Fun with the Lab's Custom Tentacles
Meet Otto, the brains behind the laboratory's kinky tentacles.
Raia Blitz Krieg remembered when she saw tentacle hentai; at first, she was understandably disgusted. But with engineering, she would someday make eight tentacles of her own. Each of these were robotic limbs that had no suction cups built into the tentacles. Their AI have a few variants, but Raia had much kinkier thoughts. "Now I can create my own fantasies," she thought. One lab room she worked in has the desired setup with months worth of work. Its "central" AI Brain served as the controller that helped the tentacles move everywhere within the aforementioned room. They were thin, but easily fatal if the grip were too strong. Eight tentacles in total have been populating the room, with one longer than the rest, but had a tube to fertilize an egg cell with seminal fluids. This technology was once a dream, but Raia made these eight tentacles with great AI. "Hello," she quietly said in the room where the eight tentacles rested in their slots. A dimmed LED shined to signal the AI's readiness, with a speaker wired for communication.
"This is Otto, with eight tentacles of adjustable length that are working swimmingly," it spoke. Raia smiled as she laid back onto the wall. "Otto, do you have the tentacles set up for me," she asked. Otto blinked a green LED, signaling he was ready. "Yes, Raia. I'll help with your desires," he said. Raia looked at her milk-heavy breasts, wondering if Otto could chain link her to the wall as the double electric breast pump milked her. "I'll grab a beast pump to use," she said as she got the breast pump from a case. She took off her top and started hand expression to start stimulation. Otto's LED blinked pink as he saw her breasts, with help from a security cam. "Hubba-hubba," he said. Raia sprayed breast milk on the wall and playfully licked it up. "Mmm, mm, mm. I love my milk," she said. Otto watched her with excitement as her breasts dried the smooth wall. "Pump those for me," he said. Raia accepted the chance and turned on the double electric breast pump. "Ready whenever you are," she said.
Otto got some of the tentacles out for assisting his friend for her kinky thoughts. "Back to the wall," he said. Raia obediently leaned onto the walls, with the breast pumps milking her at minimal speed, as to make this a long and kinkier session. "Otto, when is there permission to move," she asked. Otto stayed silent while processing ideas for the scenario. "Whenever you want, Raia," he said. Raia felt her limbs chained in place, enjoying the tentacles holding her arms and voluptuous hips in place. "This feels good," she said, giving in to her artificially intelligent master. Otto's LED blinked bright pink as he made sure she won't move. "Let's milk you dry," he said. Raia purred lustfully as the double electric breast pump did its job. "I love you," she said with a soft moan. After two hours of breast milking, Raia noticed that she was not pumping much milk. "I'm past my foremilk, and it's only hindmilk I have," she thought. "Let go, Master," she playfully said. Otto acknowledged this and removed the tentacles from her.
"Raia, milady; I enjoyed this bondage session," he said. Raia smiled after she turned off the breast pump. "I did as well," she said.