Krris #5
#6 of Krris
And any similarity between that image and the classic Mrs. Robinson image are purely coincidental. Or not. Probably not.
Krris is reminded of exactly why he is doing this with Muz-Ra, and soon finds out his therapist lied. Without the recent reminder of what he has to gain, he would surely have walked out then and there... probably... maybe... okay, probably not.
But my proudest part of this post are these lines:
"I don't know if I can sleep with you holding me like that," he complained quietly.
Muz-Ra opened her eye's for a second, smiled, and snuggled closer.
"That's okay, Krris. I can."
Sums up Muz-Ra in five little words. :)
| Later that night found Ubergard and Krris sparring as they usually did a few times a day. However, Ubergard had requested they spar in light armor for a change, so Krris was donned in leather armor while Ubergard had removed the heavy protective mantle around her neck.
"So," Ubergard said when they were resting afterwards. "I understand you'll be sleeping in Red's room for a while?"
Ubergard heard the rumble in his throat before he nodded, "Told you that did she?"
Ubergard spun on the Khajiit. "Now don't you be stupid, Krris. We live in the same castle. It's not like I wouldn't have noticed."
"You're right, of course," sighed the Khajiit. "How much did she tell you?" | |
| "No details, and that's fine. Nothing but that you have a problem, and you're doing this for me."
Krris looked up into the eyes that seemed to tower above him. "It's true. I... I really do like you... a lot. But I screwed myself up somehow, and she thinks she can help me."
Ubergard smiled down at him. "I like you too. A lot. You do whatever she asks, Krris."
"No matter what?" he asked.
Ubergard looked at him seriously. "Krris, no matter what. I want us to be more than just sparring partners. If you want that too, then yes. Anything. But if you don't..." | |
| Krris hugged her fiercely, his face buried in her boobs but without embarrassment. "I do, Ubergard. I want that more than anything in the world."
"Careful kitten, I'm getting aroused. I might smother you!"
"Kitten? She told you that too!?"
"Hey, I'd have asked you eventually. And you're no kitten, Krris. You're my lion."
"That's better," he said, burying his face deeper into her bosom. | |
| The two stood there, neither wanting to let go and their embrace continued for a long time, not saying anything but loving the feeling of the other's body against them.
Ubergard felt renewed confidence that this little Khajiit really did want her, and that made her feel very warm inside.
For his part, Krris felt the same. He felt he belonged with this person, even if she did tower over him. And there could be no denying the lustful thoughts that stole over his mind as he nestled between her breasts. But he dared not act on them for fear that he could not satisfy her once she was aroused. In the back of his mind, he hoped against hope that Muz-Ra could help him. He wanted to give this giantess all the love she obviously craved from him, not to mention being able to satisfy his own desires with her. | |
| Later that night, in Muz-Ra's bedroom with the door firmly closed and locked...
"Oh, get comfortable Krris. It's not like we don't know each other. We're friends, right?"
The Khajiit was nervous, that much was clear.
"Krris? Look... we'll do nothing tonight. Nothing at all. You need to be comfortable here. We might do nothing tomorrow too. I'm not a damned doctor or a prostitute."
"I know. It's just so... obvious."
"Not tonight it's not. Tonight we're just going to sleep together." | |
| "Should I roll out a bedroll on the floor?"
"Why, is my bed uncomfortable?"
"Well, no. But you said no physical..."
Muz-Ra sighed. "Krris... I lied. I've had professional training in modelling at the Tails and years of experience with men. I know what I'm doing, but I can't do it without physical contact. As far as the outside world goes, we will do nothing physical. But inside here... what happens in here is between you and me. Forever. I'm sorry I deceived you, but we won't fuck. I need to be able to tell that to the Jarl honestly should he ever find out anything. That much is true.
You have a serious issue that I can help you with. But I need all the 'tools' at my disposal."
"Okay. I guess I can understand. You lied to me this morning though. I won't back out, because I want this too much. But I don't appreciate that." | |
| "I understand. I felt I had to, to get you to agree. But I promise, there is no need for concern tonight. Let's just get used to each other. Now come on. Get in bed with me."
Muz-Ra shifted back to the far side of the bed, inviting Krris to lay down beside her. But as soon as he sat down, she said "No. No clothes. Naked."
"Naked? But you have your bikini..."
"I won't for long. Naked I said." | |
| Shortly he lay beside her, stiff in every way but one.
When she snuggled up to him, her breath upon his ear, he turned to her.
"You know, Red. I told you that in my mind, I'm... um... as turned on as any male would be."
"I know. And I want you turned on. Even if just in your head. Eventually it may translate to other parts. But this is enough for tonight." | |
| They lay there for awhile, saying nothing, till Muz-Ra spoke up, almost in a whisper. "Did you burn them?"
It took Krris a second to understand the question.
"My Tails collection? Yes, I did. It wasn't easy."
"I know Krris. You must really want things to work between you and Ubergard." | |
| "I do, Red. I do."
"That's good," Muz-Ra said, then yawned a toothy yawn.
"Goodnight Krris."
"Goodnight Red." | |
| Her hand found his penis and wrapped it gently. Krris froze, but eventually relaxed again as she did not try to stimulate him. She just held him.
"I don't know if I can sleep with you holding me like that," he complained quietly.
Muz-Ra opened her eye's for a second, smiled, and snuggled closer.