New Antares

Story by The Brain of Lazarus on SoFurry

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#2 of Unto Gehennalis

Holy halibut! The follow up to "Field Test." This got way bigger than I expected it to. In fact, the ending was going to have a lot more going on, but I realized it would make sense to have it as its own chapter instead of rushing through a potential action sequence.

Anyway, this establishes a lot to come for this "series" that seems to be in the making. Science fantasy, magic, and shortstacks? Yep! We got em' here. Though I figure it's not for everyone, so better make things clear now.

I'm sure in my desire to finish this out it has some errors, so hopefully there aren't too many!

*Had to reupload this to get into a folder! SoF is weeeeird.

Upon the rocks of creation, here The Last City stood.

Monolithic, towering skyscrapers reached into the clouds coated with rings of neon lights. Layers of life were wedged into each level. Every foot, every story, miles wide and miles tall, worlds within worlds packed into societal conduits.

Massive. New Antares was massive. The Last City, for no work would ever surpass it. No greater aggregate of cultures and societies existed. Nations lived within nations. The cities built upon their own towers were separate places altogether, all mixed with a hundred cultures and creeds.

New Antares enthroned itself as home to all, crown of the earth. For while soil became salt and lakes ran full of poison in the fragmented pockets left around the globe, here on New Antares remained the bastion of life.

Lanz was overwhelmed. There were a thousand ways to describe the city when it first crept into the horizon, and a million descriptions in tongues old and modern which may have sufficed. But the cream-furred fox was without words. It was impossible. Stories, dreams, rumors, all those were nothing compared to the rising spectacle of New Antares.

The gentle hum of the hover carrier rattled about him, a hushed engine scream filtering the background, the night sky hung with a hundred thousand lights from his seated view. He could not help but stare out through the portal of glass, watching silhouettes of city towers roam past as the flight proceeded.

Some days after the field test at Facility Nineteen, the entire bio-division staff was prepped on what their next responsibility was. They were to proceed to the Last City, wherein contracts of upmost importance were held; hands shaken, deals made, laughs had. And to get there, they needed to fly in through carrier, separated between the Wolf Sisters, the staff, personal guard, and all other relevant personnel.

But even from his seat, he was at a loss. The miniscule window afforded to him while travelling into the awaiting arms of New Antares did the city no justice. It was as though trying to examine the cosmos through a spyglass. He needed time, and was given none.

Raised in the confines of Facility Nineteen, a gathering of people in such volume like New Antares was an alien concept. Thousands? Unthinkable. Millions? Impossible! Billions? Unbelievable.

Even now, he was still so dizzy from the flight. From the change, the sheer shift in magnitude, decorum, responsibility. Division Nineteen was not here for sightseeing, much as Lanz hoped for. Rather, they were paying homage to their financial contributors and parties of interest.

Namely, The Sinai Corporation, which put a great deal of faith in Division Nineteen's new weapons program. Genetic or technical, the preference mattered little. But they demanded delivery. And so Lanz, along with his director and fellow Caretakers were to deliver.

He adjusted his compliance collar. The groan of metal shifted his thoughts as the hover carrier made a wide turn. What was his precious KAREN thinking, he wondered? And the other Wolf Sisters?

He needed time, and was given none.


The field bristled to life. Hills of grass shuddered as a cool, simulated wind ran threw them. A lone tree stood defiant, swaying gently, leaves whispering in quiet jitters. Midday light cast a shadow where a pocket of figures took shelter from the sun's warm glance. You could almost forget it was all atop a building, and below, a city of billions.

Here, at the peak of Sinai Corporation, was a private haven from the noise of the city. A hidden level crowned at the highest mark of the structure, an artificial field was created, as though a stolen fragment from another part of the world.

It reminded Herod Ohsann of home. Before the lands died. Before the trees became ash. Under shield of his artificial live oak, he could think. About what was to come.

The old man was withered. His long gray fell over his shoulders like dust, his face stretched with wrinkles and time. He sat hunched in modified hover chair, kept alive on a variety of support systems, surrounded by medicae and private guard. His physique was weakened from decades of strain and his movements so, steady, only done when necessary. But he had enough strength for the day, at least.

He had decided, against the advisement of his staff, to take some time to breathe, take some time outside the mechanical shell which kept him alive. Just to taste the sun and drink the wind, if only for a while.

"Father Ohsann!"

Her steps licked the ground. Though the aged human could not see her, he could sense her arrival. The youthful, bristling strength, her commanding grace, her determined stride.

Herod's armored guards and medicae bowed as the figure approached. She was garbed in a delight of fineries, cloaked in sweet perfume and flowering, frilled black dress. Her bright, violet eyes scanned the hunched elderly figure with usual concern and her bright, gold hair with curled bangs tossed with each step.

"Eloise," replied Herod weakly. His hover chair turned slightly to see the approach of young vixen, striking orange fur caught in the sunlight. "I did not expect to see you out here."

The vixen marched up, taking a small curtsy, hiding her frustration. "I did not expect to see you outside like this, father. Heed thee not your frail health?"

A soft chuckle from the old one. "Is that scorn I sense, my dear? Surely you would not deny an old man the sun, especially not on such a day."

Eloise went to the chair's side, gently putting hand on her father's arm. "No. But we are not eager to lose you."

There was no reply at first. Then. "Ahh. Loss. Indeed, all upon Sinai tremble at the thought, even though I have not managed a ruling in years. And yet, my dear Eloise, the threads I hold onto are weakening. I know this. I may as well greet the day before such comes to pass."

Eloise's brow furred. Her foot stamped a little. "You aren't going anywhere. Thy strength is true."

Slowly, Herod raised his hunched figure to tiredly gaze at the blue sky. "You are kind to say so, my dear. But know you, this is no longer true. One cannot guard the Rings of Man forever, and each day. . . each day is harder."

A crackle of wind caused the live oak to wail about, as if whispering discontent.

"Surely, you did not come to convince me otherwise?" he continued. "You should be preparing, after all. There are guests coming. We must welcome them."

Eloise did not respond, feeling herself wilt. She knelt next to the hover chair, letting hands roam through the artificial land.

"I'm not ready, father. For all thine strength you have departed unto me, I feel as a though leaf caught in a storm. Everything you have told me, how can I possibly be prepared?"

Herod cast a glance to the kneeling vixen. Then, a hand raised, only barely. One of his armored guards approached, to which Herod muttered something. The guard left, where Herod returned his attention to his daughter.

"Perhaps this is so, only because you don't know the strength you possess," Herod encouraged. "I blame myself, for never has a time come when you were put to crucible. And soon, you must inherit the Rings of Man, with all of Sinai at your disposal."

Eloise's tail twitched nervously.

Herod reached over to place thin hand on furred shoulder. "But you needn't fear," he rasped. "I have taught you well. I used every resource at my disposal when I made you, and now, you will lead. But."

The vixen looked to him. "But?"

"A ruler has might of their own. You need something. I believe now is the time for it."

A moment later, the guard Herod sent off had returned, but this time was carrying what appeared to be a large, metal container. Though not wide, it was impressively long, perhaps as tall as Eloise.

The black armored sentry came to Eloise, as per Herod's instructions, and silently knelt. In his arms, he offered the container, upon it inscribed the word "Acharya."

The vixen's ears perked, and she studied it with uncertainty. Standing, she went to the kneeling guard, examining the immense, rectangular shape. It was holding something.

A circular lock lay center, holding it close. Tentatively, Eloise reached forward and turned it, the mechanical lock causing a loud "click" as the device began to open. A hiss of hot steam poured through the seams as the container slowly opened. The vixen's breath caught.

"This is. . ."

"I had wanted to give it to you in person, after you saw our guests. But now feels the better time. Unto you, I grant Acharya, my dear inheritor. Thou will scatter beasts of the world with it."

She did not respond, not for a while. But the object within filled her with a sense of renewed confidence.

"If I take this, will you heed thine words and return to rest?"

Herod nodded slowly. "If I may have a little more time, my dear."

She smiled, sealing the mechanical case as the circular locks groaned shut. With strength that would surprise anyone from her stature, she lifted the immense device from the guard's hold, wrapping a provided carry band around her shoulder.

"I will go make preparations. Do not strain yourself too long, father Ohsann."

The men surrounding Herod offered a deep bow as the vixen left. The elder human watched her go, filled with pride, before returning his gaze to the sky.


"Gods, I feel like a stuffed animal in this."

Lanz's colleagues were a carnival and suits and proper dresses. They were given a few hours to get used to their accommodations, find a professional attire, and prepare themselves to meet with Sinai Corporation's best and brightest. Needless to say, a gathering of intellectuals locked away for work over a period of eighteen months were not accustomed to "wining and dining."

The vulpine looked to his associate, Konner. He was a puffy otter, Caretaker and engineer for the Wolf Sister SARA. Sub aquatic retaliation attack, Lanz recalled. But for his expertise on prepping someone for underwater combat, his white suit stubbornly resisted his figure.

"Technically you are, Konner," Lanz prodded. "Might have been better to spend more time at the track, no?"

The otter made a face. "There's no track for aquatic training, you know that."

They were outside, on an "invitation area" hosted by Sinai corporation, a skyscraper level with an immense fountain spouting a pattern of water before leading into the main guest hall.

"You're an otter!" Lanz added.

"Are you kidding? You try keeping up with a bio-mechanical super soldier. They don't pay me for swim lessons."

The fox offered a weak smile. "They pay us?" he joked, tossing in a laugh. A bitter one. Few liked to think about Facility Nineteen's policies.

Konner didn't respond. Much like the others, his eyes had once again drifted to their surroundings. Though they stood on what appeared to be the entrance to a luxurious building, it was simply a _component _to another structure. And surrounding them? The long, spiraling fingers of yet more buildings, towering into the night sky.

Lanz repeated the action. "I can't believe this place is real," he murmured.

Konner's head shook. "Yeah. Agh, sorry. I drifted there. This is all so hard to take in. I don't even know what we're doing here, Lanz. Lord, they even have Tibald in a suit," the otter gestured to one of their other associates, a scraggly racoon who looked like he threw on his attire at the last minute.

"It's all right," said Lanz. The cream-furred fox pulled on his compliance collar. Damn thing felt tighter than his clothes.

For a moment, a bristling confidence burned within him. He looked at his fellow staff, all hanging around the fountain or other welcoming tables, watching them awkwardly converse, taking a note how each had their own cumbersome compliance collar. Then, he looked to Konner's neck.

He was ready to ask. Ready to plant the idea. This place, New Antares, it could give them freedom. Somehow, someway.

His maw parted, and then-

A bright, loud voice showered over them. "Welcome, welcome esteemed members of Facility Nineteen! We'd like to welcome you as our esteemed guests of the Sinai Corporation!"

The voice was somewhat difficult to hear over the buzz of city ambiance, but it essentially invited them inside. Lanz frowned inwardly. Now was the long, painful part of talking with people he didn't know, about things he didn't understand, for reasons he did not care about.

He clamped his jaw, as the voice went on, and the bio-division staff began to make their way inside.


"Try not to fidget so much, Unit K4."

Stifling. The enormous black wolfess was not used to the confines of such strict clothing. Typically, she wore flexible fabric, not silly suits for silly men. But now, the wolf was told to wear a "prestigious military coat," one that covered most of her form with an array of dignities. It reached down to her calves and hid her arms, encapsulating her in a cage of cloth.

"Why must we wear this?" she shot back.

She stood next to her pack commander, TIGA, along with other veteran Wolf Sisters, inside a massive room littered with unfamiliar faces, smells, and sights. They stood above on a balcony, to be displayed proudly, as if they were mere objects, for all the admirers to cast a glance. Infuriating.

Because of her success on the field, having disemboweled the WU-9 walker, KAREN was allowed second seat to her commander, the wolf of wheat-and-white fur. But, despite the posterity of the honor, the dark furred wolfess struggled to remain still.

"Do not forget your place," TIGA rebuked sternly. "We are here representing the honor of our division, our home, and our Sisters. Sinai Corporation are benefactors, and they think of us highly. Behave."

K4's ears flattened. Hushed like a pup. She looked downward, embarrassed. It was not easy, not for her. Her other Sisters were in a row, wearing similar coats of honor, some with hats to mark their status, others gifted with glimmering medals. TIGA herself was a picture of authority, sporting a long navy blue coat with several bands on one arm, while a hat crested with gold insignia silently announced her presence and stature. K4 could hardly compare.

And how could they stand about like statues so calmly? All the things, noises, scents. It was overwhelming for K4 in so many ways. She could barely comprehend the size of this city when they first arrived, nothing but mountains and towers of light. Now, this, a room flooded with strangers.

Noticing K4's wilted posture, TIGA's tone softened. "I realize this is quite different. I've been in New Antares more times than I can count, and I still don't recognize it. But we thrive on this place, K4. We come here, we get jobs, and then we do what the Pack does best. Make a good impression, and it will be worth it, I promise."

The dark furred wolfess wanted to sulk, but resisted. She tried to think of better things. Like her Caretaker. What would he say? No, he would be upset, she knew it. She attempted to change her focus.

"Out where enemies are?" the wolfess asked hopefully. TIGA nodded.

"More than you can imagine. The world is in no shortage of them."

KAREN growled with approval, standing upright.

For now, she had to wait. It was a guest area, or so she was told. Fields of red carpet stretched over marble floor with statues of strange shape lined in orderly fashion, while tables of hot food and spiced wine made home at the edges. Figures and creatures of odd names and shapes congregated, all chattering with words K4 could not recognize, occasionally glancing up to point at the Wolf Sisters, amazement in their eyes.

KAREN did not think much of them. But, what she did find perplexing were the dark men. The figures tucked in corners of the room, high and low, cloaked in black armor, observing with studious gazes. They were strange, and dangerous. The smelled of metal and bullets. You could only their armor, nothing else. Their heads were covered in dome shaped helmets and strange, faceless masks, observing their surroundings with eyes of glass.

They were not like her Sisters, nor anyone in the room. They did not smell of fur, they had no tails, and they stood entirely upright. What were they? K4 wanted to know, wanted to understand why men with guns would hide in corners for what felt like a "friendly" get together.

Anywhere there was a gun, there was a fight. So who were they fighting, KAREN mused. More importantly, _what _were they? They reeked of "wrong," reminding the dark-furred wolf of the machines made back at home.

She was not given long to ponder. Moments later, a loud, boisterous voice called out from the room, joyous and inviting. More guests were allowed in. An order came to TIGA from one of the Facility staff.

TIGA leaned to hear the command, nodded, and glanced once more to K4. "Time to mingle," she said.

The Wolf Sisters were marched away from their balcony position, down several staircases, and then to the main room. Utterly surrounded by the foreign faces and thrilled observers. Behind them, the doors to the hall opened, and in came the rest.

K4 sniffed the air. Her heart beat faster. Oh! She could smell him. Lanz!

Indeed, among a new crowd of different colored dresses and suits, the fox was among them. Not immediately visible, hidden by a forest of other Caretakers and bio-division staff. But eventually, he sprang into view.

She could not go to him yet. Much like the other Wolf Sisters, the pack had been moved to the center of the guest room, where Caretakers began to greet their respective Projects. Most looked excited, as it was the only ounce of familiarity afforded to them.

Figures shifted. People moved. Their eyes locked.

For the briefest of moments, the world melted away. Lanz saw his wolfess, eyes of blue meeting spheres of poison green. There were no voices, no crowds, no city. Just them. If only for a time.


Lanz wanted to break out in full sprint and run to his KAREN. But, he could not. And, though it was known Caretakers had special relationships with their Projects, he didn't want to do anything to arouse attention. Their little "meeting" with LIN was already a violation of several rules as it were, no need to invite curious observations.

But, the fox ignored all distractions and - with notable spring in his step - strode up to the large, dark gray wolf. Her ears perked straight, eyes widened, and her coat ruffled from tail wagging. He smiled as he came to her.

"You look nice," he offered warmly. "Didn't know they had a coat in your size."

Indeed, the fox had to look up to the wolfess, head coming only to her abdomen. Perhaps another reason many of the onlookers watched with bewilderment.

"It is uncomfortable," she said flatly. "But I wear it for Sisters."

Lanz beamed, and as directed, stood next to her, as all other Caretaker did. Soon, in center of the ornate room, each Wolf Sister was with their own Caretaker for all to see. Like products on display. Certainly, the fox had a tremendous sense of pride, though all the same he could not shake how much an object he felt.

And that's when the crowds began to form. Before Lanz could talk with K4 further, at least ask the wolfess how she handled their trip to New Antares, unfamiliar faces emerged. Creatures in strange attires and heavy accents would shake Lanz's hand (or any of the other Caretakers) and start railing him with questions.

"How did you design such an amazing creature?" one asked.

"Aren't you afraid it'll go feral and attack you?" another inquired.

No, Lanz would answer. She is fine, he would reply. I didn't design her so much as train her, he explained.

The reality began to set in, and the fox felt himself grow frustrated. KAREN cared little as each person looked her over, examining her like a rifle. It must have amused her. But Lanz clenched his teeth between each inquiry. They saw her not as some living entity, but a tool, a weapon. That's all she was to them. That's all Facility Nineteen would ever let her be.

"How much is she?"

An elegant, lean Doberman stepped up, his eyes sharp and ambrosia scented like that of cologne and cigars. Subtle indications of scars ran over his face, and one of his fingers wore an elegant, gold ring with symbol in center.

Lanz wasn't sure he understood. "She? KAREN is not for sale."

The Doberman stepped closer, eyes of pale yellow roaming over the wolfess hungrily. He didn't look at Lanz, a foot or so taller than the vulpine.

"You named it?" the hound added cheekily. "Well, suppose I have a few names in mind for her too."

Lanz bristled. "She's not for sale," he asserted again.

Still, the canine did not glance at the vulpine, licking his chops. "It's here, isn't it? They're all for sale. That's the whole point. Admittedly I expected a different auction, with all that chatter about automated weapons. Oh, but this looks so, so much better."

The fox blinked. "Auction?"

The hound stared at the smaller fox a moment, an expression of contempt stretching his muzzle. "It would help if you knew how to do your job."

"You're a pretty sight," the dog would say to KAREN. "You can understand me, right? Not just some mindless animal?"

"Come on, kneel. Give us a lick?" the Doberman continued, snapping his fingers. Lanz felt his insides turn to acid.

K4, however, let off a low, rumbling grow, baring her teeth. Her hands gripped and body tensed. Lanz grew anxious, realizing what she might do.

Instead, the suited dog smirked. "Ah, very nice. Sharp, lovely teeth. I'll keep my eye on you."

Though the Doberman did not flinch, he stepped away casually, disappearing into the crowd. Both Lanz and K4 watched him carefully, one full of stifled rage and the other left with a feeling of sickness. He wanted so desperately to reach up and tear off his compliance collar. What did the Doberman mean by auction?

Fear gripped him. Was that what all this was? Were the trying to sell of the Sisters?

Before he could entrench his mind further, a voice caught his attention. It was the same spectacular announcer which called for the crowd's ears.

Above the room was one primary balcony and row of spiraling stairs. From a doorway, gilded ornaments and designs patterned its edges, signifying respect and power.

"My most esteemed guests and honored newcomers, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Sinai Corporations eleventh annual auction gathering!"

There was a gentle uproar of applause as most of the guests clapped, quieting their conversations. Lanz looked up, noting the speaker, a slender panther dressed in purple suit which shined with adornment of stitched jewels. He also felt his heart sink.

Auction? _He thought again. _This can't be happening.

The speaker went on a bit, announcing other names of particular importance, offering a brief history of the supposed selling, and to Lanz's dread, the "products" offered on center stage. Namely, the Wolf Sisters.

"It is also my. . ."

The panther trailed off. Clapping his hands together, he held a forced grin, as if searching for the words. His long tail flicked awkwardly. Curious murmurs rolled through the crowd.

"Ahem. It is also my esteemed pleasure to announce, the auction has been privately purchased."

A hiss of gasps and surprised voices shook the onlookers.

The elegant panther stretched his arms as if to console the audience. "Yes, ah, while not in true spirit of Sinai Corporation's policies to offer auctions to sole purchaser, it would seem in the best interests of our benevolent Herod Ohsann, the recipient of said auction is none other than Eloise Ohsann."

Angry mutters now took hold of the voices, some escalating, some beginning to yell. Lanz himself was riddled with confusion. What did this mean? Who was Eloise Ohsann?

"Corporate favoritism!" a shout rang out.

"What a waste of our bloody fucking time!" another exclaimed.

The panther tapped his fingers together nervously. "Perhaps it is better if I allow our dear mistress to explain."

He tossed out an awkward chuckle and bowed. The doors behind him slid open.

An entourage of black guard marched through, the deadly masked men with padded layers of metal and cloth, carrying assault rifles, lining alongside the balcony edges. Nervous chattering fumbled through the observers, uncertain of what was happening.

The inheritor stepped forth, descending from Sinai.

The elegant frame of young vixen soon emerged, her hands folded neatly together, wearing her long, frilled dress of silky satin black fabric. Her fiery orange tail danced with each step and her golden, curled bangs bounced joyfully with her elegant approach. The panther moved aside, kneeling to his mistress.

She cast her violet eyes on the denizens below. Eloise smiled. "Lend me thy ears, most gracious company of Sinai."

A hush settled over everyone. Lanz, K4, and the Wolf Sisters watched with uncertainty.

"Most of you are no doubt perplexed. My decision has abruptly broken a valued tradition of Sinai Corporation and has likely already aggravated numerous investors."

She offered an apologetic curtsy, yet smirked. "Suffice to say this decision was taken well into consideration. Thou hast questions, no?" she inquired to no one in particular.

"I give you no answers," she added bluntly. "In truth, beloved company, rather than taxing the resources of Sinai Corporation to contact you individually, thine motives found efficiency to make the announcement here."

Members of the party goers rabbled off confused exclamations. Lanz himself was entirely unclear of what was happening. He glanced to TIGA, who also wore an expression of perplexity. If the Pack Leader didn't know what this Eloise meant, then what exactly did all this mean?

"And so, in judgment of my own interests, making them upon my descent, your company is no longer required. I am taking what was promised to Sinai. There will be no auction. Thy needs outweigh the desires of a rabble mob, dearest company. I say to thee: begone."

The word cut through the crowd. A stiff silence choked the room. Surely, this was some great jest?

"M-mistress?" Even the elegant panther at Eloise's side was unclear.

When the "mob" did not move, the vixen tilted her head.

"Oh, my deepest apologies. Perhaps I was unclear? Sinai Corporation no longer needs you. The wolves will stay, the rest shall leave."

Angry voices started to rumble through the onlookers. They did not move. Some began to shout. Others looked nervous, unclear of what to do next. Even the Wolf Sisters and Caretakers were looking at each other with growing concern.

"What is the meaning of this!?" a voice screamed out. "You called us here to waste our time!?"

"You can't do this! We're your shareholders!"

"I'll have your head!"

Eloise frowned. A hand raised. All at once, the surrounding black guard propped their rifles, taking aim at the crowd. Those on the sides of the upper balconies and room did the same. There was a frightened cloud of gasps which wriggled from the crowd.

"Begone." She said again.

An angry, guttural sound of electric garble filtered through the air. Guards came from the sides, rampaging into the crowds, shoving them in line. Move! They said. Out! They ordered. With threat of rifles trained on them, it was not long until those in suits and dresses began to find themselves forcibly thrown from the guest door. A particular Doberman looked exceptionally enraged.

A mix of furious and frightened shouts filled the room. Lanz looked at KAREN, her muzzle pulled with a furious growl and body tensed. Oh gods, he thought.

"Whatdowedo!? Whatdowedo!?" one of the Caretakers yelped. The Wolf Sisters held similar worries.

"T1?" a pack mate intoned. "TIGA?"

The lead wolfess did not reply, not immediately. She calmly monitored their surroundings, eyes flicking to each guard, thinking.

"Wait," she commanded. "Wait."

It took a few moments for the crowds to finally clear out. Audible shouting and screeches were heard from outside, but muffled from closing doors. What remained was an awkward gathering of scientists, soldier wolves, Facility Nineteen staff, and Eloise.

The vixen smiled. Eloise turned to her sharply dressed panther, muttering something. He left, while the fiery vulpine appeared content. She began to descend from the spiral staircase.

"Oh, my deepest apologies," she said as she approached the Sisters and Caretakers, guards at her side. "Such a mess this seems, no? I beg thee, forgiveness."

She stood before them, arms wide in apologetic fashion. "The decision was imperative, but sudden. All that planning, gone to waste. I admit, I contemplated it a while after a visit with my father, preparing for one thing but doing another. But I seized it, enthroned myself, as an inheritor properly should."

The gathering watched her with confusion.

"Oh!" Eloise continued. "But you have no idea what I'm talking about."

The vixen curtsied deeply. "I am Eloise Ohsann, daughter of Herod Ohsann and heir to the Sinai Corporation."

There was a pause. Then, TIGA stepped forward. "We know, ma'am," replied she with notable acidity in her tone.

"With all due respect, care to explain what you just did? You threatened the safety and security of my _soldiers, _and innocent lives. Facility Nineteen offered you professionalism, and you looked ready to shoot down an entire crowd. There were deals in place, and you broke all of them."

Eloise's smile faded. She cast TIGA a dark look.

"Spare thy fury for one who the patience for it," the vixen replied flatly. "Here in Sinai, things are different. Thou shalt address me with respect."

The vixen straightened, her smile returning, hands folded together.

"I am Eloise Ohsann," continued the fox proudly. "I have, in new judgment, decided to render acquisition of the 'Wolf Sisters,' so your Facility calls you, instead of host an auction to which you would be bargained off to various ingrates for indeterminate amounts of time."

"Though some of you are no stranger to this city, so I have heard, you would do well to recognize that those with power manage their own laws. Thus, lawfully, I have sent the rabble crowds away, lawfully. Their role in what is to come is no longer important."

The echoes of the rabble crowd could still be heard, voices battering the shut doors the guest hall.

As for the Caretakers, many shifted uncomfortably. TIGA did not look satisfied.

"You can't just-"

"Oh?" Eloise tilted her head once more. "I beg thee, remind thyself your station. Though the details will need to briefly be addressed, as of now you are under the employ of Sinai Corporation. Your masters will suffer confusion, I'm certain, but once paid they will no doubt yield any reprisal."


Another voice peaked from the line of Sisters. This time it was Konner, who fumbled in front of the vixen, his otter whiskers twitching.

"W-what do you mean we work for you? If you think they'll just let us go! You can't be serious!"

Eloise tossed her hair dismissively. "Worry not. Thine powers of persuasion are vast and far reaching."

Lanz tugged on his compliance collar. He wasn't sure how to feel. Was this the path to freedom he so desperately wanted? Or, were they trading in one master for another? Could they even trust someone surrounded by haunting, armed guards ready to willfully use force.

Then it him. "What's coming?" he spat out. "What are you doing with us?"

Some of the others glanced at Lanz, then back to the vixen. Understanding stretched over their expressions.

Eloise did not respond immediately. Her gazed shifted to the side thoughtfully.

Then. "Preparing for Gehennalis."


It took everyone time to settle in. Time, they did not have.

Two days after the Sinai Corporation "incident," all Facility Nineteen staff relevant to the bio-division were folded into the service of the mega-business. Or so, it was what they were told. Confusion rattled the Caretakers and Wolf Sisters. Never had an entity so boldly acted against the expectations of their overlords.

Some thought it was a new beginning, and others just a minor bump in the road. But so long as the compliance collars remained on their necks, most knew, they were still under the authority of one arm, simply shared by another.

But why, some asked. Why indeed.

For now, they were given a set of quarters for each member, Caretaker, and staff. The Wolf Sisters were provided their own barracks, though it had caused waves of discomfort as they all tried to adjust. However, none were confined and encouraged to explore the immensity of the building as they pleased, so long as it did not interfere with future plans.

Eloise was not content, however, to sit idle with her newfound resources. Indeed, she demanded prompt action, emphasizing the need to move quickly in preparation for her cryptic warning "Gehennalis." So began the Antares Contracts.

The Sisters assumed it was a phrase for corporate warfare, and did not bother to ask, at least not unless TIGA would. In truth, once they had settled in, everyone began to assume they would continue as usual, only with a small adjustment with who Facility Nineteen worked for.

But today, the vixen desired action. Today, she demanded of herself to take charge, and lead as her father knew she could.

"We are recovering someone quite valuable to Sinai Corporation. She was coveted by one who has little understanding of her true purpose," the vixen began.

Eloise had called forth two Wolf Sisters into private quarters, a room fancied like an old war-chamber, complete with books, tapestries, globes, and maps. It was an hour past noon, and a pool of sunshine flooded in through enormous, flat window, surrounding towers of New Antares visible.

The vixen was not in usual attire, however. Surrounded by her elite guard, she was in a thin, black bodysuit, buckled with silver buttons and wrapped with strands of hard leather. Her lean, girlish figure displayed prominently through the suit, but it contradicted her previous impressions of elegance. In fact, it looked more that she was preparing for combat.

KAREN and TIGA watched her suspiciously. The dark furred wolfess was not fond of the small fox, and the Pack Leader was equally unclear of what Eloise truly intended.

The vixen stood in front of desk, her usual gold locks bound into a ponytail instead of curled bangs. Behind her was a desk, and floating atop that a holographic projection of a map.

"Thaddeus Vax," she intoned flatly. "He was at the auction, last night. A slave trafficker and weapons dealer for pocket gangs around New Antares. Perfectly legal, of course. However, in his dealings he is also fond for exotic things, upon which he saw fit to take my weapon smith."

As instructed, TIGA was dressed for combat, dressed in grey fatigues with a suppressed armor-piercing rifle at her side. KAREN had donned a Kevlar-plated body suit, but looked incredibly uncomfortable under such confining attire.

A picture of a Doberman appeared on the hologram, scarred face wrinkled with a mocking grin.

"You make weapons?" the Pack Leader inquired.

"Not initially," Eloise replied. "But for what is to come, we have great need. Therefore, thy command is simple: you will accompany me to Mr. Vax's private estate and we will retrieve my weapon smith by any means necessary."

K4 blinked. "Come with? You want to fight?"

TIGA shared her soldier's hesitation. "You're. . . serious? Ma'am, with all due respect, you went through a lot of trouble to hire us as personal soldiers. Let us do our job."

"Or let the strange men do your fighting," KAREN added.

Eloise shook her head slowly.

"If I am to lead Sinai Corporation, I must take charge. And I will."

She looked at both of them carefully, before stepping closer. She reached carefully gripped K4's palm, placing her hand in the wolf's own.

"We have more in common than you think," she said, looking up to them. "Alas, thine foes are plentiful. I can only accomplish so much on my own. That is why I need you both here. Do I have your trust?"

KAREN feigned a growl but did not Eloise's touch get the better of her. TIGA wasn't convinced.

"You hired us, but you don't buy trust. You've seen fit to leave the rest of my soldiers out of this as well. Plainly speaking, ma'am, none of us are too keen on this strong-armed position you've got us in."

Eloise retrieved her hand and placed both arms behind back.

"A plainer tongue better serves the custodian. But my decision is absolute. I heard a great deal of your exploits, TIGA. And especially you, K4. Thus, we have ill need of the entire force for such a small excursion, though it is important nonetheless."

KAREN was growing impatient with the little fox's flowery talk and strange promises. She did not like the way she spoke to Pack Leader, and her methods of separation.

"What did you do with Caretakers?" the dark furred wolfess asked bluntly.

Eloise returned to the map project, back to both wolves. "Caretakers?"

"The Facility Nineteen staff." TIGA clarified.

"Oh! Those that stood with you. They are all safe, growing accustomed to their accommodation," Eloise said with a hand wave.

"We have great need of their expertise. Likely you will see them again once Sinai Corporation has repossessed what was coveted."

KAREN clenched her hands to make a fist, but offered no resistance. Not yet, at least. She had difficulty focusing, wondering what her Lanz was up to. But for now, her loyalty was with TIGA, and until the Pack Leader signaled otherwise, all she could do was follow orders.

The vixen turned around, smiling at them both, beaming with authority. "Now, unless thou hast more questions? We'll be leaving in an hour. Prepare in haste."

The pair did not respond, and Eloise nodded approvingly. She spent a few moments going over the finer points of the operation, the target location, and what to expect.

"Ah, and," she added. "Ready thyself, for you may see things which you will find difficult to believe."


Thaddeus hadn't quite gotten over his seething rage from a couple days previous. A few doors broken, imported statues shattered, paintings burned, latest model auto shot full of holes "just for fun." Not quite.

The Doberman didn't like suffering indignities. Especially not from some snotty brat. Heir to the Ohsann name, what a farce. No one had seen Herod Ohsann for decades, and suddenly she came in claiming to be the heir? A joke, a really bad joke.

Scarred face was pulled into a never-ending frown, glass of half-full whiskey in one hand with cigar in the other. A bathrobe fit snugly around his threatening physique as he looked out from stone balcony, overviewing his private estate which sat atop one of the "luxury buildings" Vax Corp owned. High enough that other buildings in New Antares weren't visible, giving him some semblance of peace.

A semblance. He sipped the rest of the bitter alcohol, setting the glass on table. Cunt, his mind would say. Over and over. He replayed the image again and again, the guards shoving him out like he was some common mutt, his suit getting stained with spilled drink, not making it home until well past midnight. Didn't they know who he fucking was?

"I'm Thaddeus goddamn Vax," he answered, to no one. He wanted his auction. He wanted that wolf. He wanted revenge.

"Fuck," he snorted angrily. He tossed away the cigar, halfway burned. He hardly cared. There was only one way to rid himself of all this bad aggression.

The Doberman went inside to estate bedroom. Luxurious and spacious enough it could fit in a second house. Gold plated statues of various figures lined parts of the room, with portraits sporting various figures of importance. Some his own, others individuals in the Vax family. He had an eye for treasures.

But one such treasure was giving him a whole lot of enjoyment these past few days.

The hound smirked. Scheming his revenge would have to wait. At least he could enjoy one of Sinai Corporations other beloved treasures.

"Come, slut," he barked out. He stood in room center, but it didn't matter. She could always hear.

There was a pause. Then, enormous chamber doors to his bedroom opened. In stepped a figure of exotic nature, leering at him with a trifecta of eyes.

"I told ya. It's 'Zii.' You think after all this time you could learn it by now, kagum?"

Thaddeus never considered himself a religious man. Or a believer in anything "bullshit." But after Zii, he started to reconsider.

She was an impish, curvy thing, a voluptuous little entity of incandescent purple skin, long black hair and three, pitch black eyes which observed with slivers of scarlet. Two curled pearl horns protruded from her head and, at height, she only came up to Thaddeus' waist.

Appearing from a little artifact taken from Sinai, the creature claimed she was a demon from the ring of something. Thaddeus didn't care. First time he saw her, he was at a loss. Second time, he noticed her plump, thick hips, generous fat ass and buxom front which evened out the whole of her size and bizarre origins.

Third time he saw her, he did what any hot-blooded hound would do: he fucked her. Senselessly, relentlessly, and as many times as he wanted. To his delight, the possessor of the artifact also controlled her. A free sex demon, as far as the Doberman was concerned.

There was also another side he liked. Frowning, the Doberman strode up to her and smacked her hard across the face, a stinging 'clap' ringing off the walls.

"Nnh!" she yelped. "Sorry, did I touch a nerve your majesty?" added Zii with sarcasm.

"That little mouth of yours gets you into a lot of trouble, slut. Don't push it with me."

She laughed, rubbing cheek. "Thought you liked it when I got into trouble. Besides, what crawled up your ass, your majesty? Latest whore turn you down for a date?"

The Doberman grabbed her by a hair full and yanked, forcing the tri-eyed imp to gaze up at him. She winced, but did not shriek. It was a strange quality, nothing he did could every really break her down. Then again, it just meant he could try his damndest.

"You're a mouthy cunt, and you need someone to fuck the life out of you," he threatened. Zii only smiled.

"That's not gonna' be you, huh?"

His grip released, but only to give her a sharp backhand across the opposite cheek. "For a sex demon, you sure like doing things the hard way. What's wrong? Need more cocks for your hole?"

Zii's long impish ears twitched, tossing her now frayed hair. "Guh, I make weapons, mugwa! M'not a succubus! You think a fat tittied air head like that could made the kind of stuff I do!? If you're gonna use me at le- oh you're taking your clothes off."

An unimpressed expression watched the Doberman disrobe, tossing his attire to the side, flaccid yet impressively thick mast visibly stirring. The black flesh pulsed hungrily and it didn't take a genius to figure out what the dog had in mind.

Thaddeus sneered. "Know what, it doesn't matter. I've got enough problems. I'll make you choke on my cock and there's nothing you can do about it."

The demonic imp rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, tough guy."

Thaddeus growled. But, no. He wouldn't keep arguing with the bitch. He owned _her, _he wasn't going to let the succubus play games.

"Get over here," he demanded, pointing in front of him. "Since you're so keen on acting like a disrespectful slut, you ought' to crawl. You don't deserve to walk for your master."

"Ugh, really?" said the imp with notable annoyance. Despite this, however, she was compelled to obey. Slowly, she found herself on all fours like a best, forced to look up in submission, as she began to crawl towards the waiting Doberman.

Each motion caused her supple rear to bounce gingerly, her long pointed ears flattening in frustration. Slowly, she approached, grumbling as she came before her "master" hound, who looked down at her with aroused contempt.

He reached down to once more yank the imp up by the horn, forcing her to stand.

"I'd force you to choke on it, but now you have to earn that too," he mused. Angrily, he threw her face into his testes, forcing her lips to smother against his heavy sac, inciting a muffled yelp from her.

"Worship my nuts, slut," he commanded.

Zii sputtered as the hound's grip released her horn. She wiped her mouth, grumbling. "Whatever you say master," said she with a subtle eye roll.

Clearing her throat, she pressed herself forward, once again allowing lips to linger against hefty stones. Thaddeus' shaft already began to stiffen, though not entirely, the growing length resting over Zii's head like a makeshift rest, while the imp's tongue slipped out to lap away at the little "treasures."

With added gusto, Zii gently took the pair of orbs in palm, rubbing them gingerly as she took long, slow licks over the plump spheres. Her pointed pink tongue would leap out and sensually curve about their shape, slurping upon the needy stones, Thaddeus groaning with approval.

"Kiss em. Tell me how much you love doing it, slut," he added, grinning down at her. The imp glanced to the side dismissively but did as she was told.

Soft lips smacked against the Doberman's fruit as she bequeathed it with a series of slow, small kisses. Each one left a sticky mark of saliva, causing the dog's balls to glisten.

"Grrm," she mumbled. "Yes, I just love sucking your balls, 'maaaaster.' I live to serve, siiiir."

Thaddeus laughed. "If you love them so much maybe you should do a better job."

Grunting, Zii persisted. She tossed her long black hair, before assailing the stones with a series of licks and smooches. Then, without provocation, she suckled each thick orb with maw, wrapping lips about them hungrily, before taking the entire pair into mouth. Thaddeus groaned with approval as a long, sloppy chorus of sucking sounds dribbled from Zii's actions, as her soft lips roamed over the sensitive flesh with steady attentions.

"Mffgga," the demon mumbled. Somewhat pleased, the hound gripped her locks of hair, yanking head back, a trail of sticky saliva bridging testes and lips.

"Not bad," he intoned. "I think I'll let you do a little more."

"Ohh, I feel so special," she shot back.

Not rising to the sarcasm, the Doberman gripped his erect, solid cock, having hardened like a stone, promptly shoving into Zii's cheek. He mocked the imp by roving the end of his pike across her visage, rubbing it about in demeaning fashion, sliding it across sticky lips while Zii was forced to suffer the indignity.

"Apologize," he intoned.

Harshly, he smacked his flank upon her face, rapping her cheeks with a battery of claps. The demon winced, biting her lips while the hound relentlessly assaulted her with his mast, mocking her with his thick flank.

"What?" she managed to say. "You're kidding, mugwa?"

Thaddues shoved his shuddering flesh in front of her lips, the tip nudging against oral entry. "Kiss it, and tell me you're sorry," he hissed.

Though Zii resisted at first, she was bound to do so. With a groan, she gave the bellend a long, slow kiss, her lips snugly pursing against the mast. She mumbled angrily, mouth caressing the first inch with tender mouth touch.

"And?" the hound waited impatiently. Zii glanced to the side angrily.

"Sorry," she spat out. The hound struck her with hand.

"Try that one more time," he said acidly. "And this time, tell me how much you love sucking this cock."

Flustered, Zii repeated her act, kissing the tip with a reluctant gusto, offering a series of smacks to appease the brutish hound.

"Sorry 'master.' I love it. I love sucking your cock," she said stiffly.

Thaddeus sneered. But he wasn't done.

Abruptly, he gripped both her horns, adoring how easy they made his next act. Without hesitation, he rammed his eight inches of seething cock straight into Zii's resistant oral tunnel, the piercing pike smashing into maw.


Zii sputtered and gagged as the obsidian inches began thudding into her small hole, bulging throat with every thrust of his loins, heavy testes smacking chin. The tri-eyed demoness looked up with concern, her eyes watering and face blushing, her lips forced to slurp and coax the pounding pole with every motion.

She tried to push herself off, though it would never work, bound to obey the overbearing hound. But she couldn't deny her mouth was packed to the brim, mouth just large enough to snugly fit around the black girth as it assaulted her oral entry.

Loud, sloppy suckles emanated from the coupling, drips of saliva pouring from Zii's chin, pre messily coating the point of impact as she coughed and sputtered throughout the ordeal. To mock her, Thaddeus momentarily pulled his cock from her bulged throat, a messy trail of spit and pre stickily bonding the pair, imp gasping and coughing.

"Y-you M-MUGWA!" she hacked, her already purple skin beginning to blush from lack of air.

"Told you," mocked the hound, as he plunged his hungry cock back into her warm, moist chamber.

Zii wailed in protested, but it was muffled behind the thrust of the dog's houndish humps. The Doberman was content to fuck her throat into submission, and if it rendered her unconscious, it was merely a bonus.


Relief swept over the muscled hound's form, as his sinewy form locked and cock exploded with a deluge of seed. He smashed Zii's head into his groin, forcing the imp still as his tip poured forth ropes of white essence, gushing into her throat. So much spewed forth it freely leaked from her mouth and chin, pooling against the floor, the demon audibly gagging as he bucked every drip of semen into her.

After a moment, he pulled free, Zii loudly gasping with a desperate gulp of air as the Doberman's cock produced a last burst of essence. The imp went to her knees, face sopping with a spray of the hound's issue, sputtering as a juicy fluid of essence dribbled from her throat.

She coughed harshly, cursing. "K-kafFA: Nornkump! Nnh!"

"Not done," the Doberman said, kicking her harshly on the side, forcing a yelp and making her turn over. He prodded her until rear showed, supple plump ass on display.

"I'm gonna make this hurt, slut."

Zii looked back at him, furious tri-eyes teared up, face a mess of sloppy fluids. She trembled a bit, though more from anger rather than fear. Still, the Doberman came close, preparing to lean over.

"Mister Vax!" a muffled shout from his closed chamber door.

The Doberman hissed with annoyance. "What the fuck now?" he called back. "I'm busy!"

A figure bustled in, another dog, expression frazzled as he stumbled forth, hand holding gun. Thaddeus regarding him with silent fury, turning to see the intruder, own black cock still oozing with his previous act.

The dog blinked, glancing to the demon and the dog, pausing.

"Uh, sir. . ." he trailed.

"Wow, you have the _worst _timing," Zii mocked. Thaddeus ignored her.

"What!?" he spat.

The guard hound regained focus. "I'm sorry sir! Sorry, uh, there's uh, a problem. At the gate. Gate of Vax Corp, I mean. Well uh, it's uh."

"If you don't tell me now I'll fuck you into the ground with this slut too," the Doberman threatened.

The guard dog cleared his throat. "It's. It's Eloise, sir. Eloise Ohsann from Sinai."

There was a long pause. Thaddeus could feel himself trembling with anger. The little imp demon started to laugh.


Eloise stood in front of estate entry, protected by armed guards and accompanied with TIGA and KAREN. Behind her, one of the sentries was carrying the locked container gifted by Herod, and before her, the various "pleasantries" of Vax Corp and his private home.

"Ma'am, please. You're going to get yourself killed," insisted the Pack Leader. K4 agreed.

"Small fox is no fighter."

The vixen raised a hand, as her armed protectors began to move forward in formations, preparing for assault. The carrier approached her, kneeling, holding arms out to offer the massive locked case.

"As I said, thine strengths are similar to your own," she assured with a girlish smile. Reaching down, she unlocked the immense case, as a hiss of steam poured out from its sides.

The wolves watched with curious concern, as Eloise pulled forth an object. No, not an object. A weapon.

"Ah, dear Acharya."

Soft hands gripped massive, scarlet hilt. With both arms, the vixen lifted free a blade. An immense blade. The polished metal glistened and flat, sharp edges curled the air with heat, Eloise carefully retrieving it, resting it upon ground with an intimidating thud.

Various inscriptions and the sigil of Mount Sinai rested at the bottom near crossguard, width of the blade at least a foot. The size, however, was too large to seem practical. It was as tall as the vixen, with a flat tip, drizzling with a seething heat.

And yet, she held it with casual strength.

The wolves were at a loss.

The vixen raised the weapon and placed it front of her, taking a commanding posture. "Now," she would say.

"Dearest KAREN, would thou pry open these gates? There's work to do."

Field Test

It was Field Test day. All of Facility Nineteen's best were out. An assortment of shut ins, division leads pushing long shifts, grunts, Caretakers, engineers, and no doubt the top directors. For some, it was a day of breathtaking pride and immense...

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The Stump

**The Stump** _by The Brain of Lazarus_ Summer was in its last waning throes. August had come, and with it a final season's battle-cry, where days burned their hottest. Flora trembled under the gaze of the day's mighty eye, a cool breeze became a...

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Sick City Hotline

**Sick City Hotline (Go to voice mail!)** _by The Brain of Lazarus_ Mistake no killer. There is a way to them. Something that lives in their eyes and changes them, their bodies, their movements. Some fear what they become and twitch, shiver, like...

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