"OverDrive" - Chapter 2

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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(C) 2017 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 2.

"The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of atoms which it can use for something else."

  • Eliezer Yudkowsky

Bleek harbored wicked thoughts. He knew this human could never physically weather the storms his future was about to throw at him.

He had planned for this eventuality, however, and he powered up the nano-assemblers in the injection rig that he kept hidden in his quarters. Contraband of some of the highest order, in the wrong hands-- human hands, this technology would raise the whole species to a new level, transforming them into a threat the galaxy wasn't yet ready to control.

That was exactly what he needed this lone human to become, though, so he transmitted the complex programs to the nanos, uploading massive physiological information, authorizing them to alter his DNA, as well as remain active long enough to modify his body chemistry, initiating growth for stronger bones, multiplying themselves as needed to safely complete their objective in the allotted time-frame.

By tomorrow they would exit his body and leave absolutely no trace of themselves. TPG might be wary of this one, but he would fit the bill. Over time, they'd inspect him closer, but by then his body will have changed enough to meet their stringent requirements. Military grade always fetched the highest credits, no doubt about that, and as the human earned his keep, future payments would arrive on schedule. This was a good, solid, long-term investment.

Bleek waited for a pause as the human expelled more of the remaining bacteriostatic flush from his anus, this wasn't Bleek's first, he'd prepped a few humans previously, and by this point he could generally tell when they were close to being empty. They'd still periodically leak for the next day or so, if not for the rectal plug he was about to anchor up inside him. This was only the most basic prep before selling him to Processing at the nearest Alliance spaceport. There, deep bioware modifications would take place at a highly custom level, and the human would meet his final destiny.

This was a dirty job, but someone had to do it, otherwise they only tended to fetch about half as many credits.

Earth was surrounded with quarantine beacons that announced to any approaching vessel, steer clear, strong biohaz warning! Dangerous unidentified pathogens awaited any foolish space fairer who was willing to enter Earth's atmosphere and mine her riches. Bleek had never gotten sick, though, and figured this planet was no different than all the others. Nevertheless, it had humans growing on it, and humans were the galaxy's dirty little secret. For a primitive race not yet accepted into alliance protection, everyone sure knew a lot about their biology. Human minds made for great fake AI's, among other useful things. You only had to sneak onto the planet, snag a few, and then race back into the warp lane, without anyone noticing your delay.

Bleek hefted the injection rig and tore the protective cover off its lubricated applicator tip. This one would go a little deeper than normal, and keep in more than just the dregs of the flush. The nanos stood ready in a clear pressurized reservoir, swirling black particles so small only an electron scanning microscope could see them. There were enough concentrated in it, though, to be visible for now.

On their own they had minimal processing capacity and memory, they relied on the human's own body heat for power, but collectively they were capable of parallel processing on the order of a quantum computer, these were trinary design, with an eighteen zetaqubit capacity. Almost all of it full of the human genome and the additional requested modification outlines, plus one final software patch, one he hadn't used before. Bleek had acquired it from a Scintian pleasure house, it would cause any nanos passing through the human's blood-brain barrier to prompt the immediate release of dopamine and serotonin. While not designed specifically for this purpose, Bleek was hoping those neurotransmitters, associated with pleasure, would combat the intense pain and discomfort from the alteration process that the nanos were about to activate. If this human seemed outwardly sick and diseased, and in too much pain, he'd get flagged and destroyed, and Processing would reverse the payment on Bleek's galactic credit account. That would be entirely unacceptable. He only hoped the pleasure program wasn't too strong, for there was no way to moderate it, he was only promised that it wouldn't be lethal, and it would last anywhere from a few days, up to a week. Since it only hijacked the human's own pleasure centers, no traces of any drugs would be found in his system.

That should be long enough, he figured, to get this human through the worst of it.

Jake was miserable, but his hopes were fresh on the rise. His stomach had finally settled, and what had felt like the continuous output of a Slurpee machine no longer poured down his throat to make the inevitable exit out of his ass. He was exhausted, though another cramp lay not too distant, and he argued with himself as to if he needed to help it along.

Cold metal poked into his asshole from behind, and Jake's neck muscles sang a painful tune when he tried to jerk his head out of what was still clamped so tightly around it. This time he heard himself, his voice, though it was little more than a grunt, about the only noise he could make around the tube.

That cold sensation pushed far up inside of him, parting his cheeks, and anger slowly rose along with despair, though there was also a hint of detached amusement, this all felt too surreal, almost as if it wasn't even happening.

Yes, this was an alien abduction, and yes, that IS a rectal probe.

Why, oh why... do they fucking do this? He wondered. All those crazies interviewed on TV, the ones everyone always made fun of, they were actually being honest! They really do probe our asses!

It wasn't too bad, because whatever had slid into him was very narrow at the base, he felt it curve inside of him and grind past his prostate, his traitorous dick twitched in response to the pressure. He was so far past caring, though... but the pressure grew.

And grew.

A cold... fluid sensation burbled up inside of him, adding to the pressure, furthering his need to piss once again. But when he tried to let that go, nothing came out. The pressure on his prostate was simply too great.

It finally pulled out of his ass, but, no... it was still in him!

Oh, god, the pressure... it was so intense, his dick was half hard now, he couldn't help it! There was such intense pain when he tried to push it out, even standing was making it hurt.

The petals around his head abruptly loosened, silently peeling away to bombard his hearing with steely echos and the sound of water trickling into the drain behind him. At least, he assumed it was water.

He waited for the tube in his throat to pull out, the part in the back had noticeably shrunk... but nothing happened.

A hissing, spit sounded behind him... joining the realization that as his tired legs shifted his body about, the part in his mouth was no longer directly attached to what was in his throat. Nothing kept him centered in the flower from hell.

He stepped away in horror, feeling the tip of the tube resting on his tongue, he reached up and tried to grab it with his fingertips, but he could only barely reach it, and the end was slippery, it was slender, there was nothing for purchase... he swallowed, and it hurt, but it wouldn't go down.

He was gonna ralph...

He leaned forward like an anorexic, struggling with shaking fingers to grab what had been left inside of him, only now ignoring the pain in his ass, he finally got a good grip.

It wouldn't come out, no matter how hard he managed to pull, the most he got was fresh pain in his stomach, it must be attached to it, somehow.

His mouth was watering profusely and long streamers of drool and snot poured from it and his nose. His eyes were watering from the resulting wave of nausea... tears added to the flow. It was almost like the more he thought about the tube, the worse it got.

That's exactly what it was like, because that was what was happening. He coughed and weakly heaved one more time before exerting enough control, forcing himself to calm down, he let out a wet burp.

The tube wasn't really that big, he was making a big deal out of nothing, and he wanted to look at this monster standing near him, he wanted to see what the hell was going on, and the only way that could happen was to get the tears out of his eyes, the snot out of his nose...

He wiped his face repeatedly with the back of his hand, whatever he'd been hosed down with had dried quickly.

He was still naked, and maybe he was a little embarrassed about that, but turning around, he took a good look. He saw very clearly now, pretty much right at eye-level, so was HE.

The painful nagging in his colon fought for his attention, while his tongue wrestled a vigorous battle with the tube, his mouth was watering again. Nausea rose, once more... this time he couldn't stop it.

He put his hands on his knees and leaned forward, heaving one more time... his spine popped from the effort, this was gonna be a good one...

It didn't come up.

Pat, pat. Two lone tears landed in front of his feet, the total meager output from his tremendous abdominal efforts. He was sure his ribs were going to crack if he tried any more, he actually feared the pain from that more than the discomfort from the tube.

The creature only patiently stared at him in silence, as if he had been expecting this.

Jake's legs were in agony, he'd been standing the entire time. He had to sit, though the hard, slippery white surface under his feet seemed like a terrible place, but... he just couldn't stand any longer.

No sooner did he try to get down onto his knees, the creature reached forward and grabbed his neck. His paw fit around it easily, and he used it like a handle, guiding Jake out of the room and elsewhere into the... building? Logic said they must be on a ship, but there were no windows, and the corridors seemed too tall to possibly be a spacegoing vessel.

Jake wanted to take the smallest steps possible, for fear that what was in his ass was going to... rupture his colon, or maybe fall out, and he'd be punished. But the creature's gate was large, and so Jake finally stepped into it to keep up, taking his own big steps, each one coming down with a hard surge of pressure against his prostate. He began counting down the timer in his mind, he knew that when it reached zero, he was going to get a full on erection.

The big cat guided him towards an alcove, it was obviously designed for a human, what with the lack of ceiling height, it was like a narrow padded chair, large enough for him to lay back and sleep in, kind of like the seat in a first class cabin on an airplane.

It looked soft and inviting, and Jake was not in the mood to brook any argument with the feline monster behind him. He climbed up onto the couch, his hands sinking deeply into the surface before he turned around to lie back. He dared let himself relax, for it was quite comfortable.

No sooner had he gone still, than a sharp crack sounded near his ears, and thick webbing sprouted out of the chair and snapped tight around his head, wrists, and ankles.

Jake croaked in surprise, trying to talk around what was in his mouth, yelling in confusion, fear sprouted wings in his mind, what might come next? A previous thought he'd had, well, here it was!

The creature pulled a tubular metal device down, on the end of a thin black hose, it had been dangling from the ceiling, but Jake hadn't noticed it, now it had the center of his attention, as it headed between his legs.

Oh, shit. Where are you going with that?

Air sucked around the tip of his dick, whistling and squealing, and then he was promptly sucked bodily into the slippery end, Jake shut his eyes to block out his embarrassment and resulting erection, it was like a cold wet mouth, but he knew he could learn to like it. His eyes sprang back open when he felt pressure shoot up into his urethra, it was injecting fluid up into him! He pulled hard on his wrists, twisting at them, struggling to get free, but it was no use, they were tight enough to actually pull his limbs deeply into the material.

The cold pain remained in his dick, slowly warming, and he realized that it wasn't liquid, it was a catheter, and his bladder stopped complaining right about then. Mentally he sighed, just wishing this process would finish, it couldn't get any worse. Insanity introduced itself to him and he felt like laughing in greeting. Hi, nice to meet you.

The creature poked at his mouth with the metal tip of... something, and the message was clear.

Open up.

Well, it couldn't do anything worse than it already had... and there was always the chance that it might be the tool needed to pull the tube out of his throat.

Jake eagerly opened his mouth, hoping the creature would remove it, and the tip found the tube in back, he felt a hard snap and then the monster let go, it remained. The part where his front teeth met when he closed his mouth was surprisingly soft and squishy, he almost felt like he could bite right through it, but he dared not try.

He would before the night was over.

The door in front of him sealed shut, and only dim purple light kept Jake company with his racing thoughts of shock, horror, denial, and helplessness.

Those thoughts should have been rushing towards panic... but instead, they slowly went in the other direction entirely.

It was going to be a long night, but Jake would remember it as one of his best, for a long time to come.

Tomorrow, the pain would begin.

"Overdrive" - Chapter 3

"OverDrive" (C) 2017 Sinclair Diavante Chapter 3. "Zoos are becoming facsimiles - or perhaps caricatures - of how animals once were in their natural habitat. If the right policies toward nature were pursued, we would need no zoos at all." - Michael...

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"OverDrive" - Chapter 1

"OverDrive" (C) 2017 Sinclair Diavante Chapter 1: A.D. 2017 "Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France Jake Michaelson is basically Joe Average, young and bright, with a promising career in finances....

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"The Real Deal" - Chapter 11

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