Sexual Healing

Story by Razade on SoFurry

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#1 of Dial it to Elven

When an Elven youth seeks to distinguish himself from his tribe-mates, he soon discovers how much he'll have to give up to accomplish his desires.

Lyari trudged through the dense overgrowth of the forest, silently fuming as his bright eyes scanned for tracks. He and his hunting mate, Olithir, had left their village two days ago to hunt deer and other game for the larders but Olithir being the clumsiest elf he knew had to go and twist his leg on river rocks while filling their waterskins. Which meant he got to go and rest at the village while Lyari had to go out hunting on his own. On most days that wouldn't have been a concern, the hustle and bustle of the village had always been a little grating as Lyari had began to grow into a young adult so he was always thankful when he was given tasks to do alone and beyond the village but hunting was his least favorite thing to do in the whole world.

He'd rather have been foraging for plants and herbs for magical rituals or studying the few written works the village owned, on "loan" from the High Elven fortresses nearby, where he could enjoy the cool shadows of the chieftain's tower. He'd never been good with the bow which made the whole exercise even harder and he wasn't permitted to use magic to hunt as it was "a profane act that dishonored the Gods" or so the Chieftain had said. The other villagers also thought the magic tainted the meat which was as absurd a notion as he'd ever heard. Another year and he'd be able to request being sent to the High Elven lands for further magical training, or he'd hoped he would, but a year was a long way off and being treated as a common grunt and child didn't help it move any faster.

Lyari was more than happy to further indulge in teenage angst but he was brought back to the real world when, ahead in the forest, the sound of snapping branches sounded. "Right, the deer!" thought Lyari and with swift feet he quickly moved to where he'd heard the branches snap. He smelled the blood long before the saw the poor creature, the small glade it had been hiding in no longer the emerald and brown of vegetation. It wasn't even a whole deer, the long dead beast's upper half strewn about the clearing in several places and what looked like all its blood pooling in small shallow divets in the ground. Lyari quickly fought back the urge to vomit, staggering back from the clearing in case what ever had left his former prey strewn about was still nearby.

He was no stranger to dead animals, every youth in the village had to help strip and clean the meat brought in from the forest by the hunters but this seemed wrong somehow. Hunters returned with stories of monsters every now and then. Cats the size of huts whose fangs they'd bring back as treasures, they were often carved into blades, and packs of wolves that would make the very same cats scurry in terror. Once a hunter had entertained his whole class with a story of a lizard with ten legs and a head on each end that could speak in Orcish! Lyari didn't think that was what got the deer, images of that carved cat tooth blade danced in his mind. But something that large surely would have left signs...made noises...something. The forest was dense this far away from any kind of civilization and anything large enough to cut a deer in half wouldn't even be able to move fast enough to sneak up on a deer let alone clear out while a lone Wood Elf was moving near by.

Lyari didn't have to wonder long as the boughs above his head began to move. He only had a few moments to glance up before his answer came screaming down from above. They looked like teeth wrapped in sickly pink flesh, long tails like monkeys helped them swing along the tree branches and small grasping hands hung down below their bodies with dingy claws. Lyari screamed and turned tail swiftly, dashing through the forest and sharp claws and teeth tore at his bare arms and hide jerkin. All around him were slavering teeth and chittering cries. He brought his hands up to shield his eyes and face, hoping to avoid any trees as he continued to run in search of anywhere safe and anywhere where the monsters weren't. The Universe seemed quite happy to give the young elf immediate gratification for his whims, at least as long as they weren't not hunting or being hunted, and he soon felt his feet cross through running water. The river! The river his friend only a day ago had slipped and fallen in! He could follow it to a lake, he knew the way. He'd often skinny-dipped with the other children of the village there on hot summer days and there was enough space between it and the treeline. It was a chance.

He quickly turned to follow the river, moving to its banks as the trickle of water turned into a deep and rushing stream and into the river proper. The creatures continued to chase, howling and toying with the elf as they hurled twigs and even their brethren, the creatures flying through the air and hooking into Lyari's clothing. The elf, with little option as the horrid creatures bit at his thighs and back, shed his hides as he ran. His lungs burned, his legs burned, the places he was bit and clawed burned, but he knew if he stopped he'd be dead within moments. How he wasn't dead now was something he'd ponder when he was safe and as the riverbed grew less rocky and more muddy he knew the small glimmer of hope he'd put his bets on was coming closer. A few more frenzied minutes of running and just as he'd hoped he burst out of the forest and into the clearing the sapphire pool sat. Riverbank gave way to lakebed and with a dive he only hoped looked as graceful as he felt, he dove deep into the cold lake beyond.

He dove and dove until his hands clawed at the muck beneath the otherwise placid surface above. Whatever the beasts were, none seemed to dare the waters and even though his lungs screamed for oxygen he remained until the edges of his vision began to grow fuzzy and black. With a few frenzied kicks he surged to the surface, gasping for each lungful of sweat air he could force into himself even as he scanned the treeline he'd only minutes before burst from. The creatures were gone or at least were smart enough to set up sentries out of sight. He was really hoping it was the former. It was only after a second scan around the lake that his body reminded him that he'd just narrowly missed dying to the claws of some weird horrid abomination. The bites stung as the lake water seeped into them, his legs screamed in protest as he waded in the waters and with each gasp of breath as slow as they were coming now made his chest hurt all the more. Naked, cold and without a deer to show for the whole affair, he simply moved to float on his back as he contemplated how he was going to explain how all of this had gone down. He hardly believed it himself. The Chieftain was going to be furious no matter what.

Sure enough, Chieftain Rhaal was indeed furious when Lyari managed to drag himself back to the village which was no small task. Wood Elves made their homes up in the trees and even a complex series of pulleys and elevators made his aching muscles burn all the harder. The guards at the elevator didn't help much either despite him being covered in cuts and bruises all over, not to mention naked. The village elders and Chief were aware of his return before he'd even made it to the center of the village. The upbraiding they'd given him stung more than the whiptails (that's what the elders had called the monsters) ever had. Said he was "careless" for losing a day's worth of hunting not to mention getting himself and Olithir injured. Not that Olithir seemed to mind, he was sent to the High Elf fortress almost as soon as he got back since they were the only ones with the proper healing magic to fix his leg swiftly and without any unfortunate side effects. He'd also been sent back with a few dozen more tomes and codices to translate and file away.

That job inevitably fell to Lyari and so that's where he was even as the sun began to set. Not that he minded the "punishment", of anyone in the village he reckoned he was the one most interested in the magical arts but the Chieftain saw no purpose having anyone in the village learn anything serious. Not with the High Elves, who were historically more than allies to the scattered tribes of the Wood Elves, so nearby. The Wood Elves patrolled the forests to the west and north of High Elven lands and if a threat was coming down from the Neck the High Elves would send in their armies of spellslingers and swordsman to cut those foes down. That's how it'd always been, and no one seemed to mind. But why did they need to catalog the spells at all, thought Lyari. It made no sense. Surely if they were going to the trouble of documenting everything they should put it to use! But his arguments always fell on deaf ears, the braying of children as it was always dismissed as.

So he poured over the tomes absorbing everything he could as he studiously transcribed the High Elven script, a flowing and beautiful language with high curving strokes that played like water along the vellum, onto the hard stone tablets used by the Wood Elves. That was the only part of the job he hated, taking chisel and hammer and transforming a language that seemed made to express the joy and wonder of the mystical arts into inert and passive stone. Into simple character glyphs that would inevitably be "shaped" into vast trees at the center of the northern forest to be kept safe. He hoped one day to be a Shaper, the only magic users in any of the Wood Elven tribes who sang the forest into homes and storehouses. That didn't look likely either however as he still dwelled over the hunting mishap only days earlier. But the Shapers didn't hunt! He'd had the chance to visit the great Tree of Lore once, when he was much younger, to help transport some of the translated slabs. All the Shapers did was sit around and talk about nature and act like they knew all there was to know at any given time. He could make such a difference! They could use the High Elven magic in ways the Shapers didn't even think of! No more hunting for food, they could domesticate whole flocks of deer with a simple spell. Produce more food from a single farm than all the village's gardens combined in a single day! He'd said as much when he was before the Shapers, they said nothing. On the way back to the village the Chieftain had forbade him from ever speaking of such foolishness ever again within his hearing or risk being removed from the village.

Lyari had been a good boy on that front ever since or at least he made it look that way on the surface. In secret he'd begun transcribing the spells and knowledge of the High Elven texts to his own spell book when he had a chance and when the fires of the village slowly dwindled as the night stretched on he took out the papers he'd hidden in his pack earlier that morning. Most of the books seemed to contain less magical spells and more magical history but a few particular theories were woven into the narrative that were worthy of writing down for his own personal use. The highlight, once he had time to rest his aching hands, of the evening however was a map. Or at least he thought it was a map. Secreted throughout the numerous tomes were small drawings and embellishments. Any of the other tribal scribes would have missed it he was sure but he'd been at this for long enough to know that the High Elves weren't one to throw in anything not needed in their texts. He was almost thankful, almost, that there were no other spells he needed to write down. It allowed him the time to work out the puzzle that lay in the stacks of books he'd only hours ago been copying. Another three days of boring scribing in the afternoons and evenings and secret studying by moonlight as he "dedicated" himself to his task and it was done. It was without a doubt a map and he knew enough of the geography around the village to know that it wasn't just any map. It revealed an ancient joint Elven fort at the bottom of the lake he'd only a week before used to save his life.

It was another week after he'd uncovered the map that he managed to find a way to steal out of the village which was probably for the best. Trying to get to a submerged fortress was no small task though he knew enough to search through the few tablets they still had (and his own secret spell book) for a spell or two that could help. Sure enough, there were several that aided in breathing under water and so he'd used the time to practice the motions when he was sure no one was looking. It was only a matter of finding a way to secret away the things he'd need for his expedition after that, and it was easy enough since no one ever bothered to question why a young Wood Elf might need something to "build something". The village valued that sort of creativity at least, any way to build faster and safer elevators or pulley systems or easier ways to build platforms on which to make homes on.

He skulked through the forest in the dead of night, for once thanking all the useless hunting for at least training him to know the forest by heart. He slide through underbrush, past the night guards, up into the boughs of trees and down along the river that wound its way to the clear lake and its clearing all the while practicing the incantation that would aid him in his task to get to the fortress below. The map was...hazy at best where it was located and had nothing to say at all why it had been abandoned. The fact that no tribal history mentioned it was even more odd but at the same time made him all the more curious to explore what it held if it was even still there or in a condition to have anything at all.

It wasn't long before his feet began to sink into the mud of the lakebed, the moon above streaming through the clearing and making the surface of the lake shine like burnished silver. Unslinging the pack from his shoulder he began to reach out, not physically but with his very essence to the tapestry of magic that lay just beyond vision and sense. That initial contact never failed to intoxicate him, the rush of energy into his body and the shaping of the spell was like making sweet and passionate love to the very world around him. The words came unbidden to his lips as he felt a tension in his lions, the very act of casting spiking his arousal. He felt the air around him begin to choke him as his lungs hooked to gills that grew along his neck and with a scrambled frenzy he grabbed his pack and dove into the waiting waters as the spell took full hold over his body. His eyes, which would have failed to see in the murky depths even in day time, began to glow and in no time revealed a world underneath the lake he'd never thought to wonder over.

Fish and small serpents drifted through now clear world, avoiding the strange new addition to their aquatic world as Lyari dove deeper than he'd ever thought possible. The floor of the lake was much deeper than he'd ever expected and all along the bottom were massive boulders covered in muck and underwater plantlife. That made no sense, the lake had no reason to have such large structures and with only a cursory inspection it told him everything he needed to know. They weren't simply boulders, instead massive chunks of what was once...some kind of structure. It was impossible to tell exactly what it had been before but it was most certainly evidence that the fort from the map had been here. Elven script, in a tongue he couldn't decipher, scrawled across almost every inch when he managed to wipe the muck off. They'd obviously been here for a very long time with all the grime caked on them. But it filled him with hope. Where there was evidence of a building there had to be more. He didn't want to trust the spell he'd cast to hold forever however and he didn't want to go home empty handed or stay out so late that someone noticed he wasn't in his bed where he should have been.

So he kicked further into the "boulder" field, faster with each massive stone he passed. He didn't know what he was looking for but he hoped he'd know when he found it. Hours passed under the placid lake above, or so it felt, as he moved from rock chunk to rock chunk with nothing until finally...a glint of something from where he'd just come from? Were his eyes playing tricks on him? Was that a sign that the spell was fading? It was getting a little harder to breath through the gills he'd made but he didn't feel like it was anything to panic over yet. A few kicks back and the glint came again. For sure, a glint of metal that was reflecting the moon above. He kicked faster, swimming as swiftly as he could. It was the only bit of hope he could bank on at this point. The glint only grew brighter as he drew near and soon he was before the massive boulder where the shine came through.

He had no idea how he'd passed it before, perhaps the angle of the light coming through wasn't enough? That didn't make sense...the moon couldn't penetrate this far down...if it could surely the sun would have revealed it long ago? As Lyari swam closer the mystery only deepened as the glint came not from a trick or even a reflection but a massive gem that shone through the muck. He scrubbed at it until some of it was revealed, the glow lighting the area more fully as further light rose from the "boulder" it was embedded in. More scrubbing as he felt his gills start to shrink and the gleam slowly growing into a simple plain of ever growing blue light revealed a crease in the boulder and handles. A door! A door? Surely whatever lay beyond was even more water...but there was no way he was going to just stop here. With his lungs starting to scream he tugged at the handle, kicking and tugging at it until with a sudden motion it clicked. The edges of his vision were growing black. He needed to get to the surface and quick or so he hoped but before he could begin to swim to the surface he felt a tug as the boulder split in two revealing a blackness beyond all the darker as it swallowed the glowing light. The opening caused water to rush into whatever lay beyond, taking Lyari with it. The world went fuzzy then black as he was pulled along the inexorable current. Until he blacked out.

When he woke, it was with a fit of coughing in the darkness. He'd lived...somehow...another narrow escape from the jaws of death. The Gods were surely looking down on him with some kind of hope to avoid death, not just twice but in the same damn place no less. He was floating in water, that much he knew and with another incantation a small bulb of magical light drifted from his outstretched hand and into the darkness beyond.

He was on the edge of what looked like a hallway. It slanted up at an odd angle, the water lapping at the edges of smooth stone and as he looked down he saw the rest of the hall receded into the dark waters below. After a few more minutes of catching his breath he slowly pulled himself up and onto the dry stone as the happy little light bobbed behind him. It was tough going, the hallway continuing on a sloping angle for quite some time, his body weak from drowning having a hard time crawling along it let alone make any significant progress. He had no idea how long he'd been out, no doubt the village was aware he was missing. He hoped wherever his satchel was would reveal that he'd at least come to the lake. Maybe they'd send someone under to look for him? That seemed...doubtful at best, defeatist at worst. He was going to find something in what he could only presume was the rest of the sunken fortress and make his way home. Something so amazing that they couldn't help but commend him. Something that would for sure make him worthy of becoming a Shaper. No! Something to give a good enough reason to go and study with the High Elves!

That thought alone propelled him onward until he finally flopped into a massive clearing. Massive because his small light wasn't large enough to reveal the whole thing on its own. A few more incantations and he managed to make a ring of the lights and cast them about what was truly the largest room he'd ever seen. He marveled as he managed to sit up at the smooth walls with etchings of ancient Elves in various states of ritual. The room could have easily fit the whole village within it with room to spare. What ever it had been, it was almost empty now. Only a single platform at the center of the circular room remained, raised up with steps and on top...a coffin? It certainly looked like a coffin. But the Wood Elves didn't bury their dead, they left them to be picked clean by scavengers and wove a memorium in their village. The High Elves didn't bury their dead either, he'd heard stories of their massive bonfires where they committed their dead in nightlong spectacles of drinking and song. A single night at the start of the New Year where the otherwise reserved pale skins were permitted to let their emotions run wild. Otherwise they kept their dead in cold vaults to study the causes of death and work on their magics. So what was this? He studied the murals in some vain hope to get an understanding but the writing was the same as on the chunks of building he'd swam between. It was just close enough to High Elven to be...Elven but too far to decipher with his understanding. If only he'd been allowed to study longer at the Tree of Lore...he was sure he could piece it together.

The pictures helped a little at least, showing scores of ancient elves gathered over other Elven bodies in one panel. The next showed the bodies wrapped in cloth and laid out on...what looked like sleds? If those were indeed what they were, they were long since gone from the room. The third wall mural was even more confusing. The unbound Elves were encased in green light, looks of rapture on their face, and in the final mural that stretched the rest of the room that same light was instead coming from the bound elves. It poured from their eyes and their mouths as each was sat no longer on a sled but instead a throne and at their feet...he couldn't really tell. More Elves to be sure but there were others. What might have been orcs, pale pink things and towering creatures coated in scales. He didn't recognize any of the other creatures. With the inspection of the room finished he limped slowly to the coffin at the center of the room. He had little hope that it still contained anything what with the shape of the rest of the room itself but any sliver of possibility was better than what would happen to him if he went back to the village empty handed. If he could get back at all.

No, he was going to get back and he was going to find something in this accursed place. The small walk to the coffin and up the carved stairs took more out of him than he'd thought, leaning against the coffin as he caught his breath. More of the ancient Elven writing. More of those strange massive scaled beasts. Were they...dragons? The last dragon in the area hadn't been seen for almost five thousand years?! There was no way this place could be that old! But on more inspection there was little doubt in his mind at what the creatures were supposed to be. What was more, one of the strange bound Elves held reigns, each leading to one of the massive beasts. Elves that...tamed dragons....that alone would be enough to impress anyone in the village if he could bring them proof! He scrambled over the coffin to find any of the carvings that might perhaps be pried off. What he found instead...filled him with even more excitement. All along the lip of the sarcophagus looked to be something finally familiar to him. He'd seen something similar in the tomes he had to translate. High Elven Rune Locks. Carved along the entire edge of the coffin were dozens of the things. Only a mage could unlock them and the ones the High Elves used now were keyed on only certain magical signatures. These though...if the carvings were true, had to be some millennia old!

He ran his hand over each, reaching out again for the magical energies that suffused the world around him only to be flooded. He'd never felt so much magic in a single place, it was like swimming in the lake all over again but this time he wasn't afraid of running out of gills. He let the energies course through him, he felt once again the familiar feeling of arousal roll through his frame. His skin prickled, the heat in his crotch radiated outward and he felt himself grow hard in his still moist pants. He pushed the sensations aside as he focused on the Rune Locks, thinking of a key in his mind. With a hiss and a click the first of the locks came free and fell to the floor with a clatter. Succes!! He triumphed inwardly as more magic surged through his form. The rest of the locks clicked and hissed in a similar manner along the edge rapidly until they were all free. Maybe, just maybe, with such a strange and difficult lock the grave robbers hadn't got inside he thought, hoped beyond hope as he pushed his body against the massive stone top.

The top slide free easily, causing Lyari to almost toppled over and inside as he put as much of his strength into the task as he could. It was a good thing he didn't, he thought, as the stone top crashed with a loud bang onto the platform causing the boom to echo all around him loud enough to wake the dead. Or almost loud enough as the occupant was very much dead and thankfully very much not awake. Lyari gazed over the figure. Taller than any elf he'd ever seen and wrapped in a black cloth that had not seen even a single day's worth of rot the being was clear Elven at some point. Once supple skin was pulled taught over slender bones, sunken eyes were filled with gleaming gemstones and long white hair cascaded down along the black satin lining of the sarcophagus and on its chest...a massive book encrusted with more gems. Lyari's mind raced, slowly reaching for the tome, as he tried to formulate a plan. There was no way he'd be able to read what ever was inside the book but maybe when he finally got back to the village they'd finally accept his request to go to the Shapers. They surely had a way to translate all of this!

His fingers closed around the book, lifting it carefully so as not to disturb the corpse, his hands brushing against the mummified skin that felt like leather caused his skin to crawl. Despite having been dead for at least a thousand years it looked like the corpse could just as easily sit up and start talking to him. Luckily that didn't happen as he scooted back. With excitement he slowly opened the book, moving one of the light orbs he'd made over his shoulder to have a better look. His heart sank as he scanned page after page, the writing wasn't Elven. He couldn't tell what it was but it was nothing like he'd ever seen. The diagrams were strangely incomplete on each page despite the book being full. As if someone had penned everything down all their thoughts but had stopped short of doing the rest of the work. It was still a wonderful find, each page like a work of art, but there was almost no hope of translating the work.

Lyari however was too involved with the book to notice as a green mist began to filter out of the coffin. It drifted low to the ground, seeming to sense the elven youth, coiling about his legs and up his body before drifting into his lungs. The elf breathed in the ancient mist, unaware as he continued to look through page after page in rapture. Hours passed as Lyari tried to memorise each page, trying to sear everything into his mind, before his stomach started to grumble. He'd been so scared, at first, and excited later that he'd forgotten that he was trapped inside a giant underwater building with no food or water. It was time to go, if for no other reason than he didn't want to starve to death and end up another forgotten corpse like the person in the coffin. He trudged back down the hallway with a few of his lights, to where the water sat dark and cold and uninviting. He set the book down, no sense subjecting it to the water when he was only going to scout. He reached out for his magic, the lights dimming as he channeled the magic from their orbs as his own. Something was off however as the feeling of pleasure surged over his body more powerful than ever before. It was almost enough to break his hold over the mana as he tried to craft the spell that he'd used to breath underwater.

The surge of pleasure washed over his body once more as he started the incantation, his entire body trembling with need as he fell to his knees and his vision blurred. Was it this place, some trap or other energy? Why hadn't it happened when he'd cast the light spell in the first place and why couldn't he simply close the link between him and the magical energies he was channeling? Another wave struck as he tried to stand, forcing him to fall flat against the smooth tile. His skin tingled, his vision continued to blur and go green and each time he took a breath he felt his body catch fire. "Fuck it" he gasped as he shrugged out from the hides that covered his body, exposing his supple form to the cool air beyond. His cock throbbed in the dim light, slick precum leaking from its head like a faucet which helped lubricate his hands as they moved to wrap about his engorged flesh. The village was never too prudish on young elves exploring their bodies but there was rarely time to simply jerk off and most of the elven girls wanted nothing to do with the bookwormy types. The elven boys were likewise too occupied with the girls to make any lasting relationships so this wasn't Lyari's first go at some good ol'self love.

He fondled his balls, squeezing and rolling them in a hand gently as the other eagerly worked over his shaft swiftly as more pre leaked own his pale tan flesh. With each stroke another surge of pleasure tore through his body as he felt the magical energies envelope his body fully, back arching as a particularly powerful surge caused his dick to spurt a blast of cum across his chest yet he remained hard as steel. His hand continued to slide along his length, his free hand moving to tug and pull at his nipples as he gave in to the ever increasing tide of orgasmic bliss. With each gasp thick roiling green mist began to leak from his lips and nose, curling in the air and slowly traveling down his body where it clung like cobwebs. The strange green fog grew thicker with each eager throb of his cock, feeding not only on the magic around Lyari but feeding on his desires as the curling smoke began to slowly slide into his ears as well. Images flashed through his mind, ancient fields and armies of powerfully built Elven men on bent knees as they bowed to powerful priests as green energy washed over their bodies. Entire armies of elves, warped and changed by powerful magics to mighty draconic like creatures, soldiers set for war with swinging cocks that turned all those they conquered into their sexual servants.

At first Lyari was confused, scared even as these intrusive thoughts flooded his mind but as each scene of towering walls of muscle bound scaled creatures dominated their prey he felt his own arousal grow in ways he'd never thought. He stroked along his cock more swiftly as he pictured himself as one of those beasts, a harem of Elven men slavishly licking along his flesh, his member growing with each motion of his hand. His back continued to arch as his chest began to swell, muscle gowing and inflating as his sun tanned skin began to grow darker, harder like scales. His legs parted as his feet began to shift, toes growing longer and bone cracking as his nails began to grow into sharp talons. Grunts and pants quickly turning to roars and growls as his body continued to shift, his arms and head remaining their small and weak form as the rest of his body began to shift. It wasn't enough. He continued to stroke along his length, rolling over onto his chest and hiking his swiftly growing ass into the air. A sharp pain quickly stabbed at the base of his spine and as he moved his free hand back to his cock he felt the transformation extend out into a long tail as new bone formed and ridges of thick scales began to grow from his further darkening skin until a two foot long tail whipped about behind his back.

His arms were next, hands growing larger to more easily slide along his now foot and a half long cock, sharp nails growing out as muscle began to balloon and knit their way up from his wrists and shoulders. More ridges of sharp scales soon followed until powerful shieldlike boney structures ran from his elbows up his arms to link to the powerful spines that ran along his back. Through it all his cock dripped cum onto the ground below, sizzling and smoking with the same green mist that continued to trail and slide over his body. Release felt so far but so close as his cock continued to swell and grow, so close...if only he could...cum! He screamed as his body heaved, powerful rope after rope of jizz erupting from the tip of his still Elven looking cock spraying out onto the stone and into the water below as the transformation finally moved up to his neck. All this time he was just an Elven head on a massive draconic body but that was soon to end. Scales moved up his neck as it broadened and more muscle formed to support an ever increasingly long muzzle as his skull stretched and grew. His body continued to spew cum like a fire hose against the stone as he was enveloped in the most earth shatteringly powerful orgasm of his life. Sharp teeth began to grow in his new face as his eyes slowly grew snakelike and slitted, a serpent's tongue slipping between them to taste the air as senses he never thought existed flooded his mind. He could taste the magic in the air, tainted and twisted and the source of his transformation. He could taste his cum, his arousal, could sense the need that still dominated his form as a pair of powerful horns split the top of his head before curling down over his still elven ears.

What felt like minutes passed before finally his body went slack, falling into the pool of still warm spunk. He rolled in the hot seed, tongue lapping out to taste his corrupt essence as his new powerful hands glided over his new form. What once was a lean and youthful body was now easily seven foot tall and covered in ironhard scales. The ridges of bone and spine that ran along his back were as sharp as swords but felt like nothing more than butter knives to his hands and his powerful tail was easily strong enough to crack the stones that lay beneath him. Most curious was the end of his tail appeared almost phallic, a small slit at the tip that when he touched sent spasms of pleasure over his body. His cock, now shrunk after being spent, still appeared as before but his balls had somehow slide up into his body, protected. There was much he didn't understand but for a now he didn't care as he lay out in orgasmic bliss. Questions could be answered easily in time, but there was no time like now to jerk off again.

-To be continued -

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