The Naked Handcuff Dance (ch.1)

Story by Agrius on SoFurry

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Nick and Judy have been dating (in secret) for six months now. Everything has been going great. Then, one day at work, Clawhauser offhandedly mentions to Judy how he's been taking his handcuffs home to use in the bedroom. Curious, Judy decides to try it out. Much to Nick's delight.

Rated 'M' for future depictions of bondage-themed sex between a rabbit and a fox.

Please read and review!

"Oh, Miss Hopps?"

Judy groaned in the little nest she'd made beneath her blankets as her phone alarm sounded above her.


Her face scrunched up.

"Babe." A familiar weight shifted against her. Fingers tickled against her ribs until she was forced to elbow the invading digits. "No one likes duty Saturdays. But you gotta go."

Judy curled inward like an overcooked shrimp, emitting a low, mournful noise. "Call and tell them I'm sick."

"You're not sick. C'mon. It's just desk duty." Nudge, nudge, nudge. "Clawhauser will be there. You guys can do eachother's nails and talk about boys."

Judy smiled, twisting around until she was eye to eye with her boyfriend.

"Hey sleepyhead," Nick churred, reaching up to gently stroke his thumb over the rabbit girl's downy cheek.

Judy snickered. When Nick first woke up, his fur stuck up every which way, making him look like a dandelion that had gotten caught in a bad breeze.

"What are you gonna do today," Judy yawned, stretching against him.

"Laundry. And I gotta pay the power bill. It's probably a week overdue by now." His paw snaked beneath the sheets, finding the gentle curve of Judy's waist. "I might hit Finnick up, see if he wants to catch a movie."

Judy arched an eyebrow. "No smoking weed with Finnick. We've got a piss test coming up. Alright?"

Nick grinned, showing off his pearly white canines. "I won't!"

"Promise me."

"Judy, c'mon."

She jabbed her fingers into his belly, making him 'Oof!' and recoil. "Promise me!"

"Okay, okay! I promise. Jeez." He rubbed the spot where he'd been poked. "I don't even do that anymore."

"Uh-huh." Judy sat up and stretched, her neck popping as she rotated her head first to one side, then the other. "Welp, guess I better go make breakfast," she sighed. "Got a long, boring day ahead of me."

"Oh, I already took care of breakfast," Nick winked at her. "Made you a smoothie."

Judy's eyes turned huge and sparkly. "Awww!" She lunged against the fox, wrapping her arms around him. "Look who's the best boyfriend ever!"

Nick chuckled, pulling her against him. "It's true. I'm awesome."

Judy reached up a hammy little paw, stroking her fingers along the underside of Nick's chin. "Y'know..." She licked her lips, eyeing him mischievously. "Since my smoothie's already made, I have a little more time to get ready now."

Nick propped himself up on an elbow, his ears perking up. "Oh?"

Hammy fingers reached out, gripping the scruff of his throat and pulling him in. "Mm-hmm."

Nick leaned in, kissing the grin off Judy's little pink lips. She rolled into his lap as their tongues danced together. Nick's traced his paws over the gentle curves of her body, eyes closed, as though he were trying to memorize them by touch alone.

* * * * *

"Goddamnit," Judy seethed at the door, rolling her foot garter the rest of the way up her ankle. "Hey Nick, can I borrow your belt?"

"You didn't pack your belt?"

"Naw... must have forgotten it."

Nick chuckled. "It's gonna be really big on you."

"I don't care."

Nick nodded, padding barefoot down the hall, fishing his belt from the hoops of his two-day old uniform pants, returning and depositing it in Judy's upturned paw. "Thanks," she said as she made quick work of feeding it through her own belt loops. Nick was right - it was way too big. But... she was just helping Clawhauser with evidence locker inventory, so maybe no one would hassle her about it.

"Be safe out there," Nick said, resting his shoulder on the door frame.

"You said it yourself, silly. I'm just doing inventory."

"Yeah, but... if they put out an all-hands call over the 1MC, don't you stick your little paw in the air."

Judy reared up slightly, looking up into Nick's eyes. "Nick, please don't tell me what to do."

Nick looked at her sternly. "Carrots, c'mon. I just worry. We're partners. And I'm not going to be there."

As much as Judy wanted to be peeved, the look on Nick's face melted the little hard spot in her heart. She padded over, wrapping her arms around his midsection. He kissed the top of her head, and she could just make out a faint purr stirring in his naked chest. "I'll be back around five. I promise."


She gathered up her bag, shouldering it with one fluid swing, glancing down to check that her dart gun was properly holstered before turning the doorknob.


Judy turned. "Yeah?"

"I love you."

Judy did her best to fight the big, happy grin that was spreading over her face, but it won out in the end. "I love you too. Sly fox."

"Dumb bunny."

"See you tonight. Love you!"

"Love you too."

Narrowly resisting the urge to kiss him again, Judy winked and slipped through the door, closing it tight behind her.

Nick stayed at the door frame for a few minutes, trying to make out her footfall on the stairs. Once he was sure she'd made it to her car safely, Nick sighed, pushing off from the wall and padding back into the bedroom. Though, he wasn't entirely sure why.

It wasn't like he was going to be able to sleep.

Wine Coolers, Chapter 4

Judy awoke to a world of brilliant orange. "Mmmf..." Whatever was pressed against her face smelled good. Warm. Manly. Like one of those body wash commercials she was always catching on TV. It took a good five seconds for her brain to come around....

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Wine Coolers, Chapter 3

"Mmmph!!" Nick couldn't be sure who made the noise - him or her. They were wrapped up in eachother, tangled together, her legs around his waist, his paws cupped under her ass. Tongues intruded into foreign mouths as Nick's head swam in frantic...

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Wine Coolers, Chapter 2

Morning had just begun to slant through the blinds when Nick's alarm went off. "Umfggg..." He slapped at the obnoxious noise with a gloved paw, twisting uncomfortably on the couch. Wait. The couch? Why was he - Cracking an eyelid, Nick...

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