Jhon the human Pt.5 Earth List ( Bonus Chapter)

Story by pop5on22 on SoFurry

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Earth 1

Home to humans that became the predominantly flourishing species of the planet. Technology and lifestyle is in the twenty first century. Other animals do exist that which are intelligent and smart but none have made themselves know to the world as equal to the human race . The planet is split up into multiple different nations countries and states.

Earth 2

Home to many flourishing and diverse humanoid species that became the leading races of the planet. While most species are intelligent cows pigs fish and birds are not as evolved. Technology is consistent with the twenty-first century while lifestyle is decades behind . Music movies food clothing style and things of that general nature are behind. The planet is split up into multiple different nations countries and states. Very progressive and forward thinking. inter species relationships are promoted. With a world population small enough to fit in one country two at the most , the population is entering a baby boom.

Earth 3

Home to a species of intelligent humanoid cat, dog, and bird people. Where primates do exist humans do not in this world. Technology is highly advanced and lifestyle is high class with a style that complements its futuristic day and age. The planet is split into five main countries two of which are at war, one is a utopia, another is a dictatorship, and the last is what is know as the waste land. While women do have equal rights through culture they tend to stay at home while the men work. Sex is condoned between a male and another male but marriage is not. Inter species relationships are allowed but frowned on thus they are few. Population is a constant world problem with it being so high, most countries neuter a selection of males at birth each year to keep population from growing.

Earth 4

Ruled by humans and furs alike this world is split down the middle. With furs being an after effect of human's nuclear war , lab experiments, and other world factors humans stand on one of two sides. One side believes that furs are equals and because we created them we owe them a seat in our society. The other side believes that furs , no matter how intelligent, are animals and should be left in the wild or put down . Over the years furs have gained to much power to be cast out but the division still remains. This world is split into two hemispheres, one side that allows furs and another that does not. Both hemispheres are ruled by their own separate monarchs. Technology and life style are just a few years beyond the twenty-first century.

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