the kitchen. She paused a moment later when she saw her sister. "Um, are you okay Starshadow? You look at little flushed."

"F-fine! Nothing! I wasn't thinking about anything!" Starshadow blurted out thoughtlessly.

An awkward silence settled over the three of them and Starshadow could swear she could feel her sister and Big Mac's eyes boring into her. "Okay," Starsong finally said after a moment.

"Y-yeah." Starshadow finished lamely, unable to meet her sister's gaze anymor.

"Anyway," Starsong continued after a moment, "with that settled, I'm gonna go get ready to go out. Octavia and I have a meeting with a representative from the orchestra this afternoon."

"Oh?" Starshadow chimed in, happy for the change of subject. "Are you finally going to find out when the orchestra's gonna start touring again?"

"Who knows," the unicorn shrugged. "Anyway, do you two have any plans for today?"

Starshadow thought about that for a moment. There wasn't anything going on at the farm so Big Mac didn't have any chores that day. She hadn't really planned anything for the day though, at least not after she and Big Mac stayed up all night... She shook her head before her thoughts could go anywhere further down that road again. After a moment, another thought occurred to her.

"Actually, I was thinking about going to visit Vinyl. I still have to properly thank her for that incredible new keyboard." Big Mac nodded beside her.

"Sounds like a good idea. Actually if you're going into town could you two doing me a favor? Somepony needs to let the fillies' parents know we're keeping them all here until we're sure they're okay."

"Eeyup," Big Mac nodded solemnly. "This whole mess is kinda my fault after all." Starshadow nodded less enthusiastically. She was not looking forward to explaining this little misadventure to the anypony's parents.

With their plans settled, the sisters said their goodbye, Starshadow and Big Mac wishing Starsong a happy birthday as the three ponies walked out to the road leading towards town. Starsong climbed into a taxi that was waiting at the entrance to the farm for her while the other two continued down the road in their leisurely walk.

before heading out into town. As the two sought out the fillies' parents, they found themselves stopping to talk to many of the ponies they passed by. Starshadow would normally give them a nod of acknowledgement as she passed by, but after last night's party she found herself actually beginning to enjoy conversing with the shopkeepers and other residents of Ponyville.

Derpy had been easy enough to find as the bubbly pegasus was once again rushing across town frantically trying to catch up on her deliveries (and barely avoiding some rather nasty crashes in the process). She had shrugged the whole thing off with a knowing shrug, saying "Everypony makes mistakes." Ginger Snap's and Twist's parents were equally amicable. Scootaloo's parents were predictably absent; the two were both royal messengers and very rarely actually were in town. Sweetie Belle's parents were also gone, forcing the pair to deliver the news to Rarity. Thankfully her concern for her sister and her friends kept her too preoccupied to focus on flirting.

Starshadow was genuinely surprised at how easily everypony accepted the news that their fillies had gotten into such a state and didn't seem to begrudge or mistrust the Apples for it. She supposed it was just something about small towns.

With the task done, Big Mac took a detour to Sugarcube Corner to discuss a new recipe for the bakery. While Big Mac and Carrot Cake talked, Starshadow found herself trying to distance herself from the baby Cake twins. However, her attempts to avoid the foals failed miserably as the two were determined to play with the new pony and Mrs. Cake couldn't help but let out an audible "Aww" as her two children climbed up onto Starshadow's back.

"They're so adorable! Oh, I bet you two can't wait to have a couple of foals of your own." Mrs. Cake said.

Her comment almost caused Starshadow to drop the baby twins, but luckily she managed to maintain her balance as Pound and Pumpkin cooed playfully. "F-f-f-foals? Oh no, no... there's no way I could possibly..." Starshadow began to stammer.

"Oh nonsense, it's quite obvious you connect quite well." Mrs. Cake said, lifting Pound off of Starshadow's back as Mr. Cake took Pumpkin. "Perhaps you'd like to babysit sometime when Pinkie Pie isn't able to. In fact, I believe Pinkie is coming with us to the upcoming contest next month, so we would need to find somepony to foalsit for a day or two."

"Be their f-foalsitter? I... I couldn't possibly... I mean I..." Starshadow said, trying to come up with a polite way to say no, but Mr. Cake stepped in.

"Why don't you think about it, maybe come and spend some time with the little rascals later?" he suggested.

Starshadow nodded and followed Big Mac out once they had said goodbye, relieved that she didn't have to answer Mrs. Cake right then. However, Big Mac coughed nervously and glanced over at Starshadow as he had something weighing down on his mind. "So, uh... have ya thought about havin' foals at all?" he finally asked.

Starshadow tripped but managed to catch herself when she heard Big Mac's question. "F-foals? Me? I-I couldn't. I mean, well... not without the right stallion..." she said, her mind wandering to a vision of her and Big Mac raising a foal of their own.

Big Mac noticed Starshadow's gaze and a small smile creeping onto her face, but before he could ask what she was thinking the two arrived at Vinyl's house. Shaking the image of raising a family with Big Mac from her head, Starshadow pushed open the front door and froze as she stepped inside.

With all the curtains drawn tightly closed and the sole source of light being the television, it was hard for Starshadow and Big Mac to miss the explicit video being played on the TV. It was also impossible to miss the mare lying on the sofa, touching herself in inappropriate places as she watched her own likeness being taken rather forcefully by three random stallions.

"Vinyl!" Starshadow exclaimed.

Spooked by the voice, Vinyl sat up in shock but relaxed once she saw who had caught her. "Oh, Starshadow, it's just you. Thank Celestia, I thought Octavia came back way early. Oh, hey Big Mac." Having at least the decency to discreetly wipe her hoof of her own fluids, Vinyl made no attempt to hide the movie she was watching just seconds ago, and despite their best efforts Starshadow and Big Mac couldn't help but stare as the three stallions on screen changed places and Vinyl eagerly continued her attempts to please her partners.

The purpose for her visit completely forgotten, Starshadow looked at her friend shamelessly getting off watching herself getting triple-teamed in disbelief. "V-Vinyl, what is this?" Starshadow asked, noticing what looked like a commercially made case for a movie with Vinyl's face on it, the words 'Wub It Out' scrawled on the top.

"Huh?" Vinyl said after a few moments of becoming lost in the video once again. "Oh, that. Well, I sometimes record my after-parties for my own personal collection, and since I need some source of income I sold it to some porn company I've heard of. Winking Mare Movies or something like that."

Though the two mares had been friends for quite a while and, while Starshadow knew the DJ to be completely crazy, even she was shocked that Vinyl would release something so personal. "You... you didn't really?" she asked.

Vinyl shrugged. "It's not like it's gonna ruin my music career or anything." she said. "Besides, what colt hasn't rubbed one out thinking of me?"

"That's not the point. What would Octavia think?" Starshadow said, Big Mac nodding in agreement despite still watching the video playing on screen.

A thumping noise startled Starshadow and Vinyl, but their hearts slowed back down once they saw that it was just Big Mac trying to hide his arousal and not Octavia returning. Smiling awkwardly at her friend, Vinyl breathed a sigh of relief. "Looks like somepony likes my decision."

"Vinyl..." Starshadow said, pausing the porn tape to prevent any more distractions.

"Okay, okay. Look, I know Octavia would never approve, but she's also not going to find out. That posh newspaper from Canterlot she reads never runs any of those smutty stories or gossip stuff. And you're not gonna tell her, are you?" Vinyl asked with an eyebrow raised.

Starshadow shook her head no, just as Vinyl expected. "Good. See? There's nothing to worry about. I got everything under control." Vinyl declared.

"What's under control?"

Starshadow and Vinyl felt their hearts sink like rocks as the voice that rang out left no room for doubt; Octavia was back. Pushing open the door, Octavia dropped a pile of letters she had been carrying, and as she kneeled down to collect the envelopes Vinyl quickly shoved the movie case under a pillow.

However, there was still the matter of the movie on the TV, the film paused just as one stallion was shooting his seed all over Vinyl's face while she continued to ride the other two stallions. Too far away to do anything, Vinyl and Starshadow looked over at Big Mac, who was still standing next to the television, hoping that the desperate look in their eyes would cause him to act. He did, and without a single word he smashed his hoof through the screen, effectively hiding the video that had been playing moments before.

The sound of something shattering caused Octavia to sharply look up. "Um... why did you just break my TV?" she asked, not sure what to make of what she just walked in on.

Big Mac was unable to answer, his hoof still inside the broken television. "He, um... he saw a, you know... a parasprite. Yeah." Starshadow said, coming to the rescue.

The explanation didn't seem to satisfy Octavia, who continued to eye Big Mac warily. "You saw a parasprite, and decided to kill it by squishing it once it landed on the TV?"

With not much of a choice, Big Mac slowly nodded. "Eeyup."

"Uh huh..." Octavia said finally, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes I just don't understand stallions..."

"Hey, no worries, Octy. I've been meaning to upgrade that old piece of junk anyway." Vinyl intervened. "I heard Rich's Barnyard Bargains is having a special on them next week anyway."

"Vinyl, you can't. You really need to start concentrating on saving your bits." Octavia interjected. "You've already gone on enough of a spending spree recently. You won't last much longer before you're completely broke."

"I told you, don't worry about it." Vinyl responded, winking at Starshadow and Big Mac. "Just because those lousy businessponies dropped me doesn't mean I don't have other ways to keep the bits coming in to me. Heh, those stallions had no problem cumming in me either."

Starshadow facehoofed herself but somehow Octavia missed Vinyl's last sentence. "At least let me help you with your expenses. You did save my career, after all. It's the least I can do."

Vinyl shook her head. "No, really, it's okay 'Tavi." she said.

Octavia sighed. "Alright. Well, I have to get back to the meeting. I just stopped by to collect some papers I forgot. I'll see you later tonight." she said, grabbing a nearby folder before heading out back into town.

All three ponies watched Octavia leave, and as soon as the front door closed Vinyl fell over on the ground laughing. "Woo! That was close!" she said once she had calmed down. "Starshadow, that was genius what you said."

Starshadow helped Big Mac remove his hoof from the broken TV before turning to Vinyl. "You almost blew everything, Vinyl. Octavia is going to be pissed if she found out that video is being sold all across Equestria."

"Pfft. It's not that big of a deal, guys." Vinyl said. "Yeah, she'll get mad at first, but like everything else she'll get over it and we'll be friends again. I mean, it's not like she's my wife or we're in love or anything."

Starshadow and Big Mac looked at each other in surprise before turning back to Vinyl. "She's... she's not your special somepony?" Starshadow asked.

"What?! Of course not!" Vinyl exclaimed, stepping back in disbelief. "Wait, you two actually thought that me and her... Octavia and me... Ahahahaha! That's hilarious! Why in Celestia's name would you think that?"

"Well, she did single hoofedly end the Canterlot Orchestra's tour this season by refusing to rejoin them once they left Los Pegasus. They were supposed to play for another three months across Equestria, but instead she wanted to stay here with you." Starshadow said. "Starsong tried to change her mind but she refused to leave Ponyville."

"So? Maybe she just wants to kick back and hang out for a while. That doesn't mean she's in love with me." Vinyl said still chuckling.

Big Mac looked over to Starshadow and both of them shrugged. "Sorry Vinyl." Starshadow said while Big Mac nodded. "I guess we just jumped to conclusions, but I could have sworn... after everything that's happened..."

Vinyl grinned. "No sweat, but come on, me and her together? Ha! Like that could ever happen. Who would ever believe me and her could be special someponies?"

26: Peril

After countless days had passed, Specter finally returned to the hidden camp. As he entered the hidden area Thunderlane's face broke out in a smile, relieved that he would hopefully be able to leave the cave soon. His time locked up with the five...

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24: Surprise, Part 2

Despite his previous day of hard labor, as well as not having his usual tasks to complete today, Big Mac still woke up at his usual time out of habit. Stretching his hind legs, he found it a little odd that his entire body felt so refreshed and well...

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23: Surprise, Part 1

The days after Nightmare Night were scheduled for a massive rainstorm, so both Starshadow and Starsong accepted Applejack's offer to sleep over at Sweet Apple Acres and spend the day with the Apple family. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were also sleeping...

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